What drops against ectoparasites in cats are the safest, most effective and most convenient?

Operating principle and effectiveness of flea drops for cats

Flea drops for kittens and adult cats are a concentrated insecticidal solution based on plant or chemical components that destroy most external parasites. Anti-flea drops also contain additional ingredients that promote faster absorption of the active ingredients of the drug into the cat’s skin.

Flea drops on the withers are distributed evenly over the pet’s skin, penetrate the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, skin and subcutaneous fat, and then the following happens:

  1. When a flea comes into contact with the drug, it is absorbed into the chitinous cover of the insect.
  2. The active substance affects the central nervous system of fleas and leads to muscle paralysis.
  3. The parasite loses the ability to feed, move and soon dies.
  4. Insecticides do not penetrate the circulatory system, but are broken down in the animal’s skin into substances that are safe for health and then removed from the body naturally.

Most often, cat flea medications contain the following active ingredients of synthetic origin:

  1. Phenylpyrazole, fipronil. Anti-parasite products containing these active ingredients are safe for the health of cats and have a wide spectrum of action. They affect the central nervous system of insects and also provide protection against piroplasmosis. Such insecticides have a long-lasting effect because they accumulate in the sebaceous glands.
  2. Diflubenzuron. Insecticides with this component prevent the proliferation of parasites and, accordingly, reduce their number in the cat. Diflubenzuron blocks the formation of chitin in fleas, destroys larvae or prevents their formation from eggs.
  3. Imidacloprid. Imidacloprid belongs to the class of neonicotinoids. It enters the flea's body through ingestion or direct contact, and then suppresses the nervous system and leads to paralysis. After using the drug with this active ingredient, most fleas die within 12 hours.
  4. Ivermectin. Ivermectin is very toxic and must be used with extreme caution. It paralyzes the central nervous system of fleas and causes their muscles to relax, as a result of which the parasites lose the ability to feed and die.
  5. Diazinon. This active substance is highly toxic, which means that preparations containing it are prohibited for use on kittens. Diazinon penetrates the flea's body through cell membranes, blocks nerve impulses and leads to its death.
  6. Methoprene, pyriproxyfen. These substances block the development of fleas: they prevent the transformation of larvae into pupae, kill eggs, and have a sterilizing effect on the imago.

Interesting! The most effective remedies for parasites due to the combined effect on them are considered to be those that contain several active ingredients at once.

In addition to chemical components, flea products for cats may also contain natural substances: extracts of aloe, eucalyptus, tansy, ginseng and various essential oils. Their smell repels insects, but such preparations are not capable of destroying insects. In addition, they can cause allergies.

How to choose anti-tick drops for cats

To ensure that your purchase is truly of high quality, we recommend that you study the selection criteria in the article below.

  • Place of purchase. Medicines for ectoparasites should be purchased from specialized veterinary pharmacies. Purchasing from dubious places does not guarantee the authenticity of the solutions and the safety of their use for the life and health of not only the animal, but also the owner himself.
  • Instructions. Before purchasing a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions for use, learn about its contraindications and side effects.
  • What should the drug be? The medicine must have the following characteristics:
  1. Have a prolonged action.
  2. Do not penetrate deep into the body, but concentrate in the upper layers of the epidermis and the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  3. The substances included in its composition must have low toxicity.
  4. It must be active against not only ticks, but also other pathogens of infectious and invasive diseases.
  • Rules of application. The first thing to remember is that the drug is applied to dry, but in no case to wet or damaged skin. The composition is distributed pointwise on the withers, which avoids the animal licking the drug. The cat should not be washed for 3 days after treatment. It is also not recommended to wash your pet 2 days before using the product. Reapply the drug only after its protection period has expired.
  • Mechanism of action. Exactly how the ticks will be affected depends on the main active ingredient in the drops. Some cause paralysis and death of mites, others stop the development of eggs and larvae hatching from them, thereby preventing the scenario where ear mites in cats may appear again.

In what cases do veterinarians recommend using drip medications?

Drops against fleas, ticks and worms for cats are the most effective and safe means for getting rid of parasites and preventing their occurrence. Thanks to this form, they are quickly absorbed into the skin of furry pets and evenly distributed throughout the body. After consuming blood with an insecticide, fleas will die within 24 hours, and the protective effect after their use will last at least a month. In addition, the drops can be applied precisely to those places where the animal definitely cannot reach and lick the drug. Among the existing drops against fleas and ticks for cats, each owner will be able to choose an option that is acceptable for him and his pet - effective, cheap, safe.

Veterinarians do not recommend using drops against fleas and other external parasites for the following categories of pet cats:

  • kittens under 2 months old;
  • cats during pregnancy and lactation;
  • sick, weakened and recovering pets.

Drops are the best flea remedy for cats that often walk outside, as well as for very active pets that cannot sit quietly for even a couple of minutes. Anti-flea preparations in this form are perfect for both long-haired and short-haired pets.

What to do if drops don’t help

Flea medications may not be effective in the following situations:

  1. The medicine was chosen incorrectly.
  2. Application rules not followed.
  3. The dosage was calculated incorrectly.
  4. The date of preventative treatment has been missed.
  5. The drug is used after the expiration date.

If you have treated your cat according to the instructions, but there is no effect, contact a veterinary clinic for help.

Veterinarian help.

Instructions for use

Flea and tick control drops for cats are very easy to use. No special preparation is required before using such drugs - just not bathe your pet for 2-3 days before and after treatment. In addition, if there are several pets living in the house, they all also need to be treated with a medicine against fleas and other parasites.

Important! Applying flea and tick medications for cats is only allowed on dry and intact skin in places inaccessible to licking. Otherwise, various side effects may occur.

It is important to follow a certain procedure in order to drip the drug correctly:

  1. Place your pet on its stomach, caress and calm it down.
  2. Hold the cat firmly, while spreading the fur on the back of the head or withers.
  3. Apply drops in a dosage that corresponds to weight and age. Do not rub.

How to use correctly

The principle of processing an animal is as simple as possible and is the same for all types of drops. The process should begin by determining the body weight of the tailed friend . After the weight is determined, you need to read the instructions for the product , finding out how much liquid to use in a particular case.

The last stage of the process is to directly apply the drops to the cat's skin.

The procedure for using the drug should be approached most carefully . All types of flea products are applied to areas of the body that are inaccessible to the animal for licking.

As a rule, such places are the withers and the spine area . After using the product, the cat should not be bathed. If the animal’s habitat is not limited to the apartment, then it is necessary to ensure that the animal does not get caught in the rain. Otherwise, the remedy will not work .

Rules for safe application of the drug

To ensure the correct use of flea drops, as well as to ensure the safety of themselves and their pet, owners should be sure to use the following tips:

  1. During treatment, do not drink or eat, and after treatment you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. It is better to apply drops to an animal using rubber gloves, and if you are prone to allergies, use a special mask.
  3. Choose a product strictly according to the age of the pet.
  4. Apply flea drops to your cat only using a special pipette that comes with the product. This will allow you to more accurately calculate the dosage of the medicine.
  5. To avoid licking the drug, immediately after the procedure, put a protective collar on the cat for 2-3 hours and do not remove it until the insecticide is completely absorbed.
  6. For 1–2 days after treatment, the cat should not be petted, picked up or allowed near children.

Benefits of drops

In addition to fighting fleas, the drops also resist any ticks (ixodid, ear, subcutaneous and scabies), as well as lice-eaters. Flea drops can prevent your pet from becoming infected with heartworms.

Flea drops have proven themselves to be effective medications. In general, one application of the drug on an animal should be enough to protect it from fleas for a period of 1 or 2 months.

The effect of the drop begins 20 minutes after use. The drops are also safe if used correctly, but precautions should be taken to avoid overdosing.

Flea drops are convenient to use; as a rule, they are packaged in a small pipette, which is designed for one use. Using a pipette, you can freely apply drops to any part of the animal's fur.

Contraindications and side effects

The only absolute contraindication to the use of anti-flea drops is the cat’s individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Veterinarians recommend carrying out the following test before application: drop a little product on the withers and observe the pet for 24 hours. If after this time no redness or swelling has appeared, and the animal’s well-being has not worsened, then you can safely begin flea treatment.

Owners should not give cats multiple flea medications at the same time. In this case, the pet may experience an overdose, which poses a great threat to its life and health.

Owners should also carefully study the composition of anti-flea drops before treating their cat. Permethrin products paralyze and kill fleas, but can also kill a cat. Previously, products containing this substance were widely used to treat animals. However, according to recent research by scientists, they are very toxic to cats not only when ingested, but also when applied to the skin, and, on the contrary, are harmless to dogs. That is why manufacturers now include permethrin exclusively in anti-flea drops for dogs. Unfortunately, some owners think that the organisms of these animals are similar, so they treat their cats with flea products for dogs, which can lead to irreparable consequences.

Contraindications to the use of most anti-flea drops in cats may include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 2 months;
  • too little weight;
  • feeling unwell due to illness.

In addition, you cannot treat a cat for fleas if it has had surgery and less than 3 weeks have passed since the stitches were removed.

If the instructions for use are not followed, the cat may experience various side effects after applying flea drops:

  • dyspnea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • muscle tremors;
  • increased salivation;
  • lacrimation;
  • itching

Important! If any side effect occurs, wash off the drug and immediately show the cat to a veterinarian.

Feedback from cat owners

Cat owners speak positively about the effects of the described drugs. Isolated negative responses are explained by individual intolerance to the components of the insecticide or violation of storage rules: flea drops cannot be frozen or stored for a long time at outside temperatures above 30 °C.

Here are examples of reviews:

  • Frontline for cats. We have used this product for several years and it has always worked well for our cats. We firmly believe that this has kept them free of pests and problems. This product is made in France, which surprised us. Buy with confidence!
  • I have been ordering Frontline for my cats for the past few years. In summer they spend most of their time outdoors. We've never had a problem with fleas or ticks, but we start treating them in early spring and do it faithfully all summer long. I work at a veterinary clinic and some people who use frontline complain that it doesn't work. I think it's harder to control fleas if you wait until they have them and your home is infested. I think it works well when you start in the spring and use it until there is a hard freeze. For those who live where it doesn't freeze, it's probably best to use it year-round. I will buy this product again next spring when it warms up here. We have 4 cats and I use Frontline Plus for all of them.
  • After years of treating cats with Frontline and having the fleas return before the next dose was due, I discovered Vectra. Everything about this product is great. The cap is easily pressed to reveal the dose, and then it parts the hair to release the product onto the skin. And speaking of effectiveness, I didn't see any active fleas within an hour! Let's sing the praises of this product!
  • Vectra. It works better than Advantage or Frontline. It doesn't seem to make cats feel sick the way Advantage does. Sometimes cats get sick from Advantage. My cats would lie around for 2 days. Whereas with Vectra, cats don't seem to have any adverse reactions. I highly recommend Vectra. It works as it should and kills fleas quickly.

Be sure to read:

The drug Ivermek, instructions for use for cats: dosages and composition

Review of the best drops for fleas in cats

The modern veterinary drug market offers a huge variety of different insecticides from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Before going on sale, absolutely all medicines undergo the necessary laboratory studies and clinical trials. However, many of them still turn out to be more in demand and at the same time act quite quickly and are inexpensive.

Most of these products can act not only on fleas, but also on ticks and helminths. They are available in the following forms:

  • flea spray;
  • shampoo;
  • powder;
  • drops on the withers;
  • flea tablets;
  • collars;
  • solutions for injections;
  • aerosols.

Among all these drugs, it is the drops that show the best results in the fight against fleas, worms and other parasites. Thus, the list of contraindications for flea tablets for cats is wider. Powder and shampoos, like tablets, act only on adults, and collars are usually used to prevent the appearance of parasites.

Below is a rating of the most effective flea remedies for cats, which are available in the form of drops.


Advantage is a very effective drops based on imidacloprid against fleas, lice and lice.

Advantage should not be applied to a kitten younger than 2.5 months.

Drops are available in 2 dosages:

  • Advantage 40 (0.4 ml of the drug);
  • Advantage 80 (0.8 ml of the drug).

One pipette is always used per animal: for cats weighing less than 4 kg, you must choose Advantage 40, and for pets from 4 to 8 kg, Advantage 80. For cats over 8 kg, you can drip the product in any packaging in the dosage: 0.1 ml per 1 kg weight.

After a single application of drops, the death of insects occurs after 12 hours. The protective effect of the product lasts about a month. Repeated treatment can be carried out once every 28 days.

Advantage has a bitter taste, so when licked it can cause increased salivation. It usually goes away within a few minutes and is not a sign of intoxication.


The active ingredients in Advocate drops are imidacloprid and moxidectin. They cause paralysis and subsequently death of the parasites.

These drops work against fleas, subcutaneous and ear mites, and nematodes.

It is forbidden to use this flea remedy on kittens that have not reached the age of 9 weeks, those infected with infectious diseases and weakened individuals. Treatment of pregnant and lactating cats can only be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

To treat ear mites, helminthic infestations and kill fleas, Advocate drops are applied once, and for prevention purposes - monthly.

The medicine is available in 2 versions:

  • for cats weighing up to 4 kg;
  • for cats from 4 to 8 kg.

In this case, one pipette is always used per animal. Cats that weigh more than 8 kg can receive drops of the product in any packaging in the dosage: 0.1 ml of the drug per 1 kg of weight.

When licking the droplets, some cats may experience increased salivation or trembling, which does not require medical attention.


Bars drops contain fipronil, diflubenzuron and dicarboximide. They are used to destroy mature individuals and larvae of fleas, lice, lice, and also as a tick repellent for cats.

It is prohibited to use this product during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for kittens under 10 weeks, sick and convalescent individuals.

To treat fleas on an animal weighing 3 kg or more, you will need 1 pipette, weighing 1-3 kg - 20 drops of the drug, and a kitten weighing less than 1 kg - 10 drops. To get rid of a tick, you need to drop 1 drop of the drug directly onto the parasite. If it does not fall off after 20–30 minutes, then it should be carefully pulled out with tweezers and destroyed.

Repeated treatment for complete destruction of fleas can be carried out no more than once a month, for preventive purposes - once every 5 weeks.

Owners should closely monitor their pet for 2-3 hours after using the drug or put a protective collar on the cat to prevent licking off droplets.

BlochNet max

BlochNet max drops contain fipronil, benzyl benzoate and dimethyl phthalate.

This drug destroys lice eaters, ticks and fleas, protects against mosquitoes and other flying blood-sucking insects.

The product should not be used by sick and weakened cats, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as by kittens under 3 months.

To treat a pet weighing up to 5 kg, 15 drops of the drug are needed, over 5 kg - 30 drops. For otodectosis, 3-4 drops of medicine are instilled into each ear, which has been previously cleaned. The procedure is carried out twice a day with an interval of 7–10 days.

After applying the drug, the parasites die within a day. Repeated treatment of a cat for complete destruction of fleas can be carried out no more than once a month, for preventive purposes - once every 5 weeks. The duration of protective action against fleas is 1.5–2 months, against mosquitoes and similar blood-sucking insects – 1–2 days, against other parasites – 1 month. Repeated treatment of a cat with these drops is allowed no more than once a month.


The active ingredient in these drops for cats is diazinon. It suppresses the motor activity of parasites, leading to paralysis and death.

Beafar is effective against lice, fleas, scabies and ixodid mites at all stages of their development.

Beafar should not be used by pregnant, lactating, patients with infectious diseases or weakened cats, kittens under 1.5 months, as well as individuals with cancer and low weight (less than 2.5 kg).

The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the cat: from 2.5 to 5 kg - 1 pipette, from 5 kg - 2 pipettes.

After using the product, insects that parasitize the cat die within a few days. The protective effect of these drops lasts 21 days. Repeated treatment can be carried out every 3 weeks.

In case of an overdose or licking of the medicine, salivation, irritation of the mucous membranes, vomiting, and itching may occur. To rid your cat of these symptoms, you need to wash off the drops with plenty of water and give an antihistamine.

You can wash your cat only 3 weeks after using the drug, before applying it again.


Binacar drops on the withers contain imidacloprid and propolis extract. Imidacloprid kills insects and protects the cat from infection, and propolis extract has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

This product fights fleas, lice, lice, mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking insects at all stages of their development.

Binacar is prohibited for use by sick, weakened individuals, cats in late stages of pregnancy, as well as in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Kittens can be treated with these drops from the age of 8 weeks.

The dosage of the drug depends on the cat’s body weight: for individuals 1–4 kg – 1 pipette of 0.4 ml, over 4 kg – 2 pipettes of 0.4 ml.

Parasites die 12 hours after using the drug. The drops protect the cat from insects for about a month. Repeated treatment can be carried out no earlier than a month later.

Bravecto Spot On

Bravecto Spot drops contain fluralaner, which suppresses the nervous system of parasites and leads to their death.

This drug for cats is effective against fleas, ixodid, ear and subcutaneous ticks.

After application, the drops are absorbed into the animal’s fur and skin and penetrate into the blood. 7–63 days after use, the amount of fluralaner in the circulatory system decreases. Over time, the drug is completely eliminated from the body along with feces and urine.

Bravecto Spot It is prohibited for use in kittens under 11 weeks of age and individuals weighing less than 1.2 kg.

This drug should be applied to dry and intact skin in areas that are inaccessible for licking: for cats weighing up to 6.25 kg - in one place, over 6.25 kg - in 2 places.

The product is available in several dosages: for small breeds (1.2–2.8 kg) – Bravecto Spot On 112.5 mg, for medium breeds (2.8–6.25 kg) – Bravecto Spot On 250 mg and for large breeds breeds (over 6.25 kg) – Bravecto Spot On 500 mg. In each packaging option, one pipette is always used per animal. For cats that weigh more than 12.5 kg, you can drip 2 pipettes of different packaging, which best correspond to the weight of the pet.

After applying the drops, fleas die after 12 hours, and ticks die after two days. The protective effect of the drug against all parasites lasts for up to 3 months. Repeated treatment, if indicated, should be carried out at intervals of 3 months.

In some cats, the drug may cause spontaneous itching, redness of the skin, and increased salivation.

Dana Ultra

Dana Ultra drops contain fipronil, pyriproxyfen and thiamethoxam.

The product perfectly destroys fleas, lice, lice and ticks at all stages of their development.

Dana Ultra is prohibited for use by kittens under 10 weeks of age, sick, weakened, low-weight cats, during pregnancy and lactation.

The dosage of the medicine should be as follows: kittens weighing up to 2 kg - 8 drops of the product, cats from 2 to 5 kg - 1 pipette of 0.4 ml, cats over 5 kg - 2 pipettes of 0.4 ml.

The protective effect of drops against ixodid ticks lasts 3–4 weeks, against other parasites – 6–8 weeks. Repeated treatment against ear mites can be carried out after 10–12 days, against fleas and other parasites - after a month.

Inspector Total

The active ingredients in Inspector Total drops for cats are fipronil and moxidectin.

The drug is highly effective against fleas, ticks, lice, adults and nematode larvae.

After application of the product, fipronil is not absorbed into the circulatory system, but accumulates in the skin and coat. Moxidectin, on the contrary, enters various organs through the bloodstream and is then completely excreted from the cat’s body along with feces.

Inspector Total cannot be used simultaneously with other insecticides. It is also prohibited to treat sick, weakened animals and kittens under 7 weeks with this product. Pregnant and lactating cats, as well as babies weighing less than 1 kg, drops are applied under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. When treating ear mites, drops should not be used if the eardrum is perforated.

The dosage of the product depends on the weight of the pet: 1–4 kg – 1 pipette of 0.4 ml, 4–8 kg – 1 pipette of 0.8 ml. When treating cats over 8 kg, the dosage should be as follows: 0.1 ml per 1 kg of weight.

The protective effect of drops against ticks lasts about a month, against fleas and other insects - 1.5 months. Preventive treatment against external parasites is recommended every 4–6 weeks, against helminths – once every 3 months.

You are allowed to bathe your cat no earlier than 4 days after using the drug.


The active ingredient in Stronghold antiparasitic drops for cats is selamectin.

Stronghold destroys nematodes, fleas, ear mites and scabies, and blocks their muscle activity.

The main contraindication to the use of this drug is kittens under 6 weeks of age.

To kill fleas, treat otodectosis and helminthic infestation, Stronghold is applied once, and to kill subcutaneous ticks - 2 times with an interval of a month. The dosage of the medicine should be as follows: cats less than 2.5 kg - 1 pipette of 0.25 ml, 2.6–7.5 kg - 1 pipette of 0.75 ml. Individuals that weigh more than 7.5 kg should be treated with 1 pipette of 0.25 ml and 1 pipette of 0.75 ml.

The protective effect of Stronghold lasts 1 month. At the end of this period, in order to prevent re-infection, the pet can be treated again.

Prazicide complex

Prazicide drops contain 4 active ingredients: praziquantel, thiamethoxam, levamisole and ivermectin.

This product is used to rid cats of fleas, lice, various types of ticks, nematodes and cestodes at all stages of their development.

Prazicide complex should not be used in kittens under 2 months of age, sick, weakened or underweight kittens, or during pregnancy and lactation. The drug cannot be used simultaneously with other insecticides.

The product is available in pipettes of 0.3 ml (for kittens) and 0.8 ml (for adult cats). Its dosage depends on the weight and age of the pet. So, for kittens less than 1 kg, 1 pipette of 0.3 ml is dripped, for kittens over 1 kg - 2 pipettes of 0.3 ml. Adult cats up to 5 kg are treated with 1 pipette with 0.8 ml of the drug, over 5 kg - with 2 pipettes of 0.8 ml.

Deworming of pets for preventive purposes is carried out every 3 months. To prevent infection by external parasites, drops should be used monthly.

When treating a cat, owners need to ensure that the animal does not lick the drug. To do this, it is recommended to put a protective collar on it and remove it half an hour after using the product.

Rolf Club 3D

The composition of Rolf Club 3D drops includes etofenprox, fipronil and pyriproxyfen.

The drug destroys lice eaters, fleas and ticks at all stages of their development. In addition, it protects cats from attacks by mosquitoes and other flying blood-sucking insects.

These drops must not be used in combination with other insecticides. Also, kittens under 12 weeks of age, sick and weakened individuals, and during pregnancy and lactation should not be treated with the medicine.

The dosage of the medicine depends on the weight of the pet: less than 4 kg - 1 pipette of 0.5 ml, 4-8 kg - 1 pipette of 0.8 ml. When treating cats over 8 kg, the dosage should be as follows: 0.125 ml per 1 kg of weight.

After applying the drops, the parasites die within 1–2 hours. The protective effect against ixodid ticks lasts 1 month, against fleas and other external parasites - up to 2 months, against mosquitoes and other flying blood-sucking insects - 1 week. Repeated processing can be done monthly.

Fiprist Spot On

Fiprist Spot drops contain fipronil, which blocks the nerve receptors of parasites upon contact with the drug and leads to their death.

This drug destroys fleas, lice and lice, and is used as tick drops for cats.

The product is prohibited for use in kittens under 2 months of age, sick and weakened individuals. Fiprist Spot It cannot be used together with other insecticides. When treating ear mites, drops should not be used if the eardrum is perforated.

To destroy parasites, the cat must be treated with 1 pipette of the product.

Flea drops for cats are effective for about a day, then they cause the death of the parasites. The protective effect against fleas lasts up to 1.5 months, against ixodid ticks - 2-3 weeks. Repeated treatment can be done every 3 weeks.

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