Why do you dream about a white cat? Dream Interpretation about White Cats: Detailed Interpretation

Cats have long been considered special animals. As long as the domestic dog has existed, so has human love for it. In ancient times, these animals were not only especially revered. It was believed that furry animals were endowed with special abilities and even possessed magical powers.

Even today people attach great importance to symbolism. Many people want to know why a white cat dreams.

Dream Interpretations

There are many interpretations of the same dream symbols. Animals were no exception. The meaning of a “cat” dream is described differently in different dream books.

In addition to the source of interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to the context of the dream. What was the dream about? What mood did the person wake up in after what he saw?

The same dream can be interpreted differently depending on the relationship of the sleeper to the dreamed object. For example, if the dreamer has a white cat at home, then a dream about it can mean taking care of the pet, while a cat dreamed of by a person who does not like cats will have a completely different meaning.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's dream book says that seeing a white cat in a dream is not good. Such an animal portends some disappointment in life. Where exactly failure awaits the sleeper can be judged by the context of the dream. If the dreamer comes into contact with an animal, then perhaps failure will meet him in personal matters.

Is it bad to dream about cats?

If the dreamer managed to drive away an aggressive animal, then he will be able to emerge from the “fight” in life as a winner.

The external state of the animal will tell a lot about future events. Seeing a sick white myrlyk in a dream is a bad sign. Perhaps soon one of the sleeper’s friends will need his help. The confrontation between a sick cat and a person speaks of the fight against the disease. If a person managed to avoid contact with a rival or was lucky enough to drive her away, the illness will be overcome.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, a white musk in a dream represents the social contacts of the sleeper. A dream with a negative connotation promises quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. The white cat warns - be careful both in work and in friendship.

If the sleeper is trying to catch a white cat, then an interesting person with an extraordinary mind and bright temperament will soon appear in his life.

Loff's Dream Book

Loff's dream book reports that a cat is not such a bad sign. This animal has long been considered magical, and the white one was even interpreted as a manifestation of higher powers. If you dreamed of a snow-colored cat, feel free to rely on your intuition and act - you won’t go wrong.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hasse's dream book says that white cats are ill-wishers. If you see a lot of snow-white ants, be careful with the thoughts you are going to say out loud - not all of them will be perceived correctly.

Seeing white kittens in a dream means betrayal among close friends.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book interprets the dream about a white cat from the negative side. Murka personifies cunning and flattery, so the dreamer needs to take a closer look at close people. Perhaps there are ill-wishers among them.

General interpretations

A cat in a dream is traditionally considered an unkind sign. Cats are associated with bad character traits, so a dream about a white cat is usually equated with bad news.

However, some interpreters say that the color of the animal’s fur merely indicates the period during which the prophecy will come true. The snow-white color indicates that you won’t have to wait long - the dream will come true in the shortest possible time.

A dream in which a person sees a white mother with kittens does not bode well. The sleeper will face disappointments and failures.

Holding a white pet in your arms means participating in dubious matters. If the animal is friendly to you, you may be able to get away with it. If you find it difficult to hold your pet and he bites, reconsider your plans regarding current affairs. Perhaps failure awaits you in them.

Values ​​by day of month

The interpretation of the dream depends on when it was seen:

1Improved mood
2Appropriation of other people's achievements
3Help friends
5Illness of a relative
6Troubles associated with the dreamer's irresponsibility
7Gossip at work
8A waste of time
9Cheating on your spouse
10Romantic date
11Financial losses
12Deception from loved ones
13Flirting with your boss
14Concluding a profitable deal
16Career advancement
17Nice gift
18Disappointment in friends
19Getting rid of fear
20Unexpected expenses
21Making dangerous mistakes
22Good luck at work
23Making the right decision
24Travel abroad
25Love affair at work
26Meeting interesting people
27Winning the lottery
28Job loss
29Conflict with neighbors
30Unexpected joy
31Disruption of vacation plans

Even if the interpretation turned out to be bad, do not despair. Sometimes dreams simply reflect situations experienced in reality.

Who dreamed

Depending on who dreamed of a white cat, the dream can be interpreted in different ways.

If a man sees a white cat in a dream, he needs to pay attention to the people around him. Someone close to him takes advantage of his kindness and feeds on his ideas. It is necessary to reconsider the circle of “well-wishers” and weed out the liars.

If a man saw a white cat with kittens in a dream, in his personal life he became a victim of intrigue. Most likely, some girl is trying to get him by any means. Do not delude yourself, her intentions are insincere.

A woman who sees a white cat in a dream needs to be careful. A cloud of someone else's envy hung over her. Someone is trying to take advantage of a woman's kindness.

You should be wary if in a girl’s dream a man turned into a white cat. In reality, this dream promises betrayal and betrayal.

Who else was in the dream?

Very often, in Morpheus’s embrace there is not only one object, but also other living beings. Who was waiting that night?

Cat and kittens

What were the kittens like?

Remember what color defenseless kittens were painted. If they were the same snow-white color as their mother, then long-awaited peace and harmony would reign in the house.

Multi-colored fluffy balls will bring fateful changes in your personal life. However, it is worth noting that in the case where they were very different from the snow-white color, you should be prepared for minor disagreements with the new partner.

Number of cats

If several white cats are present in a dream, the sleeper needs to pay attention to the state of his health. Most likely, the respiratory system may soon fail. Spend more time in the fresh air and don’t forget to warm yourself.

If you dreamed that a white cat gave birth to kittens, be careful. Such “offspring” promises a multiplication of existing problems. Moreover, it is worth noting whether the cat’s birth was easy. If everything ends well, you will find a quick resolution to your troubles. If the birth was difficult, be patient to overcome the difficulties.

Kill a cat

A dream in which an animal dies is not a pleasant one. However, it is worth remembering that this is just a dream, and its meaning is not bad. Since cats are ascribed negative qualities in dreams, dealing with the cat means overcoming difficulties.

If you managed to avoid contact with a white animal, or even took part in a fight with it, rest assured that your strength will be enough for all the trials that fate has prepared for you.

Killing a white cat in a dream means defeating an ill-wisher. Enemies will not stand up to your ingenuity. All that remains is to figure out who exactly from your environment intends to strike you.


Cats have always been considered special animals. The mystery of these pets made people believe that the furry ones had a special sense and were even endowed with some magical powers.

Thus, in ancient times it was believed that by the behavior of an animal one could predict future events in the house. Murka washing her paw was regarded as a harbinger of an imminent visit from guests. At the same time, it was customary to try the paw by touch. If the pads are cold, an unpleasant visit is expected; perhaps the guest will not be welcome in this house. If the paw is warm. Welcome guests will come to the house.

An interesting legend tells how the cat appeared on earth. According to myth, God, traveling across the earth, visited different lands. One day he lay down to rest and fell asleep. The mice, having discovered his bag, gnawed through the burden and began to steal bread from there. Waking up and noticing this, God threw a mitten at the mice, which turned into a cat.

In Rus' they treated cats very carefully. It was believed that offending an animal would certainly lead to failure. And the murder of someone else’s cat even prophesied seven years of grief for the person who committed the evil. Loving and protecting a pet was considered a must. In this way, people protected their home from unkind people and evil spirits.

The British are careful about cats. If an animal crosses the road, bad luck awaits the traveler. And it doesn’t matter what color the cat was. The same applies to the meowing that was heard during the journey. Sailors preferred not to go to sea if one of them saw a dead animal in the morning.

Fishermen, on the contrary, consider a cat a good sign and often take their pets with them fishing. Three-colored kittens are considered the most “successful”.

Cats are amazing creatures. If you dreamed of a white cat, pay attention to the animal’s attitude towards you in the dream. And remember, only those dreams to which you attach importance come true.

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Causes of dreams

While a person’s body relaxes and rests in sleep, his brain continues to work. He shuffles the received information and impressions with momentary sensations of the body - for example, at this moment you can feel cold or toothache, hear a mosquito buzzing over your ear, etc. - and forms fantastic images that weave into strange plots. This is very interesting and quite amenable to scientific analysis, but you should not clothe normal physiological processes in mysticism.

Sleep is not a mystical, but a physiological process

Why do people believe in dreams

Since ancient times, people have been interested and disturbed by what they saw in dreams, and they tried to find a variety of explanations for this - not always scientific, often understandable and applied - trying to connect the meaning of dreams with what happens in reality. The peak of fashion for dream books with the interpretation of night illusions occurred, perhaps, at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries; the modern theory of dreams originates from the analytics of Sigmund Freud and is based on the theories of many other scientists in Europe and America.

Inside every person there remains a child who wants to believe in miracles, magical fulfillment of desires and tips from some secret forces: how to live and what to expect. In this regard, your own dreams are a wonderful sphere, filled with vivid images, experiences and associations.

But the mechanism by which dreams arise remains a mystery to many, and accordingly, faith in the prophetic power of dreams is growing. Especially when they are inhabited by characters who are familiar from everyday life, but traditionally endowed with magical abilities. For example, a special place in the interpretation of the plots of night “cinema” is occupied by cats, which have lived next to humans for many millennia, but have still not lost the mysterious aura of a mystical, even totem animal.

Video: interpretation of dreams from an Islamic point of view

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