Ways to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the sofa

11/18/201609/20/2020 Maria Ivanova

It is no secret that domestic cats are very clean animals and know where the owners have organized a toilet for them. It is there that they relieve their natural needs. But sometimes accidents happen, and a pet can mark the carpet or upholstered furniture. Cat urine has an extremely unpleasant odor, so work to remove it and eliminate the odor must begin immediately.

Why is it important to try to remove a stain from the couch immediately after your cat marks it? If you don’t catch it in time, the animal will relieve itself again in this place. In addition, the ingrained smell of urine is quite difficult to remove, and not everyone succeeds the first time. And it’s not at all difficult to get rid of the smell of urine by immediately getting down to business.

Reasons for cat behavior and odor

The sooner you understand why your cat marks furniture, the sooner you can solve this problem.

To solve your cat behavior problem once and for all, you need to find out why your beloved pet wasn't using his litter box. By finding out the animal's motive for such an action, you will prevent repeated damage to the furniture. The main reasons for the behavior of a four-legged friend include:

  • Dirty tray. If you rarely clean your cat's litter box, your pet may deliberately avoid using it. There are times when a cat relieves itself in a dirty tray, urine remains on its paws, which it then spreads throughout the apartment.
  • The tailed one has recently settled in your house and has not found its bearings. Show the cat the place where he needs to go.
  • The pet is still small and does not know how to use the cat litter box.
  • The pet is sick. He may have, for example, a urinary tract infection or another illness. If the cat experiences pain when going to the toilet, then the litter box will be associated with unpleasant sensations. In this case, you need to take him to the veterinarian.
  • The favorite has entered old age. His body became weak.
  • Furry friend doesn't like litter. Perhaps the granules are crunchy or too large.
  • The cat marks his territory. This is natural animal behavior. If several cats live in an apartment, then the main pet will mark.
  • The animal does not use the tray due to lack of attention from the owner or from resentment.

If you find out why your cat avoids his toilet, you can avoid the reappearance of marks and an unpleasant “odor” in your apartment.

Why don't cats go to the litter box?

Here are some reasons for not using a private toilet:

  1. The pet is sick.
  2. The tray is small or hardly larger than the animal itself.
  3. The cat litter box is not located in a secluded place and is constantly wet.
  4. The pet is worried and stressed due to changes in the environment.
  5. Unspayed and unneutered male cats often mark their territory.

Take the following steps:

  1. Take your cat to a veterinary clinic and follow the doctor's instructions.
  2. Buy a large tray. Keep it clean and dry. The toilet should not be in the center of public view, but in a place where no one will watch the cat.
  3. Find out the cause of your pet's anxiety. Moving to a new place? Lack of usual things in the house? Frequent appearance of strangers?
  4. Spay or neuter the animal.

Why is the smell of cat urine persistent?

Cat urine, like the urine of other animals, is persistent and cannot be washed off with plain water.

Animal urine has a persistent unpleasant odor. This is due to the composition of the liquid. It includes: urochrome (a coloring matter), urea (makes urine sticky), uric acid (a substance with an unpleasant odor).

After the acid decomposes, chemical elements with a persistent odor are formed. If liquid gets on the cat’s mark, the “aroma” becomes even more pronounced. Acid does not dissolve in water. Simple cleaning will not help solve the problem of removing the odor, so you need to know in advance how you can clean the sofa from cat urine.

Professional products

There are various professional products on sale that can quickly remove cat urine stains from the sofa, as well as completely eliminate the unpleasant odor. If there is an animal in the house, then it is better to purchase a cleaner in advance, because even the smartest and cleanest pet can unexpectedly mark the sofa or bed. The sooner the contamination is treated, the faster and easier it will be eliminated. It is recommended to choose products without ammonia and containing enzymes or bacteria. They cause the destruction of uric salt crystals and eliminate the unpleasant “aroma”.

Cleaning a sofa from cat urine at home is carried out using effective and efficient professional products:

  1. OdorGone. This is a natural cleaner that has a hypoallergenic and safe composition. It is based on plant elements. The product has bactericidal properties and can quickly eliminate stubborn odors.
  2. Odorkill. Completely removes the unpleasant smell of cat urine. Has a vanilla aroma.
  3. Dezosan. Zoo Clean eliminates odors at the molecular level and is safe for pets and their owners.
  4. Zoosan. The cleaner is a safe product. Causes complete neutralization of the fetid odor of urine.
  5. Urine-off-Cat& Kitten. The cleanser is completely safe for the health of cats and people. It contains enzymes and bacteria that block the unpleasant “aroma” of urea.

To understand how to remove the smell of cat urine from sofas and other furniture with purchased products, you should read the instructions on the package. When used correctly, many of them remove stains.


Urine-off-Cat& Kitten




Ways to remove odors from upholstered furniture

A sofa marked by a cat will not stop smelling unpleasantly after you try using deodorant or coffee. The pungent “aroma” will continue to periodically remind you of your pet’s mischief. Fragrances, essential oils, and water without detergents are also ineffective (it can cause the stain to increase). There are several products that help remove odor:

  • vinegar;
  • lemon;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • soda;
  • potassium permanganate solution (only dark furniture can be treated);
  • alcohol products (vodka or camphor alcohol);
  • iodine-based solution (for dark furniture).

In addition, there are various professional products that can be used to remove odor. When choosing them, you need to look at the composition, which should contain antibacterial components.

We advise you to sometimes sprinkle citrus juice on your cat's favorite area of ​​furniture. The aroma of lemon and orange will scare away your four-legged friend and help keep your furniture stain-free.

Traditional methods

Using citric acid to clean your sofa, you can remove the pungent odor.

There are traditional methods for removing the smell of an animal mark and cleaning the stain. Using home remedies, you can prepare the substance yourself and take quick action. Such cleaning does not require large expenses.

Citric acid and iodine

You can remove the smell of cat urine on the sofa by using citric acid along with iodine. These substances have an oxidizing effect and affect the breakdown of urea elements. To treat the stain follow these steps:

  1. pour citric acid into water;
  2. add two drops of iodine;
  3. wet the sponge with liquid and wipe away the dirt.

If the stain is old, repeat the procedure after 20 minutes.

You can also clean your sofa using a simple iodine-based solution. Prepare it based on the ratio: 10 drops / 1 liter of water. Treat the stain and dry the area with a hairdryer. This method is only suitable for dark furniture.

Vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, soda

If there are no professional products at home, use vinegar

A vinegar solution is considered one of the effective means for removing stains on a sofa. Dilute vinegar with water in proportions 1:3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray over the problem area. After this, wait for the cleaning solution to react and dissolve the urine. Use a damp sponge to remove any remaining dirt. After these steps, leave the baking soda on the wet area. Wait until the furniture is dry and shake off any remaining powder.

To get rid of a new stain, you can try using baking soda alone. Due to its antimicrobial and absorbent properties, the substance copes well with fresh traces of cat fluid. Sprinkle the stained area with powder and leave for 25 minutes. Afterwards, vacuum the wet area and wipe with a damp cloth.

To remove dried urine, baking soda must be applied in another way:

  1. add a little warm water to the soda (to a paste-like consistency);
  2. rub the mixture into the fabric with a brush;
  3. wait until the area dries;
  4. remove any remaining paste and wipe the sofa with a soapy rag.

Baking soda is one of the popular stain removers.
In addition, to get rid of urine on light-colored furniture, you can try using hydrogen peroxide. Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings. Pour 3 teaspoons of peroxide into the resulting mass and stir. Spread the paste over the stain and wait until it dries. After this, remove any remaining substance from the surface and wipe with a damp sponge.

There is a second method using peroxide. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and rub the substance in. Mix water and peroxide in equal quantities. Pour the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the upholstery with liquid and wait until it dries. Vacuum any remaining baking soda.

Soap solution

When cleaning, it is better to use laundry soap

Another cleaning method is to use a soap solution. In this option, you need to use brown laundry soap.

Take half or the entire block (depending on the degree of contamination) and grind it using a grater. Gradually add water and stir until a viscous substance is formed. Then apply the solution to the upholstery, blot with toilet paper, napkins or damp rags. This method is suitable for washing dark furniture.

You can also use glycerin soap. It must be thoroughly rubbed into the dirty surface, rubbed with a brush and rinsed with water. After this, you need to wait until the area dries. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Glycerin works well with urea.

Medical alcohol

Plain rubbing alcohol can remove urea and bacteria. It can be bought at a pharmacy. To get rid of the smell, first clean the stain with soapy water. When the furniture is dry, saturate the desired area with alcohol. In order to completely neutralize the “aroma”, repeat the steps 2-3 times. After such treatment, there is no need to additionally wash the upholstery with soap and water, because the alcohol disappears on its own.

How to remove the smell of urine on the sofa from an adult?

Such marks often remain on the surface of the sofa if seriously ill or elderly people live in the apartment. Moreover, even such a problem can be dealt with on your own.

First of all, it is necessary to disinfect the surface of the sofa. We will look at the most effective disinfectants.

Table No. 1. Popular disinfectants

Remedy, illustrationDescription
Bleach (0.5%)This is an effective remedy that is sold in the form of a white powder. The only downside is that lime eats away the delicate upholstery of the sofa. Therefore, this cleaning method is not suitable in all cases and you need to mix bleach with water in a very small amount.
AbacterilThis is a modern disinfectant that must first be diluted with water in the required concentration. Its main advantage is that it does not discolor the fabric, while effectively destroying bacteria.
Maxi-deathThis product is suitable for treating surfaces to remove traces of urine from seriously ill patients. After disinfection, the sofa will need to be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

Important! Preliminary disinfection is extremely important in the presence of infectious diseases in a seriously ill person. In some cases, such procedures are performed multiple times (for greater efficiency).

Vinegar: step by step instructions

This is a very effective remedy for combating various unpleasant odors, but after using it you will need to ventilate the room, because vinegar itself also has a specific aroma.

Step 1. You need to add a few tablespoons of vinegar to one glass of clean water. Of course, it is also possible to use a concentrated solution, but after such treatment it will take too long to ventilate the room, so it is better to immediately dilute it in liquid.

Mix water and vinegar

Step 2. Next, as in previous cases, apply this solution to the surface of the upholstery using a sprayer. You can then wipe the stain with a damp cloth.

Apply the solution to the stain

Important point! If you are sure that urine has not penetrated into the deep layers of the upholstery, then you can apply vinegar, put a napkin on top and press down with a weight. In another case, it is necessary to fill the trace with a large amount of acid and leave it in this form until it dries completely.

When treating upholstery with vinegar, it would also be a good idea to test in an inconspicuous area, because the acid corrodes some fabrics.

Vodka: step by step instructions

This alcoholic drink is known for dealing with a large number of dirt and stains (including on upholstered furniture), disinfecting, and also eliminating pungent odors. The main thing is not to spare such a means, because in the process of work a considerable amount will be required. Otherwise, the advantage of vodka is that after the procedure there is no specific smell left.

Step 1. You need to take a light cotton fabric so that it does not stain the upholstery. Then this rag should be moistened generously with vodka.

Cotton fabric

Step 2. Next, you need to apply a wet rag to the surface with the urine stain and leave for 2-4 hours. Once the alcohol evaporates, the pungent odor will disappear.

Apply the solution to the entire surface of the stain

It is important to consider that the surface should not be exposed to the sun's rays during processing. It’s better to even turn off the lights in the room.

Ammonia: step-by-step instructions

This simple method allows you to cope not only with the smell of adult urine, but also with any old contaminants.

Step 1. It is necessary to mix ammonia and vodka in equal proportions in one container.

Mix ammonia and vodka

Step 2. Next, you will need to wet a rag in this solution and then place it on the surface of the sofa. It is better to leave it on the sofa for 10-15 minutes so that the solution is saturated.

It is necessary to moisten a rag in the resulting solution

Step 3. This stain should then be washed with clean water.

Washing the stain

Step 4. Finally, the sofa will need to be carefully ironed through gauze (if the upholstery is fabric).

Iron thoroughly

Fresh and old marks - features of cleansing

A new stain is easier to remove than an old one

The most effective way to clean a sofa is to remove a fresh mark. You can remove the smell that has not become firmly ingrained into the sofa using soap, soda, citric acid, and hydrogen peroxide. Old pollution is more difficult to deal with. In this case, it is necessary to use several methods simultaneously. For example, you can use a professional anti-pollution and odor eliminator.

Alternatively, you can try to get rid of the old mark using regular home remedies. Wet the stain with acetic acid and add baking soda. Then treat the surface with a solution of water, hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap. Rinse everything off with water after 3 hours. Apply to the stain: vodka, washing powder, furniture detergent, ammonia. Remove the applied mixture after an hour.

Errors when cleaning

To remove odors, never use chlorine-containing products or substances with ammonia - they will aggravate the problem and damage the upholstery. Although chlorine has a strong odor, it does not deter cats and they return to the previously marked area.

Eau de toilette and air freshener will not get rid of the unpleasant “aroma,” but will only temporarily mask it. We do not recommend using fragrances, because they will not cope with the problem - the smell will definitely appear after some time.

If nothing helps?

Have you tried all the options, but the stain remains in place? Contact the professionals

If you have tried many times to get rid of the smell of the tag, but nothing has worked, then try replacing the sofa filling. To do this, open the seam closest to the stain and remove the old contents of the furniture. Wash the upholstery (all or part of it). Buy new litter and place it inside.

You can go to the forums and write to experienced cat owners. Perhaps they will share their experience and recommend a new effective remedy. As a last resort, go to a dry cleaner. Specialists will carry out “water cleaning” with a water vacuum cleaner. It sucks up dirt and treats the fabric with detergents.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Home Remedies for Tags

When treating upholstered furniture with unfamiliar products, you must be careful. The prepared composition may have a negative effect on the fabric. It is dangerous to overdo it with suede. If you intensively rub the surface using different compounds, you can ruin the color and structure of the fabric.

A leather sofa has a smooth surface and is easier to clean, but it doesn’t hurt to check the effects of the products on inconspicuous areas. There is a risk of discoloration at the treatment site.

If you have doubts about the choice of products, you can contact a dry cleaner; specialists know how to handle materials of different structures.

Home remedies are convenient because they are always at hand, so you can quickly take action. The compositions do not require any costs. They can be easily prepared.

Useful tips and prevention

Don't scare your furry friend by swearing, and he'll quickly wean himself off the bad habit.

To prevent your pet from acting up, provide him with a comfortable place to use as a toilet. Change the litter in the tray more often (once every 2 days). You need to clean up after your cat immediately. If you notice that the cat is about to relieve itself on the sofa, immediately take it to the necessary place for this. Observe the animal's behavior. In cases where your pet marks the sofa in front of you, immediately take measures to destroy the stain so that an unpleasant odor does not settle in the apartment.

Try to find out the reasons for the animal's behavior. Take your pet to the vet. Perhaps he is sick. Also, consult a professional regarding spaying or neutering. Don't shout or punish your four-legged friend. He may get scared and will mark furniture when no one is looking. Be patient with your pet.

Preventive measures

To prevent your cat from pretending to be a skunk, try to never spray your cat in the wrong place.

  1. Change the filler more often . I clean each cat litter box 2 times a day (our cats have litter boxes with bars and do without litter). Sometimes and more often if the pot is “mined”.
  2. Choose a litter that your cat likes. Try mixing a handful of sand into it - the smell of earth attracts the cat irresistibly.
  3. Castration . Our cat underwent surgery 3 years ago, and now I recommend it to all cat owners. Firstly, the cat does not mark anything, although before this he led a quite active sex life. Secondly, the animal became calmer. No, no, it will meow. But it doesn’t come to concerts. By the way, the “bells” remained, but they were made smaller. A cat simply cannot become a dad. Which is very appropriate (one of our cats is still not sterile). So love the cat turns. But without consequences. Ideally, a kitten is castrated at the age of 6-7 months, before he becomes concerned about gender issues. We were lucky, and castration reined in a fully accomplished man.
  4. Small pot? Our cat is big and impressive. In order not to test his patience, I purchased a plastic tray the size of one and a half standard cat litter boxes. And to prevent the paws from getting wet, I put a plastic mesh on the bottom for washing.
  5. When you get home, wipe the soles of your shoes with a solution of chloramine (1-2 tablespoons of powder per liter of water). Cats are more willing to mark things that have a new, unfamiliar scent attached to them. Especially of physiological origin (another cat or dog rubbed up against you, you entered into something “natural”, etc.). The same thing, but with undiluted Formidron.
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