Why do you dream about a big fluffy cat: interpretation from dream books

Dream Interpretation: seeing a cat in a dream

Miller's Dream Book

interprets purring as an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances. It’s good if you managed to drive the animal away.


warns that the cat symbolizes a meeting with a selfish person. This won’t cause any major problems, but it will ruin your mood.

If you dream that a cat has caught a mouse or a rat, in reality you will have to witness a fierce quarrel.

Russian dream book

interprets an independent pet as a tendency of the head of the family to go to the left. If an unfamiliar purr is caressed, this reflects the desire of others to take advantage of the kindness of the sleeping person.

Cats predict a meeting with a proud and independent lady for a man.

Ukrainian version

interprets mustachioed animals as the treachery of enemies.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

suggests that many cats in the house are a symbol of communication with insincere people. False friends can cause damage.

Family dream book

pays special attention to the color of the animal. When you dream of a white cat, it foretells shopping. Black, warns of financial losses.

Two cats warn that the deception of hypocrites will lead to the sleeper losing his peace of mind.

According to the modern dream book

your own cat tells you to give up your idle lifestyle. In reality, this is not the time to relax - rivals are just waiting for the sleeper to make a mistake.

Women's dream book

suggests that a cat in your arms signals an attempt to be involved in a dishonorable act. You should avoid participating in scams to avoid becoming a victim.

Decoding the cat's characteristics

The symbolism and rules for the formation of midnight images are now well studied. Now you can decipher it yourself. The tips below will help the process.

Fluffy - what does it mean?

A strange acquaintance. Form an opinion based on your intuition. It doesn't hurt to be careful at first.

With blue eyes

Rapid, strange complications at work and at home. The blue-eyed handsome man is a kind of secret known to everyone except the sleeping one. Talk openly with your loved ones to dispel rumors.

Dead, killed

A corpse is a good omen. The soul calls for self-improvement. If you are already involved in any technique, you will achieve success. If you have not yet chosen the spiritual path, then it’s time to reflect on this topic.

Dead kote - purification, spent karma.

Stray, yard

Diseases will disrupt your usual daily routine. Nowadays prevention, diet, and health practices are relevant. The stray is not eating well - watch his stomach.


Lack of support. You have to resolve the situation with your own strength and understanding.


Evil itself will bring down existence. Wet milky fur is an inability to resist black energies.

A cat that gets wet in the pouring rain is melancholy.

Black and white

A complex case with unclear results. Take the reins of power into your own hands. If there is more blackness, you won’t be able to get out of it for a long time. The predominance of snow - to the opportunity to complete the painful process.

Several black and white copies mean communication with vile egoists.

A lot of

A gang of cats indicates their surroundings. There are a lot of good people nearby, but there are also bad people. An envious, unprincipled tyrant, pretending to be a sweetheart, climbed into the friendly circle. Beware of him.


Reveals details of the relationship of a certain important person to you. Affected - the reason for the manager’s patronage will be material interest. Attacks - they will call you to the carpet.

White kitten

A snowball hints at uncertainty and discomfort in communication. Several - you constantly find yourself in awkward situations, you are terribly shy. They ask you to eat - your relatives need money. Share.

Why do you dream about a red cat?

A large sign indicates that someone has a strong influence on the sleeping person.

Red Cat. If the subordinate position does not suit you, it is time to make an attempt to free yourself.

Caught little one

a red cat in a dream can foretell an early and unexpected pregnancy for girls. For men, such a dream plot signals a meeting with an authoritarian and powerful lady.

For sleeping people with children, if the ginger cat meows

in a dream, it’s time to get serious about raising your offspring. Otherwise, problems will turn into an insurmountable abyss.

In reality you will experience sadness if a ginger cat bites your hand


Aggressive cat

Dream interpreters contain explanations of why you saw an aggressive hissing cat, ready to attack. If an aggressor hisses loudly in a dream, in reality beware of robbers and scammers; the likelihood of meeting such individuals is now high.

When a cat growls, popularity can suddenly overtake him. For those who are not ready for fame, fame will bring sheer trouble. If you managed to drive away the enemy before he had time to grab hold of you, you can easily defeat real enemies. If you have caused damage, there will be a serious struggle in reality.

Vaska rushes

A cat attack foreshadows the emergence of a new enemy. When a small predator rushes at you unsuccessfully in a dream, the confrontation will not cause harm. If you manage to scratch until it bleeds when you pounce, the damage will be significant.

The evil Vaska throws himself at your feet? The Wanderer's Dream Book advises to refrain from amorous adventures for a while. When he throws himself on his chest, he is overcome by causeless melancholy. If a cat attacks, there is a risk of illness and slander.

Bites and scratches

This is what the injuries inflicted by the mustachioed striped bear testify to:

  • If a cat scratches in a dream, in reality you will give a beautiful rebuff;
  • You dream of an intimate relationship with a scratched person;
  • A cat bite on a friend promises disappointment in him;
  • If you are bitten, be picky about who you meet;
  • Pay attention to areas where marks were left in the dream.

Why do you dream about a black cat?

The possible influence of extraordinary forces is suggested by the dream of a huge

black cat. It is also a symbol that the enemies are quite powerful.

a small black kitten as a reflection of suspicions of infidelity

family people. You should not rashly rush to sort things out; it is advisable to think through a smooth line of behavior in a conversation that cannot be avoided.

Danger is approaching if a black cat crosses the road

in a dream. A motley animal means a difficult situation that can be resolved positively or lead to failure.

What do cat sounds mean?

The cat can purr and organize March concerts. Dream books will help you decipher what a particular sound in a cat’s language means in dreams:

  • If Murzik screams heart-rendingly, it means that the new friend is a hypocrite;
  • When it purrs peacefully, a scandal is brewing;
  • Purring in a dream speaks of the calm before the storm;
  • If it rumbles, uninvited guests will provoke a family quarrel;
  • Persistent meowing means that litigation is approaching;
  • The cat whines in anticipation of vulgar gestures towards the lady;
  • The cry of an invisible cat promises deception.

Why do you dream about a white cat?

The big one warns about a hidden unfavorable situation

White cat. The dream advises a young girl to be more careful in the company of unfamiliar people, and also to avoid excessive frankness with her friends.


The white cat symbolizes promiscuity in people. There is a risk of suffering due to your own naivety.


a white cat portends difficulties with finances. The problem may occur as a result of deliberate deception.

Diseases of the digestive tract are symbolized by a dream of a white cat on the street

. It is worth paying more attention to the quality of products.

Peacefully resting home

a white cat in a dream reflects the nature of the dreamer’s existence. Life is dominated by laziness and relaxation. In general, when you dream of a cat, most sources highlight a separate meaning for the fair sex.

Why do women dream about cats?

Someone with not very honest intentions seeks favor, this is how a girl’s

. In order to achieve the goal, the boyfriend shamelessly flatters, but it is advisable not to pay special attention to his promises.

of married women report being involved in an unseemly situation.

girl. To avoid problems with your loved one, you will need to firmly resist temptations in reality.

To a slight malaise and anxiety, cats appear in a pregnant woman’s

woman. However, the dream is not fatal, and there will be no particular damage to health.

Interpretation of sleep based on action with a cat in a dream

When you dream of a cat, you need to remember all the details of what you saw. Depending on what the sleeper did with the purr, the interpretation has different meanings.


cat means in reality enjoying spending time together with your loved one. Pleasant moments of personal happiness will be remembered for a long time.

Carefully stroke

a cat lying on the lap of a sleeping person is quite an alarming sign. You have to face an insincere person. An insidious act will cause trouble.

A joint event with rivals is foreshadowed by a dream in which you had to wash

cat An initially unpleasant event can be turned to your advantage if you take a closer look at your competitors and their advantages.

A fierce battle for the fulfillment of one’s own desires awaits in reality if you had to beat

cat Depending on the result of what is seen, the real outcome is predicted.


cat means putting the finishing touches on the confrontation with enemies. This is a good omen.

Communicating with a purr in human language is a symbol of loneliness. Saving an animal from trouble means unexpected support.

Beloved pet warns

If you have a dream about your beloved pet, it’s time to take a closer look at those around you: among them you may find mercantile individuals. Flattering speech hides dishonest behavior.

The actions of enemies threaten to damage your reputation and material well-being. Accept business offers with caution; dubious undertakings will not bring benefits.

The lunar dream book foretells a long cry caused by robbery or absent-minded losses. Jewelry in the form of a ribbon or collar neutralizes the negative prediction.

The cat is being caressed

The dream books do not present the most positive forecast, why dream that a four-legged friend is being caressed. If this is your own pet, falling in love can cause trouble.

A strange cat reminds us of the treachery of strangers. If you've never actually owned a cat, your suspicions about your new partner's sincerity are justified.

It's better not to kiss

In dream books there are explanations of why you dream of hugging and kissing an animal. If you kissed in a fit of tenderness, the oracle of Catherine the Second is horrified by your methods of taming the obstinate in romantic or family relationships.

If you hugged a fluffy in a dream, in reality, harmful passions can lead to a dead end.

Why do you dream about a dead cat?

If you dream of a cat that is no longer alive, the dream reflects longing for your pet. In addition, the interpretation of sleep provides for other interpretations.

Annoying factors will disappear from the environment if you dreamed of a dead cat alive

. Bad events come to an end.

The fact that you will finally be able to say goodbye to an unpleasant acquaintance forever is foreshadowed by the dead

cat in a dream. This is a sign of triumph over competitors in business and personal life.


a cat belonging to a sleeping person warns of financial problems. You should be wary of offers to invest money in dubious projects.

When you dreamed about a missing person

A cat is a symbol of worries about a lost pet. If he returned home in a dream, in reality he is likely to receive news about someone who is far away. Searching for an animal and eventually finding it is a success for all planned projects.

Interpretation of a dream by the appearance of a cat

When I dreamed of an evil one

cat, you should be careful. The machinations of ill-wishers are possible.


the cat symbolizes that their sophisticated blows aimed at the sleeping person will be very heavy. It is advisable to enlist the support of like-minded people to overcome unpleasant situations.


the cat symbolizes inevitable losses. Not only the financial sphere, but also the reputation may suffer.

Also aggressive

cat means envious people. With their attacks, ill-wishers will try to complicate the life of the sleeping person.

A more favorable symbol is the sick one

cat. This dream plot promises recovery for the sick and strengthening of their position in society.


a cat means that an unpleasant period in life is coming to an end. You will be able to overcome all obstacles.

However, if you dream of a cat covered in blood

, in reality one of the relatives will receive a blow from ill-wishers. A loved one will need help.


a cat means difficulties in business. There will be no serious problems, and they just need to be taken for granted.

Dreamed dead

a cat is a wonderful sign. All troubles will be resolved almost without the dreamer’s participation.

A wet animal means a situation in reality, as a result of which the sleeper will experience strong negative emotions and anger.


the cat symbolizes unrealized plans. Someone interfered with their implementation, and now regrets it.


the cat is a sign of approaching troubles. It will be very difficult to avoid them.


the cat warns of unpleasant gossip that discredits one’s reputation. For family dreamers, the dream also predicts a deterioration in relationships due to the slander of evil tongues.

Dreamed home

the cat often warns about the unreliability of the other half. A serious quarrel may arise due to jealousy.


the cat symbolizes the insincere person in the environment. However, if a purring animal laps up milk with pleasure, it means that it will meet a pleasant interlocutor.

Business rivals are becoming stronger. fluffy is interpreted

a cat dreamed by an entrepreneur.

A meeting with an important and significant person means striped

cat. His influence will be even greater than it seemed at the very beginning of our acquaintance.

Too beautiful

A cat in a dream means an unpleasant situation. Because of the gullibility of the sleeping person, insidious enemies will try to make him guilty of the failure of the project.


the cat is interpreted as increasing the authority of ill-wishers. It becomes more difficult to resist their tricks every day, although in appearance they do not pose a particular danger.


the cat calls for perseverance in the fight. Only then will it be possible to win, because underestimating the strength of your enemies is a serious tactical miscalculation.

What does it mean if a cat climbed through the window and ran into the house?

If before your eyes a cute cat climbed into the window, then in reality you are showing excessive curiosity. Sometimes the vision reflects self-knowledge and spiritual quest. If a cat, climbing into a window, broke it, then you will be unreasonably accused of treason, and in general they will spread dirty gossip about your non-existent adventures.

Did you dream that a dirty cat ran into the house? You will suffer from someone else's bad deed. If a skinny, shabby cat has found its way to the house, then expect dirty tricks from ill-wishers. It is also a sign of uncertainty or ruin.

Cats and other animals in a dream

Aggressive cats and cats are interpreted negatively. If they are peacefully in the attic in a dream, this reflects the internal contradictions and conflicts of the sleeper.

Dreaming about cats and kittens

portend minor troubles. The reasons will be the actions of hypocritical people around.

The motley company surrounding the sleeping person is personified by cats and dogs

in a dream. It’s worth taking a closer look at people and not trusting everyone.

Cats and mice have a negative meaning

. However, the best thing you can do in reality is not to interfere in other people’s squabbles, so as not to get hurt.

Unusual cat in a dream


a cat is a great sign. An old dream is close to coming true.

However, deep blue

the cat warns that the enemy is planning extraordinary evil. The yellow animal symbolizes envious people, and the green cat tells the lady that her new lover will not be very skilled in delivering pleasure.

Your flying

the cat speaks of being out of touch with reality. Someone else's purring in flight means controversial situations.

The speaker signals dissatisfaction with his personal life

cat. To find happiness, you will have to reconsider your priorities in relationships.

When you dream of a cat, it is advisable to increase your vigilance and be more attentive when communicating with others.

Cat in the wild

It is a direct connection to the environment you are in. It's time to get back to nature and perhaps take a holiday in the countryside or just be with friends and family and take a little break.

Cat in the forest

Despite the fact that the Internet is replete with various dream books, and many people really believe in every omen. You should not be impressionable and upset if the meaning of your dream turned out to be not very pleasant. After all, only we are the masters of our lives, and no dream can ruin it. And even more so a dream with a cute cat.

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