Why doesn't a cat purr and should owners of silent pets sound the alarm?

It's not entirely clear why cats purr or even how they do it, but you can usually expect your favorite feline to purr when he's feeling content. Purrs are common in cats when they are petted, cuddled in a lap, or sunbathed by a window. Some cats purr simply because they enjoy it. However, cats sometimes purr when they feel bad or in pain.

Therefore, you must pay attention to your cat's mood and physical behavior to determine why she is purring. Moreover, some cats never purr their entire lives, and some cats that once purred stop purring. But why is this? Let's look at why your cat may not purr and discuss what you can do about it.

Why did the cat stop going to the litter box?

The problem is really serious, but not because it is so difficult to solve! Because many cats pay with their lives for people’s ignorance. Often, instead of eliminating the cause of the problem, cat owners begin to consider the cat that began to shit as somehow defective, which is why a lot of pets are actually thrown out to their death on the street, in the countryside... Or they are even euthanized right away! But the problem, although unpleasant, is definitely solvable!

Do not confuse this problem with a situation where a cat is marking territory (yes, cats mark too). If a cat approaches corners or walls, raises its tail and sprays, these are marks. The solution is to sterilize the animal. If you are not a breeder and your cat is not a breeding animal, then you are required to sterilize your pet.

Physiology of purring

First, let's figure out how and why cats make such sounds, which we call purring. Experts say that this is determined by a number of features, because only representatives of this family have this property .

1 version . Impulses from the brain transmit signals to the vocal cords, which cause their vibrational contractions. For us it is heard that the pet is purring. If the cat opens its mouth at this time, it will produce a normal “meow.”

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Version 2 . Air flow movement. Scientists say that the ability of cats to purr as they inhale and exit is the result of the circulation of air entering the lungs.

Version 3 . A slightly implausible assumption, but it also has a place - cats can force the blood flow to circulate through large vessels so that a special vibration occurs in the skull. It is she who gives that sound.

It is noted that the sound vibration from a cat purring is a kind of training for both blood vessels and muscles. The furry sloth needs it so much.

Why do cats purr?

The most interesting thing is that it was recently established why and how cats purr. Although in fact they have been doing this their entire adult life.


  • Most often, such a sound, which is very similar to grunting or rumbling, occurs when the animal has positive emotions. This usually happens when he is stroked or caressed.
  • Sometimes this sound appears while eating. But most often, purring occurs in positive situations, when the animal is relaxing.
  • It has been noticed that there are some types of anxious purring when the cat is scared, worried or in pain. Accordingly, purring does not always mean that the cat is pleased. Be attentive to the frequency of the sound and its features.


They are sick or injured

A cat may purr to relieve stress when it is sick or injured, but more often cats will stop purring altogether until they feel better. Injury can affect your cat's ability to purr, even if she wants to. Damaged nails, dental infections, and even insect bites can cause injury. Many types of illnesses, from major infections to food poisoning, can cause a cat to stop purring.

If your cat isn't purring due to injury or illness, you may notice other signs of discomfort such as whining, vomiting, and lethargy. You can check for injuries by lightly rubbing your cat's body to see if any area is sensitive to touch. Also examine their mouth and teeth. Any signs of illness or injury associated with a lack of purring should be brought to the attention of a veterinarian immediately.

Why do cats purr?

Purring is a rhythmic sound made by a cat. It can be continuous and/or vibrating. Pets purr on different occasions. Most often this happens at the moment of receiving positive emotions, when they are in a good mood or as a sign of gratitude (for example, for food or affection). The reason for purring may also be related to the pet’s character.

People are accustomed to the fact that cats purr, but wild representatives of the cat family - tigers, pumas, leopards, cheetahs, jaguars - can also do this.

What does purring mean?

An interesting fact is that the vibrating sound made by cats is the result of several factors.:

  • manifestation of emotions. The kittens signal to the cat that everything is fine. Then the adult purrs and thereby tries to tell the owner about it,
  • an expression of pleasure. This is a kind of sign of gratitude for delicious food, comfort and affection. In general, being in a good mood can be a reason to purr under your breath,
  • calmness. This is a way to calm down after suffering stress, especially when stroked by the owner. After all, the kitten purrs when sucking its mother’s milk and this is a natural process. Therefore, an already adult cat calms down from the sound of its purring. Sometimes in this way he prepares himself for sleep. Then there is no loud purring, rather it will be quiet,
  • a sign of threat or a mood to hunt. Purring can not only be kind and affectionate, it can sound quite aggressive. This is how the cat makes it clear that this is his territory. The hunter guarding the birds purrs loudly, tuning in to the hunting process.

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If a cat never purrs, it may be due to his personality. Some individuals, like people, simply do not like to show emotions.

They're just getting old

Sometimes cats lose energy as they age. Instead, they prefer to use their energy for eating and playing. Even though they don't purr, older cats can be just as happy as younger ones. They simply may not have the energy or means to show you their appreciation and happiness as they used to.

Image Credit: Sleepy Cat, Unsplash

How does purring affect a cat's body?

Sometimes a healthy cat purrs next to a sick one, and this happens for a reason. From the outside it may seem that a purring cat is happy with the presence of a relative, but British scientists have proposed a version of purr therapy. Firstly, the monotonous sound is soothing. Secondly, the vibration produced by purring is similar to a massage. In this case, we are talking about a therapeutic effect on internal organs. In addition, purring increases the cat's vitality and improves its mood.

By purring, a cat can “treat” not only itself, but also its relatives

Indeed, if you watch a cat, you can see how it licks its wound and purrs. Saliva has a disinfecting effect, and purring acts as an ultrasound and anti-stress. Purring cats are healthier, calmer and friendlier.

Video: purring - a lullaby for a kitten

Signs your cat is stressed

Stress can be directly related to the fact that your cat has stopped purring. Usually the first sign is the cessation of purring, followed by other symptoms and behaviors that indicate underlying problems.

The problem is that cats are good at hiding pain or emotions because in the wild they would be easy targets for predators. However, stressed cats exhibit a number of common symptoms and behaviors that may indicate that something is wrong.

Stress in cats should be manageable and reduced as much as possible. If your cat experiences too much stress, she may become emotionally and physically unhealthy and may develop illnesses. Some cats also become aggressive, exhibiting unwanted behavior in the home that is difficult to control.

Finding out the cause of your cat's stress prevents a number of problems from getting worse. This will also help you understand why your cat has stopped purring and may help her find her lost voice. Some signs may be difficult to notice, so pay attention to the following:

Physical symptoms of stress

The most common physical symptoms of stress include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomit
  • Excessive consumption of food or drink
  • Sudden weight loss or gain when the cat eats non-food items such as plastic
  • Lethargy or sleeping more than usual
  • Dull or oily coat
  • Bad, flaky skin
  • Bald patches or red sores on the coat due to excessive grooming or reluctance to go to the toilet
  • Painful urination with traces of blood
  • Cat flu, which is often identified by a runny nose and eyes.

Symptoms may be more severe in cats with chronic illnesses. Stress can also cause recovery from illness to be slower than in a healthy cat, as stress affects the cat's immune system and can make it more difficult for a cat to fight off illness.

Behavioral symptoms of stress

The most common behavioral symptoms of stress include:

  • Any significant changes in the cat's daily routine or behavior
  • Aggressive behavior directed towards people or other animals
  • Accidents all over the house
  • Splashing urine on walls or furniture in the house
  • Frequent meowing; constant need for attention
  • Hides or hides itself in hard-to-reach places
  • Lack of understanding of what is happening in the environment
  • Nervousness - jumping at every sound or movement
  • Reluctance to play
  • Prolonged stay outside
  • Refusal to go outside
  • Excessive grooming, to the point where the skin becomes painful
  • Shortness of breath or open mouth
  • Excessive movement around the house
  • Frequent head shaking
  • Squat
  • Flatten ears
  • exaggerated swallowing

If any of the behaviors listed above seem out of character for your cat, even if they are subtle, it is best to find out the root cause.

How can I reduce my cat's stress?

Managing stress is essential to getting your cat to purr again, so try to figure out what is causing your cat's stress. Once you know this, you can take steps to help your cat feel comfortable again. These tips will also help you:

  • Keep your cat healthy by scheduling regular checkups. Don't skip wellness visits and make sure basic treatments, such as flea treatments and nail trims, are completed. These treatments will help your cat feel comfortable.
  • Set up many secluded places in the house where your cat can run if she is scared or anxious.
  • Play with your cat and change her toys regularly to ensure adequate stimulation.
  • Hide treats throughout the house so your cat can get a pleasant surprise.
  • Keep the litter box clean at all times and place it in a quiet place where your pet can do its business in peace.
  • If you have other animals, make sure they have separate areas where they can get away from each other if necessary.
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • Always provide fresh food and water. Hungry and thirsty cats can become grouchy.

The cat doesn't purr

The absence of such sounds from a cat may not only be the result of heredity. Often it occurs due to character traits or a manifestation of resentment towards the owner. Perhaps this is a consequence of distrust of a person, a feeling of discomfort, a feeling that he has become superfluous in the family.

Often a cat does not purr and begins to behave this way after the arrival of a small child in the family. To attract attention to herself, she begins to do dirty tricks, which she has not done before. But the owners' reaction to this may be negative. Try to understand the reason for this behavior and show your pet patience and affection. Then the situation may change and you will again hear him purring gratefully.

Benefits of “cat songs”

  • normalize the emotional state, which is especially useful for owners with nervous disorders;
  • strengthen bone tissue and reduce pain;
  • improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • lower blood pressure or pulse that is too high;
  • enhance the regeneration of tissues of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.

People who live with furry pets live 4.5 years longer than those who do not have pets. There is also a relationship with allergen resistance. Children who live with a mustachioed pet from birth are less susceptible to respiratory diseases and rarely suffer from asthma.

The effect of a cat's purring on humans

While it is undeniable that a cat's purrs calm us down, calm us down and make us feel good, their effects don't stop there!

Indeed, cat purring has recently been recognized as having therapeutic benefits for men. This is what some call purr therapy.

In fact, a cat's purring can reduce stress, combat insomnia, and calm anxiety. Other research, for example, is currently exploring the power of purring on bones to speed up bone healing.

When is a Purring Therapy Session Reimbursed by Social Security?

Cat massage

There are many guesses why the pet purrs and tramples its owner with its paws. Here are some of them:

  • Memories of childhood, or “milk step” - kittens knead their mother with their paws while feeding to quickly obtain milk. This brings them pleasure and is associated in adults with a feeling of comfort, satiety and security.
  • Prepares a comfortable place to sleep - tramples the surface on which you are going to sleep for the greatest comfort. The owner's knees may well be suitable for this purpose.
  • Gratitude - in this way one can say “thank you” for delicious food, warm shelter, tenderness and affection.
  • Therapeutic massage is a common theory that this is how a cat treats its owner from ailments.
  • Stress relief – by purring and moving their paws, cats lift their spirits, relax and calm down.
  • Unfulfilled sexual instinct - one theory says that if an animal does not have a mate, it may show unambiguous interest.
  • Marks its property - cats have glands on their paw pads that secrete a secretion. This is one of the ways to convey to other animals that a person belongs to him.
  • Showing trust and love - the pet shows its owner its location, favor, openness and trust. Emphasizes your closeness with a person.

This massage soothes, relaxes and helps relieve stress. But what if claws are used? You can lightly press the cat towards you so that he lies down and stops trampling. You should not scold or drive out an animal if its trust and peace of mind are valuable. It’s better to just put a blanket or pillow on your knees in advance.

Reference! A cat will reflexively retract its claws if you stroke the top of its paws.

How do cats purr?

Who would have thought that such a seemingly trivial question could plunge “great minds” into complete stupor. Until recently, scientists were simply unlucky: they were unable to unravel the mystery of how and why pets make sounds.


Some suggested that the whole issue was in the vibration of the diaphragm or trachea, other pundits generally blamed the cat's belly for everything. But the whole point is that it was not possible to solve the puzzle due to the examination of immobilized animals that did not make a single sound.

Proven version

The modern theory is completely different from all previous guesses. A certain part of the brain is responsible for rumbling in cats, which sends impulses directly to the vocal cords.

They begin to vibrate, which is reflected on the hyoid bones, then the vibration spreads throughout the body and, as a result, you and I can hear a wonderful “melody”.

At what frequency do cats purr?

Using special equipment, researchers determined the range of sounds produced by animals from 25 to 150 Hz. Thanks to this frequency, cats are able to heal their wounds and calm the nervous system.

Their baritone practically does not change, except that at certain moments the cats purr more intensely, and sometimes less so.

Do big cats purr?

Scientists have found that not only seals, but also some other whiskered representatives of wildlife can make purring sounds. These are lynxes, cheetahs, servals, jaguars and other cats, but, unfortunately, not all. This is especially true for large representatives of the family.

Why can't big cats purr? It's all about their physiology, because in small wild and domestic cats the hyoid bone is thin and can bend and vibrate. But their larger cousins, such as lions, have rough, thick bones and are covered with cartilage.

However, despite the fact that lions do not purr, this structure allows them to roar loudly, which is unusual for small cats or lynxes.

The most purring breeds

There is no exact data on which cats purr louder and more often than others. It depends on the character and individual characteristics of the four-legged animal. But, since purring is one of the means of communication for cats, it can be assumed that sociable cats purr more often. The most affectionate cat breeds:

Whether a cat will purr and caress depends not so much on the breed, but on the attitude of the owner. A kind and affectionate pet will grow up in a loving, caring family.

Reference! The British cat Merlin entered the Guinness Book of Records for the loudest purr at 67.8 dB.

Cats purr in different sounds, depending on the reasons. If you listen to your pet, you can learn to understand him much better. This will not only make the cat happier, but also strengthen the bond between the animal and its owner.

What to do if your cat suddenly stops purring?

There are times when an animal suddenly stops making purring sounds for an indefinite period of time. There are many reasons for this behavior, and not in all cases it is an illness or mental disorder.

Sometimes a cat just shows its character, believe me, this happens. Or it could be a manifestation of resentment (do not forget that some pets can be very vulnerable and touchy). If you have caused an offense undeservedly, you should try to “apologize” to the cat: pick it up, stroke it, treat it with your favorite treat.

However, there are also moments that should alert you. When unwell, an animal also very often stops purring: it completely loses the desire and ability to make sounds.

In such cases, it is important to take a closer look at the cat: if he is apathetic, does not play, eats poorly and has become lethargic, be sure to seek help from a veterinarian as soon as possible.

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