Top 10 reasons why many people love their cats so much and find them useful

Surely among your friends there are people who have a special love for cats. Maybe you yourself are a fan of these fluffy fidgets. Our article is devoted to a review of interesting psychological facts about cats, after learning which you will better understand your pet’s behavior and learn more about your character. Enjoy reading!

Why do people love cats?

Psychology of cats. People who love cats

Everyone has their own hobbies: some people like to spend time watching TV series, others prefer active recreation or knitting, and some people love to caress cats, play with them, and talk as if they were talking to a person. Therefore, all cat lovers have common character traits, and psychological science provides an explanation for this. The cat symbolizes both independence and devotion, character and strength and affection, grace and fragility. People love cats because they either have certain cat-like traits or want to have those traits.

Surely, in recent years, you have noticed that the number of cat lovers’ communities on the Internet has increased. There are a lot of funny pictures and videos dedicated to your favorite pets. This is explained by the fact that the cat symbolizes home comfort, happiness and tranquility. Recently, people have been focused on living comfortably and happily, and a lot of effort and resources are spent on this. And if there is also a cat in the house, happy, well-fed, affectionate, then life is good.

Cats are loved because these animals love tactile contacts: you can stroke them, scratch them behind the ears, caress them, and fall asleep with them. In this way, modern people relieve stress and make up for the lack of love and tenderness.

The cat symbolizes home comfort, happiness and tranquility

Interesting fact! Very often you can notice that young couples in love who begin to live together, first of all, have a cat in the house, and only years later children. This is explained by the fact that a cat does not require much attention and young people subconsciously perceive a cat as a child. After a while, people become convinced of the strength of their union and decide to have a baby.

Love for cats is a reason for conversation

Don't have anything to chat about during your lunch break? Think about cats. These adorable animals are all over social media right now, so there's always something to catch on. It’s especially nice to talk about your own pet and show photos. What if you are surrounded by cat haters? Well, you can start a conversation here too, but that’s another story.

Why do women love cats so much?

Exquisite women's tattoos depicting a graceful slender cat are very popular. It is obvious that for modern women the cat is the embodiment of feminine nature, beauty and sexuality, elegance and grace. Such women make it clear that they are not only beautiful, but also daring and vindictive, who know how to show off their “claws” when the occasion is right. Projecting their own, truly feminine character traits onto the cat, representatives of the fair sex love to buy shiny jewelry and tickets to specialized exhibitions for cats. In this way, women assert themselves and increase their self-esteem.

Cat Personality Traits

Idea! Therefore, if you are communicating with a woman who really loves cats, ask her a few questions about the character of her pet. A woman will be happy to talk about her favorite, and you will know that much of what is mentioned is present in the character of the woman herself.

Why love them

Happiness, tranquility, family comfort - this is what this pet symbolizes. If there is a cat in the room, it is always nice. Tactile contacts are the best anti-stress and an excellent sedative. It’s so nice to scratch behind the ear and snuggle up to a warm body:

  • there is no hassle with him. Eats little, does not require walks;
  • freedom-loving, but loves to be caressed and pampered;
  • warm and affectionate.

Women and cats are very similar. Modern ladies are also bold and graceful. They know how to show their “claws” if necessary. Grace, sexuality and beauty are their common features. Women who love to dress up cats in shiny and bright clothes project character traits that are inherent in ladies onto their pets.

Likes of the cat family: what kind of people do cats like and why?

Cats love it when people show them attention and care. Pay attention to street cats, how they crave communication and affection, how they rub against the legs of a random passerby who calls out to the animal. Domestic cats receive a lot of attention every day, so they are more selective in their contacts.

Cats love to show attention and care towards them.

You've probably heard the expression “animals look like their owners.” Often, a cat will choose one family member whom it considers its true owner, even if other people treat it well. Psychologists say that a cat will prefer a person who gives the animal his love and care, but does not require reciprocal expressions of feelings, does not force the animal to caress, play, or sit on his lap. Each cat has its own temperament, character and preferences, so it chooses the person who is most similar to itself.

Cats don't like rude, unkind people. However, if a cat lives in a family where it is not well cared for, in most cases it will still strive to communicate - this is its nature. Cats know how to forgive their owners. Some breeds, for example, Siamese, have a special character: proud, independent, aloof. Such animals rarely strive to communicate with people and do not like tactile contacts, even if the owner is kind and affectionate. This does not mean that the animal does not like you, it’s just that his psyche is structured this way.

When did cats appear in human life?

Advice! Therefore, when choosing a kitten for your family, you should take a close look at its character. If the cat is purebred, you need to study the characteristics of this species to avoid disappointment.

Cats can teach patience

“Cats can teach us to love and accept people for who they are, even if we can’t change them,” Siracusa said. They are independent by nature and will not change for the sake of a person, but they give him very special love and support. “The presence of cats in our lives is often delicate and unnoticeable. They like to have fun, but they also like peace and quiet.”

How to tell if a cat loves you

Cats have a unique language with which they “talk” to people. Every owner must learn to understand the mood of their pet so that their connection is strong and mutual. To express sympathy and love, cats have a whole arsenal of facial expressions and gestures:

  1. Purring.
  2. Licking.
  3. The desire to spend all the time together.
  4. Falling asleep on your knees and in the same bed.
  5. Showing belly and tail.
  6. “Butting”, rubbing against arms and legs.
  7. Sharpening claws on furniture.
  8. “Massage” with claws and trampling on the body.
  9. Surprises and gifts.

10 signs a cat loves you

Scientific facts

  • sleep two-thirds of their lives;
  • their brains are biologically closer to humans than the brains of dogs;
  • show the ability to return home after traveling vast distances;
  • have a unique nose print, just like people have fingerprints;
  • sweat through their paws, there are no other sweat glands on the body;
  • feel subtle vibrations, react to earthquakes 15 minutes earlier than a person;
  • cats are left-footed, cats are right-handed;
  • reduce the owner's risk of stroke or heart attack by 30 percent;
  • the vibration of purring has a frequency that helps increase the immunity of the hosts and activates human protective functions;
  • body temperature is slightly higher than human, has a mild warming, analgesic effect.

We adore cats, these fluffy independent predators, beautiful and graceful creatures. They bring more peace and tenderness into our lives.

How to make friends with a cat?

The easiest way to make friends with a cat is at an early age, because the kitten perceives the person who feeds, cares and caresses it as its mother. Over time, the owner and kitten “get used to” each other, they develop joint fun and traditions. If an adult cat for some reason dislikes a person, she will not want to spend time with him and will refuse to accept his attention. In such cases, you can try to make friends with the cat, although this process is long and will require patience from you.

  1. Try to create the most comfortable conditions for the animal: a cozy bed, good food, periodic treats, interesting toys.
  2. Do not perform actions that the animal may perceive as an act of aggression: do not shout, do not make sharp hand gestures, do not create noise and a nervous environment in the house, do not throw the cat during games.
  3. Cats can remember an insult for a long time and, on occasion, take revenge on the owner, so treat the animal with respect: do not disturb it while sleeping, do not take food, do not scream, and do not hit it under any circumstances.
  4. Study special literature on the topic of cat sign language. This way you will begin to understand what mood the cat is in and what she wanted to get from you. For example, if you see that the animal has flattened its ears and retracted its head, it is better to leave it alone. And if the cat looks at you intently, blinks and moves towards you, it’s time to pet it.

Cats can remember an insult for a long time and, on occasion, take revenge on their owner.

When the cat understands that you are not a threat to it and are friendly, over time it will begin to trust you.

Advice! If you are unable to make friends with a cat, despite all your efforts, try contacting an animal psychologist or, for example, finding thematic groups of cat lovers on social networks. Experienced breeders will not refuse you useful advice.

Cat tongue or how to understand a pet

Considering the peculiar and extremely capricious nature of cats, it is quite possible to make life with them comfortable for both parties if you learn to understand pets, recognizing their mood and desire by certain postures and sounds made:

  1. Hisses - warns that he doesn’t like how they treat him (read more about why cats hiss).
  2. Snorting - wants to divert attention from himself, in the same way he can express confusion and surprise.
  3. Grumbles - shows an extreme degree of dissatisfaction.
  4. Rumbling in a low range - ready for his own defense, which means he is extremely wary of the current situation.
  5. “Meow,” said briefly, is a greeting.
  6. Smacks his lips or clicks his teeth - he shows the instinct of a hunter, but at the same time he shows irritation that he was unable to catch the prey.
  7. He purrs - he is absolutely satisfied with his position.
  8. “Meow”, played with a slight hoarseness, shows gratitude and good attitude.

Poses and their explanation:

  1. Sits, covering his paws with his tail - complete moral and physical relaxation, absolute calm. In this position, it can watch with interest its owner or what is happening outside the window.
  2. Shifts from paw to paw, rubs against a person’s legs - this is how a pet greets its household members.
  3. Rubbing its head against a person’s legs or his face shows openness and complete disposition towards the owner.
  4. The back arches - it’s scary.
  5. The fur stands on end, the paws straighten sharply, the body is raised high - it feels threatened.
  6. Lying with his stomach up is a posture of thoughtfulness, dozing.
  7. The tail is raised up - the animal is calm and friendly.
  8. A ruffled and drooping tail is an expression of complete confusion.
  9. The tail hanging down and tapping it on the floor is a sign of fear.
  10. It intensively wags its tail in different directions, the tip touches its paws - it is in an extreme state of irritability and can behave aggressively at any moment.

What the eyes will tell you. You can also understand a cat’s mood by the expression in its eyes:

  1. Eyelids are half-closed - relaxation, a feeling of peace and absolute calm.
  2. Eyes wide open - a manifestation of incredible interest.
  3. The pupils are greatly dilated - fear and fright.
  4. Looking away to the side - she is ready to obey and do what her owner wants from her.
  5. Looks into a person's eyes, ears directed forward - interest, desire to communicate or receive a treat.

Knowing how a cat shows emotions, you can predict its desires and needs, assess your pet’s readiness to make contact or its desire to be alone.

Nanny cats

Cats love to sleep in beds with babies because they smell like mother's milk. It is possible that cats also like a soft and cozy baby bed. Of course, you should not allow a cat to be in bed with a baby: it is not hygienic. In addition, the animal may accidentally scratch the child.

Cats are very kind and caring towards small children.

When the baby grows up, there is no need to limit his communication with the soft fluffy ball. Young children love cats because they are interested in an animal that is active and loves to play and jump. Some children love to pet cats, subconsciously perceiving them as their mother - gentle and affectionate. Young children may not always be able to clearly understand and explain their feelings of frustration, resentment, or fatigue. But those children who have a furry pet in the house endure stress much easier. You can pet the cat and listen to its purring, after which you will feel calm and peaceful.

Some cats are very kind and caring towards small children, show them their love in every possible way and try to spend a lot of time together. Parents from an early age should teach their child to communicate correctly with a cat, then this friendship will bring a lot of positive emotions for all family members.

Entrust the child

Of course, we're not talking about babies. But older children enjoy playing with the fluffy purr. They also love to jump and run merrily. Kids cannot always explain their hurt, fatigue, and sadness. Touching a warm, soft living creature will help you cope with stress or fatigue more easily.

Children love to lie down and stroke the cat, listening to him purr. They quickly calm down and come into balance. It is important to teach your child how to treat a pet predator with respect. Such a childhood friendship with an animal is remembered for a lifetime.

Character and temperament of cats

A cat's temperament is the totality of an animal's reactions to external stimuli. This is an innate quality that practically does not change over the course of life. The character of a cat can be changed by forming certain habits in it. However, many commonalities can be found in the behavior of cats.

Interesting facts about cats

Researchers from the UK conducted a survey of more than 200 cat owners, as a result of which they were able to identify a typology of cat characters:

Cat-manIdeal for living with a family, in the company of people. She strives to spend as much time as possible with her owners and is actively interested in their affairs.
Hunter catLoves to play with his owners or with toys. This is the same type of cat that suddenly attacks its owners from around the corner, listens to all suspicious sounds, actively plays and jumps. The ideal place of residence for such an animal would be a country house or rural area.
cat-catShows an active interest in representatives of his kind. Such animals will be very happy if another animal appears in the apartment.
feisty catDoes not like tactile contact, does not play with owners and does not communicate with other animals. She makes contact only when she wants it.
Curious catHe is distinguished by his investigative disposition and studies surrounding objects, people and animals with interest. Loves to explore and smell new things, meet new people and animals

Interesting facts about the psychology and behavior of cats

Cats are unique creatures, but sometimes people find their behavior strange and funny:

  1. Each cat has his own preferences regarding the appearance of the female. One male may be completely indifferent when he sees a tortoiseshell or red cat near him, and show intense interest when he meets a black cat.
  2. Many cats at shows get very nervous because of the large number of people and unfamiliar surroundings. These nerves manifest themselves in constant tail twitching. This is easy to deal with - the owner pinches the tip of the tail with his fingers, returning it to a static position, and the cat immediately calms down. The effect is triggered - there is no opportunity to show your nervousness - which means there is no nervousness itself.
  3. Cats have a sense of humor, but a “peculiar” one. Their favorite pastime is to quietly get close to another cat and scare him with his sudden appearance.

Relationships between cats and dogs

The proverb “like a cat and a dog”, which has long been known to all of us, does not always turn out to be true. Indeed, these animals do not get along well with each other, this can be especially clearly observed in the relationship between street cats and dogs. At home, you can keep a cat and a dog at the same time if you raise them correctly. True friendship between these animals is unlikely to happen (although there are exceptions), but living together is quite possible. It is desirable that each animal has a place where it can retire and relax.

Relationships between cats and dogs most often do not work out due to differences in personalities and temperaments, as well as in body language. Using the table, you can clearly assess how great the difference is in the behavior of these animals.

How to introduce animals and help them bond

Differences in body language between cats and dogs

Sign languageCatsDogs
Tail held highFriendliness, calmness, confidenceAnxiety, vigilance
Tail waggingIndignation, indignationDelight, joy
Closed mouthNormal conditionTension
drooping earsWariness, dissatisfactionJoy, humility
Body tilt to the sideThe desire to appear more aggressive and stronger than the enemyIndicator of victory in a conflict situation
Supine positionIndicator of trust in a personDesire for affection from the owner
Back archSelf-defense, gesture used during huntingPlayful mood

Loving cats is good for your health

Every cat owner feels this, even if he cannot express it in words. However, scientists say that when you pet a cat, oxytocin is released, which promotes good health. Interacting with these animals lowers blood pressure and just makes us happy. The presence of a cat significantly reduces stress and anxiety levels. It feels so cozy when your cat unobtrusively settles into your lap after a long day at work. And reducing stress levels in turn reduces the risk of heart attack.

And in general, any heart that contains love for a cat is healthy by definition!

Based on materials from:

Bioenergetics of humans and cats

Communication with a cat is a great way to not only relieve stress and improve your mood, but also an opportunity to alleviate the symptoms of many diseases. Cats have unique energy and increased sensitivity; they can independently determine the area of ​​the human body that needs treatment. Cat therapy is carried out using purring, gentle “massage” with claws, and warming the diseased area of ​​the body with warm fur.

Relationship between cats and humans

Cats are best able to help people suffering from high blood pressure, insomnia and neurological diseases, colds, bone and joint diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. Cats know how to restore a person’s energy balance, as well as cleanse the home of bad energy.

Some cats sense places in the apartment that are unfavorable from a bioenergy point of view. Perhaps you yourself have noticed that none of the family members, for whatever reason, wants to sit in the farthest chair in the hall, and always chooses another place to rest. Nevertheless, the cat always chooses this particular chair and lies in it in the “sphinx” position, with its front legs extended and its hind legs tucked. In this way, the cat cleanses our house of bad energy, making it cozy and comfortable for all household members.

On a note! The cat is one of the most ancient inhabitants of the human home. Do not deny yourself communication with a little fluffy ball, this animal will give you a lot of joy and happy moments spent together.

Cats are a miracle of nature

Even Leonardo da Vinci said that the smallest representatives of the cat family are a masterpiece. Cats allow us to bring home a little piece of nature. Smooth-haired or fluffy, cats of any breed and color have a unique charm. They also remind us of their relatives from the jungle, which, unfortunately, are currently in danger of extinction. Domestic fluffies are very similar to their wild relatives, and they are always beautiful, even in old age.

When there are a lot of cats at home, you don’t need a husband

Another example. This story happened in Israel.

You won't believe it, 550 cats found shelter in the house of one married couple! And it was all the fault of his wife, a passionate cat lover.

My husband filed for divorce because his life was unbearable. The house was simply overrun with cats. “As soon as I sit down to eat at the table, cats immediately appear and steal the food!” . … It’s impossible to go to the toilet… the bed is always occupied…

No reconciliation could be found. The woman chose to leave her husband.

A little bit about everything

Our next ward turned out to be a characteristic dark-haired lady, who was brought to the clinic to be euthanized, because the cat was tired of the owners. I named her Tomarka. Just like Kosh, she had parasites, so the matter could not be done without injections and ointments. In general, all wards were required to go for examination to veterinarians and, if necessary, treatment.


Unfortunately, she did not find a common language with our cats, but it’s not scary, the main thing is that she is alive and well. She was adopted by a good girl.

In 2012, my husband and I moved to a new apartment, in a completely different area of ​​the city, in new buildings.

And literally immediately we got another ponytail, also saved from being euthanized....was taken from the family....who wanted to get rid of her....tired of her..(((

The young cat, wildly frightened, constantly huddled into a ball, and if you extended your hand to pet her, she began to squeal heart-rendingly in fear...

Poor girl, I don’t know what she had to go through, the main thing is that after THREE months she felt better and better, she almost stopped being afraid, and after 2-3 months she began to come to my crib and sleep next to me.

I think this is her and our victory over fear.

She named the cat Katyushka. This name suited her very much. She is so sweet... such a paw... and such a smart girl....

Here it is, a the first minutes with us

This is already about half a year later...she sometimes liked to rest in this position)))

And this is Katyushka meeting the dishwasher))))

My kittens

And this is a sleeping trio))))

And this is our guest. A gorgeous peach cat named Coconut lived with us for a couple of weeks while the owner was leaving for her homeland. It was all four of them who came to wait for their mother, that is, me, to wake up, and my husband carefully took a picture of this picture

In fact, at that moment we had not 4, but 5 tails in our house.

Yes, yes, yes))) And don’t be surprised, this is truly Divine and we are not crazy!!!

The fifth is a baby whom the bastards threw into the courtyards of our new buildings; his husband brought him. I didn’t even believe it when I opened the door, and my husband was standing on the threshold with a kitten. The baby was named Schild , from the word awl, because he really had an awl in his butt and an awesome leopard print on his tummy))))

And then in our house every day there was such a cat I miss it...(((((

The nameplate falls asleep)))

Lunch according to schedule)))

We placed Shilda in a wonderful and loving family)))))

And Katyushka…..our dear Katyushka….she is now on the rainbow, she is no longer with us ((((

She lived with us for a year... I hope it was the happiest year of her life, she had an incurable disease... and we couldn’t help... alas... we couldn’t help her.....

Now on our windowsill there is a framed photo of Katyusha, it was made by my husband…. I pet her photo almost every day... and feel her soft fur... and I know... that she is now looking at me from the rainbow... she feels good there.

It is Plusha and I who are grieving...

She never came to my lap....but then she came...and lay down like that....we both cried...

And you know... I'm probably the happiest in the whole world!!! Happy that I helped them survive in our difficult world, happy because they give me their love and care.

Schild has been waiting since the morning for us to wake up, but we are still lying in the crib, he runs towards us as fast as he can and pokes his face in our faces and purrs and purrs for an infinitely long time

They are sweethearts, they make us kinder, more responsible, they instill in us a sense of care, love and compassion...

Other cats also appeared in our yard...((((What kind of bastards plant them...((((

Until we have a child, pregnancy is not easy for everyone, so with all my heart I want to take care of them, the tailed ones, and when we have a doll, I am sure that our cats will be the best nannies.

Love the tails, take care of them, give them your love, care, tenderness, warmth of your hands and believe me, they will repay you in kind and make you much happier.

Don’t offend them, don’t abandon them or betray them... I BEG you!!!!

This coming weekend, my husband and I have planned a trip to a shelter for dogs; at the moment there are about 250 of them there.

The shelter is supported by volunteers and caring people.

We were there a long time ago...a couple of years ago, when the shelter was just are some photos. I hope to improve and visit them more often.

Oh, how much joy the dogs had back then, how many tails they wagged, and how many beautiful pink tongues tried to lick you

All dogs are either rescued from the street, pulled out from under the wheels of cars, taken from a knackery, etc….etc….

They are all wonderful, some happily ran up to be ironed, some stood aside and were afraid to approach, some looked with devoted eyes...

I ask everyone, everyone, do not offend them! They have the right to life, to a happy long life! If you have the opportunity to help in any way, help! I think in many cities there are volunteers and animal protection organizations, shelters!!!

And if your city hosts “Find a Friend” campaigns where former homeless animals are rehomed... then think, maybe you shouldn’t spend a lot of money on thoroughbreds, but you should go and take a real friend - a “nobleman” who will be sooooo loyal to you and only you, or at least bring food to the tails if you can’t take anyone.

Is ailurophilia contagious?

American researchers in the field of parasitology from Stanford University have substantiated the fact that the parasite toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma gondii) “zombifies” its victim and makes it inadequate.

This microorganism invades the amygdala, changing the set of conditioned reactions in the brain. In nature, this parasite causes fish to jump out of the water and grasshoppers to jump into the water.

This is where a person’s “crazy” love for cats comes from. This is why some people love cats so passionately. Do you want to know where stray cats come from? Yes, sometimes from fellow cat lovers. I highly recommend following the link and watching the video.

I will now give only two examples of this pathology. I am not a psychiatrist and I found the information on the Internet. But they shocked me.

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