More than 100 boy dog ​​names: choose with taste

Tips for choosing a name for your dog

When it comes to choosing your dog's name, there are no rules to follow.

This means that there are a great many options for an unusual dog name, which is the problem of choosing the right one!

You can start thinking about the breed, type, color, personality or size of your dog.

Just remember that whatever name you choose, it should be recognizable to you and your dog.

It's perfectly acceptable to choose a unique name, just have to say it and maybe even write it down for family, friends, veterinarian, groomer, etc.

Choosing a name for your dog is not a quick task - you can spend a lot of time researching and getting to know your new furry friend before finding the right name.

Be patient and don't be afraid to think outside the box to find a rare and special name for your dog.

Cool and funny

If the owner of a “man’s friend” called it funny, this may indicate a well-developed sense of humor. But choosing a beautiful and at the same time cool name for your dog may not be such an easy task. Although it often comes to the mind of the future owner on its own. Here are just a few of them:

  • Terrible (this looks especially funny when the dog is a small breed like a Chihuahua),
  • Bucephalus,
  • Goofy,
  • Sigmund,
  • Zhorik,
  • Sniper,
  • Tarzan,
  • Smart ass,
  • Freud,
  • Zlatan (in honor of the football player),
  • Zoltan,
  • Yorick,
  • Casper,
  • Butuz,
  • Kuzya,
  • Clyde,
  • Kutya,
  • Tyson,
  • Rusk,
  • Scooby
  • Texas,
  • Tonic,
  • Obama,
  • Frodo,
  • Aragorn,
  • Glutton,
  • Timmy,
  • Mamai,
  • Pirate,
  • Ricky,
  • Rogue,
  • Cicero,
  • Lucky,
  • Teri,
  • Tommy,
  • Dobby,
  • Fly,
  • Chapa,
  • Hercules,
  • Dwarf,
  • Zeus,
  • Moor,
  • Cake,
  • Bug,
  • Borsch,
  • Korzhik,
  • Leshy,
  • Tsar,
  • Skipper,
  • Che,
  • Chapai,
  • Einstein.

Other dog name ideas

Have you found a special, rare or unique name for your dog? If you don’t have any inspiration to come up with unusual dog names, and you don’t like the ones suggested, be sure to check out these lists:

Nicknames for girl dogs

The most beautiful nicknames for dogs

Unusual nicknames for dogs for boys and girls

Light and beautiful

Tired of banal dog names? Do you want something beautiful, but at the same time “unpretentious”? Then you can name a male dog from this list of nicknames:

  • Iceberg,
  • Avalon,
  • Adam,
  • Berkeley,
  • Gucci,
  • Baldo,
  • Indigo,
  • Emelyan,
  • Irbis,
  • Iris,
  • Zeus,
  • Gurion,
  • Galahad,
  • Gilbert,
  • Yves Saint,
  • Desmond,
  • Space,
  • Claudius,
  • Leonard,
  • Lafayette,
  • Neville,
  • Easter;
  • Pluto,
  • Percy(val),
  • Harry.

Inappropriate nicknames

Those owners who want to choose a rare nickname for their puppy should not stop at the names that are the most popular in the world. For boys it is:

  • Milo;
  • Rex;
  • Bir;
  • Tishka;
  • Buddy;
  • Tiger;
  • Archie;
  • Charlie;
  • Rich;
  • Teddy;
  • Jasper;
  • Max;
  • Blues;
  • Cute;
  • Caesar;
  • Diesel;
  • Bacon;
  • Oreo;
  • Benji;
  • Rocky;
  • Thunder;
  • Gray;
  • Casper.

For girls:

  • Bella;
  • Abby;
  • Daisy;
  • Jesse;
  • Moon;
  • Valu;
  • Roxy;
  • Lola;
  • Nala;
  • Bambi;
  • Ava;
  • Coco;
  • Zoe;
  • Sandy;
  • Ellie;
  • Grace;
  • Mia;
  • Dixie.

Nicknames from literature

We advise fans of reading and books to look for inspiration in their favorite hobby. A pet can be named not only in honor of a famous hero of a novel, story, poem or fairy tale. The name of a literary work or even the name of the author will sound very original and funny as a nickname.

Our ideas:

  • Assol;
  • Akunin;
  • Athos;
  • Alice;
  • Azazel;
  • Waston;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Grant;
  • Green;
  • Hamlet;
  • Guidon;
  • Gulliver;
  • Dickens;
  • Juliet;
  • Desdemona;
  • Christie;
  • Consuelo;
  • Crusoe;
  • Conan Doyle;
  • Lolita;
  • Nemo;
  • Mtsyri;
  • Milady;
  • Maugham;
  • Ostap;
  • Tello;
  • Stendhal;
  • Wells;
  • Flaubert;
  • Forsyth;
  • Holder;
  • Shakespeare;
  • Ellie;
  • Ebenezer.

Faithful Assol

What do famous people call their pets?

  1. Vladimir Putin : it all started with Koni. This funny black Labrador, without ceremony, violated official ceremonies. It was presented by Sergei Shoigu. The head of state also has a Bulgarian shepherd dog, which he received as a gift. A very rare breed. The animal's name is Buffy. Another dog, an exact copy of the dog from the film Hachiko, appeared with the President in 2012, it was presented by the head of one of the provinces of Japan. Her name is Yume, which translates to “dream” in Japanese. He also has an Alabai dog named Verny. It was presented to him by the President of Turkmenistan.
  2. Leonid Yarmolnik - he and his family have 3 dogs: Scotch terrier Solomon, dachshund Zosya, and mongrel Dusya. His wife created the “Giving Hope” charity foundation, Leonid helps her.
  3. Singer Sergei Lazarev has a mongrel Daisy. She is a frequent guest in his photographs on social networks. He got the dog by accident. Actually, he wasn’t going to start her because of his very busy tour schedule. He adopted a dog from a shelter, which he advises all people who are planning to get a dog to do .
  4. Singer Lyubov Uspenskaya has a pet - Yorkshire terrier Frankie. It was important for her to buy exactly her puppy, the one that her eye would immediately fall on. It only looks like a toy, but in reality it is a toothy lion in miniature.
  5. TV presenter Yana Poplavskaya has a Belgian shepherd Dusya.
    Poplavskaya and her children found her in terrible condition. Wounded and doused with water in the cold. She started calling veterinarians, but their only answer was that she could bring the dog to be euthanized, because there was no point in treating it. At these words, Yana sent them away and decided to treat the dog on her own. And cured! Then she wanted to give Dusya away, she found good people, but her son intervened in the matter. He was 11 years old at that time and he said, “Dusya trusted you, and you are giving her away.” Afterwards Dusya remained in the family and was loved by everyone.
  6. Actress Irina Lachina , her pet is the mongrel Mickey. She found Mickey in the park while she was on tour in Kislovodsk. It was scorching hot, and the puppy was lying in the rays of the sun. He looked like he needed help. And this was true - his leg was broken, he was emaciated and dehydrated. But Irina took him to the veterinarian and took him home.

Rare names of people

A great idea is to come up with a derivative nickname from the rarest “human” names:

  • Clayton;
  • Marika;
  • Jonas;
  • Carmela;
  • Brizon;
  • Mira;
  • Stephen;
  • Merida;
  • Corbin;
  • Siri;
  • Leona;
  • Ethan;
  • Amaya;
  • Aida;
  • Lars;
  • Even;
  • Bosco;
  • Tobin;
  • Lara.

Larsi Puppy:

You can look at the rarest names, divided into categories. For girls:

  • Muslim: Mavile, Ilyuza, Zemfira, Safura, Nomina, Nuria, Hadiya, Shakira, Sevara, Enger.
  • Catholic: Beata, Celeste, Agapia, Dolores, Alda, Blanca, Ricarda, Sheila. Florence, Ethel, Hilary, Edith.
  • Orthodox: Melania, Miropia, Domna, Ilaria, Lukia, Militsa, Thekla, Patricia.
  • Russians: Domnika, Tayan, Zoryana, Tsvetana, Iya, Rusalina, Yunia, Vladana, Ustinya, Yarina, Iskra.

Selection for boys:

  • Muslim: Yunus, Almaz, Zufar, Tamaz, Zakir, Zufar, Blaise, Zaur, Samat, Imran, Iskander, Mukhtar, Kasim, Fazil, Dalil, Gayaz.
  • Catholic: Hercule, Blaise, Marcellus, Guido, Donatus, Gaspard, Roland, Perry, Timon, Noel, Lawrence, Conrad.
  • Orthodox: Zeno, Pakhom, Gerasim, Agap, Ustin, Orestes, Ephraim, Vincent, Fedot, Heraclius, Luyan.
  • Russians: Sidor, Frol, Osip, Eremey, Anfim, Potap, Khariton, Radium.

And this is Zeno:


They usually occur when pets are officially registered. For example, the names of puppies of the same litter in a kennel must begin with the same letter. Nicknames also have an additional prefix from the breeder.

But still, in ordinary life a short, sonorous name is used. This is dictated by the peculiarities of canine perception. They can only perceive the first syllables of their nickname. Therefore, double names like Don Fleming Panda remain only for the owners. Or Double - Trouble (translated from English this means “double trouble”)

Foreign with meaning

Foreign nicknames are especially popular in the canine world and not without reason. These are melodious, beautiful and sometimes very original names. They are easy to select, based on the country in which “your” breed was bred. In this article we will look at names with meanings of both European and Asian origin.


France is the birthplace of such breeds as Basset, Briard, Poodle, Dogue de Bordeaux, Pyrenees Shepherd, and, of course, the French Bulldog. Is your girl one of these glorious breeds? Or maybe you just love everything beautiful and sophisticated, so you want to choose an elegant, but not too pretentious name for your new girlfriend?

In this case, French names are what you need! They are suitable not only for representatives of breeds of French origin, but also for slender and graceful dogs with an aristocratic appearance, such as, for example, a Great Dane or a Doberman. Or small dogs with an elegant or even sophisticated appearance, such as a Maltese or Italian greyhound.

  • Aurora - morning dawn,
  • Belle is a beauty
  • Vivien - lively
  • Desiree - desired
  • Claire - clear
  • Lilian - lily
  • Marguerite - daisy,
  • Fleur is a flower,
  • Fortune - luck,
  • Eteri - airy.


Italy is a sunny, bright country, where life seems like a magical carnival. If your dog has a cheerful, cheerful disposition, then an Italian nickname will suit her perfectly. But among the Italian nicknames you can also find graceful and even majestic names. Such nicknames are primarily suitable for dogs of large, serious breeds.

  • Antonella - invaluable,
  • Bianca is white
  • Lucretia is rich
  • Columbine - dove
  • Marceline - warrior
  • Norina - honor, valor,
  • Ornella - blooming ash,
  • Paola is little
  • Rosetta - rosette,
  • Floriana is a flower.


There are a lot of German dog breeds. These include Spitz dogs, Great Danes, Doberman Pins, Dachshunds, Boxers, and, of course, German Shepherds. If your dog is a representative of the original German breed, you can choose a German name for it. They are a little less graceful than the French ones, but they sound hidden strength, power and confidence.

  • Annelies - grace
  • Gretchen is a little pearl
  • Katherine is pure
  • Leona is a lioness
  • Lorelei - the whisper of a rock,
  • Odile is rich
  • Senta - prosperous,
  • Sophie - wisdom
  • Hedwig - warrior
  • Elfrid is the strength of the elf.

English and American

Perhaps the most popular of all dog names. English or American names sound good; they are simple and at the same time beautiful. Among them you can choose both an elegant name and a simpler name. And, what is also important, English nicknames are suitable for dogs of almost all breeds.

  • Annabelle - gracefully beautiful,
  • Bonita is good
  • Wendy is a friend
  • Gladys - ruler
  • Gemma is a gem
  • Clarity - clarity
  • Mabel is attractive
  • Nancy - usefulness, grace,
  • Roxy - dawn
  • Stephanie is the crown.


Asia has long attracted and fascinated with its unique beauty and incomprehensible mystery. There is something mystical in everything that has to do with her. This also applies to Asian dog names, which, despite their unusual sound to our ears, are beautiful and melodic in their own way. True, they are not suitable for every dog, but primarily for representatives of oriental dog breeds.

Japanese with translation

Japanese names are very beautiful and sophisticated. They seem to be imbued with the very magic of the East. Such nicknames are suitable primarily for dogs of Japanese breeds, such as Akita Inu, Shiba Inu, Chin or Japanese Spitz. But if you wish, you can call any dog, even a shepherd, by any of these names.

  • Akemi - bright beauty,
  • June is obedient
  • Yoshi is good
  • Kin - golden
  • Mizuki is a beautiful moon
  • Ren - water lily,
  • Suzu - call
  • Fuji - wisteria,
  • Hoshi is a star
  • Shinju is a gem.


Korean names are unique and unusual to the ears of Europeans. But they, like all Asian names, have their own charm. Such names are suitable for representatives of oriental breeds, but some of them are suitable for any other dog. If you are interested in Korean pop music or the history of this country, then why not give your baby a Korean nickname?

  • Bao - protection
  • Van is a cloud,
  • Jin-Ho - precious lake,
  • Yong - brave
  • Lin - spring
  • Mei is a flower
  • Nung - velvet
  • Tuan - bright,
  • Hong - rose
  • Shin - trust.


Chinese names are primarily suitable for dogs of Chinese breeds, such as the Pekingese, Chinese Crested Dog, Shar Pei and even the Pug, which, despite its European name for the breed, was still bred in China.

These names, which came from antiquity, remind us of the relationship between man, nature and the Universe. Most of these names are associated with natural phenomena or flora and fauna. Any of them will further emphasize the unusual, exotic appearance of your pet and set it apart from other dogs.

  • Biyu - jasper,
  • Jing - abundance
  • Ksia - pink clouds,
  • Lanfen - orchid scent
  • Meiling - plum jade,
  • Nuo - graceful,
  • Rong - warlike,
  • Song - pine,
  • Shan - grace
  • Yunru is charming.
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