How to make friends between a cat and a female cat in the same apartment

Having decided to get a second cat, few people think about how their pet will react to the addition of another family member. Usually, old-timers are not happy about their new neighbor and attack him, trying to drive him into a corner. If you do not intervene in time in the relationship between animals, they will constantly conflict and the matter may end in separation from one of them. Let's find out how to make cats friends with each other.

Rules for keeping two pets

To make it easier for two animals to get along in one apartment, they need to immediately understand that the only authority in the house is a person. And so that the old-timer does not develop jealousy and resentment, he cannot be deprived of love and affection.

To reduce the risk of competition between pets you need to:

  1. Provide each cat with an individual tray, a place to sleep and eat. So that animals do not feel deprived, it is advisable to buy them similar bowls, beds and pots.
  2. Design separate places for each pet on an elevated surface. Cats like to keep an eye on what's going on from wall shelves, vertical stands, and cat trees.
  3. Provide animals with play complexes, tunnels and houses for joint games. To ensure that cats feel safe and can escape if necessary, these structures must have multiple exits and sufficient space.
  4. Place food and water bowls in the same room, but at a sufficient distance. This is necessary so that the cats see each other while eating, but are protected from attacks from their neighbor. If one pet constantly gets into the bowl of the other, then it is better to feed them in different rooms.
  5. Provide both pets with toys. To avoid conflicts, you should not give one cat the favorite thing of the other.

On a note. Due to their natural cleanliness and disgust, cats do not accept the use of someone else's litter box. Therefore, each of them needs its own potty plus one spare.

Abandoned Angel

If you decide to take a new pet, and you already have other animals, you need to take into account several nuances.

First, take a sober look at your current pet. If he is very jealous or has a history of aggression directed at other animals, then you probably shouldn't take the risk.

Be also prepared to pay attention to both pets, because your behavior will also affect the kind of relationship they will develop. The very initial stage is especially important - as in the case of the appearance of a cat in a house without other four-legged inhabitants, we recommend preparing everything you need in advance, thinking through behavioral tactics and, most importantly, choosing the right time to move in a new animal (your weekend or the evening before it).

Secondly, it is worth keeping in mind that it will not be easy for a new pet to get along with many animals. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

1. Rabbits. If it is an adult, the cat will most likely treat it calmly. The fact is that the size of the rabbit, approaching the size of the cat itself, will not allow the hunting instinct to turn on. Cases of sincere friendship between these animals are often described. However, if your rabbit is a toddler, he is in potential danger.

2. Mice, rats, hamsters and guinea pigs. Mice, rats and hamsters are the category of pets that fall under the definition of “prey” for a cat. Of course, there are also wonderful stories about incredible good neighborly relationships between a cat and these animals, but we must not forget that these are exceptions to the general rule. Only large rodents, such as adult guinea pigs, can feel more or less safe. Think also about the cat, what kind of nervous tension it will be for her to be next to a potential victim, without being able to complete the hunt.

3. Parrots, canaries and other small birds. The situation is absolutely similar to the one described above - both animals will be stressed by each other’s presence.

4. Aquarium fish. Cats love to watch fish. To avoid any trouble, make sure that your aquarium is securely closed (it is better to use a special protective cover, since ordinary glass can be moved by your predator).

5. Turtles. Cats are not particularly interested in these animals. But if you let the turtle out to walk around the house, it is better to do this under supervision - the cat may start playing with it like a toy, and the latter will not be very pleased with turning over and hitting its shell. Nothing bad will happen, but be there to stop your playful pet in time. The terrarium should also be tightly covered.

6. Dog The easiest way to get to know each other, of course, is a kitten and a puppy. But if one or both animals are already adults, your intervention will be required.

As in the case of two cats, it is recommended to initially place the pets in different rooms, and after some time have passed, change their places. Take your time introducing the animals to each other - they need to get used to unfamiliar smells, and the newcomer in the house needs to get used to the unfamiliar environment in general. Contacts should be short at first. If your dog is too proactive and unceremonious towards the cat, the cat will probably not like it, and such activity may generally frighten the baby. Therefore, be sure to be present when your pets first meet and assess the situation. If you have a very large dog, it may make sense to muzzle him.

Separately, I would like to draw attention to the fact that when a baby appears in the house, the maternal instinct does not always awaken in an adult animal. Unfortunately, the opposite may also be true - feeling that the kitten is weaker and more defenseless, the dog may offend it. Watch your pets carefully and be ready to help your baby.

The expression “like cats and dogs” is familiar to everyone, but, more often than not, in reality everything is not so bad. The main difficulty in establishing relationships between these animals is the different non-verbal signals. For example, the wagging of a dog's tail (a manifestation of joy and friendliness) and the wagging of a cat's tail (irritability, dissatisfaction) are interpreted completely differently. Because of this, at first the pets will most likely misjudge each other’s behavior and emotions. Getting used to it can take quite a long time, periods of peace can lead to conflicts, but usually everything ends, if not in strong friendship, then in neutrality.

It is also worth saying that if the source of the disagreement is a dog, do not be afraid to contact a dog handler. And, of course, do not forget to pay attention to both pets. However, there are some subtleties here. It is advised to initially show more concern towards your old pet so that he does not become jealous. For example, when feeding, fill his bowl first. Your sensitive approach to the situation, patience and love for animals will definitely help them overcome the difficulties of adapting to each other!

How to introduce cats.

The relationship between the two cats will develop gradually, and to avoid unpleasant situations, experts advise not to rush things. We will first focus on sound, then olfactory, and only then visual contact and direct acquaintance. In this regard, you first need to purchase new things for the new pet - a carrier for transportation, bowls for food and water, its own tray, bed and toys. Cats have a good sense of smell, so it is of great importance that objects should not have the smell of another animal.

As was written above about introducing a dog, two cats should also first be placed in different rooms. The newcomer should be given the room where the old favorite spends a minimum of time. Equip there a sleeping place, a place for feeding, a toilet, and so on. And, of course, the room should have a door, which will be closed at first to delimit territories.

1. When the housewarming day arrives, immediately take the animal in a carrier to its room and only let it out there (the door should be closed). An unusual environment is a lot of stress for a cat, so let her first get used to the new place. You can read about how addiction can proceed in the article ADAPTATION OF A CAT IN A NEW HOUSE. Therefore, it will be better for your pet's peace of mind if he spends the first few days in a quiet environment. At this time, the only animal contact you can allow is sound. Both can hear each other, scratch at the door or meow, and at this stage that is enough. From the point of view of your old pet, this tactic of behavior is also advantageous: for him, the newcomer is an invader of the territory, and when the alien is isolated in the room, it turns out that not the entire apartment is captured, but only one part of it. Do not forget to pay attention to both pets, involve your household members so that you can keep up with everything.

2. If you see that the new cat has become a little more comfortable and is not afraid of the sounds made by the second pet, you can move on to the stage of olfactory contact (usually no earlier than 3 days after adoption). Thanks to their developed sense of smell, both pets, of course, have already picked up some of each other’s smells. Now it's time to let them get used to them. To do this, you need to bring one animal some object from another and vice versa. For example, take an unnecessary piece of fabric or a sock and stroke the cat with it. Pay special attention to the areas where the glands are located - cheeks, area under the jaw, forehead, etc. It is not necessary to directly give this thing to the second pet - even if it is somewhere in plain sight in his room, he will find it and come up to sniff it. Reinforce positive behavior: if the animal does not react aggressively to the smell, treat it with something tasty. If the cat did not perceive the object very well, switch its attention to other things or start a game. The procedure can be repeated several times a day, and when after some time (usually 3-4 days) you see improvements, you can move on to the next stage. It is also worth mentioning that there are also tips to use special artificial pheromones from a veterinary pharmacy.

3. Now you have to swap pets for rooms. Most likely, by this point they will have become accustomed to each other’s smell and will not show too strong emotions when they find themselves in “enemy” territory. However, if this does happen, let the session of visiting the other animal's room last no more than a few hours. In general, the stage of such a visit can last 3-4 days - everything, of course, is individual.

4. Finally, eye contact. If you are inclined to think that your pets are ready to see each other, organize a meeting between them. Let your household help you, because this is an important step towards the success of the entire enterprise. You need to open the door of the room where the newcomer is, but so that the gap only allows you to look through it, and not jump out. At a distance of a meter or one and a half from the door, dishes with treats are placed on each side. The idea is for the cats to see each other while eating, but at a safe distance. Over time, the distance must be gradually reduced, but only if both animals do not show negative emotions.

If you can't keep your pets neutral at this stage, feed them through a closed door. In this case, let the bowls be close to her - the cats will hear and feel each other, but at the same time be in a protected position. It is important that such communication through a barrier will be related specifically to a pleasant activity (absorption of food). After some time, try to open the door again and feed the pets so that they can see each other. This stage can last up to 7 days, be patient! And don't forget to reward your animals for the desired behavior.

5. Cooperative activity. Play with cats in such a way as not to provoke them into fighting over one thing. This is also why we previously wrote about purchasing toys separately for a new family member. But still try to keep the fun happening at the same time and the animals within sight of each other. Then gradually involve them in general activities and be sure to ensure that the pets do not move from entertainment to fight. To separate cats, throw a blanket over them or use a spray bottle.

A few more tips: many recommend paying more attention to your old pet at first. Cats are very jealous, so for one who is already accustomed to your participation in her life, it will be extremely important to how you behave and who you prefer. If she feels that you are focused on the newcomer, she may deliberately offend him or express her dissatisfaction, for example, by going to the toilet in the wrong place. This is a very delicate point, so you will have to become a bit of an animal psychologist. All other things being equal, do a little more for the old-timer - for example, when feeding, put the food in his bowl first.

It is also worth mentioning the organization of space. Height is important for cats; it is an indicator of status. Pets' beds should be placed at the same distance from the floor so that no one feels left out. But tall claw houses and similar structures will be very useful - you can safely sit there and watch what is happening below. Also keep the doors open so that in case of an unpleasant situation one of your pets has somewhere to retreat.

What to do if cats fight and how to reconcile them - we will try to talk about this in subsequent articles.

In conclusion, I would like to say that much of how relationships develop among animals depends on the character of each of them. But your participation and concern are also important.

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How to introduce cats

Experts do not recommend bringing a second pet into a house where an old cat lives. A young and active animal will take a lot of attention from the owner. And the old man, feeling unnecessary, will fall into depression and may die.

You cannot bring a kitten under 3 months into a home where an adult, uncastrated cat lives. A sexually mature male poses a serious threat to the baby. Therefore, you will have to wait until the kitten grows up, or castrate the cat.

The presence of a new pet is also undesirable where a pregnant or lactating female lives. Protecting its offspring, the cat will fight with the “uninvited” guest. And if she gets stressed, she might kill her own kittens.

The appearance of a second animal is justified in cases where the cat living in the house is left alone for a long time and suffers from a lack of communication. But even in this case, much depends on how the first acquaintance goes.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. All windows in the apartment are closed and doors to rooms are opened so that the animals have room to maneuver.
  2. The carrier with the second cat is brought into the corridor and the first pet is allowed to sniff it.
  3. The door of the carrier is opened and they wait until the animal decides to get out on its own. If the newcomer immediately hides in the nearest room or hides under the sofa, he should not be reached. As soon as the cat comes to his senses a little, he will crawl out on his own.

In the future, the owner should only observe the behavior of the pets and intervene only if necessary. Pets can be left alone only after full adaptation.

To make it easier for cats to get along together, you cannot:

  1. Pushing animals together. Each cat will protect its borders. As a result, fights will inevitably arise between them and making them friends will not be easy.
  2. Lock two people in one room. Since the newcomer has not yet gotten used to it, and the old-timer intends to defend his territory, conflicts will begin between them. And this will greatly complicate the reconciliation of the two cats.
  3. Lock yourself in different rooms. According to experts, separating unfamiliar cats is not the best way to introduce them. The animals do not see each other, but they smell an unknown smell that frightens them. As a result, the cat perceives him as a threat, and this may prevent them from making friends.

Two cats

Fights more often occur between same-sex, uncastrated animals. An apartment is too small an area for adult cats, where each one could separate their own territory. Being on a free range, such cats would prefer not to intersect, but in a city apartment this is difficult. Therefore, the first step is castration. Hormonal levels will not change immediately, on average within a month. During this time it is advisable to keep animals separately.

The second task of the owner who wants to make two cats friends is to make sure that the old tenant does not perceive the appearance of a relative as an attempt to invade, otherwise he will fiercely defend his territory. If it comes to a fight, the cats are seated in different rooms. But the owner of the territory is left in his favorite room, where the bed is.

How to make friends with cats

All cat acquaintances follow a similar pattern, and their success is influenced by the temperament of each animal.

The greatest likelihood that pets will quickly find a common language exists in the following situations:

  • when a small kitten is placed with a cat;
  • when a cat is taken to a cat;
  • when both animals are relatively young.

The most difficult thing is to make friends between an adult cat and a kitten and two males. But such a neighborhood is also possible if you introduce the animals correctly and show maximum patience.

Adult animals

The easiest way to make friends between a cat and a female cat in the same apartment is if the female is placed with a male. He will not perceive her as a rival, which means that the animals will not have competition for territory. An uncastrated male may begin to show signs of attention to the female. But if the cat hisses in response, the cat will most likely retreat.

The female is more demanding and is unlikely to immediately accept a new neighbor. If an adult cat is neutered, she may hiss and become aggressive when introduced. Over time, the “mistress” will calm down and get used to the new resident. It is unlikely that cats will sleep on the same bed, but it is likely that they will not refuse to play together.

Making two cats friends is much more difficult. Each of them will consider herself a mistress and defend her rights. It is especially difficult to reconcile cats if one of them is sterilized and the other is not. A female who has given birth will always be guided by the instinct to protect her offspring, even if there are none yet. The owner will have to make a lot of effort to make the cats friends with each other.

Relationships between two adult males are not easy. They perceive each other as rivals and begin to compete fiercely. Cohabitation of a pair of sexually mature males will be marred by constant marks and fights. To make cats friends with each other, they will have to be castrated.

Cat and kitten

To make friends between a cat and someone else's baby, you need to be patient. At first the female will hiss at the new kitten, but over time her maternal instinct will awaken. As soon as this happens, she will begin to take care of her adopted child and teach him all the wisdom.

If a sterilized individual lives in the house, you will have to think about how to get the cat to accept someone else’s kitten. If the female's maternal instinct is not activated, it is necessary to wait until she gets used to the presence of a new resident. And in order to quickly make friends between a cat and a kitten and not provoke conflicts, it is recommended:

  • At first, do not leave animals alone;
  • do not allow the kitten to use the tray and bowl of an adult cat;
  • do not deny your cat affection when she needs it.

Cat and kitten

Making friends between an adult cat and a kitten is quite difficult. The male will begin to perceive him as a rival and may behave aggressively. In order to make friends between a cat and a kitten over time, you need to stop the baby’s attempts to get closer to the adult pet’s bowl and at first do not let him roam throughout the apartment.

Make them friends through games

At this point, you have achieved that cats can eat at a short distance, and the presence of one does not irritate the other. Now you can release them into the common space. The last stage of dating takes place in a playful way, and here you will need an assistant.

Prepare the space

  • Before releasing both pets into a common space, prepare yourself. Block all the places where they can drive each other and where they can hide. If they get stuck, you need to be able to separate them quickly.
  • Have something ready to help block eye contact between your pets. It should be something opaque and large so that you don't have to bend or crouch to place it between the crampons. For example, a folded box or a piece of plywood.
  • Prepare blankets or towels. If the cats get into each other, you will need to separate them. Doing this with your bare hands is dangerous and you may get hurt in the process.
  • To get acquainted, choose the largest and emptiest room.

By sharing feedings, you have already created good associations between your pets and each other. Now this effect needs to be enhanced with the help of the game.

Cats who are friends play together

Here's what you need to do to finally make friends with cats.

  1. Start playing with one of the pets in the room. The pet must be passionate about the game.
  2. During the game, the second person must bring in the second pet. The best way to do this is through a game (leading your pet with your favorite toy to the right room) or a treat.
  3. Play with both cats. Ideally, they should not pay attention to each other, but should be busy playing.
  4. You must finish the game first (that is, it is not the cat who must get bored and leave, but you who must pick him up and carry him away) and separate the cats into their territories.

If your pets start looking at each other while playing, break eye contact. It can escalate into an aggressive staring contest that ends in a fight. Look at the situation: they just looked at each other and continue to play, or they begin to look at the other cat with anger.

This game should become a daily ritual. When the cats play calmly in the same room, without signs of aggression, remove the door during the next feeding.

Playing together brings cats closer together

As a result of all these actions, you should have two cats that do not react to each other in any way: they do not divide the territory and do not fight. You should feel like you can leave them alone in the same room and nothing bad will happen.

How long it takes to make friends with cats depends on your pets. Your main task: to make them associate each other with good things. This way they will gradually become friends, and you will avoid cat fights and stress. We hope everything works out for you quickly!

Author of the article

Yulia Antonovskaya


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Possible problems

When trying to make friends with cats, many owners encounter the following problems:

  1. Sexual conflicts. They occur between females in heat or two males. If the animals are breeding, they are temporarily isolated from each other. If cats do not take part in breeding, they are sterilized.
  2. Upholding your own interests. The reason for a fight can be food, toys, a house, or even a tray. To correct the situation and make friends with cats, they need to buy similar accessories and give them the same food.
  3. Fights between animals. If cats are clinging to each other, you can separate them by pouring water on them or covering them with a blanket. Then they need to be isolated for a while and try to get acquainted again a little later.
  4. If cats are injured during a fight, they are treated with an antiseptic. If necessary, victims are taken to a veterinarian.

You can make friends between cats by showing maximum patience and perseverance. But if after a while all attempts end in failure, then it is much more humane to find new owners for one of them.

Arrival home and first acquaintance

On the day you plan to bring a new kitten, isolate your current one for a while. They shouldn't see each other. Immediately take the kitten to the room that has been prepared for it. After placing the baby in his shelter, the adult pet can be released. Remember that the animals should not see each other for some time. They will first get to know each other through smells.

First correspondence acquaintance

When the kitten gets a little comfortable in the new place, you can begin to introduce it to the main pet using smells. At this stage, things that have absorbed the smells of both creatures will come in handy.

Take a blanket or bed on which the kitten slept. You can take a rag toy - the most smell remains on them. Take this item to your cat. Let her sniff the item and get acquainted with the smell of the kitten. Do the same with some other thing. Take a toy or bed and take it to the kitten.

You can also help pets get acquainted in absentia with the help of scratching posts. Take the kitten's scratching post and take it to the cat, and vice versa. This way, the pets will become familiar with each other’s scent, see the other animal’s physical marks, and be able to leave their own. This way, scratching posts that previously belonged to one person will become common, and you will achieve this peacefully.

Swap your favorites

When the kitten has fully adapted to its room, the pets can be swapped. They still shouldn't see each other, but only smell and see scratches on their scratching posts.

  1. Lock the cat in the kitten's room.
  2. Let the kitten explore the rest of the house.

Changing places is necessary so that a kitten who lives in a small space can stretch and explore the rest of the house. In addition, it allows animals to become better acquainted with each other through smells.

It is important that none of them feel like they are the owner of the space. You need to change your favorites regularly. It can be once a day, it can be every second day, or it can be several times a day - it depends on the reaction of both pets. For convenience, you can create a schedule.

Safety first

However, safety must come first. You need to keep everything under control until the cat and dog get used to each other. Pet your pets one at a time without washing your hands - this will allow their scents to mix. Subsequently, the cat will acquire the smell characteristic of the house and become a member of the dog pack. Again, a large pen is ideal for the first acquaintance - the situation will be under control, and the cat will be safe. Let your dog sniff the new occupant through the bars and get over the initial excitement of the encounter. The cat may hiss, but she is safe. If the pen is large enough, you can leave the cat inside it overnight in the same room where the dog sleeps - this way, your pets will get used to each other over several days or weeks (depending on how accustomed the dog is to the company of cats) . Some dogs, especially those who have no experience with cats that are overly excitable or aggressive, need special attention when introducing the cat. Make sure that such a dog is as calm as possible, keep it on a leash and force it to sit still. The cat should occupy a safe place in the room and be able to get used to the dog and, if desired, approach it.

How to use a carrier or pen for the first time

Place the kitten/cat in the pen/carry and allow the first cat to enter the room. If you use a carrier, place it slightly above floor level so that the cats do not have direct visual contact - this can cause aggression. When your first cat comes into the room, give her attention and encouragement. If the animal decides to leave the room and not get to know its new neighbor, do not force things; remember that the introduction procedure may take some time. Perhaps your cat is the type of animal that does not show aggression when meeting a new neighbor, but rather gradually gets used to his presence. If cats show signs of aggression, distract them with some noise and then praise them for being calm during the introduction. By using treats, you can encourage cats to stay close and be comfortable with each other's presence. Make their communication positive, let it be accompanied by pleasant events, and not screaming and chasing. If you are using a large pen, after a few days of the new kitten being in it, you can allow the first cat to come freely while the cat is inside so that they can gradually get used to each other. If you use a carrier, you'll need to be a little more proactive and schedule more frequent appointments.

In both options, you can start feeding the animals at the same time: the new cat inside the pen/carry, and the first one outside nearby. At first, cats may hiss at each other, but gradually this will turn into curiosity and they will learn to accept each other - this process can take from several days to several weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the animals.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

This may require considerable time and patience, and you will also need to reward your dog for good behavior. If your dog has a calm character or has experience interacting with cats, you can use a sturdy cat carrier when introducing animals. Keep your dog on a leash, place the carrier on a surface above floor level and let your pets get to know each other. Contacts should be frequent and short-lived. Most dogs soon calm down when they realize that the cat is not particularly interesting. In the next step, move on to direct animal contact, still keeping the dog on a leash for safety. If your dog is easily excitable, walk him at a brisk pace first - he will use up some of his energy and become calmer. Dogs of breeds such as terriers or greyhounds (who like to give chase) are best supervised strictly until they learn that a cat is not a toy. Small puppies get excited at the sight of a cat and may try to "play" with it, which will not delight the cat at all. You may have to work hard to keep the situation under control, and be prepared that a sudden jump from your cat may provoke I'll give chase. Praise your dog for calm behavior, make him sit still, and use treats as a reward. Again, try to make your dog associate the cat's presence with a reward for calm behavior. When you finally decide to take your dog's leash off, make sure your cat has somewhere to hide (high shelves or furniture) to feel safe. Never leave a cat or dog alone without attention until you are sure that each other's company does not pose a danger to them. Cat food will be extremely attractive to your dog, so keep it away from your dog. Likewise, the litter box may be of interest to your dog, so if he encroaches on its contents, keep it away.

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