Grooming British cats: how to properly carry out the procedure at home

Cat owners can be divided into two categories: those for whom grooming is unacceptable and those who regularly subject their pet to hairdressing procedures. Most often, grooming is recommended for representatives of long-haired breeds in order to rid the animals of tangles. But sometimes even British “plush” cats have to be cut. Let's find out how justified and safe it is to groom short-haired cats and how to do it correctly at home.

When and why to groom cats

Cat owners strive to help them comfortably endure any weather conditions: trim them in the summer so that it is not hot, or dress them in clothes in the winter, protecting them from drafts and cold. If the cat is constantly indoors and does not walk outside, then you can trim it not only in the summer, but also during the heating season. If your pet often walks outside, you need to be careful with the haircut so that the animal without hair does not get sunstroke. Your cat's fur grows slowly, but it should still be trimmed regularly during periods of active shedding to prevent hair from spreading around the house.

Grooming cats and cats, allowing you to realize decorative ideas or radically change their appearance, is a real art. Quite often, decorative haircuts are given to cats that participate in professional exhibitions.

Cats need grooming approximately once every six months. If the cat's owners have sufficient skills, they can trim it themselves, but it is better to entrust this task to professionals. Cats have very delicate skin, which is easily pulled back, so it can easily be injured by carelessness and ignorance when trimming. Grooming a cat in a salon lasts 20-40 minutes. Only a professional groomer guarantees you an excellent result - a beautiful appearance and a great mood for your pet.

Pros after cutting a cat in grooming.

I have been grooming cats for 25 years, and grooming for almost 30 years. So to speak, I was a witness at her birthday. If you didn’t know me until now, then it’s my modesty and desire to work and not to promote myself that was the reason for this, and the fact why we are still not related). I will say one thing with confidence - you know my work. In 2002, I developed and performed my own cascade hairstyle (stripes on the back of cats and spirals on the tail). Then, with the light hand of Ksenia Novikova (the group Blestyashchie) in a TV show, at her suggestion, the cascade acquired the name “little dragon” (she is my client). Then someone extended the name dinosaur and then transferred my idea and hairstyle to a Yorkie and called it “chinchilla”. I'm sure you've seen these hairstyles, and if you've seen them, it means you're familiar with me.

Animal coloring - how did I make it the first in Russia? One man led me to the computer, and I was “plowing” on the road and showed me photoshopped pictures of cats painted by two IT specialists from the USA and asked - can you do that? I said that I couldn’t do this, I’m not an expert in Photoshop and I couldn’t do this live on cats, but I liked the idea of ​​​​changing the image and I decided to find paints for animals, which I did. My childhood friend lives in Japan and I sent my request and search there. And I found the PetEsthe campaign, which, through its representative Hiroshi Nishioka, who came to Moscow to meet with me, began selling products to me, and I sold animal coloring in Russia, and began selling paints to colleagues. This was 2005 - 2007. I won’t say anything about the first shavings and 3D drawings, otherwise I sketched out the fluff, but I also brought this into the domestic type of creativity.

So we have met now. My experience is enormous, my observations and knowledge are material for scientific literature, so I write with confidence about the advantages, because these are long-term observations, and now I will list some advantages of cat haircuts.

  1. No house cleaning.
  2. Cats' fur improves after a haircut. It becomes more rigid, not so much like a wire, but just a little bit. To understand this fact, remember that youthful fuzz is on your mustache and remember the difference after shaving. Well, such a feature has been noticed many times. A cat comes all matted for a haircut, and she has some kind of fluff (remember Yorkies and Spitz dogs when they were puppies, but the cat is an adult without a puppy and after the haircut you look at the next meeting, and there are only one or two mats, and the fur is more vibrant and elastic.
  3. For allergy sufferers, the number of triggers decreases significantly. The fur itself is not an allergen, but the contents on it (saliva, grease) are a factor, and if a sheared cat has zero hair on the floor, then a shedding cat will have the allergen in the form of fur lying all over the house. It's like poplar fluff. It itself is not considered an allergen, but the fact that it collects pollen from birch, ragweed and other allergy-causing plants by “tumbleweed” makes it a strong accumulator of allergies. That's how it is with cats.
  4. In summer, a haircut is a great escape from the stuffiness. I have repeatedly heard words about the same thing - “You know, before the haircut, my pussy didn’t even want to move, it lay on the tiles in the bathroom, it’s cooler, but after the haircut it started playing, became active, like a kitten. Here's another plus for you.
  5. A short-haired cat is of no interest to fleas. The sweetest places have been cut off and you can’t stay there, and there are only bones on the head and paws - you won’t get enough sweet blood - that’s what the fleas said and left the cat.
  6. The same is with ticks - they will not be able to remain unnoticed on the cat’s body during the summer season. The main thing is to visually inspect the cat in time for their presence.

I will describe a case from 20 years ago, but briefly, because you may have already read it on our website. I ask the client. How did you decide to groom your cats? I didn’t decide, life forced me. My cat is sterile and a free bird in the country. I meet him in 57 days, lying on the porch. I pick up your sweat and maggots are crawling out of it. We went to the vet and saved him. But before the operation, they cut the required area, and that’s all, and then the doctor said if you want to cut it completely, then look for advertisements in the newspaper. And they found it. Chain of events - a cat in tangles - summer, heat - they got tired and the cat began to gnaw them out, microtrauma with teeth - a fly flies up to the smell of blood and lays larvae in the body - maggots. It’s good that they noticed it in time, otherwise they would have eaten the cat.

This is just a rough idea, there are many more like this and every owner will tell you about some other plus, but I will limit myself to this small list.

Express - shedding for cats.

Its description is on another page of the site and is carried out by us, without any restrictions and inventing fakes on this topic. Everything is fine, everything is fine, definitely according to the budget it’s a year more expensive than a haircut. It may not suit everyone, but if your wallet allows it, then you’re welcome to come to us for it.

Myths about alopecia.

The widespread rumor about the appearance of alopecia after cutting cats, Spitz and others with clippers is not entirely a myth, but is the result of knowledge about proper work lost over the years of teaching in schools. He is especially loved by haters - this benefits them. Alopecia X is discussed in detail on our YouTube channel “Axiom of Grooming” and Instagram account and there is no sense or resource to go into details on this topic, since this topic is long. Remember one thing - alopecia after haircut is a hormonal imbalance and incorrect procedure for working with animals. For example: you yelled at a Spitz, beat him and now you have alopecia - run away from such masters, and I’ll wrap up my work and wait for your calls on the phone numbers listed on the site. By the way, for information. We were the first in Russia to create a transparent work zone in 2008, and now this know-how is being adopted by everyone, which allows you to watch the manipulations of specialists and not worry about anything.

When can cats be groomed?

People often ask this question. We would like to respond with the experience of thousands of people who have contacted us and many years of experience in our salon. You don't need to look at the season outside the window at all, since cats live for the most part in warm apartments or houses. In the summer, when you are at the dacha, you don’t have to worry about your cat (it’s warm). In winter, being in an apartment, everyone in the house has heating. Many people think that cats are not very smart animals and they walk on their own. Believe our experience - if a cat has done it in such a way that no one expects obedience from her, and the person only serves her by feeding, cleaning the tray, the room, then apparently something is wrong here. Apparently cats are so smart that they subjugate their owners without much difficulty. They are excellent experts in human psychology and easily understand human speech and the subject of conversation (confirmed more than once). And of course, the only issue that they do not understand is the grooming of cats. But knowing all their tricky places, we have been successfully working with them for 30 years all year round. Seasonality does not affect frequency in any way. Therefore, knowing the experience of other people, you now know exactly when to contact us. For 30 years there has not been a single case of a cat dying in the winter. And what’s more, they can easily find a place to stay warm if the heating in the apartment suddenly turns off. It could be the computer processor, it could be under the blanket, and so on. So you don’t have to worry about these topics at all. What you need to worry about the most is when your cat becomes covered in tangles, which can later cause a lot of harm.

Sign up for a cat haircut in Moscow at our salon. We have an individual approach, professional tools and a guarantee of excellent results.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Cat haircut options

There are several standard options for cat haircuts. All of them are divided into two types: hygienic and model. Since many of the model haircuts are pretentious, it is better to start cutting the animal with simpler shapes, gradually moving on to more complex ones. If the goal is purely decorative, it is recommended to start experiments with the tail.

    Tail haircut options:
  • Brush – leaving some fur at the tip of the tail. The size and shape of such a brush may vary.
  • Broom – repeats the “tassel”, only the tip of the tail is cut straight.
  • Herringbone - it turns out when several “brooms” are cut along the entire length of the tail.
  • Squirrel - the effect is created by cutting the fur in a circle at the base of the tail.

A couple of gentle words about character...

It can be argued that the character of British cats is ideal. They are aristocratic, devoid of any aggression, friendly and independent. For those who are often absent from the house, they are an excellent option, since they will not get bored in the absence of the owner. Connoisseurs of peace and comfort will also appreciate the British: they are calm and balanced, and sometimes so much so that they can be associated with a piece of exquisite interior design. It is worth noting that this character trait does not mean that the cat does not need attention. How you raise a kitten will largely determine the character of an adult cat. The British have a fantastic natural intelligence and will not forgive the lack of proper attention on your part. But if you manage to win the trust of a Briton, then it’s hard to wish for a better friend and companion!

Popular model cat haircuts

  • A lion. To give the cat a resemblance to the king of beasts, his back, belly, paws to the “socks” and tail to the tassel are cut short. Quite often, a lion haircut is used as a hygienic haircut.
  • Puma. This haircut differs from the “lion” haircut in that the animal’s chest is not cut. One of the varieties is “sheepskin coat”.
  • The Dragon. The resemblance to this mythical creature is achieved due to the fur left along the line of the back and on the tail. “Steps” are additionally cut from strips of wool on the back and tail.

Types of British cats

One of the varieties of the British Shorthair cat is the Highlander - the British Longhair cat. It was bred as a result of crossing the British with Persian cats, the gene for long hair has been fixed in the breed, and can manifest itself. In Europe, Highlanders are gaining increasing popularity thanks to their silk wool. It is worth noting that especially great attention should be paid to caring for the coat of long-haired British cats. Although the wool practically does not tangle, this does not mean that it does not need care. Cats are very clean and lick themselves, but the fur can get into the stomach and harm the animal. That is why it is necessary to regularly brush the coat of the British. Grooming British cats with long hair is an excellent addition to brushing procedures.

Scottish Folds (Scottish Folds) are also considered blood relatives of the British. Hanging, curled ears are a feature of the exterior of this breed.

How often to cut a cat's hair

Haircut for a Maltese (Maltese) like a puppy

The frequency of haircuts depends on the following circumstances:

  • length of the cat's fur. Representatives of the Persian or Angora breed are cut more often than short-haired “British” ones;
  • care at home. Regular washing and combing of wool minimizes the occurrence of tangles, reducing the frequency of hygienic haircuts;
  • A veterinarian can prescribe an unscheduled haircut, as well as cancel an upcoming one, depending on the cat’s health condition. Treatment of some skin diseases is carried out after cutting the coat. Exacerbation of chronic diseases or poor health of the cat may be a reason to cancel the haircut.

Typically, the hair grows back after shearing within 3-5 months. Long-haired breeds are cut 2-3 times a year. For cats with medium thick fur, it is enough to cut them 1-2 times a year. Doing it too often can cause skin damage that becomes flaky and itchy. In addition, it must be taken into account that, deprived of wool protection, shaved “Britons” become vulnerable to sunlight, drafts and sudden temperature changes in the summer.

Some owners groom their cat during shedding to maintain order and reduce the amount of lost hair in the apartment. In the case of prolonged shedding, when hair loss continues for a long time, grooming your pet is useless. The new fur will also fall out as it grows. Therefore, one should look for the cause of such a pathology, for example, in an unbalanced diet, a reaction to new products or hygiene products, high humidity, illness, or a depressed state of stress.

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