The cat asks the cat: options for how to calm it down at home

When a cat goes into heat, this is a signal that the animal’s body is ready for mating and procreation. But in most cases, the pet’s instinct will not be satisfied, and the owners, tired of the constant, heart-rending cries of the cat, are looking for ways to calm the animal. When many drugs, although they help, can subsequently negatively affect the health of the animal, folk remedies are no less effective - they will calm the animal and will not harm the body.

How to understand that a cat is in estrus, and features of the first heat

Puberty occurs at 7-12 months. Its onset can be easily determined by the following signs:

  • rolling on the floor;
  • periodic raising of the rear part of the body followed by abduction of the tail;
  • loud and prolonged meowing or intense purring;
  • leaving odorous marks on vertical surfaces and actively rubbing against objects;
  • loss of appetite;
  • frequent licking of the perineum;
  • swelling of the vulva and the appearance of clear discharge.

A cat's first "menstruation" is not suitable for mating. It is the shortest and less pronounced.

How often and how long does sexual intercourse last?

The average frequency of estrus in pets is once a quarter, and its duration is 5-7 days. Deviation of these values ​​up or down is acceptable, but only in the absence of diseases of the reproductive system.

If heat occurs every 3 weeks or once every six months, and its duration exceeds 3 weeks or lasts less than 5 days, consult a veterinarian. Your pet may need to be examined.

Females living outside are close to wild conditions. Therefore, they estrus occurs once every six months, and this is normal.

Folk ways to help an animal

Long experience of cats and people living together has made it possible to identify folk remedies for calming cats. Herbs that help your pet calm down during a difficult period include :

  • Mint;
  • Chamomile;
  • Melissa;
  • Motherwort.

Some experts recommend using valerian in such situations. However, this question is quite ambiguous. Considering the effect this plant has on the animal, such a remedy is unlikely to help calm the cat.

How to calm a cat when she's in heat

The animal’s condition is alleviated by 2 types of drugs: sedatives and hormonal ones. If the pet is involved in breeding, then such a need arises during the first heat, the onset of estrus too quickly after birth and in the absence of a suitable partner for a long time.

Medications and sedatives

This group includes products based on herbs and pheromones. They are not addictive and do not cause severe side effects. The only contraindication to their use is the presence of an allergy to the components included in the composition.

It is important to clarify that the main purpose of sedatives is to relieve nervous tension, that is, eliminate stress. They do not suppress sexual desire. Because of this, their effectiveness is much inferior to hormonal drugs.

Hormonal drugs and injections

Hormonal drugs have a direct effect on hormonal levels. Their use leads to a decrease in the level of estrogen - female sex hormones. Thus, the animal goes through only 2 stages of the sexual cycle: proestrus (the very first) and anestrus (the last), missing the middle one - in fact, the “hottest”. When the next cycle occurs, the drugs must be taken again.

“Hormonal injections have a slightly different effect. They affect frequency, delaying the arrival of the next estrus by 6-12 months.

Despite their effectiveness, hormonal drugs have many contraindications and side effects. The latter include pathologies of the uterus and ovaries, including cancerous tumors. It is also worth noting the quick addiction.

Due to the large number of shortcomings, it is much more humane to resort to sterilization. With its help, you can permanently suppress sexual desire and reduce the risk of developing cancer of the reproductive system in the future.

Treatment with hormonal drugs

The heavy artillery in the fight against basic instinct is hormonal drugs. Such medications can be purchased at a pet pharmacy without a prescription or at a veterinary clinic. It is advisable to consult a doctor before consuming such serious drugs. Hormonal drugs are quite dangerous, and if taken regularly, the risks of developing chronic diseases increase.

Many experts say that drugs in this category are not the best way to solve the problem of how to calm a cat. The thing is that hormonal pills and drops do not always act effectively and quickly. An alternative option is injections. Injections will definitely silence the cat, but at the same time they are even more dangerous for the pet’s health. It is worth noting that the cost of injections is quite high.

Sterilization: pros and cons

Many people are accustomed to using the term “sterilization” in relation to cats, thinking that only cats can be castrated. This opinion is erroneous, since these operations pursue different goals.

The purpose of sterilization is to exclude the possibility of conception (tubal ligation as an example), and the purpose of castration is to suppress sexual desire (by removing the genitals). That is, a mustachioed pet can and should also be neutered. Below we will use a more familiar term, but do not forget that in fact we are talking about castration.

The benefits of sterilization include:

  1. Preventing escapes. Whiskered pets often get lost, running out the door or jumping out the window in search of the cat.
  2. Guaranteed elimination of estrus and cat marks, as well as stabilization of behavior.
  3. No need to find a home for kittens. If you do not plan to engage in breeding, then an accidental pregnancy may take you by surprise due to the lack of regular buyers.
  4. Reducing the likelihood of developing diseases of the reproductive system (cancer, endometritis, pyometra, polycystic disease). When the reproductive organs are removed, there will simply be no place for these pathologies to develop.
  5. Safe normalization of hormonal levels. The operation has no side effects and does not have a negative impact on the body.
  6. Increased life expectancy by 5-10 years. Achieved through calm behavior (no constant stress) and protection from the diseases listed above.

There are much fewer disadvantages: the need for anesthesia and decreased activity. There is no need to be afraid of either one. Young animals tolerate anesthesia very easily, and the emerging tendency to obesity just needs to be controlled with low-calorie food and active games.

“ All about cat sterilization


Estrus is a period of sexual desire, usually lasts 5-7 days. During this period, the cat uses smell and voice to attract a male.

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Sometimes the pet continues to meow even after mating, if this happened in the first 3-4 days of estrus. The body has not yet rebuilt itself, the cat continues to yell and ask for the cat until the end of the cycle.

Similar reactions occur 3-6 weeks after mating. This is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Ways to solve the problem:

patience (suitable for calm, non-temperamental individuals);

Mating and its rules

The first mating is carried out no earlier than the third “menstruation”, that is, only after reaching physiological maturity. The frequency of all subsequent matings should be no more than 2 times a year, and after reaching 6-8 years the animal must be excluded from breeding. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing infertility, miscarriages and other complications.

In addition to age restrictions, it is important to follow certain safety rules. When looking for a partner, be sure to ask his owner for documents reflecting his state of health. To avoid accidental infection, both participants are pre-vaccinated and dewormed.

“ All about mating cats

Veterinary methods

Veterinary medicine has a wide arsenal of means to reduce a cat’s sexual desire. Sedative, homeopathic and hormonal agents are used, available in the form of drops, tablets, injections, and implants.

Sedatives are harmless, but not always effective. Hormonal drugs quickly cope with the situation and have many side effects.


Drops with soothing herbs:

"Cat Bayun" - contains oregano, motherwort, mint, St. John's wort. Take 2 ml three times a day for a week.

"Fitex" - soothing drops based on the herb valerian, hops, motherwort. 3-5 drops before meals, three times a day, course 7-10 days.

“Stop-intim” is a mixture of motherwort with valerian and the drug “Phenibut”. Dosage: 1 drop per 1 kg of weight per day, course of treatment for two weeks.

Feliway is a synthetic pheromone. Available in the form of a diffuser connected to the network. Valid for the entire apartment.

Homeopathic drops: ignace, bromine, palladium, platinum. Effective in some cases. Catnip - sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Available in spray form. Liquid splashes on the resting place.

Side effects of sedatives: lethargy, lethargy, loss of coordination.

Hormonal drugs

The mechanism of action is inhibition of sexual arousal, prevention of ovulation. Therapy with hormone-containing medications is carried out as prescribed by a veterinarian. Treatment with drugs is carried out no more than twice a year.

The special veterinary line is presented in the table:

Name of medicineRelease formDosage
"Anti-sex"drops3 drops/s
pills1 piece/s
"Contrasex"drops4-8 drops depending on weight, 3-4 days
pills1 PC. with a weight of 5 kg, 2 pcs. with a weight of 5-10 kg
"Gestrenol"drops4-8 drops depending on weight, 3-5 days
pills1-2 tablets/s, 5 days

Depo-Provera is a drug that suppresses ovulation and reduces libido. Medium-sized individuals are injected with 1 ml.

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Long-acting chemical contraceptives

"Suprelorin" is a contraceptive bioimplant with a long period of action (6-12 months). Infertility occurs 6 weeks after administration. The implant is installed in the withers area or along the white line of the abdomen. Biocompatible, slowly dissolves in tissues.

"Dermatonin" and "Ferretonin" are melatonin implants. Injected subcutaneously, they ensure the absence of estrus during the resorption of the implant for 1.5-4 months. Melatonin reduces libido, imitates winter anestrus.

"Covinan" (injections) - the active substance is prolygestone. The doctor prescribes the regimen.

increased appetite, weight gain;

enlargement and tenderness of the mammary glands;

disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine and urinary systems.

Possible pathologies of the reproductive sphere: pyometra, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, malignant tumors of the genital organs.

After each unrealized sexual desire, the cat becomes aggressive and its character deteriorates. The animal needs help.

If there are no plans to produce offspring, veterinarians recommend sterilization.

Prohibited actions

Most online recommendations not only do not give the desired effect, but also pose a danger to the animal. Prohibited actions include the following:

  1. Using folk recipes. Valerian, popular among owners, is highly addictive among the cat family, and essential oils with a pungent odor can cause acute poisoning. Also, do not resort to recipes with iodine and soda. These substances lead to increased gas formation and vomiting.
  2. Cooling the genitals with ice water. At best, your pet will simply get scared, and at worst, it will develop inflammation.
  3. Frequent stroking. Try not to touch the area from the middle of the back to the base of the tail. After this, the cat crouches to the ground in anticipation of mating.
  4. Raising voices and physical punishment. Abuse will simply increase anxiety and rob your pet of your trust.
  5. Locking the animal in a dark room. The sun's rays do stimulate hormones, but a lack of them is harmful to physiological health and psyche.
  6. Taking sleeping pills. This is a very strong drug that is used to prepare for deep anesthesia. Due to the large number of contraindications and side effects, it can only be used as prescribed by a veterinarian.
  7. Imitation of sexual intercourse. Sticking thermometers, cotton swabs and other oblong objects into an animal is not only pointless, but also dangerous. The tool you use can cause infection or cause accidental injury.
  8. Mating with a neutered cat. Unlike the previous one, this method is not dangerous, but absolutely useless. If you do not want to pair your pet with a breed-class cat, then it is much easier and more reliable to simply sterilize her.

If your loved ones use any of the above, be sure to tell them about the possible consequences. In addition to such drastic solutions as sterilization, there are several other options that eliminate negative consequences.

The cat wants to go for a walk: what to do?

The easiest way to calm your pet is to have her spayed. After this procedure, the cat will be unrecognizable: it will become affectionate, obedient and calm. During her heat, she will not have unexpected “concerts” or mood swings. The cat will smell less, it will only go to the toilet in the potty and will not leave marks throughout the apartment and on things. Before you decide to sterilize your pet, choose a reliable clinic and veterinarian. If possible, study customer reviews and characteristics of the establishment.

If you do not want to resort to such drastic measures, you can use the following tips:

  • During heat, play with your cat as often as possible, because it is during this period that they have additional energy that urgently needs to be spent somewhere. You can buy your pet new toys: balls, sticks, plush and rubber animals. Give preference to games that require more activity from your cat.
  • Start giving your cat less food. During the “mating season” her appetite is already reduced, so do not overfeed the animal. But at the same time, you need to feed your pet regularly so that he does not starve.
  • It turns out that cats, just like people, calm down when they hear classical relaxing music. Therefore, when your pet starts to act up, turn on Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Glinka or someone else.
  • Pheromones and homeopathic remedies can help calm the cat. True, they do not work on every cat, but it’s still worth a try.
  • Sedatives give good results. You can buy a regular decoction at a pharmacy or special products for cats at a pet store. Effective drugs include “Cat-Bayun” and “Anti-Stress”. They act gently and are completely harmless, but they must be used strictly according to the instructions. You can also give your cat valerian.

  • There are also hormonal medications aimed specifically at calming a pet during estrus. These include “Sex Barrier”, “Contra-Sex”, “Stop-Intimate”, etc. But the harm of these drugs is not fully understood. Some owners, in order to calm the cat, give it Suprastin in the form of drops. But you need to give it strictly according to the instructions, otherwise you can seriously harm your pet.
  • To calm a cat down without mating, you can artificially induce ovulation in her. To do this, find her an actively astringent castrate, but this is not easy to do. You can also insert a stick with cotton wool at the end into your pet’s vagina (about 2.5 cm). Start by stroking the cat from behind, then rub her vulva and only then insert the cotton swab to the desired depth. If the procedure is successful, the cat will begin to meow and caress. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 20 minutes for an hour, and then after 12 hours. This procedure is quite effective and safe.
  • You can also do a special massage. With one hand, press the cat by the withers, and with the other, apply pressure near the beginning of the tail. Do this massage for several days, and your pet will calm down. You can perform 3-4 massage sessions at a time.

It happens that even sterilized cats go for walks. There are certain reasons for this. Veterinarians say that after the procedure, some cats may still show behavioral signs of estrus, and hormonal levels may take up to a year to develop. In addition, during sterilization, not all ovaries could be removed, leaving small pieces in the pet. To check this, do an ultrasound. If necessary, the veterinarian will perform a second operation.

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