Why does a strange cat come into the house, interpretation of signs depending on the color of the coat

Cats are unusual creatures; they sense the energies of the cosmos and inform an attentive person about upcoming events. If a cat comes into the house, it is believed that she brought news and changes with her. You cannot rudely drive her away, since luck and prosperity will leave the house along with the fluffy messenger. To clarify the intentions of fate, you need to take into account the time when the cat ran into the house and its color.

What do cats come to: good or bad?

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The common meaning will be with representatives of the felines - to change. You don’t need to wait for them, they themselves ask to come to your house and appear in your dreams. But in order to correctly decipher what is happening, you need to take into account individual details: age, fur color, time of year. According to folk superstitions, if cats come into the house, you must let them in. After all, they have a special connection with the other world. Sensing danger, with their appearance they try to neutralize the invading negativity, cleanse the energy of the home, and protect from ill-wishers. It is important to pay attention to whose room the guest entered: it is this person who will experience changes in the near future.

In India, it is believed that a visit foreshadows the birth of a child or an imminent wedding, in Egypt - good luck, peace and family well-being, in Africa - it protects against death. The ancient Russians thought the same. But in China this is a bad omen, leading to impoverishment.

If a cat comes to the house where the patient is sick, it must be fed and offered to stay. She rubbed herself near the bed and then left - a sign of a speedy recovery. These animals not only heal, but also take away illnesses upon themselves.


The only case when an animal cannot be left is if it appeared immediately after someone's death. You need to feed and open the door wide, otherwise the entity will not rest.

And if the cat came into the house after the funeral 9 or more days later, you can warm it up. According to the sign, this is news from the other world that everything is fine, and in their place they sent a creature who will look after and protect.

Separately, this sign of fate should be deciphered by unmarried people. The appearance of a cat indicates that at least a year will pass before meeting your soulmate, but you should expect success in your studies, work, and career growth is expected. If you really want to get married, the omen can be neutralized - a male animal should be given a stylized female name. For example: Lyusek, Verusz, Majek and so on. Then fate will be deceived.

Let's talk about color

A cat coming into the house is a good sign. Its meaning can be clarified by the color of the coat. It is believed that a red color promises wealth and prosperity, a white cat brings good luck, a black one will protect you from thieves and give you health, and if a tricolor cat lives in your home, happiness is guaranteed.

However, in different countries and among different peoples, opinions on this issue differ. Sometimes, a white cat is considered a harbinger of misfortune, but there is no need to talk about black ones. Below we will look at how color is most often interpreted.

  1. The color black is associated with witchcraft, occult powers, and protection. If we discard all superstitions, then we can say with complete confidence that it is precisely such animals that save all household members from negativity in the house, giving them wisdom and also endowing them with insight. It is a well-known fact that the English, for example, idolize this animal: if a black cat is in their house, it is considered great joy. It is important to remember that if a strange cat from the street came into your house already “in a state”, you need to keep only the black kitten, and it is advisable to give the rest to other people. Someone else's cat can become your true friend in the future.
  2. If red cats and cats appear in your home, remember that their energy is exclusively masculine, they are awarded with Solar power. You are lucky if you are the owner of such a cat, because he will bring prosperity and prosperity to your home.
  3. But gray cats are gentle by nature and will give you only joy and good luck. In Thailand, there is even a special tradition - such kittens are presented as a wedding gift to brides, as a symbol of great love and tenderness.
  4. Rejoice if, at a time when someone in your house is sick, a white cat wanders into your home, because such representatives have incredible healing powers. If you don't have enough energy or want to relieve stress, just put this pussy next to you - it will put you in a good mood. Americans are sure that it is a good sign if such a “beauty” comes into the house.
  5. A tricolor cat will bring you real happiness, there is no doubt about it. In addition, such representatives are also considered excellent hunters, and therefore your home will be in “safe hands.”

What does the cat's behavior indicate?

According to popular beliefs, by the actions of an animal you can understand what the atmosphere is in a home, find out the essence of the people living in it:

  • rubs against the legs - shows that the person is good;
  • scratches furniture - to bad weather, to a storm;
  • suddenly throws itself at your feet when you leave - warns of troubles;
  • sneezes often - to change;
  • sleeps on the threshold - protects from negativity;
  • washes himself with his left paw - for a visit from friends;
  • right - to ill-wishers;
  • with two paws, reluctantly, freezing - to spend within 2-3 days;
  • begins to bite your legs - warns of deterioration in health;
  • twitches his tail, sitting next to him - warns of difficulties;
  • broke a mirror - to illness;
  • follows on the heels - towards money;
  • meows continuously - to add to the family or to make purchases.

You can guess the weather by your pet's behavior. A cat washes itself often in winter - means snowfalls, behaves restlessly - means a storm, looks for a warm place - means cold weather, plays with itself - means rain, stretches out on its back - means warming.


Scottish Folds simply sleep on their backs - this is a typical position for them.

Recognizing guest behavior

If a stray cat appears in your apartment, you should monitor its behavior. There are signs about where he will lie down, who he will caress about, begin to purr or “wash” guests. If there is a new addition to the family and the cat rubs against the legs of a pregnant woman, this indicates that she is about to give birth. If the cat came on the eve of the wedding, and even sneezed near the bride, this means that the union will be happy. Signs about cats sleeping on the table warn that the family will soon bury the deceased.

The cat loves the house, his arrival means that he has made a choice at his own discretion. Perhaps you are lucky, he came to improve your energy and that means everything will work out, so a mustachioed-striped man who left home is a very bad folk omen. Most likely, some evil force threatens the person. Whether a guest has black or tricolor fur is not important, the main thing is that he likes your life.

In the old days, cats were valued for their records in catching mice. It is known that Empress Elizabeth specially ordered 30 mousetraps from Kazan to guard the Winter Palace; they were extremely famous for their dexterity. They say that the kittens of those cats are still “working” in the Hermitage, and in Kazan there is a monument to the cat Alabrys. Today cats are valued according to completely different parameters. It happens that a buyer must pay thousands of dollars for a rare copy. Perhaps one such cat will want to visit you too. So, check what kind of cat came into the house not only by its signs, but also by its price.

Monthly value

To more accurately decipher the sign of fate, you need to take into account the time of year when the animal appeared on the doorstep. Folklore clarifies the sign by month as follows:

  1. January is for dating. But perhaps this is an indication that you need to become more sociable.
  2. February brings significant changes. In the near future, renovations, moving, pregnancy, and going on vacation are possible.
  3. March is for romantic relationships. A cat for a girl means a meeting with her lover, her future soul mate.
  4. April - success at work, receiving a bonus, good luck in business.
  5. May - warning. You need to avoid wasteful spending and think about your health. To neutralize the negative, the cat should be combed, and then the hairball should be placed in a place where money is kept or in a first aid kit. In the latter case, it is wrapped in a clean napkin.
  6. June - protection. The animal appears to cleanse the energy of the home. A sign to cut ties with people you subconsciously don’t like.
  7. July - to recovery. Having a cat is especially useful when there are sick people in the house. Illnesses will pass quickly. To enhance the impact, it is advisable to allow the guest to sleep on the pillows.
  8. August. Evil forces will no longer be able to move into the home - they will definitely be kicked out. The guest should be perceived as a talisman of good luck.
  9. September - you can relax. The appearance relieves bad dreams and bad thoughts and helps restore mental strength.
  10. October - you need to get rid of empty thoughts and people, reconsider your behavior. Surely most of the effort is wasted. By the way, it's time to throw out the trash.
  11. November - cats come to cleanse the souls of their owners from negativity. But there is another interpretation - to restore a romantic relationship. The best sign is if the animal is black.

And finally, December is the time to think about changes. The New Year is coming soon, we need to enter it with positivity. A running animal is an excellent assistant in this matter.

The magic of cats. Why did your cat come to you?

I live in an apartment and was adamantly opposed to pets in an apartment, pets should have access to the outside and freedom that they do not have in an apartment... that's what I used to think, until one day my cat came to me. I was about to cross the road, but a strange sound stopped me, I couldn’t understand what it was and where it was coming from, I stopped and listened, turned my head and saw something moving in the grass.

It was a tiny, absolutely scary kitten screaming “good obscenities”, her eyes were stuck together, dirty, flea-infested. I immediately realized that this was my cat, but there was a struggle inside me, because I am against animals in the apartment, but leaving this “misfortune” means dooming her to certain death... at first I tried to “place” her with passers-by and people passing by in cars, but no one desired such “happiness.”

I called my husband and told him how dirty, flea-infested, etc. she was, he said, “Take it,” and I took a towel out of my bag and wrapped her, she fell silent. I ask her: “Well, why are you silent?” Silent. She fit in the palm of my husband, we treated her for a long time and repeatedly... there were enough adventures.

Soon I came across an article about how cats take on negativity and come to the family for a reason. After analyzing the situation, I understood why my cat came to me. The article that I am sharing with you today will help you understand why your cat came to you. I have a 100% hit rate. This is our cat, now she is beautiful!

The dog is considered a recognized protector of humans. The cat does not bark at passers-by or rush. But it is she who protects the house from the invasion of real evil - negativity from the Subtle World, uninvited guests who you just don’t see.

It only seems to us that we make the decision to get a cat ourselves. But in fact, cats, for certain reasons, chose us and appointed us as their owners.

So why did the kitten come to you?

Astrology will allow you to determine its “goals and objectives”: depending on what month the cat appeared in the house, you can say what it is trying to protect the owners of the home from.

If Murka settled with you in the month of Aries, it means that one of the family members needed energy support. In addition, a cat coming at this time will force you to open up to the world around you.

True, the “Aries” kitty will bring a lot of trouble: she is capable of running away in the middle of the night, scratching at the door at any time of the day, and demanding increased attention. In search of your beloved pet, you will run through the streets or climb trees to remove the unfortunate animal from the branch. But this is for your own good: your home and you are too closed.

In the month of Taurus, the cat will bring protection from energy losses, from thieves, from loss of material assets, and from negative emotions. If a cat appears at this time, it means that someone wants to rob you or damage your property. All this applies not only to apartments and houses, but also to institutions and offices. By the way, if you are worried about money, a Taurus cat is quite capable of “charging” your wallet, savings book or credit card. Stroke the kitty with these symbols of material success, let him rub his back against them, stroke his paws.

A cat that appears in the month of Gemini will rid the owners of bad connections and unnecessary people in the house. In addition, she is excellent at relieving headaches and can improve the memory of her owners: this is exactly what the four-legged healer does, purring under your ear. The “twin” cat will help pupils and students prepare for tests and exams. If the learning process is not going well, pay more attention to the cat and play with her. The positive charge received through the hands will have a positive effect on intellectual abilities.

In the month of Cancer, just like in the month of Taurus, a cat will help deal with negativity associated with property. If an animal gives you its company at this particular time, it means that a lot of things saturated with negative or stagnant energy have accumulated in the house. Feel free to throw everything out of the closets and let the cat lie on the stale skirts and blouses. And at the same time, you will figure out for yourself: what is worth keeping and what makes sense to get rid of.

In the month of Leo, cats appear to protect their owners from unnecessary spending and from the invasion of dark forces. In especially dangerous cases, not one, but several cats may settle in the house to protect you and your children from destructive emotions and destructive addictions.

In the month of Virgo, cats come to the home of seriously ill people, as well as to places where major repairs are required. They are the best fighters against the dominance of any evil spirits, both ordinary and astral: mice, cockroaches, all kinds of drummers. Such cats do not stay in the house for long: they are “crisis workers.” They show up, do their job and go home.

In the month of Libra, a cat will appear to save your home and family from falling apart. It will help you cope with negative and induced damage, with slander on your personal life, on property, especially if someone is going to sue it from you. If a cat has moved in with you at this time, we advise you to insure the house against all possible damages just in case. And an animal that comes to you at this time indicates a possible change of housing, and not without judicial intervention: forced sale, exchange.

In the month of Scorpio, the cat comes to specifically fight black magic, which is especially strong now. The appearance of a four-legged magician directly indicates a strong dark influence, most often directed at one of the spouses (all kinds of love spells).

In the month of Sagittarius, a cat rarely comes into the house, but if this happens, consider this a serious warning: negative energy is directed at your home from the authorities or any pseudo-religious sects.

In the month of Capricorn, the cat will note with its arrival that you are too closed and it’s time to let someone else into your home. If at this time a single woman becomes the owner of a cat, know: in the near future she will not be able to get married or make friends. Don’t adopt a cat; it’s better to try to get rid of loneliness as quickly as possible and transform yourself and your home.

In the month of Aquarius, a cat brings a wind of freedom and change into your life. She is literally ready to kick you out of the house if you don’t stop being a recluse and don’t expand your social circle. This month, your cat is ready to start a cat kindergarten in your home, just to fill the space with fresh energy. With all her might, she shows that your home lacks warmth, love and friendship.

In the month of Pisces, a cat will come to your hearth if it emits a sharp smell of loneliness, if your house has a magical sign of widowhood or a “crown of celibacy.” During this month, cats also come to the homes of magicians and sorcerers, helping them perform magical work.


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How to adopt a cat

Under no circumstances should an animal be kicked out. He needs to be fed, offered a place to sleep and rest. If you want to leave it, you need to immediately comb it with a new comb. This will immediately position the animal, it will find its place faster.

If you push with your feet, roughly kick out, the prediction will turn over. If it promises happiness, a bad streak will come, money will quickly run out, conflicts will begin at work, and quarrels will begin in the family.

You should immediately choose a name: call different nicknames, whichever one he reacts to will be suitable. In the future, you should gradually accustom him to the rules of living: do not punish if the animal does not immediately get used to the tray, do not push him out of bed.


Cats are smart representatives of the fauna; they understand not only words, but also intonations.

The cat came into the house to give birth

The appearance of a pregnant cat on your doorstep is a wonderful sign, promising abundance in any form. This could be an influx of finances, gifts, pleasant purchases, fruitful ideas, or the imminent arrival of a baby in the family. If a pregnant cat comes into the house, she needs to be given a decent welcome: fed, warmed and allowed to stay if she expresses such a desire - this is how you symbolically invite good luck to you. But keep in mind that forcibly keeping an animal in the house will not lead to anything good, so if the cat wants to leave, give it this opportunity.

What to do if you can’t accept?

It is not always possible to leave a guest at home. There can be many reasons: small children, allergy sufferers, or simply reluctance. In order for a good omen to remain, you need to feed the cat, and then pick it up and take it away so that it does not return. Everyone does this affectionately, explaining why this happened. The messenger of good should not be offended.

Just before removing the “alien” from the house, you should make sure that he is not the neighbors’ pet. Perhaps the animal, after a walk, confused the door or entrance. Most often this is what happens. If the cat is returned to its owners, then all the good things that her visit portends will be doubled.

Real reasons

Even proud street cats, in a moment of despair, can seek help from humans.
Possible explanations for this behavior of the animal:

  • the neighbors' cat ran away from home or got lost;
  • a street animal decided to turn to people due to severe cold and hunger;
  • a pregnant cat, guided by maternal instinct, is looking for a quiet place to give birth;
  • the animal comes to the house of a friend whom he trusts.

Kindness and pity

People's irresponsible attitude towards animals has led to the appearance of a large number of stray cats, which can be seen on the streets of every city. It is painful for a kind, compassionate person to see a hungry, emaciated, unkempt kitten who asks for help with a plaintive meow and a naive look. This is how a pet appears in the house.

Sometimes such a foundling is not left alone. People who pick up one cat on the street soon get another animal, or maybe several, driven by the desire to help homeless pets. There are people who devote their lives to placing cats in good hands or organizing shelters.

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