Proper nutrition for Maine Coons: how to choose a diet for a cat of this breed

The Maine Coon is very popular today. Its main differences from other breeds are its large size and weight. The main condition for the good appearance and health of your beloved pet is proper and balanced nutrition. Given the size of the pet, a special diet and regime is required that must be followed, so the question of what to feed the Maine Coon is very important for owners.

Natural nutrition.

Natural nutrition

The cat is a carnivore, so the bulk of its diet should be meat and meat products. It contains all the substances necessary for the animal’s body - vitamins, minerals, proteins. For coons, natural food is preferable as it is most suitable for them. This diet should include the following ingredients:

  • meat (preferably raw);
  • fish;
  • various cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • milk;
  • vegetables.

The last two components are a source of fiber and probiotics, which have a positive effect on the animal’s digestive tract. The table of required nutrition is shown below:

Age, monthsNumber of feedingsGrammage
1-1,56 times a day20-30 ml.
1,5-26 times a day120-150 gr.
3-64 times a day190-245 gr.
6-93 times a day200-250 gr.
10-122 times a day150-200 gr.

Material on the topic: all about the character and habits of Maine Coons.

Meat and fish products

Meat must be included in the animal's diet.
Veterinarians consider poultry, rabbit, and beef to be the most appropriate. Raw beef is the most natural food for carnivores. It affects the increase in muscle mass of the body. To make it absolutely safe for your pet, it must first be frozen. Before giving it to the cat, it is defrosted and cut into small pieces. A kitten should be given no more than 30 grams, and an adult animal 100-150 grams per day. You cannot use sausages or sausages.

They contain a large amount of spices, as well as other substances harmful to cats. Eating this way can worsen his health. You can include offal - kidneys, liver and others. They can replace natural meat in terms of the content of essential substances. They are best used raw; do not cook them. and even more so fry. But you shouldn't use offal too often.

It is better not to overuse fish, but if fish is still chosen as food, it is better to choose varieties that do not contain bones. They can injure the esophagus and stomach, which can lead to very serious problems. You should not give smoked or salted fish, it will have a bad effect on the condition of the kidneys. For your cat, you can choose red varieties of fish several times a week, as they contain a lot of healthy fatty acids.

Fermented milk products

You should not use fermented milk products with a fat content of more than 9% for feeding, but low-fat ones should not be used either. It is not recommended to include fermented baked milk, sour cream, and sweet yoghurts in your diet. Do not use dairy products with a long shelf life. The preservatives they contain can have a detrimental effect on the health of the coon. The optimal solution is low-fat cheese (5-9%), kefir or yogurt. Milk can be given to small kittens; it is not suitable for adults.

Cereals and porridges

It is very good for coons to use sprouted wheat, oats, and barley. They contain vitamins. You can also prepare porridge based on these cereals with the addition of a large amount of meat. Such porridges can be a good diet for an animal.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables can be given in any form. The following vegetables are suitable for inclusion in the diet:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers

They can be combined with meat and grains. If your cat eats fruit, you can give that too.

Porridge for Maine Coons

There is so-called marten porridge. It consists of:

  • pork heart – 1 kg;
  • chicken hearts – 0.8 kg;
  • chicken necks – 1kg;
  • fresh beef – 1kg;
  • carrots – 0.4 kg;
  • beef liver – 0.2 kg;

All these components are cut into medium-sized pieces. This mixture can be stored frozen if necessary, and simply defrosted when feeding.


Quail eggs will be especially useful for Maine Coons; regular chicken eggs are also suitable. Giving your cat too often is not recommended by veterinarians, ideally several times a week. This product is considered a strong allergen. They can be added and mixed thoroughly with milk. And give it to your pet in the form of a cocktail.


Any cat should have constant access to water. It should always be fresh. clean. It is better to use bottled or filtered water for drinking. Boiled water can damage an animal's teeth.

How to switch to “natural”

If a cat receives a balanced diet, but uses ready-made food, dry or wet, and its owners want to switch it to natural food for a number of reasons, this must be done in stages. Simultaneous transfers can cause stress for the animal. Typically the transition can take about one week.

Veterinarians and professional breeders advise initially replacing one meal with natural food, and gradually the animal switches completely to it. The main nutritional requirement is that the coon receive a full set of all the substances necessary for the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

General recommendations

It is important for a large cat to consume the amount of food necessary for its growth.

Maine Coons are known for their large size: an adult cat weighs up to 10 kilograms

Basic rules for feeding Maine Coons:

  1. The main part of the diet should be meat.
  2. Industrial feeds of at least premium category are suitable.

If your pet lives in an apartment and does not have access to the street, it is worth planting grass specifically for it to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of hair.

Healthy eating rules

There are two basic rules for healthy eating:

  1. Calculation of calories, weight, nutritional value of foods necessary for the growth of a Maine Coon.
  2. Elimination of harmful products.

To avoid underweight or overweight, you need to determine the required proportions depending on the age and weight of the pet. On average, the calorie content of food per day should be 600 calories, the amount of protein in it should be 10 g.

To avoid underweight or overweight, you need to determine the required proportions depending on the age and weight of the pet.

If the cat is of medium size, they count on 250 g of food per day. As you grow, the norm changes. 100 g of food normally contains 300-400 calories, 40% protein, 30% fat and 2% fiber.

What is mandatory excluded from the diet of all cat breeds:

  1. Chicken and fish bones.
  2. Duck, pork.
  3. Smoked, spicy.
  4. Sugar, sweets, especially chocolate.
  5. Potatoes, starch-containing products.
  6. Salt.
  7. Vitamins intended for humans.

Natural nutrition

For animal health, they choose not only special balanced feeds, but also natural products.

What is preferable to give:

  1. Raw beef.
  2. Boiled chicken.
  3. By-products, but not often.
  4. Liver.
  5. Chicken yolk - no more than once a week.
  6. Milk (only up to 3 months of age).
  7. Natural kefir, cheese, yoghurts.
  8. Fresh homemade cottage cheese.
  9. Cereals.
  10. Greens to cleanse the stomach.
  11. Cat vitamins.

Dry and wet food

Special dry food is a comfortable alternative to natural food: it saves purchasing and preparation time, and it is easier to maintain the dosage.

For Maine Coons, premium food and higher are suitable.

They purchase food depending on their age and health status. There are special products for kittens, since the growing body needs a different set of elements. The same applies to castrated cats.

Be sure to read:

What to feed a Maine Coon kitten: recommendations, diet from a month to a year, what not to give

There should be a note “for the prevention of urolithiasis.” Wet food should not be left out in the open air in your cat's feeder. The portion that the animal will eat is immediately separated.

Pedigree feed lines

Royal Canin and Hill's are popular among breeders of purebred cats. The price tag is not the most loyal, but it is justified by the quality of the product, composition, natural ingredients, and veterinarian guarantee.

When choosing wet food, it is especially important to consider the class

These are not the only brands that belong to the premium class. But they are the most affordable.

Maine Coon owners can purchase a line specifically for kittens of this breed; the developers took into account the characteristics of the animal and its age.

When choosing wet food, it is especially important to consider the grade. Economical options negatively affect your pet's health. They should not be the basis. Veterinarians recommend the following regimen: 25% dry food + 75% wet food.

Dry and wet food

For any cat owner, an important issue is choosing the right food. It is desirable that it be from a premium line of manufacturers. They have a high meat content and other useful additives. In addition, they have other advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • are stored for a long time;
  • have enough calories;

The main disadvantage of such feeds is their price. The economy segment is much cheaper, but they do not contain enough meat, a high content of offal or meat of extremely low quality. About 80% of the mass is occupied by cereals and vegetables. A cat that consumes such food does not receive the substances it needs. Long-term consumption of cheap food can cause diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, and urinary system.

Dry food.

Food for coons can be divided into several types:

  • Holistic. A professional food that veterinarians usually recommend for cats with health problems.
  • Super premium. Balanced food made from the highest quality raw materials with a high meat content.
  • Premium Healthy food made from good quality ingredients.
  • Economy The cheapest food. Can cause watery eyes, digestive disorders and other health problems.

Now a number of manufacturers offer specialized food for their owners. They are produced keeping in mind the body weight and size of this cat breed. Many manufacturers choose wet food for their pets. They come in various forms:

  • mousses;
  • pates;
  • nuggets.

Such food can be combined with natural food. The package is designed for one meal. They also contain a sufficient amount of water. If the cat does not eat the entire portion in one meal, the leftovers will have to be thrown in the trash, as they quickly deteriorate in the air. Eating spoiled food is extremely dangerous to the health of the animal.

Wet food for Maine Coon.

If you calculate natural nutrition, which includes meat and a sufficient amount of vegetables, its cost will be comparable to feed from the premium and super premium segments. However, the owner will not waste his time and effort on preparing it.

To make a good diet, you need to cut the meat into cubes, grate the vegetables, and cook them. After eating you need to wash the dishes. There are no worries with ready-made food. Dry ready-made food does not spoil and has a very long shelf life.

Good quality food from well-known manufacturers has a balanced composition that contains everything you need.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • The exact composition of the finished feed is not known, especially from the lower price segment;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions to some ingredients;
  • meat is often replaced with offal or low quality meat (chicken);
  • destruction of vitamins due to high production temperatures;
  • presence of preservatives, emulsifiers;
  • violation of storage conditions during transportation or in a store warehouse.

Veterinarians do not have a consensus on what type of feeding should be chosen. Each owner determines this independently for his pet. You should not frequently change the type of food and brands, as this can cause problems with the animal’s digestion.

Combined nutrition

It depends on what you mean by mixed nutrition. If this is a combination of ready-made food and natural food, then this is not recommended. Mixing these types of feed can result in an unbalanced diet. As a result of mixing, the daily intake of nutrients and calories can be increased or decreased. You can mix dry food and wet food, the main thing is that this combination has the entire range of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.

Kitten food

Maine Coon kittens need special care and nutrition. While they are small, the mother takes on this responsibility. Typically, kittens are taken from the nursery at an age when they can eat normal food. But even in this case, their food differs from the diet of an adult cat, since the body of a small kitten grows and develops intensively. The nutrition of an animal directly depends on the age of the animal and as it grows, it changes significantly.

Diet in the first month

Feeding a kitten begins after 21 days from its birth. The main task of a person is to accustom a kitten to new foods. It is necessary to gradually include meat and vegetables in the diet. Breeders who professionally breed Maine Coons usually choose ready-made food. At this stage, the kitten is still feeding on its mother's milk.

Ready-made feed

Owners choose dry and canned food for coons because it is easier. There is no need to monitor the balance of minerals and vitamins. In theory, this is done by the feed manufacturer. In any case, food from the shelves of regular supermarkets is not suitable for Maine Coons. These should be croquettes, premium or super premium canned goods.

A number of popular brands:

  • Orijen
  • Acana
  • Applaws
  • Bozita
  • Royal Canin Maine;
  • Eagle Pack
  • Nutra Gold

Small Maine Coons (up to a year old) can only be given kitten food, both dry and canned. When they are introduced to granules, they are soaked for the first time so that the baby does not injure his gums.

Croquettes are good because they do not spoil while remaining in the bowl. There is enough canned food for the cat to eat a portion at a time. Typically, the daily dose consists of 75% dry food and 25% wet food. Exhibition animals are fed a 50/50 combination of canned food and pellets.

Age from 2 to 4 months

During this period, the kitten is with the breeder.
The cat teaches hunting skills and behavior. The breeder prepares him for communication with people, a litter box. At this age, kittens are already fed from the common table, the amount of milk is reduced to a minimum and soon disappears completely from their diet. Kuna's diet includes natural meat, egg yolk, dairy products, and milk porridge. Gradually, the kitten receives the following products:

  • cream;
  • vegetables;
  • fish (preferably ocean);
  • various fertilizers;
  • butter.

A Maine Coon kitten should eat 130 grams of meat per day, about 40g. vegetables, the same amount of dairy products, about 15-20 grams. cereals

Diet from year

At this age, the growth rate slows down somewhat. The nutritional norm during this period is 150-200 grams per day. The diet should include meat foods - beef, fish, turkey. It should alternate with plant foods. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements should be discussed with your veterinarian. Immediately after eating, you should not play with the kitten, this can lead to regurgitation of what you eat.

Vitamins and minerals

For normal growth and development, Maine Coons need vitamins and minerals. Cats that eat ready-made formulas receive useful substances from their food. Therefore, their owners should not buy additional supplements. Owners of pets who eat natural food should take care of the presence of the following substances in their diet:

  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, H;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • gland;
  • iodine;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus.

The listed compounds are found in small quantities in homemade food. But this is not enough for the normal functioning of the pet. To supplement the Maine Coon's diet with vitamins and minerals, you can use vitamin and mineral supplements for cats:

  • Kitty's Junior - for kittens over 1.5 months;
  • AniVital - for healthy skin and shiny coat;
  • 8 in 1 Excel Brewer's Yeast - a universal vitamin and mineral supplement;
  • Cat Mineral Tabs - to strengthen bones and teeth;
  • Veda - for castrated and sterilized animals;
  • Sanal Senior Lecithin - for older cats over 7 years old;
  • Unitabs Mama + Kitty - for pregnant cats and kittens.

Interesting! Dry yeast is a natural source of vitamins, proteins and amino acids. They can be added little by little to the usual Maine Coon dishes - the effect is comparable to the effect of expensive vitamin complexes.

When choosing vitamin complexes for Maine Coons, it is necessary to take into account the animal’s gender, age, diet, and health status. Therefore, it is better to consult a veterinarian before purchasing. An excess of vitamins and minerals in a cat’s menu, as well as a deficiency, can negatively affect its health.

Nutrition for a pregnant cat

A pregnant and especially lactating Maine Coon cat should receive a larger portion of food than a regular cat. The food should be varied and, most importantly, complete. Each stage requires its own changes in nutrition. Throughout this period, the cat should receive high-calorie food, proteins, proteins, and microelements.

In the first 2 weeks of the pregnancy, the size of the pregnant woman’s usual diet is increased slightly - by only 10%. This does not mean increasing the serving size; a cat’s stomach is small; you just need to increase feeding to 4-5 times a day. In the third week, it is worth increasing the diet by 50%, but you should not overfeed her. This can lead to obesity and complications during childbirth. After the 7th week, the cat’s appetite decreases, this is due to physiological processes. But you also need to feed the animal often, at least 3 times a day.

Each stage of Maine Coon cat pregnancy will require changes in the quality and quantity of food. The gestation period is 65 days, which is 9 weeks. During this period, a high-calorie diet rich in microelements, vitamins and protein is necessary.

Features of feeding

For a Maine Coon to feel good, its diet must be strictly controlled. Breeders recommend following certain rules when feeding cats of this breed:

  1. An adult healthy pet should eat about 0.5 kg of food daily.
  2. It is recommended to feed the cat 2 times a day - morning and evening. If the pet is active and not prone to gaining excess weight, you can add one more feeding.
  3. Maine Coon food should be served warm. Self-prepared food must be cooled to 35-40 °C.
  4. The Maine Coon's daily diet should consist of 40% protein, 20-30% fat, and 30-40% carbohydrates. For normal digestion, the amount of fiber should be at least 2%.
  5. When feeding dry food, it is allowed to have it constantly in the bowl - the pet will be able to eat when it gets hungry.
  6. Your cat should always have access to clean water. For Maine Coons on dry food, this point is especially important.

Also, don't place your cat's bowl near the dining table. The pet may decide that it is allowed to eat with the rest of the family and will constantly try to eat “human” food.

Food for nursing cats

After the kittens are born, nutrition remains as usual. But it needs some adjustment - due to the increase in the cat’s energy consumption. She must recover after giving birth and at the same time feed her cubs. Immediately after lambing, it is necessary to give scalded meat, more dairy products - cottage cheese, sour cream. Milk itself should not be given, as it is not absorbed by her body. You can use bone meal, vitamin and mineral supplements. It is especially worth noting that the diet must include:

  • boiled eggs;
  • fish;
  • meat with fresh herbs.

No spices can be added. It is also necessary to provide your cat with full access to water.

What to feed a kitten

The first month after birth is one of the most important stages. The kitten feeds on its mother's milk, but is already showing interest in the cat's food.

I'm starting to feed my one-month-old kitten. They give you some ground meat. But the amount of food is insignificant - no more than 10-20 grams. in a day. At 1.5 months the dose increases 5 times.

The main component in the diet of a growing Maine Coon kitten is protein. Its absence or insignificant amount is the main reason why the Maine cat does not grow.

Diet for older cats

The diet of an older cat is different from that of an adult cat. Nutrition should be adjusted:

  • 40% protein food;
  • 15-30% fat;
  • up to 5% fiber;
  • no more than 20% carbohydrate foods.

Carbohydrate food is not necessary for coons. They produce a sufficient amount of special enzymes that are required to digest proteins.

It's in the bowl!

It also happens: the cat has no complaints about the food itself, but the bowl causes discomfort. And there may be several reasons for this. The bowl may be too deep or too shallow, it may not be clean enough, or it may be made of a porous material that has absorbed the smells of the previous dinner or some completely foreign odors. There are also materials that enter into a chemical reaction with certain substances, causing an unpleasant taste. For example, certain types of medicated food become bitter in metal containers. And there are materials that in themselves are unpleasant for the cat. In addition, the bowl may be inconvenient and small, so the Maine Coon’s whiskers touch the sides of the bowl when he eats. Since a cat's whiskers are very sensitive, this can irritate your Maine Coon. So if you suspect this is the reason, try replacing the bowl with a wider and shallower one.

What not to give to a Maine Coon

The animal's diet should be varied, but there is a list of foods that are prohibited for Maine Coons:

  • chicken bones;
  • fatty meats, such as pork;
  • spicy, salty, smoked foods;
  • chocolate, sugar and other sweet products;
  • potato;
  • beans.

What you should not give to a Maine Coon.
It is also prohibited to give the animal spices and any medications intended for humans. This can lead to an overdose, and, as a result, the death of the coon. A balanced diet is the key to your pet’s health for many years.


Vitamins - specialized, preferably with the addition of calcium and taurine.

Chondroprotectors for bones and joints are a must! Likes: Beaphar Junior Cal; Beaphar Irish Cal; Anivital CaniAgil AniVital CaniAgil. There is a wide choice on the market, just read on the Internet, but be sure to add medications for bones and joints to the diet of a growing Maine Coon.

Sometimes your favorite Maine Coon may ask for something from your table. It could be a piece of sausage or cheese, milk porridge or dumpling. For example, I have a cat who really loves baked goods and fresh bread. Do not deny him this little pleasure, which will increase many times over if you let him lick your plate.

If you decide to switch completely to natural feeding, do not do it suddenly. Everything is gradual. And remember, with natural feeding (without adding dry food), a complex of vitamins is required: a complex of vitamins and minerals, namely: calcium preparations, vitamins for wool, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, taurine, essential unsaturated fatty amino acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, microelements.

A common type of natural food, the so-called “Kun porridge”, is one of the recipes:

1 kg. chicken neck, 100 g chicken liver, 100 g. chicken stomachs, 100 gr. chicken hearts, 400 g beef, 400 g. chicken breast, large carrots, half a bunch of lettuce, 10 per. eggs

Grind everything coarsely in a meat grinder or chop finely, mix, divide into portions and place in the freezer. You can feed breakfast and dinner three times. Add vitamins, protectors, vetom to the “porridge” - everything that is needed for the normal growth of the Maine Coon.

Switching to industrial feed

If you are planning to switch this “cat” to industrial food, keep in mind that the amount will be greater than for “regular” cats. Otherwise, the translation does not differ much from the general recommendations. The transition to industrial feed can be done at any age, but eating habits and preferences are a serious matter, and this must be taken into account. Sometimes this cannot be done, since particularly obstinate individuals protest and categorically do not want to switch from a natural menu to an “artificial” one. In this case, you will have to give in to the pet and no longer try to transfer him to this type of feeding. It should be borne in mind that this process is more painless in childhood than in adulthood, and even more so in old age.

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