The plant is not only for cats! Learn about the wonderful benefits of catnip

Most cats love the smell of mint and don’t mind tasting it at all. You shouldn’t refuse your pet and hide the fragrant leaves away. Catnip is absolutely harmless and can only cause temporary stool upset.

The effect of the plant on the body is similar to valerian. As a rule, mint leaves are used to correct the behavior of a furry pet. The herb gives off a special spicy aroma that is difficult to confuse with anything else. In ancient times, catnip (as mint was previously called) was used as bait for leopards and panthers. Mint can both excite the animal’s nervous system and calm it down.

What is catnip

This is a perennial herb from the Lamiaceae family, the genus Catnip, the Latin name is Nepeta Cataria. What kind of plant is this, what does it look like? The stem of catnip grows up to 60-100 cm, the leaves are small, triangular in shape. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, white, with a purple tint, arranged in bunches at the top of the stem.

A characteristic feature of this herb is its high content of essential oil (3%), which causes a pronounced aroma. What does catnip smell like? For people, its smell is classic menthol with hints of lemon. The plant is native to the Mediterranean and North Africa and grows throughout most of Europe and North America. It is found mainly in forest clearings, wastelands and slopes. You can purchase dried and crushed leaves to a powder consistency at a pharmacy or pet store.

Storing mint

If you have a lot of catnip, I would recommend storing it in several small airtight containers in the refrigerator to maintain freshness. As needed, you will only need to remove one small bag and let it come to room temperature before giving it to your cat.

Instead of buying all those catnip-filled toys, buy a few furry mice and place them in a container of catnip for a while. When you take the toy out after this “pickling”, it will have a real smell of high-quality, potent catnip.

How does catnip work on cats?

Catnip acts as a tranquilizer on cats. After eating it, the pet becomes playful, affectionate, shows increased activity, sometimes becomes overexcited, and bites. He purrs loudly, rubs against his legs, rolls on the floor, jumps or rushes around the rooms. Some individuals lick and gnaw at the source of the smell. Sometimes the plant has the opposite effect - the cat relaxes, looks at one point, and purrs sluggishly. The effect lasts no longer than 15-20 minutes.

However, catnip does not always have a noticeable effect on the behavior of the animal. Some cats remain indifferent to the scent of lemon balm. About 60-70% of individuals are sensitive to this herb - the rest are either indifferent to it or show little interest - no more than to any other plant with a strong odor.


My favorite way to give catnip to my cats is to put some catnip in a sock, tie it, and give it to the cats, who start jumping, throwing the sock up, and rolling all over the floor. You can also give catnip in bulk. Just sprinkle a little on the floor or on a paper plate and watch your cat do somersaults. To extract essential oil, rub the leaves and flowers between your fingers before scattering them onto the floor. If you already have catnip in your sock, rub the sock to give the plant full effect.

Catnip: how to use it correctly

This herb is used as a mild natural sedative, an antidepressant for an animal that has suffered serious stress, or before an inevitable stressful situation: a trip to the veterinarian, a long trip, etc. Beneficial properties of catnip: the essential oil helps the pet calm down, relaxes, improves digestion, and in small quantities relieves nervous excitement.

The described drug is sold in powder or liquid form (essential oil concentrate). How to use dry catnip? A bag of powder is placed inside the bed to accustom the cat to it, or the animal is allowed to play - during entertainment, he will inhale the smell, which has a milder effect on the psyche than ingestion.

A spray with a concentrate is used to spray a scratching post, toys, or tray brought from the store to attract the pet’s attention. An adult cat is given no more than 4-5 drops of liquid medicine dissolved in a bowl of water - undiluted concentrate irritates the gastrointestinal tract, provokes disorder and inflammation of the delicate mucous membrane. The permissible norm of fresh leaves is 2-3 at a time. The recommended interval between mint use is 4-5 days.

Cat flower grower: Cat palm, or Which indoor plants are harmless to animals

Meow, dear flower growers! Meow, furry residents of apartments where lovely juicy flowers are located on the windowsills!

The hostess brought some kind of bunch of green umbrellas into the house. At first I was wary: was there really going to be a fight for a place again? But I admit, I couldn’t resist the mysterious plant. Cyperus – that’s the name of this tasty little plant. I had no idea that cyperus was so tasty. I gave it to my neighbor's cat and he really liked this herb. So on long winter evenings, sitting on the sofa with a glass... oh, with a cat palm , you can indulge in high thoughts. In addition, this plant is useful: it cleanses the stomach well of hair and all other nasty things. I advise you, flower growers, to grow cyperus specifically for your mustachioed animals. The cat will thank you for this. And if you are hiding a flower from the tenacious paws of a cat: know that we will get it everywhere! But don't worry, Cyperus quickly regains its shape. You can plant some especially for yourself and admire it at work. And I will tell you how to properly care for this unpretentious flower.


Yes, cyperus or “ cat palm ” is unpretentious, but so useful! After all, it was from this that the Egyptians made papyrus. They also wove baskets and made sandals. And they even ate its roots, I’m telling you, it’s a delicious plant! Respect the Egyptians, they were the first to recognize the divine principle in us.

The name of the flower comes from the Egyptian - “gift of the river”, which means cyperus. Gift of the river - because it grew near rivers and in swamps.

cyperus plant comes from the sedge family. Remember the cartoon where little Raccoon went for sedge? It seems to my owner that I am also a bit of a raccoon.

There are up to 600 species of Cyperus. Some of its species can reach a height of as much as 3 meters. By the way, one of the subspecies - cyperus papyrus hadidii is in danger of extinction. This subspecies grows only in Egypt.

Flowering period: April to September, but this depends on the species. True, the flowers are not very attractive; they appear as if from dill umbrellas and are white.


Cyperus does not require a special temperature regime. In room conditions he is happy and healthy at a temperature of +20 degrees. In summer he loves to be outdoors. Just don’t put it to bask in the open sun, partial shade is better. May get burned.

It must be remembered that the “ cat palm ” is a very moisture-loving plant. It is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture. I advise you to purchase a deep tray for a pot with a flower, and add warm water so that the roots of the cyperus always remain moist. Brr, water... The owner washed my paws recently, so I almost went crazy... Well, not about me now. So: if the soil dries out completely, your palm tree may die. And spray it more often and wipe the leaves, because cyperus loves moist air.

You can feed the plant once every 2-3 weeks, in summer and spring. To stimulate growth, remove dried and yellowed parts of the flower.

The plant can be replanted all year round. For replanting, choose a tall pot. Suitable soil is made from leafy and humus soil, peat, sand in the following proportion: 3:1:1:1, and, of course, you need good drainage, which should fill ¼ of the pot.

They are bred with umbrellas: they cut off the top, often shorten the long leaves, and then put them in water. After about a week, roots appear in the internodes.


I also forgot to say about diseases and pests of cat delicacy. Basically, the threat occurs due to insufficient watering and dry air. Thrips, spider mites, whiteflies, scale insects - that's what you need to be wary of. So, you saw an impudent insect eating a cyperus (I’m not talking about your beloved cat, of course). What to do?

You can spray the plant with a special anti-parasite agent. It is sold in flower shops. Or you can make it yourself: make a soap solution and wipe the leaves and stems with it using a sponge. After the procedure, move the flower to a cool place and ensure sufficient soil and air moisture. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Make sure your mustachioed couch potato doesn't get poisoned by chemicals!

I told him everything I learned. If you have any questions, write. I’ll ask the hostess and I’ll share with you. Meow everyone!

Why cats love catnip

Animals love catnip because of the nepetalactone it contains. This substance is similar in effect to the pheromone released with the onset of sexual heat. The plant itself is protected from attacks by parasites such as aphids. Mint can evoke different emotions in an animal: from aggression to euphoria. The first is more common in usually phlegmatic, imperturbable individuals.

After eating the grass, the pet demonstrates arousal similar to sexual stimulation. The calm ones become energetic, even violent; hyperactive ones, on the contrary, are affectionate and calm. In addition to the psychotropic effect, the smell of the plant repels blood-sucking insects, which is why cats love to wallow in mint thickets and rub their faces on the leaves and flowers.

Use of catnip in folk medicine: recipes

To prepare medicine according to prescriptions, catnip is cut and dried in advance. During the flowering period, 15 centimeters of the herbaceous plant are measured from the top down the stem, after which it is cut and dried in a dark room in a draft. The plant is placed in paper packaging, where it is stored until the date of sale.

When the plant reaches two years of harvesting, it accumulates beneficial properties and acts more efficiently.

difference between catnip leaves and leaves of other plants

  1. For the effective treatment of gastritis and stomach cramps, catnip can be used in the course of treatment . To do this, you need to brew 1 teaspoon of catnip herb per 200 gram glass. The drink is infused for several hours and then filtered. The finished product is used before each meal, one teaspoon. After preparation, the tea leaves can be used in the treatment of skin diseases.
  2. To eliminate insomnia, a recipe is prepared from mint, hops and catnip. All ingredients are poured into a container in equal portions and mixed, after which the mass is placed in a thermos and filled with half a liter of water. The drink is infused for no more than one hour, then filtered. The finished drink is drunk in the evening after dinner in an amount of up to 100 milliliters.
  3. For infectious diseases such as sore throat or a hard throat , it is necessary to brew a drink of 3-4 teaspoons of catnip herb in a 200-milliliter container; the medicine is adjusted for no more than 30 minutes, after which it is filtered. The remaining tea leaves are then squeezed into the same container. You should gargle with the prepared drink 3 times a day.

in the photograph you can distinguish catnip from other plants

Is catnip harmful to cats?

Unlike valerian, catnip is not a drug for cats. It does not cause addiction or “hangover”, its effect on the psyche is much gentler and safer. Veterinarians do not name direct indications for the use of the product, leaving it at the discretion of the owner. According to veterinarians, mint cannot be called harmful if you follow the permissible dosage and limit yourself to a few drops and aromatic bags. The only direct contraindication concerns pregnant women - the medicine increases blood flow. Use caution when giving the product to particularly excitable animals - it can produce an unpredictable effect on individuals with a sharp temperament.

Why do cats need mint?

Catnip is needed primarily for cats to relieve anxiety. It can also serve as an excellent training tool.

Using herb or spray you can achieve the following:

  • Get used to the scratching post. You can attach the mint to the dog yourself, which will significantly increase the cat’s interest. Many manufacturers sell scratching posts already with catnip under the upholstery.
  • “Make” the carrier not so “dangerous” for the cat. And a new sleeping place or bed is more attractive.
  • Enrich your cat's leisure time if you buy toys with catnip or make them yourself. This is especially valuable if the animal is overweight or remains at home without its owner for a long time. Mice with mint will increase your pet's activity and help realize the natural instincts of a hunter.
  • Help you relax in stressful situations (moving to a new house, traveling by car, visiting the veterinarian), socialize when sharing with other animals.

Catnip for kittens

Unlike sexually mature individuals, kittens are practically indifferent to the smell and taste of catnip. For pets under 8-9 months of age, this plant is of no interest. The fact is that the immature organism is not yet familiar with the sex pheromone, the smell of which is imitated by essential oils of mint, does not distinguish and does not react to it. At the same time, catnip is absolutely harmless, even useful for the growing kitten’s body. 2-3 drops are added to the drink monthly - the product improves digestion, contains antihelminthic microelements, and improves sleep.

Is it harmful to cats?

To teach your cat commands, you can use catnip leaves as a reward treat. Training takes place 2-3 times faster.

Having eaten too much grass, the animal will begin to roll on the ground.
Excessive consumption of the plant can cause the animal to meow loudly, convulsively move its paws, jump in place and roll on the ground. The Peppermint Cat often also hallucinates and experiences a feeling of euphoria. However, according to veterinarians, the symptoms do not pose a threat to the life and health of the animal. Veterinarians prohibit giving mint to pregnant cats, since excessive stimulation can have negative consequences for babies in the womb. There is a risk of premature birth. Mint is also harmful for cats, which react very sharply to odorous aroma - an outburst of emotions will deplete the central nervous system. With frequent use, sensitive pets will develop neurosis. The plant will not harm kittens and cats, but if the pet does not like catnip, then it should not be forcibly introduced into the diet.

Veterinarian advice

Since pheromones, sprayed at the right time and in the right place, significantly improve the cat’s emotional status and are able to correct the animal’s unacceptable behavior, veterinarians advise trying the effects of catnip to resolve problematic situations. One should not expect unequivocally positive results from the influence of catnip, since its effect is individual in nature. And, of course, for visits to veterinarians to minimize the stress of the animal, veterinarians can also recommend this remedy!

Flehmen is the name given to a cat's grimace when it perceives pheromones. Characterized by an open mouth, raised upper lip and tongue mobility

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