Instructions for use of the drug "Serenia" for cats

Composition and release form of the drug

Sereniya is available in the form of an injection solution and tablets, and each form has its own application features.

As for the composition, the main active ingredient in the drug is maropitant citrate, the task of which is to stop vomiting in animals. Among other substances, it contains metacresol (a strong antiseptic) and sodium cyclodestrin (increases the solubility of the macronutrient).

Injection solution

The solution is a clear liquid with a slight yellowish tint. It goes on sale packaged in 20 ml glass bottles, sealed hermetically with rubber stoppers, which are rolled up with aluminum caps on top. The manufacturer does not produce bottles of other sizes.


The drug in tablet form is marketed in four different versions. Their composition is the same, but the difference lies in the mass and concentration of the main active ingredient, as well as additional components. Cats can be given 100 and 150 mg tablets containing 16 and 24 mg of maropitant.

Sereniya tablets, which have a yellow tint, have one advantage - the content of the active substance is stamped on one side, which eliminates the risk of exceeding the dosage (even if the packaging is lost). In addition, for more convenient separation of the tablet, a special dividing strip is provided.

Each package contains an aluminum foil blister containing four tablets.

Storage conditions

It is recommended to store sulfur in a dry place protected from light. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and ensure storage away from children. The manufacturer on the packaging indicates a shelf life of 3 years under proper conditions, where the room temperature should not exceed +25 degrees for the solution and +30 for tablets. After opening the bottle, it is recommended to store the drug for no more than 90 days. Using the medication as directed will help your cat get rid of the gag reflex during the recovery period after surgery, as well as during motion sickness in transport.

Vomiting in a cat, the main reasons, what to do

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Effect of Serenia on cats

Serenia helps not only in situations where the animal feels sick or vomits due to being seasick during a trip. This drug should always be present in the veterinary medicine cabinet, since it may be needed after a course of therapy with chemical or antibacterial drugs, as well as during the cat’s recovery from anesthesia after surgery.

Serenia is an antiemetic agent that is active in vomiting of peripheral and central origin.

The main active ingredient, after administration of the drug under the skin, is absorbed in a short time and reaches the maximum serum concentration after 45 minutes. Sulfur is 90% bioavailable, 99% bound to plasma proteins, metabolized by the liver and excreted in feces. Maropitant citrate belongs to the third hazard class, that is, moderately dangerous.

Where can I buy

Sereniya can be purchased without a prescription, that is, the drug is freely available. However, consulting a veterinarian before using it is advisable. You can buy the medicine in veterinary pharmacies or specialized departments of pet stores.

The price of Serenia is quite high, and this can be explained by the fact that the medicine is imported and has no direct analogues. The average cost of a bottle of injection solution is about 4,700 rubles. Tablets are cheaper - you can buy them for 1 thousand rubles (pack of 4 tablets).

Due to the high cost of the drug in veterinary pharmacies, Serenia tablets can be purchased individually, and injections can be purchased in doses (in syringes).

Instructions for use and dosage of Serenia for cats

The drug should be given to animals in the dosages indicated in the recommendations for its use.

Injections are best suited when the cat is vomiting due to something getting into the stomach. In this case, tablets will not give the desired result, since the active substance simply will not have time to act before the next urge to vomit. Therefore, tablets are given to pets only before trips to prevent motion sickness, and in all other cases it is better to give injections.

And for the best therapeutic effect, it is not recommended to do the following::

  • feed your pet an hour before taking the drug;
  • mix tablets with fatty foods (for example, cheese, meat, etc.);
  • Give the next tablet or give an injection until a day has passed since taking the previous ones.

Injection solution

The injection solution is administered to cats under the skin at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 10 kg of live weight. In order not to make a mistake when taking the required amount of solution, it is better to use an insulin syringe. It also has a thin needle, which will make the process of administering the drug easier. You can prick a cat yourself, but you will need to secure it during the procedure so that it does not twitch.

Only one injection per day is allowed, the course of treatment is a maximum of 5 days, but usually one or two injections are enough for the vomiting to stop and the animal to feel better. But if a cat vomits very strongly and often, then she will most likely need the maximum course of treatment.


The drug in tablet form, as mentioned above, is used only to prevent motion sickness, and not to treat the animal.

Only before the trip takes place, the active substance must have time to act, so the cat should be given the tablet a few hours before it. If your pet refuses to take the medicine, it can be hidden in the food.

Usually, a single dose is enough for the cat to tolerate the trip well, and repeated doses after a day may be required only in extreme cases. The dose of the medicine is calculated as follows: per 1 kg of cat’s body weight, 8 mg of the active substance is required. This means that one 100 mg tablet can be given to a cat whose weight is 2 or 2.5 kg.

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Serenia is a high quality drug, but it also has several contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • kittens are less than four months old;
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

Very carefully, under the supervision of a veterinarian, you can give the drug to animals with impaired liver function and cardiovascular diseases.

Be that as it may, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist to avoid bad consequences.

When it's prohibited

Serenia's contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • intolerance to components.

The active ingredient may have a negative effect on the development of offspring, so it is not used during pregnancy or feeding kittens. With intolerance, allergic reactions occur in various manifestations - from disruption of the digestive system to itching and skin rashes.

Note! If your cat has liver or kidney pathologies, consult a veterinarian before use. When using Serenia injections, no overdose symptoms were detected

If tablets are used, if the dose is exceeded, increased salivation and diarrhea may occur. In most cases, symptoms go away on their own after stopping the medication. If signs of overdose appear acutely, symptomatic therapy can be used.

When using Serenia injections, no overdose symptoms were detected. If tablets are used, if the dose is exceeded, increased salivation and diarrhea may occur. In most cases, symptoms go away on their own after stopping the medication. If signs of overdose appear acutely, symptomatic therapy can be used.

Veterinarian's opinion

Vitaly Borisovich

I work in a veterinary clinic and my colleagues and I often discuss various drugs for treating animals. Not long ago they talked about Serenia, which is given to pets to eliminate vomiting. This is an effective drug that can stop vomiting of any origin, even that caused by disorders of the vestibular system. Serenia begins to act quickly, and none of us have encountered any side effects from taking it. In most cases, people bring cats to us with viral infections and gastrointestinal problems. And we prescribe taking this medicine in combination with other drugs for one or a couple of days, and in especially serious cases, when vomiting becomes protracted, we extend the course to five days. Some cat owners like to prescribe treatment for their pets on their own, without rushing to consult with us, and this only causes harm. After all, there are diseases in which the administration of an antiemetic is a mandatory condition of treatment to prevent dehydration, and ordinary people (not veterinarians) may not know about this. And for those cats that do not tolerate transportation well, Sereniya tablets are excellent.

Owner reviews

Christina: I used the drug Sereniya 2 times, because the kittens often vomited when moving. And after using the product, such consequences disappear. I advise everyone to buy only in syringes, they are only 1-2 ml. If you buy a whole 20 ml bottle, then most likely you will waste money. Since an open bottle is stored for 1 month.

Olga: My cat was diagnosed with acute cystitis during an examination at the clinic. This disease caused great pain to my pet, she also vomited often, and she did not eat at all. The veterinarian recommended the drug sereniya, as it should stop all vomiting. I used to have a cat, and I gave him injections, so I chose the injection form because it works faster. By evening the pet felt better and the nausea stopped. Therefore, I was even able to give her milk. No adverse reactions were identified, they can recommend a remedy!


Serenia is an excellent antiemetic drug.
He quickly stops vomiting, even when other medications are powerless. Over several years of use in my practice, only a few animals developed mild allergic reactions, which quickly passed. The main advantage of Serenia is that it does not cause drowsiness. The dog remains active during the trip. In addition, the drug is safe, does not increase gastrointestinal upset and is allowed for puppies from 16 weeks. However, it is common for dogs to drool excessively.

Considering the high price of the drug, I use it mainly only for vomiting caused by intoxication and infectious diseases. And the veterinary analogue Reisfit or the “human” Cerucal or Metoclopramide cope perfectly with motion sickness.

Also, when administered subcutaneously, a burning sensation often occurs. It goes away in 5-10 minutes, but the dog needs to be well secured so that it does not break out. This can be avoided by administering the solution intravenously, after diluting it with saline to achieve an analgesic effect.

Keep in mind that most cases of kinetosis are caused not by a weak vestibular apparatus, but by stress. Therefore, in addition to Serenia, I recommend gradually accustoming dogs to travel, developing positive associations, finding a place in the car where the pet is less sick, and eliminating all strong odors - tobacco, perfume, air freshener.

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