Find the cat in the picture! 35 new photos with tips

It's not surprising that cats find cozy and warm places to rest in order to get the pleasure they want. Even when the weather outside is warm and comfortable, the cat will still search for a quiet and shady corner where he can take a nap. Animals look for cozy places not only while in the apartment, but also in the fresh air.

Surely each of you, walking down the street, noticed that stray cats climb under the hood of a car during the cold winter months. This is nothing more than a desire to warm up from still warm equipment. However, there are unsafe places in every home that your pet can sneak into and get into trouble.

At what age do cats start walking?

“Cats mature individually, but most often they begin to walk at 6-7 months,” said Natalya Zhurakovskaya, owner of the Edemi la Ton British shorthair cattery. – Although there are also very early cats that require a cat as early as 5 months.

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Action instructions

In the city

What to do if a cat goes missing in the city? If your cat is lost, the most effective time to find it is early in the morning, from about four to seven o'clock. It is at this time of day that there is silence, it is easier to hear the cat’s meow, and for him to hear your voice. Look under wheel rims and under cars. It would also be a good idea to look at the trees if your cat is lost.

Alternatively, you can take a treat that your pet loves or one that has a strong smell. This may make it easier for you to lure the animal out. Use different signals if your cat responds to certain sounds. For example, this could be the sound of food hitting a metal bowl.

We call the cat in a gentle voice so as not to frighten him again. If a kitten is lost, you should ask grandmothers, young mothers and anyone who spends a lot of time outside. When talking, you need to describe the animal in detail, and leave a contact phone number just in case. Many people, when they learn about missing cats, happily agree to help. You can also ask the janitors, as well as those people who feed stray cats.

If you can't find the cat, post up paper advertisements. The desired format is A4. The ad must contain a photograph and tear-off slips with a phone number. Use tape in designated areas for announcements and inside entrances. The advertisement must also mention the reward.

Most people respond well to such an incentive; some can help find a furry one for free. If the cat is lost and you think he is on the street, look for him in the pack. When a pet finds itself on the street, it experiences shock, and when it leaves, it can join the stray cats. Also, if your cat is lost, you can write a post on a social network and ask your friends to share it and help in the search.

In the forest

How to find a missing cat in the forest and what to do? There is no need to panic, you need to calm down and think about the reason for the loss of the animal. Maybe something really scared him? While combing the area, go and call the cat affectionately. Be sure to use a gentle tone so as not to frighten the poor animal even more.

Also, it is worth talking with residents of settlements that are located near the forest. Perhaps someone will see the pet, post advertisements. When searching, carefully inspect the trees, as the cat could easily climb there. In any case, do not despair, since pets in search of food will always go closer to people, to houses.

In the country

If it so happens that you took your cat to the dacha, and he got lost there, it is better to concentrate your search in the area. Unspoken statistics say that, for example, in the summer season, more than half of cats get lost in dachas. If you have the same situation, you need to post as many advertisements as possible in your dacha community and in neighbors. Be sure to ask your neighbors in the country if they have seen your pet, describe it in detail. What else can you do if a cat goes missing in the country?

You should not look for a cat far from your dacha. Lost cats usually do not go very far from their home or, as in our case, their cottage. By the way, kittens are more difficult to find than an adult cat, regardless of whether he is lost in an apartment, in a country house or in the forest. This is explained by the fact that he might not have had time to get used to people. If the cat is lost in the country, you can browse thematic forums and sites on social networks.

If the cat has disappeared at the dacha, place a bowl of food for your animal. This will increase the likelihood that the furry animal will return. Don’t despair and don’t forget that anything can happen to your pet, not necessarily a bad one. So, a cat lost in the country can suddenly be found near a city house, waddling around.

How to get a cat out of hiding?

The first is the simplest: call affectionately by name, rustle a piece of paper or place your pet’s favorite toy so that he wants to get it. If the baby lives with you for only a couple of days, then such a humane method may not work. At this time, the cat is not yet adapted. He may be afraid of his owner.

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How many cats are there in the picture?

There are many cats hidden in this picture. Try to find them all and then check the correct answer.

Well! Did you find and count everyone? Don’t forget to write in the comments how many cats you counted in this picture. In the meantime, you can look at the correct answer.

See where the cats are hiding

Eight cats are hiding here

Help the owner find the cat

The owner of this cat says that he was looking for his pet for a very long time. Test yourself and try to find this cat in 15 seconds. If you could, write about it in the comments and I’ll give you +1 in karma

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