13 effective ways to remove the smell of cat urine from a mattress at home

A special veterinary product (odor absorber) or vinegar will help get rid of the smell (lemon juice has similar properties, but it cannot be used concentrated, so you need to mix it with water in equal proportions in advance). They need to saturate the stain on the surface of the mattress, then sprinkle it with a large amount of soda and leave the product in this form for 8 hours. After this time, remove the product and vacuum the mattress itself.

Laundry soap will also help eliminate the smell. They need to rub the stain, previously moistened. After this, add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. l. vinegar, moisten a cloth in this liquid and wipe the stain with it, rinsing off the soap. Now use a clean damp cloth to wash the mattress again and dry it first with a paper towel and then with an iron through the cloth. This method also shows high effectiveness in the case of old unpleasant odors.

Differences in materials

Before you begin removing stains and odors, you should find out the characteristics of the mattresses.

Depending on the materials used, the cleaning method is also selected.

  1. Spring blocks. It is strictly forbidden to wet such mattresses excessively. Excessive moisture can lead to spring deformation and rust. Coconut fillers. They can be slightly moistened, cleaned with a medium-soft brush and wiped with a damp sponge.
  2. Polyurethane foam fillers. It is also not recommended to heavily moisten such mattresses. Optimally - dry cleaning. Cotton mattresses. These mattresses are not afraid of water, but it is quite difficult to dry it.

Cleaning upholstered furniture from cat urine with special products

You can select a product to remove the smell of cat urine immediately after a stain appears on upholstered furniture. While the owners are in the pet store, it is worth closing the premises. Otherwise, the animal may repeatedly describe the furniture, which will worsen the situation. Before you go for the product, you need to quickly remove any absorbed cat urine from the upholstery. To do this you should:

  • blot the stain (with toilet paper, table napkins);
  • pour baking soda and cat litter onto the stain (only fine sand will not work);
  • get rid of any remaining paper or filler using a vacuum cleaner (you can accidentally rub them into the coating by hand).

The procedure discussed above must also be carried out before subsequent treatment of the fabric with household mixtures. When choosing a store-bought product, it is recommended to give preference to plant-based absorbents. They will not damage the upholstery of the sofa, and will help completely remove the cat odor, and not mask it. Absorbers Duftapet and VC Closet have proven themselves well among cat breeders. But before using the products, you need to carefully study the information on how to use them to get rid of unpleasant odors. It is necessary to treat the surface of the sofa according to the following scheme:

  1. Spray the liquid onto the stain and the area around it.
  2. Cover the treated area with film.
  3. After half an hour, remove the film.
  4. Repeat the procedure after 1-2 hours (if necessary).

Do not rub the stain with soap, powder, or bleach before using special absorbers. In this case, cat urine will penetrate deep into the fibers of the litter, and it will no longer be possible to remove odors. Removing stains is permissible only when cleaning rugs, carpets, clothes, and removable insoles in shoes (for example, leather boots).

Fighting fresh stains and odors

The main problem is that even if a stain can be removed immediately after it appears, liquid that gets inside the mattress is much more difficult to remove.

If the spots have just appeared, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Initially, use a dry cloth to blot the moisture from the stain several times. Then use a dry sponge to remove the remaining moisture. At the initial stage, the most important thing is to remove all possible liquid.
  2. Soak a sponge in water and leave it moderately damp, wipe the stain. This is done in order to “dilute” the urine. You can add a little alcohol or vinegar to the water. The alcohol and acid will help destroy bacteria in the urine that contributes to the odor.
  3. Dry the stain well. It is advisable to do this in the fresh air. If drying in the sun is not possible, you can resort to using heating devices, a hairdryer or a fan.

If you follow the sequence, the problem of unpleasant odor will not arise. Additionally, if there is a fresh urine stain on your mattress, baby laundry detergent is a good remedy. You should take powder without colored inclusions. A small handful of powder should be applied to the stain and rubbed thoroughly with a dry sponge. Residues are removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Basic recommendations

If a kitten lives in the house, then puddles that appear in the most unexpected places are almost impossible to avoid. As part of litter box training, you can use litter baits and repellent sprays; the latter should be sprayed under upholstered furniture, in corners - places that the kitten can use as a toilet. If we are talking about an old animal that, due to age, cannot control the process of urination, then hygienic diapers and absorbent diapers will come to the rescue. Please note that a cat that relieves itself on beds and in corners should be taken to the veterinarian. The fact is that such behavior may indicate the presence of an acquired or chronic disease (kidney stones, urethral infection, etc.).

However, if puddles and stains have already appeared, then you need to get rid of them urgently. At home, you cannot remove dust mites, but you can easily remove yellow spots and unpleasant odors. When you find a puddle, proceed as follows:

Please note that you can prepare a paste from peroxide and soda, which should be applied to the stain using a soft toothbrush or brush. After 10-15 minutes, the product can be vacuumed. You cannot combine hydrogen peroxide and vinegar, because during the reaction peracetic acid is released, which poses a threat to human health.

What to do if the stain has already dried

It happens that the contamination has time to dry. In this case, it is more difficult to deal with the smell, but there is still a way out.

  1. Initially, you should moisten the stain. Under no circumstances should large quantities of water be used. You just need to slightly reduce the concentration of urine and moisten the dried contamination.
  2. To eliminate unpleasant odors, it is recommended to use table vinegar. It helps neutralize uric acid. In order not to apply excess moisture, it is better to use a spray bottle. After applying the vinegar solution (diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3), place paper napkins on the damp area. Change wipes as they become wet. If the treatment was carried out using a sponge, baking soda will help remove excess moisture. It neutralizes the smell of vinegar solution. Sprinkle baking soda on the stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove the remains with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Another way to eliminate stains and unpleasant odors is hydrogen peroxide. The dirt is slightly moistened with water, baking soda is applied and treated with a peroxide solution with a sponge or spray bottle.
  4. To prepare the solution, 100 g of peroxide is dissolved in 200 ml of water. Soda with peroxide will give a chemical reaction, as a result of which abundant foam appears. When baking soda and peroxide interact, oxygen is released abundantly, which discolors stains. And peroxide destroys bacteria contained in urine. Leave the foam on the problem area for at least 2 hours. Remains of soda are removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  5. Borax cleanses dirt from urine perfectly. To cleanse, you need to mix borax with water and bring it to a creamy state. Apply the prepared mixture to the contaminated area, rubbing lightly. Leave for at least 10 minutes. Remains of the product are removed with a napkin or vacuum cleaner. This product works well in the fight against unpleasant odors.
  6. If the methods described above do not help, then you can use an ammonia solution. Mix 0.5 cups of hydrogen peroxide, 0.5 cups of ammonia and 2 cups of warm water in a container.
  7. Use a sponge soaked in the solution to treat the area of ​​contamination. After treatment, the area should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and blotted with napkins or a dry cloth. This procedure must be carried out with rubber gloves. If none of the above methods remove stains or urine odor, professional dry cleaning is your last option.

Thanks to specialized products and equipment, cleaning components penetrate the inner layers of the mattress and destroy dirt. Most often, dry cleaning is carried out at home, and you can use the mattress after 5-10 hours. As a rule, if a professional works, he will treat the entire mattress, and not just the stained area, so that there will be no color differences on the upholstery in the future.

Dry cleaning to remove old stains

Professional dry cleaning is able to penetrate deep into the mattress, which allows you to wash it from the inside. In this case, you will get rid of the annoying smell, the cause of which was difficult to get to on your own.

At your request, dry cleaning can be carried out at home using the extractor method. Specialists will use potent and “aggressive” agents. Dry cleaning is carried out in several stages:

After dry cleaning, the mattress will dry for about 5-9 hours. You can purchase special fragrances that will serve as a preventive measure to remove odor.

Note! Regardless of the size of the stain, the entire surface of the mattress will be treated. This is necessary so that after the cleaning process there are no differences in color on the product.

How to remove a fresh urine stain?

You can remove a urine stain from a mattress without a trace if you immediately remove the liquid that appears. If you just find a puddle, you need to immediately cover it with something so that it is absorbed. Can be used for this purpose:

  • any rags or terry towel;
  • paper napkins;
  • baby diaper;
  • silica gel, which is used for cat litter.

In order for the liquid to be truly absorbed completely, a cloth, napkins or diaper must be placed on top, pressed with something and left for about 15 minutes. In this case, you can dry the mattress from urine so that no marks or streaks remain. You can also remove the smell of urine from the mattress, if you use vinegar or soda, which neutralizes uric acid.

Don't forget that you need to act as quickly as possible. So, table vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and sprayed onto the surface. It is advisable to avoid wet spots, so use a fine spray bottle. Baking soda does not need to be dissolved in water: just sprinkle a thin layer on top of the stain and wait a little.

It is important to understand that you need to act immediately in order to facilitate the process and increase its efficiency. There is a certain option for removing such a stain, consisting of several stages:

There is a certain option for removing such a stain, consisting of several stages:

  1. Removing the cover and washing it. Then remove the puddle from the mattress with dry wipes by soaking without pressing on the area.
  2. Eliminate odor by spraying a solution of vinegar and water onto the product to help neutralize uric acid.
  3. Remove remaining moisture using baking soda. It needs to be sprinkled onto the stain itself.
  4. Applying a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to the area on top of the baking soda. A persistent thick foam is formed, which must be left for two hours; it helps to discolor the stain.
  5. Next, you will need to blot it with a dry cloth and vacuum the area to collect the soda. The mattress should be placed in a well-ventilated area for 10 hours to dry and ventilate.

It is better to use a harmless method - cleansing using citric acid. To do this, a solution is made - a glass of water is mixed with a teaspoon of acid, it helps to corrode and discolor the stain. Before using this method, it is advisable to test the effect of the composition on the mattress material on a small area. If pilling appears or the fabric is severely corroded to the point of a hole, it is better to seek help from a dry cleaner.

Fresh urine stains are easier to remove from a mattress than old ones. Therefore, you need to start the procedure immediately.


  1. If the product has a cover, remove it and put it in the washing machine.
  2. Use a dry cloth that absorbs moisture well to collect the puddle. Blot the fabric with paper napkins. Do not rub or press on the stain so that the liquid does not seep deeper into the fabric.
  3. You can neutralize uric acid using table vinegar. It helps get rid of persistent odors. Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, poured into a spray bottle and distributed evenly over the stain. Excess moisture is removed with napkins.
  4. Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on top of the stain. It is left on the surface of the product for 15 minutes. By reacting with vinegar, baking soda will effectively clean the mattress and absorb odors.
  5. After 2 hours, the mattress is vacuumed.

It is not recommended to make the bed immediately; it needs to be ventilated. If possible, take the mattress out into the fresh air for 10-12 hours. This will get rid of all foreign odors.

If animal urine gets on the mattress, then additionally use hydrogen peroxide.

Use a diluted antiseptic (100 ml of peroxide is required for 200 ml of water). It is applied to the stain after vinegar and soda, the solution is sprayed with a spray bottle or distributed with a soft sponge.

Do not use

Before buying household products, you need to know their properties and negative consequences.
For example, when cleaning furniture from cat urine stains, it is prohibited to use chlorine-containing preparations. When chlorine evaporates, it releases toxic substances that are hazardous to human health.

Attention! In addition to chlorine, avoid using perfume, cologne, dry coffee and food flavorings. All these products are aimed at concentrating the unpleasant odor, giving it new shades.

Have you ever removed the smell of cat urine from a mattress?
Not really

Simple Tools and Methods


First of all, blot (without rubbing) the area with what you have at hand: a paper napkin, a clean rag, a dry sponge. You can use any absorbent (table salt, baking soda, fresh cat litter): thoroughly cover the dirt with the substance, and as soon as the liquid is completely absorbed, remove the granules with a vacuum cleaner or brush.


Removing a urine stain from clothing is the easiest way to remove it, especially if it is very fresh. Wash items as usual, rinse thoroughly and dry. If necessary, you can add fabric softener, as well as a stain remover suitable for the type of fabric.

Before washing, soak white sheets for an hour in a solution of citric acid (1 part crystalline powder to 10 parts cool water), colored linen - in water with the addition of 9% table vinegar (5:1 ratio).

Laundry soap

Will allow you to get rid of fresh dirt on upholstered furniture, mattresses, and carpets. Lather the foam sponge well, apply foam to the stain, and leave for 20 minutes. Remove any remaining soap with a damp cloth and dry the surface thoroughly (a regular hair dryer is best for this).

Ammonia and medical alcohol (vodka), borax in powder form

Treat the urine stain with the composition from the edges to the center, leave for an hour, then iron the surface through a clean cloth or dry with a hairdryer.

Potassium permangantsovka

Suitable for any dark materials. Cover the stain with a piece of rag soaked in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, leave for an hour, and dry. Use iodine in a similar way (take 15 drops per liter of water).

Lemon juice

Will save the light upholstery of the sofa. Pour the juice squeezed from one lemon into a spray bottle. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to the contaminated area and repeat after half an hour. After another half hour, remove the remaining juice with a cotton pad soaked in cold water and dry the surface.

Hydrogen peroxide

3% hydrogen peroxide (mix it with water in a 1:1 ratio) can remove urine stains from light-colored furniture or carpeting.

Salt with lemon juice

Rub a stain on a colored or white mattress with a paste of table salt and lemon juice. Leave for a couple of hours, then remove any remaining product with a slightly damp sponge or vacuum cleaner.

Chlorine and dishwashing detergent

Wash hard surfaces (wooden, plastic, linoleum) with warm water with the addition of a chlorine-containing product. If the coating is dark, use dishwashing gel or any other cleaning composition that does not contain bleach particles.

Emergency measures

Whether you will have to dry-clean your mattress depends on your immediate actions. To avoid this:

  1. Take paper towels or cellulose sponges and soak up all the moisture. If you rub the stain, the liquid will go deep into the mattress, so your movements should be blotting, without pressure.
  2. Use an absorbent treatment (soda, salt, granular cat litter). The substance will absorb most of the cat's urine and stop the spread of the unpleasant odor. Apply absorbent to the stain, leaving it for 30 minutes, then clean the area with a vacuum cleaner or brush.
  3. To get rid of more serious stains at home, prepare a solution: fill ⅚ of a bottle with cold water and add ⅙ of vinegar. Dampen the stains with the solution and leave them for an hour, then wash the mattress cover.

13 effective ways to remove the smell of cat urine from a sofa are discussed here, from the carpet - here.

Tips for caring for the main types of mattresses

To keep your mattress clean and not spend a lot of time cleaning it, you can use the following tips:

  1. To avoid infecting your mattress with dust mites, you need to wash your bed linen at least once every two weeks.
  2. It is best to put a mattress cover or a special moisture-proof cover on the mattress, and vacuum it at least once a month.
  3. After sleep, it is advisable not to immediately make the bed, but to let it air out and dry out from odors and body secretions.
  4. Periodically, it is necessary to turn the mattress over, as a result of which both sides are evenly ventilated and dried.

It should be remembered that effective removal of persistent urine odor at home is impossible, since these liquids penetrate deep into the product. In order to completely remove extraneous odors, first of all, it is necessary to remove the substance that is the direct source of the odor, and this is only possible if the mattress is completely sanitized in a dry cleaner.

To prevent urine stains from appearing on the bed, it is advisable to use a mattress cover. In the event of an “accident”, you can quickly remove it, throw it in the machine and wash it, saving yourself a lot of problems and hassle.

The sooner you start removing urine from the mattress, the less effort it will take to remove the stain and the less likely it is that the caustic liquid will permeate all layers of the product. You only need to work with rubber gloves: any product that is used to treat a stain has an aggressive effect on the skin of your hands.

When working with vinegar, bleach, or ammonia, you need to open a window for ventilation. These pungent odors can cause malaise and dizziness.

To avoid the appearance of severe stains and damage to the product, you need to consider some rules for caring for the mattress:

  • Vacuum once every two weeks and wipe with a damp cloth;
  • Remove bed elements from dust and dirt;
  • Turn the mattress over periodically;
  • Every 6 months, take the product out into the sun to dry;
  • Do not use aggressive detergents;
  • Use a mattress cover (topper), it will protect the mattress from contamination.

Each mattress must be properly cared for to maintain its attractive appearance and pleasant smell. The difficulty of cleaning the product is caused by its size and design. Taking into account these rules for caring for the product, the mattress will remain clean and fresh for a long period of time. Proper care of the mattress will extend its service life and provide the owner with a pleasant and restful sleep.

Cotton: it must be constantly ventilated, turned over, vacuumed every 10 days. Use special cleaning products; it can be cleaned with aqueous solutions, but it will take a very long time to dry.

Foam rubber: washable at 40°C, but carefully wring it out; the foam rubber may become deformed. Natural drying is recommended, avoid direct sunlight.

Orthopedic: necessarily a removable cover because often consists of a spring block and different fibers. Turn over the mattress itself, vacuum it, ventilate it.

For all types of mattresses, it is recommended to take them out in the summer for natural ventilation.

It’s easy to extend the life of a mattress by performing simple manipulations:

  • at least once every 2 weeks, change linen, vacuum, beat it, clean the bed frame; Dry cleaning a mattress with a vacuum cleaner is a simple, but effective and therefore mandatory method of care
  • orthopedic should be turned over at least once a month; Mattresses must be turned over in order to evenly distribute the load
  • buy a quality mattress pad; A good mattress pad or cover prevents dirt from penetrating the mattress, and is also easy to remove and wash
  • Only foam types can tolerate wet cleaning, but there are restrictions on thickness;
  • do not use aggressive household chemicals because there is a high probability of stains appearing on the surface and you can ruin the “insides”;
  • use recommended care products, do not forget about popular advice.

Have a pleasant, healthy holiday and clean, fresh air around you. Without a doubt, use traditional methods - they really help in the fight against dirt.

If you cannot cope with cleaning the mattress yourself, you should contact a specialist.

Useful video

Pets bring joy to their owners, but kittens and older cats often have problems using the litter box. They can choose any place in the apartment as a toilet, often the bed becomes this place. And if bed linen can be washed in a machine, then with a mattress everything is much more complicated. Of course, the optimal solution would be professional mattress cleaning in Moscow, which will help remove urine efficiently. If you want to do this difficult job yourself, then pay attention to our instructions on how to remove cat urine from a mattress and remove the smell with your own hands.


Borax is an excellent and versatile disinfectant widely used in the detergent industry. Sodium tetraborate is sold in powder form and is excellent for solving the problem than removing urine. It is especially good for removing urine stains from mattresses, because it allows you to do without using various solutions that can affect the fabric, its color and padding.

First of all, use napkins to get rid of the bulk of the dirt, without rubbing, so that the urine does not penetrate deeper and to the sides. After this, go over the stain with a damp sponge, but do not wet the surface too much.

Next comes borax. Sprinkle it on top and rub it into the fabric so that it ends up inside it. Be sure to carry out this operation wearing rubber gloves; although borax is recognized as a non-toxic and relatively safe product, it still has an effect on the skin, so it is better to avoid direct, prolonged contact.

After the treated area is completely dry, all that remains is to clean it well with a vacuum cleaner. It is best to use a narrow crevice nozzle for furniture. To make everything dry faster, you can put the mattress or carpet in a sunny place in the yard or on the balcony or put a fan.

The methods listed are ideal for cleaning any places where urine has ended up for some reason. This could be a mattress or carpet, furniture upholstered with fabric or chipboard, which easily absorbs any liquids, etc. Simple ways to wash urine will help in any situation where regular washing is not available.

Why all the fuss: why remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet?

According to statistics, owners of such cute and playful animals as cats are approximately a little less than sixty percent of the total population of our vast and multinational Motherland. People take cats into their homes, raise them, teach them to live in special conditions, but the main task for every cat owner is to teach the animal to relieve its natural needs in a litter box, and not in the corners, and certainly not on furniture, clothes, shoes or other items. These savvy animals usually quickly understand what is required of them, and modern litter for their toilets completely stops the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the apartment.


If you decide to find out and figure out exactly how to remove the smell of cat urine from a carpet, you should first understand one simple truth, which will certainly help you not to completely ruin an expensive item. It must be remembered that all products that contain chlorine, including the notorious “Whiteness,” are completely unsuitable for eliminating such an odor. By washing the carpet with bleach, you will get an even worse stench, since the chlorine reacts with urine, making the situation worse.

True, there are also strange embarrassments, which cannot be avoided and a cat, for example, simply being offended by the owner, decides to take revenge on him, for which she goes and does her dirty deed right in the middle of the carpet, filling the house with a sharp, musky aroma, which is extremely difficult to get rid of . Then the question arises of how to remove the smell of cat urine from a carpet, what methods should be used, because if you act incorrectly, then it is quite possible to bring the matter to a state where it will be much easier to get rid of the carpet than to wash it.

It's all about the abnormally large amount of ammonia in the urine of cats, which makes the smell very strong and persistent. Most household chemicals that we use for washing and cleaning, as well as for disinfection, do not work at all or have the opposite effect, and they simply cannot remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet. You should never use ammonia-containing products, as this will attract the cat even more, and it will begin to come to the carpet more and more often until you get tired of it and throw this terrible, intoxicatingly “fragrant” rag out of the house.

General rules of care

Keeping your mattress clean doesn't require a huge amount of effort. The main tips include the following:

  • It is better to put a cover or mattress pad on any mattress. Covers protect mattresses from wear and contamination, and moisture-proof mattress covers protect from moisture.
  • It is recommended to vacuum or beat the mattress itself and protective accessories at least once a month.
  • After sleeping, you don’t need to make the bed right away, but give it 5-10 minutes to clear away the human smell.
  • When changing bed linen, you also need time to “rest” for 5-10 minutes.
  • Manufacturers recommend changing the position of the mattress at least once every 3 months. You need to change the position “top-bottom” and “head-legs”.
  • If you follow these simple recommendations, the mattress will last a long time, and removing stains or urine odor will be easy.

It is very unpleasant when, for one reason or another, a urine stain appears on the upholstery of a sofa, mattress or carpet. This could be the leprosy of a pet, or the efforts of a one-year-old child who is being weaned off diapers, or the consequences of another situation. The question arises of how to remove urine stains so that the unpleasant contamination disappears, and most importantly, so that no odor remains. In the case of kittens and puppies, the smell creates huge problems, because it is pungent and unpleasant, and for them it is a mark for continued lewdness.

If it is possible to quickly wash something that has gotten urine on it, then the problem in the vast majority of cases goes away without a trace. You should wash your clothes or diaper according to the requirements for the materials and everything will end as quickly as it began. Problems can begin if the stain has already dried and formed an indelible salt layer. We will talk about situations when washing is contraindicated or completely unavailable, when urine gets on the upholstery of the sofa, mattress, carpet, etc.

It is best to solve the problem as soon as the problem occurs, especially when it comes to upholstered furniture and mattresses. In no case should you wet the stain abundantly, otherwise the urine will penetrate deeper and will become much more difficult to remove. To get rid of odors and stains, not so much detergents are used, but various solutions and substances that can chemically neutralize and break down uric acid and thiols before washing off cat urine.

Dry cleaning to remove old stains

Professional cleaning will allow you to penetrate into the deepest layers of the mattress and remove old, stubborn dirt from the inside. This procedure is carried out at home using an extractor method using aggressive chemicals. Dry cleaning steps:

If the stain is very small, the entire mattress should be cleaned of urine using whatever it is. This is necessary so that after the procedure the cleaned area does not differ in appearance from the rest of the surface, since the fabric becomes lighter during the cleaning process.

Important! It is better not to try to remove old urine stains from the mattress using conventional household chemicals or other chemicals. Dishwashing solutions and washing powders can damage the upholstery material and leave stains on it, which will ruin the appearance of the product.

How to clean a mattress from odor

Many people complain about the smell of a new product, which makes it impossible to sleep peacefully. Before using the mattress, you need to put it outside or on the balcony for several days. Blowing with a hairdryer also solves the problem of unpleasant odor, but you should not use an iron when processing latex cotton or coconut coir. A special cover or the use of technical soda ash to clean the surface of the product helps combat the odor.

An old mattress also gives off a terrible odor, especially if there are pets in the house. To clean the mattress from odor, you should use a special stain remover. Professional cleaning will also help remove any odor.

To eliminate the musty aroma you need to take:

  • lemon juice;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • products with chlorine;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • alcohol, vodka.

It is better to buy chemicals for cleaning mattresses in specialized stores.

Sleep products are often saturated with cigarette smoke. The mattress must be vacuumed regularly. Ventilation is carried out at least twice a year, but better – once a month. Often an unpleasant odor occurs due to liquids such as juice, tea, etc. getting on the product. It is necessary to quickly remove the contamination itself, preventing the appearance of a foul odor.

An iodine solution does an excellent job of eliminating the smell of ammonia, but it cannot be used on white mattress covers. Bleach is suitable for combating the unpleasant odor of mold. It needs to be diluted in warm water, which must be used to treat the surface of the mattress, then dry it and vacuum it. The smell of sweat disappears after interaction with a saline solution. The mixture should be carefully applied to the product, after which it should be taken outside for ventilation.

To summarize

It is impossible to convince a cat that is accustomed to peeing in a certain place that there are more suitable, dedicated corners and devices for this. If a cat has marked the mattress once, he will pee there as often as he wants, and endless soaping and cleaning will not discourage him from the habit.

A common mistake made by owners is treating mattresses with chlorine concentrate, which has the opposite effect on the pet than expected, and the mattress itself turns out to be hopelessly damaged and smelling of the pungent chlorine stench.

There is a selection of special sprays on sale with aromas that do not irritate the human sense of smell, but for a long time discourage the cat from jumping on the bed.

Cleaning woven carpet at home

Urine is a liquid with a special composition that is not easy to remove with ordinary water. To obtain the desired result, improvised means are used, which are based on acid and alkali. This can also be done using industrial products with chlorine and enzymes.

Available means

There is no task that products that people deal with almost every day cannot cope with. They are in the kitchen, medicine cabinet and bathroom.

Laundry soap

The unique composition of the soap fights stains of any origin. Soap removes dirt while being gentle on the fabric. You can wash the carpet by soaping the problem area.

Hydrogen peroxide

The product, used in medicine, removes urine stains that have dried and spent more than one day on the fabric. Suitable for light pile.

Alcohol vinegar

Apply after dilution with water. Apply to the stain and wash off after 15-20 minutes. Can be replaced with vodka and table vinegar.

Industrial products

They are stain removers with an immediate effect.


The use of the product is carried out strictly according to the instructions left by the manufacturer. When working with “Whiteness” they act quickly. Otherwise, the pile will become discolored after cleaning.

"Udalix Ultra"

The drug is in powder form, which before use is diluted with water to form thick sour cream. The cost of the product is low. "Udalix Ultra" is able to remove urine stains and odor in a short time, as it has a strong con

Apply locally to areas that need cleaning. Strong foam is driven into the pile and then removed with a cloth. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.


A common remedy that helps combat urine odor. The product makes it easy to clean carpets of any size. Available in different forms - powder, gel, liquid.

Steam cleaner

When using a steam cleaner when cleaning a mattress, you should be careful. A directed stream of hot air can push urine deep into the mattress, and the unpleasant odor will settle even more on the material, become corrosive, and it will become almost impossible to get rid of it.

The steamer is used at the end of cleaning the mattress, after all cleaning products have been applied. A steam cleaner helps remove remaining dirt and also gets rid of germs and bacteria.

What to do for prevention?

Returning the mattress to its previous appearance is half the battle; the most important thing is to understand the reason why the cat began to mark the furniture. Based on this, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

First, observe your pet to see if you notice anything strange and unusual in its behavior. Something he's never done before? Perhaps the animal is in an unstable mental state or is developing a serious illness.

The most common reason is that the cat is uncomfortable with the tray or its location. Make sure:

  • the tray was always clean and the right size;
  • stood in a secluded place where no one would scare or disturb the animal.

Important! If your pet refuses his litter box for a long time, take him to the veterinary clinic. The change in behavior may be due to a recent move, separation from the owner, or the cat is simply offended.

Prevention measures:

  1. Spray furniture and mattresses with citrus air fresheners or perfumes. Cats are repelled by strong smells and will have no choice but to go to the litter box.
  2. Purchase industrial repellent products from a pet store that need to be sprayed or placed in places where the cat leaves marks. Unlike air fresheners, they last longer.
  3. Make a lot of holes in the plastic container. Place ground coffee and pepper inside. Place the container near the places where the cat most often marked furniture.
  4. The cardinal solution is castration or sterilization.
  5. Place recently purchased items in the closet for a while or put them where the cat cannot reach. Anything new will be attractive for tagging.

There are many ways to remove urine smell from your sofa and other furniture. Despite the availability of methods, the main thing in this system is to understand the reason for the cat’s behavior. In this case, you will not have to constantly spend time cleaning surfaces.

Other mattress problems

Blood stains

A fresh stain is removed with a terry towel soaked in ice water.

Carefully! Hot water cannot be used, as it promotes deeper penetration of blood into the tissue fibers.

It is difficult to remove an old stain, but it is possible with the help of:

  1. Ammonia. Moisten the stained area with the solution, and after 10–15 minutes wipe with a dry, thick cloth.
  2. Saline solution. Dissolve 50–60 g of table salt in 250 ml of warm water, place the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour, then spray the contaminated area.

Stains from coffee, tea, red wine

  1. Dilute citric acid with water.
  2. Treat the stain with the resulting solution.
  3. After 10 minutes, wipe with a damp cloth.

Cigarette smell

To remove the corrosive irritating smell of cigarettes from a mattress, generously sprinkle it with baking soda and vacuum it after a day.


In cases of significant mold damage, traditional methods are powerless, and chemical methods rarely work. Therefore, it is better not to risk your health, but to buy a new mattress.

You can try to remove small stains with ammonia diluted in water (1:1) or a solution of chlorine bleach (cap per 1 liter of water).


You can deal with parasites in one of 4 ways:

  1. Expose the mattress to severe frost.
  2. Treat with boiling water.
  3. Contact a service that specializes in pest control.
  4. Choose a strong chemical.

Chewing gum

When frozen, chewing gum is easier to remove from any fabric. All methods are based on this.

  • In winter, take the mattress out into the cold.
  • Cover the gum with a plastic bag and place a few ice cubes on top.
  • Use a special cooling aerosol (Gumex, Sapfire, Rapido, etc.).

Lipstick marks

Since most lipsticks contain acids and fats, stains from them are considered difficult to remove.

  • If the mattress is light in color and the stain is fresh. Apply a thick layer of toothpaste to the stain, leave for half an hour and rinse. For maximum effect, 3-4 treatments may be needed.
  • To remove old dirt, make a thick mixture of the juice of one lemon and a handful of soda. Leave it on the lipstick stain until it dries completely. Remove excess with a soft toothbrush.

And now - some recommendations on the topic of prevention:

  • Place the litter box where your pet will use it. Mustache-striped people do not like publicity - they prefer to do their dark deeds on the sly. Give your pet a secluded place for the toilet.
  • Treat all areas of potential “acts of revenge” with special spray products.
  • Place orange peels or pine cones in flower pots to discourage your pet from marking plants.
  • Change the litter in the tray regularly. Cats are too clean to go twice or thrice into already used litter.
  • Never punish your “kissuns”. Cats are touchy animals and will take revenge.
  • Neutered cats (note - as well as sterilized cats) do not mark their territory. But the decision is yours to make.
  • Have your pet checked by a veterinarian. You may have kidney problems or a urinary tract infection.

Be prepared for anything. But remember that we are responsible for those whom...

We will also tell you how to remove the unpleasant smell of cigarettes from your apartment and premises.

What to do for prevention

Removing urine odor is a very difficult task. Therefore, we must try with all our might to prevent it or at least reduce it to a minimum. There are special pads and diapers for those suffering from enuresis. And if a person is embarrassed to use them or does not admit the existence of a problem, you can cover sofas and beds with oilcloth and lay down urological diapers.

Waterproof mattress covers are sold for mattresses. Of course, sheets, bedspreads and blankets will get dirty, but washing them is not difficult. Moreover, there are household chemicals that remove stains and odors on sale.

A persistent smell of urine can appear in anyone's home. There are many reasons. These include small children, animals, and sick relatives. Now you know how to get rid of this problem and try to prevent it. Just remember that you cannot use aggressive products such as bleach. They can cause harm not only to furniture, carpets and other surfaces, but also to your health.

Why do cats mark the sofa and other furniture?

Before cleaning damaged furniture, you should figure out why the cat is marking the sofa. The most common is mating behavior.

Important! If your pet is not spayed or neutered, in the spring the “mark his territory and set boundaries” effect is activated. This cause cannot be eradicated naturally, only medically.

Even after eliminating the smell, the cat may continue to defecate on the furniture; there are several reasons for this behavior:

  • the animal has recently arrived in the house, is experiencing fear and stress, and feels disoriented;
  • if there is furniture left over from the old owners of the house, it may contain the absorbed smell of urine of a child, cat or dog, to which your pet reacts;
  • territory marking occurs, especially in cases where there are several animals in the house;
  • the tray is rarely cleaned or is located in a place where the animal is uncomfortable (something may scare it away);
  • the cat doesn't like the litter;
  • medical problems: urinary tract infection or blockage. Many cats may meow loudly when they urinate or do this near the owner so that he pays attention to the problem.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa

Pet owners faced with an unpleasant situation try tried-and-true methods and experiment with unfamiliar components in an attempt to solve the problem.

Specially developed means and folk methods will come to the rescue. Patience and diligence in a complex process will definitely lead to success.

Fresh spots

It is easier to clean the sofa from cat urine if the pet’s “crime” is noticed immediately and measures are taken.

You can remove aroma that is not firmly ingrained into the fabric using soap, soda, and hydrogen peroxide.

You will need glycerin or laundry soap. Practice shows: glycerin helps get rid of stains and strong odors. Apply soap to the upholstery of the sofa in a dirty area, wipe it with force with a sponge, and rinse with water. After drying, the stench will disappear. Grate the laundry soap and add water. Apply the resulting composition to the stain and wash it off after twenty minutes. Use baking soda diluted with water to a paste. Three percent hydrogen peroxide can remove the stench of cat urine

Be careful not to damage the material. It is worth checking the effect of peroxide on an inconspicuous area on the back of the sofa, then treat the stain with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide and wait until it dries. Mustard and potassium permanganate help kill odors.

Dry mustard powder is diluted with water to a paste consistency, applied to the stain and removed with a cloth. A pale pink solution is prepared from potassium permanganate and the surface is treated.

Do not use potassium permanganate and mustard if the fabric is light.


Old stains are more difficult to deal with. Sometimes it is impossible to remove the ingrained smell of cat urine from the sofa.

  1. Citrus fruits are considered cats' least favorite scents. Lemon, orange, tangerine aromas scare them away. If an animal gets into the habit of marking one place regularly, you will have to be patient and treat the furniture constantly. Squeeze the lemon juice into a container, soak a clean cloth in the liquid and wipe the sofa, bed, couch that the cat “loved.” We repeat the procedure until complete destruction.
  2. You can remove the unpleasant smell of cat urine from the sofa using alcohol or vodka. An old stain will require re-treatment. Blot the stain with a cotton pad and leave until completely dry. No water is needed, the alcohol will disappear on its own.
  3. A popular proven method for destroying “evidence” is table vinegar. We show patience and persistence. If you cannot eliminate the smell immediately, you will have to wipe the damaged sofa with vinegar more than once. Cat urine has a persistent odor, but it must be eliminated, otherwise the situation will repeat itself.

If you can’t remove the stain and remove the smell, it’s time to bring out the big guns and apply several products at once.

Step by step steps:

  • the stain is moistened with acetic acid;
  • soda is poured on top;
  • Treat the surface with a solution of water, hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap. Leave for 3 hours and wash off with water.

Second composition:

  • vodka;
  • washing powder;
  • detergent for upholstered furniture;
  • ammonia;
  • shampoo with lemon or orange scent.

Leave the mixture applied to the surface for an hour, rinse with water.

Sometimes pets cause even more trouble and manage to mark bedding or things in the closet. Things can be washed in a machine or by hand - be it a blanket or a blanket. To consolidate the result, repeat the wash.

Basic washing methods

There are different methods for removing cat marks. Fresh stains are easy to remove; old ones require some fiddling.

Lemon juice

To remove cat odor, squeeze the juice from a lemon. Pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the dried urine stain. After 20 minutes, repeat the treatment. After another 20 minutes, wash clothes, wipe furniture and flooring with a damp cloth.

Potassium permangantsovka

Make the solution in different concentrations. If the furniture or floor is light, then you need a weak, pink color. If urine has soaked into the dark floor, you can add more potassium permanganate to the water. Wash (wash) any smelly item, piece of furniture, or floor with this solution. Potassium permanganate eliminates odor.


A good stain remover for sofas with dark upholstery. To get rid of them, dissolve 15 drops of iodine in 200 ml of water. Apply the liquid to the stain with a sponge and rinse with water after 1-2 hours.


You will need a spray bottle, table vinegar, water and rags. The method will be useful for those whose pet has marked upholstered furniture, carpet, rugs, or other items with pile, and the urine has already been absorbed. Pour an aqueous solution of vinegar, concentration 1:3, into a spray bottle and treat the stains found:

  • sprinkle;
  • Wait 1-2 minutes;
  • remove moisture with a rag.


This method works if you want to remove fresh traces. Baking soda is a good absorbent and should be poured in a thick layer onto the damp area. Clean off the powder when it absorbs the liquid. If necessary, repeat the procedure. To remove baking soda, do not use a vacuum cleaner; it will smell like urine and become a source of unpleasant odor.

Laundry soap

Take 72% bar soap. Wash the item by hand if your clothes smell of cat urine. To remove stains from furniture upholstery, prepare a solution:

  • water - 1 part;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 part;
  • soap shavings - 1 tbsp. l.

Dilute the soap with water, add peroxide. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and spray the contaminated areas. After about an hour, wash the fabric with a brush and rinse off the residue with warm water. The action of soap is due to glycerin. It is included in the composition and breaks down urinary stones.

Soap removes stains and odors from the carpet. They use it to lather the area where the pet has pooped. When the foam dries, wash the stain with water. Use a soapy solution with hydrogen peroxide to remove cat marks from shoes. Cats love to take revenge by marking the shoes of the offender. Clean in the same way as a carpet: apply, rub in a little, and wash off with water after drying.

Hydrogen peroxide

A product based on hydrogen peroxide works very well. When removing a fresh stain, combine it with baking soda. Pour it onto the stain and pour the solution into a spray bottle:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 100 ml;
  • dishwashing gel.

Spray the liquid over the powder. Foam will appear. You need to wait until it settles, collect the reagents, and wash the contamination with water.


It is better not to use bleaches containing chlorine. For some cats, the aroma of chlorine causes aggression, for others it resembles the smell of someone else's cat, and they begin to mark their territory, claiming rights to it.

Alcohol or vodka

It is difficult to remove a cat tag from a leather or suede bag. Use vodka or diluted alcohol to remove the yellow stain and eliminate the smell.


It is easy to remove traces of urine from upholstery or clothing with vodka. It copes well with dried stains. Moisten dried urine and wait 30 minutes. Wet a sponge in warm water and run it over the fabric, removing any remaining urine.

Features of removing human urine odor

The stench that arises in a living space can significantly deteriorate the quality of life of people. Nausea, headaches and other unpleasant sensations appear. The urine of babies is clear and does not have a pronounced odor; getting rid of such stains is not difficult. But in the situation with incontinence in elderly people or bedridden patients, everything is much more complicated.


You can get rid of the smell of baby urine using folk remedies. Lemon juice, potassium permanganate and vinegar will come to the rescue

In rooms where children live, it is important to carry out daily wet cleaning with an antibacterial effect. Dirt from clothes can be easily washed off using baby powder


Use 9% vinegar in its pure form. They need to wipe the entire surface. You can use a spray bottle. Don't forget to wear rubber gloves. The only drawback of this method is the unpleasant residual smell of vinegar. It is necessary to ventilate the room after cleaning.

Potassium permangantsovka

Used to remove stains from fabric upholstery of upholstered furniture, suitable for daily floor cleaning. Disinfects the surface, preventing the development of bacteria.

Lemon juice

Leaves a pleasant lemon scent after use. It is not recommended to use on colored materials, there is a risk of losing the brightness of the colors. Start using the product by testing the compatibility of the coating and citric acid.

Such pollution is considered complex. The problem of incontinence often occurs in elderly and bedridden patients. The smell in the room is persistent and intense. For regular problems, absorbent diapers and strong household chemicals are used. Wet cleaning should be done daily. Be sure to use antiseptics.

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