Why doesn't a cat go to the toilet and should you be concerned?

What should be normal

The function of emptying the bladder and intestines is assessed using various indicators:

  1. First of all, frequency. “In a big way” a cat should go to the toilet at least 1 time a day (the lower limit of the norm is 1 time in 2 days), “in a small way” – 2-3 times a day. Anything less is constipation (in the case of a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements) and oliguria (a decrease in urine output).
  2. The second criterion for normality is painlessness. The act of defecation and urination should not be accompanied by pain. Pain in this process is not physiological.
  3. The third criterion is the absence of impurities in feces or urine. If a cat cannot pass a big bowel movement, but blood or mucus is released from the anus, this is a pathology. The same applies to blood in the urine.

What is constipation

From a medical point of view, constipation is not only the retention of stool for more than two days, but also very hard stools, small stools with a feeling of incomplete evacuation, or painful bowel movements. Diagnosis is made if symptoms persist for at least three months.

“There are mentions of traveler’s constipation in specialized literature,” explains Yulia Kogrusheva, a gastroenterologist at the Rassvet clinic. “But we are not talking about an independent disease, but about an exacerbation of one of two diseases: functional constipation or irritable bowel syndrome.”

Functional constipation is said to occur when the colon does not want to contract and requires additional stimulation. It most often affects older people and young children, but it sometimes happens to people of other ages.

With irritable bowel syndrome, constipation occurs, on the contrary, due to excessive motility: the intestine spasms and does not release its contents. In this case, antispasmodics will be more effective than laxatives. Irritable bowel syndrome depends less on mechanical factors and more on psychological factors.

Let's figure out what exactly can aggravate intestinal problems while traveling and how to deal with it.

Doesn't walk small

So, if a cat goes to the toilet “little by little” less than 2 times a day, the process is accompanied by pain, screaming or bleeding, then something is clearly wrong with the cat’s body. Let's take a closer look at this pathology.

Reasons for violating the regime

There are several reasons why the process of emptying the bladder may be disrupted:

  1. Dehydration. Insufficient fluid intake or increased loss of moisture from the body can lead to hypovolemia. Hypovolemia may be caused by blood loss. In this case, less blood is filtered by the kidneys and less urine is produced.
  2. Obstruction of the urinary tract (urolithiasis). In this condition, urine is formed normally, but due to obstruction it cannot be released.
  3. Inflammatory kidney diseases, renal failure. Damage to the glomeruli can also lead to oliguria and even anuria (complete absence of urine).
  4. Poor nutrition. Excessive consumption of salty foods can also lead to fluid retention in the body.

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Signs of difficulty

It is not difficult for an attentive owner to identify pathology. The pet rarely goes to the toilet, and even if it does, very little urine is released. While emptying its bladder, your cat may scream or moan, which is a sign that urination is painful. In addition, sometimes blood can be detected in the tray. Often the condition is accompanied by intoxication syndrome, as toxic substances accumulate that are normally excreted by the kidneys.

Help your pet

In order to help your pet, you need to determine the cause of the illness. Most often, this cannot be done at home. Therefore, if you notice signs of urinary retention, you should contact your veterinarian. He will prescribe an additional examination (general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound), which will help determine the diagnosis. After this, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

If you understand that the cause is most likely dehydration, then you need to restore your hydration. To do this, give your cat liquid often, but in small portions.

In other cases, specific treatment is necessary. For inflammatory diseases, antibiotics are prescribed, and sometimes it is necessary to use infusion therapy and diuretics. In case of obstruction, catheterization of the bladder is performed, since an overfilled bladder can rupture.


Being sensitive to your health can often help prevent irregular bowel movements from turning into constipation. There is a very fine line between constipation and irregular bowel movements. Many people focus only on stool frequency, overlooking other important symptoms. If nothing is done, constipation may develop.

The following symptoms are typical for constipation2:

  • prolonged and fruitless straining,
  • lumpy or hard stools
  • feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines,
  • bowel movements less than three times a week,
  • soreness.

Those who exhibit several symptoms at once should be especially careful. If constipation continues to bother you over the past three months, and the first symptoms appeared at least 6 months ago, we can say that the problem has become chronic3.

The leading symptoms of the problem are not the frequency of stool, but unproductive urges, incomplete release and excessive effort, as well as increased time for this process. However, stool frequency may remain normal. For this reason, many may underestimate their condition and not start treatment on time. Just look at the statistics. Constipation affects up to 40% of the population in developed countries4. During pregnancy and the postpartum period, up to 50% of women encounter this problem4.

Why is this happening

There may be several reasons for the development of this condition:

  1. Acute intestinal obstruction. May develop as a result of obstruction by a foreign body (hairball, swallowed bag or cord), intussusception.
  2. Tumor in the large intestine. The tumor can compress the intestinal lumen and prevent the passage of feces.
  3. Inflammatory bowel diseases.
  4. Pathology of the anus. Mechanical damage to the sphincter, such as scar deformity, can make bowel movements difficult.
  5. Dietary disorder. Insufficient fiber and water intake, and dry food can lead to excessive dryness of stool, which makes it difficult to pass.

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How to recognize difficulties

In order to recognize the pathology, it is enough to carefully monitor your pet:

  1. The cat goes to the toilet less than once every 2 days.
  2. During the act of defecation she experiences pain.
  3. An admixture of blood, pus or mucus is detected in the feces.

Animal treatment

You can help your pet only after discovering the cause. If the cause is scar deformity, tumor or intussusception, surgical intervention is necessary. If the condition is caused by poor nutrition, you need to reconsider your diet and add more fluid. For inflammatory diseases, antibiotics are prescribed. Symptomatic treatment is the prescription of laxatives, but these drugs can only be used after consulting a veterinarian.

Mechanical causes of constipation

Intestinal motility, that is, its ability to move the remains of digested food to the exit, depends on many factors: some enhance this ability, others inhibit it. Here is a list of the most typical holiday mistakes that lead to decreased intestinal motility and cause exacerbation of functional constipation.


If the body does not have enough fluid, the intestines squeeze out and absorb all the water from the food bolus. What remains becomes so dry and hard that it is difficult to move towards the exit.

When traveling, dehydration is often caused by the dry air on planes and the heat outside, alcoholic drinks and, of course, diuretics (which are often abused to “get in shape for vacation”). According to research, large amounts of coffee also exacerbate functional constipation.

What to do? Drink more water (especially on the plane), less coffee and alcohol.

Poor nutrition

Products with a large amount of fiber activate peristalsis, while refined ones (for example, baked goods made from white flour), on the contrary, slow them down. The fact is that for normal functioning, the intestines need to feel the mass and volume that needs to be moved towards the exit - and it is fiber that is responsible for this. If the bulk of what you eat is absorbed into the blood (this happens, for example, with simple carbohydrates), then the intestines begin to get lazy: it simply has nothing to do.

What to do? Ideally, eat more vegetables and fruits. If this is not an option, so-called volume-giving laxatives will solve the problem. But if you're used to a particular type of laxative and it was effective at home, you shouldn't change it while traveling (although you may need to increase the dose).

Lack of physical activity

The more we move, the more active the intestines are, and vice versa. Accordingly, if you lie on the beach all day, your intestines, like the rest of your body, are also inactive.

What to do? Walk, dance, jump on a trampoline, don’t ignore beach activities - and, of course, swim. This is not only physical activity, but also a massage of the abdomen (since the water presses on the abdominal wall). An ideal combination that can awaken a dormant intestine.

Prevention measures

In order to prevent the development of a pathological condition, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. Provide the cat with sufficient drinking regime.
  2. Organize proper nutrition with sufficient fiber intake.
  3. Treat concomitant diseases of the intestines and genitourinary system in a timely manner.
  4. Vaccinate and deworm your pet.
  5. Avoid physical inactivity, play with your pet more often, and take walks.

In addition, you should carefully monitor the cat’s condition and contact a veterinarian at the slightest sign of pathology.

Alarm Signals

To identify problems, you should pay attention to your cat's behavior. The following symptoms are warning signs:

  • loud, unusual meowing;
  • the pet tramples, presses against the tray;
  • weight loss, refusal to eat;
  • the stomach seems to be swollen, the cat does not allow him to touch it;
  • sometimes traces of blood or pus are visible in the cat's litter box;
  • anxiety, plaintive meowing;
  • the animal tries not to lie on its stomach;
  • signs of intoxication may appear, including vomiting.

If you notice any of these signals, promptly take measures to provide assistance, find out the reasons, and consult a doctor.


The pet owner must monitor the cat’s health, know the causes of problems and how to prevent them. The main causes and sources of constipation and difficulty urinating can be:

  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed;
  • dehydration;
  • sudden transition to new food;
  • the occurrence of urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, intestines, renal failure;
  • heredity;
  • some physiological features of the pet;
  • unbalanced diet and irregularity;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system, anus;
  • excess weight;
  • in some cases – overexcitement in uncastrated cats;
  • intestinal oncology;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • enduring a stressful situation.

First of all, it is worth noting that in order to provide assistance, you cannot massage the abdomen of a cat that has problems. Your actions can make things even worse for a sick animal. It is best, if possible, to place a heating pad on the stomach and perineum, and give the pet Vaseline oil. Remember that the use of laxatives and other medications is allowed only after consultation, when the drug is prescribed by a doctor. In difficult cases, it is not recommended to self-medicate.

If you go to a specialized clinic with a problem, the doctor will take tests from the animal, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and prescribe the necessary treatment, adjust the diet and food intake.

In order to prevent the development of problems, it is worth taking certain actions:

  • ensure that the cat has constant access to drinking water;
  • feed your pet balanced, fortified, proper food;
  • monitor and promptly treat various diseases;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • be sure to vaccinate;
  • deworm the animal in a timely manner;
  • Maintain an active lifestyle for your cat.

How can you tell if your kitten is constipated?

Constipation can be expressed not only in the absence of stool. This factor can be missed if the pet has access to the street and defecates there. What are the signs that indicate that a kitten is constipated?

  1. Frequent but unproductive attempts to go to the toilet.
  2. The kitten meows when it tries to empty its intestines, walks around the tray for a long time and is afraid of it.
  3. Dry, hard, small stools.
  4. Mucus or blood in the stool.
  5. Lack of appetite.
  6. The kitten does not lick itself, is lethargic, has lost weight.
  7. A small amount of liquid feces after the kitten has been pushing for a long time.

How to teach a kitten to go to the toilet

From the moment adult food is introduced into the diet, it is necessary to teach the animal to go to the litter box. First, the toilet is placed closer to the box with the kittens, and it is advisable to use crumbly litter. The mother will set an example for her children, and they will quickly learn everything from each other. Later, the toilet is moved to a more secluded, convenient place.

If the owner notices a problem in his four-legged friend in a timely manner and its elimination will help improve health, improve the functioning of the digestive system, and avoid urolithiasis. By taking responsibility for the animal, surround it with care, love, and adequate nutrition, thereby improving the general condition and health of the cat and prolonging its life.


Another cause of intestinal dysfunction is poor nutrition. The animal's body needs time to get used to new food. It is especially important not to change the feeding pattern during the kitten’s adaptation after moving to a new home. To do this, you need to find out from the previous owners how they feed the kitten, what its favorite food is. It is best to take some food from the previous home and feed it to your pet for the first few days. You can purchase food of the same brand.

New foods should be introduced gradually. The kitten can be fed dry or wet kitten food or natural food. If the diet includes dry food, you need to ensure that the animal always has access to clean water. When feeding natural food, to improve intestinal function, bran should be added to the food. This measure will help prevent constipation.

Cats are carnivores and their natural food is meat. The kitten begins to gradually become accustomed to animal products from the age of 1.5 months. This needs to be done gradually. The meat should be cut into small pieces and boiled without salt and spices for 10-15 minutes, cool. You can grind it to a puree. It is good to use baby puree in jars as a meat supplement for kittens.

Constipation can occur due to lack of fluid. Make sure your pet drinks enough, especially if he eats dry food.

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