An effective sleeping pill for cats and rules for its use

How to trim a cat's hair at home? This is a responsible event that can become real stress for your furry pet if everything is not done professionally and competently. Below are instructions that will help you give your animal a neat appearance without visiting a specialized veterinary clinic.

What is used to groom cats?

Attention! At home, medium-sized scissors are used, but the most convenient option is a clipper.

A hair clipper is most convenient for the procedure

This device, unlike scissors, is easy to use and cannot cause injury to your pet if used correctly. The only drawback is the sound of the machine running, which can greatly frighten the cat, and this will create certain problems during the grooming process (the animal begins to struggle and scratch).

If you are even afraid to imagine how to trim a cat at home, then you better turn to a professional. Some veterinary clinics use anesthesia for overly exuberant cats, but this is very dangerous for older cats.

At home, it is difficult to trim a cat for participation in exhibitions, but it is absolutely possible to do this for hygienic purposes.

It is advisable for the clipper to operate quietly

For convenience and ease of cutting, the first step is to choose a high-quality model of the device, preferably not too loud and, of course, not the cheapest. The stores offer mechanical (manual) and electric machines. After studying all the pros and cons that the sales consultant can tell you about, you will be able to choose the most convenient option.

Features of application

Sleeping pills should be used for cats only after consultation with a doctor. There should be no amateur activity. This is especially true for medications. When self-administering, you should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the veterinarian, as a mistake can cost the pet’s life.

It is strictly forbidden to use drugs designed for humans as sleeping pills. When using any medicinal hypnotics, simultaneous use with any sedatives should be avoided.

Tools for the procedure

Grooming cats is done with two tools - a clipper and scissors. A nice and neat haircut can be achieved by alternating both tools in different areas. It is convenient to use scissors to trim what is left after the device. Cutting long hair with scissors is time-consuming and traumatic, and the result is not always neat.

Select scissors of medium size with sharp edges and rounded ends. The machine does not injure the cat, it is comfortable to work with and will require less time. My only wish is to choose a model with minimal noise so as not to frighten your pet. When working with a human machine, it is difficult to achieve straight lines. It is better to purchase a special device. For long and thick wool, its power should be at least 45 W.

Additionally, for a haircut you will need:

  1. Fine-tooth comb
  2. Hydrogen peroxide for skin cuts
  3. A place for cutting, such as a small table
  4. An old towel as a bedding to collect the wool in and throw away
  5. Cat entertainment toy

Mechanical hair clipper

If you decide to groom your cat at home, make sure you have all the necessary tools:

  • Ironing board or table;
  • A special trimmer or electric razor - if you want to trim your cat with a clipper;
  • Regular and thinning scissors (for grooming);
  • Iodine and hydrogen peroxide for treating accidental wounds, cuts, scratches;
  • An assistant who will hold a struggling cat.

For your own safety and the safety of the table, before carrying out the procedure it is necessary to trim the cat’s claws.

An effective method to immobilize a cat

The process of immobilizing young healthy cats includes the following steps:


  1. Attaching a clip to the cat's scruff
    . You need to select a clothespin or clip approximately 5 cm in size and place the device on the withers directly behind the ears. Each owner can choose what exactly to pinch the scruff of the neck on their own. You need to look at the cat’s reaction to see what suits him best. If a paper clip puts too much pressure on the skin, the cat will not tolerate the pain.
  2. It is necessary to place the pet on its side
    . Since the cat relaxes too much after the clamp, he may involuntarily fall on his own. If this does not happen, you can gently press on the hind legs to remove resistance. You can tell that the cat is completely relaxed by his behavior. He tends to pull the lamps towards his muzzle, curls up into a ball, and places his tail between his paws. If the cat cannot be laid on its side, it continues to stubbornly stand on its feet and tucks its tail, which means it is not calm and is very scared.
  3. Using additional clothespins
    . The reception will help to completely relax the animal. To do this, several clamps must be placed a little further than the first one on the back of the neck along the spine. If the cat starts to get violent, then all the clamps need to be removed.
  4. Also, for some Goths, the method of placing a clothespin anywhere on the back along the spine may work, but a greater effect can only be achieved when placed on the neck.
  5. After a few minutes, the clothespins need to be removed
    . However, the duration of the resulting peace of mind is sometimes completely unpredictable and is determined on an individual basis. Some cats are immobilized during the entire grooming and nail trimming procedure, while in other cases the animal can be deactivated for a short period of time.

According to veterinarians, clothespins cannot cause harm to the skin. But after some time, the cat may begin to show dissatisfaction; there is no need to shock the cat for a long time.


Cats are gentle and affectionate pets that happily greet their owners after a working day and warm them with their warmth and purring in the cold autumn weather. But most pets do not take well to transportation and changing places of residence. In some cases, it is necessary to resort to sedative sleeping pills to calm the pet.

There are two types of sleeping pills: medical and homeopathic. The first includes tablets and various types of drugs developed in laboratories. Homeopathic remedies include various herbal infusions and tablets.

Medicines, in turn, are divided into short-term, long-term and special. Short-term - used for short-term transportation or in situations where the animal has disturbed sleep and increased excitability. This group includes “Xylanite”, which quickly relaxes the animal and calms it down. Often used during short-term transportation. "Intraval" has a shorter effect, is used to relieve stress, and is used at home.

Long-term medications are those prescribed by veterinarians that treat more severe symptoms or are used as a preparatory step before anesthesia. These include “Etamyl-sodium” and “Barbamyl-sodium”. Such medications are used only with the direction of a veterinarian and for a short period of time, as they can be addictive. Suitable for the treatment of insomnia and nervous disorders.

Special medications are potent medications, the use of which is strictly controlled by a doctor. “Ftorotan”, “Ketamine”, “Rompun” belong to this group.

They are used as an analgesic, a strong hypnotic, and also used for anesthesiological purposes.

Many cat breeders make the same mistake, using valerian or catnip as a sleeping pill. These herbs act like a drug on pets and do not bring the expected results. Therefore, it is recommended to keep medications containing such herbs out of the reach of cats.

Why do cats get their hair cut?

There may be several reasons:

A long-haired animal often suffers from matting of soft and long hair.

A tangle can form gradually, and if the owner does not feel and untangle the “nascent” tangle in time, then, increasing in size, the tangle turns into a felted ball of wool, like a felt boot.

Such a tangle causes discomfort to the cat, pain, disrupts the blood supply to the skin, causes inflammation, ulcers and alopecia (hair loss and disruption of the process for growing new hair). Sores and scratches attract whole hordes of blood-sucking insects, which are difficult to get rid of, because... they are grouped precisely under the felt boots, provoking new skin diseases.

It is clear that cutting out the mats is simply necessary, and if there are many of them, it is necessary to trim the cat completely.

  • Gastrointestinal tract and bezoars

Bezoars are balls of hair that get into the cat's stomach when she cleans herself up by licking, smoothing her fur, and at the same time removing dead hairs. These dead hairs form lumps, which the cat then vomits unsightly in the most unexpected places. What can you do - a defense mechanism! If there are many bezoar lumps or they are dense and large, clogging of the lumens of the gastrointestinal tract may occur - obstruction. Often such a nuisance ends in surgical intervention.

  • Medical indications

With some skin diseases, such as dermatitis, hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands, etc., a “zero” haircut becomes simply necessary, otherwise it is impossible to apply medications to the skin.

Grooming long-haired kittens and very older cats at an early age is not a whim of the owner, but rather an attempt to make it easier for an inexperienced kitten and an old animal to care for themselves.

  • Shedding and heat

Are you familiar with the situation when the fur shed from a cat or cat, rolling into fluffy tumbleweeds, is chased by a draft throughout the apartment, plastering itself on upholstered furniture, carpets and your clothes? It is impossible to comb out all the hair that falls from a cat, for the simple reason that cats living in the house shed all year round, regardless of the weather outside the window. The only way out here is to trim the cat, depriving him of the opportunity to generously sow his fur. This is especially true for cats with long, rich hair, which on hot days becomes a “curse” both for the cat suffering from a thick coat and for the owner: on hot days the cat sheds hair especially abundantly.

In these cases, we are talking about a hygienic haircut - the first and necessary part of grooming.

When to use medications

Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats are prescribed for anxious behavior with obvious disturbances in nervous activity. In addition, you cannot do without sedatives in the following situations:

  • medical intervention - wound treatment, examination, vaccination;
  • long journey – during transportation the animal often panics;
  • adaptation to the situation - a new place of residence causes aggression;
  • nervous disorders - obsessive actions, increased nervousness;
  • mental disorders - fear, phobias, anxiety, aggression;
  • marking the territory - excitement, hormonal surge, increased sexual desire;
  • aggression in the presence of strangers;
  • visiting salons, exhibitions, groomers.

When a cat tries to take a dominant position, there is no need to punish the animal by indicating “its place.” You can relieve nervous tension and aggression by using a herbal preparation with a mild sedative property.

Mental abnormalities are noticeable by the following signs:

  • hunting for a non-existent target;
  • constant licking of oneself, leading to the formation of wounds and hair loss;
  • self-directed aggression;
  • twitching of limbs, head, jumping.

Mental disorders manifest themselves in different ways; if you notice unusual behavior in your pet, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How many times a year should a cat be groomed?

On average, depending on the breed and age, a cat's fur grows back to its previous size 3-6 months after shearing.

Attention! Experienced veterinarians recommend trimming your cat several times a year, and if tangled hairballs appear, cut them out with scissors.

It is recommended to trim your cat's hair several times a year.

It is advisable to trim your cat before the summer season, because animals, especially shaggy ones, endure the hot season too difficult, therefore, by learning how to carry out the procedure at home, you will help your cat cope not only with intestinal disease, but also make her feel better in conditions that are too high air temperature.

Reception features

When choosing a sleeping pill, you should carefully study the instructions and composition of the medicine. In order not to harm your pet, you should definitely consult a veterinarian about the use of the medicine. The doctor will tell you about the possible side effects of the drug and how to eliminate them. An experienced veterinarian should prescribe treatment with sleeping pills; in no case should you increase the dose of the drug yourself.

If your pet needs a haircut and the journey, for example, to the groomer, does not take much time, you should not give him sleeping pills. In any case, it has a negative effect on the animal’s body, especially on cardiac activity. To pacify the animal, it is better to use herbal-based sedatives that are harmless to the cat’s body: Fitex, Kot Bayun, Stop-Stress and others.

Drugs intended for humans should not be used for cats. This may cause various side effects.

What types of grooming machines are there?

Cats are cautious creatures and distrustful of objects that make sounds that are unpleasant to them. The worst irritant for them is hum and vibration. Some people never get used to the sounds of a hair dryer, much less the sounds of an electric clipper.

For such “nervous” people, a manual hair clipper, also known as a mechanical one, is quite suitable.

A mechanical cat clipper is easy to operate because... It is a pair of pliers with pruning shears fastened in the middle with a screw, which, after squeezing the handles in the palm of your hand, converge and cut off the hair caught between the pruning shears. Then, thanks to the spring mechanism, the blades of the pruning shears move apart, and the machine is ready to cut the strand again.

This is an almost ideal mechanism that does not damage or frighten the cat with vibration, but it has 3 significant drawbacks:

  • If the “lamb” is adjusted incorrectly, the blades will not close completely and pull out the wool instead of cutting it.
  • Low cutting speed.
  • Such a manual clipper is not very suitable for performing a curly, high-quality haircut.

Electric cat clippers also have their pros and cons:

Advantage - low price

Disadvantage: due to its low power, it cannot be used as a professional grooming tool. And the quality of the knives leaves much to be desired.

These are suitable for cats with soft, medium-length fur.

Advantages – low noise hair trimmer.

Disadvantage: cannot be used for long-haired or dirty cats; the blades clog too quickly.

Advantages: high power, ability to easily remove hair of any length and thickness. Quick change of high-quality attachments. Air cooling system and the possibility of long-term curly haircuts (professional grooming machine).

The disadvantage is that it is noisier than a vibrating machine. Expensive.

Whatever machine you choose, you must first learn how to handle it before your cat gets under the blades of the clipper.

An important point: not a single ordinary “human” machine for removing hair or trimming whiskers is suitable for representatives of the cat family! Only specially created for cat grooming!

Since the question “Is it possible to cut cats?” - was resolved positively, and we even figured out what is the best way to do it, the last topic remains: “Who should do the haircut and how?”

Some nuances that may arise after a haircut

Owners are often interested in what will happen if they cut their cat’s hair, especially for the first time. Fans of cat hairstyles should know that after cutting the coat, not only the structure of the coat often changes, but even the color. Pets with colorpoint and tipping should not be cut due to darkening of the fur in the belly and back.

a) Color point color variation; b) Solid blue color with a distinct silver tint (the ends of the hair have silver tipping)

Regular trimming can cause the coat to not grow back to its normal length. After hairdressing procedures, the new fur coat may become thinner and quickly become tangled.

The consequences of cutting your own hair are often skin injuries. The risk of developing inflammatory processes increases.

When grooming in a clinic or salon, the animal is often given light anesthesia or sedatives. However, regular use of sedatives and anesthesia adversely affects the health of the pet.

How do sedatives work?

The composition of sedatives includes chemical components, extracts from medicinal plants, hormones that have the following actions:

  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • calm down;
  • reduce pain;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce the feeling of fear.

A sedative and sleeping pill for cats affects blood circulation in the brain, normalizes metabolism, affects the psycho-neurological state, the process of excitation or inhibition, and inhibits the reproductive system.

How to carry out the procedure

The hair on a cat's head is usually not cut.

  1. The cat is fixed on its side by its hind and front legs.
  2. If the animal is overly aggressive, a collar is put on the animal to prevent it from biting.
  3. First they cut the tangles with scissors, and then take the clipper and continue working on the sides and back.
  4. The fur on the paws is removed last, if necessary at all.
  5. When working in the abdominal area, exercise maximum caution and carefully avoid the nipples and intimate area. It is better to cut the area around with scissors in advance so that all the delicate parts are clearly visible.
  6. The hairstyle is not done on the head; in extreme cases, it can be shaped using thinning scissors.
  7. The tail is cut at will and as the hairdresser's imagination allows.

It is important to carry out all manipulations as carefully as possible so as not to injure the animal.

It is not always possible to completely trim an animal at once - do not be upset: even though the procedure will be carried out in several stages, but all participants in the “acting” will remain safe and sound.

After grooming, the cat should be washed and dried with a hairdryer. Although, to avoid unnecessary stress, you can simply wipe your pet with a damp cloth or suede cloth to remove cut and stuck hairs.

In the cool season, the trimmed miracle needs to be provided with a comfortable indoor microclimate without drafts and the possibility of hypothermia.

Do-it-yourself cat grooming at home

If your main requirement is to give your cat an inexpensive haircut, you can always shave him at home. To do this, it is better to buy and use special tools, rather than an ordinary mechanical razor from your own arsenal. In order for the fur to continue to grow properly, it is advisable to start the process with consultation with a specialist. The rest of the sequence of actions of the breeder is as follows:

The first step is to immobilize the pet by holding it by the front and hind legs and laying it on its side. This is the only way to cut a cat's hair, otherwise he simply won't let you handle it. Aggressive long-haired breeds are recommended to wear a special collar during the grooming period. It is recommended to carefully cut off large tangles with scissors, after giving the cat a sedative. The owner must act carefully, since such actions in any case provoke stress for the pet. Before you trim your cat, you need to sharpen the scissors. After scissors, you need to use a razor to remove the hair from the sides, back, and then partially from the paws

It is important to avoid intimate areas and nipples, otherwise injury to them can cause serious illness for the animal. The tail can be trimmed last if the hairdresser wishes, but you don’t have to experiment

It is recommended to remove cut hairs stuck to the body with a damp cloth, but you should only use a hairdryer if absolutely necessary. Such a device, or rather the stream of hot air it produces, causes severe stress in the animal.

Cats cope quite well with stressful situations, but sometimes they still need help. For example, a pet has never left the house for a long time, but it urgently needs to be taken to an appointment with a veterinarian. Naturally, the animal will be nervous. After such a trip, the pet may even feel unwell for several days.

But this can be avoided. It is enough to give him a sedative for cats on the road. And this is not the only scenario for using sedatives on the road. In this article you will learn how else you can use sedatives for cats.


How often does a cat need to be groomed?

Cat grooming is an important part of caring for your pet.

Veterinarians recommend cutting your cat's hair several times a year. Those that are too shaggy can be cut 3-4 times, the rest 1-2 times a year.

If your pet is furry, it makes sense to cut it before summer. After all, animals have a hard time withstanding the heat. The molting period should also be taken into account. It's better to get a haircut before you start. It is very easy to understand that a cat has started shedding; you need to lightly tug the fur. If there are a lot of hairs left in the hand, this will indicate its beginning.


Before you start trimming your pet's hair, you should know some nuances:

    Under no circumstances should you cut the hair on an animal's head , ears, paw pads or whiskers. Trimming the hair on the head can disrupt your cat's orientation in space. And the fur in the ears protects them from dust and foreign bodies.

Veterinarians categorically do not recommend cutting the hair from the heads of cats.

  • After cutting the wool, it can change structure and even color. The coat can become either darker or lighter.
  • The fur takes quite a long time .
  • The length of the coat may also change and become shorter than before .
  • Before cutting you should cut your cat's claws. This way the animal will not be able to scratch you during the haircut.

    Before grooming your cat, make sure its nails are also trimmed short. Otherwise, you risk getting scratched while grooming the animal.

  • Not all cats can sit still during this procedure . Aggressive pets are quite difficult to trim, so it is better to do the haircut together.
  • This process is quite long, if you are doing this for the first time, do not expect 2-3 hours.
  • Cat grooming machine at home

    A cat clipper is a real salvation for many owners.

    When trimming a cat at home, you should use a special clipper.

    Its use will speed up and simplify the process. Unlike scissors, you cannot injure your pet with a clipper. But you should choose a device that works as quietly as possible. A sound that is too loud will frighten the cat, he will break out and scratch, and trimming will become impossible.

Types of drugs

Calming and sleeping pills for cats come in different periods of effect:

  • short (no more than 3 hours) – prescribed to regulate sleep for a certain time;
  • medium (5-6 hours) – used as anesthesia during surgery or moving;
  • long (9-11 hours) – prescribed for the treatment of nervous system disorders, pain relief procedures.

The effect of medications on the body:

  • a large dosage will cause “drug intoxication”;
  • a small dose acts as a mild sedative.

Sedatives and sleeping pills for cats are used only as prescribed by a doctor. The medicine must be certified and approved for use by the veterinary service.

Hormonal, pheromones

Hormones are produced by the endocrine glands, regulate the body's metabolic processes, and have a powerful effect and physiological activity. In case of increased sexual desire, arousal, or treatment of certain diseases, a hormonal-based sedative is indicated for the pet:

  • "Contra-sex";
  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Stopintim";
  • "Covinan";
  • "Dexafort";
  • "Alizin."

With the help of synthetic analogues of natural pheromones, the cat’s emotional mood is stabilized with the following behavior:

  • active marking of the territory;
  • peeling walls, upholstered furniture;
  • apathy, loss of appetite.

Pheromones create a feeling of security, serenity in the animal, and restore good health. A liquid that smells of lavender or chamomile is soaked into the collar, napkins, and sprayed into the air. Stress in a cat goes away quickly, the drug is not addictive and does not affect people.

Before bathing, the collar soaked in the product is removed.


Homeopathic sedative and sleeping pills for cats are made from medicinal roots, herbs, flowers. Available in the form of drops, capsules, spray, tablets.

For the drug to work, it is taken for a long time to accumulate the active substances in the body. Natural homeopathic medicines include:

  • “Vetspokoin”, “Kalmin” - sedative;
  • “Fitex” - consists of extracts of medicinal herbs, calms, reduces the aggression of the animal;
  • “Cat-bayun” – consists of extracts of medicinal herbs, course of treatment is 1 week;
  • “Anti-stress” – contains motherwort, B vitamins, taurine, ascorbic acid;
  • “Fospasim” – used for 2 weeks for fear of noise, neuroses;
  • “Stop-stress” - phenibut is added to medicinal herbs, taken for a course of 3 weeks.

Homeopathic medicines do not cause side effects and are indicated for panic attacks and phobias that recur periodically. Homeopathy is suitable for pets in poor health, young kittens, and old animals.

Sleeping pills of chemical origin

Prescribed only by a doctor for neuropsychic disorders, long-term transportation, and other alarming situations:

  • “Valium” – relieves aggression, increases appetite;
  • “Ventraquil” – injections are intended to completely immobilize a pet for an hour;
  • "Xylazal" - acts quickly, the animal instantly falls asleep.

Barbiturates are used in extreme cases, for neurological pathologies, convulsions:

  • "Primidone", "Phenobarbital";
  • "Hydantoin", "Primidon".

Medicines in this group negatively affect mental development.


Sleeping pills of this group enhance the effect of analgesics, suppress fear, and reduce muscle tone. Used for illnesses and transportation, when conventional sedatives do not help:

  • "Amizil" - analgesic, sedative, relaxing;
  • "Diazepam" - relaxes muscles, relieves increased excitability, aggression, anxiety, nervousness;
  • "Chlozepid" - treats arthritis, myositis, skin diseases, anxiety;
  • “Phenazepam” is a strong sleeping pill, reduces seizures;
  • "Mebicar" is non-toxic, reduces the feeling of fear, and does not impair movement coordination.

Anxiolytics best fight anxiety, anxiety disorders, and phobias:

  • "Fluoxetine";
  • "Buspirone."

This group of drugs is indicated for the effects of schizophrenia, depression, and mood swings.

Before medications are prescribed, they are tested for tolerability.

Haircut stages

To properly trim your pet, use these instructions:

  • Secure the cat to a table or ironing board. An assistant should hold him in a position on his side by his front and hind legs.
  • Place a protective cap around your pet's neck. Trying to escape, he will not only scream, hiss and scratch, but also bite.
  • Trim the tangles. If you only need to get rid of clumps, you can trim the cat with scissors. However, when removing them in the armpit folds and on the abdomen, be very careful not to injure them.
  • Trim the sides, then the back and stomach. Do everything carefully, holding the cat tightly to the table. Do not pay attention to your pet's panic state. Remember that this procedure is good for his health.
  • Shave your armpits, legs and tail, taking into account the model of your chosen haircut. Stretch the skin to avoid injuring your pet.
  • If necessary, trim the hair on the neck and head.
  • At the last stage, you need to wash and dry the remaining wool.
  • Your cat's behavior during grooming may frighten you. Don't worry, this procedure only caused discomfort. After all, you have violated the cat’s personal space, and besides, the buzzing of a clipper or trimmer is frightening for him.

    Instructions for grooming a cat

    Cats are groomed in a calm, quiet environment, without sudden movements or loud noise. Rough treatment, shouting and violence will ruin the cat's attitude towards haircuts. An important rule is the ability to predict the cat’s actions in advance. This will protect the person from being bitten, and the animal from injury.

    Fixing a cat is done as a last resort. If the animal is relaxed and allows you to work with it, no additional equipment will be needed. If a cat bites, a veterinary collar or muzzle made of thick material is put on it, covering its eyes and muzzle.

    Before you start cutting the fur, trim the claws on all paws with a sharp nail clipper. If this does not prevent scratches, wrap the tips of the paws with tape (tightly, but not tightly). This applies to extreme measures. Often he becomes nervous after wrapping his paws.

    The use of anesthesia is unjustified and poses a potential danger to the life and health of the animal. In addition, the use of anesthesia indicates the unprofessionalism of the master.

    If the cat resists any manipulation, she is given sedatives. Herbal-based drugs require a course (about a week), others act instantly.

    Cat skin is thin and easily damaged. To avoid this, it is pulled back so that folds of skin do not get under the blades.

    To shave the fur from the belly, lay the cat on its side or ask an assistant to hold the animal in the “post” position.

    Step-by-step instructions for cutting hair at home:

    If a 2-3 mm knife does not remove the tangle, carefully cut it off with a 1-1.5 mm knife

    Nail trimming; Combing (if there are no neglected tangles); Shave the body in the direction “from tail to head”, against the grain, with a knife 2-3 mm; Shaving the abdomen and groin area (carefully avoiding the nipples); Shaving paws (direction from bottom to top); Tail trimming (against hair growth); Processing the remaining hair on the head, tail and paws with thinning scissors to give a neat appearance; Bathing with a mild shampoo; Dry by wrapping in a towel and using a hairdryer with warm (or cool) air.

    You cannot cut the mustache on your head. They are an important organ of touch.

    Many animals experience stress after being groomed. Cats hide from their owners, scratch their skin, and refuse to eat. Some cats chew their tail. In a group of cats, they may not recognize a trimmed cat.

    In these cases, plant-based sedatives, gentle treatment and avoidance of ridicule of the cat will help.

    How does a cat change after a haircut?

    Be prepared for the fact that after the procedure, the original coat color of long-haired animals will change somewhat (it will become a little darker or lighter). In some cases, haircuts also affect hair growth: it becomes more intense or slows down somewhat.

    If this hygienic measure is carried out correctly, the cat’s behavior will not change, however, with rude and careless actions, the animal may experience severe stress, which will subsequently make it more fearful and distrustful of its owner.

    Types of sleeping pills for cats and their effects

    According to the form of release, sleeping pills for cats can be divided into two main types: homeopathic and medical.

    Homeopathic sleeping pills are various types of herbal infusions, as well as some tablets. Preparations of this type of sleeping pills do not differ in terms of duration and strength of action. This group of sleeping pills is the main and only one.

    Medical pills include both tablets and drugs that were developed in medical laboratories. In addition, this group of drugs can be divided into three subgroups.

    Medicines are:

    1. Short term. They are used during various short transportations of the animal, in situations of increased excitability of cats, as well as for sleep disorders.
    2. Long-term medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian because they treat more serious symptoms. In addition, this group of sleeping pills is often used to prepare an animal for anesthesia. Long-term sleeping pills are used for a short period of time, as they can cause addiction in the animal.
    3. Sleeping pills of a special group are used only under the supervision of a veterinarian; this group of medications is classified as potent. It is used in animals as a powerful sleeping pill, anesthesia, and also a strong pain reliever.

    Buy sleeping pills for cats =>>

    Who should do your cat's haircut?

    If you just want to remove the hair from the cat’s body without making any claims to the aesthetics of the haircut, then you can do it yourself at home, not forgetting the rules about unwanted trimming of the head, whiskers, etc.

    If the cat returns from a two-week spree covered in burrs and tangles, then trust the doctor to trim it at the veterinary clinic. A professional will cut out all the burrs and tangles quickly, without suffering for your hair and your nerves. Grooming cats, of course, is not his responsibility, but he knows better than you how to properly trim claws and clean ears before starting a hygienic haircut. Grooming a cat at home will cost you a little more than an appointment at a clinic, but your savior will be able to work, without distractions, only on your animal.

    If your decision to cut your cat's hair is also related to the desire to give it a special look, then contact a groomer.

    What should you do before grooming your cat?

    First: do not cut the hair from the back of color-point cats and cats with tipping - after cutting it “short” it will darken.

    Second: in some cats, the fur can grow much longer than in their relatives (individually for each) and if you have to “go out into the show light”, then calculate the time so that the cat can grow by this time.

    Third: in “curly” cats and cats with foamy fur, the structure of the coat may change; together with the groomer, try to choose a haircut that will have minimal impact on the future coat. For example, when cutting Persians, leave the maximum amount of blood hair on the shoulder blades, neck, back and tail of the animal; a short haircut is allowed only on the stomach and sides.

    If a professional gives a cat a haircut, then he himself knows about it.

    Even before the doctor or groomer arrives, prepare everything you need:

    • Cover a table or ironing board with a soft, clean cloth;
    • prepare a container or bucket for collecting wool;
    • elastic bandages and a stationery clip on the scruff of the neck to secure the cat;
    • hydrogen peroxide for treating occasional wounds;
    • your regular and thinning scissors (if you have them) for trimming the fur after cutting;
    • invite someone to help;
    • Have a damp towel ready to dry your cat afterwards.
    • Do not succumb to the provocations of amateurs who claim that a cat that has been “cut” experiences extreme stress from its helplessness and simply burns with shame when looking at itself in the mirror. Nothing like this! After a haircut, he himself becomes much easier and calmer. And during a haircut, the cat can give you such a protest in the form of screams, biting and scratching that it’s time for you to experience the stress of the procedure, not the cat. To prevent this from happening, try to accustom your cat to grooming from an early age.
    • Immobilizing a cat without causing him pain is very simple, watch the video below...

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    Rules for taking medication

    Do not give animals drugs that have expired or exceed the dosage. Since many products cause severe dehydration, it is necessary to ensure constant access to water. If convulsions, excessive drooling, respiratory depression, foam at the mouth, or vomiting occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.

    Before moving, the pet is given medication 2-3 days in advance. Feeding is stopped 12 hours before transportation. Before a long journey, food portions are reduced, but the amount of water is not limited (boiled water is given). If the owner has experience, he can do the injections himself, but it is still recommended to consult a veterinarian.

    First, the cat is immobilized by wrapping it in a towel so that it cannot pull its paws out. Then the skin on the withers is pulled back a little, a needle is quickly inserted, and the medicine is injected. If drugs are given in the form of powder or drops, then they are added to food. The tablets are pre-crushed and then mixed with food.

    For cats that have been given sleeping pills, you need to create conditions for restful sleep:

    • choose a loose, comfortable bed;
    • the muzzle is laid on its side;
    • cover with a blanket;
    • provide access to fresh air (so that the cat does not vomit during sleep).

    The dosage of sleeping pills must be precisely calculated. This depends on the pet’s resistance to stress, the presence of current diseases, age, and duration of transportation. Therefore, only a veterinarian should prescribe the dose of sleeping pills. It is prohibited to give cats sedatives intended for humans.

    Before using medications, you need to find out the cause of agitation and aggression. Perhaps you should be more attentive to the cat, pay more attention, stroke it, play. When an animal feels love, it will be calm and affectionate. But sometimes you can’t do without sedatives.

    How to trim a cat's hair at home: instructions

    Below is the sequence of actions that you need to follow:

    • First of all, shorten your cat's claws using special pliers. Tools should be disinfected first. Afterwards, lightly press on the pet’s paw pad and carefully and at the same time quickly remove the claws without touching the skin. Thanks to this, you will be able to protect yourself from pet aggression and scratches during a haircut.

    • If the haircut is being done for the first time, it is advisable to use the help of a second person who will gently hold the cat from the sides. Some animals will behave quite aggressively. For such individuals, veterinary clinics sell special plastic collars that allow you to fix the cat's head in one position and prevent it from biting. As for the limbs, you still have to hold them.

    • After the animal is laid on its side and its paws are securely fixed, the machine can be used. Start removing hair from the sides, being careful and leisurely. If the cat feels the owners' anxiety, it will also experience stress and begin to break out and scratch.
    • After the sides you need to move on to the back and stomach. Particular attention is paid to cats with mammary glands: if you use scissors, it is important not to injure this sensitive area, so try to relax the animal as much as possible. You can move both with the growth of the fur and against it.

    • It is recommended to remove the remaining hairs with small scissors, since sliding the machine over the animal’s skin is not worth it: this causes discomfort and microtrauma.
    • During the procedure, lightly pull the animal's skin, especially if the cutting is done with scissors. This will prevent cuts.
    • At home, the tail and paws are usually left untouched, but if you wish, you can shave the hair off the tail with a clipper, leaving a small brush at the end (this is an excellent option for show breeds).

    • At the end of the procedure, the cat should be washed in warm water; if desired, a small amount of mild animal shampoo should be added to the water. Next, the pet is dried with a hairdryer, which is set to the most silent setting.

    What should you use to cut your hair with - a machine or scissors? If you want your pet to look really attractive and neat, it is recommended to alternate the use of scissors and clippers. With scissors, you simply trim what the automatic device could not remove. Grooming long-haired animals exclusively with scissors will be long, dangerous, and the result may not be neat enough.

    Is it possible to cut wet wool? If you use a machine, it can be used on dry animal skin. Decided to make do with scissors? In this case, it is recommended to slightly wet the fur and comb it thoroughly: this way it will be easier for you to remove unnecessary hair. Regardless of the breed, you should not cut the animal too short (it is better to leave a couple of millimeters of fur). Thanks to this, you will ensure normal thermoregulation and, in addition, avoid injury to the skin.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Sleeping pills should not be taken by cats with problems of the cardiovascular system, as well as with abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and respiratory tract.

    This group of drugs is contraindicated during lactation.

    The following side effects may occur after taking sleeping pills:

    • weakness;
    • hallucinations;
    • sleep problems;
    • breathing problems;
    • failures in coordination of movements;
    • low pressure;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • problems with stool (most often constipation);
    • drowsiness.

    Within 24 hours the pet will come to its senses; during this period it eats poorly and practically does not move.

    Sleeping pills are a special group of medications. They can cause irreparable harm to the animal if used incorrectly. Therefore, before use, you need to consult with a veterinarian, who will choose the appropriate drug and prescribe the correct dosage. If the situation is not so serious and does not require the cat to sleep for a long time, it is better to use herbal preparations, which are safer for the pet’s health.

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    Information about Persian cats

    Cats of this breed are quite impressionable, so before starting the procedure, it is better to first find a video on the Internet on how to trim a Persian cat at home.

    For Persian cats, a haircut similar to that of a lion is used.

    To groom cats of this breed, it is better to involve assistants who will help calm the animal. For Persian cats, they use a haircut similar to that of a lion - the head, tail and paws are left unchanged, this is a classic hairstyle for representatives of this breed.

    What time of year do cats get their hair cut?

    Attention! Pets that do not go outside can be groomed, regardless of the time of year. Animals that constantly run outdoors are usually trimmed before the onset of the summer heat.

    It is customary to care for the fur of British cats without haircuts.

    This will make it easier for cats to tolerate the heat, and by the beginning of the autumn cold weather, the fur will grow to the desired size and will be able to protect the animal from the cold.

    Haircut cost

    The cost of grooming a cat depends on its breed, type of haircut, level of the salon and your place of residence. It is also worth remembering that calling a groomer to your home will be cheaper than having the procedure done at a pet salon.

    Price for pet hairdresser services:

    • In Moscow and St. Petersburg - from 1000 rubles to 2500;
    • In Kyiv – from 200 to 300 hryvnia.

    In other cities of Russia and Ukraine, prices will be slightly lower than in the capital. If the cat is too aggressive, the hairdresser will have to pay an additional 20-50% of the cost of the haircut.

    Read reviews from other owners. How has the pet’s behavior and character changed, and do they get their hair cut again after that? During the procedure, be calm and do not give in to the cat's hysterics.

    Types of sleeping pills for cats - table

    Group of drugsHow does it affect a cat's body?NameWhen to useHow is the medication used?Can it be used for pregnant cats and kittens?Price
    Short acting
    • has a sedative effect;
    • relieves pain;
    • relaxes the muscles.
    XylaniteDuring diagnostic procedures.Intramuscularly or intravenously.No.From 423 rub.
    Puts the body into a state of deep sleep for no more than 15 minutes.ThiopentoneFor short-term anesthesia, as well as for convulsive seizures.Intravenously.No.From 1283 rub.
    IntravalFrom 1000 rub.
    Having an average effectIt has a hypnotic effect, accelerates the onset of sleep and increases its duration.BarbamilIndicated after surgery and severe stress.Inside.No.From 200 rub.
    • has a calming effect;
    • accelerates the onset of sleep;
    • relieves pain.
    Etaminal sodiumIt is used as an analgesic and hypnotic in the postoperative period, as well as for psychomotor agitation.Inside and intravenously.If necessary.From 150 rub.
    Barbital sodiumInside.No.Removed from sale.
    Chloral hydrateInside.No.From 50 rub.
    Long-lastingPuts the pet into a state of anesthesia, which can last from several minutes to several hours.KetamineIt is used for diagnostic surgical interventions, as well as for serious injuries as an anesthetic.Intramuscular and intravenous.No.From 1200 rub.
    FtorotanInhalation.No.From 486 rub.
    MethoxyfluraneInhalation.No.Removed from sale.
    • eliminates pain;
    • has a calming and relaxing effect.
    RompunIt is used for diagnostic manipulations, as well as dressings and treatment of postoperative scars.Intramuscular and intravenous.If necessary.From 100 rub.


    One of the main reasons why cats are cut is due to matting and matting. In this regard, the main purpose of a haircut is to relieve the animal of the unpleasant sensations that arise as a result of the skin being pulled together by matted hair.

    Long-haired cats suffer from this especially often, as these troubles happen very often. Once you skip brushing, the animal begins to experience noticeable discomfort and become very nervous. Moreover, blood circulation in tight skin is impaired, resulting in unbearable itching.

    An equally important reason for cutting excess hair is too hot a climate, as well as an increase in room temperatures in summer and winter. It can be very difficult for animals, especially long-haired ones, to tolerate air temperatures above 35 degrees, so it is simply necessary to alleviate the pet’s condition in such cases. Another common problem with wool cats is contamination of their long fur with excrement while going to the litter box.

    In this case, there can be two ways out of the situation: constantly washing the contaminated area or cutting off the hair around the anus.

    In addition to the hygienic component, there is also an aesthetic aspect to cat grooming. A properly trimmed pet looks very beautiful and well-groomed, attracting the attention of others and pleasing the eyes of its owners. In addition, intensively shedding animals also require trimming, otherwise they will literally fill the house with their hair.

    Pros and cons

    As mentioned above, there are undoubtedly benefits from grooming cats. This includes relieving the animal of unpleasant sensations caused by the tightening of the skin by tufts of matted hair, alleviating the pet’s condition in the heat, and significantly reducing the amount of hair in the house during the cat’s molting. The latter is especially true for owners suffering from allergic reactions to animal fur, as well as for young children.

    In addition, a haircut significantly transforms and ennobles even the most ordinary-looking cat and turns it into a beautiful and graceful animal.

    However, in addition to the obvious benefits, haircuts also have their disadvantages. One of the most important negative aspects is a violation of the thermoregulation of the animal’s body, due to the fact that rough interference occurs in the natural skin conditioning mechanism provided by nature. As a result, after removing part of the fur, the animal’s body temperature changes, and it becomes vulnerable to drafts and direct sunlight.

    Another weighty argument against cutting is the deterioration in the condition of the coat after regrowth. There are frequent cases of noticeable degradation of the hair structure and changes in color. But this is not the main thing, since the most dangerous consequence of cutting cats is the extreme stress that most animals experience, especially those getting their hair cut for the first time.

    Considering the disadvantages, it is impossible not to mention that cats grow overgrown rather slowly, and there is no guarantee that the hair after shearing will ever reach its original length. Moreover, in the first few weeks after cutting, the hairs will remain quite prickly and not very pleasant to the touch. With very short haircuts, performed with attachments of 1 mm in length, the risk of damage to the pet’s skin during scratching increases significantly.

    Therefore, cutting cats too short is very harmful and risky, and most of the problems that arise due to the animal’s long hair can be solved with regular grooming and thorough combing.

    Rules for taking sedatives and sleeping pills

    Note! When choosing a sleeping pill for cats, carefully read the composition and instructions for use. Consultation with a veterinarian is a prerequisite to ensure the health of your pet.

    He will warn about possible adverse reactions to the medicine and tell you how to act if they occur. In addition, only an experienced specialist can find the true cause of anxiety in cats in cases where the owner does not know why the animal behaves inappropriately, and correctly prescribe treatment. It is strictly forbidden to increase the dose of the medicine on your own, especially if its composition is not herbal, but chemical. From an overdose of sleeping pills, a pet can not only be poisoned, but also die.

    Regardless of whether your cat was given a sedative or sleeping pill before the trip or not, do not open the carrier until you reach your destination. Cats are freedom-loving animals, so they can use any chance to escape, thereby creating a problem for their owner.

    In general, cat grooming

    is the subject of constant discussions among professional breeders and simply lovers of these beautiful creatures. Okay, you can somehow agree with grooming dogs, but mocking a cat - no, no way! This is the opinion held by the majority. And even if there is wool in the house, there are even felt boots, it hangs in shreds on the carpets, furniture and curtains, because of it the whole family suffers from allergies, and the cat himself languishes from the heat - but he looks like a king.

    And yet it is wrong. Cats, especially long-haired ones, are not able to care for their fur themselves, despite round-the-clock efforts and natural cleanliness. Therefore, periodically cutting your cat’s hair is the best option to solve the problem.

    Grooming serves as an excellent alternative to daily, sometimes painful, both for the animal itself and for its owner, combing. Constantly tangled hair, animal shedding, and cats sometimes swallow a lot of their fur, which clogs the intestines and causes obstruction...

    Grooming cats is a very real way out of the situation. Grooming long-haired cats, very popular in the United States, is much less common in European countries. Although, according to experts who constantly cut their long-haired, mainly Persian, cats, a high-quality, professionally performed haircut has a positive effect on the structure of the animal’s coat.

    In order for the trimming process to be successful, you need to remember the following.

    Unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to cut your cat's hair at all.

    , especially if the cat is very restless in character. Some animals experience severe stress during this procedure and depression afterwards; it is difficult for them to get used to their new appearance.

    If you are participating with your pet at an exhibition, then you need to cut it at least 6 months in advance.

    before her, and in no case bald.

    You can't cut a cat's head

    – ears, muzzle, cheeks. The tail is not cut completely - no more than a third of the length, and the tassel should remain. Otherwise, the cat will chase its clipped tail and may even chew it off.

    The structure of the coat or its color after a haircut may change unpredictably, or it may remain the same, in addition, some cats, for unknown reasons, after a haircut do not grow at all, do not grow to full length, or take a very long time to grow.

    Cats are very sensitive to their appearance and your attitude, so never laugh at a groomed animal, it senses it. You can cut your cat's hair using scissors with rounded tips or a special clipper. The nozzle size usually used is 2 or 3 mm.

    You can cut both in the direction of hair growth and against it.

    Knives smaller than 2 mm are not recommended, as you can easily cut the animal; larger than 3 mm, you won’t get a neat haircut, and the tangles will be difficult to cut off. They are easier to process in a circle rather than in one direction.

    What to do if your pet behaves very restlessly “at the hairdresser’s appointment”? One cannot hold such an animal alone - you need someone to restrain your pet during the haircut. Particularly violent ones, those who cannot be restrained even with an assistant, are recommended to be cut under anesthesia or a relaxant. You cannot experiment with medications on your own - contact a specialist at a pet salon or veterinary clinic.

    To somehow calm the animal down, you can give Valocordin before cutting.

    – 10 drops per tablespoon of water. Grooming a cat of any complexity requires an average of 30 minutes to 1 hour.


    Cat haircuts are divided into two groups: model and hygienic. The latter pursue very specific goals and are carried out in order to protect the animal from overheating and tangles, as well as for veterinary indications. These include diseases of the skin and gastrointestinal tract, increased secretory activity of the sebaceous and para-anal glands, as well as the senility of the pet, when it is no longer able to cope with its fur on its own.

    Model haircuts are performed exclusively for decorative purposes to make the animal more attractive, as well as before cat shows. The most common of them are haircuts like a lion, like a dragon, and like a dinosaur. The puma hairstyle is also very popular and is a simplified version of the lion haircut.

    However, the most creative can be called the “dragon” haircut, which includes various variations of cutting symbols, letters, ornaments and figures on the back of the animal. Despite the rather exotic appearance of the pet, most veterinarians warn owners against performing this haircut. This is due to the fact that after cutting the patterns, the fur on the pet’s skin becomes uneven, which greatly disrupts thermoregulation and does not allow the body to adapt to this type of heat transfer.

    A graduated hairstyle has a much stronger negative impact on the cat’s condition than uniform haircuts, to which the body adapts over time. The same, but to a slightly lesser extent, applies to the “socks”, “sock socks” and “puss in boots” haircuts, which are also very popular among cat owners. Among exhibition haircuts, “harlequin”, “modern” and “continental chic” are very popular.

    Feliway Feliway

    One of the most interesting, innovative sedatives for cats, available in the form of a spray or diffuser for an electrical outlet.

    Feliway is a new product among sedatives for cats.

    Its peculiarity is that the medicine contains a synthetic pheromone of the cat’s facial glands (F3). It has a calming effect on the animal, but at the same time has no odor or color, and is safe for people and other pets.

    The French manufacturing company claims that by catching the aroma of the pheromone, cats stop marking their territory and their fear and aggression completely disappear. The drug helps to painlessly adapt to new living conditions and a change of environment.

    The Feliway diffuser is simply placed in a regular electrical outlet, and the active substance begins to quickly evaporate, calming the cat. One bottle lasts for a month, and the coverage area is about 70 square meters. m.

    The spray must be sprayed once a day, inside door and window openings, on furniture and walls. The drug has no side effects or contraindications.

    How often should I do it?

    Hygienic haircuts are performed no more than twice a year. This is due to the fact that the fur will grow back to its previous size in about 5-6 months, in addition, animals also shed twice a year. Siberian, Persian, Angora and Norwegian cats are usually clipped, while short-haired felines do not require this procedure.

    Exhibition cats are trimmed 3-4 months before the event, but cutting the fur too short is not recommended: the animal will take a very long time to grow and may not have time to grow to the required length before the exhibition.

    How does a sleeping pill affect a cat's body?

    To choose a sleeping pill for a cat, you need to contact a veterinarian. Due to the fact that modern pharmaceuticals offer a huge number of products, only a professional will understand the nuances and make an adequate prescription.

    According to the duration of the effect, sleeping pills are:

    • short-term action (2-3 hours). Suitable for preparing for travel with the prospect of long-term transportation, for relieving stress, and for veterinary procedures;
    • medium-term (4-5 hours) will be needed to prepare for anesthesia, in the treatment of seizures and severe mental disorders. The compounds in the composition provide muscle relaxation, analgesia, and sedation. Rapid addiction is noted;
    • long-term (8-10 hours). Often prescription drugs only. Used for complex surgical interventions or veterinary procedures. In addition to sleeping pills, they exhibit analgesic activity. Relaxes muscles. On the road or for a haircut - this is not the most humane option. The most important thing is to follow the dosage, otherwise the animal will not wake up. Although, it is unlikely that they will give it to you without a prescription.
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