Stylish cat houses that will decorate your home interior: 15 examples from ReRooms

Knitted basket

The simplest and most minimalistic option. You can put such a house anywhere, and making it yourself is as easy as shelling pears (there are many video tutorials on the Internet that will show you how to easily make a basket). A voluminous knitted bed will add coziness to the interior. Just choose the right color and spend a couple of hours making it.


Animal bed "Cascade"

RUB 5,515


Nobby Massa

A fairly tall scratching post model is suitable for owners who have more than one cat. The model has three tiers with a convenient ladder. The two posts and steps of the ladder are wrapped in sesal, and the rest of the material is soft but dense plush. The model is suitable for large and small cats, and there is a choice of upholstery colors on sale.


  1. Tall and roomy model;
  2. Quality materials;
  3. Long service life;
  4. There is a choice of colors.


Try to take the words “cat house” literally and make separate apartments for your pet. It could be a minimalist plywood house, stylized as a country house, or a luxurious mansion - an exact copy of some castle. Huge scope for imagination!

The advantage of such “apartments” is their aesthetic appearance. The house can be decorated with various decorative elements, such as flowers in pots. Remember: the items chosen for the design must be safe for the pet.


House "Zoogurman Empire" for dogs and cats

RUB 1,550


The best hammocks for cats

Floor or hanging structures for cats are becoming increasingly popular. If a floor hammock is a type of regular bed, then wall-mounted products significantly save space, which is important in small-sized housing.

Hanging models are indispensable if you are the owner of a cat and a dog that do not get along well with each other. In this case, the purr will always have a personal safety zone, inaccessible to an unfriendly neighbor.

BEDFOR Catmock Hammock for cats



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The Bedfor Catmock floor hammock is very functional. Thanks to its compactness and prefabricated design, it can be used at home, brought to the country house and taken to any place where you go with your furry friend. At the same time, the impressive size of the model (51x47x19 cm) makes it suitable even for well-fed cats.

The collapsible base of the product is made of birch plywood, and when unfolded, its side parts resemble a cat's face. The removable hammock canopy is made of dark blue microsuede with a star print. The material has increased wear resistance: it is not afraid of cat scratches. And if necessary, you can simply wash it in a machine.


  • Prefabricated structure;
  • Functionality;
  • Easy care;
  • Optimal size;
  • Wear-resistant;
  • Harmless to animals.


  • Available in only one color.

The Bedfor Catmock floor hammock is an ideal option for those who often take their pet to the country, give it up for foster care, or leave it with relatives during business trips.

Wall-mounted hammock for cats “Sound sleep”



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Even the most capricious cat will welcome the appearance of this wall-mounted hammock in the interior. A rectangular model on a wooden base with a mesh made of jute fiber with dimensions of 58x45 cm can easily accommodate even a large pet.

The product, which acts as a place to sleep, a sports complex and a scratching post, thanks to its simple design, can be easily attached to any height without taking up free space on the floor.

The hammock, made from high-strength natural materials, is absolutely safe even for allergic pets and does not require complex care - with the exception of periodic dusting.


  • Stylish design;
  • Made from highly environmentally friendly natural materials;
  • Suitable for large breed cats;
  • Does not require any complex care;
  • Functional.


  • Not suitable for older cats.

This cat house combines the functions of a place for play, relaxation and a scratching post. It is suitable for young and active cats living in small apartments.

WE ARE BEAVERS Hanging hammock for cats on a Hotto battery



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With the addition of this hammock, your pet's time at home will become much more comfortable. The model, made of sanded birch plywood, has a curved rectangular base measuring 35x50 cm. Its ribbed surface is also not accidental, because it ensures the unhindered passage of warm air to the animal’s body.

The hammock is equipped with convenient hangers that ensure reliability and ease of attachment to any type of battery. The house comes with a removable soft textile pillow for comfortable sleep. The model is characterized by hassle-free care. It is enough to wipe the wooden structure with a dry cloth, and periodically wash the pillow in a machine.


  • Functionality;
  • Original performance;
  • Easy care;
  • Durable design;
  • Made from natural materials.


  • Plywood darkens over time.

The older the cat, the more it sleeps, choosing the warmest place in the apartment. Having a radiator-powered hammock in your home will ensure comfortable sleep for your elderly pet.


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Miniature furniture

Do you like to take cute photos of your animals? Then you will appreciate this option. If your pets love to walk on the bed, in particular on the pillow, in the morning, then it will not be difficult for your cat to get used to his own small bed. You can also choose a sofa from miniature furniture. To make such furniture more interesting, purchase a small bedspread and cute pillows that will match the style of your bed linen. You will have a cute arrangement in the room.


Bed for dogs/cats Darell “Domino”

694 rub.


Useful tips

Not a single step-by-step instruction for creating a cat house with your own hands can be considered absolutely correct. The individual characteristics of the animal, its height and weight, temperament and activity are always taken into account.

  • When making a house for a kitten, you should be guided by the fact that the animal will grow over time - it is unlikely that the owner will want to redo the structure in the future.
  • It is not recommended to tie scratching posts with too thin a rope - they quickly break and are difficult to replace.
  • In wooden houses you need to make several holes. In nature, cats always have additional exits in their homes, which they readily use.
  • If the house is multi-tiered, then you need to prepare both horizontal and vertical passages.

When creating a full-fledged play area, ladders are made, cross bars are installed, and ropes and toys are hung. Cats turn any object into play equipment. Their nature has a unique ability to use all available means. And experts have noticed that the more opportunities an animal has to move and jump in a variety of ways, the stronger its bones and ligaments, the more stable its psyche, and there will never be problems with excess weight.

Cardboard house

The advantage of such a house is the variety of models. You will definitely find an option that you like and will suit the interior of your apartment. It could be a wigwam, a hut, a birdhouse or a cave. There are so many options that it’s impossible to list them all. It’s not difficult to make such a shelter yourself - all you need to do is use unnecessary cardboard boxes and assemble them according to a layout that can be easily found on the Internet. To make your cat more comfortable and warmer, lay your pet's favorite blanket inside the house.

Just keep in mind: if your pet is active and very playful, such a house is unlikely to last for a long time. In this case, it is better to purchase a house made of multilayer cardboard from a special store - your four-legged friend will not be able to damage it.


Cardboard cat house Forest adventure

229 rub.


Trixie scratching post

The Trixie scratching post has a pillar shape and a stable round base. As an additional bonus, there is a toy for your pet, which is tightly attached to the post itself. The entire structure is covered in cesal, which is very durable and pleasant to the cat's paws. The assortment includes a choice of color models.


  1. There is a choice of colors;
  2. Bonus toy;
  3. Stable support;
  4. Strong and reliable material;
  5. Hypoallergenic materials.


  1. Small size of the model.

Soft bed

Does your pet like to sleep on your pillow and other soft objects? Then he will definitely like the soft bed. These beds come in different colors and shapes, so you are sure to find an option that will not only please your pet, but will also suit the interior of the room.


Curver Pet Bed with Knitted Comfort Pillow

RUB 7,994


Where do “legs grow” from?

Throughout their “evolutionary life,” these animals seek shelter in order to feel protected from large predators. In an open area, a cat is practically unable to relax and fully rest - to do this, it needs to hide in a safe place. Of course, our pets do not experience such constant stress; they are able to sit comfortably in a chair, on the kitchen table, and even on their owner’s head. However, they sometimes get nervous, not finding a quiet place where they could hide from troubles and wait out some time. A tunnel for a cat is simply necessary, especially if the animal has a shy character or has just arrived in the house.

Wild cats need shelter not only for protection from predators, but also for hunting. A pet, no matter how lazy it may be, is also a hunter. And deep down, each of them dreams of catching valuable prey. If there are no suitable objects for this, the owner’s feet are used as they pass by the cat sitting in ambush.

Pets rarely walk outside, so they don’t move enough, which can harm the animal’s health. Boxes, cabinets, tunnels are objects that help maintain the required level of activity for the cat.

Felt house

Do you know the feeling when you want to wrap yourself in a blanket with a mug of warm tea and sit like that for an eternity? Cats are not far behind us in this regard. Of course, they don’t drink tea, but they really value warmth, coziness and comfort.

The advantage of such a house is that wool perfectly retains and releases heat, so it will be comfortable at any time of the year.


House for a cat made of felt “Cat House”

RUB 2,188


How to choose a safe playground for your cat

Complexes for cat fun are divided into 3 types:

  • stationary;
  • wall;
  • spatial.

The first option is the most popular. Such structures consist of several tiers of different parts connected to each other. Progression upward occurs along columns and ladders. The basic components are fixed by a rigid frame. For a small apartment, you can choose a small complex consisting of 3-4 elements.

Wall modifications are made of wood and rag material. In the first case, there are houses, horizontal platforms and crossbars, in the soft ones - hammocks, whatnots, scratching posts, etc. Such platforms are mounted on a wall or any vertical surface. It is considered budget-friendly, but it does not always look harmonious in the interior.

But spatial complexes can take up an entire room. And they are not cheap. They contain all kinds of elements and in single quantities. Typically, such zones are purchased by owners of several pets.

Cats are safer where they feel comfortable.

Criterias of choice

Most owners of mustachioed pets, when choosing a play area, are guided by appearance, others look at the price (whether it is affordable for them). In reality, you need to build on the pet’s character traits. If the cat is too active and inquisitive, a simple complex with a minimum of elements will not suit her. This one needs something more complicated, where you can climb, jump and hide from prying eyes to your heart’s content.

For lazy people who once again do not want to leave their homes, a house with a scratching post and a reclining area will be enough. If there are several pets in the house, then there should be more than one house in the complex - according to the number of those in need. An important factor is the size of the house - it should not be cramped for the cat.

Here are some recommendations for choosing:

  1. Some cats prefer to hide in enclosed structures, others like to lie on open beds (to observe the events taking place around them). Therefore, it is advisable that the play complex has 2 different sleeping places at the same time.
  2. From a beauty point of view, upholstery made from long-pile material looks more impressive. But, in fact, it will become a real dust collector and will require frequent cleaning. It is more practical when the parts are covered with carpet, carpet or soft fabric.
  3. Usually the color of the playground is not important for the user, but the owners prefer bright colors. Don't be fooled by this, as toxic dyes may be added to such fabrics. This may harm the pet.
  4. There must be at least one scratching post.
  5. The closer the structural elements are located to each other, the more difficult it will be to clean out the accumulated dirt and wool between them. It is recommended to purchase a mini vacuum cleaner for these purposes.

Quality of gaming complexes

There is another factor when choosing - wear resistance. The indicator depends on the strength of the material. First of all, this concerns the areas for sharpening claws, since it is most exposed to attacks by the animal.

It is preferable that the upholstery be made of coarse fabric: sisal, jute fiber, carpet. Often the first two options are confused due to the similarity in many respects: appearance, color (beige, gray). Both materials are natural, environmentally friendly, and quite wear-resistant. Only for kittens and small cats is jute more suitable due to its less rigidity. There are also differences in cost - sisal is much more expensive and is used mainly in premium models.

To check the upholstery material for the quality of the dye, just rub the fabric with a damp cloth. There will be a mark on it if the coloring material is cheap. And a wet place will give off an unpleasant smell of chemicals.

The cat should like to spend time in the play complex.
But the frame can be made of plastic, wood, metal or other durable material. The main thing is that every element is recorded. Protruding outward fasteners, which can lead to injury to the animal, are not allowed.

Ball of thread

Another modern and versatile house shape for your furbaby. These fidgets love to play with threads so much that a house stylized as a ball will become their favorite place to relax.


Wicker basket house for animals

3,000 rub.



Cat owners know that finding a hidden pet can be very difficult: it can be on the mezzanine, under the bottom shelf of the closet, under the bathroom - anywhere. Animals often choose places that are completely unsuitable for playing and sleeping: it could be an oven, a microwave oven, a washing machine, a car engine, or any other place. Cats are instinctively drawn to warmth and secluded places, and even in sleep they remain alert.

To prevent an animal from seeking shelter in inappropriate places, it is best to provide it with a suitable one. Today you can choose a shelter to suit every taste: houses, palaces, couches, tunnels.

Fish house

This is the case when it was not the cat who ate the fish for lunch, but the fish that ate the cat. Of course, in a figurative sense. An option for owners who are not afraid to experiment with the appearance of the house and at the same time value the comfort of their pet. This composition can be played up by placing a lounger with a marine theme inside the house. So your cat will turn into the captain of the ship.


House "Owl"

RUB 2,575


Tools and materials for work

You can first choose the material for making a cat house with your own hands, and only then find the necessary tools.

A wooden cat house is the most complex and labor-intensive, but very practical and durable. To make it you will need a regular saw, screws and a screwdriver.

But it’s better if the master has a different, more versatile set of tools at his disposal:

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • furniture stapler and large staples;
  • glue gun;
  • corner and regular clamps;
  • tape measure and a set of rulers - simple and angular;
  • stationery knife and scissors;
  • screws, metal corners, staples, universal glue for wood and fabric.

The walls and roof are made of thick plywood or chipboard, and the external and internal lining is made of strong furniture upholstery - it is dense, has a long service life and has good resistance to sharp claws. With this set it is quite possible to build a cat house in 1-2 days.

The most budget option for a cat house is thick cardboard. You can take new sheets and use the remaining packaging from large household appliances (refrigerators, TVs, stoves) for the project.

Corrugated boxes hold their shape well and are easy to cut and glue. A set of accessories for such a house:

  • sharp knife and scissors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • glue;
  • office stapler.

The sketch and diagram of a cat house can be drawn directly on the material and immediately cut out along the intended lines.

Fabric and foam house. It requires the least number of tools, and women's hands can handle the job in a matter of hours. But a sewing machine capable of processing edges and joining several layers of dense fabric is required. To insert the foam filler, you need to provide detachable zippers, since it will have to be periodically pulled out and disinfected.

Fabric houses can be quite simple, without wide internal elements. To do this, you will additionally need thin wooden slats, and the design will be very similar to a camping tent or Indian wigwam. A soft house for a cat, which you can make with your own hands, usually turns out to be a designer one - each owner comes up with something individual for his pet.

There are also quite exotic ways of arranging a cat’s house. For example, weaving from newspaper tubes. The result is something like a basket of any shape - it all depends on your imagination and the time spent. But the hard bottom of the house will still have to be covered with a soft foam mat or other dense mattress.


Cat on a bed

To tear through the cat’s claws, at worst, a simple post or board will suffice, pos. 1 in Fig. However, it is better to complement it with a bed, pos. 2. Firstly, in nature, cat markers are not equivalent. One of them, with an elevated bench for relaxation and an observation deck above it, is the main one, the capital, so to speak. It is not necessarily in the center, it can be on the periphery. The cat's territory in the home is limited. You can do without boundary (contour) markers, but the main one will give the cat dignity, which, in turn, can well decorate the interior, see fig. on right.

Scratching posts for cats with a bed

But to combine a scratching post with a house, and even installed below, as in pos. 3, should not. In natural conditions, the cat's den is never combined with the main marker, for safety reasons. Some exceptions are cats of Asian origin: Siamese, Bengal, Abyssinian, etc., the territory of whose ancestors in the jungle is limited to an area of ​​just one tree. But then the house must be elevated and equipped with 2 exits: a spare one perpendicular to the main one and opens onto an additional platform, pos. 4.

It is best if the scratching post with a bed and viewing platform is not a straight column, but a branched one, somewhat reminiscent of a tree, pos. 5. This can be built from cardboard pipes, see below. And on to the next. rice. – drawings of scratching posts with a climbing frame and platforms: on the left for energetic and jumping cats, and on the right for phlegmatic and sedate cats.

Drawings of scratching posts with beds and climbing frames

About the sites

Houses, toys, climbing frames and beds for cats are actually a different topic. In relation to scratching posts with platforms, it would be appropriate to say that the bed and the “observatory” do not need to be covered: cats have soft fur of their own. If you want to visually ennoble the product, then you don’t need to fasten the fabric like furniture, with nails or staples: metal can tear off a claw if it gets caught, and it conducts electricity too well for cats.

Cat areas are lined with PVA glue: when dried, it is odorless and is harmless and indifferent to cats. Step-by-step instructions for covering a cat bed with fabric are as follows:

  1. We cut with an allowance for the edge thickness plus 25-30 mm;
  2. We cut out the base (plywood or board 16 mm thick) with rounded corners so that the folds on them are small or can be completely dispersed;
  3. Apply glue to the upper part in rays and along the contour, see fig. on right. It is better to do this with a brush to immediately disperse the glue in a thin layer;
  4. Immediately, before the glue begins to set, we apply the fabric;
  5. We coat the edge with glue and, together with it, under the platform along the contour by 35-40 mm;
  6. We fold the fabric over the edge and tuck it under;
  7. From the bottom we pull the tight-fitting thread with a needle, zigzag along and across;
  8. Straighten the folds at the corners;
  9. We dry it for a day, there is no need to apply pressure;
  10. We cut off the excess fabric at the bottom along with the threads;
  11. Instead of overcasting, we impregnate the fold of the fabric on the underside with the same PVA, diluted by half with water.

Covering tunnels with carpet

The next stage is to cover the tunnels with carpet. We chose a gray shade. It matched perfectly with the color of our cat's coat. Buy a covering measuring 3 m x 6 m, because you need to cover two 60 cm long tunnels from the inside and outside. If you don't want to cover the inside, you can simply buy a 3m x 3m to cover just the outside of the pipes. We decided that it would be better to have leftovers than not have enough material to create such wonderful houses for our cat.

We chose a natural fiber carpet. It cost much more than synthetic in the store, but there was nowhere to go. I didn't want to constantly clean our pet's houses. With natural carpet there will never be any problems with cleaning, I guarantee you that. Loop natural carpet does not accumulate pet hair like other types of pile. Moreover, it will be convenient for the cat to sharpen its claws on it.

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We place the tube in the middle of a 120 cm x 150 cm piece of material so that the sections wrap around it. Leave two and a half centimeters at the ends. This is necessary so that the edges of the tunnel are also completely covered with carpet and are not visible. Wrap the carpet around the pipe and make sure it completely covers its circumference.

We make several marks along the carpet, 2.5 cm more than where it overlaps. We cut the carpet so that it completely covers the pipe with a slight overlap. We apply liquid nails to the back of the carpet only where the carpet backing touches the pipe. We start along the first end of the pipe. We use liquid nails. Do not spare them, because the carpet must fit tightly and securely to the tunnel. Then we apply liquid nails along the pipe until we reach the second end. We cut off the carpet remnants. Glue the seams. It is necessary for the structure to dry for 2-3 hours.

In order to proceed to the next step, you need to place the tunnel on the table. We find the place where the two seams meet, measure about 15 cm and cut the carpet into strips. We apply liquid nails to the strip, stretch it and pull the carpet into the pipe.

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We cut another strip and apply liquid nails, pull and pull the carpet into a pipe, align the edges with the first strip that we glued. We continue to follow the same pattern until we reach the last strip. We will have to cut this strip along the edges to match the first and last strip we glued. We turn the pipe over and do the same on the other side. If there are any gaps, you can take the carpet scraps and glue them inside.

Step by step instructions 4

Attach the foam to the inside walls of the large box using tape.

Insert a small box like a nesting doll.

Place non-synthetic rags at the bottom. Do not use wool, as it strongly absorbs moisture. The best option is a fleece blanket.

Wrap the house in thick, waterproof film. Tape all seams with wide tape to avoid drafts.

In the corner of the structure, cut a 15x15 cm exit. As you know, a cat crawls through a hole if its head passes through. A small hole is necessary to retain heat. Secure the edges of the hole with tape.

Make a foundation of bricks or boards - the house needs to rise above the ground for additional insulation from cold and water.

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