Should pregnant women avoid litter box and cats?

During pregnancy, you need to watch not only what she eats or drinks, but also what she does.
Pregnant women who have a cat at home have probably heard that cat feces are dangerous for them. Indeed, cat litter with animal excrement poses a risk of infection with the prostitis Toxoplasma gondii, which causes the disease toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a single-celled parasite called Toxoplasma gondii, which reproduces only in cats. A woman who has recently become infected with Toxoplasma during or just before pregnancy can pass the infection to her unborn baby (congenital infection). The expectant mother may have no symptoms, but the consequences for the unborn baby, such as nervous system and eye diseases, can be serious.

How common is the disease?

The parasite is very common. According to the WHO, it is present in every country, but the number of people who have been infected by it varies greatly - from less than 10 to more than 90%. This is determined by the presence of Toxoplasma-specific IgG antibodies in the blood, which indicates that this infection has ever been present in the body.

This prevalence makes toxoplasmosis one of the most clinically significant foodborne illnesses in pregnant women.

The disease itself, toxoplasmosis, usually occurs easily in a healthy person, often even unnoticeably. But it poses a particular danger to women during pregnancy, as it can be transmitted to the child, as well as to people and cats with weakened immune systems, which can even be fatal.

Doctor, it's not helping...

As is known from past publications, intranasal glucocorticosteroids (IGCS) are currently the most effective in the treatment of AR. They have proven effectiveness in reducing nasal congestion, as well as nasal itching and watery eyes, and achieve adequate symptom control. But, given their hormonal effect and possible harmful effects on the fetus, there are certain risks in their use. It should also be noted that at the moment there are no studies that provide reliable data confirming the danger of their use. Modern ICS - mometasone (Nasonex, Desrinit) and fluticasone (Avamys, Flixonase) have very low systemic bioavailability, less than 1% and proven effectiveness, and can therefore be considered as initial therapy for RB. The studies did not reveal a statistically significant relationship between the development of fetal defects and the use of these drugs.

Why do cats increase the risk of infection?

There are two main ways toxoplasma enters the human body - through the meat of infected animals and from cats.

The first is to consume undercooked meat from infected animals (especially pork, lamb), in the tissues of which cysts of the parasite were present, as well as shellfish (oysters, mussels, etc.). And according to one American study, this happens in up to 50% of infections.

The second route of infection is associated with cats and poor hygiene. The fact is that T. gondii is capable of infecting almost all warm-blooded animals, but domestic cats and their relatives (family Felidae) are the only known hosts in which the parasite can undergo sexual reproduction.

Therefore, cats are carriers of Toxoplasma. They become infected by eating infected rodents, birds or other small animals that act as intermediate hosts. The microscopic oocysts (enclosed fertilized eggs) of the parasite are then released in the cat's feces.

Kittens and cats shed large numbers of oocysts in their feces for only 1-3 weeks after infection. But there can be a lot of them in the stool, which makes the tray a source of infection.5

As a result, Toxoplasma can be transmitted from a cat to a person by:

  • accidental ingestion of oocysts or anything they come into contact with after cleaning a litter box containing feces from an infected cat;
  • contact with contaminated soil (for example, not washing your hands after gardening or eating unwashed fruits or vegetables from a flower bed) where the cat defecated;
  • drinking water contaminated with the parasite.3

Therefore, during the period of bearing a child, it is better to entrust the change of cat litter to someone close to you, since there is a possibility of infection from animal feces. You also need to follow hygiene rules and not eat undercooked meat.

Routes of transmission of Toxoplasma

Yes, I will not take these hormones!

In some situations, ARVI during pregnancy may be accompanied (largely due to concomitant RB or AR or their combination) by a prolonged runny nose, nasal congestion and heaviness in the face - classic symptoms of rhinosinusitis. This disease, if not adequately treated, can lead to serious complications, so correct diagnosis of this disease is extremely important. Penicillin antibiotics are category B according to the FDA and can be used in the treatment of (ORS). For allergies to penicillins, certain cephalosporins or lincosamides (Clindamycin) may also be used. All of them belong to categories A and B. ICS are included in the standards for the treatment of acute rhinosinusitis (more details in the following publications) and can provide recovery in combination with saline solutions without antibiotics.

PS Decision-making on treatment is individual for each case and should be a collective decision between the doctor and the patient. I hope this review has made it possible to clarify some aspects of the features of RB and make it clear that RB is not a death sentence and can be adequately controlled.


Toxoplasmosis and risks for pregnant women

The Toxoplasma parasite can persist for a long time in humans (and other animals), perhaps even for a lifetime. However, infected people most often do not notice any signs, since the immune system of a healthy person usually prevents the parasite from causing illness. However, women expecting a baby and people with compromised immune systems should exercise special caution - infection with Toxoplasma can cause serious health problems.

For women who have not previously had a toxoplasma infection (and have not developed immunity to toxoplasmosis), exposure to this parasite immediately before or during pregnancy can result in infection of the fetus. If you have already been infected before, as evidenced by the presence of antibodies to Toxoplasma in the blood, then the immune system will prevent the disease. Therefore, primary infection with Toxoplasma during pregnancy poses a danger to the unborn child.

Primary infection with Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant women occurs worldwide with an incidence of 0.1 to 1%. In approximately 40% of cases, the unborn child becomes infected. Babies with congenital toxoplasmosis are then largely asymptomatic immediately after birth, but long-term studies show that 85% develop complications, including chorioretinitis, leading to severe visual impairment, hearing loss or mental retardation.

The severity of the child's illness is inversely proportional to the gestational age at which the mother becomes infected. That is, the later a pregnant woman acquires the infection, the less consequences it will have for the child.


At the moment, there is no specific test to confirm or exclude RB. The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints and the exclusion of other pathologies of the nasal cavity.

Choice of treatment tactics

Saline solutions

Before considering more serious medications, we should start with our favorite saline solutions. It should be noted that we are not talking about ordinary saline solutions, but hypertonic saline solutions (with a high salt content, approximately 19-23 g/l). Such sprays are sold in all pharmacies, but they will not sell them to you right away (you need to ask). Several studies have noted significant effectiveness in reducing congestion when used in AR and chronic rhinosinusitis. Also, comparative studies show their greater effectiveness compared to conventional isotonic solutions. Examples: Physiomer - hypertonic solution (my favorite), Aqualor-stuffiness, or Aqualor-severe runny nose, Aquamaris Strong.

Is it possible to keep a cat at home during pregnancy?

The sudden realization of the harm that cat feces can cause can make you question the very presence of a pet in your home. Perhaps your child just wants to get a cat at the same time that you are planning a pregnancy. Therefore, the question arises, is it possible to keep a cat at home at this time? Yes, you can keep an animal, however there are several precautions you should take to avoid exposure to Toxoplasma gondii, including the following:

  • Make sure your cat litter is changed daily. The Toxoplasma parasite in feces must mature immediately, so it is not infectious for 1-5 days after it enters the cat's feces.
  • Avoid replacing your cat's litter box yourself if possible. If no one is available to perform this task, put on disposable gloves and then wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Keep the animal indoors as long as possible. This is because cats become infected with Toxoplasma by hunting and eating rodents, birds or other small animals infected with the parasite.
  • Do not touch or take stray animals (especially kittens) into your home. While you are expecting a baby, do not get a new cat.
  • Feed cats only canned or dried store-bought foods, or well-cooked homemade foods, rather than raw or undercooked meat.6
  • If you live in a private home with a backyard or outdoor garden where your cat likes to play, it is important to prevent her from exposing other cats and their feces to prevent her from becoming infected.

The main reasons for the ban

All the reasons why pregnant women should not pet cats can be divided into two groups - medical and mystical. Doctors may prohibit the expectant mother from communicating with cats in the following situations:

  • the woman does not have antibodies to toxoplasmosis;
  • there is a suspicion of worms in the cat;
  • the cat has bald spots on its skin or other signs of illness;
  • stray animal.

As for mysticism, everything is more complicated. A cat is a mysterious creature and is often credited with connections with otherworldly forces, and playing with it can promise trouble for the expectant mother and baby.

Rule 3: eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet

Proper nutrition in the third trimester of pregnancy takes on special importance, because the female body begins to work in a new way - in intensive preparation for labor. What your diet will be like in the last months of pregnancy largely determines how the birth will go.

In the third trimester, it is important to exclude from the diet:

  • sweet and salty foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast food.

Large consumption of sweet, salty, and soda increases thirst and leads to the development of edema.

Fast food contains many harmful dyes, flavors, preservatives, and trans fats. In addition, fast food is a heavy meal that overloads the gastrointestinal tract.

In the third trimester of gestation, it is important to adhere to the following rule: the closer the date of birth, the lighter the diet should be. In the last months of pregnancy, the body should spend effort preparing for childbirth, and not digesting heavy food.

Do cats feel a special state?

Cats and kittens are able to sense humans well. That is why they can lie down on a sore spot, come up and warm up to a person when he is in a bad mood, and so on.

The animal does not leave the owner

Animals understand perfectly well that a new life is born inside a person; cats, who themselves have already become mothers, feel and understand this especially well. This may sound stupid to some, but animals not only feel, they are able to understand it with their minds.

In addition, they sense smells and temperature better than humans, so the girl is given away by such obvious things as:

  • Toxicosis;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Changing vaginal changes.

The animal becomes more restless and follows the expectant mother everywhere, as if watching her and protecting her.

What do women think?

According to some expectant mothers, having a cat in the house and contact with it, on the contrary, has a very good effect on health:

  1. Stroking and close contact with animals - in most cases, many women note that this has a positive, calming and relaxing effect on them.
  2. Relief from fatigue and swelling. Purrs help cope with swelling well, but this property is inherent mainly in tricolor cats. They lie on the feet of expectant mothers, relieving pain and heaviness that occurs at the end of the day due to severe swelling.

Is it possible to clean a cat's litter box?

It is in the cat's litter box that contains a large number of germs and infections that can be dangerous for a pregnant girl. This includes not only toxoplasmosis, but also worms.

Kitten with baby

If there is another person in the house, then it is better to entrust this difficult task to him. It is better for a pregnant woman to completely minimize contact with all kinds of secretions. If you cannot entrust this task to anyone else, then you need to use gloves and a protective mask.

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