Grooming a cat like a lion: photo of the king of beasts in mini format

The stylish lion haircut of cats, the photo of which you see, will cause a smile or laughter in some, and a storm of anger in others. How shameful it is to mock animals, to please your pride by making a laughing stock out of a cat! Surprisingly, these outraged people are most likely not cat people. At least not owners of long-haired pets.

Because those who have such a cat at home probably understand that the advantage of such a haircut is not in its aesthetic component. Often this is an urgent need.

Grooming a cat to look like a Leo

If you decide to cut a cat or your cat, then first you need to decide which haircut is right for your pet.

Qualified groomers at our veterinary clinic will help you choose an elegant and comfortable haircut for your cat. By contacting us you will receive a unique model haircut made in accordance with all canons and grooming standards. Our phone: +7(985)183-74-83.

There are two types of haircuts for animals: hygienic and model. Grooming cats to look like a lion refers to both the first and the second. Some may argue with this, but we will prove the opposite.

With this type of haircut, we ensure the comfort of your pet’s life, since excess hair will not prevent the skin from breathing, thereby your cat will not be hot, and the hair simply will not roll up and get dirty.

As is known from ancient belief, cats descended from lions. Whether this is true or not is unknown since no one has conducted professional DNA research. But there are certain similarities in appearance and character.

The “Lion” cat haircut is one of the popular haircuts in Moscow, combining elegance and practicality. This type of haircut allows pet owners to feel like they have a small tame lion cub living in their home. And this is not surprising, because with this haircut your cat will really look like a lion, thereby delighting you and your friends.

If you need to have your cat cut like a lion, please contact our veterinary clinic. Our experienced groomers will select a specific haircut shape and perform it as professionally as possible. Our phone.

The “Lion” cat haircut is one of the popular haircuts in Moscow, combining elegance and practicality. This type of haircut allows pet owners to feel like they have a small tame lion cub living in their home. And this is not surprising, because with this haircut your cat will really look like a lion, thereby delighting you and your friends.

If you decide to cut your pet's hair, then first you need to decide which haircut is best for you and your meowing friend. As for dogs, for cats it is customary to distinguish between two types of haircuts: HYGIENIC and MODEL. So what is their difference?

Hygienic haircut

- This is necessary procedure in certain situations. As a rule, this haircut is used when the fur is very tangled, there are tangles (clumps, pellets, matted fur) and it is impossible to comb them. Also, an indication for such a haircut may be a skin disease (dermatitis, fleas, hyperplasia (increased secretion) of the sebaceous glands or “greasy (fat) tail”), as well as some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and old age of animals, when they are not able to care for yourself on your own.

Typically, this type of haircut for cats is performed with a professional pet clipper (I use a Moser Max 45) using a No. 3 knife. Such a knife leaves the length of the wool equal to 3mm, respectively. This length is optimal for animal health, since the animal’s fur does not prick and does not cause itching; it is “velor” and “plush” to the touch. But sometimes, in particularly difficult cases, knives No. 2 and No. 1 (2mm and 1mm, respectively) are used. When using such knives, the hair of animals remains prickly for 7-10 days, and then reaches a “plush” length. Do not cut out tangles with scissors! - This is very dangerous for the animal! Especially in the axillary folds and on the abdomen, where the animal’s skin is thin, forms folds and often it is almost impossible to distinguish where the tangle ends and the skin begins. Haircutting with scissors is allowed, but only after “letting” a fine-toothed comb under the tangle so as not to injure the skin. But, as practice shows, this method is ineffective for removing old or extensive tangles.

As a rule, during a hygienic haircut, the hair is left on the head, at the tip of the tail, and the paws are cut to the middle. This haircut is often called “Lion”. But with a hygienic “lion” haircut, it doesn’t always turn out perfect (for example, if an animal has strong tangles behind the ears, they have to be cut off, which somewhat spoils the outline of the “lion’s” mane; often, due to tangles, the trophism (blood supply) of the skin is disrupted and places are visible alopecia (baldness) and trophic ulcers; etc.) Sometimes the owners decide to trim only a very matted area.

Model haircut

- This is a haircut aimed at improving the appearance of the animal, and is justified by the desire of the owner . This is a special haircut that is given to a specific model (in this case, a cat) taking into account all its advantages and disadvantages, as well as to reflect its character and the personality of its owner. Such haircuts are also performed with a professional animal clipper (in my case, it is a Moser Max 45) with a No. 3 knife, with the finishing of individual elements with thinning scissors, hairdressing scissors, and using a comb. Many people ask whether it is possible to cut an animal's hair with scissors. A model haircut is possible, but only to improve the shapes and outlines of fluffy cats. So, for example, with the help of thinning scissors, the head of Persian cats is given a rounded shape, if necessary. You can trim an animal like a “lion” with scissors, but this haircut will not be even.

Do not use attachments on cat clippers because hair gets tangled in them. When cutting with the wool (and not against it) without an attachment, the hair remains longer, but again, not even, but “jagged.” When using larger knives (5mm, 9mm), the animal’s fur becomes wrinkled, and uneven paths remain again. Therefore, if you want smooth, plush fur, you need a 3mm knife. There are a huge number of creative options for cat haircuts. Here everything depends on the imagination of the groomer-stylist, the desire of the owner and the characteristics of the animal. However, there are several basic haircuts that can already be considered classic for cats.

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Haircut "Lion"

- although this option is often used for a hygienic haircut, it can also be considered a model one. Since the “lion” haircut is the most common and, of course, “royal”.

Haircut "Puma" ("sheepskin")

– the haircut is similar to a “lion”, only in this version the fur on the front legs and the front part of the body remains unchanged or is trimmed with scissors, while everything in the back is cut with a machine, only the “socks” on the hind legs and the tail (or the tip of the tail) remain untouched ).

These two haircuts are considered basic, but they have several options for tail treatment:

“Brush” - can be of different sizes and shapes, at the request of the owner.

“Broom” - the same as “tassel”, only the edge of the fur on the tail is cut in a straight line. Also, it may vary in size.

“Squirrel” - only the base of the tail is clipped, the rest of the hair on the tail is processed with thinning scissors.

“Herringbone” is a very elegant element of a haircut

and several options for processing the paws: • “Knee socks” - the paws are cut to the middle with a machine, and then leveled with scissors

“Socks” - the same as “knee socks”, only shorter.

You can also include various creative elements , such as cutting a pattern:

Some types of model haircuts cannot be applied to an animal that needs a hygienic haircut (for example, if the animal has hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands (“greasy tail”), then the herringbone element for the tail will not work, or will not be beautiful). Therefore, if an animal needs a hygienic haircut, then you should wait with a model one and focus on what will be best for the animal’s health.

“Socks” - the same as “knee socks”, only shorter.

Grooming of British, Scottish and Persian breeds

Is it possible to groom British cats? It is known that this is a medium-haired breed, it has a thick undercoat, which makes its representatives look like plush toys. Grooming of a British cat is carried out if necessary in the following cases:

  • problematic skin;
  • if it is very hot;
  • allergies to wool in the owners;
  • if there is a newborn child in the apartment.

You can also make model hairstyles for cats, creating fancy pictures. For example, stripes, zigzags along the body or other relief shapes look bright. You just need to make sure that this doesn’t upset your short-haired friend.

Scottish Fold breed. Since 1993, the standard for shorthaired Scottish cats has been adopted. They differ in that their ears are folded forward. This phenomenon was first discovered in 1961 in Scotland. It is allowed to cross them with non-fold-eared individuals, otherwise the offspring will have a short, thick tail and severely curved paws. This makes them move poorly.

There are the following colors of cats: black, white, blue, cream, striped, spotted, marbled, brindle. The body is more graceful than that of the stocky British. Elastic, thick, soft fur adheres to the body. The tail is mobile with a sharp tip. After shearing, the quality of the coat improves.

A hairstyle like a dragon suits them too. Grooming is possible for breeds with different coat lengths. When cutting like a lion, do not touch the hair on the paws, tail (tassel or whole) and mane. The remaining hair is shortened to 0.5 cm. The transition from cut areas to untouched areas is smooth.

The “dragon” comes out like this: the entire body is trimmed down to 0.5 cm, except for the head, paws, tail and spine. The hair on the back is given a lumpy shape. The tail is cut in the form of a Christmas tree or a spikelet. The transition is also smooth. You can leave socks on the feet of a trimmed cat.

Nowadays, grooming Persian cats is becoming very popular. It becomes especially appropriate during the hot season. Then this procedure will free the animal from its warm fur coat. You can also cut your hair in cases where it is impossible to comb the hair due to shedding.

Cat grooming in Moscow

Haircut ( up to 7 kg ) 2020 rub. (includes nail and ear trimming) Wash + dry RUB 1,700. (clamping of nails and ears included) Complex 2900 RUR. (haircut with wash, claws, ears) Grooming ( from 7 kg and more, 2500 rub. Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest, etc.) Wash + drying 1900 rub. (includes nail and ear trimming) Complex RUB 3,400. (haircut with wash, claws, ears)

Additional services for cats: Anti-scratches from 600 rub. Nail trimming 150 rub. Combing tangles 500 rub. (30 minutes) Additional payment for (aggression) 100/1000 rub. bites, scratches Groomer's assistant 1000 rub.

Don't forget to pamper your beloved pets more often!

Preparation for processing

Understanding how to properly trim a cat is important for a favorable outcome of the procedure. You should always start with preparatory actions. This is not only thinking through the process and preparing tools.

  • Before the intervention begins, the cat must be “introduced” to the process.
  • To do this, the animal is asked to explore the place of work, combed, and allowed to listen to the sound of the machine being turned on.
  • If the cat begins to worry, then you need to pet him, offer him a little valerian or any other sedative.
  • For a haircut, it is advisable to involve an assistant who will hold the paws and muzzle.

For overly aggressive or active animals, a special limiter is used that prevents head movement.

Sign up for a haircut

Grooming of dogs and cats from a professional groomer with 7 years of experience at your home in just 3 hours

  • Free travel around Moscow
  • Complex haircut from 1500 rubles
  • Average cutting time 1 hour

It’s very convenient that the salon’s specialists come to your home. No need to waste time and nerves.

Thank you very much to your salon and masters! We are delighted with the professional work of the masters and the SPA program.

I express my gratitude to the DOG-SPA salon. I am very pleased with the work of the master! Thank you very much on my behalf and

The flexibility of cats gives them the ability to reach the most remote parts of their body with the tip of their tongue, with which they can lick fur and wash away dirt. However, the licked fur ends up in the cat's stomach and clogs it. Therefore, a cat hairdresser is one of the places that cat owners and their pets need to visit regularly. They offer a cat grooming service at a cost and quality that will please the owners.

Using scissors

When you have to cut a cat's hair at home, scissors are often chosen as a working tool.

  • Everyone has a standard copy.
  • For a cat's haircut, it is better to use the option with rounded ends.
  • This will protect the animal from possible harm.
  • Before cutting, it is advisable to slightly moisten the wool.
  • During the work, the animal’s skin is slightly stretched, movements are made quickly but carefully.

Cat grooming: the secret to the popularity of hygiene services

This is why cat grooming, which is absolutely reasonably priced, has become so popular. This is especially true for long-haired breeds. Grooming will not only get rid of dead fur on all objects in the house, but also make life easier for the animal. If you do not cut your long-haired cat, you must brush it with a special brush several times a day, otherwise tangles may form.

Only grooming cats and cats helps them get rid of tangles. Of course, you can still use all kinds of sprays or balms to prevent the fur from becoming tangled, but you should remember that the cat has a habit of licking everything off the fur and the remnants of this chemical will end up in the stomach. We are increasingly convinced that an animal needs a haircut.

How to make a “dragon” out of a cat?

Professional cat groomers know this.

“Life is not the same without a cat” - this phrase is very popular today. Just like the cats themselves. These mustachioed, purring impudents have firmly established themselves in many families, clearly imagining themselves to be the masters of the world. And not without reason: we love them and take care of them, we buy them treats and toys, houses and scratching posts. And, of course, we really want our pets to look attractive. We asked Alina Akmalova, a groomer at the Pervouralsk GROOM salon, about interesting facts related to caring for the hair of cats.

It turns out that cats are very interested in their updated appearance after a haircut, looking in the mirror.

Therefore, it is very important not to laugh at the animal after visiting the groomer, he will already feel uneasy. For the same reason, you shouldn’t turn a trimmed cat into the hero of a home show - don’t invite your friends to show off your pet’s new “hairstyle,” let him get used to his appearance first. Otherwise, the cat's sensitive nature will not be able to stand it - the animal will hide from you, get angry, and maybe get sick.

It turns out that professional groomers can speed up the shedding process.

How often to cut your cat's hair depends on your taste and budget. Some people groom their pets every three months, others come to the salon once a year.

Males and cats shed twice a year, changing their coat from winter to summer, and vice versa. During these periods, balls of hair roll around apartments and carpets, like tumbleweeds in the desert. Cat hair remains on clothes, furniture, and carpets. To avoid this, you can go to the groomer and use the express shedding procedure.

“We speed up the process of natural shedding,” explains Alina Akmalova, “we wash the animal using special cosmetics, using a small compressor, remove already dead hairs, dry and comb the cat. As a result, most of the “unnecessary” hair remains in the salon. It will be extremely difficult to wash, dry and comb a cat at home.

The effect of express shedding lasts up to six months.

It turns out that cats and cats cannot be cut with scissors.

The safest way to cut a cat's hair is with a clipper. Scissors can easily damage the skin of animals, especially in sensitive areas such as the armpits. And in cutting off mats in cats, scissors are not a good helper, because mats in purrs are usually basal, that is, the hairs get tangled close to the skin.

It turns out that people mistakenly believe that they are allergic to cat hair.

According to Alina Akmalova, allergies are caused by a secretion produced by the sebaceous glands of purring pets. If you regularly wash your cat in the salon using special degreasing gels and pastes, allergies can be avoided.

It turns out that many cats do not allow any manipulation with their tail.

The tail is an extremely sensitive place for them, like the stomach, butt, and armpits. Some cats don't even allow their paws to be cut. Cats consider the back to be the most painless place.

It turns out that there are special haircuts for cats.

A professional cat groomer can not only give your pet a clipper haircut, but also a lion or dragon haircut, cut his socks, boots or a tassel on his tail. But experts do not recommend using rhinestones - cats will lick them off.

It turns out that it is better for clipped cats not to walk outside on their own.

Because, having lost sharp claws and part of their fur in the cabin, they become most vulnerable to their aggressive fellow tribesmen.

It turns out that the presence of owners during grooming often makes cats nervous.

Owners are very worried about how their pet will react to washing and grooming, so they are nervous. Cats feel this and get nervous themselves, starting to behave aggressively.

Where to cut a cat's hair?

Many pet owners often wonder where to cut their cat's hair. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in animal salons, where your animal will be treated by a professional groomer. Such masters know the psyche of each cat breed well and will be able to cut a cat’s hairstyle at a price and quality that will only evoke positive emotions in the owner. They can do a hygienic, model or exhibition haircut. Grooming a cat before preparing for an exhibition requires the master to fulfill certain standards that must be met for each breed. Complex haircuts require certain training and a lot of experience from the master.

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Rules for visiting a grooming salon for cats:

- do not feed your pet a few hours before going to the hairdresser

- if you decide that one of the family members must be present during the procedure, determine who the animal considers its real owner, whom it will obey. Let all other household members stay outside the salon walls

- don’t be surprised that first the animal’s claws will be trimmed and a special collar will be put on. Even if your cat is always peaceful, it’s not a fact that, frightened by a hair dryer or clipper, he won’t decide to scratch your or the groomer’s hands

— after the procedure, give your pet a treat, pet it, and tell them how great your cat looks.

Cat grooming in Moscow as an important hygienic procedure

Hygienic grooming of cats in Moscow is performed to care for the animal's fur. It does not require compliance with strict requirements and can take into account any wish of the animal owner. A similar cat haircut is performed at a price in Moscow that is absolutely acceptable, using electric clippers using several types of attachments. Mostly nozzles No. 2 and No. 3 are used, which allows you to leave the wool 2-3mm long.

Grooming a cat in Moscow means taking care of his health. A hygienic haircut is simply necessary for those cats who love to walk in nature. Here there is a danger of acquiring fleas, ticks and a lot of all kinds of thorns. A haircut will help your pet avoid all these troubles. Another of the main advantages of such a service is that during the hot season it does not allow the cat to suffer from the heat and helps to avoid the formation of diaper rash.

Types of cat haircuts

Hygienic haircut

This type of grooming is also called home grooming and is indicated mainly for long-haired breeds of cats: Neva masquerade cats, Norwegians, Somalis, Angoras, and so on.

Often, the procedure is carried out if the fur is very tangled, tangles have appeared that can no longer be combed.

A hygienic haircut is also needed if there are skin diseases from which no one is immune.

Therefore, it may be necessary, for example, to groom Scottish cats. Photos and videos posted on the Internet show how this can be done best.

A hygienic haircut is usually performed with a professional clipper with attachment No. 3 (3 mm long wool remains).

This length of fur does not prick and does not cause itching. The animal's skin becomes plush, velor-like to the touch.

Sometimes, in particularly difficult cases of animal skin disease, there is a need to trim the cat using attachments No. 1 and 2.

Grooming cats is a complex process that requires the owner not only a steady hand, but also patience

When hygienic cutting, hair is left only on the head, paws (to the middle) and at the tip of the tail.

Important! Under no circumstances should the hair be completely removed from the tail. Cats react strangely to their hairless tails and chew them, leaving deep wounds. The shortest uncut length is 1/3 of the tip of the tail.

Model haircuts

Often, the organization of such a haircut is justified by the desire to emphasize the character of the animal or make it more attractive.

Model haircuts are performed with a nozzle on the machine No. 3; thinning and hairdressing scissors and various combs are also used.

The most common type of cat haircut is that of a lion.

Many model haircuts can be performed on the basis of a hygienic one, which will allow you to achieve two goals at once - remove tangles in certain places and create a new image of the cat.

This is exactly what cutting a cat like a lion is like, when the hair is completely cut off from the entire body, leaving it only on the head and the tip of the tail.

Interesting! Just like in the situation with cats, dogs also undergo grooming. Haircuts are done either with scissors or with a special clipper.

The “Puma” haircut is similar to the “Lion” haircut with the difference that the hair is left not only on the head, but also on a small part of the body.

It looks like the kitty is wearing a short furry vest.

Real Puss in Boots

The Dragon cut means that the hair remains on the head, paws, tail and spine.

Now the fur remaining along the back and on the tail is cut into triangles and made into mohawks.

Extravagant dragon haircut

Model haircuts may contain various decorative elements on the back or sides: drawings, letters, geometric figures.

Cat grooming: cost and features of the procedure

After a haircut, the animal does not behave entirely confidently, but it only takes them some time. Cats tend to adapt to any situation and this helps them quickly get used to a new image. Cat grooming, which is moderate in cost, can be done 2-3 times a year. You should not cut your cat's hair during the cold season, because the animal may get sick. Most often, this procedure is carried out in late spring. You should also remember that, as a rule, cats are groomed without anesthesia. During the procedure, it is necessary to leave hair on the paws, head and tip of the tail. They perceive a bare tail in a peculiar way, they can bite it, thereby causing wounds to themselves.

Leo - changing your “wardrobe” for the summer

And the “lion” cat haircut, a photo of which we have collected for you, is known among cat lovers as a summer haircut - in extreme heat it saves shaggy cats sweltering from the heat.

However, “lion” is only one of the options. The modern fashion industry is capable of creating real miracles. But no matter how funny the cat’s haircut like a lion may seem in the photo, do not mock the pet, do not make it the object of constant jokes.

By the way, no matter how funny your pet may seem in a new image, do not mock him or make the animal the object of constant jokes. Cats can take this very painfully and begin to develop complexes, just like we do in a similar situation. Let the change of image be only joyful and beneficial for your health!

Svetlana Mosolova

How much does it cost to cut a cat's hair?

For many pet owners, the key question is often how much it costs to cut a cat's haircut. It is worth knowing that visiting a professional cat salon means spending a decent amount of money. The best way out of the situation is to groom cats inexpensively at home. You can order this service by contacting us by phone.

This will allow you to cut your cat’s hair inexpensively in Moscow, causing him minimal inconvenience. This procedure is comfortable not only for pet owners, who can save their time and money, but also for the cats themselves. While on their territory, they will feel as comfortable as possible and will not experience discomfort.

Don't forget to pamper your beloved pets more often!

Grooming cost

Grooming is a complex of activities that includes not only haircuts. Professional salons offer the following services to pet owners:

  • nail trimming;
  • ear cleaning;
  • eye care;
  • oral cavity treatment.

The cost of grooming depends on what procedures the master performs. The final price is also influenced by the breed of the cat, the complexity of the haircut, the qualifications of the stylist, and the salon’s pricing policy.

Groomer services are common in Moscow, so the price of haircuts here may be cheaper than in the regions. A standard fur trimming for a metropolitan resident will cost 1000-1200 rubles, while in other cities services can cost over 1500 due to the lack of specialists. Creative hairstyles are discussed individually and are more expensive.

Additional services are paid separately. On average, treating tangles and trimming claws will cost another 300-400 rubles.

To cut or not to cut?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Often an animal simply needs a haircut. An important factor here is the breed of cat you keep. Naturally, care for the fur of a short-haired fluffy will be minimal. Many short-haired cats live quietly at home all their lives and never learn what a clipper or scissors are. However, if your cat is long-haired, you won’t be able to do without a haircut.

It is in those cases where cat grooming is a necessity, and not a whim, that it is hygienic in nature. Without proper care, the animal's fur rolls up, becomes tangled, sticks together, and lumps and tangles form. A hygienic haircut is designed to eliminate these moments. In addition, indications for hygienic grooming of cats are some skin diseases, such as dermatitis, hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, the presence of skin parasites and some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Grooming is also prescribed for older cats, because sometimes it becomes difficult for them to care for their fur.

It is necessary to trim a long coat, because an animal that regularly licks itself swallows a lot of hair. Cats have a natural defense mechanism - they regurgitate the fur they swallow, which is not very pleasant at home. However, if there is a lot of it, it can form so-called bezoars in the animal’s stomach, which clog the gastrointestinal tract and cause obstruction. In addition, tangles interfere with blood supply and can cause alopecia or ulcers.

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Ideally, cats should be groomed in a salon. It is very difficult to trim an animal well and not touch its skin anywhere; for this purpose, special knives and animal clippers are used, and not simple office scissors. On the stomach and armpits of a cat, the border between the delicate skin and the fur line is almost invisible to the inexperienced eye, so the risk of injury to the pet is very high. Therefore, to the question: is it possible to groom cats on your own, you cannot answer “yes” unequivocally.

Why do you need to cut your cat's hair?

The main reason why a cat needs a haircut is mats.

They can cause serious harm to the animal's health.

  • Firstly, the matted fur tightens the kitty's skin, causing it pain and discomfort. As a result, the cat may become nervous and not allow itself to be petted.
  • Secondly, in places where tangles form, blood flow and heat exchange are disrupted. Naturally, such conditions are ideal for the proliferation of all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The animal's skin may become very inflamed, itchy and flaky.

The article will tell you what to do if a cat’s hair falls out and bald spots form.

During daily licking, cats eat a lot of their fur, which can harm their digestion. To avoid problems, regular grooming of cats is necessary.

  • Thirdly, a kitty may try so hard to get rid of tangles on her own that she will injure herself. A side effect of such diligence can also be eating a large amount of wool, which becomes a lump in the stomach, causing vomiting or, even worse, clogging the passages in the digestive tract. In the latter case, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian. A cat also eats a lot of fur when shedding. During these periods, it is also recommended to groom your beauty and comb her with a furminator.
  • Fourthly, due to age, the cat may not be able to take good care of its fur. In this case, tangles can appear literally every week, and the old kitty’s coat will look untidy.

Another reason why cats are cut is due to various skin diseases of the animal.

In some cases, a cat's haircut is necessary because its owner is allergic to fur.

We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of hypoallergenic cat breeds in the article

- A haircut? No, I haven't heard

The best hairstyles for cats and cats

Many owners, when thinking about how to cut a cat's hair, are guided by the merits of their pet and thereby try to express its character and emphasize the cat's individuality. Note that haircuts for cats and cats are the same; the owner can focus on gender at his own discretion.

This is the most common hairstyle among cats. Moreover, it can be performed both from a hygienic point of view and as a model option. Grooming a cat “like a lion” assumes that the hair from the entire body will be removed, and only the head, paws and tail brush will remain. Moreover, how much fur remains on the paws and tail depends entirely on the wishes of the owner. Trimming mustaches, hair on the head (with the exception of tangles behind the ears) and in the ears is prohibited!

If you want to do the haircut yourself at home, then you will need at least one assistant; it is difficult to do it yourself. The sequence of your actions will be approximately as follows:

  1. It’s very good if you cut your cat’s claws first so that she can’t hurt you.
  2. Particularly aggressive animals are recommended to be sedated before grooming.
  3. Next, the cat is placed on its side and the fur is alternately trimmed from the sides, back and belly. On the stomach, be careful not to touch the nipples. The optimal length of the fur coat is 3 mm; cutting can be done both in the direction of hair growth and against it. During the procedure, the cat's skin must be stretched so as not to injure the animal.
  4. Leave socks on the paws and a tassel on the tail.
  5. After working with the machine, the fur is trimmed with thinning scissors.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the animal must be washed with water or wiped with a damp towel to remove any remaining fur.
  7. Dry the cat's fur with a hairdryer.

You can see how a cat is cut like a lion at home in the video below.

Haircut "Puma"

This cat haircut is very similar to the “Lion” one, only here the fur remains on the chest; how long it will be and how large the “sheep coat” will be is decided by the owner. The height of the “socks” or “socks” on the paws and the length of the wool from which these socks are made also vary. In addition, groomers offer various tail treatment options for the Puma haircut (in principle, they are also used for the Leo):

  • Brush. The size and shape of the brush again depend on the wishes of the owner.
  • Panicle. It looks like a brush, but is cut in a straight line, thereby creating an external resemblance to a panicle.
  • Squirrel. The tail remains almost completely untouched; only its base is trimmed; it is often used for grooming cats.
  • Christmas tree. The ponytail is cut in steps, in a herringbone pattern; the number of tiers your Christmas tree will have depends on your wishes. It looks beautiful and unusual.

The sequence of actions when cutting a Puma haircut yourself at home is the same as for a Leo haircut, and the whole process can be seen in the video.

This is a rather exotic cat haircut. The basis is basically the same. The head is not cut in any case, the hair on the paws is optional, but the highlight of the “Dragon” style haircut is a kind of mohawk on the back. That is, triangles are cut along the cat’s spine or islands of fur of a different shape are left, as a result the animal becomes like a woolen dragon. Elements of the mohawk can continue all the way to the cat's tail.

To cut a cat's hair like this requires a certain amount of skill, and this haircut can hardly be repeated at home. In addition, it requires patience on the part of the groomer and the cat, so it is better not to use it for temperamental and aggressive animals.

These are the main hairstyle options for your cats, but here it should be noted that there is a fairly wide field for imagination, for example, various patterns are sometimes cut on the trimmed back of a cat. However, we would not advise you to get too carried away. First of all, the animal should be comfortable, and the process of “creating” a unique hairstyle should not be associated with great stress for the furry.

Model fur processing

To create a beautiful hairstyle, a model haircut is used. It is produced using hairdressing and thinning scissors and various combs. Nozzle No. 3 is usually put on the machine.

It is necessary to consider some interesting cat hairstyles that are currently the most popular. Grooming cats requires a great deal of imagination and artistic taste. They can create such a creative image as a lion or a dragon.

We also recommend reading:

For example, how to cut a cat like a lion: the hair is left at the tip of the tail and around the head, creating a lion's mane.

Such model cat haircuts serve both hygiene and image.

Dragon hairstyle:

  1. The fur remains only on the head, paws and tail.
  2. A strip is left along the top of the entire length of the back, along which triangles are then cut, reminiscent of the appearance of dragon teeth.
  3. The tail is decorated with the same triangles. Thus, the cat becomes like a little dragon.

Sometimes different designs are created on the back or sides in the form of letters, circles, triangles, squares, etc. You can do all this yourself, in a beauty salon, or call a specialist to your home.

Before the event, you need to stock up on hydrogen peroxide or iodine. An assistant holds the paws. Start from the back, then moving to the sides. The paws can be trimmed with scissors. Work very carefully on the abdomen and intimate area. If your cat behaves strangely for a few days after the haircut, you should contact your veterinarian.

Why is having a cat groomed by a groomer the only option?

Because trimming a cat yourself is always a risk:

  • — The cat will be nervous, and you are unlikely to be able to calm it down (because you yourself are no less nervous);
  • — Simple office scissors are not suitable for cutting animals, they are too rough. A special tool is required;
  • — In the armpits and on the stomach of a cat, the border between fur and skin (and it is very delicate there) is almost invisible - you need experience to do everything carefully and correctly.

And finally, if you cut your hair yourself, the result can be extremely ambiguous. But an experienced groomer will definitely do it beautifully.

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