Almo Nature cat food – review, reviews, recommendations

“Almo Nature” is European-made cat food with a wide range of products of varying quality. In general, there are no questions for the manufacturer: the food is not bad, especially the canned food, which receives a lot of praise. The people who really raise questions are the people promoting Almo Nature on the Russian market.

Firstly, there are cases when the Russian translation of the composition did not coincide with what was written on the packaging by the manufacturer: through the translator’s willpower, the quality of the ingredients slightly improved. Perhaps this was a one-time accident, but because of such accidents, distrust in the brand appears.

Secondly, for some reason the official Russian-language website has chosen a policy of significant omissions. In the description of the composition, vague formulations such as “vegetable pulp” (which ones exactly?), “vitamins and minerals” (for example?), mysterious “flakes” appear every now and then... The list of ingredients of a good food should be precise and clear.

Despite such misunderstandings, the quality of Almo Nature is not inferior to good super-premium food, although it does not reach the level of such reliable brands as Go Natural, Orijen or Innova.

Almo Nature for cats

The brand is quite old and has experience in preparing feed.
The manufacturer claims that all components make the cat’s diet balanced, and the composition includes only natural products and vitamins. However, the composition on the package and its translation often do not match. Whether to believe the manufacturer or not is up to everyone. However, everyone who bought this food for their pets noted a good appetite, smooth and shiny coat, as well as a good mood. Anyone who wants to purchase this food needs to know that the manufacturer has created the diet in such a way that dry food complements soft food in a percentage ratio (60:40). That is, the animal must be given both dry food and soft food, preferably in bags, since natural meat is placed in them in pieces, and then the packaging is processed and thus, all the beneficial substances of the meat are preserved. Italian food is positioned as holistic, but it is more like a regular premium. Neither the packaging nor the website provides a detailed composition with the percentage of ingredients. Only the main ones are indicated. The advantage is the availability of fresh meat products. Wheat is replaced by rice, but not brown, but white. Digestive problems and constipation are likely, especially in older cats. The downside is the high content of vegetable protein, which is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body. The range includes only food for healthy animals, no medicinal ones. It is unclear what kind of oils and fats were used. There are many useful additives, but they are all at a minimal level. It is not advisable to make food the basis of the daily diet; it needs to be supplemented with higher-class food. Both cats eat dry food without problems and do not refuse. There are no positive changes in activity or appearance. I did not notice any disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system. The granules are the optimal size, cats do not swallow them whole. But they are all the same in shape; there is no ideal cleansing of the oral cavity. For this price you can find foreign and domestic complete food with a better and more understandable composition.

Almo Nature is prepared from natural ingredients that have not been frozen. I am willing to pay more for these qualities; the croquettes themselves compare favorably with their cheaper and more expensive counterparts. It is important to me that the composition does not contain hormones and there are none here! Their presence can be understood by a non-expert by feeding the cat new food for 5-6 weeks, in a standard dosage according to the instructions; if the cat is getting fat, then the food is hormonal! My cat, eating this food 50 grams per day, lost weight slightly - by 500 grams. With all this, the appearance has become more well-groomed and tidy. All Almo series are quite good, they contain yucca plant, grape seeds, green tea, yeast, animal fat, rabbit or chicken fillet depending on the taste, and probiotics for easy digestibility. Packaged in 400 grams, calorie content 3700. But the only thing that irritates me is the appearance of the pack, so tacky. I really don’t like the white pack with orange letters, but the main contents are yum-yum.

On the advice of the veterinarian, we began to buy holistic food, and Almo Nature was the first food we came across. For 2 kg I paid 1500 - inexpensive. The composition is interesting, there are such innovations as chicory inulin, and many useful food additives. This line was chosen for its promise of a large amount of meat, and there really is a lot of it, as much as 50%. And there are no dyes or preservatives at all. My cat is prone to digestive disorders; the fewer chemical additives in the food, the better for her. It was very easy and stress-free to switch to a new food; the cat started eating it right away. The stool did not change, the digestion did not go wrong, the food justified itself. For now we are finishing the two-kilogram bag, but it is already clear that we will continue to buy Almo Nature. It is suitable for cats, does not affect health or appetite, is healthy, natural and at a reasonable price.

I feed my cat Almo Nature, but I focus on canned food, for some reason their quality is much better. All my friends also praise the wet food of this brand. On cans, bags and packaging the composition is clearly stated, but at the office. There are no specifics on the manufacturer’s Russian-language website. They will write about the pulp of vegetables, or about minerals, but there are no details. As a result, high quality ingredients are used, but the composition of the food is modest. From the packaging, sometimes imperfect compositions appear, which should be in a super-premium product, but are quite good in quality. There is little fresh meat, only 15-20%, there is animal fat and yeast, and the rest is additional components: bone meal and offal. But this situation is saved by the fact that there are many varieties of food, so the owner will certainly be able to find something suitable for his animal.

Almo Nature is a food that by no means reaches the holistic class. When a granule falls into the water next to a bowl, it swells no worse than friskis, which means a large percentage of cereals in the composition, but they say not all cereals are harmful, although for such a price you want a more natural composition. The composition contains animal fats necessary to nourish the hair follicles, the wool is very good and does not turn brown, although it is a little oily. The cat does not beg and from birth does not like natural food. Among her health problems, she has a history of panleukopenia, until at the age of 3 years this did not come back to haunt her, but this is what made us choose food pickily, based on the opinion of the veterinarian who pumped the cat out. I got the impression that this is just a good food with an inflated price.

Criterias of choice

The manufacturer indicates what type of meat or offal the food is made from, what amount of this component is per 100 g. Companies that produce high-quality food also inform the consumer about the ratio of the main nutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and also indicate vitamin and mineral composition of the product.

In addition, industrial feeds contain preservatives, flavor and aroma enhancers, and other additives. The fewer there are, the better for the animal.

Chicken is not recommended for cats prone to allergies. It is better for them to buy canned fish, turkey or lamb. Rice is the most common carbohydrate. It is nutritious and has a good effect on the digestive process. But corn, soy, flavorings and flavor enhancers are undesirable. They are difficult to digest and often cause food intolerances. The amount of preservatives is determined by the shelf life of the product. The shorter it is, the fewer stabilizing components it contains.

Before purchasing food, you should also familiarize yourself with information about the place of production of the product. Many foreign manufacturers have their own factories in Russia, but quality control here may be less strict. And in fact, it often turns out that products of well-known brands manufactured in Russian conditions are inferior in quality to the same feed produced in the country of origin.

You need to choose products for your pet based on its age, weight, and individual characteristics. Quality food manufacturers offer a variety of product lines designed for pets with specific characteristics.

After castration and sterilization, diets with reduced calorie content are recommended to reduce the likelihood of your pet gaining excess weight. Also in these feeds the amount of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus is reduced, the excess of which leads to urolithiasis.

Owners of long-haired cats are recommended diets rich in fatty acids and aimed at improving the condition of the skin and coat.

Also, when choosing food for your pet, you should pay attention not only to his taste preferences, but also to the opinions of other cat owners and veterinarians

Almo Nature cat food: can people eat it too?

Manufacturers of ready-made diets for cats, including Almo Nature, are interested in buyers and therefore try to present their products exclusively from the advantageous side. To obtain truthful information, you need to be able to correctly read the composition of the food indicated on the packaging, as well as study the reviews of cat owners and veterinarians in advance. The health and well-being of a pet transferred to a new diet will allow us to draw final conclusions about the quality of cat nutrition.


And now about the shortcomings (rubbing our hands). Reviews of Almo Nature cat food would be much better if animal owners had not noted the fact that the Russian translation of the food composition does not coincide with the original. It seems as if translators know more than even the producers themselves. A trifle, but unpleasant! After all, it’s the little things that build trust in a brand.

For the same reason, there is no transparent composition of the feed on the website. Very often, the main ingredients are written allegorically and you can only guess what exactly they are serving your kitty with.

But we see the main drawback elsewhere. The developers of Almo Nature emphasize that they have created their own concept of nutrition for cats.

Its essence is that the cat should be fed 60% of Almo Nature wet food and 40% of Almo Nature dry food throughout the day. Theoretically, this reduces the load on the kidneys and increases fluid intake (remember about the broth!). In this regard, reviews from veterinarians about Almo Nature cat food are not all fundamentally positive - it cannot be unequivocally stated that such a diet is suitable for all animals. The gastrointestinal tract is as individual as the animal itself. But the 60+40 formula is designed for everyone. The choice and decision is yours!

More food:

  • Bozita;
  • Hills.

Characteristics of Almo Nature cat food

Almo Nature products have a wide variety of products, and reviews about them are contradictory. The fact is that the composition differs greatly depending on the food line, although all feeds are presented as high quality products. When translating the composition into Russian, there are often inaccuracies and vague formulations, of which there are many on the Russian-language website The original manufacturer's website does not support the Russian language. There is a lot of information about the company's charitable programs and its mission to protect animals around the world, but there is no description of the composition of the diets, which does not inspire confidence in the manufacturer.


This brand of food is produced by the Italian company Almo Nature, which appeared on the market in Genoa in 2000. It was founded and developed by Pier Giovanni Capellino, an Italian businessman, animal lover, owner of several pets. The name is translated from Italian as “gracious nature”. For the first time in the world, the company began to use high-quality raw materials suitable for human nutrition to produce its feed. This characteristic is indicated by the HFC (Human Food Chain) code on packaging and is widely used as an advertising strategy to promote a product. Note that, judging by the reviews, this strategy works successfully for domestic cat owners: many choose Almo Nature products for their conditional suitability for human food. But we must keep in mind that Almo Nature also has a PFC (Pet Food Chain) code, which marks food suitable only for animals.

Most Almo Nature wet food packaging states that it is made from ingredients suitable for human consumption, as evidenced by the HFC logo

In addition, three-stage quality control in food production, consisting of various analyses, is no different from that in human food factories, right down to assigning a product batch number, by which you can track the history of its production. The company constantly updates its range and produces food from a variety of meat, poultry and seafood to please the most capricious pets.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, picky cats are happy to try new flavors from Almo Nature, choosing their favorite ones

Another feature of Almo Nature production is minimal processing of ingredients during cooking to preserve their high nutritional value. For example, raw meat is placed in pouches and then thermally processed, which allows it to retain the maximum amount of vitamins.

Pier Giovanni Capellino, founder of Almo Nature, has several pets

Almo Nature tests its products on animals only on a voluntary basis: new products are offered to willing cat and dog owners throughout Europe, and they test the diets at home in agreement with the manufacturer, providing him with feedback.

Dry food is produced in Italy, wet food in Italy, Spain, Austria, France, Great Britain, Thailand and Uruguay.

Feed class

It’s not easy to decide on the class of Almo Nature food. The manufacturer itself indicates that most of its products belong to the super premium and holistic classes. Some dry food, for example from the Holistic line, can be classified as super premium, but the majority, due to their unclear composition with a predominance of carbohydrates, barely reaches the premium class.

In European legislation, the term “meat and meat derivatives” is defined as follows: “all parts of the flesh of warm-blooded terrestrial animals, fresh or suitably preserved, and all products and derivatives resulting from the processing of carcasses and parts of carcasses of warm-blooded terrestrial animals.” It is this ingredient that is often listed first in Almo Nature brand foods.

The composition of dry food for sterilized pets is characterized by extremely vague formulations

It’s even more difficult with holistic people. Difficulties arise from the lack of a clear understanding of the concept of “holistic” among food producers and animal owners. If we understand holistic food as complete and biologically consistent with the nature of the cat (that is, it is dominated by high-quality animal proteins), then only Almo Nature Alternative series food fits this definition. The rest of the diets involve a daily combination of dry and wet food in a percentage ratio of 40 to 60. This is also an innovation of the company, which thereby takes care of the health of cats. But the benefits of such a combined diet for the cat’s body have not been experimentally proven.

Pros of food

The advantages of Almo Nature nutrition include the following characteristics:

  • availability of all types of ready-made food for cats (dry, wet food and treats);
  • a wide selection of wet food flavors;
  • the use of raw materials suitable for human nutrition in the production of many feeds;
  • absence of synthetic dyes, flavors, preservatives;
  • European certification and careful quality control throughout the entire feed creation process;
  • the predominance of high-quality animal protein sources in many wet foods and treats;
  • a large amount of broth in wet food is suitable for replenishing fluids in pets who drink little water;
  • products can be easily found in stores.

Orange Label: inferior to the previous category, dry food is borderline acceptable, wet food is slightly better

Food intended for castrated and overweight cats. In fact, judging by the composition, dry food in this category is intended for animals that their owners do not like. The quality of the ingredients is noticeably worse than in the “red” line, by-products have appeared, and the percentage of fresh meat is much lower. This is definitely not holistic anymore, rather the border between super-premium and premium. At the same time, Orange Label is only slightly inferior to the previous category in price. Wet food from the “orange” line is noticeably better than dry food, although it is also inferior to Rouge Label canned food.

Note: Dry cat food reviews, recommendations. Review of popular brands In this article, we have collected reviews and recommendations for dry cat food, and will also make a short review of each class of food. .relap-logo-svg-icon{fill:#B2B2B2,}

Review and description of the Almo Nature line of cat food

European cat food products have already gained trust in the domestic market. It has good reviews on the Internet and in various magazines; in addition, many veterinarians recommend Almo Nature food to their patients. If you study the composition of the product, you will notice that this food for cats almost reaches the level of super-premium class. In this article we will take a detailed look at the composition of Almo Nature, the varieties of the line, and also talk about the pros and cons of products for pets.

General characteristics of TM

Almo Nature is an Italian company producing medium and high-end pet food. It was the Italians who first began to use only natural ingredients in their products, taking care of the interests of their customers and the health of their pets. The company's staff develops food for cats that fully corresponds to the individual characteristics of the animal's body. Each sachet of Almo Nature can have a beneficial effect on your pet’s coat and claw development.

During the production process, dry and wet food undergo 3 stages of testing:

  • First, the composition of the finished food is checked: the norms of meat, vegetables, vitamins and minerals.
  • Next, the processing intensity of the finished product is checked. The ingredients in each bag are subject to heat treatment, which allows you to preserve all the necessary beneficial substances in the product.
  • At the last stage, the readiness and safety of the feed is checked.

The Almo Nature treat contains all the beneficial substances necessary for the normal functioning of a cat. The manufacturer claims that if you feed your pet only its products, then health problems will be greatly minimized. According to veterinarians and Almo Nature employees, the diet of your mustachioed companions should contain 60% wet food and 40% dry food. An imbalance can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Most of the reviews presented on the Internet are positive.

This Italian food will appeal to cats of any breed, especially if you give preference to products from the Rouge Label or Green Label lines.

Reviews from veterinarians also confirm the high quality of the products; according to their observations, after introducing such food into the diet, the condition of the cat’s kidneys and stomach improves.

Elena, Ryazan: “Since a year I have been feeding my cat exclusively Green Label Almo Nature - everything is fine, there are no health problems. We periodically see the veterinarian, all body systems are working perfectly. The cat loves the food very much, so I definitely recommend it!”

Marina, Vladivostok: “Our Rozzie is delighted with chicken-flavored canned food, but she doesn’t like fishy ones. We constantly buy chicken, with rice and vegetables - everything is fine, the hair does not fall out, there are no allergies, the stomach works normally. This is not the first year we have been buying Classic canned food and pouches from the same series.”

Feed composition

The food can contain a variety of natural ingredients, it all depends on the category and type of line. The manufacturer has taken care of the quality of its feed, so they contain the following healthy products rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats:

  • chicken, turkey, beef, rabbit;
  • tuna, salmon;
  • brown rice, potatoes;
  • offal, bone meal;
  • various vegetables.

It should be noted that the products are divided into middle-class and premium-class feed. If we are talking about the middle class, then the composition contains bone meal and offal, and the amount of real animal meat is small. In premium products, ingredients from the fourth point are completely absent, but they are enriched with natural meat, vegetables and hydrolyzed proteins (the latter are easily digestible and do not cause allergic reactions).

About the pros and cons of nutrition

The debate about the positive and negative qualities of Italian products will continue forever, as people in search of the best food for their pets often open disputes and discussions on various forums. Below we have formulated lists of pros and cons of Almo Nature products, which are based on customer reviews around the world.

About the advantages

Italian cat food “Almo Nature” has a number of advantages:

  • No chemicals, dyes, flavors or other harmful food additives in premium products. This fact has been confirmed by many veterinarians in laboratory studies.
  • Dry food contains a rich vitamin composition.
  • Almo Nature food is suitable for absolutely any breed of cat.
  • A wide variety of foods that differ in composition, price, preparation method, etc. The company has created special labeling for its products to make it easier for customers to choose the optimal food for their pet.
  • The latest feed preparation technologies make it possible to preserve all the necessary beneficial micro/macroelements and vitamins intact and safe.


Almo Nature cat food is universal and suitable for all breeds, including exotic Peterbalds and Don Sphynxes, giant Maine Coons and the smallest cat breeds.

Canned food and dry food can be fed to Oriental, British, Burmese, and Scottish cats.

This food is intended for adult pets starting from 8-9 months. Children's Whiskas is better suited for kittens.

This food is suitable for both long-haired and short-haired breeds

Italian-made food is suitable for neutered cats, but this product in dry form contains a large amount of carbohydrates.

Therefore, if your pet is prone to weight gain, dry food consumption should be limited, focusing on wet canned food with a high protein content.

A universal option for any cat, including those prone to allergies and gastrointestinal disorders, is the Rouge Label series, which was created specifically for cats that need special care.

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