Why does a cat meow when it goes to the toilet: the main causes and diseases



There are cases when, having got a pet, the owners begin to notice that the kitten meows when it goes to the toilet. This phenomenon, if observed frequently, cannot but worry. It is important for cat owners to find out what reasons can provoke this cry in order to understand whether they need to go to the veterinarian, and why in certain cases this may not be done. It is unacceptable to ignore the phenomenon, since there are situations when the life of pets depends on timely assistance.

Why does the cat run around the apartment like crazy?

This article provides information to give you an idea of ​​what you're dealing with in typical pet situations.
In any case, you need to contact a veterinarian, since it is impossible to make a diagnosis in absentia. There may be several reasons for this strange behavior - a desire to go to the toilet, you gave cat food to eat, perhaps the pet wants to go for a walk. Try to observe the animal to draw certain conclusions.

If the whole point is a walk, then let him out during these hours; the food can be changed to regular food. Well, doing something with the toilet is not easy, because predicting when you want to visit the toilet is not always easy.

Cats, just like people, have their own attachments and needs, and it is not at all surprising that they strive to go where they grew up. Ask the new owners not to give them anything to eat. In your new home, protect your pet with your affection and care, so adaptation will be much easier for him.

This behavior can mainly be observed in those cats that do not walk outside much. Such a manifestation is a kind of natural instinct. The animal, in a way, models the situation that could have happened if it had been in the wild. The frequency of this behavior depends, first of all, on the cat’s temperament.

The hunting instinct influences the fact that at night cats are more sensitive: they pay attention to all sounds, creaks, and smells. This is especially true for young individuals

Since behavior is determined by nature itself, doing something will not be easy.

This cat behavior is not a cause for concern. The animal plays and trains. Thus, the hunting instinct is developed.

This crazy behavior is quite understandable - physical activity is aimed at stimulating intestinal function,


The Siamese cat is the truth itself with a grimy face, it is beauty with a curled tail, it is wisdom in black socks and hope for the future with a piece of birthday cake in its mouth (Dana Len)

Well, I mix her “wet” KITIKET or whiskey with regular food, fish, meat, in general, which is what I eat myself. That’s why he doesn’t want to eat anymore.

Before going “big”, he marks time for something and meows, then he meows for about 30 seconds, then he gets down to business, and the whole time he’s on the “push” (forgive me if it’s rude), he also meows. The cat is a little over 2 months old. There is no blood in the urine

He regularly goes to the toilet on the big shore 2-3 times a day, sometimes he just meows, but I read that if he does this, then he kind of demands attention. but does she really demand attention when she’s in the toilet?)))


, it is better to exclude kitiket from the diet. It is unlikely that this will cause any problems yet, but they may arise in the future! read in the nutrition section about Whiskas food (the same applies to Kitiket and Perfect Fit).

Further. In cats, the process of defecation is generally difficult. this is normal, I dare to please you BUT, the cat needs help! be sure to include fermented milk in your diet (natural yoghurts (without additives), cheese, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt), make sure it contains live lacto and bifidobacteria. If your kitty doesn’t like fermented milk, then you need to buy probiotics at the pharmacy. look at the thread on the forum. these are bifidumbacterin and lactobifadol (optional). The issue price is about 50 rubles, enough for 3-4 months.

The Siamese cat is the truth itself with a grimy face, it is beauty with a curled tail, it is wisdom in black socks and hope for the future with a piece of birthday cake in its mouth (Dana Len)

Let me join you, we have a similar situation, with the exception of food. Our cat is 2 months 5 days old and he meows very often in the toilet, and he meows at the same time as growling, so he doesn’t like it

Features of cat behavior

Taking care of quality food and the health of the cat is the main task of every owner.

When a small kitten or an adult cat appears in the house, the pet requires attention, care and care from its owner. It is very important that the owner can take care not only of shelter and regular food, but also of the full development and health of his pet. That is why it is necessary to closely monitor the behavior and condition of the cat in order to promptly detect symptoms of poor health and anxiety.

As for meowing during urination or defecation, this is considered a warning sign. What should you do if your cat starts meowing when visiting the litter box? What does the animal want to tell its owner? These issues need to be understood in order to avoid awkward and stupid situations.

How to tell if your pet has urinary problems

If a cat cannot go to the toilet in a small way, then it will be difficult not to notice, because she moans loudly, meows, and screams in a voice that is not her own. When she does manage to urinate, very little urine comes out. The pet can come up to its tray, stomp next to it, and snuggle up to it. It’s as if he doesn’t dare to go into it; in fact, the cat is trying to help himself go to the toilet to urinate. He does not allow you to touch his bloated belly, like a drum, which is very painful. The pet cannot lie on its tummy. Sometimes there are traces of pus or blood in the tray.

To attract attention

A continuation of infantile behavior associated with the toilet is that sometimes the kitten sits in the litter box and meows for no apparent reason.
He may not even go to the toilet. This problem is often associated with the fact that the cat is either still very small and is looking for food, but does not know where it is, or he attracts your attention - he needs affection or play. And it happens that the kitten plays in the litter box and frowns to itself

In any case, the kitten, firstly, should not be ignored. Instead, try to attract him with something outside the litter box so that the habit of sitting there and calling you doesn't become ingrained. Although most often it goes away on its own with age.

Or maybe health problems?

However, health problems can lead to constant meowing. They can occur at any age, and the difficulty is that you won’t be able to figure them out on your own. Only a consultation with a veterinarian will help here. Therefore, if your cat is yelling, take her to the clinic first, talk to a doctor and get the necessary tests. This will help avoid serious complications. What can cause a high-pitched meow?

Viral infections that can affect a cat at any age. They are accompanied by external signs: wheezing, lacrimation, nasal discharge. The body temperature rises, other symptoms cause her discomfort and she tries to tell the owner that she feels bad. Poisoning and parasites are very unpleasant for a furry pet. In this case, loss of appetite, stool disturbance, abdominal pain, and vomiting are noted. Parasites can be not only inside, but also on the skin and fur of the animal. Then he begins to itch and scream to tell his owner that he feels bad and unpleasant. Domestic cats are rarely injured, but no one is immune. These can be minor injuries to the paws, as well as serious fractures. Older cats are especially susceptible to them when joints and bones become fragile. Examine and feel your pet carefully and contact your veterinarian. Cats, like humans, can develop sand and stones in their kidneys. They cause a lot of unpleasant sensations for your pet when going to the litter box. He tries to inform the owner about this

Pay attention if your cat cries during this time and consult your doctor. It is difficult to go to the litter box even if you have cystitis

What to do if your cat meows too much

If there is no one in the apartment during the day, then the animal is resting, and at night, most likely, it will disturb the sleep of others. A healthy, well-fed cat may meow at night for no reason, because she is bored.

Solving this problem is not difficult - you need to provide your pet with sufficient physical activity during the day. To do this, you can use special toys with sound or light effects.

Closer to night, it is recommended to feed the cat meat food. Digesting animal protein promotes sound sleep. Veterinarians recommend leaving food out at night not only for babies, but also for adult cats. A nightly journey to the food bowl calms even the most restless animals.

Owners often complain that their pet’s character deteriorates with age.

If an old cat is constantly yelling, you should pay attention to it. The following problems may have occurred:

The cat loses sight or hearing. Meowing, she asks her owner for help

If a deaf animal can move independently, then a blind pet will have to be constantly carried in your arms. A constantly meowing old cat requires increased attention and affection. Sore joints. The cat constantly yells because he experiences severe pain when moving. Diseases of internal organs

An animal that is in pain communicates this to its owner by meowing. You can try to treat your pet, give him painkillers prescribed by the veterinarian. Manipulation. Over many years of living together, the cat realized that if you meow long enough, you can achieve what you want.

Folk remedies for fighting orom

If your cat's constant meowing causes irritation and keeps you from sleeping at night, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as:

  • oregano;
  • sweet clover;
  • valerian (rhizome);
  • hop cones;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • peony.

All of them have a sedative effect, which does not appear immediately. But if you water a cat for a long time, you can count on a positive result - the animal will gradually calm down.

Medicines to calm you down

There are more effective ways to pacify a cat that is constantly yelling. It is almost impossible to calm screaming animals during the rut using folk remedies.

Veterinary pharmacies sell drugs that regulate sexual heat in cats:

  • Stop intimate;
  • Antisex;
  • Sex barrier;
  • Counter-sex.

These drugs act on the level of hormones in the animal’s blood, but they do not provide a long-term effect. An adult cat will need to take this medication regularly.

The “Cat Bayun” drops, which have a sedative, anxiolytic and antispasmodic effect, have proven themselves quite well. Thanks to the combined composition of the drug, a powerful calming effect is achieved. But with prolonged use of this remedy, a side effect may appear - the animal becomes lethargic and drowsy.

Treating constipation in a cat at home

Grind the beets and carrots and add them to your cat's food.

In the initial stages of this problem, the cat can be helped independently. To stop constipation, you must resort to the following measures:

  • You should start feeding your pet liquid food in small portions. You can add a little vegetable oil to the food, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Food that is too fatty can harm the animal's liver.
  • One of the traditional methods for treating constipation is raw beets and carrots. These vegetables can be added to your cat's food. If the pet refuses such food, then you should squeeze the juice from fresh beets or carrots and use a syringe to pour a little into the animal’s mouth.
  • In addition to beets and carrots, your cat can also benefit from sea fish, kefir, cauliflower or raw beef liver. These products will help normalize your animal's stool.
  • Another way is to mix condensed milk with tap water and feed it to the animal. But you should not resort to this method very often, so as not to cause diarrhea.
  • In addition to all of the above, simply massaging your cat's tummy can help. Stroke the tummy with light pressure in a clockwise direction. You can do this several times a day.

How to give Vaseline oil to a cat for constipation

Some cats love Vaseline oil and will eat it straight from your hand.

Another good remedy is Vaseline oil. It harmlessly envelops the intestines and softens stool, facilitating its rapid release. This oil is not absorbed by the cat's body and is completely eliminated from the body within 6-12 hours.

The norm of Vaseline oil for an adult animal is 1.5 ml per 1 kg of pet’s weight. Give it to your pet 2 times a day. You should not give castor oil to cats. It causes severe pain in your pet's stomach.

How to give your cat Duphalac

It is not uncommon for veterinarians to prescribe Duphalac in such cases.

To help your pet, you can give him the laxative Duphalac.

It is given at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of cat weight. Duphalac is added to food or sprinkled with water and offered to the pet. Give it to the animal once every 8 hours until feces come out. If an animal has regular difficulties with defecation, then a whole course of treatment with Duphalac is necessary.

You should not choose the dosage of Duphalac yourself! If you overdo it, be prepared for your pet to experience diarrhea. If this does happen, then Smecta will help normalize the stool.

Other medications can only be prescribed specifically by the veterinarian himself. Depending on the case, he will prescribe one or another dosage based on the weight of your pet.

Various human laxatives can cause allergies or stomach upset in a cat. And if you don’t know the dose for the animal at all, an overdose may occur.

Preventing constipation in cats

It is easier to prevent constipation than to look for ways to get rid of it later. If the owner is attentive to the behavior and nutrition of the animal, then such a problem will not arise at all. To avoid problems with bowel movements:

  • During the molting period, comb the animal regularly. This will relieve your pet from excessive accumulation of hair in the stomach.
  • If the cat is ambitious and licks itself often, then you need to purchase products at the pet store designed to remove hair from the pet’s stomach. These drugs normalize microflora and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is necessary to strictly monitor what your animal eats. Your pet's food should contain a sufficient amount of fiber. You should not feed your cat only meat; it should also eat vegetables and grains. If your pet's stool is regularly hard, then try adding a spoonful of boiled pumpkin to your pet's food.
  • Do not feed your cat only dry food, and provide your pet with access to water in a clean bowl.
  • Play with your pet. Don't let him lead a passive lifestyle. Buy or make toys for your pet to play active games with.
  • Try to keep small objects, such as beads, buttons, and parts from toys, out of the cat's eyes. If there is a small child in the house, remove toys immediately after playing.
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly if possible. Get examined and tested. This will prevent various diseases, including constipation.

Constipation can significantly harm an animal's body, and there are even cases of death.

Why does a kitten scream when it goes to the toilet? What to do?

The cat gives the kittens a tummy massage with her rough tongue. If your kitten lives without a mother, 10-15 minutes after he eats, you should give the baby a gentle massage, stroking the tummy from top to bottom. If the mother cat has not accustomed the kittens to water, then you need to add a little water to everything you feed, or even with a double syringe, remove the needle, give water to the kitten after eating, holding it tightly with your hands and directing the stream of water to the corner of the mouth. Lack of fluid can cause constipation. This is why the baby can scream.

I have two kittens. I feed them the same, but they behave differently in the toilet. The boy calmly and quickly does his business, and the girl sits down for a long time and snorts with displeasure, she doesn’t like it when someone watches her. What if your kitten is not screaming in pain, but simply showing character? In any case, you need to monitor the quality of his nutrition. And it is advisable to consult not with amateurs, but with veterinarian specialists, because pets most often die from seemingly trivial gastritis than for any other reasons.

Usually, when a small kitten is separated from its mother and finds itself in an unfamiliar place, it always behaves this way. Since he is used to being looked after by his mother, but here he has to do everything himself, and for this reason, this makes him feel uncomfortable and nervous. At such moments, if you see that the kitten has begun to behave restlessly and needs a tray, then take him in your arms, calm him down and lightly massage his tummy (this is what a mother cat usually does), and then calmly take him to the tray. So that the kitten understands that this is not a dangerous place and that nothing will happen to it. It is also advisable to feed the kitten at this age both dry and liquid food. Dry food is needed to strengthen teeth, and liquid food is needed for normal digestion. The kitten may still scream because he doesn’t like the place where the tray is placed, the tray itself or the filler. For example, my cat is a little over 10 years old and he always starts yelling when he goes to the toilet. He digs and screams until he sits down. But he pees silently. He goes to sit down and pees. I checked the cat at the veterinarian and found no abnormalities. The cat's stool is normal and regular. Cats often scream when going to the toilet when they have worms. But they were not found in my cat. So it turns out that screaming is just something psychological. So my cat is already an adult, and judging by the question, yours is still a kitten

Attention is the most important thing he needs now. And massage his tummy more often, this is very useful for kittens and adult cats

Since domestic cats are not very mobile, they experience constipation and therefore a tummy massage is necessary.

How to encourage a kitten to poop

Position your kitten for stimulation: After feeding, hold him firmly and gently with his back to you and place your non-dominant hand under his belly. Make sure the kitten is stimulated in a warm environment; otherwise he may get sick and even die.

Applying a warm, damp washcloth to your dominant hand: You will need this washcloth to stimulate your kitten's anal area and belly to encourage the kitten to poop.

A warm, damp cloth can replace mom's tongue.

Moving the washcloth over the kitten's butt: Use your fingers to gently massage the kitten's anal area with the wet wipe. Your thumb needs to replace the mother's tongue for the kitten to poop.

Check: Continue massaging until the kitten finally poops, usually no longer than about 60 seconds.

Adjusting the Washcloth: Continue rubbing and adjusting the damp cloth as needed to ensure the feces are properly removed from the kitten. Discard unclean materials and continue massaging.


Causes of pathology

When cleaning up the pet's potty, the owner may discover that there are several drops of blood on the feces, or that the entire mass of feces is colored reddish.

Let us note right away that this is not normal, and such a signal indicates that the animal needs increased observation and attention from humans.

If blood was detected in the stool of a furry pet once, the symptom did not recur again, and the general condition of the animal is assessed as good (that is, the pet is cheerful, cheerful, eats, actively responds to affection), there is no need to worry. Most likely, there was a one-time injury to the animal’s rectum (for example, the mucous membrane could have been scratched by a sharp piece of undigested food or a small foreign object that came out naturally).

If blood appears in the stool again and again, you need to find out the reason for its appearance immediately. In a situation where bloody spots in the animal’s feces are accompanied by such manifestations as lethargy or lethargy of the pet, diarrhea or constipation, refusal to eat, increased or decreased body temperature (the norm for an adult cat is within 38-39 degrees), you need to take the pet to the clinic immediately.

The determining factors due to which a cat goes “out of need” with blood for some time are mainly the following:

  • intussusception;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • dysbiosis accompanied by constipation;
  • vascular diseases;
  • bacterial infection;
  • injury to the anus or intestines;
  • allergic reactions;
  • blood clotting failure;
  • foreign objects;
  • severe intoxication (when chemicals enter the body);
  • benign and malignant tumors.

Blood in your cat's stool is most often caused by irritation in the lower intestine. In addition to the symptoms of hematochezia, allergies and food intolerance can be caused in pets by ordinary food, most often dry food from a dubious manufacturer.

If your cat spends most of its life in the yard or on the street, then it may have been poisoned by rat poison, then bloody stools are a common occurrence. Also, if you notice very hard and extremely dry stools in your cat, then these are clear signs that the animal has nutritional problems.

Among other things, parasites, E. coli, bacteria, worms and other agents carrying viruses of various etiologies can also cause diseases accompanied by bloody feces. Therefore, always, as a caring owner, make sure that your beloved cat does not eat just anything, anywhere, but eats normally and drinks plenty of fluids.

When does a baby first stand on its paws?

A newborn kitten has very weak limbs; it does not even try to stand on them. However, the front legs, which develop a little faster than the hind legs, can already serve as assistants in movement. He uses them in a funny way, like a swimmer, sliding his belly along the floor. The paws move apart, and, of course, he won’t go far on them. As soon as he crawls closer to the mother cat and buries his nose in her fur, looking for the nipple. The little ones know where mom is by smell. They are still completely blind, but their sense of smell is already helping them find their mother, who will warm and feed them.

At two weeks, the kittens’ eyes already open, but they see very poorly, squint and try to get used to the light. Meanwhile, the paws continue to develop and get stronger. With each feeding, the baby “exercises” its front limbs, fingering its mother’s belly and stimulating the supply of milk. And so, at three weeks, the baby unsteadily stands on its shaky legs and is already trying to take its first steps. Of course, the little one moves very poorly, but the more he walks, the faster he will gain confidence, agility, and then, after many days, graceful cat grace and dexterity.

This is interesting: Why is a cat's stool black?

Reasons why a cat screams at night

To solve the problem of a cat yelling at night, you first need to understand the reason for its behavior. There are some pets that can vocalize around the clock, not only at night, but also in the morning. The most common reasons for such cat behavior are:

Hormonal surges

Cats that have not undergone sterilization regularly perform nightly concerts. Moreover, cats scream from such a strong desire to have offspring, which causes them physical and mental torment. A non-castrated cat experiences the same thing; when it screams, it tells its partner that it is full of strength and desire. It is impossible to combat this phenomenon in an animal that has not undergone sterilization. All that remains is to help the pet find its other half and wait out this difficult period.

Pet disease

  • If an older cat, who seems to have survived the sterilization process, screams at night, then most likely she is tormented by some kind of disease. Often, when an old animal screams, it has diseases such as Alzheimer's or some kind of nervous disorder. This is an irreversible process, which can only be alleviated with the help of a veterinarian who has prescribed medications that can alleviate the pet’s condition at least temporarily.
  • A similar reaction can be caused by acute abdominal pain, which can be determined by palpation. A healthy animal should have a soft belly that does not cause anxiety.
  • If a previously calm cat screams restlessly, then it is quite possible that helminths are bothering him.
  • When a neutered, middle-aged cat yells, this may be a sign of urolithiasis. The pain intensifies especially after visiting the toilet, therefore, at this time the animal will behave more restlessly.
  • There are cases that after sterilization a cat screams and wants a cat. This is possible if part of the ovary was left behind during sterilization. Veterinarian consultation is required.

To attract attention

When a kitten screams at night, for no apparent reason, then perhaps he just wants to attract attention or beg for the desired treat. This tricky maneuver can be understood by treating the cat with a treat.

When the reason lies in this, then the cunning person, after achieving his goal, will calm down. However, you cannot follow his lead, otherwise he will constantly terrorize the owner. Kitty, who is constantly alone, attracts attention to herself in this way; she also wants to communicate, play, and receive the necessary dose of affection.

Sense of anxiety

Cats are able to anticipate any unpleasant event or element; there have been cases when they predicted an earthquake in a similar way.

Battle for territory

Sometimes it is not enough for cats to place marks to claim their rights to the territory; they scream to declare their rights to a certain area. This is done to warn other cats so that they do not even think about entering into competition with him. Most often, a cat has to do this when moving to a new place of residence.

If a kitten screams, then this is a manifestation of longing for its mother cat. A kitten that has just appeared in the house behaves restlessly at first. You need to calm the baby down, talk to him kindly, then he will get used to it and everything will return to normal.

Why does a baby cry?

How much joy comes into the life of parents after the birth of a child. And how many new things are happening in their lives, getting used to each other, changing their routine, serving the little man. Even before his birth, the child chose his parents as his ideal helpers in the process of his growth and maturation in the earthly world.

Despite all the joys, it happens that a child cries. This is very worrying for young parents. What about him? I must be doing something wrong. Maybe he's sick? Maybe we're not taking good care of him?

Mothers experience a lot of anxiety in the first days and months of their baby’s life. So let's look at why a baby cries. How to learn to understand all the messages that a child conveys to his parents. If you learn to feel and understand what a child wants to say, then you can grow up almost without tears.

Any cry of a child signals a specific request. If you watch your baby, you will see that he does not start crying immediately, but only after some movements of his body, arms, legs or head.

The next step, he begins to make sounds, grunting and sniffling. Next, the baby begins to whine. And only after that he shouts invitingly and calls the adult, who was delayed somewhere and did not see the signs that the baby was giving.

No need to wait for crying, always watch your baby. Crying is the final chord in the process of calling parents.

The most common reason why a baby calls his parents in the first days and months of life is that he wants to be close to his mother! He's calling MOM! The child needs her presence nearby, he wants to breathe her smell, hear her voice, feel the warmth from his mother’s body, feel her native energy.

It is the mother’s constant presence that the newborn needs. The manual period continues for another year after birth


Onset of puberty

Different breeds of domestic cats reach puberty at different times. Most young individuals are ready for intercourse by 6-7 months. In some breeds, such as Maine Coons, it may begin at this age, but last slightly longer, up to about 15 months.

The play of hormones, the powerful instinct of procreation felt by a young animal, makes it restless. It will scream loudly at any time of the day, roll on the floor, and demand to be let out into the street.

The owner of a domestic cat should immediately decide on a solution to this problem. There are actually two of them: castration (sterilization) or providing the opportunity for the realization of instinct. In all other cases, the animal will experience real agony during periods of sexual heat. There is no need to be afraid to sterilize an animal if the owner’s plans do not include breeding cats. Veterinarians believe that this simple procedure not only does not cause harm, much less moral suffering, to the animal (they simply have no morals), but even prolongs life and preserves health.

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