7 cat habits that make it obvious whether she is happy with a guest or not

Sudden changes in behavior are always warning signs in cats. If your cat suddenly becomes affectionate, you may not mind at first. Most likely, it will be pleasant to receive emotional affection from your cat. However, there is a reason for this change in your feline's personality.

Anxiety may cause your cat to be more affectionate than usual. For example, he may be afraid of a new arrival (pet, child or partner) in the house and feel insecure. The loud noise might startle your cat, or she might realize she's unwell and get scared. Pregnant cats and cats in heat are affectionate due to fluctuations in their hormones.

Perhaps your pet requires attention because cats know how to manipulate people. Showing affection can be a way to get a tasty treat or even more petting. If your cat's needy behavior continues, you need to understand why.

The cat marks the owner as his property

Cats are territorial animals. To mark the boundaries of their possessions, they rub against furniture and other objects, trying to convey their individual scent to them. This fate will not escape the owner either. By leaving scent marks on a person, the cat asserts its ownership of the object so that other animals stay away from it.

In the wild, the described tactics reliably prevent conflicts between animals living in adjacent territories. In the case of domestic cats, this is only an echo of instincts inherited from their distant ancestors, the manifestations of which the owner can only come to terms with.

Why is the cat petting me?

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Why is the cat petting me?

Do you know when your cat suddenly, out of the blue, started grooming and licking you? What does it mean? Oh, if only a cat could talk! She would probably share what’s on her mind... After all, cats are by nature quite mysterious and reserved creatures... For now, all that remains is to theorize and speculate. A lot of research has been done on this!

We asked the opinion of many scientists who are considered recognized experts in their field of knowledge. Where do their points of view agree?

Many cat owners know that the textbook habit of “kneading dough” comes from the childhood of our pets, when they stimulated the secretion of milk from their mother in a similar way. Scientists say: if an adult animal “kneads dough” on you, it means you are giving him the most positive emotions!

Cats can even lick the hair of their owners - this is also a sign of special love. They can even tug at the hair with their paws, as if trying to find something there. If so, you can count on your cat having a lot to say about your relationship!

One way or another, if a cat wants to stay close to you, climb onto your lap and purr, you can definitely say the following - she completely trusts you and feels completely safe with you. Experts believe that such behavior is inherent in the nature of cats: look, for example, at how animals that are in close and friendly relationships communicate with each other.

How can we explain the tendency towards mutual licking in cats? As experts explain to us, this habit also comes from the wild. Cats lick each other to create a uniform scent for a colony (pride) of animals! In the wild, this is especially important: cats leave the colony (for example, to hunt) and, when returning, recognize their own strictly by smell. Smell plays a key role for cats!

Mothers lick their newborn kittens to clear them of mucus, clean them, and stimulate their ability to defecate and urinate.

Cats living in the same house lick each other, and one of them will be the eldest, the other the youngest.

But you shouldn’t be too deluded about cat affection: cats do not perceive people as equals and do not treat them the same as other cats, although they show people their love and affection. Licking people's hair is certainly a sign of a cat's affection, but why hair? There is no exact answer to this matter. Their hair probably reminds them of fur!

But there are pitfalls here too! Perhaps cats are not attracted to you at all, and certainly not to the wonderful smell of your hair! They are attracted to the scent of your shampoo or conditioner. Try suddenly changing your shampoo. Did the “caresses” continue? Check it out for yourself!

Is it safe for cats to lick people? The fact is that in everyday life we ​​use many products that are, in principle, unsafe for pets. This can include many medicated skin care creams and ointments. Getting them into the cat's body would be extremely undesirable. Regular anti-dandruff shampoo is very dangerous for our pets!

It is also theoretically possible that a cat ingests our human hair. But for her to cause harm to herself, she needs to swallow a lot of hair!

Ultimately, experts advise, you yourself know the habits of your pets very well. If suddenly a cat starts licking you, having not previously been distinguished by such “tenderness”, perhaps it is sending a signal that something is wrong with it. If this behavior begins to repeat frequently, do not tempt fate, but see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Maybe you don't like being your cat's ice cream at all! In this case, politely, affectionately, but decisively remove her from you and try to occupy her with something else. A toy in the shape of a mouse or something like that will help improve the situation! But no matter what you do, remember one thing: never get angry with an animal!

What if the cat came to you with love, and you rudely and unceremoniously drove her away, without allowing her to express the full depth of her feelings? Consider how this might affect your relationship. They are very delicate and vulnerable creatures, our cats...

Original publication: Why Does My Cat Groom Me? Author: Lynne Miller. Source and photo:

Expresses his feelings

We often confuse a cat's attempts to attract our attention with hooliganism. Well, you shouldn’t take this as a manifestation of predatory instincts and a direct threat of attack. Rather, this indicates that your mustachioed friend is kindly disposed towards you and calls for reciprocal affection.

Most often this happens when we are passionate about something else. For example, a cat pokes a furry limb in your face, trying to force you to take your mind off a telephone conversation, reading your favorite book or watching a movie.

Pay attention to your pet's tail. Domestic cats show their good disposition towards their owner by raising their tail vertically upward. And if the tail and ears are pressed down, then the animal is annoyed with something and is inclined to conflict.

Attracting cats' attention

A cat may become more affectionate due to lack of attention. His needy behavior may be a call for more attention and affection. On the other hand, he may feel threatened or relegated to the background. If you've recently added a new pet or person to your home, this is common. In addition to being overly affectionate, signs that your cat needs attention include:

  • Destructive behavior (knocking a glass off the table)
  • Urinating outside the toilet
  • Tears up furniture
  • Wake you up at night
  • Hiding your belongings and clothes

In the short term, don't give in to an attention-seeking cat. If a cat learns that a certain behavior causes a reaction, it will repeat it. The only exception is if your cat requires attention for a specific reason. Did you forget to feed him?

Set up a time to meet your cat one-on-one. Play for 20 minutes at least twice a day. If you keep this up, your cat will calm down. He will learn to expect these play sessions and look forward to them every day.

Article Author: Richard Parker I'm Richard, I have experience in all matters related to feline health, behavior, grooming techniques and general pet care. Richard graduated with a degree in journalism in 2008. He is the proud owner of 5 adult cats (all adopted stray breeds), including an older cat who is now 20 years old.

Why do cats sniff your face while you sleep?

We were all shocked when we woke up to the touch of a cold nose on our cheek. When we open our eyes, we find our cat sniffing our face. It's a rude awakening made even more confusing by the cat's inexplicable actions. Why do cats sniff our faces while we sleep?

Cats sniff us partly to check how we are feeling. With a cat's sense of smell, we can tell a lot about our status by smell. A cat can:

  • immediately determine whether we are injured or sick
  • Find out the degree of our emotional state
  • understand who or what we have recently been in contact with by smell.
  • Your cat can also tell if her own scent marks are fading on you.

As for why our cats sniff our faces while we sleep, the most likely answer is ease of access. We tend to shy away from any object that comes close to our face that is beyond our control. Even if we adore our feline companions, we can still shy away when they get in your face. When a cat sleeps, it has the opportunity to sense our state.

My cat has become very affectionate

Cats have a reputation for being indifferent to their owners, but this is just a myth. Cats form complex bonds with people, but they are less likely to show affection than we are.

According to Behavioral Processes, cats often take behavioral cues from their owners. A neurotic, nervous owner will lead to a cat with the same temperament.

© shutterstock

You need to evaluate whether your cat is truly affectionate. Some owners mistake a cat's affection for neediness. Your cat may simply be showing rare affection or gratitude. Signs of an affectionate cat:

  • Accompanies you around the house
  • Sits on your lap so you can't move
  • Grabs clothing and claws to maintain grip
  • Constantly circling and rubbing against legs
  • Preventing you from performing tasks such as lying on your computer keyboard
  • Verbalizing and worrying when you don't respond immediately
  • Crying, hissing and destructive behavior when you leave the room.

An occasional meow or light headbutt from your cat is normal. If you forget to eat or play, you will also be reminded.

Signs about cats and cats associated with diseases

It seems incredible, but black purrs can cure diseases and relieve pain for those suffering. It is simply wonderful if an animal voluntarily spends a lot of time at the bedside of a sick person. This furry behavior portends a complete cure.

A cat can warn of an imminent illness by carefully sniffing the owner’s mouth and breath. If this happens, it is best to immediately get tested and undergo an examination.

To determine whether a person can be cured of a serious illness, a purring doctor is brought to him. If a cat runs away from home and does not come back, then there is practically no chance of recovery.

If a cat dies in the house - signs

It is natural for cats to die alone. To end their life's journey, they leave home or hide somewhere where it will be difficult to detect them. Animals distance themselves from people before they die so as not to get them into trouble. Since ancient times, people believed that if this furry pet dies in a person’s home, then disaster will soon follow.

Having met a deceased purr along the way, you need to return home and postpone all your plans, at least for a short period.

Under no circumstances should you kill cats (even if the cat shits on the bed or commits other unimaginable dirty tricks). This warning also applies to those people who can drown kittens without a twinge of conscience. Such a terrible act foreshadows a long period of life in lack of money, tears and old age alone.

Mr. Cat recommends: the most popular signs

One of the most famous beliefs is that a cat should be the first to cross the threshold of a new home. She will “assess” the energy state of the new home and establish contact with the brownie.

Here are the most common and often true signs associated with cats:

  • the cat broke the mirror - fortunately;
  • washes his face - to the guests;
  • petting a cat if he comes up on his own means good luck and material well-being for the near future;
  • There must always be at least one cat on the ship, then it will return safely to the port (the wives of sailors kept black cats in the house so that their husbands would definitely return);
  • whoever pours water on a cat loses half his life;
  • kittens cannot be given away for free; you must take at least a small coin in return;
  • by feeding stray cats, a person patches up his karma, and also ensures a prosperous afterlife existence for deceased relatives;
  • Taking home a stray cat and taking care of it will bring money and happiness; driving away an incoming animal will incur punishment from higher powers (it is believed that cats only come to places where they are really needed).

Cats have been living next to humans for a very long time, bringing joy with their mere presence. It turns out that they can bring quite material well-being, as well as protect the house from troubles and ward off death. Therefore, you need to protect and care for your furry pet so as not to incur the wrath of the goddess Bast and her comrades from other mythological stories.

Ancient signs about cats

Previously, these animals were credited with magical abilities. People believed that a cat's eyes could see things that were inaccessible to the human eye. Many signs associated with cats have been invented. Some of them:

  • In order for a pet to take root, it cannot be accepted as a gift, it is necessary to give a symbolic “ransom”
  • In order for a brownie to accept a new tenant, you need to choose a kitten with hair the same color as the owner’s hair
  • For unmarried girls, a cat is more suitable so that it attracts a man to the house
  • In order for the family to have prosperity and happiness, you need to choose a kitten with a short tail
  • to quickly add a new addition to the family, you need to take a pregnant cat into your home and allow her to give birth in comfort and warmth
  • adult cats do not take root well, so it is better to take a small kitten
  • to attract good luck you need to take a stray animal from the street

Why is the cat allowed into the house first?

Since ancient times, owners have entered a new home after their furry pet. This sign is considered the most famous about cats in the house. It is based on the belief in the cat's ability to sense and neutralize negative energy. If the cat was the first to enter the apartment, the family will live in prosperity and happiness. The animal will eliminate the negativity remaining from the previous residents and appease the brownie.

Why might a cat leave the house?

If a pet leaves the apartment of his own free will, he takes with him impending troubles. If the cat is lost, a child will soon be born in the family. If a pet escapes from the home of a seriously ill person, it will soon die. Sometimes a cat runs away from a house in which a lot of negativity has accumulated. The animal is unable to cope with it.

Often the reason for voluntary departure is not mystical reasons, but the bad attitude of the owners. If a person is indifferent, does not show love and care, the animal feels unnecessary and leaves the house.

About the guests

  1. If the cat washes itself while sitting on the windowsill or at the front door, visitors will come to the house.
  2. The pet washes its head behind the right ear - guests will come with good intentions.
  3. If it rubs behind the left, it means a visit from enemies.
  4. Assumptions about visitors can be made based on the temperature of the animal’s paws. Warm limbs mean a friend will come, cold limbs mean an enemy.
  5. If a cat is affectionate with a visiting guest, he is reliable. An animal does not approach a hypocrite.

Signs about death

If the cat lies down on the table, someone in the house will die. The animal foreshadows the death of a seriously ill person if she lies by his bed and does not leave. The cat marked the clothes of the sick person - the illness will soon pass. The cat lies down at the feet of the patient - to recovery. If the animal moves away, the person will die. A cat goes to sleep next to its owner's head - foretells imminent death. The long, loud meow of a cat foreshadows the death of a household member.

Road signs

A common belief about a pet crossing the road says that there will be no path. It's better to turn back or take another road. In England, there is another sign - if someone going on a trip hears meowing, it is better to postpone the trip.

When you go on the road, you can ask your pet to protect the house from thieves and uninvited visitors. If the animal purrs in response to affection, everything will turn out well. A loud meow warns that you cannot leave your home.

You can tell by your pet's behavior how successful the trip will be. If it fits in the suitcase, the trip will be successful. The animal throws things away - you need to stay home.

Cat and material well-being

There are several beliefs associated with furry pets that help attract money. One of the superstitions tells how to get an irredeemable coin from evil spirits with the help of a black cat. It is believed that it always returns to the owner and helps to get rich. Together with the cat at midnight they go out to the intersection of roads and turn to the west. The pet is pinched several times to make it meow. A spirit will come asking you to sell the animal. The person must agree and ask for a ruble. This coin will remain with the person forever and will mark the beginning of wealth.

The Chinese believe that a cat in the house attracts material well-being. But you can’t adopt a stray cat. Otherwise, financial success will leave a person.

A cat that caresses its owner attracts expensive gifts and profit. To gain wealth and good luck, you need to pet a gray pet with white paws on the waxing Moon.

Cats and weather

The animal fell asleep, curled up in a ball and covering its nose with its paw, in anticipation of the imminent onset of frost. The pet goes to bed close to a heat source - when it gets cold. The cat scratches the furniture and wallpaper - it will be windy outside. The animal spreads its paws in a dream - to warm weather. If your pet washes itself with its paw behind its ears, it will rain. The loud meowing of a cat on a ship foreshadows a storm. If the pet spreads its tail, a storm will begin.

Why you shouldn't hurt cats

If a pet is treated poorly, it becomes aggressive and begins to take revenge on its ungrateful owners. Some cats turn into downtrodden, frightened animals. If you drag your pet by the tail, he will walk past the tray. You cannot beat cats for educational purposes if they damage furniture or mark your apartment. It is better to use substances with an unpleasant, repellent odor for this purpose.

Signs associated with killing or harming a catInterpretation
Kill a catImprisonment, 7 years of misfortune. She will be the first to meet her owner after death in the world of the dead
Drown a kittenPoverty, loneliness, drowned people in the family for 7 generations
Hit a cat with a carLuck will run out for 7 years, a serious accident will happen soon, loved ones will betray you
The cat diedTo the appearance of a rival
If the cat is injuredFailures in personal life due to men
Newlyweds hit a catTo divorce


There are many superstitions associated with cats. Today they may not have their original meaning, but knowing about some of them is interesting and sometimes useful.

Here are the most common superstitions associated with cats:

  • you cannot buy a cat, only an exchange for some useful thing is permissible;
  • during a thunderstorm, a coal-black cat should be kicked out of the house (wooden) so that lightning does not hit it and a fire does not occur;
  • You can get rid of a stye on the eye by stroking the sore eye with the tail of a charcoal-colored cat; the tail of a three-colored or four-colored cat will help remove warts;
  • hearing a cat sneeze at a wedding is fortunate for the newlyweds;
  • if a stranger or a stray cat comes into the house - unfortunately;
  • a person who tortures and offends an animal commits a grave sin, and in the next world he will immediately encounter cats that will bite and scratch him;
  • with the help of a cat you can summon the souls of dead people;
  • By catching and boiling a black cat, you can get a bone that will make a person invisible.

Indiana still has a law requiring owners of jet-black cats to wear bells on them when they are allowed outside on Friday the 13th.

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