Tumors of the external auditory canal in dogs and cats: diagnosis and treatment

Squamous cell carcinoma of the auricle in cats

Cats can be affected by several types of skin tumors, even on the ears.
One type of tumor that can affect the ears is squamous cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) can be described as a malignant and particularly invasive tumor that involves scale-like cells of the epithelium, the tissue that covers the body or lines body cavities.

These scaly tissue cells are called squamous cells.

Carcinoma, by definition, is a particularly malignant and persistent form of cancer that often returns after being removed from the body and metastasizes to other organs and areas of the body.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the auricle (related to the ear) can be caused by excessive sun exposure. It is more common in white cats and in cats with white ears.

This type of tumor begins as red, crusty areas on the tips of the ears. The sores or ulcers seem to come and go and will increase in size over time.

There may also be ulcers on the face. This type of cancer can be successfully treated if detected early.

Diseases that cause these symptoms

A common cause of concern for your pet is otodectosis, or in common parlance ear scabies, caused by ear mites.
To get rid of parasites, you need to clean your cat's ears every day with a gauze swab and instill drops from otodectosis into both ears, even if only one itches. It happens that the cause of concern is injury, which results in the formation of a hematoma. It looks like swelling or edema. This will make your ear hurt. Lack of treatment, at best, leads to deformation of the auricle; at worst, an abscess may develop. The hematoma should be treated immediately and should be handled by a veterinarian.

An abscess is outwardly difficult to distinguish from a hematoma, but this is a more serious problem because it is caused by an infection. This cannot be done without surgical intervention, so you should seek help from a veterinarian.

If a pustular rash appears on the outer surface of your cat's ear, forming weeping ulcers, the cause is most likely a fungus. The first step is to blot the ulcers with sterile gauze and sprinkle with streptocide powder. A veterinarian will prescribe treatment for the fungus.

Otitis media is quite troublesome. In a relatively mild form, it is inflammation of the outer ear. If this disease is neglected, inflammation of the middle and inner ear may begin, which often leads to deafness or even death of the pet. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor, usually using ointments and drops externally, and antibiotics are prescribed internally.

If tests at the clinic did not reveal infections, fungi or mites, there were no injuries or inflammations, but redness and rashes are noticeable on the cat’s ears, it may be an allergy. Allergy ointments can help relieve its manifestations. But for more accurate diagnosis and treatment, you should contact a veterinarian-allergist.

To clean the ears, you can use drops, which are always available at the veterinary pharmacy, or use peroxide. A small amount of the drug is applied to a sterile gauze swab, which is used to clean the ear of dirt.

How to tell if your cat has a swollen ear

It’s not difficult to understand that a cat’s ear is swollen - she herself will give signals that she is not feeling well.

Firstly, the pet will shake its head, scratch its ears, while keeping its head tilted to the side.

Secondly, a swollen ear may become red and inflamed. By the way, you will understand that inflammation is present by a certain putrid smell.

Thirdly , an increase in body temperature can be a clear sign of the presence of swelling in the auricle. As well as a strong increase in the size of the auricle. Sometimes it becomes like a dumpling. A cat will definitely give signals if it is bothered by a sore, swollen ear.

Tumor in a cat's ear

Hello, my cat has a tumor in his ear. At first it wasn’t big, and then it started to grow, we took it to the vet clinics, but they said that they wouldn’t do anything, that surgery wouldn’t even help, that the tumor was already deep in the ear canal. They prescribed injections. Initially they helped, the ear did not bleed and the cat did not scratch it, but over time it got worse, although they injected it as the doctor said. Then an unpleasant odor appeared from the ear, they took us to the hospital and told us that we could have an operation to expand the hearing loss and that it would help. The doctor told us that he recently performed such an operation on an 18-year-old cat and he lost it. My cat is 15, they did tests and said that he is in excellent shape and will tolerate anesthesia. Please tell me is this true or should I not listen and tell me what is better to do?


Hello, my cat has a tumor in his ear. At first it wasn’t big, and then it started to grow, we took it to the vet clinics, but they said that they wouldn’t do anything, that surgery wouldn’t even help, that the tumor was already deep in the ear canal. They prescribed injections. Initially they helped, the ear did not bleed and the cat did not scratch it, but over time it got worse, although they injected it as the doctor said. Then an unpleasant odor appeared from the ear, they took us to the hospital and told us that we could have an operation to expand the hearing loss and that it would help. The doctor told us that he recently performed such an operation on an 18-year-old cat and he lost it. My cat is 15, they did tests and said that he is in excellent shape and will tolerate anesthesia. Please tell me is this true or should I not listen and tell me what is better to do?


Hello Dmitry! In fact, this is possible (there was also a 17-year-old cat who survived the operation and the postoperative period perfectly), although at this age various complications may develop. Whether to operate on the animal or not is up to you; as a rule, at such stages of the development of neoplasms, conservative treatment is ineffective, and in At this age, various complications are possible, and good tests do not guarantee that everything will go well.

Prevention of ear disease

Prevention of ear problems includes cleaning with substances prescribed by your veterinarian. This type of cleaning must be carried out continuously. Do not forget that the process of cleaning the ears should not cause pain to the animal. The entire procedure is done carefully so as not to injure the cat’s hearing organs. To avoid any unpleasant moments, you need to know what the prevention of ear disease in cats is. To clean your ears you need to:

  • prepare tools, substances;
  • will make sure that the cat is calm and not alarmed;
  • wrap the animal in a towel to protect yourself from scratching with claws;
  • It is necessary to drop a substance or lotion into the ear;
  • after instillation, you should not pinch your ear too much and make massaging movements;
  • After this manipulation, you can take a cotton swab and remove excess liquid.

When the treatment and cleaning of the ear is done correctly, the cat owner does not need to worry that the pet may develop complications. Teach your animal from childhood to constant ear examinations. Do this delicately, combining it with gentle stroking.

Ear washing lotions - “Otifri” and “Epi-otik”, as well as “Bars” lotion, in addition to 2 products from the German company Beaphar - can be obtained at any veterinary store. An interesting solution is the “Miss Kiss” sticks - these are ordinary sticks impregnated with a medicinal agent.

Caring for a sick cat

Once your cat recovers from surgery, she will be able to lead a normal life. Your cat may look different, but she will adapt to her changed body.

You will need to keep a close eye on your cat to make sure she doesn't develop new sores on her face or head. Try to limit the time your cat spends in the sun.

If you must let your cat out during the day, you will need to apply sunscreen to areas of the body with fine fur.

If your cat tends to spend a lot of time on the windowsill, you can place a canopy or reflector on the glass to prevent UV rays from reaching your cat.

As with any cancer, it is recommended that your cat be checked regularly by a veterinarian.

Video “Treatment of papillomas in cats”

From this video you will learn how to properly treat human papillomavirus in cats.

Due to their curiosity and mobility, furry pets are often subject to injuries to various organs, including the ears, which result in hematomas. This pathological formation is a hemorrhage of varying degrees into the space between the cartilage and the skin of the ear.

The danger of a hematoma lies in the risk of developing unpleasant complications in the form of inflammatory processes, abscesses and even blood poisoning. After a hematoma, deformation of the auricle often develops.

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The story of the brave cat Stripes

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Neoplasms of the external auditory canal in cats and dogs

In the period from 2011 to 2016, our clinic performed 38 operations to remove the external auditory canal in cats and dogs, of which 8 patients were operated on for a 2-sided pathological process. We treated our amazing cat Poloska with the same diagnosis. Her owner contacted us after treatment in another clinic, where Poloska was given a fatal diagnosis with the clarification that there were no possibilities for operations of this level of complexity in Perm. So Stripe became our patient.

Origin of the disease

The relevance of this type of surgical intervention is associated with neoplasms, less often with hyperplasia of the tissues of the external auditory canal. The main cause of occurrence is a long course of otitis media (inflammation). Neoplasms of the auditory canal of dogs and cats are more often malignant and are represented predominantly by glandular tumors (adenocarcinoma).

Diagnosis of the disease

Typically, the initial treatment is a visit to a therapist with complaints of inflammation in the ear, with a thorough examination of the external auditory canal (EA), using a special device - an otoscope - a tumor is detected and the patient is sent for a consultation with an oncological surgeon, since the treatment of these tumors is predominantly surgical, in advanced cases, with metastasis to the lymph nodes, in addition to surgical treatment, we add chemotherapy.

At an appointment with an oncologist, a full examination and examination is carried out, the purpose of which is to answer 2 questions: 1. The extent of the spread of the tumor and its type, since the prognosis for recovery directly depends on this. To evaluate these criteria, a cytological examination of the formation is carried out, and if there are changes in the duty lymph nodes, cells are taken from them to determine the nature of the tumor, an X-ray examination and ultrasound are performed to exclude the spread of the tumor throughout the body. 2. Assessment of general condition, as there may be concomitant diseases. To do this, blood tests are taken, including clinical and biochemical, an ultrasound of the heart is performed, and if there is a history of risk of contracting chronic infections, studies are carried out to exclude them. This is called a pre-anesthesia screening study. Additional tests may be prescribed according to individual indications. If there are no contraindications, the patient is allowed to undergo surgery. The strip went all the way, and the decision was made to operate.


For malignant tumors, it is extremely important to perform the operation ablastically, that is, not to leave tumor cells, since if this rule is not followed, the tumor will necessarily recur, which will significantly worsen the prognosis, therefore it is necessary to remove the entire external auditory canal with excision of the submandibular lymph node (total resection of the external auditory canal with lymphodenectomy). During the operation, that part of the ear is removed that is not visible to the eye and is felt, as if inside, below the auricle. After such an operation, the animal does not hear in one ear, but the quality of life improves and, in small stages of the tumor process, a complete recovery occurs.  


After the operation, due to the complexity and pain of this surgical treatment, the anesthesiologist and surgeon observe the patient for at least 24 hours in the clinic’s inpatient unit, where high-quality pain relief is provided, including the use of narcotic analgesics, which minimizes postoperative pain and anxiety for our patient. After each operation, Strip spent 2 days in our hospital, receiving intensive therapy due to her concomitant disease - the immunodeficiency virus; complications were noted in the form of impaired regeneration of the surgical wound, but the owner and patient bravely endured everything.

Disease prevention

To minimize the risk of disease of the external auditory canal, first of all, do not advance ear diseases to the stage of a chronic process; contact the clinic whenever you notice discomfort in your pet, itching in the ears, discharge, or an unpleasant specific odor from the ear.

If symptoms occur, entrust the diagnosis to professionals, we will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, which we will ask you to carry out, strictly following all recommendations. Poloska's owner, Daria, believed that having adopted a cat from a shelter, you couldn't just give up, and she decided to go all the way. Now Poloska lives in St. Petersburg, misses Perm and thanks Igor Alexandrovich Pasichenko and the clinic for the opportunity to continue to meet her owner every day at home!


Causes of auricular hematoma

The development of the disease occurs due to mechanical effects on blood vessels. The cat's ear has thin and delicate skin, is equipped with a numerous capillary network, and therefore often suffers from hemorrhages. Damage to a blood vessel leads to the fact that blood, having no outlet, fills the interstitial space.

In the case of an ear hematoma, blood accumulates in the space between the cartilage tissue of the organ and the skin. The result is swelling, compression of nerve endings, and pain.

The main cause of pathology is mechanical damage. Free-ranging cats have an increased risk of ear hematoma. On the street, such an animal faces many dangers. A cat can injure its ear as a result of a showdown with its relatives, or in fights with its eternal enemies – dogs.

Sometimes the auricle is injured when an animal falls from trees, roofs of houses, or balconies. Often the cause of mechanical damage and subsequent development of hematoma is a collision with a vehicle.

Common otitis media, fungal infections of the auricle, the presence of diseases such as otodectosis and other diseases accompanied by itching in this area force the animal to itch and damage the blood vessels. Self-injury occurs when excessive head shaking occurs due to ear pathologies.

The presence of fleas in a cat, an allergic reaction, or bites of blood-sucking insects is also the cause of the development of hemorrhage due to the mechanical impact on the ear when scratching with its paws.

The cause of a hematoma in a domestic cat can also be surgery in the area of ​​the auricle. In this case, the damage may be completely normal as a consequence of the intervention. A serious postoperative complication develops, as a rule, when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, the cauterization of the wound is poor, as well as when the sutures are damaged as a result of violation of the rules of animal care.

Adenoma behind the ear

A benign tumor, a parotid adenoma, often develops in the parotid region. The structure of the neoplasm resembles the salivary gland itself. The cause of the development of benign tumors of the salivary glands is the formation of altered glandular epithelium.

The neoplasm is enclosed in a capsule, has a soft-elastic consistency, and is not fused to the skin and surrounding tissues. The skin above the adenoma behind the ear is not changed. It is treated surgically. In order to undergo examination and treatment of benign tumors of the ear and parotid region, call the contact center of the Yusupov Hospital.

Possible treatments

Therapy for each cat is selected individually depending on the diagnostic results and the severity of the tumor in the ear. During treatment procedures, it is necessary to treat the affected area with antiseptic solutions several times daily. In case of an inflammatory reaction or minor damage, medications of the following groups are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • immunostimulating.

If the tumor is benign, then it is surgically removed. During the postoperative period, the cat needs to take medications for a speedy recovery. When the tumor is oncological in nature, chemotherapy is first performed, followed by surgery to remove the tumor in the ear area. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chances of curing it. In advanced forms, when cancer cells have spread to other lymph nodes and internal organs, treatment is ineffective and the cat must be euthanized.

Diagnosis of ear cancer in cats

You will need to provide a detailed health history of your cat prior to the onset of symptoms. Be sure to describe any sores that were noticeable on other parts of the body, even if you suspect they were caused by injuries from outdoor activities or scratches on the skin.

During the exam, your veterinarian will carefully examine any other sores or tumors on your cat's body. The lymph nodes will be carefully felt to determine if they are enlarged, a sign that the body is responding to an infection or invasion.

A sample of lymph fluid may be taken to test for cancer cells. Your veterinarian will order a complete blood count and chemistry profile to make sure your cat's other organs are working normally and to determine if the white blood cell count is higher than normal; again, a sign that the body is fighting an invasive disease or infection.

A biopsy of the ulcerated tissue on your cat's ear will be taken so that the doctor can diagnose the specific type of growth, whether it is carcinoma or benign tissue growth.

This is necessary to differentiate an ulcer from any other condition that may cause the same symptoms.

X-rays of your cat's chest and skull will allow your veterinarian to visually examine the lungs for any abnormalities, especially tumors, and to ensure that carcinoma has not spread to the bones.

Causes of the problem and accompanying symptoms

Otitis in cats

Swelling behind the ear or inside the hearing organ is often caused by this pathology, which can be caused by allergic reactions, fungal, viral or bacterial infections, or traumatic injuries. The inflammatory process is usually divided into three types:

When swelling is observed externally, the superficial tissues are affected, the eardrum is not affected. Middle ear disease is characterized by damage to the membrane. The most dangerous is the inflammatory process in the inner ear. In the process of its development, damage is observed not only to the eardrum, but also to the vestibular apparatus. In addition to the fact that the cat's ear swells, it fills with fluid and there is a discharge of pus. Brain damage is possible. Internal otitis media can cause deafness in your pet.

The following symptoms of the disease are distinguished:

  • redness of the skin near the hearing organs;
  • pain syndrome due to which the cat constantly scratches its ear;
  • decreased activity;
  • loss of appetite.

Ear mite

If your cat has a swollen ear, in most situations the problem is caused by a parasite called Otodectes cynotis. A cat can catch it through contact with a sick pet. There are often cases when the owner brings a tick into the house along with dirty shoes. In addition to the fact that swelling appears on the ear, the owner may notice the following symptoms:

  • constant meowing;
  • brown discharge with a bad odor;
  • redness of the skin inside the ears;
  • general increase in body temperature;
  • pet concern.


Sarcoma, fibroma and papilloma are often diagnosed in the ear canal. The main danger of these formations lies in the fact that, mainly at the initial stage of development, they do not provoke any symptoms at all. As it progresses, the pet owner may notice the following symptoms:

  • the cat constantly rubs the ear;
  • coordination of movements worsens;
  • the animal lowers its head towards the affected organ of hearing;
  • the pet becomes restless.

Injuries and hematomas

If there is swelling in a cat's ear, it is often caused by traumatic injuries. Hematomas often occur in pets that have free access to the outdoors. Traumatic injuries are characterized by the following signs:

  • change in the shape of the auricle;
  • increased ear temperature;
  • pain syndrome;
  • pet aggressiveness.

Abscess in a cat

It often occurs when there is an open wound that has become infected. Often the inflammatory process is accompanied by suppuration, which can have serious consequences for the body. In addition to the fact that the cat’s ear is swollen, the owner may notice the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness;
  • thirst;
  • redness of the place where the abscess is localized;
  • local temperature increase.

Outer ear cancer

Ear cancer at the initial stage of development is asymptomatic. During the transition to stage 2, the sick person experiences severe itching and pain in the area of ​​the ear cavity. Squamous cell carcinoma of the auricle is often accompanied by ringing or noise in the ears.

Upon examination, the doctor may detect a small ulcer or granulation in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. Over time, the ulcers begin to bleed, burn and cause severe discomfort to the patient. In addition to bloody ulcers, the patient may detect serous and purulent discharge.

At stages 3 and 4, ear cancer metastasizes to neighboring lymph nodes. Cancer of the lymph node behind the ear is accompanied by severe pain, hearing loss, deformation of the facial nerves, and deterioration of the general condition.


An accurate diagnosis is made after the following studies:

  • otoscopy. A thorough examination of the ear cavity, eardrum, and ear canal. Otoscopy helps detect tumors in the external parts;
  • histological examination. A diagnostic procedure to detect cancer cells in excised skin samples;
  • MRI. One of the most accurate methods for determining the presence of cancer in the body. MRI allows you to determine ear cancer at stages 1 and 2 of development. In this case, the procedure allows you to find out more detailed information about the size, location and type of tumor;
  • CT. An X-ray method for examining bone tissue for the presence of metastases.

In additional cases, audiometry may be required. This procedure helps to provide more accurate data on the state of the auditory analyzer.


In the early stages of ear cancer development, the patient is prescribed courses of radiotherapy. After this, electroexcision is additionally performed. At stage 2, ear cancer is treated with surgical excision and subsequent radiotherapy. At later stages of development, radiation therapy with complete excision of the affected lymph nodes is performed to treat ear cancer. In case of multiple metastases, a Krail operation is performed.

How does a cat's ear work and what does it normally look like?

How, without being a veterinarian, can you notice in time that your pet has ear problems? For preliminary diagnosis at home, it’s good to have an idea of ​​how your pet’s hearing organs generally work. The cat's ear is made up of three structures.

Outer ear. This includes all (visible and not) parts of the organ from its upper tip to the eardrum:

  • The auricle is a cartilaginous plate slightly concave inward (unless otherwise determined by the characteristics of the cat breed). Its outer side is covered with short hair, the inner side is covered with thin skin (the presence of hairs along the edges is acceptable).
  • The vertical ear canal, which goes deep into the head and is curved by 90°, has a slightly pinkish (almost whitish) color in the visible part. Hair is absent or represented by individual hairs. Small accumulations of dark brown (the shade of dried blood) earwax, which is produced by glands located precisely in this part of the organ, are acceptable.
  • The eardrum serves as the boundary between the vertical and horizontal ear canals. Invisible to the naked eye, it is located in such a way that it is almost impossible to damage it from the outside.

Middle ear. This is a cavity located at the base of the skull, consisting of two interconnected chambers. The outer one contains three auditory ossicles - the malleus, the incus and the stapes, designed to transmit sound waves from the eardrum to the inner ear. It is impossible to see them without special tools.

Inner ear. Protected by the temporal bone and also invisible from the outside, it is represented by:

  • organ of Corti - a sensitive device that converts sound waves into nerve impulses recognized by the brain;
  • the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for the animal’s sense of balance and its orientation in space.

Hematomas and abscesses

Both of these ailments are the result of trauma to the animal. In general, their symptoms are similar, as are the reasons why they appear in a cat. Often, without proper treatment, a hematoma can develop into an abscess.

Cats that are let outside by their owners often suffer mechanical damage to their ears.

This can be especially observed with the onset of spring, when cats fight for the attention of cats, or simply do not divide the territory. The pet returns home with various injuries, both open wounds and bruises.

A hematoma is a closed type injury, simply a bruise. As we know, it appears from various blows. Just like a person, the bruised area hurts a lot. Most often, cats' ears are susceptible to hematomas, so it is quite easy to see a bruise, since the animal has less hair on them.

An abscess is a consequence of an open injury, purulent inflammation. Any scratch can lead to an abscess. Ears are damaged during fights; cats often injure them with each other's claws. Since they always contain dirt, sand or dust, they get into the wound. After your cat has visited the street, you must carefully examine him for scratches and carefully treat wounds on his ears.

disinfectants. If this is not done, the injury site may swell, turn red and fester. Here you can handle it yourself, if the affected area is small, treat it with iodine and disinfect it. But it's better to show it to a doctor. The veterinarian will open the abscess on the animal's ear and remove the pus.

What to do?

The treatment regimen is based on stopping the factor that caused the ear tumor. After making a diagnosis, the veterinarian prescribes the required medications. Before using them, the hearing organ will need to be cleaned. The owner of a pet needs to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Remove hair from inside the ear.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in a disinfectant solution.
  3. Clear the ear of any secretions.
  4. Dry the sink with a bandage or paper towel.

Next, the owner is allowed to resort directly to instilling medications. If a cat's ear is swollen due to ear mite infestation, anti-mite medications are used. In advanced situations, the pet is prescribed injections of acaricidal pharmaceuticals. If the animal is bothered by itching, Otonazole is prescribed.

Medicines with bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antimycotic properties will help cure otitis media. Most often, cats are prescribed ear drops called “Aurican” and “Surolan”. Veterinarians note that medications should be instilled into both ears, even if only one is affected. If a cat's ear is swollen due to injury, the first thing to do is apply cold to the affected organ. If there is an open wound, it must be disinfected.

An abscess is more difficult to deal with. When it is not possible to quickly go to a veterinary clinic, the owner will need to provide assistance to the cat himself. Initially, you need to shave the hair in the area where the abscess is located, then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and use an antiseptic solution. Then you should arm yourself with sterile napkins and carefully squeeze out the pus with them. Use a cotton swab to clean the cavity from pus and treat the wound with peroxide. At the end of the manipulation, the wound will need to be sprinkled with Streptocide. After these manipulations, your pet will still need to be shown to a veterinarian.

Possible treatments

Therapy for each cat is selected individually depending on the diagnostic results and the severity of the tumor in the ear. During treatment procedures, it is necessary to treat the affected area with antiseptic solutions several times daily. In case of an inflammatory reaction or minor damage, medications of the following groups are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • immunostimulating.

If the tumor is benign, then it is surgically removed. During the postoperative period, the cat needs to take medications for a speedy recovery. When the tumor is oncological in nature, chemotherapy is first performed, followed by surgery to remove the tumor in the ear area. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chances of curing it. In advanced forms, when cancer cells have spread to other lymph nodes and internal organs, treatment is ineffective and the cat must be euthanized.

Veterinarian help

After the veterinarian has determined the causes of the cat's anxiety and made a diagnosis, he prescribes treatment. First of all, with the help of medications, the veterinarian relieves ear pain and itching in the cat. If there is discharge, dirt, or excess wax in the ears, then clean them. It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The auricle is turned outward to provide access to the ear canal.
  2. The fur on the inside of the ear is carefully trimmed.
  3. A cotton swab is dipped in oil and the plaque is removed within sight.
  4. The second ear is treated in the same sequence.

For external otitis in a cat, the veterinarian treats the damaged surface and instills liquid medicine, after which he gently massages the auricle to evenly distribute the solution. In case of deep purulent otitis media, the cat's eardrum is pierced to remove pus from the distant parts of the ear. After deep cleaning, the ears are treated with systemic antibiotics. Owners of furry patients are advised to take note of the veterinarian's advice from the following video:

Otitis media in cats: symptoms and treatment at home

If the owners notice swelling or blood from the ear of their pet, they need to contact a veterinarian.

A tumor in a cat’s ear can be benign or malignant, and in the latter case, without timely treatment, there is a high probability of death.

With the neoplasm, the kitten and adult also experience small pimples, peeling of the skin is possible and the hairs in the area of ​​the damaged ear become light.

What is it connected with: the main reasons

A tumor behind a cat’s ear does not always indicate a pathological process. Sometimes a purulent lump or hematoma is a consequence of mechanical damage to the auricle. Swelling and hardening can also occur when a cat has a pimple in the ear canal. Other factors can also influence the violation:

  • dermatological disease;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • hormonal imbalance in the cat’s body;
  • inflammatory reaction in the ears;
  • malignant tumors of the external auditory canal.

Neoplasms: do they pose a threat?

Various tumors can form on a cat’s ears, which differ in malignant or benign nature. This lump is more often formed in older individuals. Ceruminoma, which affects the sulfur glands of the animal, is more common. The cancer grows rapidly and is fatal. Oncology can be recognized by the following symptoms:

A cancerous tumor differs in its growth rate and is accompanied by symptoms such as discharge from the ear canal.

  • the formation of multiple small nodules on the ear;
  • addition of infection;
  • constant scratching of the cat's ear;
  • unpleasant discharge from the ear canal.

Among the most common benign tumors, veterinarians highlight ear atheroma, which is a cystic formation in the sebaceous gland. Such a lump can be removed surgically.

Acne associated with dermatitis

The appearance of flaking, multiple pimples and bumps on a cat’s ears are a consequence of a dermatological disease. Such acne appears due to helminth infection and under the influence of other factors. If you don’t notice the problem in your cat’s ears in time, then soon crusts will form near the ear canal and weeping ulcers. The following symptoms are typical for acne:

  • severe itching sensations;
  • accumulation of secretions in the ear canal that have an unpleasant odor;
  • redness of the skin near the sore ear;
  • hearing problems.

Parasite activity

Infection with scabies mites is indicated by severe itching and a strong odor from the ear.

If a tumor appears in the cat's ear area, then it is worth examining the pet for the presence of scabies mites. When infected with such a parasite, the pet develops otodectosis. The main food for the parasite is epithelial tissue and blood. If there is a violation, the animal not only develops a tumor, but also other symptoms:

  • severe itching;
  • copious discharge of brown color and loose consistency;
  • pungent odor from the ear.

Other varieties

A tumor can occur in a cat with the following abnormalities:

  • Necrotic process. Occurs against the background of infection, mechanical damage or purulent-inflammatory reaction. Pets that live outside for a long time during the cold season are prone to pathology.
  • Hematoma. This type of tumor appears after an insect bite, scratching, or injury to the ear. It is also accompanied by pain and redness.
  • Inflammatory reaction. In veterinary medicine, this disorder is called otitis media, which is characterized by itching and profuse discharge.
  • Lymphoextravasate. Accompanied by impaired accumulation of lymphatic fluid under the skin of the auricle. It is characterized by slow progression, while the affected area turns red and becomes hot.

Veterinarians recommend regularly examining cats' ears for ulcerative formations that occur due to fungal infection. For such tumors, self-medication is prohibited, especially with the use of ointments.

Tumor in a cat’s ear – symptoms and treatment – ​​Website about pets

A tumor in a cat's ear can have two origins: malignant and benign.

As for the latter, these types of tumors most often occur in pets who are over 7 years old, while malignant ones most often occur in pets in their twilight years, over 10.

The tumors themselves can have different properties, shapes and naturally sizes. In order to make a correct and accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to contact a specialist.

Inner ear cancer

In the first stages of progression, the symptoms of ear cancer resemble chronic otitis media. A sick person develops minor hearing problems, congestion, and purulent lesions. As ear cancer develops, it begins to be accompanied by severe pain and discomfort; patients complain of discomfort in the neck, cheekbone, and temporal zone.

At stages 3 and 4 of auricle cancer, the patient experiences paralysis of facial muscles, impaired swallowing, and immobility of the lower jaw. If the tumor reaches the carotid artery, heavy bleeding may occur. When the tumor spreads into the meninga, carcinomatous meningitis occurs.


To make a diagnosis, the patient is referred for otoscopy, skull radiography, and histological examination. To clarify the volume of the cancer-affected area, an examination is carried out by a neurologist. MRI and CT are used to determine the characteristics of a malignant tumor, its size and type.


Combination therapy is used to treat ear cancer. It usually consists of a subtotal resection of the temporal region with postoperative telegammatherapy. When the tumor spreads to nearby lymph nodes, their excision or Krail operation is performed. At stages 3 and 4 of development, radiotherapy is prescribed. Chemotherapy in this case will be less effective.

Possible treatments

Therapy for each cat is selected individually depending on the diagnostic results and the severity of the tumor in the ear. During treatment procedures, it is necessary to treat the affected area with antiseptic solutions several times daily. In case of an inflammatory reaction or minor damage, medications of the following groups are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • immunostimulating.

If the tumor is benign, then it is surgically removed. During the postoperative period, the cat needs to take medications for a speedy recovery. When the tumor is oncological in nature, chemotherapy is first performed, followed by surgery to remove the tumor in the ear area. The earlier cancer is detected, the greater the chances of curing it. In advanced forms, when cancer cells have spread to other lymph nodes and internal organs, treatment is ineffective and the cat must be euthanized.

Diagnosis of the disease

If contacted in a timely manner, the specialist makes a diagnosis based on the owner’s observations, general examination and otoscopy. With a mild form of the pathology, this is enough to establish the cause and prescribe appropriate medications.

Otoscopy is an examination of the ear canal using a special device. The study allows you to find out whether the eardrum is intact, whether there are foreign bodies in the ear, or determine the presence of a tumor.

Otoscopy is an examination of the animal's ear using a special device.

If the middle ear is affected, a cytological smear is necessary to determine the true causes of inflammation. If demodicosis is suspected, trichoscopy can be performed - examination of hairs and particles of the epidermis. In very advanced cases, video-otoscopy, radiography or MRI may be required. The last type of research is more informative.

Otitis in a cat: symptoms and signs of the disease

An attentive owner will always notice changes in the behavior of his pet if he knows the main symptoms of otitis media of the inner ear. The most common are the most visually identifiable signs:

  • Irritation and redness of the skin of the sore ear, in which the cat periodically rubs it and at times applies it to the head;
  • Acute pain provokes a sharp jumping up, screaming of cats, frightened looking around, the cat does not allow touching the head;
  • Constant itching and the appearance of ulcers and scratches in the ear area;
  • Shaking the head and lack of auditory response to the affected side;
  • Possible drooping of the eyelid in case of damage to the facial nerve;
  • The appearance of a characteristic cloying odor;
  • Discharge from the ear with purulent otitis media;
  • By bending over to your pet, you can listen to the characteristic gurgling and squelching sounds;
  • Loss of appetite and cheerfulness;
  • Heat;
  • Irritability, constant meowing and screaming

Due to the slow development of otitis, in some cases, despite minor deviations in the cat’s behavior, a trip to the veterinary clinic is the optimal solution for quick rehabilitation and treatment of the pet.

Primary factors

The primary causes of the development of otitis in cats are those factors that provoke the onset of the inflammatory process. These include:

  1. Hypothermia. Draft and dampness are the most dangerous enemies of cats. If water accidentally gets into the ear, then over time, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply inside - streptococci, staphylococci, etc. A cat with a strong immune system will not develop otitis media, however, the protective functions may be weakened by hypothermia. In this case, the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process will increase significantly.
  2. Foreign objects or neoplasms. When a foreign body enters the ear canal, the removal of wax secretion becomes difficult. Microbes begin to multiply inside. The same thing happens when a tumor occurs in the ear canal. The cat feels discomfort and begins to scratch its ear. Thus, the animal further aggravates the situation - scratching can get infected, which provokes otitis media.
  3. Fungus. The risk of developing otitis media increases if the cat suffers from skin fungal diseases.
  4. Allergy. The main cause of inflammation in the ears of allergic cats is itching. They constantly scratch the shells, injure the external auditory canal, which leads to otitis media.
  5. Injuries, insect bites. Cats that often go for walks often injure their ears on branches of bushes and other objects, and they are also sometimes attacked by wasps and ticks. Abrasions, scratches and insect bites are gateways through which infection enters the skin. To prevent the development of the disease, any damage to the skin of the ears must be treated with an antiseptic.
  6. Densely growing fur on the ears. When overgrown hairs get inside the sink, they cause discomfort. The cat is itchy, so it often scratches itself with its paw. When the skin is damaged by claws, pathogenic bacteria enter the wound and inflammation occurs.
  7. Autoimmune diseases. Their essence is that the animal’s immune system perceives the cells of its own body as foreign and fights them. This process is always accompanied by inflammation.
  8. Hormone imbalance. Failure of the endocrine system leads to health problems. The cat's metabolism is disrupted and its immunity is reduced. This may cause the onset of an inflammatory process.

Secondary factors

Secondary factors in the development of otitis in cats include bacterial and fungal infections, which complicate the course of the disease. For example, Malassezia mushrooms, which live on the skin and mucous membranes of cats, usually do not pose any danger. However, allergies, diseases of the endocrine system, and decreased immunity can provoke their rapid growth. In this case, the animal will begin an inflammatory process.

Also, external otitis is often complicated by pathogenic bacterial microflora - streptococci, staphylococci or Escherichia coli.

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