How to make two cats friends in the same apartment: tips and rules

How to introduce cats

Before bringing a new tenant into the apartment, you need to make sure that he is vaccinated, and in some cases also neutered (sterilized). It is equally important that the domestic cat is vaccinated with a comprehensive vaccine, including a rabies vaccination.

A new pet is brought into the house undetected by the house cat. It is better to do this in a carrier covered with a cloth. There is no need to introduce animals on the first day. It is better to place the newcomer in a separate room, where there is a tray, food bowls, and a comfortable bed. It is advisable that the room is not the most favorite of the domestic cat. If the apartment is one-room, the new tenant can be accommodated in the kitchen.

Introduction to smells

Cats separated by a door can still clearly hear any rustle or movement. And when everyone begins to perceive someone else’s meow calmly, they are introduced to the smells:

  1. Pass a piece of cloth over one cat and move it into the room with the second, then do the same in reverse.
  2. They change toys and scratching posts. This way the animals will get used to each other’s smell.
  3. The smell of the newcomer is enhanced. The old resident is closed, and the new resident is allowed to walk around the apartment. Such walks continue until the new cat gets used to it and the old one stops paying attention to someone else’s smell.
  4. Then they begin to feed at one point at the door separating the animals. Then someone else's smell will be associated with a pleasant moment.

Room exchange

At the next stage, the pets' rooms are changed, but so that they do not meet. Animals become more familiar with each other's bowls, toys, and sleeping places. At the same time, the owner must play with them and caress them so that positive emotions remain from the new place. It is recommended to change rooms until the cats feel confident.

Organizing a meeting

The most crucial moment is the meeting. But first, the animals’ claws are trimmed to prevent injury in the event of a fight. First, the cats are introduced through a slightly open door. Gradually the slit is increased. If one does not hiss and is calm, and the second reacts aggressively, then focus on the second and continue adaptation through the slightly open door.

If cats get into a fight, spray them with water (a spray bottle should be ready) or throw a blanket over them. You can’t move your hands apart.

If a meeting ends in aggression, it is worth repeating all the stages of dating from the beginning.

How to tell if cats are in conflict

The number of potential problems is directly proportional to the number of animals in the house. Often conflict between cats manifests itself in the form of open aggression, fights, tyranny of one pet over another, uncleanliness and marks. However, aggression can be hidden. Cats start not with fights, but with intimidation: grumbling, baring of teeth, fluffy fur.

When cats do not compete for food, toys, or human attention, they live in peace and harmony, which pleases the owner. However, after observing the pets, the owner will notice signs of conflict, even if not obvious:

  • When playing, one cat behaves as the main one.
  • While eating, one cat retreats from the bowl when a second one appears.
  • One sleeps on the owner's bed at night, the second does not, because she is not allowed there.
  • A timid cat hides and comes out of hiding to play and eat when the other one leaves.
  • One cat sniffs the second when it eats.
  • Guarding the path to the toilet and food bowls.
  • A frightened cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place due to fear. And the owner, not knowing about the conflict, begins to scold the animal, which further aggravates the confrontation.

There are many such signs, but not all are noticeable to the owner. Living under stress results in physical aggression, marking territory, and leads to nervous illnesses.

In open confrontation, the owner blames the more aggressive, attacking cat for bad behavior, but this is not always the case. It is important for the owner to find out the cause of the conflict, otherwise fights will become more frequent and fierce.

Helpful advice

No matter what gender and age the pets that live in the house are, they need human attention. I’m in contact with both cats, people help them get used to each other. Stroking, caressing, and games should be carried out with each of the pets. In no case should you single out one favorite - the second or the rest, if there are several cats, will feel it. And even if each family member has a favorite cat, this should not manifest itself in relationships with animals. Offended creatures can take revenge, their character deteriorates. Therefore, the attention and goodwill of people is the key to a peaceful and happy life for pets.

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Causes of discord

If a conflict between pets occurs unexpectedly, then before making friends with the cats again, you need to find out the reasons for the discord:

  • Often the cause is illness. For example, one cat is in pain, and the second one jumped on him. A protracted conflict begins. Therefore, if no other causes of hostility are identified, you need to visit a veterinarian.
  • The cat is angry at someone, for example, at someone else's cat, whose scent he smelled at the door, and wants to vent his aggression. And since he cannot reach his enemy, he transfers his anger to his neighbor.
  • Even a cat who has returned from somewhere and smells different, for example from a veterinarian, is not welcomed into the cat family.
  • Conflict arises when you have to share something: food, toys, or fight for the owner’s attention.

How to change the relationship between cats

To re-make friends between two cats in the same apartment, their behavior is corrected and an environment is created in which they feel safe.

Each person has a bowl, toy, tray

Cats will live together if they don't have to fight for a bowl or share a scratching post. Everyone should have their own toys, and even more importantly, a tray. If the cat begins to attack the second one when it goes to the toilet, it’s time to solve the toilet issue. The golden rule is that there should be as many trays as there are animals, plus one more.

Arrangement of vertical space

Cats love to live in vertical space. And we are happy if there are tall play complexes in the house, shelves are hung on the walls and beds are equipped. Being at the top, the pet controls what is happening and feels confident. And a confident cat will not prove its status in fights.


Making friends between a cat and a cat or a cat and a cat will be faster if the owner encourages them to stay together:

  • When cats sit together or are in the same room, give them treats to form positive associations.
  • Try to devote equal time to each pet.
  • Do not punish one animal in the presence of another.

Sometimes the owner unintentionally encourages the aggressor when he tries to calm him down by stroking him. For the cat, this means that he is doing everything right.

Problems and correct behavior

Don't give up if the first meetings are not positive. It may take time for older cats to get used to a younger cat.

A common mistake is to rush socialization between cats and then get angry or upset when it doesn't work out.

Stay calm and work gradually to bring the cats together. Try to time your interactions and gradually increase the amount of time you spend together.

If your older cat is particularly aggressive towards the new kitten, talk to your veterinarian or behaviorist for advice.

Watch a funny video about how the small cat Bullet tries to drive the adult cat Fuhrer away from his bowl, although her bowl is full. And how carefully and gently an adult cat “educates” an unreasonable, cocky little feline creature.

Two cats

Fights more often occur between same-sex, uncastrated animals. An apartment is too small an area for adult cats, where each one could separate their own territory. Being on a free range, such cats would prefer not to intersect, but in a city apartment this is difficult. Therefore, the first step is castration. Hormonal levels will not change immediately, on average within a month. During this time it is advisable to keep animals separately.

The second task of the owner who wants to make two cats friends is to make sure that the old tenant does not perceive the appearance of a relative as an attempt to invade, otherwise he will fiercely defend his territory. If it comes to a fight, the cats are seated in different rooms. But the owner of the territory is left in his favorite room, where the bed is.

To make cats get along faster

Recommendations for selecting a partner if the animal was not picked up on the street, but there is an intention to adopt it from a shelter, nursery, or from friends:

  • It is better for an old animal not to take a kitten. Kids are too active and intrusive and will irritate an older cat.
  • A low-active neighbor will suit a timid pet.
  • It's better to choose the same age.
  • Two cats in the house will get along faster than two cats whose instincts may interfere.
  • A cat that has kitted adapts to a kitten faster than one that has not given birth.
  • There is little chance that friendships will develop between non-sterile animals.
  • It is better not to house one sterile animal and a second non-sterile animal together.

Features of cat relationships

The question of whether it is necessary to have two or more purrs in the house is of an exclusively individual nature. Someone is jealous of the animal towards family members and wants their own personal bundle of fluffy happiness (often pets only like women, men, or one specific person). Many owners have succumbed to the charm of cats so much that they simply can no longer limit themselves to one pupil.

There are times when a second tenant is brought in so that the first one does not feel bored and lonely. Given the extreme self-sufficiency of four-legged animals, the need for the company of representatives of their own species is questionable. Of course, such a solution may be advisable if the pet is forced to live almost completely alone. However, it sometimes takes a very long time for two proud people to get along.

Careful selection of a new family member will help increase the chances of further peaceful coexistence. According to research by animal psychologists, relationships between pets depend not only on their temperament, but also on gender and age differences:

  • two kittens together will find a common language more easily due to the lack of full socialization and undeveloped territorial instincts;
  • Individuals of different sexes can make friends without any problems. However, in this case, it is necessary to make a decision on surgical intervention in the reproductive system of at least one of the pets, if the plans do not include further lambing;
  • Adult purrs of the same sex often find it difficult to share territory with each other. This is especially true for uncastrated cats, clashes between which can end in bloodshed;
  • older pets are wary of kittens - the latter's active games can irritate old-timers. In addition, an animal accustomed to the undivided attention of its owner may become angry and begin to play dirty tricks on the baby;
  • if the cub is brought into a house where a sexually mature, and especially pregnant, female lives, the situation can develop in several directions: in the first case, the expectant mother will take custody of the new pet, and in the second, she will refuse to accept it, seeing in the kitten a threat and a competitor for of their offspring.

It is worth noting that older cats do not always occupy a higher hierarchical position. If they have a gentle disposition, then they can quite easily give in to a young neighbor with a more active and strong character.

Video “How to get along with two cats”

The video discusses the issues of keeping several cats in one house.

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