Flea drops for cats and kittens: which ones to choose and how to use correctly.

At what age can drops be used?

Fleas are external parasites of pets. Flea bites are very itchy and can cause allergies and dermatitis in the animal. If your pet is left untreated, its fur may fall out. The body becomes vulnerable to worms and various infections. Flea infestation leads to the development of anemia, which often ends in death.

The cat is itching

A kitten can become infected immediately after birth. This occurs if the mother was not treated before pregnancy. Babies can be treated from the age of 3 months.

Before reaching this age, fleas are removed by hand, the kittens are bathed with a mild shampoo, making sure that it does not get into the baby’s eyes, mouth and nose. After bathing, you need to dry the coat with a hairdryer. Do not allow the kitten into a cold, drafty room for 8–10 hours. By licking newborns, the cat removes some of the fleas. It is advisable to wash the bed on which the cat family sleeps every day. You can comb babies with a small soft comb.

The drops are intended for kittens at least six months old. In pet stores and veterinary pharmacies you can find special gentle drops for babies, but they also should not be used before babies are 12 weeks old.

Important! Products such as spray, special collar, powder, and aerosol are not suitable for children. Moreover, if you put a collar on a kitten too early, this can lead to stunted growth and development of the pet.

Kitten after bathing

How often to treat a kitten for fleas

Kittens older than 2 months need to be treated 2 times a year. But many owners carry out this procedure once every 3 months. The medicine destroys fleas and other parasites.

Bars drops for cats against fleas and ticks: instructions

First you need to try it on a small area of ​​the kitten's skin. A small drop should be applied to the paw and see if an allergy occurs. If everything is in order, then you can safely treat the baby.

Note! It is forbidden to treat a nursing cat for worms, as this can harm her children.

Flea treatment

Terms of use

Flea drops for cats are very simple to use, and absolutely all of them, regardless of the manufacturer, are sold together with instructions in which you can find the most complete information about both the composition and the rules of use.

Most flea drops for cats are applied specifically to the withers - the most inaccessible place where the animal is guaranteed not to reach and lick the drug. Others, as you can see from the review presented above, do not apply it dropwise, but in a thin strip along the line of the spine. However, in any case, when applying, you must ensure that the drops get not so much on the fur as on the skin. And as soon as the drug is absorbed into the integument, its work to destroy parasites will immediately begin.

Almost all anti-flea drops are produced and sold in convenient-to-use containers - as a rule, these are pipettes, the contents of which are designed for exactly one treatment. Such pipettes are made of soft polymer materials; they can have different volumes and different dosages of the active substance of the drug contained in them, which will always depend on the weight of the pet and its age.

The dosage for kittens and adult cats will always be different, and this is important to pay attention to.

Rules for safe use

  1. Two days before treating the animal with flea drops and for a similar period of time after the procedure, the cat should not be bathed and it is advisable not to let it go outside so that it does not accidentally get wet in the rain or snow.
  2. If the pet managed to somehow reach the treated area (for example, when the drug was applied to the spine line), then in such cases there is no need to worry too much. This is due to the fact that the applied volume of the product is insignificant and does not pose a particular danger to cats. In the worst case scenario, your pet will vomit or lose his appetite for a couple of days. This situation applies to completely healthy cats, but in weakened individuals the reaction to active toxins may be stronger.
  3. A real threat to a cat's health can arise in situations where she licks her kittens treated with drops, especially if the offspring are numerous. If the insecticide is licked excessively, poisoning can have very serious consequences, which will require the mandatory intervention of specialists.
  4. Sometimes allergic reactions are possible, and in completely healthy cats. They manifest themselves in the form of itching at the site of application of the drug, hair loss in the same area, and dermatitis may also develop. These situations are extremely rare, but to avoid trouble, you should first apply one drop of the product and wait a little - this way you will find out how your cat’s body reacts to the drug.
  5. As for the development of an overdose, it usually occurs when instructions are not followed. In such cases, the pet becomes especially restless, possibly profuse salivation, increased breathing, slight trembling of the whole body, sudden vomiting and diarrhea. To eliminate these manifestations, it is often enough to simply bathe the cat.

If we talk about the toxicity of anti-flea drops for humans, then they do not pose any particular danger. However, it is advisable to wear gloves when handling them, and wash your hands thoroughly after use. Eating or drinking during treatment is not allowed. If the drops accidentally get on the mucous membranes, they should be washed off immediately. In rare cases, if it comes into contact with the skin, itching and redness may develop, as well as coughing, provoked by the vapors of the drug. When the latter appears, it is recommended to drink several glasses of water at once.

When choosing flea drops for your cat, remember that the main criterion should be the composition, and not the affordable cost. Only the safety and effectiveness of the drug can guarantee that your furry purr will be free from annoying parasites and possible health problems.

Rules for applying the drug

Drops on the withers for cats against fleas, ticks and worms

The dose of medication depends on the age and weight of the pet. Ideally, it should be prescribed by a veterinarian: too small an amount will not get rid of parasites, and too much can lead to poisoning.

Flea treatment should be applied to the animal's withers. This is the most convenient place to apply drops and ointments, because the cat will not be able to lick the drug from there.

There are drops that need to be placed on three different places along the length of the spine, but such products are unsafe and are only suitable for very severe infections.

It is advisable to learn in advance how to place drops on the cat’s withers. In this case, you need to slightly spread the fur with your fingers and drip in 1-2 drops. You can then lightly massage the skin so that the medicine is absorbed. There is no need to rub the drops in too intensely.

The skin on the withers should be dry, intact and healthy. Do not apply the drug to damaged skin. If there is a wound or inflammation on your pet’s withers, you need to use other means (spray or powder) or wait until the skin heals.

How to treat a cat for fleas

General Tips

Most cats that live a purely domestic life and never leave their home do not become infected with fleas, and therefore do not need treatment. If your cat cannot live within four walls and craves freedom, then the appearance of fleas is inevitable . And once they appear, then you need to get rid of them correctly. It is necessary to choose drugs carefully, for a long time and very seriously. Before self-medicating, it would be a good idea to go to a veterinary clinic and get a consultation. When choosing a medicine, your first priority should not be price and availability, but safety and effectiveness. Remember that the life of your pet is strictly in your hands, and under no circumstances should you skimp on it!

Safety regulations

A caring owner should always remember how to properly administer flea drops to a cat. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions for the drug and show your cat to a veterinarian to avoid allergies in your pet and other complications.

Flea drops for cats: remedy, tablets

Drops on the withers are used only for those kittens who already eat on their own. For babies who feed on mother's milk, these drugs are contraindicated. Kittens should not be treated with products intended for adult cats.

Attention! If flea drops get into your animal's eyes, nose or mouth, rinse them immediately with water.

For 2-3 days after flea treatment, you need to carefully monitor that the cats do not lick each other. For safety, you can put a medical collar on your kittens.

Allergy to flea bites

Operating principle

Based on the principle of action, anti-flea drops for cats are divided into two main groups:

  • contact - after application, the product is distributed over the surface of the skin, absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis, accumulates in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and acts on parasites upon contact;
  • systemic - the drug is absorbed into the blood and tissues of the animal and enters the insect’s body at the time of the bite.

Opinions among cat owners about the effectiveness and safety of medications vary. Some prefer to use systemic drops, considering them more effective. Others are of the opinion that systemic medications can be harmful to the pet, so they choose contact agents.

What affects the effectiveness of drops?

Success in flea control depends on the appropriate dose of medication and following safety precautions. Cleanliness in the house where a kitten lives plays a vital role in maintaining its health. It is necessary to treat not only the pet itself with flea remedies, but also the entire room. When the parasites disappear from the home, there will be no sources of infection left, which means the cat will be reliably protected from parasites.

The room can be sprayed with anti-flea spray. But a more noticeable effect will come from washing the floors with flea repellent. A small amount of the drug should be diluted in a bucket of water and the floors should be washed with this liquid.

Attention! After treating the floors in the apartment, you must carefully ensure that cats do not pick up anything from the floor or lick it.

Danger of fleas

Why are drops on the withers more convenient than deworming tablets?

Cat owners prefer drops to combat internal and external parasites based on the following considerations:

  1. The cat rejects violence and does not want to swallow pills; in some situations, vomiting develops.
  2. The use of oral anthelmintics in cases of high infestation, even with the correct dosage, leads to intoxication: mass death of helminths is accompanied by the release of toxic decay products. If drops are used, the anthelmintic agent enters the intestines from the blood slowly, the worms die gradually, and intoxication does not develop.
  3. Tablet preparations do not protect against ectoparasites and mosquitoes that carry heartworms.
  4. Oral drugs cause digestive disorders and have hepatotoxic effects.

Toxicity and side effects of flea products

Flea medications can be toxic to pets. If used incorrectly, these products cause allergies and poisoning. Allergies most often manifest themselves as redness, swelling, and itching of the skin at the site of application of the drops. But the cat’s nervous system may be damaged, and then it may experience convulsions and drooling.

These symptoms appear in the first few hours after contact with the drug. At risk are cats suffering from neurological disorders, such as cerebellar ataxia or the consequences of spinal injury.

To protect your furry pet, you need to carefully choose the dose of the drug and monitor for possible side effects. It is advisable that all recommendations be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Important! If any negative symptoms or changes in the animal’s behavior occur, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

The cat is being combed

What to do if the drops don't help?

There may be several reasons why treatment with drops is ineffective:

  • incorrectly selected product;
  • incorrect dosage;
  • violation of the rules for applying drops;
  • using an expired drug.

In addition, the cause may be constant contact with an infected animal or the presence of fleas in the house. In any case, if the applied drops do not help, you should take several steps:

  • change the drug;
  • treat your house and other pets for fleas;
  • try other products, such as a shampoo and collar combination.

Shampoo application

If these measures do not help, you should contact a veterinarian who will help you choose an effective remedy.

Unforeseen situations after use

After treating a furry pet for fleas, force majeure situations sometimes arise. If the cat had a lot of fleas, then in the first hours after using the drops these parasites become more aggressive. Because of this, the cat itches a lot. This goes away within a day.

The same thing happens if the animal suffers from flea dermatitis. In this case, severe itching is caused not so much by the action of the drops as by an allergy to flea bites.

The condition is especially dangerous when the cat suddenly develops an individual intolerance to the medicine. A cat's drug allergies should be treated by an experienced veterinarian.

Cats have fleas

How do the drops work?

Anti-flea drops are liquid solutions of insecticides that are practically not dangerous for warm-blooded animals. The active substances used are:

  • permethrin. It is safe for cats and kittens, because after it enters the stomach - if the animal accidentally licks it off - it quickly breaks down and does not enter the bloodstream. The pet will not get poisoned;
  • fipronil. Safe type of drug. Can be practiced with young animals;
  • pyriprofexin. Today it is the basis for the drip form. Previously, it was part of the compositions with which collars were impregnated;
  • ivermectin. A universal insecticide that has an effect on fleas, ticks, lice and nematodes.

Some anti-flea solutions not only act as a poison, but also repel blood-sucking parasites. Their main advantage is ease of application and quick action. Insects sitting on the mugs simply jump off the owner after application.

Advantages and disadvantages of using drops

Flea drops have many undeniable advantages over other forms of anti-flea medications.


  • act quickly (within 20 minutes the cat will feel better, and a few days later the parasites will die);
  • effective (reliably protect the cat from fleas for at least 1–2 months);
  • relatively safe;
  • convenient to use.

Unfortunately, this remedy is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, it needs to be replaced with other means or processing must be postponed for some time.


  • may cause allergies;
  • not suitable for small kittens, pregnant or lactating cats;
  • dangerous for sick, exhausted, weakened animals.


What happens to fleas after treatment?

If the flea drops are based on a repellent, then after treatment the insects quickly leave the animal in order to be as far as possible from the unpleasant odor. If the drug is insecticidal, then it affects the nervous system of parasites, blocking receptors and disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses, as a result of which:

  • fleas lose their ability to reproduce;
  • insects cannot eat, breathe, move and die from paralysis.

Many drugs act not only on mature individuals, but also on larvae. The active substance penetrates into the egg, causing the death of the larva.

A quick overview of effective drops

Most medications protect cats not only from fleas, but also from lice, scabies and ixodid mites. You can choose any broad-spectrum drug.

The most famous remedies:

  • Leopard - protects against fleas and ticks, treats otodectosis, sarcoptic mange, notoedrosis, cheyletiellosis, suitable for frequent use.
  • Stronghold is a complex drug that destroys external and internal parasites (fleas, ticks, heartworms, askrids, toxocara, hookworms). Suitable only for a strong and healthy body, but not for small and weak animals.
  • Frontline is a convenient product (1 package contains a dose for 1 cat). It acts gently and provides long-lasting and reliable protection.
  • Celandine acts quickly, is inexpensive, and easy to use. This is a rather toxic drug, so it should be used with great caution only on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Many cats are allergic to it.
  • Green Fort - oil drops that kill parasites. Relatively safe and easy to use.

Older kittens and adult cats can be treated with sprays. One of the safest is Bolfo spray.

Additional Information! For prevention, you can use some natural remedies. You can independently prepare a decoction of fresh pine needles and treat the kitten’s fur with it. Under no circumstances should you give this decoction to water or add it to food.


Flea drops are a simple and useful remedy that will reliably protect your cat from such a nuisance as blood-sucking insects. They are easy to use - even one person can do it. At the same time, adverse reactions and complications do not occur so often.

Why fleas are dangerous for a pregnant cat and newborn kittens

A flea is a blood-sucking insect that is a carrier of diseases, helminths, and poses a particular danger to kittens that have just been born. Removing them from a pregnant cat is very problematic.

At the first signs of anxiety and active scratching, an attentive owner realizes that the cat has fleas. By biting through the delicate skin, they irritate it with their saliva, causing redness and itching; the animal begins to scratch the bite site, tearing out the fur with its claws, leaving significant wounds.

Removing fleas from an adult cat is very simple, but if it comes to a pregnant cat, you need to be very careful when choosing drops and anti-flea products.


If you decide that the cat is ready to give birth to kittens and have selected a suitable candidate for her, it is necessary to carry out deworming and wear a flea collar to prevent the accidental transmission of insects from the cat. Fleas, like helminths, pose a great danger to a pregnant cat and her babies.

After birth, parasites immediately attack tiny kittens, bite, causing severe pain, itching, and lead to skin irritation. Subsequently, they become infected with helminths. Kittens that suffer from parasites from birth are very weak, develop slowly, eat poorly, and gain weight. Therefore, it is imperative to treat fleas on a nursing cat!

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