How to make friends between two cats in the same apartment

When a purring, furry pet has been living in the house for many years, and the household suddenly has the idea of ​​getting a second one, it is strongly recommended that you find out in advance in more detail about how to make two cats friends, since a conflict between them will be almost inevitable.

Wayward animals will get along together much faster if you create an individual resting, feeding and toilet area for each cat.

Of course, if two cats live and get along in your house, then this is at least a double portion of purring, warmth and tenderness for all household members. However, if they are introduced incorrectly and thus do not create the basis for their future friendship, then the owners will subsequently have to live literally on the battlefield for territory, a bowl of food and human attention and affection.

Advice! If you still have plans to keep a pair of identical animals in the house, then it is best to get two cats, since it is very difficult for two cats to get along together in the same territory.

It is very important to provide comfortable living conditions for both cats. Moreover, it is recommended to have them (cats) at the same time, at the age of approximately 3-6 months, that is, while still kittens. At a later age and when alternately living in a house, when one cat already lives in it and another has just been adopted, it is advisable to prepare in advance not only yourself, but also the pets themselves for their first meeting and for further coexistence.

Can two cats live together?

It is quite possible to accustom cats living together to each other, although it often takes a lot of effort. It is impossible to know exactly how they will react to their roommate, but certain criteria of behavior will help suggest what kind of friendship is worth waiting for, and most importantly, how to improve it.

It is important to remember that cats often do well alone. They don't need friends like humans do, so getting a second pet just to make the first one fun is a bad idea. To make them friends you will have to make efforts that are not justified.

If you decide to adopt two kittens at the same time or with a small age difference, you will avoid difficulties. Young cats without gender and territorial attachment and aggression, treat their fellow cats quite well, and will be easy to make friends with.

Such friendship, in some cases, reaches the point that a cat and a cat who grew up together, having reached puberty, do not mate. They are looking for someone on the side, perceiving their roommate as brother and sister.

However, cases are relative and unique, so breeders, in order to avoid unplanned offspring, carry out sterilization. This will help you make friends with cats with minimal participation on your part.

Two cats in the house - they will get along

These are noble and proud animals, it is difficult to imagine that they will be able to get along together and even make friends. But competent behavior of the owner and the inhabitants will make it possible to reconcile the fluffies. Two pets at home - no boredom.

While the residents of the apartment are at work or school, both animals will have fun.

Here are a few rules to help create a friendly atmosphere:

  • Don't forbid fighting, otherwise one will decide that the other is loved more. Don't expect peace in such a situation. It is advisable to let them fray the skins.
  • Give each one a separate tray.
  • Spay both animals. In other cases, it is better to solve the problem immediately so that they do not suffer.
  • Feed the same food, place bowls nearby.
  • Don't play with just one, try to find where the second one is hiding and play together.

The ideal solution is to take kittens home. From the first minutes of their stay in your home, they will remember that they lived in a warm place together. If they appear in the house with a large gap in time, then the first one will get used to the idea that the entire territory belongs to him/her.

Have you noticed how cats rub their faces against walls, corners, furniture, shoes, etc.? They leave a scent and mark their territory. Neutered cats do not misbehave and do not mark their territory with urine; they leave a scent using glands located on their faces. Surely the cat will place such marks throughout the apartment, and when another inhabitant comes, she will perceive this as an encroachment on her property.

Below we will look at how to establish communication if the kittens were taken home at different times.

Surprised look

Getting ready for the reception

Acquaintance goes smoother if it is planned and you can prepare for it. In any case, you cannot immediately push animals together.

Calming for purring

To prevent conflict, both animals can be given a sedative before the first meeting. In this case, “Feliway”, “Cat Bayun”, “Stopstress” are used. In order not to harm your pets, you should first consult with a veterinarian who will calculate the dosage.

"Cat-Bayun" "Stopstress"

“Feliway” Similar article: Why does a cat constantly meow for no reason

Preparing the Carry

Place a towel or blanket with the smell of a new home in the carrier. A beginner should have time to get used to the carrier as if it were his own house. Having brought an animal into the apartment, you should not immediately release the new pet; it is better to give the cats time to look at each other through the bars.


After the first meeting, you should not leave the animals together or bring them near each other. The new pet should be shown a designated place to rest. Every day you need to change their toys among themselves and pay a lot of attention to the animals. If the new pet hides, for example, under furniture, there is no need to get it out by force - let it get used to it.

First meeting and adaptation period

Before the first full meeting, the animals will already know about each other’s existence and will get used to it. The first stress will pass, but conflict is possible. During contact, you need to take your time, let the cats sniff each other, and come as close to each other as they want. It is recommended to pet both of them so that everyone feels the love of their owner equally.

There is no need to try to reconcile pets as quickly as possible. They should have time to get used to each other. Ultimately, cats always remain animals that walk on their own.

Preparing for the meeting

When the decision to get a second cat is planned, it pays to be well prepared. In order to reduce the reasons for mutual aggression from the very beginning and make them friends in the future, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Cats should have their own water and food bowls.
  2. It is necessary to provide pets with personal trays if you do not want to find unpleasant surprises on the floor.
  3. Houses for cats will be a salvation for residents of one-room apartments. Cats are by nature freedom-loving and independent creatures; it is important for them to have their own territory, a personal corner. A cat that has already become accustomed to the apartment and has been living in it for some time considers the house to be its territory. When another animal appears, the pet perceives it as an intrusion and often reacts aggressively.
  4. To keep your hands and animals healthy, you should trim your cats' claws. The moment of the first meeting is especially dangerous, when you brought the second cat home in your arms, and the first one greets you with displeasure in the corridor. If an older cat reacts aggressively, a new cat may get scared and claw at you. In such a situation, a carrier or a small blanket will help.
  5. Before meeting cats, they must be vaccinated and treated against fleas and worms. If the animal is not treated, it should be kept in isolation quarantine for at least 2 weeks.
  6. At first, it is necessary to allow cats to eat and go to the toilet freely, so you need to identify and separate zones in the house so that they do not meet when eating or defecating.
  7. It is important to feed the animals at the same time, this way you will be able to avoid theft and conflicts.
  8. Veterinarians advise purchasing a spray bottle to control behavior. At the moment of an impending fight, an “invigorating shower” will help separate them without consequences to health.
  9. Even if you are perfectly prepared, you may not be able to prevent conflict. Be sure to keep disinfectants and healing products in your home.
  10. Toys can also become a reason for a showdown. To make it easier to make friends with cats, buy new toys for both pets and stock up on treats to reduce attention on the “enemy”.
  11. Close windows and doors before meeting to avoid unpredictable consequences.

Don't isolate an old cat. He may think that a newcomer is vying for leadership and you are helping him. Then the cat will stop trusting both of you. Give the newcomer a space that the old resident loves less, then the established pet will be less angry.

Basic Tips

Depending on the age of the cat, its place in the house and the time of arrival, the approach may vary. There are several basic rules that owners who decide to get a new pet should know .

  1. It is best if the pets arrive at the apartment at the same time - very often you can encounter aggression from an animal that has been living in familiar territory for a long time, when another contender for food, space and attention of the owner appears. Unfortunately, this opportunity does not always exist, and often the decision to get a second animal comes at the moment when the first cat has been living in the same place for a long time.
  2. The issue of purchasing a new kitten or adult cat should be approached with caution. If the first cat has character difficulties, health or mental problems, or if it is highly aggressive, it is better not to risk it at all and leave it alone. Cats do not require constant company in the form of other animals; they are usually quite comfortable around their owners.
  3. In order for the first cat not to experience severe stress, she needs to show that she is still the main one in the house - she will need to make maximum efforts, in which her established routine will not suffer major changes.
  4. You cannot give the cat's personal belongings, for example, a tray, bowls, a bed, to a newcomer. Cats are extremely important to their own smell; it is a kind of mark in their minds, indicating that no one is claiming a specific place. You should not immediately transfer anything for public use - this will violate the psychological comfort of the pet.
  5. You will need to prepare the animals in advance and take safety measures. You need to trim your pets' claws, prepare a first aid kit in case the cats fight and injure themselves - in the first days, when the emotional shock is still too great, such situations are not uncommon.
  6. If, despite following all the recommendations, the cats still do not get along with each other, it makes sense to consider giving up a new pet in order to avoid serious problems in the future. It is necessary to give the cats time to get acquainted and get comfortable, but do not torture them if more than two weeks have passed and the hostilities do not subside.

These are the basic rules that should be followed in any case. There are also a large number of subtleties and nuances that depend on various factors related to living conditions and the characteristics of the animals.

Two little kittens

This is perhaps the simplest situation. Kittens adapt very quickly to new conditions, and if they both recently arrived in a new home, then there are usually no territorial claims. Small animals are very playful and easily switch their attention from one object to another. Therefore, getting kids interested in playing, including playing together, will be an excellent solution to the problem.

It is important not to forget that each animal should have a personal space that no one else claims. The most important rule of trust and quick adaptation is that kittens should feel safe.

If, in a stressful situation, a pet chooses a refuge for itself (usually a sofa, a deep box or a carrier), under no circumstances should you prevent it from calming down. It is best to completely isolate the animal from the company of another kitten in moments of excitement.

If trouble happens and the kittens begin to show aggression towards each other, you need to separate them into different rooms and distract them with toys or food - after a few minutes the kids will forget that a fight almost happened recently.

Adult animals

The issue of restoring peace between adult animals is more complex, since they already have an established character and set of habits, and most importantly, a cat that has been living in a house for a long time considers itself a rightful owner and does not at all want to share its territory with newly arrived animals.

The main rule is the sequence of actions. Under no circumstances should you rush or force things; everything should be done gradually to avoid stress and disagreements between pets.

The following veterinarian-backed recommendations will help restore peace and tranquility to your home.

  1. The pet must be brought to the new place in a carrier. You cannot carry him in your arms or on a harness and immediately release him into the apartment.
  2. It’s good if it is possible to place a beginner in a separate room. At the same time, it is worth leaving some item in the public domain for the first cat - bedding, a toy or something similar that was used by the future roommate. This will allow the animal to get used to the new smell.
  3. At first, it is better to leave the animals in different rooms behind a closed door. As soon as the cats begin to approach the door without showing aggression and sniff it on both sides, you can move on to the next step.
  4. The new animal should be placed in a carrier with a mesh door or walls and placed next to the old-timer, allowed to get comfortable and sniff each other. At this stage, an aggressive reaction in the form of a hiss or growl is quite normal - this is a natural process, the cat makes it clear who is the owner of the territory.
  5. As soon as the pets begin to behave more calmly, you can release the new cat from the carrier. He can be allowed to walk around the room calmly, but there should always be an escape route to a safe place - let there be an open carrier or a separate room where he can hide.
  6. In the first days, clashes are possible; to many owners they seem to be manifestations of aggression, but this is not always the case. Hissing and pawing are usually part of the natural communication process at first. You should be concerned if cats behave so threateningly that they are ready to cause serious harm to each other - they extend their claws, bite painfully, or scream loudly. In this case, a pre-stocked spray bottle charged with cold water will help - during an active conflict, just spray and the cats will stop fighting.
  7. One of the most important rules is to let the first cat know that she is still the boss in the house. At first, you need to actively pick her up, show affection, do not violate the feeding schedule and time, and do not give toys and dishes to another animal. The old-timer cat should be the first to receive her share of attention.

It usually takes from two days to a week until friendly relations between the animals are established. However, there are times when more time is required, and then it is recommended to move on to a different sequence of actions.

How to prepare your pet for a new neighbor

The appearance of a new animal is accompanied by stress for the old-timer, who is accustomed to being the sole ruler of the house. Preparation for an unexpected neighborhood occurs gradually. If the owner has the opportunity to contact his future pupil, you can take advantage of this and arrange for the pets to adapt remotely to each other’s smells. To do this, you need to wipe the muzzle and back of the purr with a dry cloth, and then take it to get acquainted.

It is undesirable to rearrange the apartment, much less touch the cat’s personal belongings. The pet may interpret the situation as a decrease in its status, which will provoke jealousy and anger.

Also, before meeting a newcomer, the old-timer should be appeased as much as possible with treats and attention, but scolding and punishing is strictly prohibited.

In addition, it is important to take care of the health of the animals. All individuals must undergo vaccination and treatment against external and internal parasites. If it so happens that the pet was picked up from the street or for some other reason it was not immunized, then after all the procedures it is necessary to undergo quarantine for at least two weeks.


As was said, situations are unique, there are no clear rules on how to introduce two cats, but there are recommendations that will help smooth out their acquaintance and quickly make friends:

  • Introduce the cats gradually, without pushing the cats towards them, giving them the opportunity to sniff and get to know each other.
  • At the first sign of an incipient fight, you need to separate the animals and give them the opportunity to rest.
  • Cats should not be left together unattended. Stay nearby and have a spray bottle ready. It is better not to separate your pets with your hands, so as not to fall under a hot claw.
  • Residents of one-room apartments need to keep the new cat in a carrier for the first couple of hours, this will make it easier for the old cat to accept it.
  • Mix cat scents to make friends with your pets faster. You can pet your pets with one towel or swap their bedding.

Place where cats go to the toilet

A new cat will need a new litter box. If there is no one and the cats use one, conflicts and even fights may arise. It is unlikely that they will be able to make friends under such conditions.

There are other cases: the old cat does not drive the new one away, but she herself stops going to this litter box, starting to dirty the corners of the apartment.

© shutterstock

To avoid creating such situations, it is better to put two trays, and when the cats become friends, you can remove one of them.

Advice: to help a new cat figure out which litter box is for him, do not change the litter in the old cat for a while. This way he will be able to identify someone else’s place by smell and choose another one.

Possible behavior options for pets

The first meeting of animals can be completely unexpected. We can assume several options for their behavior. These include the following situations.


During the first “acquaintance”, pets can sniff each other, which will indicate their sympathy. Then, after some time, they will begin to play, without any special “pretensions” to be in the same room, without paying any attention to their “neighbor”. This behavior is considered the best outcome for adding a second cat to the family.


Quite often, a pet already living in a family begins to get scared and hide from the “uninvited” guest. A cat or cat can hide in a corner, crawl under a bed or sofa and not come out of its hiding place until the object of the “threat”, that is, the new animal, disappears.


The spirit of competition is typical for every cat. This behavior is inherent in nature at the genetic level. It also happens that both pets will feel deprived and offended. Each of them will begin to aggressively hiss at the other, showing their displeasure with their entire appearance.

When to intervene

Watch the body language of both cats. The old-timer cat will probably growl to show that he is in charge. If the second pet avoids conflict, then everything is fine. If he looks an old-timer in the eyes and growls in response, be on your guard. Cats can jump up, hit their opponents with their paws, and chase them around the room. If possible, do not interfere, but try to understand whether they can get along in the same territory. The process of clarifying the relationship between two males is inevitable; the sooner it happens, the sooner the cats will calm down and can begin to be friends.

It is necessary to interrupt contact if strong aggression is shown. If the cats are making loud noises or are clinging together in a ball, it’s time to intervene.

Methods to help separate cats:

  • spray with water from a spray bottle;
  • throw a blanket to scare you with the darkness;
  • separate it with a mop or other long stick.

After separating the cats, take the new pet to another room so that the old-timer cat does not worry about losing in the fight for territory. After a couple of days, try again to introduce the animals. Repeat the attempts until you get the cats to be comfortable in each other's company.

How to make two cats friends

Cats are serious defenders of territory. Girls are jealous, so when you meet them, pet them so that both are satisfied and feel love.

By following the dating rules described above, you can minimize the aggression of cats and easily make friends with them, but difficulties may arise in certain situations:

  1. Pregnancy. A cat bearing kittens is a priori negatively disposed towards a violator of sovereignty because of future children. She feels the vulnerability of her “position”, which is why fear and anger arise. In order not to endanger cats, it is necessary to allocate a separate room for the pregnant woman. Ideally, exclude any contact between animals until the moment of birth and later, until the kittens grow up.
  2. Cats of different ages. Spending most of its life alone, an adult cat may have a hard time with another animal invading its territory. In such cases, cats may never become friends and will only tolerate and ignore each other.
  3. Sexual hunting. Hormones increase the level of aggression towards competitors, this is a problem for same-sex individuals.
  4. A cat will better accept a new neighbor if she is sterilized.

Old or small? M or F?

Here, as they say, it's a matter of taste. The psyche of young animals is more flexible, it is easier for them to adapt and get used to a new environment than adult cats. Accordingly, the older your own cat is, the more difficult it will be for them to adapt to changed circumstances. Do you take a cat to a cat (or vice versa)? Make sure your pets are spayed or neutered if you are not a breeder and do not intend to improve the breed.

It is much more important that the temperaments of the newcomer and the old man are not very different from each other: a young “electric broom” can bring an elderly, sedate matron to stress, and a cat who doesn’t care can get along with any companion.

Puberty in the British

Active puberty of British breed cats begins at the age of 8-10 months. It is at this age that cats begin to walk and ask for a cat.

It is recommended to breed British cats after 1 year, when the body is fully formed to the required degree.

A British cat is in heat

On average, the first heat in cats of the British breed begins at the age of 7-9 months. However, it is impossible to determine the exact period; it all depends on the individual genetics of the British woman, the conditions of her keeping and feeding. In addition, premature estrus can be caused by an adult uncastrated cat with its “calls” if it is somewhere nearby.

The duration of one heat is 8-10 days, the first – 4-5 days. The break between them usually lasts about 20 days, but again it all depends on the hormonal level of the animal.

You can determine when a British cat is in heat by the following signs:

  • frequent loud meowing and purring;
  • changes in gait (the cat coquettishly bends its knees);
  • friction against various objects and the owner’s legs;
  • rolling on the floor;
  • a sharp change in character;
  • demand for increased attention to one’s person.

So the British woman starts asking for a cat. You can help your cat in one of the following ways:

  1. Let go for a walk;
  2. Give sedative drops;
  3. Sterilize.

Mating of British breed cats

Crossbreeding of British cats is recommended at the age of 1 to 2 years. The first mating of a British breed cat up to a year old can lead to an interrupted birth process or even death, and cats can lose the ability to reproduce by the age of 2 years. Therefore, it is recommended to skip the first 2 heats of a British female. However, mating should not be delayed too much - after 2 years, the cat may become so aggressive that it will not allow the cat to come near it.

In most cases, the cat is brought to the cat on the 2nd day of estrus and left for 2-3 days. Remember that officially the British cat breed does not allow mating with other breeds, so if you want purebred kittens, breed only straight-eared British cats.

If your cat doesn't get pregnant the first time, don't despair, just wait for the next heat and try again.

How to reconcile adult cats

If you decide to share an introverted cat with a neighbor, you need to take seriously how to make two cats friends in the same apartment. It should be taken into account that they, just like cats, actively defend the territory and drive out strangers.

Sterilization or castration solves many issues in trying to make two cats friends.

It will be difficult for two sexually mature and same-sex animals to get along together. To smooth out the acquaintance and make friends with cats, it is easier to bring a neutered newcomer into the house. Such an individual will not pretend to be a leader, and the old cat will feel confident and be condescending towards someone who is beyond competition.

Features of cat relationships

The question of whether it is necessary to have two or more purrs in the house is of an exclusively individual nature. Someone is jealous of the animal towards family members and wants their own personal bundle of fluffy happiness (often pets only like women, men, or one specific person). Many owners have succumbed to the charm of cats so much that they simply can no longer limit themselves to one pupil.

There are times when a second tenant is brought in so that the first one does not feel bored and lonely. Given the extreme self-sufficiency of four-legged animals, the need for the company of representatives of their own species is questionable. Of course, such a solution may be advisable if the pet is forced to live almost completely alone. However, it sometimes takes a very long time for two proud people to get along.

Careful selection of a new family member will help increase the chances of further peaceful coexistence. According to research by animal psychologists, relationships between pets depend not only on their temperament, but also on gender and age differences:

  • two kittens together will find a common language more easily due to the lack of full socialization and undeveloped territorial instincts;
  • Individuals of different sexes can make friends without any problems. However, in this case, it is necessary to make a decision on surgical intervention in the reproductive system of at least one of the pets, if the plans do not include further lambing;
  • Adult purrs of the same sex often find it difficult to share territory with each other. This is especially true for uncastrated cats, clashes between which can end in bloodshed;
  • older pets are wary of kittens - the latter's active games can irritate old-timers. In addition, an animal accustomed to the undivided attention of its owner may become angry and begin to play dirty tricks on the baby;
  • if the cub is brought into a house where a sexually mature, and especially pregnant, female lives, the situation can develop in several directions: in the first case, the expectant mother will take custody of the new pet, and in the second, she will refuse to accept it, seeing in the kitten a threat and a competitor for of their offspring.

It is worth noting that older cats do not always occupy a higher hierarchical position. If they have a gentle disposition, then they can quite easily give in to a young neighbor with a more active and strong character.

Video “How to get along with two cats”

The video discusses the issues of keeping several cats in one house.

Why do cats fight?

This is how nature intended - they are loners, completely independent, sometimes it seems that they don’t even need people, just so that the food is poured on time. If you show favor to one of the pets at the beginning, they will quarrel.

Try to be fair, don’t single anyone out.


How to make friends between a cat and a cat

It is worth paying attention to the fact that sexually mature animals of different sexes by nature want to continue offspring at the first opportunity.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, one of the animals must be sterilized. The procedure is simpler and faster for cats, which is why they prefer to castrate them.

When one of the cats is sterilized, most problems resolve themselves. A cat and a cat will quickly become friends, because they have no reason for aggression. You should not leave animals of different sexes alone; be with them at the moment of reconciliation. No one has canceled personal character traits.

Introducing cats to each other

One of the important factors influencing the development of relationships between cats is the moment of acquaintance. Many owners, not knowing how to make two cats friends, make a number of serious mistakes: they push the cats nose to nose, lock them in one room, or immediately separate them into different rooms, without giving the animals the opportunity to communicate. In the first case, a fight will most likely occur. In the second case, a fight is inevitable and, probably, it will be a serious battle with bloodshed, since the animals do not have the opportunity to retreat. In the third case, gradually increasing tension and anxiety, as a rule, again ends in a fight.

So, first, we give both cats a manicure - trim their claws short and file the sharp edges. A new homeowner can have a manicure done at the breeder's house or even at the entrance (if the kitten was brought from the street).

Tip: It’s great if you can mix the smells of two animals before the “new” cat arrives in the house. This is easy to do: iron each cat alternately with a dry terry towel

Pay special attention to the genitals, paws and cheeks

You need to bring your cat into the house in a carrier or in a closed box with holes cut out for viewing. Open all the doors in the apartment so that one of the cats can escape from the attacker if a fight breaks out. But the windows need to be closed. Place the carrier in the hallway and do not take the cat out for a while - let the old-timer sniff the box, get used to the smell, and come to her senses after the first shock.

After a while, open the carrier, but do not take the cat out of it - let her decide when to go out. Some cats immediately go exploring the territory, others may not stick their nose out of the “shelter” for hours - be patient.

When the cat comes out, the old-timer will most likely begin to demonstrate its dominance and defend its territory. The cat will hiss, stare intently at the uninvited guest, fluff up its fur, and “growl” threateningly. The new resident will most likely adopt a “I don’t care” pose and look, averting his eyes and trying not to look at the aggressor. With this behavior, the cat shows that it does not want conflict. Owners should take on the role of observers during this time and not intervene until a serious fight breaks out. Single lunges, paw strikes, pounces are the norm. You shouldn’t get between cats, as you will only delay the moment of sorting out the relationship. And the faster the cats decide who is boss in the house, the faster peace and friendship will come to your family.

If both cats take a threatening pose, growl, and look intently into each other’s eyes, be on the lookout! This means, but neither animal wants to give in, and both are ready to fight. This condition can last for a very long time, even several hours. If it is not possible to observe, separate the cats into different rooms. It is the new resident who needs to be isolated, otherwise the old resident will feel that he has lost part of the territory, and this will anger him even more.

What to do next?

The choice has been made, the candidate is known, it’s time to arrange life. It is recommended to purchase a second set of “equipment”: bowls for food and water, a tray, a carrier and a bed. A cage or exhibition tent will not be superfluous - you can buy them, or you can rent them from familiar cat breeders.

Of course, it is better to prepare everything in advance and, as a last resort, make do with an existing carrier. Prepare a place where the new resident will feel safe, such as in a different room. If this is not possible, do not neglect the already mentioned cage or tent: each of the animals should have a “safety territory” for the first month, or even longer.

Does a British cat not sit on your hands because of its origin?

I will lie anywhere, but not sit in your arms

Perhaps the British dislike for excessive affection lies in the history of the origin of this breed. There are several versions about this:

  • Large gray cats with amber eyes were brought to the British Isles by the ancient Romans.
  • French sailors acquired huge gray cats from the monks of Grand Chartres to protect food cargo on ships from rodents. Their ships regularly visited the shores of Britain. Therefore, some cats could remain on the shore.
  • The breed of British cats with wide cheekbones, large expressive eyes and thick short hair was formed as a result of crossing immigrants with local tabby wild cats.

Independent character of British cats

British cats have their own, independent and different character

Judging by the history of the origin of this breed, it can be argued that the independent character of the British comes from the harsh life on French ships, where none of the sailors coddled with them. Life among ascetic monks and proud Romans also left its mark on the independent character of these cats.

For centuries, their role was to live among people, mind their own business and earn their basic food.

Wild cat Tabby

Characteristics of a British cat

British cats are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. If handled skillfully, they can even be trained. However, adapting their behavior to the mood of their owner, representatives of this breed under no circumstances lose their dignity.

For these cats, freedom and independence are a priority

These qualities are more developed in British cats than others. Despite the centuries-old history of the existence of this breed next to man, the animals did not completely submit to his authority. In many cases, the opposite happens: the cat inevitably dictates terms to its owner.

Royal manners

The British woman even lies like a king

British cats have real royal manners. Restrained by nature, they will not do what they do not consider necessary. All this does not mean that the British are too arrogant and prim. They love and appreciate affection, but accept it in their characteristic independent manner.

Cats of this breed are ideal for business people who are away at work from morning to evening, or even leave home for several days.

These cats demonstrate their affection when meeting their owner. Adhering to aristocratic manners, British cats will not get in the way, but will follow their owner around the house with dignity. They will happily play with the owner's children, lie next to them while watching the evening news, and allow themselves to be petted.

However, you shouldn't relax. The cat will not sit on your lap. And if you try to pick him up and force him to sit with you, it will lead to nothing. British cats do not tolerate familiarity. Therefore, they will gallantly dodge and, without unnecessary emotions, retire in English to where no one will disturb them.

Bonding methods: introducing cats without stress

There is no need to force friendship between animals; cats take a long time to get used to company. Rules for successful rapprochement:

  • Let the old cat know that she is not forgotten and is just as loved as she was before the new cat arrived.
  • Do not interfere with the newly adopted animal getting to know the surroundings, animals and other residents of the house.
  • Pause until the pets desire to become acquainted with themselves.
  • Do not interfere in relationships between animals, except for a dangerous fight.

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Intelligence, learning skills

The balanced character of the British cat is successfully complemented by extraordinary intelligence, diligently disguised as indifference and indifference. The British, as a rule, easily get used to the toilet, do not tear curtains, wallpaper and chairs, and do not jump on the dining table: just try not to make mistakes in their training.

The character of a British cat is formed before 1–1.5 years of age - if you fail to instill the correct skills in a cat, you will have to re-educate him or come to terms with the mistakes of your own pedagogical system for the rest of his life.

Bad cat habits must be eradicated as they appear, without being put on the back burner. If your pet sharpens its claws on the sofa, give him a stern reprimand and slap him on the withers with a newspaper immediately, and not after 5-10 minutes. The cat will not understand a punishment that is delayed over time, which means it will harbor a grudge and stop “talking” to you. Be sure to encourage positive changes in behavior (with affectionate intonation, stroking and treats) so that the cat reinforces the desired skill, repeating it over and over again.

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