Milbemax for cats: an assistant in the fight against parasites

Milbemax is an anthelmintic drug with a broad spectrum of action, active against nematodes, trematodes and cestodes. The trade name of the drug in English is Milbemax tablets for cats. This drug is produced by Elanco-France SAS in France. The official importer to Russia is Elanko Rus.

Milbemax is used for the treatment and prevention of helminthiases in both adult cats and kittens.

Composition and release form

The drug Milbemax is available in the form of oval-shaped tablets, with a transverse notch in the middle. Each package contains two tablets placed in an aluminum foil blister.

  1. For kittens and young cats, tablets are made in pink color and stamped “NA” and “BC”. They contain 10 mg praziquantel and 4 mg milbemycin oxime
  2. For adult cats and cats - dark red, with “NA” and “KK” imprints. The dose of active ingredients is increased 4 times, that is, they contain 40 mg of praziquantel and 16 mg of milbemycin oxime.

Praziquantel is the first active ingredient in this drug. It is an acylated derivative of pyrazinisoquinoline. It increases the permeability of the cell membranes of internal parasites to calcium particles and provokes the destruction of the tegument, muscle contractions and depolarization of the membranes of the worms, which, in turn, leads to their death and further facilitates its removal naturally from the cat’s body.

Milbemycin oxime belongs to the group of macrocyclic lactones and is the second active ingredient included in Milbemax tablets. It increases the permeability of cell membranes to chlorine ions, which causes superpolarization of the membranes of muscle and nervous tissue cells. As a result of this exposure, the parasite dies.

In addition to the main active ingredients, they include such components as:

  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carmellose;
  • colloidal silicon;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • macrogol;
  • hypromellose;
  • talc.

Interesting fact! The drug contains a special food additive “Artificial beef Flavor”, which has the taste of beef.

Chondroprotectors - salvation for joints?

The nourishment and hydration of cartilage in the joint occurs with the help of synovial fluid, which contains the already mentioned mono- and polysaccharides. With injury, excessive physical activity or systemic disease, the composition of the synovial fluid may be disrupted. Because of this, it becomes less viscous and can no longer provide slip. Once in the synovial fluid, the components of chondroprotectors help restore its consistency and normal activity of cartilage cells. The joints stop hurting and swelling, their mobility improves. In parallel with taking chondroprotectors, other measures are necessary for the active restoration and nutrition of cartilage - physiotherapy, exercise therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Where to buy and price of Milbemax

You can purchase this drug at almost any veterinary pharmacy or order it online on websites selling veterinary drugs. The average cost of one package of Milbemax for large cats is 490 rubles . Buying tablets for kittens and small cats will be cheaper - the price varies between 300-350 rubles .

Read our article : Stronghold for cats - treatment for fleas, ticks and helminths in one pipette.

Dosage for cats and kittens

The drug must be taken once during feeding. It can be added directly to the cat food itself, or given forcibly by placing it on the root of the tongue immediately after eating.

To calculate the therapeutic dose of the drug, it is necessary to make a calculation: per 1 kg of animal weight there are 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel.

For a visual example, below is a dosage table according to the cat's weight .

Animal weightKittens and small catsAdults and large cats
From 0.5 to 1 kg0.5 tablets (pink)
From 1 to 2 kg1 tablet (pink)
From 2 to 4 kg0.5 tablets (red)
From 4 to 8 kg1 tablet (red)
From 8 to 12 kg1.5 tablets (red)

Course of treatment and step-by-step instructions for use

As a preventive measure for cats starting from 6 weeks of age. The frequency of treatment is once a quarter , as well as a week before vaccination or mating. For treatment , the medicine is given once during a meal or immediately after it.

Before using Milbemax, you must consult your veterinarian.

It is worth noting that there is no need to keep the cat on a starvation diet before use. Also, do not give your cat medications with a laxative effect.

If there is a need for prevention or treatment of a pregnant cat , then you should know that Milbemax can be given only in the last third of pregnancy. It can also be given to lactating cats 3-4 weeks after birth, but only with the permission of a veterinarian.

Step-by-step instruction

It is very important to ensure that the animal completely swallows the prescribed dose of medicine. As a rule, the medicine is given with food, but it is not always possible to trick the cat by mixing the tablet into its favorite food. Some animals recognize the medicine and refuse to eat it, in which case the drug must be given forcibly.

  1. Place the cat on your lap so that its back rests against your stomach. In this position, it will be more difficult for the animal to resist.
  2. With one hand, you need to lift the cat's muzzle and gently unclench the jaw with your thumb and forefinger, inserting them in the area of ​​​​the back teeth.
  3. Then you need to place the tablet on the back of the tongue and gently close the animal's jaw until it swallows the tablet. You can lightly stroke your throat with your hand to strengthen the swallowing reflex.
  4. Next treatment in 3 months.

Video instruction:

Side effects of Milbemax

There are no side effects observed when using this drug. The exception is hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to some of the components included in the drug.

In this case, the cat may experience an allergic reaction and in such a situation it is necessary to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible to relieve the symptoms of allergy and poisoning. Problems may also arise if the drug is overdosed.

If the dose has been exceeded, the result may be symptoms such as:

  • tremor;
  • nervousness;
  • salivation;
  • diarrhea (diarrhea) and vomiting;
  • trembling limbs and unsteady gait.

These symptoms disappear within 24 hours. However, to avoid serious consequences, it is best to take your cat to a veterinary clinic for a consultation.

Emergency help! To remove most of the anthelmintic drug, give the cat enterosgel at the rate of 3-4 ml per 5 kg of weight. For an adult cat - 1 teaspoon, for a kitten - half a teaspoon.

Reviews from veterinarians

Alexander, Samara

I recommend giving pink tablets to kittens during their morning feeding. At this time of day, the kitten feels hunger more acutely, so it can eat the medicine without foaming and belching, which often accompany taking cheap medicines. In addition, at this time the metabolic processes in the body are most active, so the concentration of the drug in the blood will reach its peak after two hours.

Sergey, Kirov

I advise you to give Milbemax with a small amount of food. It is optimal to roll the tablet into a minced ball. In this case, the animal will quickly eat it. Besides, if you feel sick, it won’t be too bad.

Sofia, Ekaterinburg

The medicine has proven itself in the treatment of nematodes and cestodes. The undoubted advantage is that a re-appointment after two weeks is not required. This is convenient for both owners and pets.

Anna, Omsk

I have recently worked in a veterinary clinic, but I can confirm that Milbemax is well tolerated. Animals do not feel sick or feel tired. For the owners, everything looks as if nothing is happening. The cat is active and behaves cheerfully.

All information posted on the site is provided in accordance with the User Agreement and is not a direct instruction to action. We strongly recommend that before using any product, you must obtain a face-to-face consultation at an accredited veterinary clinic.


Contraindications to the use of Milbemax are as follows:

  • Kittens less than 6 weeks old or weighing less than 0.5 kg.
  • Adult cats weighing less than 2 kg.
  • General exhaustion of the body.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Renal dysfunction.
  • Individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.
  • Pregnant cats, in the first two thirds of the period.
  • Nursing cats, in the first 3 weeks after birth.

Natural chondroprotectors in food

The human need for effective chondroprotectors is partially satisfied by food. To do this, the diet must include tendons, cartilage (joints, ears, etc.), bones, bone marrow, skin of animals and fish, rich bone broths - the best chondroprotectors among food products. It is believed that “marine” collagen has the greatest digestibility and benefits for cartilage tissue, so mollusks and crustaceans, anchovies and other small sea fish should be included in the diet in boiled form. An additional source of collagen can be dishes with the addition of edible gelatin - jelly, jellied meat, aspic. It is advisable to eat eggs (soft-boiled, not overcooked) every day, and eat beef, red fish, and cheese more often.

People with sore joints also benefit from plant collagen-like compounds, which are found in wheat sprouts, mushrooms, nuts, broccoli, and seaweed. It is worth increasing the content of citrus fruits and leafy greens in the diet.

Even daily consumption of chondroprotective products does not guarantee cartilage health if:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • high professional or domestic loads on the joint;
  • age-related changes, when cartilage cells stop actively growing and multiplying.

In these cases, the menu should include medications - chondroprotectors with glucosamine and chondroitin. They can be taken even by patients who cannot consume fatty broths and jellied meats for health reasons.

Analogues of Milbemax

If it is impossible to purchase the drug Milbemax, then it can be replaced with worthy analogues - Drontal and Milprazone.

  • Drontal is a high-quality anthelmintic drug that is based on such active ingredients as pyrantel and praziquantel. Available in the form of a white tablet with a yellowish break in the middle. There are no side effects, with the exception of hypersensitivity to the components. The average cost of the drug is 270 rubles.
  • Milprazone is a drug in which, like Milbemax, the main components are praziquantel and milbemycin oxime. Available in two types: red-brown tablets for adult cats and yellow-brown tablets for kittens. The action, use and contraindications of the drug are completely similar to Milbemax. Price: 230-350 rubles.

Do not forget that Milbemax, like all medicines, has its own expiration date. The drug can be stored for 3 years from the date of production and only 6 months from the moment the package is opened. And only if the storage conditions are met:

  • Store the drug separately from food .
  • Storage temperature from 5°C to 25°C .
  • The unused half of the tablet can be placed back into the blister (up to 6 months) and used for the next parasite treatment.

Milbemax is an excellent broad-spectrum drug, which, according to veterinarians, is excellent protection for your pet from helminths and all the consequences of their effects on the cat’s body. Do not forget that timely administration of medication will guarantee the absence of parasites in your pet’s body.


Veterinarians and experienced cat breeders recommend Melbimax for the following reasons:

  • demonstrates a pronounced anthelmintic effect;
  • is active against most helminths that threaten cats;
  • begins to act within 1–2 hours after taking the tablet;
  • after consuming the tablet, the cat does not need to be isolated, so the animal tolerates the treatment without stress;
  • the small size of the tablet and its pleasant taste makes it easier to take;
  • the medicine is suitable for cats of all breeds;
  • Suitable for adult cats and kittens from 6 weeks weighing from 500 g.

As reviews say, Milbemax really helps destroy endoparasites and very rarely causes negative reactions in pets.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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