Danger warning: what the cat sitting on your doorstep warns you about

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Sterlegrad.ru » Miscellaneous » Folk signs about cats

June 16, 2015 | Photo pixabay.com

Folk signs associated with such a pet as a cat have been known for a long time. Some peoples still consider it a sacred creature. There are many known superstitions about cats, some of which people still firmly believe in today.

Problems with territory marking and/or tray

Does your cat often sit in the corner?

  • Make sure she doesn't accidentally use a corner of the room as an... alternative litter box.
  • A cat may pee in these areas if it has trouble urinating, has been spayed (neutered), or has experienced stressful changes in its life.
  • Maybe there's a new pet in the house?
  • Or maybe you're cleaning his litter box too rarely?

It's worth keeping an eye on your pet and taking it to the vet for a check-up to rule out possible medical causes.

See also: is the cat hiding under the bed?

Signs about a tricolor cat and if the cat came home dirty

There are signs about a tricolor cat: it is believed that if it is in the house, it will save it from fire and other misfortunes.
Having an animal with such an unusual coloring, its owner will never get sick with fever. Calico cats are often kept on ships because they attract good luck and profit. When a cat himself comes to someone else's house, he brings happiness and prosperity to him. If an animal comes into someone's house, it must stay there; it cannot be kicked out. There is also a well-known sign: a cat came home dirty a few days after being away, which means spring has already arrived! 14 June 2022, 09:06 | author: Maria Solovyova | Photo: sterlegrad.ru

Currently, various shadow collection schemes are common. One of them is “shadow” collection of car dealerships when selling cars to individuals using bank details. The risk for a bona fide buyer in this scheme is the consequences in the form of unpaid taxes. This scheme operates on the following principle. An individual purchasing a car at a car dealership pays for it in cash at the car dealership's cash desk, after which he receives a signed purchase and sale agreement for the car, an acceptance certificate for the transfer of the car, and the car itself. In this case, the buyer is not issued a cash receipt order (fictitious orders may be issued). Cash received from the buyer is not received at the car dealership's cash desk and is subsequently transferred to persons representing the courier service (collectors) who transport cash for its subsequent use in illegal cash-out schemes. The equivalent of the cash amount transferred to collectors is credited to the car dealership's bank account in non-cash form from the account in the form of payment for a specific car for a third party. The risk for a bona fide buyer of participating in this scheme is as follows. In accordance with tax legislation (clause 2 of Article 211 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), payment for an individual by organizations or individual entrepreneurs for goods (work, services) or property rights is considered income received by this individual. Thus, the amount of payment for a car for an individual is the income of this person, and accordingly he must pay a tax to the state income of 13% of the cost of the purchased car. At the same time, it is possible for a car dealership to receive double profit when paying for the same car from an individual (in cash) from (by wire transfer). In order to avoid the accrual of such tax, when paying in cash, it is necessary to require the issuance of a cash receipt order from the car dealership. In addition, in order to minimize the risk of being involved in such a scheme, it is advisable to pay by bank transfer, i.e. by transferring funds from the buyer's current account to the dealership's current account.

28 November 2022, 20:11 | author: Maria Solovyova | Photo: sterlegrad.ru

The deadline for paying property taxes for 2017 expires in the coming days. As of November 26, 2022, the volume of revenue from property taxes of individuals to the budget of the Republic of Bashkortostan and local budgets amounted to 2 billion 187 million rubles or 44% of the total calculated amount. These days, all tax service offices work in enhanced mode: on weekdays from 08.30 to 20.00 hours and on Saturdays from 10.00 to 15.00 hours. In addition, there are mobile tax service offices in large shopping centers in Ufa and the region, as well as in the offices of the republican multifunctional center. Detailed information about their work schedule is available on the website WWW.NALOG.RU. If you have any questions, you can also contact the hotline of the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan. We remind residents of the republic that they must pay property taxes for 2022 no later than December 3 of this year. We draw the attention of citizens that in case of failure to pay property taxes within the deadlines established by law, from December 4, penalties will be charged on the tax amount for each day of delay in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of Russia.

28 November 2022, 20:11 | author: Maria Solovyova | Photo: sterlegrad.ru

The tax authorities of the republic, in relation to existing tax debtors, sent petitions to the bailiff service to issue orders to restrict travel outside the Russian Federation. Citizens in respect of whom orders have been issued to restrict travel outside the Russian Federation will not be allowed on the flight by border control authorities upon departure at the airport. It is impossible to lift the ban on traveling abroad directly at the airport before departure. This procedure takes a certain time, which involves payment of the amount of debt, including taxes, fees, penalties and fines, state duty, enforcement fee and termination of enforcement proceedings. In addition, restrictions on traveling abroad will also be applied to citizens who do not timely pay property taxes by December 3, 2018 and become debtors. In this regard, when planning a vacation outside the Russian Federation, we recommend that citizens take care in advance - pay the debt to the budget, check whether enforcement proceedings are being carried out against you and your relatives.

8 November 2022, 16:11 | author: Maria Solovyova | Photo: sterlegrad.ru

Over the past few years, issues of deoffshorization and increasing tax transparency have occupied a key place on the tax agenda of the G20, OECD and EU member countries. The international community is carrying out serious systematic work to revise and improve international and national tax rules, aimed at eliminating opportunities for hiding assets and financial accounts in so-called offshore areas. Significant changes are being made, among other things, to legislation in the field of currency control, anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism, controlled foreign companies, as well as rules for disclosing beneficial owners. Today, for tax authorities around the world, including the Federal Tax Service of Russia, banking secrecy has virtually ceased to exist. On July 1, 2015, the Russian Federation joined the Joint Convention of the OECD and the Council of Europe on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, and the Russian Federal Tax Service already has the ability to send tax requests to more than 90 countries and jurisdictions, including so-called offshore companies. Together with the OECD and the tax administrations of the G20 member countries, the Federal Tax Service of Russia is involved in the implementation of modern electronic methods of information exchange of information on financial accounts and foreign assets between tax authorities of different countries and jurisdictions. In 2022, a common system for all countries was put into operation for the mutual exchange of information on foreign accounts, property and assets of foreign tax residents with the tax authorities of the countries where they are residents. The Federal Tax Service of Russia connected to this system in 2022 and began receiving the specified information from offshore companies in an electronic, systematized form. The information received will be used by the Federal Tax Service of Russia to implement tax control measures against persons owning foreign assets and financial accounts, which creates certain risks for citizens who still rely on the past opacity of offshore jurisdictions. What solution is offered to Russian taxpayers?

From March 1, 2022, the Federal Tax Service began the 2nd stage of accepting special declarations, the submission of which is provided for by Federal Law No. 140-FZ dated 06/08/2015 “On the voluntary declaration by individuals of assets and accounts (deposits) in banks and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 140-FZ).
In accordance with the amendments made by Federal Law No. 33-FZ of February 19, 2018 to the provisions of Federal Law No. 140-FZ, any individual who is a citizen of the Russian Federation, a foreign citizen or a stateless person (hereinafter referred to as the declarant) has the right to submit a special declaration period from March 1, 2022 to February 28, 2022. The special declaration is submitted by the declarant to any tax authority, including the central office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, on paper in person or through his authorized representative acting on the basis of a notarized power of attorney. What guarantees and benefits does the person filing a special declaration receive?
Persons filing a tax return receive the following benefits: Transactions involving the transfer of property by its nominal owner to the actual owner of the property are exempt from taxation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.
The declarant or the person whose information is contained in the special declaration are exempt from tax collection in the event of non-payment or incomplete payment of the tax, provided that the obligation to pay such tax arose for the declarant and (or) another person as a result of transactions performed before January 1, 2018 related to the acquisition (formation of sources of acquisition), use or disposal of property and (or) controlled foreign companies (CFC), information about which is contained in a special declaration, or with the opening and (or) crediting of funds to accounts (deposits), information which are contained in a special declaration. Exemption from the following criminal offenses committed before January 1, 2022, if these acts are related to the acquisition (formation of sources of acquisition), use or disposal of property and (or) controlled foreign companies (CFC), information about which is contained in a special declaration, and (or) with the opening and (or) crediting of funds to accounts (deposits), information about which is contained in a special declaration (this list is exhaustive): Article 193 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Evasion of obligations to repatriate funds in foreign currency or Russian Federation"; Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (part 1 and 2) “Evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual” (on an especially large scale, by prior conspiracy by a group of persons); Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Evasion of taxes and (or) fees from an individual”; Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Evasion of taxes and (or) fees from an organization”; Article 199.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Failure to fulfill the duties of a tax agent”; Article 199.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Concealment of funds or property of an organization or individual entrepreneur, at the expense of which taxes and (or) fees should be collected.” 4. Exemption from administrative liability in the event of a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation during the acquisition (formation of sources of acquisition), use or disposal of property and (or) controlled foreign companies, information about which is contained in the declaration, as well as when making currency transactions and (or ) crediting funds to accounts (deposits), information about which is contained in the declaration, on the grounds provided for in Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Carrying out business activities without state registration or without special permission (license)”; 5. Exemption from liability for tax offenses, if these offenses are related to the acquisition (formation of sources of acquisition), use or disposal of property and (or) controlled foreign companies, information about which is contained in the declaration, and (or) with the opening and (or) crediting funds to accounts (deposits), information about which is contained in the declaration. Can the Federal Tax Service use the information presented in a special declaration for tax audits or transfer it to third parties without the consent of the person who submitted the special declaration? The information contained in the special declaration, as well as the very fact of filing an updated declaration: - cannot be the basis for conducting a desk audit; — Cannot be the basis for conducting an on-site inspection; — It is a tax secret and cannot be used as evidence. Disclosure of information specified in a special declaration is prohibited by law (Article 183 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). What else is useful to know about voluntary declaration?
The Federal Tax Service carries out active information and explanatory work to increase taxpayers' awareness of the provisions of Federal Law No. 140-FZ regarding the acceptance of special declarations by tax authorities: - a news message has been posted on the official Internet site of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the site); — a section “Special Declaration” and a banner “Voluntary Declaration of Assets and Accounts – Stage 2” have been created on the website, containing information on the procedure for accepting special declarations, including the form of the special declaration, the procedure for filling it out, a link to special software that allows automatically fill out the specified special declarations; — in the electronic service of the website “Information Stands”, as well as on the information stands of territorial tax authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, information materials for taxpayers about the deadlines and procedure for filing special declarations in accordance with Federal Law No. 140-FZ are posted; — taxpayers are informed on an ongoing basis using the Unified Contact Center of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The form of the special declaration and the procedure for filling it out and submitting it are posted on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia www.nalog.ru in the “Special Declaration” section (https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/taxation/specdecl/). The procedure for accepting and recording special declarations was brought to the attention of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by letter dated June 25, 2015 No. OA-4-17/ [email protected] The Federal Tax Service of Russia has also prepared an information brochure (https://www.nalog.ru/ rn77/about_fts/brochure/), which sets out in an accessible form the features of paying taxes in the Russian Federation when doing business abroad or having foreign assets, explains how to avoid double taxation, what information is subject to disclosure, as well as many other issues of declaring foreign assets and accounts.

23 October 2022, 09:10 | author: Maria Solovyova | Photo: courtesy of the author

Life is given to a person once, and not everyone, unfortunately, manages to live it in such a way that, looking back, no one dares to think that he could go against his conscience. We will talk about a well-known public figure who, through his direct participation in the fate of the Bashkir people, his strong-willed character, tireless work and care for the younger generation, and his nobility, earned respect and good memory from the people. The multinational Kurgan region has long been home to Bashkirs, who are the indigenous population of the region. The Cathays and Sart-Kalmaks were patrimonial owners of their lands, and the Aylins and Tabynts settled on their lands as henchmen. It is known from historical documents that according to the “Agreement of the Central Soviet Power with the Bashkir Government on Soviet Autonomous Bashkiria” dated March 20, 1919, the territories of the Katai, Sart-Abdrashitovskaya, Sart-Kalmak and Karasevskaya volosts, in which the Bashkirs lived compactly, became part of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic , forming the Yalansky canton with its center in the village of Tanrykulovo. Subsequently, these territories became part of the Chelyabinsk, and then the newly formed Kurgan region. Here, on Bashkir soil, in the village of Polyana, Almenevsky district, Kurgan region, Venera Timerkhanovna was born into the friendly and large family of the Akmukhametovs and Sairovs. The family had five children. - Father - Akmukhametov Timerkhan Nafikovich, born November 10, 1924, Bashkir, member of the Komsomol in November 1942 from the village of Kusareiskaya, Almenevsky district, Chelyabinsk region, was drafted and sent to the Baumansky RVK, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kazan. In January 1943, dad went to the front from the Kazan military unit and was assigned to the 31st reserve rifle brigade. Dad often remembered the war; he was invited to school, where he told children about the heroic battles of the Great Patriotic War. My father told how he liberated the village of Petrishchevo, where the Nazis brutally tortured Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. He fought on the Kursk Bulge, where he was wounded and subsequently demobilized,” recalls Venera Timerkhanovna. He came from the front with military orders and medals. In peacetime, he worked as a veterinarian on his native state farm. I have always been proud of my parents. My father's parents left early and I never saw them. Venera Akmukhametova’s mother, Sayrova Sakhibyamal Fazylovna, was a woman from a noble Bashkir family in the ancient village of Arslanovo, where her parents Sairov Fazyl and Sairova Mukhtarama lived and found peace. Mom was a very kind and wise woman, a good housewife and a real Bashkir, in the sense of preserving national traditions. Their house was always open to guests. They came to their parents for advice and support. Relatives and fellow countrymen were walking. Venus grew up as a cheerful girl and was a leader among her peers. I studied easily and well. Both father and mother instilled a thirst for knowledge in children. There, in the village of Polyana, Venera graduated from the 8th grade of a rural school. “When we lived in the village, my mother worked as a foreman for a herd (about 200-250 head of cows),” continues Venera Timerkhanovna. — When my father died in 1974 from battle wounds received in the war, my mother, on the advice of her family and kind people, moved to Chelyabinsk with her five children. Of course, there was no money. I admire my mother, who, left alone, without a husband, bought a house in Chelyabinsk in 1974 for 5,500 rubles, on the street. 2nd Tominskaya. Mom has been gone for a long time, and we (children and grandchildren) gather in our parents’ house, how easy it is to breathe here. Mom worked three jobs to put her children on their feet. And she had no less than five of us. She was able to provide all children with a higher education. The older sister, Ulmazbika, became a lawyer, she is a retired lieutenant colonel, and the younger sister Anisa is a medical worker. Brother Mars was an engineer, unfortunately, he died very early, at the age of 40, younger brother Haris is an excavator operator, now repairing refrigerators. In Chelyabinsk, Venera graduated from secondary school No. 43 in 1976 and from that year began her career as an operator in the ATC Department of the Chelyabinsk Region. From 1984 to 1992 she worked at the Tashkent Aviation Plant named after V.P. Chkalov. and went from an ordinary worker to the foreman of workshop No. 23. Being the secretary of the Komsomol organization of the workshop, the aircraft plant named after. Chkalova Venera was the instigator and organizer of numerous festivals, evenings, hikes in the Republic of Uzbekistan, concerts, amateur art competitions among young people of different nationalities of the plant, and was nominated by the Komsomol organization of the aviation plant to the congress of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Together with young people, she collected cotton in Uzbekistan, potatoes, beets, cucumbers and carrots in the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions. On a Komsomol trip she visited Hungary and the Baltic states. I was surprised that people honor the memory of a leader of any century and, as a gift of gratitude, there is a bust of both the king and the leader of the Soviet era in the main square of Budapest. And in our time, a lot of monuments have been demolished, both to Lenin and Stalin and other heroes...... This is the history of the country, it was built over centuries, it cannot be destroyed. Any hero, no matter whether he is negative or positive, is a story, this era is painfully told by Venera Akmukhmetova. She communicated and made friends with prominent representatives of the Bashkir diaspora, of which there were many, and was the organizer of various events that had a public resonance and response in the press. Already in her young years, the girl had confidence and respect, she was the soul of the team among young people. Venus has always been indifferent to the fate of her people and people, and everyone felt it. During her working life in Uzbekistan, Venus graduated from Tashkent State University named after Al Beruni and subsequently, upon returning to Chelyabinsk, from the Chelyabinsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. For 15 years (from 1992 to 2007) Venera Timerkhanovna worked as a senior investigator at the Kalininsky District Internal Affairs Directorate, from where she retired. Since 2012, she has been back in service, working as an inspector for monitoring the execution of orders of the department of analytical research and execution of requests of the department of operational investigative information of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and at the same time transfers her legal knowledge and experience to youth in the state budgetary vocational educational institution "South Ural Multidisciplinary College". “It’s easy and interesting to learn from her, she explains very simply and clearly in her lectures,” says her student Natalya Kamynina. She is a demanding teacher, but she treats students with understanding and does not bother her with excessive pickiness. Looking at her students, Venera Akmukhametova sometimes remembers her student years, how she had to combine study with work, and is glad that our youth have more opportunities to study successfully. Time will tell whether they will learn her lessons properly, but today they are happy to attend her classes, and all of them are passing her subject. Youth is our future, she says, which means it is important to plant young shoots in fertile soil, create conditions for them and carefully nurture them, so that tomorrow we can enjoy the result of our work, the results of our daily efforts. Throughout her adult life, Venera Akmukhametova adhered to simple truths. “I grew up in a family,” she says, “where the ideals were beneficence and decency, fear of God and honesty, respect for people and a willingness to help them. I always try to follow these rules. A huge part of Venera Akmukhametova’s life is social activity. Since 2000, she has been actively working in the Chelyabinsk regional public organization “Bashkir People’s Center” and in recent years has been the chairman of this organization, executive secretary of the Chelyabinsk regional public organization - Association of National and Cultural Associations “Assembly of Peoples of the Chelyabinsk Region”. He is a member of the Children's Public Council under the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Chelyabinsk Region. For many years, the Bashkir People's Center has been holding the regional children's city national holiday "Sabantuy", the Ural festival "Children of the World in the Rays of the Sabantuy Mosaic" (2004-2018), the festival "The Ural - Our Common Home", for 5 years festival “Play, front-line accordion”, gala concert “With love for Russia, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the laureate of the International Festivals dance ensemble “Kalinka” (2002), festive concerts “Chelyabinsk is multinational” (2002, 2003) and the reporting gala concert Emanzhelinsky district “With love for Russia” (December 2007), for the Day of the City of Chelyabinsk “Vernissage” and many other events. Her active social and educational activities are aimed at creating a favorable environment for the development of the national Bashkir culture and language in the Southern Urals, strengthening peace and friendship between peoples. She says she doesn't have enough 24 hours a day. For conscientious fruitful work, great personal contribution to the revival and promotion of Bashkir culture, strengthening interregional ties between the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Chelyabinsk region, Venera Timerkhanovna Akmukhametova was awarded numerous awards, including many thanks and certificates of honor from the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region, a letter of gratitude from the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region, Administration of Chelyabinsk, World Kurultai of Bashkirs, Letter of Gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, She also has state awards for impeccable service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Delegate of the IV World Kurultai of Bashkirs held in Ufa in 2015. Venera Timerkhanovna is a competent public figure who knows how to emerge victorious from any difficult situations. Enormous creative potential and excellent organizational skills make it possible to implement multifaceted educational activities to revive Bashkir culture in the life of the Bashkir population of the Southern Urals. He is the organizer of tours of creative groups of Bashkortostan in the Southern Urals. But perhaps her greatest joy in life is her daughter Rada. She is a graduate of the Federal State Educational Institution of Secondary Vocational Education "Chelyabinsk Legal College", qualification: lawyer, as well as the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Chelyabinsk State University", qualification: Regionalist (Orientalist) with knowledge of English and Chinese. In 2012, she graduated from Jilin State University (Changchun, China): advanced training under the program: “Establishing Russian-Chinese relations and improving the level of the Chinese language.” She was repeatedly invited to court as a translator. This promising young woman has a great future ahead of her. Living in the Southern Urals, Venera Timerkhanovna is keenly interested in what is happening in Bashkortostan: she reads newspapers, listens to radio “Yuldash”, watches the Bashkir channel “BST” and lives in the interests of her native Bashkir people. The Bashkirs of the Chelyabinsk region, thanks to the efforts of the most active participants in the Bashkir movement, in particular, the Chairman of the Bashkir Kurultai Private Limited Liability Company Maurice Yusupov and his like-minded people, created and registered their autonomy. These wonderful people, enthusiasts, worthily represent their people in the regions of Russia. We would like to wish Venera Timerkhanovna, an extraordinary and wonderful person, health, long life, inexhaustible energy for many years to come, and also say: “I bow to you for your dedicated work, for your kind heart and sensitive attitude towards people.”


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You can hear better

  • In the corner of the room the sound is different and stronger - some cats may simply be fascinated by this.
  • If your cat sits in the corner and meows, he may just be listening to himself. Older cats that have hearing problems do the same - when they meow in the corner, the sound becomes stronger.
  • It is also possible that the pet is trying to get your attention in this way.

Facts about cat eyes

Cats are predators, and nocturnal ones at that. Nature gave them remarkable vision, something that humans can only dream of. Here are the characteristics of cat eyes:

  • they are six times sharper than humans;
  • the convexity of the eye allows the cat to see 270 degrees without turning its head;
  • they have a tapetum - a special layer that helps them see perfectly in the dark.

As you can see, the cats' eyes are first-class. And the world looks different for them than for people, but not at all because they see ghosts.

Intruder in the house

Is your cat sitting right in the corner with her ears up and looking at something?

  • He's probably hunting for something!
  • Spiders, ants and moths can often be found in corners - you may miss a little worm, but your little miracle is not sleeping! There is nothing there? It doesn’t matter - it’s enough that the cat has already found an insect in this place. He could remember it and was now checking to see if it had reappeared.
  • It is also possible that your pet hears some movement in the walls, such as the movement of mice.


A week ago we adopted an adult cat from a shelter. The first days he sat under the bathtub, where he managed to leak from a barely open carrier in the hallway. I didn’t leave the bathroom even at night. Then he went out to the tray, which is located in the corridor nearby. Noticing this, we closed the hole under the bathroom so that he could not sit there. And they decided not to touch the cat: to give him the opportunity to explore the territory on his own. But he doesn't do it! He sits in one place in the bathroom all the time, doesn’t go anywhere and doesn’t even try!

He allows himself to be petted, but at first, when you raise your hand, he always shy away. Sits calmly in his arms. But calmness comes from fear: tense and waiting for everything to end. If you pick him up, he then hides and hides in a corner so that they won’t take him again. In general, he doesn’t make contact, doesn’t respond to calls, and never looks up at a person. At the same time, the cat is not at all aggressive.

Conditions at the shelter were difficult. He sat in a meter by meter cage for a whole year. What should we do? It seems to me that leaving him alone and waiting is not the best option. The sessions of “petting, talking, smelling behind the ear and then leaving him alone” have not yet produced any visible results.

Zen cat

There is no need to do any extra actions. An adult cat understands this very well and does not waste its energy on empty things. Cats are level-headed and they contemplate. Perhaps they are even Zen Buddhists of the animal kingdom. If a cat is looking into space, it is most likely looking inward. We don’t know how complex categories a cat thinks. Does she think at all, or is she guided by bare instincts, and there is zero awareness in the actions of these animals. However, it cannot be said that if a cat looks into emptiness, then there is emptiness in his head. Maybe he remembers how delicious breakfast was today, or thinks that he is the crown of nature’s creation.

Small flying debris

The largest pieces of dust may be invisible to you, but the cat can clearly see how a small piece of lint flew, flew, and even landed on the wall. This may be the answer to the question of why cats look at one point on the wall. They simply observe a small speck of dust, which may sway slightly from the air currents in the room. Their eyes, as we have already understood, completely allow the luxury of having fun watching the dust. This may be interesting to the cat, because she is a very curious creature by nature, so she watches where the speck of dust will fly now, or maybe it won’t fly and will remain here.

In addition to dust, the cat may be interested in the smallest midges or shadows. If you don't see them, it doesn't mean they don't exist. The human eye is six times less sharp than the cat's eye. The rat, with his not very good eyesight, may also believe that people are watching the box for hours, although they are watching TV.

If the cat sleeps at the doorstep

The threshold of the front door symbolizes the passage between worlds. Esotericists believe that this place in the house is the most vulnerable. If the cat is sleeping at the doorstep, there is no need to worry. The animal protects its home from the invasion of otherworldly forces, from the negative energy of bad people. You cannot drive your pet away, but you can carefully move it to another place.

If suddenly the cat suddenly jumps up and leaves this place, you should expect the arrival of guests. Pets predict the appearance of strangers with amazing accuracy.

What to do if your cat is looking at the wall

Some cat owners worry that they are not paying enough attention to their pets, causing them to go crazy and obsess over things that don't really exist. If you have the same anxiety, you're probably too attuned to your pet to refuse stimulation. Cats that are not properly stimulated may become depressed or aggressive. Bored cats may overeat, obsessively groom themselves, attack your furniture, or mope around the house. However, staring at the walls is not a sign of poor stimulation.

If you really want to bond with your cat, you can join in with her behavior; we won't judge. Place your ear against the wall to show your cat that you are listening too. You can aim the flashlight at the wall to give your cat something else to focus on. Proper cat care involves satisfying your pet's need for instinctive play. You will not harm your cat if you continue her normal behavior. Sometimes a cat's habits simply have no explanation.

What does a cat symbolize?

What does a cat living in a house symbolize? For some, these animals evoke associations with comfort and tranquility. Some people believe that pets are selfish and naturally manipulative. Some people see cats as a symbol of financial well-being.

Owners of furry pets are unanimous on one thing. They believe that cats are endowed with magical powers and can foresee future events. To penetrate the mystery of the future, people observe how the animal behaves and reacts to various phenomena.

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Photophobia in cats

Why does a cat hide kittens - take them to different places and what to do

With photophobia, the cat will also look for a secluded dark place and squint at the light, as it irritates the eyes and hurts the cat. This may be an alarming symptom indicating the following conditions:

  • eye injury (mechanical, chemical, thermal);
  • allergic reaction;
  • stroke;
  • concussion;
  • rabies.

Eye injury in a cat

Note! If the animal is not vaccinated and roams freely on the street, then photophobia may be a symptom of rabies. Rabies is deadly for animals and people, the mortality rate is 100%.

At the first symptoms (photophobia, hydrophobia, drooling, aggression), you must consult a veterinarian! It is also necessary to avoid as much physical contact with a potentially infected cat as possible. Rabies is transmitted through the bite of a sick animal when saliva enters the bloodstream.

Signs of a physical illness

Although animal psychologists are sure that in most cases, hiding in a secluded place is associated with the character of the cat, one should not discount such an unpleasant factor of such behavior as the presence of pathological processes in the body. This is especially true in cases where the habit arose suddenly, although the cat had not done anything like this before. That is why the owner must know which behavioral reactions are characteristic of his animal and which are not.

Veterinarians advise owners who are concerned that their furry friend has begun to hide in a dark corner to pay attention to such painful symptoms that appear in parallel, such as:

  1. The animal does not eat anything for a long time.
  2. Uncontrollable thirst or, conversely, the pet practically does not drink water.
  3. The pet began to sleep for a long time.
  4. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the form of diarrhea.
  5. The cat is vomiting severely.
  6. The appearance of the coat deteriorates, loses color, and the fur becomes lumpy or falls out.

If the owner notices one of the above signs, which has arisen in conjunction with the fact that the cat is trying to hide away from prying eyes, then it is necessary to urgently take him to a veterinary clinic for an examination.

Why is the cat hiding?

“Don’t touch me, otherwise I’ll wither”

What can make a cat look for a secluded corner?
Let's imagine a situation where you brought a kitten into the house. And the older the baby gets, the more independent his character becomes. Well, this is the cat personality you have adopted. This animal will choose when to come and caress and when to hide from everyone somewhere in a quiet, warm and dark place to meditate to its heart’s content. What are your actions? Treat with understanding and respect. Be proud, you got a philosopher cat! A cat can also hide in the opposite case. For example, you decide to adopt an adult animal. You expect gratitude in return, but the scoundrel has been sitting under the bed for three months. Don't worry, it will thaw. Be prepared that the process may be long. But there is a minimum of hassle. It doesn’t hang on the curtains, it doesn’t jump on the ceiling. Unbearable without her on your knees? Take the second one, this time choosing more carefully. And then the first one will catch up, you’ll see. Just don't rush things.

“It’s scary - it’s creepy”

A kitten that has just been brought into the house can become inflamed with love for the “game of hide and seek.” Imagine for yourself: a small creature, torn from the warm mother’s belly, was left alone in this life. Everything around is very unfamiliar and very scary. We need to save ourselves, become invisible - maybe then they won’t touch us? Like human children, kittens can be brave or timid. Equip him with a cozy home and caress him. Hand feed. And everything will work out for you.

An adult cat, especially one adopted from the street or from a shelter, can be very stressful. Her entire past life taught the poor fellow that change is for the worse. So she sits in an inaccessible place under the battery and says goodbye to life. He can sit for a long time. Place a tray, bowls of water and food close to her and check from time to time how she is doing. I started eating and drinking, visited the litter box - great. Start communicating, lure him out for food, invite him to play. It is extremely rare to come across particularly sensitive specimens - if the cat does not touch food for more than 3-4 days, you will have to take it to the veterinarian, make a nutritional drip and take a sedative. But these are isolated cases.

“Leopold, come out, you vile coward” - “I won’t come out!”

If you already have pets, a dog or an old-timer cat who feels like the master of the taiga, then a newcomer to the house may begin to “play hide and seek.”

Show maximum attention to ensure that the stronger does not offend the weaker. In most cases, addiction occurs quite quickly, then the animals become friends - without spilling water. It happens that they live next to each other, but they don’t seem to notice each other. In any case, it's better to be safe than sorry. If the acquaintance does not go well, at first, when leaving home, lock your pets in different rooms or buy a cage and a house for the baby so that he is safe.

Be patient. Don't allow hassles. Feed separately, pet separately, divide the territory. Approach the situation with humor - for example, imagine you have a cat for the bedroom and a dog for the living room, that's great! With time everything will get better.

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“Then the paws ache, then the tail falls off”

The desire to hide away may indicate illness. If an animal, previously cheerful and sociable, begins to “dig” into corners, then it should be taken to a veterinary clinic. It is possible that the cat is completely healthy and shows its character as such, but perhaps “hide and seek” is a symptom of a disease. The doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. By the way, the news may be from a completely different story: if your cat is not sterilized and has been running for walks, expect offspring! Well, the saddest thing is: very elderly animals get away from the hustle and bustle... in this case, you should equip a shelter in which your pet would be comfortable and calm.

“You came so unexpectedly”

A common reason for “hide and seek” is guests in the house, a cat under the sofa. Yes, she didn’t invite guests. She doesn’t want to be “pussed” by other people’s voices or squeezed by other people’s hands. She'd better wait it out. She understands that guests are for a while, but the owner is forever. Respect the cat’s desire not to be a toy - keep the guests busy with other things, and your pet will then come out when everyone has left.

If the cat is hiding, general recommendations: understand, forgive and accept. Each animal is an individual, with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Keep your cat safe. Buy her a cozy soft house and a calming spray. Make it a habit to check your washing machine drum before turning it on and your dresser drawers before you leave for long periods of time. Do not move furniture until you are sure the cat is in a different location. Do not shout at the animal, and especially do not hit it. And remember that a true gentleman always calls a cat a cat, even if he stumbles over it and falls.

Photos: Collection/iStock

Your own cat

If the cat does not allow you to leave the house, you should wait a little. The animal may sense that something dangerous is happening behind the door. If this happens before a trip, you should be wary. This pet behavior indicates that something bad may happen on the road. Especially if before this the animal tries to throw things out of the suitcase.

Is the cat on the doorstep meowing piercingly, seeing off its owners? The day will turn out to be unsuccessful, and it is better to cancel the trip altogether.

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