What to feed sphinxes - proper nutrition for hairless cats

Hi all! The Canadian Sphynx cat is a velvet miracle - we’ll tell you about this pet in great detail. Before we talk about the Sphynx cat, let's take a look at history and remember where the concept of Sphynx came from. In the myths of Ancient Egypt, the sphinx was a monster with the body of a lion with the breasts and face of a woman. Stone statues depicting sphinxes were erected to protect holy places and temples.

The most famous statue of the Sphinx is located in Egypt on the west bank of the Nile at Giza. This is the oldest sculpture that has survived to this day, called the Great Sphinx, which was the guardian of the pyramids. It is believed that the Egyptian sphinx is a symbol of intelligence and strength: intelligence is the human face, and strength is the lion’s body.

This image has attracted and fascinated people for many centuries. Cats, like the sphinx, were deeply revered and sacred animals in Egypt. The cult of cats continued in Egypt for more than two thousand years.

Vivid evidence of this cult can be found during excavations in numerous images of cats, their bronze figurines, mosaics and even burials of these animals.

Perhaps it was from Ancient Egypt that these animals brought all their mystery, grace, magnificent intelligence and strength.


The above problems can be avoided by taking simple preventive measures. Here are the most important ones:

  1. Visit your veterinarian periodically. This will make sure that the cat is healthy, as well as prevent the occurrence of diseases or recognize them at an early stage.

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  2. Do not starve the cat, do not put it on a diet at your own discretion (only on the advice of a specialist).
  3. Do not overfeed the animal, allow it to empty the bowl, and do not add more food.
  4. Make a feeding schedule and get your cat used to the routine.
  5. Do not indulge the animal's whims by giving food at its first meow.

Caring for ears, claws and eyes

Special care is required for your ears. Sphinxes don’t have hair either, so they get dirty quickly. It is better to clean them with a napkin, as cotton swabs can damage the skin.

Careful eye care is required. These kittens don't have eyelashes. Therefore, they are completely defenseless. They need to be wiped more than once a day. For each eye - a clean napkin soaked in a special solution, tea is allowed. A little discharge from the eyes is normal. But if the discharge increases, its color changes, or an odor appears, then you need to consult a veterinarian. Sphynx kittens must have their claws trimmed. Otherwise, they will cling and interfere with the pet.

This cat breed is very active and playful. And if there is an opportunity to not deliberately mischief, they will not miss it. They will scatter balls, tighten their arms, and the like. It is advisable to provide the kitten with a special place to play. He will have to spend his energy during the day. These cats also love communication and hugs. The pet loves to be around people.

Sphynx breed: what to feed?

The diet of sphinxes must be prepared very responsibly. Despite the fact that these animals have a fairly good appetite and are not picky about food, this can have a bad effect on them. Overeating and eating the wrong foods can cause bad consequences:

  • intestinal disorder;
  • poisoning of varying degrees;
  • obesity;
  • allergy;
  • various diseases.

What to feed a Sphynx cat? There are two types of food: ready-made store-bought food and natural, freshly prepared food. Let's look at each separately.

Every responsible owner must carefully plan the Sphynx’s diet, which means developing a clear meal schedule, taking into account all the characteristics of the pet. How many times to feed the Sphynx per day depends on the age of the cat, his health and what kind of food to feed the Sphynx. According to veterinarians, one of the best options for feeding this breed is ready-made food. This is due to the fact that these particular feeds are designed taking into account all the features:

Kitten nutrition

You don’t have to think about what to feed a Sphynx kitten 1.5 months or younger. Usually such babies are fed 100% with the milk of their mother cat. But if for some reason this is not possible, the best alternative would be infant formula and liquid porridge, such as semolina. Your veterinarian will tell you about the need for vitamin and mineral supplements. At 2 months, grated boiled chicken breast or beef, chicken or quail egg yolk are gradually introduced into his diet. If you decide to feed your pet ready-made dry food, it must first be soaked in water.

During the first days at home, the kitten must be fed the same food that was provided by the breeder. Separation from the mother and moving to a new place are already very stressful for the baby, and changing the diet will only worsen the problem. The new diet is introduced gradually over the course of a week, so the body can calmly readjust and absorb the food completely.

The Sphynx's diet must be monitored very carefully, because these cats are almost omnivorous and prone to overeating.

Important! Treats from the common table, chips, sausage and sweets are strictly prohibited; everything that a cat can eat with great pleasure, but cause problems with digestion or skin.

Due to the lack of fur, a lot of energy is spent on warming the body, as a result of which hairless cats eat somewhat more than their furry brothers. A 2-month-old Sphynx kitten needs to be fed 7-8 times a day, which means that you will have to get up even at night. This regime is followed for approximately four months. The serving size at this age is approximately 25 grams, a little more or a little less - the owner determines it himself based on the physical condition and activity of the pet.

At 4-6 months, the serving size gradually increases to 50 grams, and the number of feedings, on the contrary, decreases first to 4 and then to 3 times a day.

It is recommended from a very young age to accustom Sphynx kittens to feeding on a schedule - this is convenient for the owners and beneficial for the animal’s digestion. Uneaten food is removed, perishable food is thrown away immediately - do not forget that the Sphynx has a very sensitive stomach, especially the Canadian one. Only water should always be freely available, it should also be fresh, for this it is necessary to change it at least once a day. Sphynx cats are somewhat squeamish and may refuse to drink stagnant water, thereby causing dehydration and constipation.

Important! If your pet's diet consists of ready-made dry food, the volume of liquid he drinks increases three times, take care of a bowl of the appropriate size and replenish it in a timely manner.

Feeding tips:

  • by three months, the kitten’s diet should gradually be replenished with calcined cottage cheese, unsalted cheese, fermented milk products, vegetables and herbs;
  • after 3-4 months it is allowed to feed raw meat, after keeping it in the freezer for 6 days and dousing it with boiling water - this treatment will kill all pathogenic microbes;
  • It is better to give fermented milk products separately from the main meal, for example, as an afternoon snack.

There are no differences in the diet of Canadian Sphynx and Don Sphynx kittens; both of these breeds are equally demanding on their menu.

How to care for Sphynxes

Due to the nature of their skin, sphinxes require special care. Their skin is somewhat similar to human skin; for example, they, like us, can burn in the sun. These hairless cats sweat and their skin produces oil. Therefore, they need to be bathed once or twice a week and regularly wiped with a soft, damp towel to remove skin discharge. If you refuse such hygiene procedures, over time the skin will become covered with a sticky fatty coating, dirt will accumulate in the folds, and the animal will begin to smell not too pleasant.

Ear cleaning is another mandatory procedure when caring for hairless cats. For this it is better to use special lotions. The eyes also need to be regularly cleaned of secretions that accumulate in the corners.

Sphynxes also need to have their claws trimmed regularly. This can be done at home or in a veterinary clinic.

Tips and secrets of proper nutrition for the Sphynx

Below are some tips to help you feed your Sphynx properly and keep him healthy:

  • It is necessary to ensure that the cat eats enough - otherwise, due to lack of energy and lack of fur, it will freeze even in a warm apartment;
  • Add a drop of vitamin D to your feed or food daily – it strengthens bones and supports the nervous system
  • Once a month you can give the sphinx boiled chicken necks or crackers to clean his teeth;
  • If a cat suffers from constipation, veterinarians advise switching it to a fermented milk menu - three days will be enough to solve the problem;
  • If the cat is prone to constipation, as a preventive measure, add a few drops of vegetable oil (olive, flaxseed) to the food daily;
  • To understand how much you need to feed your Sphynx, you can calculate approximately 5% of the pet’s body weight and then adjust this volume;
  • Bowls must be washed after each meal to prevent bacteria from growing in them;

Fish should appear infrequently in the Sphynx's diet, because it is a source of excess protein, which can lead to urolithiasis; Fresh river fish is strictly prohibited. The Don Sphynx has a less sensitive digestive tract than the Canadian one, so he is allowed boiled sea fish a couple of times a month;

  • In boiled fish, the bones become very strong, so before giving the fish to an animal, all bones should be removed;
  • The body of hairless cats does not digest lactose, so milk should not be given to them;
  • To cleanse the stomach, it is a good idea to grow grass on the windowsill - sphinxes eat it with pleasure. But among indoor flowers it is necessary to carry out an audit - a cat may accidentally eat a poisonous plant;
  • It is not recommended to keep a cat on a mixed diet - to digest dry food and natural food, the body produces gastric juice of varying acidity; the body does not have time to rebuild and malfunctions;
  • What you should not feed the sphinx is human food. Usually all of it contains salt, spices, sugar and excess fat, and is strictly contraindicated for sphinxes! Do not forget that this breed was bred through long-term selection and its body is much weaker than that of the yard Fluff.


One of the most common health problems among Sphynx cats is obesity. Due to excess weight, cats become inactive, their joints and internal organs suffer. In this case, it is important not to overfeed the animal and accustom it to the feeding regime.

It is worth noting that Sphynx cats are the most susceptible to infections, so kittens must be vaccinated and regularly shown to a veterinarian. Mature animals get sick quite rarely, but even they have troubles: acne, skin rashes or vasculitis. Also common among Sphynxes are congenital entropion of the eyelids, damage to the spine and tail, and a short lower jaw.

But these four-legged animals can boast of a long lifespan - sphinxes live for about 13-15 years.

Features of caring for a kitten

What needs to be done to keep the kitten healthy? Let's look at the features of care:

It is necessary to maintain the room temperature at least 25 degrees. Otherwise, the baby will be cold and may get sick. Protect the kitten, and then the adult pet, from burns. Cats have no hair, and their skin is very delicate. They love warm places very much. Therefore, it is important to monitor the temperature of heating devices. If the heater heats up to high temperatures, then you need to protect the animal. For example, cover the radiator with a cape if fire safety conditions allow it. Avoid exposing the kitten to direct sunlight. This is again due to very sensitive skin. The kitten may get sunburn. As surprising as it may sound, the skin of these cats becomes tan when exposed to sunlight. If the optimal temperature in the room is 25 degrees, and sometimes a little lower, then your pet can wear a special warm jumpsuit. Make sure that it does not restrict movement and is comfortable.

Do cats feel full?

Cats have a conditioned feeling of satiety - otherwise they would eat constantly and without interruption, unable to stop eating. Usually, after eating, they settle down in their favorite cozy place, curl up into a ball and sleep sweetly.

The fact that a cat constantly reacts to the rustling of food bags does not mean that she is asking for food. Her instincts simply kick in - the signal is given, she needs to run up and meow.

The feeling of fullness may vary: some eat when they are hungry, others eat at the first opportunity. Just as people, having had enough of dinner, do not refuse ice cream, cats will always find room for “dessert”.


Be sure to bathe your baby. Can be up to four times a month. Sphynx kittens get dirty pretty quickly. Therefore, they need to be bathed more often than regular cats. Basically, this breed calmly reacts to water procedures, they even like it. The temperature of the bathing water is the same as that needed by newborn children. Special bathing products are required. When taking water procedures, you must ensure that water does not get into the auricle. After bathing, the kitten is dried with a towel (not hard).

How to choose the right food for sphinxes?

Very often the question arises as to what food is best to feed the Sphynx, because on store shelves you can see a fairly wide range of food. How are they different?

Take the choice of ready-made food for your pets just as seriously. You already know the consequences of poor quality food. You need to pay attention to the composition - the first three components should be proteins (types of meat). The percentage of the protein part to the total weight of the feed should be from 40 to 60%. The more natural elements, the better. Choose foods with minimal flavorings. The food should best suit the characteristics of the animal.

There are two types of prepared food: dry and wet (canned). What food is best to feed and how do they differ?

Due to its consistency, wet food is absorbed by the body easier and faster than dry food, but flavorings and flavor enhancers are often added to such a product. You need to pay attention to this when choosing a manufacturer. There are different types of wet food:

  • canned food;
  • mousse;
  • pate;
  • pieces of minced meat in sauce.

Wet food is formulated so that one serving lasts throughout the day. If the cat does not finish the entire contents of the can or bag in one go, the opened package of wet food can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Dry food

Unfortunately, not all owners have the opportunity to cook for their pet several times a day; in this case, you just need to choose good dry food or special canned food that is suitable for your cat.

It is dangerous to give economy-class dry food to sphinxes: they do not contain the required amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, but are rich in flavor and aromatic additives that can cause difficulties with the already fragile health of hairless cats. It would be best to ask your breeder or veterinarian about suitable food. If you have to select food yourself, carefully read the ingredients first; unfortunately, not all expensive food is high quality.

It happens that for some reason a particular food is not suitable for a cat - it causes allergies or difficulties with digestion. Or the owner no longer has the opportunity to buy this particular brand. Then the change of food is carried out gradually, mixing two types of food over several weeks. Sphinxes are quite conservative, and for a long time they can choose certain pieces, leaving everything else. If there is no real need to change the diet, then it will be better if the hairless cat eats the same brand of food throughout its life, and it is changed only taking into account the physical needs of the animal: kitten, pregnant cat, castrated/sterilized, elderly cat.

Canadian Sphynx

The Canadian Sphynx breed was created as a result of long-term selection. That's why these kittens are not famous for their health. They are distinguished by small ears and long paws. They have more skin problems. It is covered with fine fluff, and this creates problems in cleaning it. Although kittens have fewer folds where sebaceous secretions accumulate. This is their little plus. Teeth require special attention. They are quite weak, caries often occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your teeth regularly. Also, these babies need to be fed only with special food.

It is better to check with the breeder about what to feed your Sphynx kitten. The rule also applies here that you should not quickly switch your baby to a new food. Once a kitten has been put on food, it should not be changed for the rest of its life. Therefore, if you have chosen commercial food for feeding, be it dry or liquid, it is better to take one brand. You need to choose depending on the age indicated on the package. The manufacturer must be verified. Expensive food will not always be of high quality. Before making the final purchase, you need to fully familiarize yourself with the composition.

Prohibited foods for Sphynx kittens

It is important to exclude prohibited foods from the Sphynx kitten’s diet:

  • Bones, pure fat, skin, especially poultry.
  • Palm oil.
  • Grapes, raisins.
  • Juicy and sweet fruits.
  • Soy.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Corn and semolina.
  • Raw freshwater fish.
  • Dry, salted fish.
  • Products containing sugar or its substitutes, xylitol (chewing gum, some sweets), flour or yeast, caffeine, cocoa, any stimulants (sweets, tea, coffee, chocolate), marinades, salt, spices.
  • Smoking products, including sausages, balyki, fish.
  • Expired products.
  • Leftovers from the table.

Controversial foods in the diet of a Sphynx kitten are:

  • Fresh pork is a source of helminths and false rabies.
  • Raw ocean fish are a source of helminths.
  • Whole milk – risk of individual intolerance.
  • Chicken eggs are an allergen.
  • Factory-bred chicken – risk of allergies and individual intolerances.
  • Raw and boiled chicken liver in large quantities.
  • Cereals.

Many controversial products are very useful. How about

Don Sphynx. Features of care

This breed has a strong build and good health. It is easier to care for a Don kitten. Although they stand out because they need to immediately let the baby know who’s boss. Otherwise it will be difficult to raise him. The baby has been rich in folds since childhood. When bathing, you need to wash each one. After taking a bath, the kitten needs to be dried thoroughly. Additionally, it is wiped with a napkin. If necessary, you can use baby cream. Ears also require careful care. They are larger than those of Canadians and are completely hairless. Sulfur and dust accumulate in them very quickly.

It turns out that these kittens differ only in appearance and care features. There is no particular difference in nutrition. But since both of these breeds love to eat, you need to keep an eye on them. It is impossible for such a pet to get fat, it must remain playful.

What to feed the Don Sphynx (kitten)? You can give him both “natural” and dry food. It is important that the diet is balanced. That is, there must be enough fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. These cats spend a lot of energy keeping warm.

Choosing a place and utensils for feeding

Feeding is a key aspect of care. The choice of place and utensils for feeding directly affects the health of the pet. While eating, the cat should feel comfortable and safe, so while the kitten is small, make sure that he does not have to compete for food with other pets (if there are any).

Bowls should be comfortable, practical and safe. The best choice is ceramic bowls; they are easy to clean and do not slip. Ceramic bowls break, so as an alternative, you can choose stainless steel ones. However, steel bowls tend to slide around when your cat eats, so they are best placed on a supply.

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