Cat food Bosch Sanabelle / Bosch Sanabelle: reviews from owners and veterinarians, food composition

What will you learn from the article?
  1. About Bosch Sanabel cat food Types of Bosch cat food (Bosch)
  2. Benefits of Sanabel cat food
  • Which food should you choose for your pet?
  • Reviews of Bosch cat food
  • The cat food market offers a very diverse menu: dry and wet food, all kinds of “goodies” with vitamins, canned food from various manufacturers. Are you lost in choice? Then feed him proven food from the German manufacturer Bosch Sanabelle (Sanabel) and find out reviews about it from this article.


    Sanabelle has been produced in Germany for over 60 years. The International Food Standard certificate confirms that food is produced in accordance with specific standards.

    Fresh meat is used from trusted suppliers, and the composition of the food itself is as close as possible to the natural diet of the predator.

    The most gentle production technology was chosen: the mixture is processed at a temperature of + 110°C for only 1 minute.

    Due to this, most of the vitamins and minerals are retained in the food, the food is better absorbed, and there is no need to feed the animal an additional vitamin complex.

    The products are manufactured at our own factory in Germany, and strict control is carried out at all stages (from the selection of raw materials to packaging).

    About the main thing: animal proteins

    In the top five, we found only two sources of animal protein - they occupy places No. 1 and No. 4. Ingredient No. 1 on the label is designated as fresh poultry meat. In fact, the English name Fresh Poultry does not contain the word “meat”, which means that the translation embellishes the ingredient. The manufacturer states that the food contains at least 20% fresh poultry, and this is the only component whose proportion is clearly indicated in the composition. We will not take the word “minimum” into account, because it is completely impossible to judge the maximum, so we will only take into account the number 20.

    In fourth place is “poultry meat” - this translation is also erroneous. In English, this ingredient is called Poultry Meat Meal, that is, poultry meal. These are fundamentally different products - you can read a description of the technology for producing such flour in the Sanabelle Sterilized card by clicking on the component.

    Ingredients labeled in general terms (for example, simply “poultry” and any of its derivatives) are generally undesirable, since vaguely specified ingredients allow the manufacturer to change the diet formula, for example, using first one type of poultry, then another, without the buyer knowing about it.


    The assortment of delicacies is pleasing to the eye. Firstly, these are delicious crispy pillows. They are based on chicken meat, but there are different additives:

    • milk,
    • beet,
    • spinach.

    Added sunflower oil, biotin. Pack weight: 55 g.

    Semi-moist treats are small-sized sausages. There are 4 types:

    • with duck and pomegranate;
    • with saury and figs;
    • with lamb and elderberry;
    • with cranberries and trout.

    Added dried pomegranate, yucca, taurine. 1 package weighs 55 g.

    Tasty and aromatic granules are produced in cute pyramids that can be given to animals as a reward.

    Sanabelle Hairball Snack with psyllium seeds helps remove hairballs from the stomach, Vitality Snack supports healthy ligaments and joints.

    Dental Snack promotes oral hygiene, Thanks Snack is highly palatable due to salmon flour.

    There are a lot of Sanabelle dry foods to choose from.

    Kitten with poultry - food for kittens, pregnant cats and cats nursing offspring.

    For adults, we offer Adult with poultry, Adult with trout and Adult with ostrich.

    If your pet has a sensitive stomach, buy Sensitive with poultry or lamb.

    If the cat is plump and it is clearly difficult for her to carry excess weight, a diet with Light food with poultry will be easy and enjoyable.

    Sanabelle Senior with Bird is suitable for older cats. Sterilized - for sterilized and cattized people.

    Urinary - for individuals with problems in the urinary system, Dental prevents the formation of tartar and plaque.

    Hair & Skin keeps the coat and skin in order, Grande is food for large breeds.

    Sanabelle Outdoor - for cats walking on the street, Indoor - for cats that do not leave the apartment or house.

    Reviews of Bosch cat food

    Artem : “I read a lot of good things about this food, but it didn’t suit my kitten, although I bought special food for kittens. I bought it and then reviewed what I had purchased. The composition is so-so - too much flour. This is not gud. The smell is also not for everyone. Since I purchased three packs at once, I decided to feed all three. But already at the second time I had to stop - the kitten began to have irritation behind the ears, and the mouth began to smell unpleasant. The food was canceled and I won’t be returning to it again.”

    Anna : “The previous cat was fed by Bosch Sanabel and she also decided to immediately put the kitten on this food. It seems to me that the composition has gotten worse over this time. The kitten's stool smells very unpleasant (I have never noticed this before) and the composition contains less meat than the food that I gave to my old cat. On the positive side, I will say that the cat eats enough and does not beg between feedings. But then they took a blood test and realized that the pancreas was under attack, so they abandoned Bosh.”

    Lera : “Hello! I bought Bosch food when our regular food was not on sale. The price is a little higher than what we are used to, but the food seemed good - it smells nice, the granules are appetizing. At first I thought that this was just my opinion, because the cat only looked at these granules and did not sniff them. However, I decided to outsmart her and began mixing dry food into canned food. Everything would be fine, but a week later the cat began to scratch her chin, and therefore her lips began to swell! After a course of anti-allergenic treatment, I did not return to Bosch!”


    1. Fresh chilled meat (source of protein).
    2. New Zealand green mussels (source of glycosaminoglycan - for ligaments and joints).
    3. Marigold (bioflavonoids, lutein).
    4. Yucca Schidigera (anti-inflammatory properties, purifies the blood, reduces the smell of excrement).
    5. Flaxseed (relieves inflammation, coats mucous membranes, has a mild laxative effect).
    6. Chicory (prebiotic inulin).
    7. Berries: blueberries, cranberries (anti-inflammatory effect, intestinal antiseptic, prevents the formation of tartar, removing heavy metals).
    8. Taurine (for visual acuity, normal functioning of the heart muscle, reproductive function) and much more.

    Overview of other feed ingredients

    Sanabelle Sterilized contains hydrolyzed protein (No. 6). It is completely unclear what this ingredient is derived from. Animal hydrolysates are often used as a concentrated flavoring additive. Place No. 7 in the composition belongs to a natural flavor enhancer - dried liver (Liver (dehydrated)), which in Russian translation for some reason was simply called “liver”. The source of the raw materials is again not specified.

    The composition contains two isolated sources of fiber - these are coarse and undesirable cellulose fibers in ready-made diets (Cellulose Fibres), incorrectly translated into Russian as “fiber”, as well as beet pulp, which is useful for digestion. Sources of prebiotic fiber include dehydrated yeast (contains mannan-oligosaccharides) and chicory powder (a source of inulin).

    There are many additives on the ingredient list. Peas, yeast, cranberries and blueberries were added to the composition in dried form, but for some reason this clarification was missed when translated into Russian. Mussel flour contains substances that are beneficial for joints, but its exact amount in the diet is unknown, so it is unlikely that you can count on its effect.

    While researching vitamin and mineral supplements, we saw the ingredient “iodine (as calcium iodide, anhydrous).” This is an incorrect translation, since the compound is called Iodine (as calcium iodate, anhydrous), that is, anhydrous calcium iodate. We have provided the correct information on the food card.

    It is unclear what exactly the diet is preserved with - it simply says “antioxidant”, without details, so it may well be a synthetic preservative.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • All Sanabelle foods contain a special immune complex developed by veterinarians. It contains the yeast Saccharomyces cervisiae, rich in beta-glucans and mannanoligosaccharides, which have a mild but strong immunostimulating effect.
    • Not only meat flour is added to the feed, but also fresh chilled meat processed by the “injection extrusion” method. No low quality by-products and no food waste.
    • All ingredients are free from chemical contaminants: antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, heavy metals.
    • There are no soybeans, corn, wheat, GMOs, flavor enhancers, dyes, or artificial preservatives, which reduces the load on the immune and digestive systems and reduces the risk of developing digestive diseases.
    • An excellent line of Sanabelle dry food and treats.
    • Antioxidants not specified.
    • There are no canned goods in the line.
    • It is quite expensive (even in comparison with analogues).

    Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia:

    • Karelian Bobtail;
    • Chantilly Tiffany;
    • Laperm;
    • Mekong Bobtail;
    • Peterbald.

    About Bosch Sanabel cat food

    Sanabelle cat food is created specifically for cats. In the production of this food, modern technologies are used, and the latest scientific discoveries in the field of nutrition for cats are taken into account. The company places high demands on the quality of the product and its composition, the main components of which are duck and turkey meat. All ingredients included in the composition are certified. It is thanks to this serious approach that Bosch cat food has gained the trust of millions of customers.

    Types of cat food Bosch (Bosch)

    The German family company Bosch Tiernahrung GmbH & Co has been producing animal feed for half a century. Dry cat food, in particular, is available in standard packages of 0.4 kg, 2 kg, 10 kg.

    Benefits of Sanabel cat food

    The advantages of Sanabel food are that:

    • They do not contain:

    – artificial appetite stimulants,

    – no dyes,

    – soy protein.

    • In addition, these foods are especially nutritious, and from the wide range offered, you can always choose something for your pet. No matter how old your pet is, or whether he has problems with excess weight, you will always choose a balanced and healthy food just for him;
    • As time has shown, when these products are used as food for cats, their well-being improves significantly, their coat becomes healthier and shiny, they play with pleasure, and they do not have any stomach discomfort. Sanabel cat food does not have any negative effects on the cat or its body;
    • These feeds are always in stock, they are supplied to the market uninterruptedly, so you do not worry about the fact that it may disappear from sale;
    • Bosch dry food is profitable and relatively inexpensive and very healthy. It is stored for a long time and does not lose its properties.

    It will be interesting:

    • Whiskas reviews;
    • Acana food reviews;
    • Innova Evo reviews;
    • veterinarian reviews of Royal Canin cat food;
    • what to feed a sterilized cat.

    On the issue of cereals

    On the front side of the Sanabelle Kitten Plus package we see an icon with a large inscription “Grain Free” (no grain), but around it in small print there is a completely different characteristic: “Ohne Glutenhaltiges Getreide” (without grains containing gluten). Apparently, the manufacturer means that there are no grains, such as wheat, that contain true gluten, which can cause celiac enteropathy, in the food.

    But why then the “Grain Free” label? After all, it means that no types of grains are present in the diet. As for Sanabelle Kitten+, we found rice (second in the list), sorghum, and yellow millet!

    Daily feed requirements

    When calculating the norm for a pet, they are guided by its weight. So, for adult representatives, the necessary measure is given in the table.

    Body weight, kgDaily ration, g

    At the same time, it is not recommended to exceed the indicators in order to avoid excess weight and digestive problems.

    ( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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