The litter cat sits in the corner and doesn’t interact – what should I do?

Moving to a new apartment or house is often difficult - especially if you have a cat that will also be moved to a new home.

Difficulties can arise even if the cat is adequate, and the owner knows a lot about caring for her and knows how to cope with various situations. The pet may be frightened by something in the new home or experience severe stress from the situation itself - this is especially important to consider if the cat has increased anxiety.

By taking into account several recommendations regarding moving with a cat, you can minimize the risks of injury and escape of your pet, as well as find him if he got scared and hid so that he is nowhere to be seen.

Reasons when a cat hides in dark places

A cat may be hiding because, for example, it is tired of its owners’ small child and just wants peace. But it happens that the cat does not come out when called and does not respond to the rustling of food for a long time. The reasons for this behavior need to be understood. Why does a cat hide in dark places?

Cats love the most secluded places


The main reason for hiding in cats is stress. A sudden move, a visit to the veterinarian, guests, fireworks outside the window... The cat hides for any of these reasons and may not come out of hiding for a long time. Each cat is an individual, and animals with a strong psyche may not react in any way to changes in the house. But fearfulness in cats is also normal. This is a natural defense mechanism against danger.


Stress and fear always go hand in hand. A cat hides in dark places if it feels bad, in pain, or is very scared. The desire to hide can be caused by the following situations:

  • New house. It is normal for a kitten to hide, run away, and sit in a secluded place for a long time. This is an adequate reaction to moving; the cat just needs a little time to get used to it. An adult cat can behave exactly the same when changing owners. She needs more time to adapt than a kitten. At night, an animal in a new house can come out, explore the apartment and meow invitingly. Such behavior should be treated with understanding.
  • New animal in the house. Buying, for example, a puppy can cause severe fright in a cat. It is advisable to prevent contact between a cat and a dog at first and gradually accustom them to each other. Adult animals need more time than babies. It may take a month or more for a cat and dog to adapt to each other.
  • Unusual smell. Cats navigate with their nose. And a new smell can greatly frighten your pet. There have been cases where a cat hid in horror when the owners smothered themselves with perfume before going out into the world. The animal simply did not understand what was happening and why it smelled like that.
  • Fireworks. New Year is the most stressful time for cats. The rumbling outside the window causes not only horror and a desire to hide in a far corner, but also an exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any. For example, idiopathic cystitis, which is manifested by the fact that the animal cannot pee for more than 6 hours. At the first symptoms, you should contact a veterinary clinic.
  • Arrival of guests. If a cat is cowardly, then his sudden escapes to secluded places should not be surprising. The main thing is not to drag the animal out by force to show it to guests. This is very stressful for the cat.
  • After the trip. A cat that has been released from its carrier after a trip or visit to the doctor will immediately seek shelter. Or maybe he won’t want to leave his portable bag. In this case, it is better to leave the cat alone.
  • A cat or cat may hide in the corners to mark this place. This problem is solved by sterilization or castration.

Important! After surgery, it is recommended to limit the animal's mobility. It is undesirable for the cat to hide and be out of reach. It is important that the animal is visible.

Pregnancy and childbirth

One of the harbingers of an imminent birth is a cat’s sudden desire to create a “nest” for future offspring. A cat may dig through the bed, throw out things in their closets, and hide on shelves.

Important! This is normal behavior for a woman in labor.

It is advisable not to lose sight of the cat, but also not to interfere with its activities. Better yet, prepare a place for the cat to give birth. This can be a closed box with a cut out exit or a special basket with a blanket or blanket.

It is better to prepare the place for childbirth in advance

In a playful mood, cats may hide from each other only to attack suddenly. This game is not dangerous. There are cats that attack their owners from hiding, considering them to be prey. Usually this is harmless and small predators do not extend their claws in such games.

Viruses and diseases

A cat that isn't feeling well is looking for a dark place to hide. With viral diseases, a high temperature usually rises, and the animal persistently goes to the bathroom, where the floor is cold, or simply looks for a dark, quiet place. Most cats prefer to be sick alone.

In what cases should you not worry?

There is no need to worry if your cat has been inclined to hide and sleep in secluded places all its life. It may be worth setting up a special place for her so that she feels comfortable and safe there.

Some cats like to hide their prey in corners. The prey could be a stale cracker from the kitchen, or maybe a mouse (if the animal goes outside). It is better to check cat “hiding places” in time.

A few rules on how to behave with a “secretive” cat:

  • Under no circumstances should you drag out a cat by force, much less punish it for hiding. This will not rehabilitate the cat, but it will ruin its attitude towards its owners.
  • If the cat is prone to “hide and seek” or a kitten has appeared in the house, it is necessary to close access to dangerous places as much as possible. For example, where household chemicals are stored, where an animal might get stuck (sofa, closet) or where it might fall.
  • It is normal for a cat to hide in dark places when a new animal appears in the home. Animals need to be given time to adapt.
  • When planning renovations or rearranging furniture, it is better to keep your cat out of the room where all these activities take place. If possible, it is better to give the cat for foster care during repairs, since fine dust from the work is dangerous for animals.
  • If the cat used to walk outside, then when moving to a new house it is better not to let the animal out for the first couple of months. Your pet may get confused and look for the way to the old house. It always takes time to adapt to a new place.
  • It would be best to set up a “cat corner” where your pet can relax, sleep, play and sharpen its claws. Pet stores have a huge selection of cat houses with different numbers of floors. You can choose one to suit every taste and budget.
  • When traveling to the country, it is also better not to let the cat out at first. She may be scared of the street. And, for example, climbing a tree far from home and not being able to get down or hide under a car.

Cat house option

Possible consequences and prognosis of treatment

Dacryocystitis is one of those types of ophthalmological pathologies that cannot be left to chance in the hope that the disease will not progress over time.

If the lacrimal sac and lacrimal canal become inflamed, this in itself indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora in the foci of inflammation.

If dacryocystitis is not treated in time, may develop as complications:

  • inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain;
  • sepsis;
  • thrombosis of the cavernous sinus;
  • phlegmon of the orbit of the eye;
  • thrombophlebitis of the veins of the orbital region.

Sometimes the attachment of a corneal ulcer is diagnosed. The consequence of this is the development of a cataract.

If a cataract does not form, ulcerations of the cornea can lead to perforation, which leads to subatrophy of the eye .

These are quite serious complications in which even loss of vision is an optimistic prognosis: most often the development of such processes leads to death .

But such consequences are typical for advanced forms of the disease.

Photophobia in cats

With photophobia, the cat will also look for a secluded dark place and squint at the light, as it irritates the eyes and hurts the cat. This may be an alarming symptom indicating the following conditions:

  • eye injury (mechanical, chemical, thermal);
  • allergic reaction;
  • stroke;
  • concussion;
  • rabies.

Eye injury in a cat

Note! If the animal is not vaccinated and roams freely on the street, then photophobia may be a symptom of rabies. Rabies is deadly for animals and people, the mortality rate is 100%.

At the first symptoms (photophobia, hydrophobia, drooling, aggression), you must consult a veterinarian! It is also necessary to avoid as much physical contact with a potentially infected cat as possible. Rabies is transmitted through the bite of a sick animal when saliva enters the bloodstream.

You can hear better

  • In the corner of the room the sound is different and stronger - some cats may simply be fascinated by this.
  • If your cat sits in the corner and meows, he may just be listening to himself. Older cats that have hearing problems do the same - when they meow in the corner, the sound becomes stronger.
  • It is also possible that the pet is trying to get your attention in this way.

Contacting a veterinarian

It must be remembered that the best treatment is prevention. A preventive visit to a veterinarian will help identify diseases in the early stages and begin treatment immediately. Your cat also needs to be vaccinated once a year. If desired, you can combine vaccination and a preventive appointment with a veterinarian.

If the following symptoms appear, a visit to the doctor is mandatory.

Lack of appetite

If the cat does not eat, does not want to drink and refuses its favorite treats, and sleeps all the time in a secluded place, a trip to the clinic cannot be postponed. Fasting is strictly contraindicated for cats, since prolonged refusal to eat leads to disruption of liver function.


Lethargy, apathy and drowsiness may indicate severe intoxication or high fever. It is necessary to figure out what could cause this condition. A visit to a veterinarian in such cases is mandatory.

Loss of coordination

If your cat begins to fall over on its side when walking, has difficulty moving its paws, or crashes into walls, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary. Loss of coordination is an alarming symptom and can indicate both vision loss and brain dysfunction.

Another symptom of a concussion or stroke is different pupils


Along with the desire to hide, a cat may have the following symptoms:

  • refusal to eat;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • apathy, lethargy;
  • dull coat;
  • urine mixed with blood or no urine;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • bad breath;
  • a strong change in behavior - aggression in a usually kind cat or sudden sympathy in an aggressive animal. If a cat suddenly begins to lick and caress, this should alert you;
  • profuse salivation.

Important! If any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic!

Cats are very mysterious animals. Why do they like to hide in boxes, climb into dark corners and jump around the apartment at night? Only the cat god knows. But sometimes a game of hide and seek can be harmless, and sometimes it’s better to play it safe and take your pet to the vet. This specialist will tell you in detail what behavior of your pet should be alarming and what is considered normal. Do not forget that prevention is always easier and cheaper than treatment.

Owners sometimes notice that their cat hides in dark places or begins to look for cover. This phenomenon can be either periodic when a stranger appears in the apartment, or constant. If your pet demonstrates this behavior for no particular reason, then you should observe it. Then it will definitely be revealed why the animal “plays hide and seek.”


Diagnosis in adults begins with a general urine and blood test , after which a specialist takes a smear for bacterial culture .

Remember! This makes it possible to identify a pathogenic culture that has caused inflammatory processes and prescribe antibacterial or antiviral treatment.

rhinoscopy is required which is necessary to exclude diseases associated with abnormalities in the structure of the nose.

Sometimes such disorders can cause dacryocystitis, and in these cases surgery is often necessary.

A tubular test is required , during which a Collargol dye solution is instilled into the patient’s eyes.

After such instillation, the patient's eyeball is observed to determine whether this substance goes into the tubules. If this does not happen, this indicates their blockage.

Why does a cat need to hide?

The desire to hide in a dark place for a while is quite common among domestic cats. The hunter's instinct prompts them to take a position in a secluded corner so that they can calmly observe what is happening without being noticed. In other cases, especially small kittens, they want to be in a warm, cozy “nest”, where they are comfortable and safe. Fur babies grow and sleep a lot, so they need proper rest. Constantly playing TV and other noises do not provide the opportunity to have a good rest. Truly deep sleep is only possible in darkness and complete silence.

It should not be surprising that cats find secluded corners in completely different places.:

  • closet,
  • box,
  • under the bed or sofa,
  • washing machine drum,
  • on the shelf,
  • behind the battery,
  • under the owner's blanket.

If the cat hides constantly, then you need to buy one for it in a special store or make a house yourself. Fluffy pets love such shelters. This is connected not only with psychology, but also with physiology. Cats often sleep curled up. When sleeping in a confined space, they can lean their back against the wall of the house, thus relaxing their muscles.


Pregnant cats sometimes behave very strangely. However, it is important to know that during this period their instincts, laid down by nature itself over thousands of years of evolution, become more acute. In particular, the expectant mother begins to take care of kittens even before the moment of their birth. This is expressed in the form of the fact that she is actively looking for a secluded nest where no one will disturb her.

Caring owners should foresee this moment and arrange such a nook for the animal. The ideal option is a regular cardboard box lined with warm material at the bottom. Such a measure will save owners from searching in the future for squeaking kittens, which the fluffy beauty will hatch in the most inaccessible place.

During pregnancy, cats often become irritable and aggressive; they can meow loudly and even hiss at the owner. Therefore, it is better to save them from the annoying attention of children, as well as loud sounds, so as not to once again disturb the animal, which is already on the verge of nervous exhaustion.

Main reasons for seeking shelter

There are many explanations for why a cat hides in dark places. In some cases, the shelter is not always truly dark, but simply cool or, conversely, warm. There may be several favorite places for a pet, often they are well known to the owner. It is advisable not to disturb the animal at such a moment, because sometimes he needs to be alone with himself.

Why does a cat try to be invisible, let's name common reasons:

  • character trait;
  • the presence of another, older cat in the house;
  • the need to calm down after suffering stress;
  • anticipation of the appearance of offspring;
  • desire to play;
  • desire for security.

Timid by nature

By nature, some cats are sociable, while others prefer loneliness. Those who belong to the second category instinctively try to be “in the shadows” more often, which guarantees safety. Such a kitten will not sleep on a wide sofa with its tummy up, with its paws spread to the sides. Also, he will not once again catch someone’s eye. You can force him to come out of hiding with gentle words, a favorite treat, or a bright, entertaining toy.

If the cat is hiding, then you should not lure it out or put pressure on it. Perhaps something alarmed her, someone scared or offended her. She will go out on her own when she considers it necessary, wants to eat or take a walk. If you do not allow the predator to avoid an unpleasant situation, then its anxiety will only intensify.

Trying to get peace and comfort, even sociable cats hide. They may find a place for themselves in the linen closet or on the cool wooden floor under the bed. It all depends on whether the pet is cold or hot.

Away from the Boss

The presence of another cat or an older cat in the house causes the younger cat to hide more often. The owner can create a maze of boxes especially for him, through which he can easily get to a bowl of food or tray. The boxes must have multiple entrances and exits so that you can escape in time, avoiding a dangerous or unwanted collision with your opponent.

What to do if your cat constantly hides in a dark place. We need to keep an eye on her. If her health is fine, her fur is shiny, and her nose is wet, then the pet’s behavior is due to other reasons.

Relief from stress

After getting into an unpleasant situation or being offended, even the most sociable cat hides in order to survive the stress and regain equanimity. Cats get used to their home and don’t really like change. If a kitten is taken to another family, the naturally cautious animal will need time to adapt. In the first days, the pet will react sensitively to any sounds or movements, and if it senses danger, it will definitely hide.

When moving to another house, the cat becomes restless. For the first time, you can place him in a small room. Gradually he will get used to it and begin to explore other rooms. You will definitely need to take his bed, bowl, and tray from the old apartment. Having familiar things around will allow your pet to calm down a little and feel more confident.

Tamed domestic cats get used to it faster than those adopted from a shelter or from the street. It is not so easy to regain the trust of an animal that has lost its former home. It will take patience, a calm atmosphere and a kind attitude.

Interesting situation

Pregnant cats begin to hide in dark places, which means kittens will be born soon. To prevent your cat from hiding and throwing your things out of your nightstands and closets in search of a suitable place to place her offspring, prepare a box with soft bedding for her. Place it in a convenient place so that the cat and babies will not be disturbed.

Let's play hide and seek or go hunting

If your kitten hides under the sofa during the day and hits its owner by the legs, then in this way he is simply playing hunter. For him, a dark place is an ambush from which he stalks his prey. Some cats won't mind running around and playing chase, hide and seek, or cat and mouse. They can realize their natural hunting instinct at home only through play.

When to be wary

If a cat begins to hide in dark, cool places, then this is an alarming and not a very good sign. It is possible that in this way she is trying to get rid of high body temperature.

The increase in temperature is a consequence:

  • scared, scared
  • physical activity,
  • hot weather,
  • poisoning,
  • acute pain.

This condition quickly normalizes. But if the temperature rises sharply by several degrees and does not subside for a long time, then this is a sign of the development of pathology. In this case, the animal must be urgently shown to the veterinarian.

How to understand that a cat is not feeling well. At these moments, her behavior changes sharply, she stops eating, sleeps a lot, does not want to use the litter box, meows pitifully, hides in a dark place - this signals the onset of the disease. Other symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, mucus from the nose and eyes, and hair loss. When an animal tries to perch on a tile or cold floor, such behavior indicates its poor condition. Most likely, the pet needs medical attention.

As cats age, they increasingly desire privacy; they are irritated by noise and bright lights, so they take refuge in dark places. Old animals may partially lose hearing, vision, sense of smell, or become ill.

Many furry pets love to climb into bags and boxes; some manage to lie down in a vase or pan. This should not cause concern to the owner. You just need to be careful not to move the chair or chair abruptly, as the animal may sit under it and get hurt. Before turning on the stove or washing machine, first look inside to see if there is a fluffy ball there. Try not to let the cat's fun with hide and seek turn into a tragedy. Complete mutual understanding will be the key to a pleasant life together.

At the beginning of this week we once again went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Someone will probably say, it’s already cold. Yes, it’s not hot, but walking through the forest is quite normal, the main thing is not to forget to put on a hat so that your head doesn’t get too cold, and be sure to take a cape with a polyethylene hood in case of rain.

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