Cliny hair removal paste for cats: reviews, instructions

What will you learn from the article?
  1. The best pastes for hair removal Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste Extra
  2. Beaphar “Duo Malt Pasta”
  3. Kittymalt Hairball Remedy Paste, 8 in 1 Excel
  4. Beaphar “Malt Paste”
  5. Pasta “Cliny”
  6. Sanal Malt Paste
  7. Ecoprom “Stop Problem”
  • Composition and principle of action of the paste
      Operating principle of malt pastes
  • Pros and cons of malt pastes
  • Dosage, application, storage
      When is it prescribed?
  • How to give malt paste
  • How to store the drug
  • Do malt pastes have side effects?
  • Reviews from consumers and veterinarians
  • Malt paste for cats is a food additive with a therapeutic effect that helps your pet remove hair from the stomach and intestines. Cats constantly lick their coats and swallow hairs - humans are unable to stop this process. These hairs inside the animal's body collect into hairballs - bezoars.

    Over time, the cat's stomach becomes clogged with these hairballs - the animal's appetite decreases and vomiting appears. If lumps from the stomach enter the intestines, constipation and even intestinal obstruction may occur. Constantly brushing the fur with a furminator without the use of special products cannot completely solve this problem.

    We analyzed the market offers for hair removal pastes, compared quality characteristics, compositions and prices. The result of our work is this article. From it you will learn which pastes are better, how to use and store them correctly, and whether they have any contraindications.

    The best pastes for hair removal

    The pet products market offers malt pastes from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

    For our mini-rating, we selected the following products:

    1. Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste Extra (Germany);
    2. Beaphar “Duo Malt Pasta” (Netherlands);
    3. Kittymalt Hairball Remedy Paste, 8 in 1 Excel;
    4. Beaphar “Malt Paste” (Netherlands);
    5. Paste “Cliny” (Russia);
    6. Sanal Malt Paste (Netherlands);
    7. Ecoprom “Stop Problem” (Russia).

    Gimpet Malt-Soft Paste Extra

    The paste for removing hairballs is of high German quality. This is the best malt paste according to reviews from cat owners. The active ingredient, malt extract, softens bezoars and facilitates their excretion through the intestines.

    The paste is made on the basis of natural vegetable oils and fibers. Malt-Soft improves the process of food movement, promotes the natural removal of hairballs and undigested food residues.

    • Plus: contains no sugar.
    • Disadvantage: high cost.

    Price: tube 200 gr. – from 730 to 800 rub.

    Beaphar “Duo Malt Pasta”

    Beafar two-layer paste consists of malt paste and conditioner paste. It has a dual effect – it prevents the formation of hairballs and normalizes the cat’s intestinal function.

    Ingredients: malt extract, milk and dairy products, yeast, oils and fats. BIO-MOS in the conditioner layer formulation has an absorbent effect - it removes pathogenic bacteria from the pet’s body. Caramel is added to improve the taste of the product. Contains Omega-3 and Omega-6.

    • Plus: improves wool quality.
    • Cons: Not all animals like the taste.

    Price: tube 100 gr. – from 600 to 650 rubles.

    Kittymalt Hairball Remedy Paste, 8 in 1 Excel

    An effective malt paste for long-haired and short-haired animals that live without walking outside. Designed for adult animals and kittens.

    Ingredients: vegetable oil, malt, lecithin, salmon oil, mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9, glycerin, vitamin E. Has a pronounced fishy aroma and taste.

    • Plus: gently removes hair naturally.
    • Cons: Not all animals like the smell.

    Price: tube 120 gr. – from 280 to 340 rub.

    Beaphar “Malt Paste”

    The medicinal paste removes ingested fur from the animal’s stomach. Prevents vomiting, relieves loss of appetite, constipation and intestinal obstruction.

    Application is especially effective during seasonal molting. It has an oil-fat base, contains Omega-3 and Omega-6, and yeast. The active ingredient is malt extract. Recommended for improving appetite and normalizing the gastrointestinal tract.

    • Pro: Suitable for all ages.
    • Disadvantage: high cost.

    Price: tube 100 gr. – from 610 to 640 rub.

    Pasta “Cliny”

    The domestically produced therapeutic and prophylactic hair removal paste effectively prevents constipation in animals. The active ingredients of the paste envelop hairballs in the cat’s stomach and intestines, facilitating their removal.

    Ingredients: malt concentrate, corn oil, wheat bran, milk powder, lactose, soy protein, silver benzoate. Silver ions have a pronounced disinfectant effect. Prevents gagging, regulates appetite.

    • Plus: it has an attractive taste for cats.
    • Disadvantage: it is packaged in small tubes.

    Price: tube 45 g. – from 330 to 380 rub.

    Sanal Malt Paste

    Malt paste with a meaty taste is eaten with pleasure by cats. The drug lubricates swallowed fluff, hairs and hairballs, does not allow them to gather in a large lump, and facilitates defecation. The active ingredient is malt concentrate.

    Has a pronounced preventive effect. Normalizes intestinal microflora, improves appetite.

    • Plus: contains vitamin E.
    • Minus: when cooled, it is difficult to squeeze out of the tube.

    Price: tube 20 g. – from 220 to 280 rub.

    Ecoprom “Stop Problem”

    The domestic product removes hairballs from the gastrointestinal tract and prevents their formation.

    In the recipe: malt extract, wheat bran, corn oil, milk powder, soy protein. Sorbic acid is used as a preservative.

    Recommended for use during seasonal shedding of cats and ferrets.

    • Plus: a cheap analogue of “Cliny” paste.
    • Cons: Smaller packaging.

    Price: 60 ml tube. – from 213 to 249 rubles.

    Price and where to buy

    Cliny cat hair removal paste is sold in many pet stores.

    1. "Yandex Market" ():
        Tube 30 ml - from 171 rubles;
    2. Tube 75 ml - from 269 rubles;
    3. Tube 200 ml - from 425 rub.
    4. "ZooPassage"():
        Tube 30 ml - from 158 rubles;
    5. Tube 75 ml - from 305 rubles;
    6. Tube 200 ml - from 539 rub.

    Prices shown are current as of early April 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

    • To remove hair from the stomach
    • Hair removal paste for cats

    Composition and principle of action of the paste

    The main components of modern hair removal products are vegetable oils and fats, fiber, microcrystalline cellulose, dairy products, malt concentrate and ballast substances.

    Some formulas have added TGOS - transgalactoolisocharides, which stimulate digestive activity and normalize the microflora of the large intestine. Recipes for combined products contain vitamins, absorbents and disinfectants, minerals and amino acids.

    Operating principle of malt pastes

    Hair removal products do not dissolve hairballs, but help remove them from the animal’s body.

    Their second function is preventive. Pastes do not allow hairs that have entered the cat’s stomach to form large bezoars and grow into the intestinal walls.

    How does this happen?

    The malt and oils included in the formula of paste preparations envelop hairballs stuck in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract - this makes it easier to remove them out.

    Wool is excreted from the cat's body with feces in an undigested and undigested form. In addition, the paste lubricates the intestinal walls, facilitating bowel movements.

    Fiber and vegetable fats stimulate peristalsis of the intestinal wall - this normalizes stool and prevents constipation. Activating the intestines has a beneficial effect on the pet’s well-being, improves appetite, and prevents vomiting.

    Pastes enriched with micro- and macroelements have a healing effect on the cat’s body:

    • increase immunity;
    • normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
    • improve wool quality;
    • replenish reserves of micro- and macroelements.

    Pros and cons of malt pastes


    1. Pleasant taste. Animals willingly eat the medicine.
    2. Effectively relieve constipation.
    3. There are no contraindications based on the age or condition of the animal.
    4. Compatible with other medications.
    5. Easy to dose.
    6. Do not cause addiction or allergies.
    7. Convenient to give along with food.
    8. The therapeutic effect is noticeable immediately.

    The disadvantages of the product include the need for storage in the refrigerator and a long course of administration.


    The formula does not contain addictive components, the active substances do not accumulate in the pet’s body - the drug can be used for a long period.

    What does it represent?

    Cliny paste contains:

    • fat (vegetable);
    • malt extract;
    • fiber (vegetable);
    • silver ions;
    • milk with water.

    The product is suitable for cats, ferrets and small seals, which have an increased risk of developing hairballs (bezoars) in the stomach. With the help of malt, Klini gel softens the lump and accelerates its movement into the intestines. The Cliny drug for cats relieves pets from vomiting, constipation, and problems with appetite. It is recommended to give it to pets with long hair. Sold in tubes of 30 or 75 ml. The paste is characterized by the smell of malt and the hue is orange-brown.

    Dosage, application, storage

    Before giving your pet malt paste, you should consult your veterinarian. He will select the most suitable remedy, prescribe a course of treatment, and advise the dosage.

    When is it prescribed?

    The instructions for use of hair removal preparations indicate that the paste is prescribed for the following indications:

    1. Constipation.
    2. Loss of interest in food.
    3. Intestinal obstruction.
    4. Vomiting.
    5. Nausea.
    6. Weight loss.
    7. Changes in behavior: anxiety, anorexia, lethargy.

    All these signs indicate disturbances in the cat’s gastrointestinal tract. For preventive purposes, a course of the drug is prescribed, starting from the first molt. This is especially true for long-haired pets.

    How to give malt paste

    In veterinary medicine, there are two main schemes for prescribing hair removal drugs:

    • Daily. Daily dose – 3 cm.
    • Monthly, weekly course. Daily dose – 5-6 cm.

    During the period of seasonal molting, pastes are prescribed once a day, 5 cm. The drug should be given until the process is completely completed. To speed up coat change and alleviate the pet’s condition, it is necessary to regularly use a slicker during this period.

    For constipation and vomiting, a single use of the drug in an amount of 15 cm is possible.

    The required amount of product is squeezed out and given to cats by hand, applied to the animal’s paw and face, or mixed into food.

    When to give?

    It is best to give the drug before meals or 1.5 hours after meals. It is recommended to comb the animal first.


    Don't expect a lightning-fast effect - the paste takes effect after a while. But the effect may occur after the first use.

    How to store the drug

    Unopened packaging of the drug is stored in its original packaging at room temperature (15-25°C) in a room with normal humidity. The opened tube is tightly capped and placed in the refrigerator (2-8°C). The shelf life of the drug if stored correctly is 2 years.

    Cliny paste for cats - reviews

    This hair removal product is very popular, so there are numerous and mostly positive reviews about Cliny paste for cats. We've shared a few of the ones we found below.

    Customer Reviews

    Zhanna writes:

    After using the paste, the result is obvious, the cat does not vomit shreds of fur. We have been using the paste for about 2.5 years. The paste keeps well (I kept the tube I started in the refrigerator door for half a year).

    I don’t give it every day, a couple of times a week, a couple of times every two weeks, a month... depending on the shedding. But, no side effects were observed. The cat eats from the plate with great pleasure, I squeeze out 5 cm of paste, he licks it off. The cat can also lick from the tube, but I think that this is not very hygienic (I gave it to him only for the photo).

    The paste liquefies the fur in the stomach, is excreted naturally, with feces, so it does not accumulate in a lump in the stomach, the wool does not become compressed, and blockage of the stomach is dangerous for the life of the animal. The paste has a pleasant sweetish malt aroma. In the photo there is a Scottish cat, 3 years, 2 months.

    Olga writes:

    The cat is delighted, and if you give him the paste regularly, there will be no problems with his fur. Even though he has very long hair. And it is quite profitable to buy such a volume.

    Ella writes:

    In my opinion, the most budget pasta of all. This is not the first year I have been buying it. It’s especially cool that there are large tubes (not all stores have them). Kittens love this paste very much.

    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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