Why does a cat meow for no reason: possible options and solution to the problem

Why does a cat meow for no reason? There is always an explanation for such animal behavior. You just need to take a closer look at your pet. You should not punish an animal for disturbing you with its cries. Also, meowing cannot be ignored, because often in this way a cat gives a sign that it is in pain, uncomfortable or scared. In some cases this may be a feature of the breed. For example, Abyssinian and Siamese cats, as well as ragdolls, are characterized by increased “talkativeness”. However, if such behavior has not previously been typical for your pet, then this should be alarming. Next, we will look at the most common causes of cat meowing.


A hungry cat makes sounds that sound like a baby crying. In this case, eliminating the cause of this behavior is quite easy; you just need to feed the animal. Often kittens cry due to malnutrition. They often feel hungry because their growing bodies require nutrients. Owners need to learn the rules for creating a cat menu and feed their pet on time. Sometimes owners mistakenly believe that they are giving the animal enough food.

However, there are times when a cat has just eaten, but runs around the table with human food and screams. “Why does the cat meow for no reason?” — this is the question the animal owners ask. This can be explained by the fact that pets are very gluttonous. Cats may beg for food when they smell delicious smells. In this case, you should not follow the animal’s lead. The pet should be taught to eat at strictly defined hours.

Cats often meow when their owners frequently change the types of food they eat. After all, the pet’s body gets used to certain foods. It is especially undesirable to alternate the intake of dry ready-made food and food from the human table. This can lead to digestive problems.


Animals make loud noises during periods of active sexual desire. This is typical for both males and females. Experienced owners are well aware of this state of their pet. However, if estrus occurs for the first time, then the owners often do not understand what is happening to the growing kitten. They are interested in the question: “Why does a cat meow loudly for no reason?” Owners feel that their pet is still too small.

However, kittens enter puberty at the age of 6 - 8 months. The following signs indicate that a cat has entered her first heat:

  • rolling on the floor;
  • loud meowing and purring;
  • raising the back of the body and trampling with paws;
  • friction of the body against various objects.

What to do in this case? After all, a cat's heat can last up to two weeks, and the owner is often irritated by the constant cries of the animal, especially at night. If you do not plan to breed your cat, then it is better to sterilize your pet. Special medications for estrus should not be given; they can be dangerous to the health of the animal.

Why does a cat meow for no reason near the door? This behavior is usually characteristic of animals during the period of estrus. At this time, animals actively ask to go outside. However, other reasons are also possible. Cats are very curious. They are interested in the world around them outside the home and may beg for walks. However, experienced owners and veterinarians do not recommend letting cats out of the apartment. On the street, a pet can face many dangers; in addition, a pet can get an infection from stray relatives.


Some older cats meow because they need to reassure their owners. If you pet your cat in return, it will meow more to get your attention. Older cats are more likely to do this because their senses are impaired. Cats suffering from health problems may also feel better psychologically when their owners are nearby.

There's almost always a reason for your cat's incessant meowing, even if you haven't figured out what it is. Medical conditions, injury, or deterioration of feelings are all likely explanations. But before you think about the worst-case scenario, check your cat's environment and remove any stressors that may be causing her to become unhappy.

Article Author: Richard Parker I'm Richard, I have experience in all matters related to feline health, behavior, grooming techniques and general pet care. Richard graduated with a degree in journalism in 2008. He is the proud owner of 5 adult cats (all adopted stray breeds), including an older cat who is now 20 years old.

Can a cat yell for no reason?

In nature, stray cats do not use meowing to communicate with each other. Meowing is a cat's way of communicating with its owner. Cats of some breeds, for example, Siamese-Oriental Croup, Cornish Rex, Turkish Angora, have a habit of talking to their owners: when asked “How are you?” may respond with a loud “Meow.”

But these sounds cannot be compared with the loud screams that cats of these breeds, as well as those of the eastern group (Burmese, Bombay, Bengal, Ocicat, Egyptian Mau) emit during sexual heat. But this is only one, although the most common cause of screaming, and there are many of them, many of which are age-related.


Why does a pregnant cat meow for no reason? During this period, the animal undergoes serious hormonal changes in the body. Pets often vomit in the morning. The cat feels discomfort. At the same time, the pet does not understand what is happening to it and reacts to a change in its physical state by screaming. This is normal. However, if the cat becomes too restless and constantly refuses to eat, then consultation with a veterinarian is necessary. It is possible that she has a pregnancy pathology.

Some cats may go into heat while pregnant. It usually occurs between the third and sixth weeks of pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal disorders. Therefore, if a pregnant cat asks for a cat, she should be shown to a veterinarian.

In late pregnancy, cats meow when they sense that labor is approaching. Sometimes pets make quiet but constant sounds, as if talking with future cubs.

Onset of puberty

Different breeds of domestic cats reach puberty at different times. Most young individuals are ready for intercourse by 6-7 months. In some breeds, such as Maine Coons, it may begin at this age, but last slightly longer, up to about 15 months.

The play of hormones, the powerful instinct of procreation felt by a young animal, makes it restless. It will scream loudly at any time of the day, roll on the floor, and demand to be let out into the street.

During this difficult period, some individuals may show aggression towards humans. Cats begin to mark their territory, and their smell at this time intensifies several times thanks to hormones.

The owner of a domestic cat should immediately decide on a solution to this problem. There are actually two of them: castration (sterilization) or providing the opportunity for the realization of instinct. In all other cases, the animal will experience real agony during periods of sexual heat. There is no need to be afraid to sterilize an animal if the owner’s plans do not include breeding cats. Veterinarians believe that this simple procedure not only does not cause harm, much less moral suffering, to the animal (they simply have no morals), but even prolongs life and preserves health.


Why does a cat meow for no reason for a long time, and it is impossible to calm her down? Most often this is due to poor health. In this case, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible. You should also carefully examine the animal and pay attention to the following signs:

  1. Screams when the stomach is touched. Such a symptom may indicate intestinal obstruction or helminthic infestation.
  2. Screams after a fall or walk. Most likely, the animal was injured. You need to carefully examine your pet, treat its wound and take it to the veterinarian.
  3. A plaintive meow near the tray. This often indicates urolithiasis.
  4. Old cats scream. In old age, many animals become more talkative. However, in some cases, loud meowing may be a sign of Alzheimer's disease. With this pathology, the animal is disoriented, constantly walks in circles and screams pitifully.
  5. Constant purring. Such sounds do not always indicate that the animal is experiencing pleasure. In some cases, this indicates cardiac problems. By making purring sounds, the cat is trying to normalize its heart rate. This manifestation can occur with tachycardia.

If you meow for no reason for a long time, you need to pick up the cat and try to calm it down. If the screams do not stop, then most likely your pet is sick.


It often happens that a cat, exhausted by unpleasant symptoms, begins to scream. It seems to the owner that for no reason, however, it is still necessary to pay attention to the screaming pet.

Absolutely any disease can cause pain. First of all, the owner is advised to carefully palpate the cat’s belly. If there is discomfort in this area, the animal will immediately respond to such palpation.

The cat may scream due to pain

The cause of pain can also be helminths living in the intestines. If the cat has not undergone anthelmintic treatment, then this option cannot be dismissed.

If your cat meows when trying to visit the litter box, most likely she is suffering from urolithiasis. Every cat after five years is at risk of developing a similar disease, so it is necessary to examine such a cat.

In any case, if you suspect that the cause of your cat’s cry is malaise, take the animal to the veterinarian.

It is important to understand that cats are independent by nature and will not meow for any reason. If a cat vocalizes because of pain, it means it hurts a lot. You can't hesitate.

Possible health problems

The root cause of a cat constantly meowing can be a number of diseases.

  • Injuries of varying severity cause a plaintive meow. This could be a bruised paw after an unsuccessful jump, or a serious fracture. The risk group includes older animals whose bones are more fragile.
  • With spinal injuries, the meowing turns into hysterical screams, and the animal trembles.
  • A quiet meow, accompanied by wheezing, elevated body temperature, and discharge from the nose and eyes, signals the presence of a viral disease.

Injured pet

  • Severe poisoning can be determined by loss of interest in food, vomiting, loose stools, and diarrhea. These same signs indicate the presence of worms. Kittens especially suffer from intoxication.
  • Severe infectious diseases are characterized by weakness, loss of appetite, and continuous screaming.
  • A tick embedded in a sensitive spot on the skin causes the cat to scream, behave extremely restlessly, and constantly scratch the bite site. Ear mites cause you to constantly shake your head and scratch your ears.
  • In addition to meowing, an allergic reaction is accompanied by sneezing. The cat shakes its head and scratches its muzzle. His eyes are watering and his nose is running.
  • If each bowel movement causes obvious discomfort to the animal. The cat lingers on the tray for an unusually long time, screaming pitifully in the process. Most likely, the pet has problems with the intestines, kidneys, and genitourinary system. This could be cystitis or urolithiasis.

It is not always possible to identify the disease on your own, so if your pet remains restless, you should immediately show it to a doctor. After examination by a veterinarian and carrying out the necessary tests, a diagnosis will be determined and treatment will be prescribed.


It happens that for several weeks or months a cat meows for no reason. What to do in this case? First of all, you need to make sure that the animal is healthy. If the cat does not have any diseases, then most likely it is a reaction to stress.

Cats are very sensitive to any changes. Some animals even react to rearranging the furniture in the room. Prolonged, incessant meowing in cats is observed when moving to a new place of residence. If you take a small kitten into your home, it may meow pitifully for a long time. This is how the baby reacts to being separated from its mother. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase kittens at least 3 months old; they adapt more easily to a new home.

How to cope with stress in a cat? It is necessary to surround your pet with attention and care. Little kittens need to be distracted from longing for their previous home and mother with the help of toys. In difficult cases, sedatives for animals will help: “Cat Bayun”, “Stop-stress”, “Fospasim”, “Fitex”.

The most likely reasons for “Bad” behavior

1). If the food is incomplete and the feeding is not according to the schedule.

Maybe my experience will be useful to you? Over the years, several cats have lived in our family, and none of them whined constantly and “just like that.”

But then... two kittens picked up at different times, who literally tormented us with meowing for different reasons, suggested that either they were already born with such a restless character, or they acquired it in their previous home because of... an incorrect attitude towards them. By the way, attempts to change their habits had little success.

I think that if you feed the cat not regularly, but “spontaneously” - only when you remember about him, then he will probably learn to beg for food as soon as he gets hungry, without waiting for you.

And if the house is poor, and this happens, and the food is completely insatiable for a predatory animal?.. And even the owners, to put it mildly, are unkind? Such “living-being” will definitely cause both physical and nervous illnesses in the unfortunate kittens... And when they grow up a little, they will run away from such a “house” wherever they look...

2). Is it possible to spoil a cat’s character through lack of attention?

If you notice a tendency to “beg for attention,” but not silently and unobtrusively, as is usually the case, but loudly and persistently, then perhaps your tailed ward actually has a “chronic deficiency” of his master’s affection.

And that’s why such a dependence has been established in the Murka’s consciousness: first it asks for attention, then it receives it. This chain must be urgently broken and... “reset” the cat’s consciousness to get rid of its bad habit! But how?

Try to start a game with her and stroke her only when she does not ask you to do so, and at the moment when she asks (and even more so - out loud!) - avoid it. But from now on, try to find more often the opportunity to caress your pet, who really needs warmth, not only in the form of your hands and knees, but also emotional and even spiritual.

What if you add a mustachioed, tailed companion to her, so that it won’t be so boring?

Territory and its defense

Some cats try to announce their presence to surrounding animals by screaming. Most often this happens when you change your place of residence. A cat, finding itself in an unfamiliar place, begins to “take up space”, marking its territory and telling everyone around about its formidable character.

Over time, this behavior gives way to stable calm, however, the owners still need to endure the period of rapid personality development.

Cat asks for attention

There are times when a healthy and well-fed cat meows for no reason. Why is this happening? Our pets, like little children, love attention. Animals vocalize when they want to be held, played with, or stroked.

Some cat breeds do not tolerate long absences from their owners. Left alone, they can meow for a long time and pitifully. Sphinxes have this character trait. It is not advisable to leave these animals alone for a long time; it will be very stressful for them. In this case, it is advisable to take a second cat into the house.

Why do kittens cry?

Having adopted a kitten, you need to be prepared for the fact that at first you will have to tinker with it. A baby requires attention just like a child.

Moving to a new home is especially difficult for domestic kittens. In the first days, they are desperately looking not only for their mother, but also for a familiar environment.

To minimize the stress of changing homes, try to give your kitten maximum attention. This applies not only to activity, games and fun, but also to rest time. Your baby may feel lonely and will look for a warm place to sleep. If you give your kitten attention in childhood, it will show you loyalty in the future.

Reasons why a kitten screams:

  • Looking for mom;
  • Hungry;
  • Wants to go to the toilet;
  • Bored.

All this can be eliminated by devoting a little of your time to the baby.


The reason for the round-the-clock singing may well be hormones. And in particular, their imbalance or simple changes in the body.

As the kitten grows older, it begins to show a desire to continue the race. Such changes in the body are often accompanied by endless screams that do not stop day or night. In addition to exhausting its own body, the cat also exhausts the household, so the decision must be made quickly and firmly.

If the pet will participate in procreation in the future, then the first urge to find love will have to be endured. When the baby gets stronger for the “wedding”, he can find a couple.

If procreation is not your cat’s business, it is advisable to resort to castration. This radical method will help your pet avoid monthly songs, and will also prolong his life.

Night concerts

Why does a cat meow for no reason at night? This often occurs in animals during estrus. Continuous screams at night may also indicate illness.

However, most often a cat screams at night because it cannot sleep. It is possible that her sleep-wake pattern is disrupted. Night meowing greatly disturbs the peace of the owners. In this case, you need to make sure that the cat sleeps as little as possible during the daytime. It is also useful to arrange active games with the animal more often during the day. This will ensure your pet sleeps soundly at night.

Meowing at night - what to do about it?

If the cat starts yelling at night, then it is useless to shout and swear at him. Cats have more sensitive hearing than humans, so they perceive loud sounds quite painfully. And they can begin to behave completely unpredictably - for example, throwing flowers from window sills, tearing up furniture, etc. Stress can affect the animal's nervous and digestive system - it can become skittish and afraid of people.

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