Sheba food - reviews from veterinarians, composition, benefits of use and rules for choosing a diet (115 photos)

11/13/2021 9 193 Cat nutrition

Author: Olga

When choosing food for our pet, we want to be sure that we are giving him a dish made from healthy and natural products. Therefore, when buying canned food or a dry product, it doesn’t hurt to carefully study the composition and find out more about the manufacturer. Now we will look at Sheba cat food, veterinarian opinions and analysis of its contents, as well as reviews from those who have already tried this product.


Advantages and disadvantages

wet food does not contain enough beneficial elements that the animal's body needs. This is important to consider when choosing a menu for your pet. As the main diet, you should choose dry food, which contains a higher percentage of useful microelements.

The main advantages of ready-made food for Sheba cats include:

  • affordable cost in comparison with other ready-made diets that belong to the premium class;
  • an extensive assortment that allows you to choose the most suitable taste for your pet and the appropriate release form;
  • absence of preservatives in the composition;
  • convenient release form;
  • soy products and grains are not used in the production process;
  • produced wet food allows owners not to control the amount of water their pet drinks;
  • the ability to purchase a ready-made diet in any supermarket or pet store.

The main disadvantage of this brand of food is the composition shown on the packaging, which is quite vague. Unfortunately, the manufacturer did not consider it necessary to display all types and parts of meat that are used in the production process. It is likely that the preparation of the finished diet involves processed meat and a large amount of by-products that will not harm the pet.

However, in order for the fluffy purr to have the opportunity to grow and develop normally, it requires a sufficient amount of high-quality meat in the daily menu.

Disadvantages also include:

  • lack of a special line (for obese cats, spayed/neutered pets, animals suffering from urolithiasis);
  • impossibility of using food as a complete diet;
  • impossibility of feeding cats under 12 months of age.

Sheba food review

Sheba is one of the trademarks of the large American corporation Mars, Inc., which has been presenting various products on the world market for more than a hundred years, but is most widely known for its lines of pet food.

Sheba products are represented by flexible spiders and canned food in tins

The most popular brands include the familiar Mars, Twix, Snickers, Bounty, Milky Way, M&M's, Uncle Ben's and other brands under which “sweets” are produced for us, as well as Pedigree, Whiskas, Perfect Fit, KiteKat, Royal Canin , Chappi, Cesar - for our pets.

Sheba entered the “Martian” frame in 1985, when the products of this brand appeared in Switzerland and Germany, and then gradually spread throughout the world. Delicious recipes for cat menus from Sheba® are developed by a large staff of experienced company specialists: zoologists, veterinarians, nutritionists, biochemists, physiologists.

The Sheba® logo is now recognizable throughout the world

The Sheba representative office also works fruitfully in Russia. Most products are manufactured in Thailand, but there are also production facilities in other countries . And depending on the country of origin, the range and design of the main types of products may differ slightly.

The Russian blue cat has become a symbol of Sheba products

The visual symbol of this brand is the exquisite Russian Blue cat - this beautiful animal is depicted on many packages.

Types of feed

All Sheba lines are represented by either canned food or pouches - sealed plastic bags. The packaging is small in volume - just enough for an adult cat to eat the food at one time. This is very convenient - compact packaging ensures that your pet’s lunch will always be fresh; They are also indispensable on a trip when you are traveling with your cat. The food should not be heated or cooled before serving; room temperature is optimal for best absorption.

Wet food is also good because it contains a sufficient amount of liquid (up to 80 percent of the total volume) and does not cause increased thirst in the cat. But fresh and clean water should always be constantly available to the cat - this is a mandatory rule for any diet.

The contents of the jar or pouch are just enough for the cat to eat

Cat dishes from Sheba do not require any additional processing; they are completely ready for use: you just need to open the package and put its contents in a bowl. A wide variety of flavors allows you to choose the ones that your cat likes most. Sheba offers you to make this choice within the following collections:

  • Pleasure;
  • Appetito;
  • Naturalle;
  • Mini;
  • Delicatesso;
  • Classic.

Sheba Pleasure Spiders

The Pleasure spider collection from Sheba is represented by a large selection of cat delicacies, the products of which are steam-treated. One bag contains 85 grams of wet, tasty food. Each item consists of two main ingredients in different ratios:

  • with chicken and turkey;
  • with veal and tongue;
  • with chicken and rabbit;
  • with duck and chicken;
  • with beef and rabbit;
  • with beef and lamb;
  • with tuna and salmon;
  • with trout and shrimp.

Pleasure spiders are suitable for adult cats weighing four kilograms. The consumption rate is no more than three sachets per day. A pregnant or lactating animal can be given more Sheba Pleasure, but not more than five spiders per day.

Photo gallery: the Pleasure spider collection has the most extensive assortment

Tuna and salmon Sheba Pleasure - for lovers of ocean fish

Veal and tongue Sheba Pleasure - a festive dish for every day

Trout and shrimp Sheba Pleasure - a light and healthy dish

Duck and chicken Sheba Pleasure - the taste and aroma of the holiday

Chicken and rabbit Sheba Pleasure - a dietary product can also be tasty

Beef and rabbit Sheba Pleasure - an original selection of flavors

Beef and lamb Sheba Pleasure - an exquisite meat duo

Chicken and Turkey Sheba Pleasure - the most popular combination

Sheba Appetito spiders

The Appetito series offers four types of food in bags:

  • with chicken and turkey;
  • with beef and rabbit;
  • with veal and tongue;
  • with tuna and salmon.

One Appetito sachet contains 85 grams of meat or fish slices in jelly. Adult cats can be offered up to three such bags, and during periods of pregnancy and lactation, the animal’s daily intake increases to five bags.

Photo gallery: new Sheba flavors from the Appetito collection

Beef and rabbit - an interesting combination from Sheba Appetito

Veal and tongue - hearty food from Sheba Appetito

Chicken and Turkey - an offer for sensitive cats from Sheba Appetito

Tuna and salmon - fishy taste from Sheba Appetito

Sheba Naturalle spiders

Four interesting flavors from Sheba are also included in the collection of spiders - including:

  • beef and lamb;
  • chicken and turkey;
  • chicken and duck;
  • ocean fish.

If the ingredients of the Naturalle spiders are not too different from the traditional Sheba series, the form of presentation here is fundamentally different - the food consists of fairly large pieces of meat, poultry or ocean fish. Cats usually really like this.

Naturalle sachets are slightly smaller than Pleasure or Appetito - one pouch contains 80 grams of slices along with jelly; but the daily feeding rates are the same as those recommended in other collections.

Photo gallery: food from the Sheba Naturalle series

Chicken and duck are the favorite menu of many cats.

Chicken and turkey - a traditional duet of flavors from Sheba

Beef and lamb from Sheba - a hearty and healthy lunch Ocean fish is what Sheba especially delights cats with

Sheba Mini spiders

A convenient new product from the Sheba brand - Sheba Mini spiders - allows you to feed your cat often, but in small portions; Such fractional meals are good for digestion. The series brings together the best flavors from Sheba - not in mixes, but in their pure form:

  • salmon;
  • chicken;
  • duck;
  • beef.

The weight of one small bag is 50 grams. Five mini-portions per day will be enough for an adult pet.

Photo gallery: Mini collection - the smallest spiders from Sheba

Sheba Mini Salmon - the best of fish flavors

Duck from Sheba Mini - simple and tasty

Beef from Sheba Mini - a classic healthy diet

Sheba Mini Chicken is the brand's most popular flavor.

Canned food Sheba Classic

The Classic range of canned food is presented in five exclusive flavors:

  • tuna with shrimp;
  • sautéed chicken breast;
  • assorted duck and chicken;
  • tuna in sauce;
  • tagliatta made from chicken and tender beef. .

When advertising this collection, the manufacturer states that each of the recipes is prepared by hand and with love for our pets. Each jar contains 80 grams of selected cat treats. The consumption rate of Sheba Classic is calculated by the weight of the animal: no more than forty grams of food per kilogram of the cat’s body weight.

Photo gallery: Classic line canned food

Sauteed chicken breasts - a dietary product

Juicy tuna in a delicate sauce - for fans of the fish menu

Assorted chicken and duck - it's hearty and very tasty

Tagliatta in Fusion style with chicken and beef - the “highlight” of the Classic series

Tuna cocktail with selected shrimps - a dish for gourmet cats

Canned food Sheba Delicatesso

This collection is new from Sheba. Fricassee and pates from the Delicatesso series are presented in an assortment of six flavors:

  • fricassee with rabbit, duck and vegetables;
  • fricassee with turkey in béchamel sauce;
  • salmon pate;
  • pate with poultry meat;
  • veal and chicken pate;
  • beef pate.

Photo gallery: canned food from the Delicatesso line

Fricassee with rabbit, duck and vegetables - large pieces of meat with a side dish of vegetables

Fricassee with turkey in Bechamel sauce has a delicate texture and rich taste

Pate with salmon - pronounced fishy taste and aroma Pate with poultry - an unusual combination of pate and meat slices

Veal and chicken pate - pieces of meat in a soft chicken pate

Beef pate has a bright meaty taste and aroma

Feed line

A well-known manufacturer produces an extensive line of Sheba food. Below you can see the types of ready-made diets that can be purchased at almost any supermarket.

  1. Sheba mini portion . The weight of the pouch reaches 50 g. Even the most picky cat will like the pieces in the sauce.
  2. Sheba Pleasure is a wet diet containing 2 types of meat products. The pieces in the sauce are packaged in pouch sachets, the weight of which reaches 85 g.
  3. Sheba Appetito is a wet diet, the composition of which is similar to Pleasure, only the pieces are not in sauce, but in jelly.
  4. Sheba Naturalle is a food that contains 2 types of meat products. Slices of wet food are generously poured with sauce. The volume of the pouch sachet reaches 80 g.
  5. Sheba Classic is a type of ready-made diet, which the manufacturer designates as a haute cuisine dish. The food is packaged in lamister jars with foil material, the volume of which does not exceed 80 g.
  6. Sheba Delicatesso is a wet ready-made food for four-legged friends, which is sold in the form of pate or fricassee. The weight of lamister pallets with foil material reaches 85 g.

Note! The Sheba Classic ready-made diet is produced in Thailand, and Sheba Delicatesso in Germany.

Video “Sheba or Gourmet canned cat food”

Experts will tell you what criteria to use when choosing wet food for pets.

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Reviews from veterinarians

Veterinary experts unanimously say that Sheba’s ready-made diet is not suitable for daily feeding. What class does this food belong to?
The manufacturer claims that this brand belongs to the premium class. However, the dubious composition, which the manufacturer for some reason has not yet deciphered, causes mistrust. Very often, animal owners who fed their cats Sheba food contacted veterinary clinics. Their animals suffered from pathologies of the digestive tract and urinary tract. Most likely, such diseases were caused by poor diet. Sheba does not contain a sufficient amount of useful elements that are required for normal development of the animal.

Is Sheba food suitable for everyone?

Owners and breeders who have repeatedly tested Sheba products on their animals recommend that they not take it as the main food for cats - only as a delicacy, an additive to diversify the regular diet. The majority of veterinarians share the same opinion.

Kittens wouldn't mind trying Sheba either

Cats with special needs (spayed or neutered) will not find a suitable option in the Sheba range - as well as those animals who, due to chronic health problems, require specially formulated medicinal foods. Does not produce the brand or products for feeding kittens and adolescents. Some owners also note that Sheba food is not very well accepted by the digestive system of older animals older than eight to nine years.

We can only hope that the Sheba manufacturer will continue to work in these directions and the brand will develop new, specialized lines for cats of different ages and needs.

We want to give our pets the best - including food

General characteristics of Sheba food

Sheba is widespread and easy to purchase. The brand uses quite aggressive advertising and even the slogan sounds intrusive: “Resistance is futile.”


The diet is prepared by the well-known company Mars, which began conquering the market in 1911 with chocolate. Gradually, the small company grew into a corporation familiar to the whole world. Expanding and opening subsidiaries in other countries, including Russia, Mars added many auxiliary products to the main product, including pet food. In addition to Sheba, the company produces Whiskas, Kitiket, Chapi and other popular and familiar brands. By the way, since 2002, this company has been producing the well-known Royal Canin, which is a premium food. Unfortunately, its quality leaves much to be desired.

Feed class

The manufacturer presents the product as a premium food, but the consumer and veterinary control do not agree with this. In order for a diet to receive high marks and the corresponding level in the hierarchy, a number of factors must be observed: transparent composition with the percentage of components indicated on the packaging; recommendations from veterinary services; balanced recipe with the inclusion of natural meat products. The company does not comply with any of these conditions.

Even the most expensive foods have positive and negative qualities. Sheba has the following advantages:

  • rations are available and can be found in any store;
  • The range of flavors is quite wide.

The cost of feed can be considered a plus, however, doubt arises here. What is really included in the composition if the price of the pate is higher than economy, but at the same time significantly lower than premium. There is a feeling that the price of the product is being raised due to the popularity of the brand, and not due to its nutritional characteristics.

The negative qualities of Sheba are as follows:

  • All components and their percentages are not indicated, the composition of the feed is vague and unclear;
  • there are no specialized lines;
  • no dry products.

After reading the reviews of the owners, we can conclude that the animals’ reaction to the product is strange. Cats rub against a bowl that smells like food and refuse other food offered. Presumably, the pates contain substances that cause addiction and even some dependence. I would like to note that rations are often used as treats rather than as daily nutrition.

Read: The best wet food for cats and kittens in all categories.

Types of feed

Based on the method of preparation and texture, there are two types of food: wet and dry. Canned food is stored in sealed cans or aluminum packages. The volume is usually small. The difference between this type of nutrition is its low carbohydrate content and a higher proportion of water in its composition.

Dry food is available in the form of granules of various shapes. The packaging volume in this case is much larger. It is cheaper in price than its wet substitute. The advantage of dry food is that it remains on your pet’s plate for a long time and safely. That is, the food does not erode and disappear in the cat’s bowl after 12 hours.

These main types of cat food are divided into the following categories: for castrated, sterilized, pregnant, lactating animals and kittens up to one year.


Sheba is exclusively wet food in sachets or canned food. Each sachet is a one-time serving, it is enough to satisfy the cat. So, the food always remains fresh. With Sheba cat food, the advantages are obvious over the dry food analogue, because it is a solution to the problem of urolithiasis in the animal. Of course, wet food can contribute to dental plaque in cats. But if you maintain oral hygiene and buy hard “toys” that your pet can bite, such problems will not arise.

© shutterstock

Categories and requirements

All specified food for pets, depending on the composition and ratio of components, is differentiated into classes of cat food.

The budget option is economy class. The main ingredient here is soy, additional components are flavorings. This type of food has low nutritional value. The animal undoubtedly gets enough of it, but it is not balanced.

The middle class includes canned food for cats made from higher quality products. This diet has medicinal lines aimed at removing hair and preventing urolithiasis.

The premium and super-premium categories of food are the most expensive because they do not contain soy and a large proportion of carbohydrates.

The modern class of food is holistic. The product contains meat of animal origin, grown without antibiotics and other chemicals, and there are no vegetable proteins.


Sheba cat food contains the mandatory natural ingredients of fish and poultry and animal meat. In percentage terms, these numbers range from 4 to 30. Exactly as much as the cat needs to receive per meal. In addition, Sheba food contains water and only useful natural additives.

Vitamins and microelements in cat food:

  • Tapioca (starch for satiety and fiber to improve cat digestion);
  • Fats of natural origin (for healthy cat fur);
  • Taurine (an acid that has a beneficial effect on a cat’s vision, the functioning of its digestive and cardiac systems);
  • Antioxidant vitamin E (for regenerating processes);
  • Omega fatty acids 3-6-9 9 in the required proportions to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract).

In order to preserve all the beneficial substances, the latest technologies for processing ingredients are used. This way, cats receive the nutrition they need to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Replacement feed

It’s not worth buying economy class food, so let’s consider options from higher categories. (+) The foods we recommend are marked.

NameUnwanted ComponentsPeculiarities
Royal CaninWheat, rice, cereal flour. Both dry and wet diets have poor composition. There are separate products for kittens, medicinal lines, food for breeds and age categories.
Animonda (+)There are no unwanted ingredients, except for the Rafiné line, there are products of plant origin.Only wet diets are often classified as super premium.
Super premium
Leonardo (+) for wetRice and potato starch in dry diets. We recommend wet food, although it contains a small amount of by-products. There is a line for kittens.
Brit CareRice, offal.There is a division of diets by age.
Applaws (+)Dry diets contain new potatoes, but only 6%. Wet diets are also good, although they contain rice and a vegetable gelling agent. There is one for kittens.
Moonlight (+)There are no unwanted ingredients.The percentage of all ingredients is indicated; only canned food is produced.
Acana (+)There are no unwanted ingredients.Dry only, 3 types.
GO! (+) Potatoes in some forms (not among the first 5 ingredients).Dry only, 4 types.

It is not difficult to replace Sheba; the question is the pet’s perception of the new food. Considering the painful attachment of individual animals to treats, some difficulties may arise at first.

To summarize, the following can be said about Sheba food - a good diet for rare use as a treat. Not recommended for daily nutrition.

Can we say that this is the best food for cats?

This brand comes from Thailand and has established itself well in the pet products market. At that time, the manufacturer of Sheba cat food had already distinguished itself in creating high-quality products. Despite the fact that the company specializes only in wet food, the range of products offered is very diverse. Can we say that this is a premium product? Sheba cat food is not one of these. It's more of a "good guy." It is available in pouches (sealed bags) and jars. The contents of these types of packaging are always calculated per serving, which is good because your furry friend will receive only the freshest treats.

Veterinarian advice

Advice and reviews from veterinarians, of course, are completely different, but we can say that most experts still recommend that cat owners feed their pets Sheba food. And only a small percentage will prefer other food better.

Particularly noteworthy is the presence of taurine, vitamin E and herbal components.

It is important that the food is not only tasty and attracts cats with its aroma, because many simply refuse regular food, but it is enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements

If the cat has a larger appetite and eats 2 packets at a time, then you can divide the daily amount by the appropriate amount of food eaten at a time.

Many people ask questions about animals “with special needs”, for example, is it possible to pamper your pet with similar food after treatment for urolithiasis or sterilization? In this case, you need to consult a veterinarian and get individual recommendations regarding feeding.

Pros and cons of food

The advantages of the food include the following characteristics:

  • You will not find soy or grains in the composition.
  • Various flavor options
  • Very common, available in any store.
  • Sheba feeds are cheap.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • According to doctors, the food is not a complete diet. (but the packaging says otherwise)
  • The composition is not detailed. Perhaps something is hidden.
  • There are no dry food options.

Cat food rating

Finding an objective assessment of the quality of a particular food is very difficult. Each manufacturer, trying to promote their product, creates ratings and gives leadership positions to their creation.

As for the composition of canned cat food, there is the following classification based on beneficial properties: Natureda, Innova Evo, Hill's, Gourmet, Felix, Brit and Sheba. They are united by the presence of meat, probiotics, and vitamins. The ranking of cat food in terms of availability for 2014 was topped by popular brands: Whiskas, Kitiket, TerraCot.

What does it contain?

Sheba food is a relatively inexpensive option, although it is classified as premium. The products contain a minimum amount of high-quality and natural substances. Depending on the taste of the food, it contains 4% beef, rabbit or seafood. Other components are also present:

  • Tapioca. It is a flour made from cassava root, thanks to which it is possible to satisfy hunger and stabilize the functioning of the cat’s digestive organs.
  • Taurine. The substance is used during the preparation of diet foods. With the help of the component it is possible to support the functioning of the heart, visual function and stomach function.
  • Vegetable fats. Dry food and canned food "Sheba" contain similar substances, through which the pet's coat remains smooth and shiny.
  • Omega fatty acids. Aimed at stabilizing metabolism in pets.
  • Vitamins of group E. With their help, the cat feels active and regeneration starts.

The table shows the quantitative content of components in Sheba food for cats:

SubstanceQuantity (g/100g)


There are 5 series of Sheba cat food available:

Sheba Pleasure (“Pleasure”) with several flavors: chicken with turkey and salmon; tuna with salmon; rabbit with beef or lamb; with duck and chicken; veal with tongue; shrimp with trout. Ingredients: meat and offal (the percentage of meat is indicated approximately), taurine, vitamins, minerals. Moisture: 82 g, vitamins E and A, fiber, fats, ash, proteins. The pieces are pressed and filled with liquid sauce. Packaged in sachets (50 and 85 g) and jars (85 g).

Sheba Delicatesso (“Delicacy”): can be bought in the form of pate (pate with slices) and fricassee. Options: chicken with veal; poultry meat; salmon; turkey with Bechamel sauce; duck with rabbit and vegetables; beef. Packaging: polymer jars with foil lids. Ingredients: rabbit (at least 4%), duck (at least 4%), offal and meat, vegetables, cereals, minerals and vitamins. Protein - 8.5%, fat - 5.5 g, fiber - 0.3%.

Sheba Naturalle (“Naturel”) with the following flavors: beef with lamb; turkey with chicken or duck; sea ​​fish. Sorting: 80 g per bag. Energy value: 55 kcal per 100 g. Ingredients: fish products and fish (tuna - 4%, navaga - 4%), animal products, meat and offal, taurine, vitamins (A, E), minerals. Fiber - 0.3%, protein - 6%.

Sheba Mini (“Mini”) includes 4 options: with beef, with salmon, duck and chicken. One bag contains 50 g of food. Components: meat and offal (including chicken meat - at least 4%), cereals, vitamins, minerals.

Sheba Appetito (“Appetito”) is available in the following variations: veal with tongue; turkey with chicken; salmon with tuna; rabbit with beef. in a pack - 28 g (75 kcal). Added vitamins A and E. Fiber - 3 g, protein - 11 g, fat - 3 g.

As treats for cats, we offer:

  • assorted duck and chicken;
  • sautéed chicken breasts;
  • tuna with selected shrimps (cocktail);
  • beef and chicken tagliatta;
  • tuna in sauce.

Reviews of Sheba food from veterinarians and cat owners

You can make your cat happy every day. The recipe is chosen so that it is impossible to overfeed or harm your health. The assortment includes several lines with different tastes, but in general the composition is the same. Variety pleases owners more than cats, which are not very sensitive to taste differences. No flavorings or flavor enhancers are used. Sheba is suitable only for adult animals; it is strictly forbidden to give it to kittens.

I dried several bags of different flavors at once. I brought it home and gave it to the cat. Apparently they were adding something there, she swept away everything offered and began to demand more. While eating, she showed her delight by fluffing up the fur on her body and tail, making her look twice as thick. In general, maybe there are some additives (I don’t completely rule it out), but the cat became a fan of it. I decided for myself that I would not give it constantly, otherwise he would get used to it and start shaking this Sheba off me all the time. I must admit, even the smell of Sheba differs from Whiskas. Sheba smells nicer, more appetizing, meaty or something. This was noted by everyone, even my husband, who calls all these bags “cat Doshiraki.”

Sheba is not a complete food, but rather a dessert. I don’t think that in a bag for less than 30 rubles. there may be something useful for the cat.

And the cat really eats with great pleasure. As soon as he hears the creaking of the bag, he immediately runs meowing into the kitchen... But this does not mean at all that there is 30% chicken meat and 5% turkey. I am 100% sure that these are by-products, but which ones are unknown. And these are unnatural pieces, which can be seen with the naked eye, but some artificial “squiggles”. The smell is terribly unpleasant, as if something has gone bad...

Sheba is a popular cat food, which is positioned by the manufacturer as a premium product. "Sheba" is available only in the form of canned food for adult cats without any health problems. The manufacturer calls this product a complete diet, but some veterinarians recommend using it only as an additive to the main diet.

On a note

Numerous recommendations from veterinarians indicate that cats should receive more animal proteins. According to reviews from veterinarians, Sheba is not the best food for cats, although it contains a predominant meat component. It is worth noting that plant proteins and soy are not included in this treat. Doctors say that Sheba wet food in any package can be given to cats of any breed, starting from the age of one month, but you should not be zealous in this matter. Initially, it is worth testing the product with minimal inclusions in the cat’s diet.

What to do if food is very expensive?

Sheba food, whose average price is 50 rubles per 90 grams, is not affordable for all cat owners. If we convert the product into kilograms, which is how people usually start when calculating the cost of a purchase, then the price turns out to be fabulous - 550 rubles in Russia (or 300 hryvnia in Ukraine). An adult cat, according to the manufacturer's recommendation, needs 3-4 packs per day, that is, 270-360 grams. 2.2 kg per week, and 8.8 kg per month. Then the cost of a furry pet per month will be about 5 thousand rubles (or 2.6 thousand UAH). The amount is not small, so the question arises of what to feed the animal.

The main product should be meat. Not boiled, but frozen. Ground bones or pre-purchased bone meal must be included in the diet. Vegetables at the owner's discretion. Cats do not have enough food enzymes to break down raw vegetables and fruits. If you add them to homemade food, then only in steamed form.

What do veterinarians say?

Sheba food has quite controversial reviews from cat owners, but veterinarians mostly speak positively about these products. And this is a rather important fact, since it is the specialist who is able to make the correct conclusion.

Recently, veterinarians, before voicing their thoughts regarding this or that food, began to practice introducing it into the diet of their animals. And laboratory studies conducted on the basis of analyzes of these pets are a fundamental factor for a truthful conclusion. Sheba food was subjected to the same procedure and the results regarding the health of the pets who consumed it were positive.

In addition, veterinarians pay special attention to the taurine content in this product, which helps the food to be absorbed and relieves the animal of any digestive problems. This process is also facilitated by natural ingredients: meat and vegetables.

As a result, no dense substances are formed upon exit, and the stool is timely.

The vegetable fats that make up this food have also been noted by many veterinarians. According to experts, it is thanks to these fats that cats’ fur becomes shiny and their skin becomes healthy!

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