Cat family: photos with names of representatives, types of predators

Felids are the most typical predators of the entire order; They occupy the top of many food pyramids. The family includes 37 species (including domestic cats), living on five continents of the world. The domestication of cats began 4000-7000 thousand years ago in the Middle East, where people tolerated the Libyan wild cats ( Felis silvestris libyca)

), since they often hunted rodents that ravaged the granaries of local residents. The ancient Egyptians worshiped the cat as a deity; These predators first came to Europe about 2000 years ago.

The evolution of cats, which began in the early Eocene, dates back about 40 million years. Modern cat species descend from a single ancestor Ps eu da ilu rus

; in the Oligocene (38-26 million years ago) and at later stages, large saber-toothed cats and wild cats that survived to this day separated from this ancestral branch. Saber-toothed cats became extinct relatively recently, in the Pleistocene (20-10,000 years ago), during the last ice age.

All cats have inherited the same adaptive structural features from their common ancestor, such as a blunt, flattened muzzle, large eyes, retractable claws and large, sensitive ears. Color variations of the main reddish-brown color and patterns on cat skins play the role of camouflage, since three-quarters of all cats lead a solitary lifestyle, living in dense forests. Cats are characterized by a wide variety of patterned colors, which vary from stripes to small spots collected in rosettes.

All cats are included in the IUCN and CITES lists as species that are more or less threatened with extinction in the wild. The survival of wild cats is affected by factors such as habitat reduction and extermination by hunters or poachers. Preventing the extinction of these magnificent animals is still one of the most important tasks of conservationists.

Clouded leopard

The oldest species of wild cat survives in the tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia.
The beautiful animals are distinguished by their amazing marbled-smoky color and are the ancestors of all large cats. The dimensions of clouded leopards are 1.5-2 m with a weight of no more than 20 kg, while the tail is almost half of the entire length of the body. It is interesting that, according to physiological characteristics, the leopard also contains characteristics of small representatives of the family. For example, an animal can purr like a domestic kitten. Possessing a flexible and strong body, the animal easily moves through trees, and with the help of sharp claws and a long, elastic tail it can freely clasp a trunk. Today the number of animals is no more than 10 thousand individuals.


Pinnipeds were previously classified as a separate order, but now they belong to the order of carnivores in the form of three families: walruses (one modern species), true seals and eared seals. Let's look at several species of this group of marine mammals. They are quite similar to each other due to the monotony of their living environment - the aquatic environment. Pinnipeds descend from terrestrial carnivores. In the process of evolution, the limbs turned into flippers. The largest representative is the sea lion, or Steller's sea lion. The weight of males reaches 1 ton.

Sea lions

Seals are much smaller and weigh 200–300 kg.


Pinnipeds feed on fish and marine crustaceans. They live in cold and warm waters. During the breeding season, they gather on land in huge rookeries.

Walrus rookery

The monk seal got its name due to its solitary lifestyle. This is the only seal species living in the Black Sea. These animals are extremely rare and are carefully protected by all countries of the Black Sea region.

White-bellied seal (monk)

Oncilla is a rare cat


Leopardus tigrina
) is a small spotted cat, a relative of the ocelot, living in the mountainous areas and tropical forests of Central and South America.

– These cats are active at night and at dusk.

– Oncillas can be about 60 centimeters

together with a thin tail and weight -
from 1.5 to 3 kilograms
. These are the smallest representatives of the cat family that live in the wild of South America.

– Their fur is dense and soft and can vary in color from light to dark brown. dark spots all over the back and sides

. This coloring helps these cats blend in with their forest environment.

– Like domestic cats, oncillas feed on birds and small mammals


– They mostly live and hunt on the ground, but they can climb trees quite well.

– The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed oncillus in the Red Book

as a vulnerable species.
The main threat is poaching and forest destruction. They are mercilessly exterminated for their beautiful fur,
which is highly valued by fashion connoisseurs.

Chilean cat: what kind of animal is it

The Chilean cat (or kodkod, guinha) is a representative of the cat family that lives in South America. Its Latin name is Leopardus guigna. Belongs to the genus of tiger cats (lat. Felis Leopardus), a subfamily of small cats. In the genetic classification, it is separated into the ocelot line, like the entire genus of tiger cats.

The Chilean cat is listed in the International Red Book as a vulnerable species. It is also included in the CITES (International Trade in Wildlife) Convention. The population of Kodkods is approximately 10,000 adult cats.

Chilean cats are small predators from South America

The main threats to codecode are:

  • poaching;
  • rabbit hunting (due to dogs and traps);
  • habitat destruction due to deforestation.

Chilean cats are listed in the Red Book as a vulnerable species

External features

Like every species in the cat family, the Kodkod has certain characteristics:

  • The Chilean is recognized as the smallest wild cat in the world after the Sumatran. Its weight ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, body length without tail is 40–50 cm, tail length is about 20 cm, it makes up from half to a third of the total body length. The tail is not long, but thick and fluffy, with a pattern of transverse stripes.
  • The cat's ears are small, black with white spots in the shape of a thumbprint in the center. The tip of the ear is rounded.
  • The head is small, the skull is convex and short.
  • The legs, claws and feet of the Kodkod are adapted for climbing trees: the legs are strong and muscular (especially the hind legs), short;
  • claws are sharp, curved and long;
  • The feet are medium-sized, with flexible toes.

The cat's eyes are large and it has developed night vision. The body is long, flexible, with obvious muscles. The coat is short, but thick, with abundant undercoat. The color is usually brown with a grayish tint (sometimes the tint can be reddish) and small black spots scattered throughout the body. There are also melanistic individuals (completely black). There are two subspecies of this cat:

  • Felis guigna tigrillo;

Felis guigna guigna - the color of this subspecies is brighter, there are more spots on the paws.

Among the Kodkods there are black individuals

Environment and area

The Chilean cat lives in the territories of Western Argentina, Patagonia, Southern and Central Chile (southwestern part of South America). The total habitat area of ​​the kodkod is about 160,000 m2.

Chilean cats usually live in coniferous, mixed and subtropical forests (for example, Valdivian and Araucaria), usually near water. The highest point at which the Kodkod territory was discovered is 2,500 m above sea level.

Chilean cats spend most of their lives in trees

Character and behavior in the wild

Kodkod is a solitary animal. The territory is divided according to the following principle:

  • for females, the hunting grounds are about 1–1.5 km2, for males - from 2.5 to 4 km2;
  • males actively inspect their territory, not allowing other males into it;
  • females are less territorial - they are willing to allow males into their territory in the same way that males allow a female to enter their territory (but only during the mating period);
  • The territories are not located closely.

Chilean cats are loners

Chilean cats do not reproduce very quickly due to their small numbers and the rather large distance between the territories of females and males. Zoologists do not know when Chilean cats go into rut, but they do know that puberty occurs at the age of two years. Males, as a rule, look for several partners for mating.

Pregnancy among Kodkods lasts 72–78 days. One litter usually produces from 1 to 4 kittens. The female takes care of them for about 1.5 years, teaches them to hunt, feeds them and protects them from predators. The lifespan of cats does not exceed 10–11 years.

The Chilean cat can be both diurnal and nocturnal.

Chilean cats lead a predominantly diurnal lifestyle, but when living close to humans, they switch to nocturnal. They spend most of their life in trees. They can also swim and jump well. Dens can be made in old burrows, in depressions near tree roots. They communicate with each other through tags, sounds and body language.

Kodkods hunt both during the day and at night. They stalk their prey from ambush, then overtake it in one leap, capture it with their claws and kill it with a bite to the neck or base of the skull. Most often, their food is small rodents (rats, mice, voles), small birds, small lizards and snakes, and insects. Very rarely, the kodkod attacks poultry, calves and lambs. This happens if there is no food left on its territory or human settlements get too close to its habitat.

In times of famine, Chilean cats can attack animals several times their size.

Origin of the Cat Family

It is reliably known that the first wild cats appeared on the planet during the Miocene period. The first species of the cat family, Proailurus, lived on the territory of modern Asia and Europe. It was from him that all other varieties of these animals subsequently descended. This ancient mammal had an elongated body, small paws and a very long tail. The main weapons of this predator were its sharp teeth and claws.

Scientists believe that Proailurus is the ancestor of a more modern animal, Pseudelurus, which lived on Earth about 20 million years ago. It had a more typical appearance for the cat family and was found not only in Europe and Asia, but also in North America. This predator had a flexible, slender body and powerful muscular legs. Pseudelurus spent most of its life in trees.

Later, about 2.5 million years ago, Smilodon appeared, which scientists also classify as ancient wild cats. These animals were similar in color to the modern snow leopard.

History of the origin of the breed

Wild cats as such appeared during the Pleistocene era, which ended 11.7 thousand years ago. Then the weather was extremely harsh, most of the time the Earth was cold. Sometimes there were relatively warm, favorable periods. In some places the weather changed rarely and dramatically, becoming either terribly hot or impossibly cold.

During the Pleistocene, many different species of animals appeared on Earth, many of which eventually died. This is due to the fact that the Pleistocene era ended with the Ice Age.

Wild cats survived the coldest period, after which they began to adapt to life in dense forests. The animals were able to settle in the forests, and still live there. Hence the name – forest cat.

From the name of the breed one can also understand that the first thing its modern representatives were brought to Europe. Previously, representatives of the species occupied a vast part of central Europe, now - western and eastern.

Previously, Russian forest cats lived on the territory of the USSR, mainly on the northeastern border with the Caucasus. Now wild cats remain in the Caucasus. And this does not in any way change the fact that forest cats are very rare in Russia.

There is a certain problem associated with the fact that sometimes forest cats mate with stray cats. Because of this, unclean offspring appear, threatening the entire species with extinction. The Scottish forest cat especially suffers from this problem. In other countries, there are much fewer mixed-breed cats.

Scientists say that there is no need to focus attention, since due to the appearance of non-purebred kittens, the species will not go extinct anyway. Despite this, the purebred breed is listed in the International Red Book.

The fastest insects

And now let’s move on to the most unpleasant part, insects. We all know how difficult it is to catch a fly or mosquito - they are sneaky, fast and annoying. Probably everyone has tried to catch butterflies or dragonflies with a net and knows firsthand how fast they are. But which insect is the fastest?

Jumping beetle

The jumping beetle is not only the fastest land insect, but also very beautiful

An honorable third place among the fastest insects on our planet is occupied by the jumping beetle, which not only flies, but also moves very quickly on the ground. In fact, biologists call jumping beetles the fastest land insects, since jumping beetles can reach speeds of up to 2 meters per second when hunting for prey. Agree, it's very fast. But these – I’m not afraid of this word – beneficial insects fly over short distances. They are called beneficial because an adult jumping beetle destroys more than 400 different pests. Another interesting thing is that the horses take off into the air as soon as they sense danger, which allows them to move very quickly to a safe place. These insects feed on the ground, and their diet is dominated by small insects and larvae, and the bright color of jumping beetles makes them a desirable specimen in the collections of insect lovers.


I’ll be honest – it’s disgusting to look at cockroaches

I don’t know if anyone even likes cockroaches, but these tenacious insects - to our great regret - move very quickly. Their very name, in fact, speaks about this, because the word cockroach comes from the Chuvash word “runaway”. When these insects run away from danger, they are able to reach speeds of up to 5.4 km per hour, and given their size, this is some kind of absolute record. In fact, cockroaches are one of the most ancient species on Earth. Many scientists believe that cockroaches have inhabited our planet for millions of years, during which they have adapted to constantly changing environmental conditions, so once they get into someone's home, it is very difficult to get rid of them. By the way, in our country there are almost 55 species of cockroaches. Needless to say, these not-so-pleasant comrades live everywhere – on all continents except Antarctica. But the longest-living animals on our planet are naked mole rats. Read about what kind of animals these are and why they are so special in a fascinating article by my colleague Ramis Ganiev.


Dragonflies have no equal among other insects both in speed of movement and in hunting.

I don’t know if it will surprise you that the speed at which bees fly is at least admirable (65 km per hour), the speed of dragonflies is, nevertheless, much higher - up to 97 km per hour. Moreover, most of the time dragonflies move at a speed not exceeding 30 km per hour. Dragonflies accelerate to a speed of 95-97 km per hour while hunting - they instantly calculate the flight path of the prey - the dragonfly's diet includes flies, beetles, mosquitoes and other small insects - and intercept the prey right on the fly. Amazing ability and no need to chase. All the dragonfly needs to do is wait for the food to fall into its hands. In fact, dragonflies are one of the most ancient insects living on our planet. There are more than 6,650 species around the world. Needless to say, dragonflies can be found on all continents of the globe, including Antarctica.

As you can see, the diversity of species on our planet is amazing: there are amazing living creatures in the sea, in the air and on land that demonstrate the many different ways in which we can adapt to survive in our environment. Although our tools and inventions may place man at the top of the food chain, we are easily surpassed when it comes to speed. Many of the animals on our list move as fast as the cars and trains we've created.


Tigers belong to the panther genus along with the lion, leopard and jaguar. The worldwide population numbers up to 6,500 individuals. It includes several subspecies of the tiger. In general, this is one of the largest predators living on land, but each subspecies has its own characteristics.

Cat family


Among the subspecies, mainland and island representatives are distinguished. Continental ones are larger and more massive. These include Bengal and Amur tigers. The body length of males is 2.3-2.5 m, sometimes the size reaches 2.9 m excluding the tail.

The height at the withers of an adult male is up to 1.15 m. Females of all subspecies are smaller in length and height.

Tiger growth


Features of the body structure are one of the main advantages of the tiger. It looks large and massive, but at the same time, elongated and flexible. In the shoulder region the animal is higher than in the sacrum. At the same time, the front part is more developed compared to the back.

The long tail is characterized by evenly distributed hair. The front paws have 5 toes, the hind paws have 4. The claws of tigers are strong and retractable, like those of all cats. Males leave tracks 15-16 cm long and 13-14 cm wide. The tracks of females are 1-2 centimeters shorter and narrower.

Tiger retractable claws

The head is round in shape with a massive skull. The forehead is convex, the facial part prominently protrudes, on which the cheekbones are widely located. The ears are small and rounded.

Tiger head close up

A tiger's whiskers, called vibrissae, are arranged in several rows. Most often they are white, dense, and about 16 cm long. Vibrissae, like those of other mammals, perform a tactile function.

The vision of predators is well developed, including the ability to see in the dark. Tigers also see certain colors. An adult has 30 teeth. The fangs can reach 8 cm in length. They are well developed, as they help the predator hunt. The tiger's tongue has special tubercles that facilitate hygiene and food processing.

Eyes of a tiger
Interesting fact : the eyes of tigers can be yellow or blue. This depends on the color of the species, since one gene is responsible for eye and coat color. For example, white tigers have blue eyes, Bengal tigers have yellow eyes.


The type of coat also depends on the subspecies of the tiger. Inhabitants of northern latitudes have tall, fluffy fur. The southern subspecies are distinguished by their short, sparse, but dense coat.

All tigers are striped, but their characteristics are determined by the subspecies. The fur of most animals is colored in shades of orange, rusty red, and brown. Light hair predominates on the belly, chest, inside of the paws, tail, neck and area around the eyes. The tip of the tail is always black.

Classic tiger color

Dark brown or black stripes are a characteristic feature of a tiger. They can be located at any distance from each other. In this case, the stripes have a certain shape - pointed at the end. As a rule, the stripes are less frequent in the upper part of the body, and denser in the lower part.

Otherwise, the stripes are unique to each individual. Experts often use this feature of animals to identify a particular individual. The original color is necessary for tigers to camouflage while hunting.

Interesting fact : tigers not only have striped fur, but also their skin itself. If you completely remove the hair, you can see an identical striped pattern. When the fur grows back, he will recover.

Tiger skin

Unusual color variations

In addition to the typical color, there are also more unusual options. Each of them is a specific mutation. These include white, golden tigers, as well as officially unconfirmed individuals with black and bluish-gray fur.

White tiger without stripes

White Bengal tigers are more common in captivity than in the wild. Approximately one in 10,000 tiger cubs may be born with this mutation. The white tiger has dark stripes and blue eyes.

White Bengal tigers

Golden tigers are considered rarer. About 30 of these individuals are kept in captivity. Scientists believe that such an unusual color appeared as a result of long-term reproduction of predators within one family group.

Interesting: Cheetah - Description, speed, origin, nutrition, subspecies, where it lives, photos and videos

Golden Tiger

Dune cat

The nimble inhabitant of the deserts of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula belongs to the subspecies of small cats and is the smallest wild cat in the family. In size, the dune (or sand) cat is smaller than many domestic breeds. An adult male reaches a length of 70-85 cm, of which almost half is the tail.

Sand cats live in the most inaccessible places on Earth - waterless sand dunes of the desert with temperatures up to 55-60 C. Predators adhere to a nocturnal lifestyle and only leave their burrows at nightfall. In search of food, they are able to cover distances of 10 km, while developing speeds of up to 40 km/h. Interestingly, their original hunting tactics allow them to emerge victorious in fights even with dangerous snakes, for example, horned vipers.


Cats are found literally all over the planet. They are able to adapt to almost any terrain and climate. However, wild cats are absent from continents such as Australia and Antarctica. They are also absent on such large islands as Greenland, Madagascar and New Guinea.

Both subfamilies are common in Russia, with a total of nine species: snow leopard, Far Eastern leopard, Amur tiger, lynx, Bengal cat, house (reed cat), forest cat, steppe cat and manul cat.

That's all for today about the cat family. The photo located just above shows you the snow leopard (snow leopard) that lives in our country.

The fastest cat in the world: home version

The speed of a particular breed consists of the following factors:

  • Paw strength and length;
  • Total muscle mass;
  • Animal activity and energy.

According to felinologists, the fastest cats in the world are:

  • Egyptian Mau. In some cases, its speed can reach 45 km/h, but only if we are talking about running over relatively short distances. The developed muscles of the paws and the excellent ability to group to obtain maximum momentum before the start allow representatives of the breed to show such amazing results.
  • Abyssinian and Somali cats. The key to their success is long, powerful legs and a strong tail, which allows them to perfectly maintain balance when moving. Both breeds, differing from each other in coat length, can show results of 38-40 km/h.
  • Savannah. This breed is closely related to the wild African cat – the serval. These family ties allow the Savannah to easily reach a speed of 35 km/h in a couple of seconds and maintain it over a fairly long period of time.
  • Siamese cat. This breed is the most common in Russia compared to other exotic cat varieties. This allows us to say that this is the fastest domestic cat among most owners. A flexible body, an elongated small head and thin but strong paws enable the Siamese breed to run at a speed of 35-37 km/h.

Types of tigers with photos and names

Scientists know of only nine subspecies that belong to the “Tiger” species, although humans have currently been able to preserve only six of them. The preserved species of "Tigers" include:

Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)

Which has a lot of names - Ussuri tiger, North Chinese, Manchurian or Siberian. The Amur tiger mainly lives in the Amur region, within the Jewish Autonomous Okrug, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. It is considered the largest subspecies, which has a fairly thick and fluffy coat, as well as very long hair. The color is predominantly dull, red, with a minimal number of black stripes.

Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)

Which belongs to the subspecies of tigers found in countries such as Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan. Bengal tigers are found almost everywhere in these countries, from jungles or mangroves to dry savannah. Males can gain weight up to 230 kilograms, and females - no more than 150 kilograms. It should be noted that tigers living in the northern regions of India and Nepal are more massive compared to those living in other parts of the Indian subcontinent.

Indochinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti)

Which is found in Cambodia and Myanmar, Southern China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam. This subspecies has a darker coat color. Compared to the Bengal tiger, males of this species are slightly short of 200 kilograms, and females - up to 140 kilograms.

Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)

Which represents the smallest subspecies, since its weight reaches no more than 130 kilograms, and females barely reach 100 kilograms. Their small size allows these predators to thrive in the jungles of Sumatra.

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

The smallest of the existing subspecies. An adult male weighs approximately 100-130 kg, and the weight of females does not exceed 90 kg.

Chinese tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis)

Which is slightly larger in size compared to the Malayan tiger. The weight of adult males reaches almost 180 kilograms, with a body length of 2 and a half meters. This subspecies does not have much genetic diversity.

Subspecies such as the Bali tiger, Transcaucasian tiger and Javan tiger are considered extinct, while fossil subspecies include Panthera tigris acutidens, as well as the Trinil tiger.

Interesting fact! As a result of mating of the Amur and Bengal subspecies, a hybrid was born. It is also known about the “liger”, as a hybrid that appeared after the mating of a lion and a tigress, as well as about the “tiger lion”, when a tiger and a lioness were mated.

Origin of the cat family

The first wild cats appeared in the Miocene era on the territory of modern Europe and Asia about 25 million years ago and are called Proailurus. The animal had an elongated body, short limbs and a long flexible tail. Sharp teeth and strong claws helped him survive and hunt in the ancient world. Perhaps Proailurus were the ancestors of Pseudelurus. This is the name of a mammal that had a more modern feline appearance and spread to North America. The animals were distinguished by a more slender body than their predecessors and powerful short limbs due to their constant stay in the trees, where they felt safe.

The ancient animals Smilodon were also classified as this type of animal.

During the Miocene period, saber-toothed cats appeared on the African continent, which, in comparison with the head shape and color, resembled a modern lynx, but the fangs were elongated. The list of felines includes Smilodon, which lived on Earth 2.5 million years ago on the North and South American continents, and was similar in color to a snow leopard. The extinct representatives include the subspecies of Homotherium, which ceased to exist about 11 thousand years ago. Miracinonyx, which became extinct 200 thousand years ago, belongs to the cat genus, had retractable claws, and a comparison of the bone structures is reminiscent of the components of the cheetah skeleton.


This wild cat is considered the largest representative of the cat family. Tigers can weigh up to three hundred kilograms. The length of the largest specimens recorded by scientists exceeded 3 meters. However, sizes may vary depending on the variety. The largest are Bengal and Amur tigers.

The predator has a flexible, strong body. The tiger is practically the only one in its family who is able to distinguish colors. The animal has acute hearing and an excellent sense of smell. Thanks to these features, it can detect even the faintest odor over very long distances. This makes the tiger one of the most dangerous predators in the world.

Tiger skin comes in several colors: brown, white and yellow. It has traditional vertical stripes on it. The length of the coat depends on the habitat. Southern varieties have sparser and shorter cover. The fur of northern specimens is denser and longer.

Tigers are mainly found in Asia

Tigers live in a wide variety of habitats: tropical forests, mangrove swamps, evergreen forests, grasslands, savannas and rocky areas. The eight recognized subspecies are extremely diverse in habitat:

  • the Bengal tiger is native to the Indian subcontinent;
  • The Amur tiger is found mainly in Manchuria near the Amur River;
  • the Indochinese tiger is common in southeast China;
  • the South China tiger lives in south-central China, slightly north of its Indochinese counterpart;
  • the Sumatran tiger lives in Indonesia;
  • Javan and Bali tigers were native to the Indonesian islands of Bali and Java, respectively;
  • The Caspian tiger historically lived in Turkey, central and western Asia.


The lion belongs to the cat family. He is rightfully considered the king of beasts. This predator is second in size only to some species of tigers. The diet of these formidable mammals depends on their habitat. But they all hunt mainly large herbivores. The victims of African lions are often zebras, buffalos and antelopes. Individuals living in Asia hunt wild boars and deer.

Lions are social animals. They unite in small groups, which include several females and one male leader. It is noteworthy that food production falls entirely on the shoulders of females. Males themselves rarely hunt.

Each pride has its own clear territory, its protection and security is carried out by the leader.

[edit] Reproduction

Lioness with a kitten

Pallas cat kittens

Felines most often adhere to polygyny, but polygynandry also occurs. Estrus lasts from 1 to 21 days, and several estrous cycles lasting 1-3 days may occur. Females communicate their reproductive state through vocalizations, scent, and restless behavior. As in other species with a polygynous reproductive system, males compete for access to a female. Males' territories often cover several females, with whom mating occurs. Most conspecific interactions occur during the mating season or territorial clashes between males.

The act of copulation is quite short and can be repeated several times an hour for several days. Repeated copulation is aimed at stimulating ovulation. Reproduction in most felines is out-of-season, but in regions with extreme climatic and predatory conditions, births occur at the most favorable times of the year. Small cats have up to 3 litters per year, while large cats have an average of one litter every 18 months. The interval between births depends on the growth rate of the young or their death (a female who has lost her offspring can become pregnant again after a few weeks), food availability or body size. An average of 2-4 cubs are born, sometimes up to 8. Pregnancy lasts 2-3 months.

Newborns are born underdeveloped, blind and deaf, and therefore require careful protection from adults in the early stages of their life cycle. With the exception of lions, which exhibit social behavior in prides, females care for their young alone. They hide their cubs in dens, rock cracks, tree hollows and other secluded places. The young stay with their mother until they learn to hunt on their own. Weaning begins from the moment solid food is introduced into the diet - from 28 (in domestic cats) to 100 days (in lions and tigers). Puberty in small cats occurs at the age of less than one year, in large cats - up to 2 years. However, cats do not reproduce until they have established their territory. This usually occurs at 3-4 years of age.

Life expectancy ranges from 15 to 30 years. In the wild, the death of young individuals is associated primarily with predation, in captivity - with cannibalism, hypothermia, various vices and lack of care on the part of the female.

What do they eat?

Cats are carnivorous animals; their main food is meat and protein. The large predator preys on artiodactyls and odd-toed ungulates, sometimes eating carrion. A leopard or lion can snack on a crocodile or reptile.

Small cats hunt rodents, hares, and rabbits. Cats living near water hunt for fish, frogs and small sea animals.

If there is a lack of water, they can eat fruits.

Position in the food chain

Felines occupy a place at the top of the food chain, they are carnivores. However, by eating prey - ungulates, hares, mice, birds along with skin, fur and stomach contents, cats receive ballast substances and plant fibers that improve digestion.

[edit] Behavior

The secret world of animals: Lions, cheetahs, leopards. The cruel world of predators

Felines lead a mostly solitary lifestyle, interacting with each other only during the breeding season. The exception to this rule are lions living in prides. They hunt mainly at night, except for cheetahs, which attack during the day. Peak activity occurs in the morning and evening twilight. Most cats are good swimmers and climbers. When individuals of the same species meet, the position of the tail, the shape of the ears and the display of teeth signal the level of tolerance towards each other. Scent marks and scratches on trees are used to mark territorial boundaries.

During the hunt, cats sneak up, crouch, wait and pounce on prey. Unlike canines, they avoid chasing prey in every possible way. Small animals overtaken by felines are killed by specialized bites to the base of the skull, severing the spinal cord, while large animals are killed by suffocation. While eating, small cats squat, while large cats prefer to lie down. Felines are instinctive hunters by nature, and when given the opportunity, they will kill more prey than they can eat.

The nocturnal and solitary lifestyle of most felines makes it difficult to study sound interactions between different individuals. Felines make sounds to identify each other and mark territories. They are capable of purring, meowing, growling, hissing and squealing. It is believed that by observing the behavior of domestic cats, you can hear most of the sounds made by felines. The hyoid bone of small cats is hard, which makes roaring impossible.

Morphologically, felids are one of the most specialized predators in the order Carnivora, occupying the top of food chains in many ecosystems. Sometimes they ingest grass, which helps the passage of hairballs, as well as fruits, which compensate for the lack of water in the body. Felines eat the internal organs of their victims, thus consuming partially digested plant biomass. Big cats usually hunt large prey - even and odd-toed ungulates - although they feed on carrion when possible. The victims of small cats are mainly rodents, rabbits, hares, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish and arthropods. Some species, such as the leopard, drag their prey into trees before eating it. The fishing cat and the Sumatran cat are unique among felines in that their diet consists of fish and frogs.

Many large cats are aggressive towards other cats: for example, lions kill leopards, which in turn kill cheetahs. When a pride of lions is captured by another male, he destroys the cubs of the conquered one, thus stimulating the lionesses to come into heat and eliminating the offspring of his rival.

Hunting and food

Manul is endowed with patience. When hunting, he does not rush, but calmly waits for his prey in ambush. The predator guards near the hole and attacks from the back.

Be sure to read:

A cat that looks like a lynx: the best domestic and exotic breeds, features of their maintenance

Cats hunt Daurian peeps and small rodents. Animals feed on hares, marmots, and birds. If the hunt is unsuccessful, the cat will be satisfied with prey such as insects. The animal eats plants and berries.

A predator attacks at night. In the warm spring and summer, the cave cat loves to bask in the sun, so it hunts during the day.

In zoos, pets are fed rodents and beef.


One of the seemingly minor differences between the groups is the structure of the hyoid bone. In big cats it consists of cartilage, while in small cats this part of the base of the tongue is completely ossified. Perhaps it is precisely because of this feature that the first cats can growl, and the second ones can purr while inhaling and exhaling.

There are some differences in behavior. Big cats eat while lying down, while small cats eat while sitting or standing (think of your domestic cat).

Another difference is the shape the pupil takes in bright light. In small cats it becomes narrow, like a slit, and in large cats it narrows, but remains round.

As we can see, there are no significant differences between the subfamilies.

Animals of South America

A huge number of animal species live in the diverse climatic zones of South America. Various representatives of the fauna have adapted to live in the barren Atacama Desert and in the coastal areas of the Amazon, and in the highlands of the Andes, and in tropical forests.



The large mammal has an average weight of 60-90 kg, body length - 112-185 cm, tail - 45-75 cm, height at the withers - 63-76 cm. The habitats of jaguars are different: mountain and tropical rain forests, ocean shores, grasslands, mountain slopes. The diet of a typical predator includes animals in the form of deer, anteaters, caimans, foxes, monkeys, etc. Jaguars also feed on fish, waterfowl, turtle eggs, and domestic cattle. Active hunting takes place at night.



The ancient mammal lives in various natural zones: deciduous and rain forests, savannas, high mountain areas, and arid deserts. There are approximately 20 species of armadillos. Gigantic is the largest of them. Its length reaches 1.5 m, weight varies from 30 to 65 kg. The small armadillo grows up to 16 cm and weighs 80-100 g.



The South American otter has average sizes: weight - 5-14 kg, body length - 50-79 cm, tail - 37-57 cm. Animals choose lakes, rivers, swamps, as well as places near water bodies to live. Mammals are predators and are excellent swimmers and divers. Otters eat not only fish, crustaceans and mollusks, but also land animals, birds, and insects.

Mountain lion

Mountain lion

A large, powerful cat has a slender body, the length of which without a tail is 1.5-2.7 m. The male half of mammals can weigh up to 68 kg, the female half up to 45 kg. The animals' habitat is mountainous areas. Lions feed on animals: deer, hares, squirrels, raccoons, porcupines, etc. Thanks to their keen eyesight, they go hunting at dusk, at night or at dawn. Mountain lions are capable of jumping to a height of 6.1 m. Only an animal maddened by hunger can attack people.



The owl is unpretentious in its location and can settle in treetops, abandoned buildings, pastures, parks, fields and even open areas. Birds stay awake at night, getting food for themselves. Birds of prey eat birds, rodents, hares, rabbits, bats, marmots, squirrels and other small mammals. The average individual has a length of 43-64 cm, the wingspan varies from 91 to 153 cm. The average weight of the female is 1608 g, the male - 1224 g.

Common features

Despite such significant differences in size, there are a number of characteristics inherent in all members of the cat family. A photo of these animals shows that they have a graceful, proportionally built body, a slightly rounded head located on a short neck, medium-length paws with soft pads and a tail, usually long.

There are several other important common features associated with the animal's hunting life.

Structure of teeth. All cats have long, sharp fangs that are shaped like slightly curved cones. When they bite, they are capable of inflicting deep and even fatal wounds.

Sharp talons. No other predatory animal has such sharp claws as nature has endowed the Feline family with. Such a powerful weapon helps the animal to easily climb trees, catch and hold its prey. And to prevent their claws from becoming dull and deteriorating, cats are able to hide them in specially provided recesses. It is this, as well as the soft pads on the paws, that allow the animal to move almost silently.

By the way, the cheetah is the only one in the family that does not have retractable claws, but this does not bother him, since they help the animal develop enormous speed, acting as spikes (like on the shoes of runners).

Inconspicuous color. The colors of cats are very diverse, but at the same time they have one thing in common - the ability to camouflage in the animal’s usual habitat. Whether it's the striped color of a tiger or the sandy color of a lion, the coloring allows you to remain invisible when hunting.

By what characteristics is a cat classified as wild?

Non-domesticated felines are distributed throughout the world. They are all ideal predators. No other mammals on earth can sneak up, guard, and grab so skillfully.

What, then, is the difference between domestic pets and free savages? A wild cat differs from a domestic cat in the following features:


  • Color. A pattern in the form of stripes or spots helps animals remain unnoticed where they live. Desert inhabitants are close in color to sand, steppe inhabitants are close to dry grass.
  • Size. Forest and steppe "pussies" differ from domestic purrs in height and body length, because they need strength to hunt.
  • Short intestine. Their intestines are short because they need to move quickly, and a full belly prevents this.
  • Length of limbs. Forest and steppe animals are forced to run a lot and quickly, domestic cats move little, which is why the latter have shorter legs. Savages have 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on their hind paws.
  • Temper. Wild cats are distinguished by their ferocity and uncontrollability. They are nocturnal, try to avoid meeting people, and can attack him.


An adult cat living freely in the forest or steppe is almost impossible to tame. You can only make a pet a small kitten that came to people as a baby, but in this case you should not forget that this is a predatory animal.

How to choose a cat of a particular breed

When choosing a representative of a particular breed, you can very easily get confused: all cats look very cute and each has its own charisma. Having previous experience with a cat of any breed can make the task significantly easier. Previously formed likes and dislikes can significantly narrow down the search for the most suitable pet for you. If there is no such experience, the following criteria will help you navigate:

dimensions of the cat - it is very important to compare the hypothetical size of the animal with your living space, because, for example, a Maine Coon will be clearly cramped in a small one-room apartment; sociability and ability to get along with children - if you have a family or are planning to have one, it is important that both the pet and family members feel comfortable; cat activity - so, less active animals are suitable for older people and vice versa; tolerance of loneliness - if you work a lot and spend little time at home, not every animal will like to be left to its own devices; interaction with other pets - if you already have a cat/dog/guinea pig or are planning to have them in the future, you need to take into account the predisposition of the cat’s breed to the potential neighborhood; cat care - the coats of long-haired animals require increased attention, therefore, if you have a busy schedule and a constant lack of time, it is not recommended to have them; the presence of allergies - if there is an allergy to wool, a number of breeds (mainly with long hair) are excluded by themselves; personal preferences are the last and decisive factor, because if you fell in love with a graceful Abyssinian cat at first sight or have dreamed all your life of a fluffy “toy” like a ragdoll, then no amount of arguments will be able to convince you.

Don't write off non-pedigreed cats. One of my pets is a cat adopted from a shelter. Despite many existing prejudices, she is distinguished not only by her fluffy collar and pants, which any Persian would envy, but she is also endowed with a soft, obedient character. Love and devotion don't have to be expensive.

Other members of the cat family

Steppe cat

It slowly approaches and attacks, pouncing on the victim as soon as it is within reach (about a meter). Active at night and at dusk.

grass cat

Color varies from grayish yellow and yellowish white to brown, taupe, light gray and silver gray.

Andean cat

They do not live in captivity. All Andean mountain cats in zoos have died. Fewer than 2,500 specimens are thought to exist in the wild.

Geoffroy's cat

Gray or brown with black markings, 90 cm long, of which the tail is 40 cm. Breeds once a year, litters consist of 2-3 kittens.

Chilean cat

The base color of the coat ranges from gray and reddish to bright brown or dark brown, with small rounded black spots.

Long-tailed cat

Lives in forests, is nocturnal, feeds on birds, frogs and insects. Claws and paws allow you to move through trees and along branches.

Far Eastern forest cat

The coat is usually yellowish or reddish-brown above, white below, and heavily marked with dark spots and streaks.


Lives in mountainous, subtropical forests and semi-arid areas. The oncilla was hunted for its beautiful fur in the second half of the 20th century.


The short, smooth fur is decorated with elongated spots with black edges, they are arranged in the form of chains. The upperparts are light or yellowish-brown to gray.

Pampas cat (bell)

About 60 cm long, including a 30 cm tail. The longhaired fur is grayish with brown markings, which are fuzzy in some cats.


A slender cat with a long neck, small head and large, slightly cupped ears. Adults range from 80 to 100 cm in length, with the tail accounting for another 20–30 cm.

Canada lynx

She has a short tail, long paws, wide toes, and ear tufts raised high. The fur is light gray, the belly is brownish, the ears and tip of the tail are black.

Common lynx

Considered to be a secretive creature. The sounds it makes are quiet and inaudible; the lynx remains unnoticed by foresters for many years!

Iberian lynx

The basis of the diet is rabbit. During the winter months, when the rabbit population is low, it preys on deer, fallow deer, mouflon and ducks.

Red Lynx

About 2 times the size of a domestic cat. Thick short hair perfectly camouflages among trees under the glare of the sun.


The broad head with high-set eyes and low-set ears squeezes into rocky outcroppings where rodents and birds live.

Marble cat

The coat is long, soft, pale brown to brownish-gray in color, with large spots with dark edges on the body and small dark spots on the legs and tail.

Bengal cat

Nothing escapes her attention. The cat enjoys playing games and learns tricks. Hunts aquarium and pond fish if he lives in the house.

Iriomotean cat

It is found in subtropical forests on the island of Iriomote, preferring areas near rivers, forest edges and places with low humidity.

Sumatran cat

Adapted for aquatic hunting: long muzzle, flattened upper part of the skull and unusually small ears, large and close-set eyes.

Spotted ginger cat

One of the smallest cat species in the world, about half the size of a domestic cat. This animal is rarely seen in nature.

Fishing cat

The coat is pale gray to dark brown, with dark spots and streaks. Lives near water in jungles, reed beds and swamps.


Lives among desert scrub, chaparral, swamps and forests, avoiding agricultural areas, plains and other places without shelter.


Smooth long body with small ears, short legs and a long tail. Length from 90 to 130 cm, including tail from 30 to 60 cm.

Due to differences in habitat, size and color are difficult to determine. The animals in northern Iran are some of the largest leopards in the world.

Adapted to cold weather, thick fur reaches 7.5 cm in length in winter. For camouflage in the snow, their coat is paler than that of other subspecies.

Each cheetah has its own dot pattern on its body. Experts use photographs taken by camera traps to identify animals by their unique spots.

Senses and instincts

The jaguar, like all other cats, is a highly specialized predator

All cats have large eyes and color binocular vision. During the day, they see no worse than people, and when the light levels decrease, their visual acuity increases six times. The cat's eye quickly adapts to sudden darkness, since the muscles of the iris effectively respond to any changes in light. The image of an object becomes even more clear thanks to the reflective layer (tapetum lucidum), located deep in the eye, behind the receptive layer of the retina. Light passes through the receptor layer and reactivates its receptors after reflection from the tapetum lucidum.

Cats are also distinguished by exceptionally acute hearing, which is ensured by the large size of their auricle, which well directs sound waves into the inner ear.

The ability of cats to land on their feet in any situation is well known. When a fall occurs, the vestibular system of the inner ear, which senses signals about the cat's position and posture, interacts with vision to provide the animal with information about their spatial orientation. The neck muscles turn the head so that it is in a natural horizontal position, and the cat's body quickly orients itself in the same direction.

Cat family (photo)

Kalimantan cat

Catopuma badia
) lives on the island of Borneo (Malay archipelago, southeast Asia). These cats were first photographed in the wild only in 2002.

Fishing cat

Prionailurus viverrinus
) - another resident of Southeast Asia, which, as the name suggests, knows how to fish. This fairly large cat reaches a maximum weight of about 15 kilograms.

Sumatran cat

Prionailurus planiceps
) is an endangered cat from Thailand. Prefers aquatic animals, fish, frogs.

golden cat

Profelis aurata
). This cat lives in the tropics of Africa. It got its name due to its golden and reddish color. These cats hunt small mammals and can even eat a small monkey.

Kalimantan clouded leopard

Neofelis diardi
) is a large cat from the island of Borneo, which reaches a weight of about 25 kilograms. Leads a solitary lifestyle and, like most cats, prefers the night time.

Velvet cat

Felis margarita
). This species lives in deserts - the Sahara, the Arabian Peninsula and Central Asia. These areas are usually very hot and dry, so they prefer to be active only at night. During the day they escape the heat in underground shelters. They eat various small animals and even poisonous snakes.

Andean cat

Leopardus jacobitus
) lives in South America.

It has been studied very little by scientists due to the fact that it lives in very inaccessible mountain areas. Marble cat

Pardofelis marmorata
) also lives in the tropical forests of southeast Asia. These cats prefer to live in trees, so they do not compete with those that are used to living on the ground.

Chilean cat

Leopardus guigna
) is found in the tropical forests of South America in the highlands at an altitude of 1900 to 2500 meters above sea level.


Felis manul
) - a cat that lives in Central and Central Asia. In Russia, these animals can be found in the Chita region, Buryatia, and Altai. Leads a sedentary lifestyle. The diet mainly includes rodents.

Pampas cat

Leopardus colocolo
) prefers the grassy plains of South America.


Classification by genetic data

Based on genetic data, 8 genotypic lines were identified.
1. Panther line

  • genus Panthera
  • genus Clouded leopards (Neofelis)

2. Kalimantan cat line

  • genus Marbled cats (Pardofelis)
  • genus Catopuma (Catopuma)
    - since 2006, Catopum has been classified as a member of the genus Marble cats

3. Caracal line

  • genus Caracal
  • genus Serval (Leptailurus)
  • genus Golden cats (Profelis)

4. Ocelot line

genus Tiger cats (Leopardus)

5. Trot line

genus Lynx (Lynx)

6. Puma Line

  • genus Puma ( Puma
  • genus Cheetahs ( Acinonyx

7. Bengal cat line

  • genus Asian cats ( Prionailurus
  • genus Manula ( Otocolobus

8. Domestic cat line

cat genus (Felis)

Classification of modern cats

The following is a complete list of feline genera, grouped according to traditional phenotypic classification based on genotypic lineages.

IllustrationRussian nameLatin name and author of the taxonAreaIUCN conservation status
Subfamily Big cats (Pantherinae)
Genus Clouded leopards (
Neofelis )
Clouded leopardNeofelis nebulosa
(Griffith, 1821)
Bornean clouded leopardNeofelis diardi
Cuvier, 1823
Genus Panthera (
Panthera )
LeopardPanthera pardus
(Linnaeus, 1758)
TigerPanthera tigris
(Linnaeus, 1758)
IrbisPanthera uncia
(Schreber, 1775) (or
Uncia uncia
) - often classified as a separate genus
a lionPanthera leo
(Linnaeus, 1758)
JaguarPanthera onca
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Subfamily Small cats (Felinae)
Genus Cheetahs (
Acinonyx )
CheetahAcinonyx jubatus
Schreber, 1775
Genus Caracal (
Caracal )
CaracalCaracal caracal
(Schreber, 1776)
golden catCaracal aurata
Temminck, 1827
Genus Marbled cats (
Pardofelis )
Marble catPardofelis marmorata
(Martin, 1836)
Genus Catopuma (
Catopuma )
Temminck's catCatopuma temminckii
(Vigors & Horsfield, 1827)
Kalimantan catCatopuma badia
Gray, 1874
  • genus Cats ( Felis
    ) Chinese cat (Gobi gray cat) (
    Felis bieti
  • Jungle cat (House) ( Felis chaus
  • Pallas's cat ( Felis manul
  • sand cat ( Felis margarita
  • black-footed cat ( Felis nigripes
  • forest cat (Felis silvestris
    domestic cat - a subspecies of the forest cat


  • steppe cat ( Felis libyca
  • genus Tiger cats (Leopardus

      Leopardus pajeros
  • Pampas cat ( Leopardus colocolo
  • Geoffroy's cat ( Leopardus geoffroyi
  • Chilean cat (kodkod) ( Leopardus guigna
  • Andean cat ( Leopardus jacobitus
  • ocelot ( Leopardus pardalis
  • oncilla ( Leopardus tigrinus
  • long-tailed cat (margi, margay) ( Leopardus wiedii
  • genus Servals (Leptailurus
    serval (Leptailurus serval)


  • genus Lynx (Lynx

      Canada lynx ( Lynx canadensis
  • common lynx ( Lynx lynx
  • Iberian lynx ( Lynx pardinus
  • bobcat ( Lynx rufus
    • genus Asian cats ( Prionailurus
      ) Bengal cat (
      Prionailurus bengalensis
      ) Iriomote cat (
      Prionailurus bengalensis iriomotensis
    • Amur forest cat ( Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus
  • Sumatran cat ( Prionailurus planiceps
  • spotted red cat ( Prionailurus rubiginosus
  • fishing cat ( Prionailurus viverrinus
  • genus Puma (Puma
      puma ( Puma concolor
  • jaguarundi ( Puma yaguaroundi
  • It is represented in the fauna of Russia.

    Speeds of domestic and wild cats

    When talking about running records in the animal world, people often think of the cheetah. The predator's maximum speed reaches 75 mph (almost 121 km/h). A more massive lion can accelerate to 80.5 km/h. About 48 km/h is how fast a domestic cat runs.

    The average mouser could compete with multiple Olympic champion, Usain Blot. The fastest cat can break a runner's records. In 2009, his average speed was 44.72 km/h. Although the athlete is better prepared for the race, a strange opponent could disrupt his concentration, giving him an advantage.

    Cats demonstrate rapid acceleration. A cheetah takes about 3 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h. The Bugatti Chiron, the fastest-accelerating $3 million car, reaches that speed in 2.5 seconds.

    Cats are natural sprinters

    Evolution has made cats ideal sprinters. Due to their small size, it is difficult for mousecatchers to attack large prey. Their food becomes rodents, reptiles, birds - creatures with the speed and agility necessary for survival.

    The animals have powerful hind legs, which have inspired scientists to create robotic limbs. The structure of the spine also ensures running speed. It is flexible and can compress slightly as you move, acting like a spring and aiding acceleration. When walking, a cat moves its left and right legs at the same time. Starting to run, she changes the combination. The animal pushes off with its hind legs, falling onto its front legs.

    Despite their appearance, cats are only capable of running at top speed for short distances. The cheetah can withstand a maximum speed of about 550 m. To ensure acceleration, the heartbeat reaches dangerous levels. The animal must rest after a few seconds of sprinting to avoid heart attack or brain damage. Considering what the cat's maximum speed is, his body can more easily bear the load. But the pet is a sprinter, not a stayer.

    When chasing prey, the animal takes advantage of the suddenness of acceleration, and when moving away from the attacker, it strives to find shelter. In ordinary life, a yard or house cat has to run at distances of up to 50-100 m. Longer distances will require a slower pace. An animal will not run a kilometer at top speed.

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