Why does a woman dream of kittens? I dreamed of a little kitten: interpretation from dream books

Cats are mysterious and mystical creatures. They are practically impossible to train because they have a wayward and unpredictable character. It’s always a pleasure to see fluffy animals in your night dreams. However, if a woman dreams of many small kittens, this is not always a favorable sign. Many authoritative dream interpreters advise to be wary of such a plot. In most cases, problems and troubles are to be expected.

General interpretation from dream books

The animal is too self-sufficient. Even pets only allow themselves to be taken care of and occasionally require affection. They foretell the entry into life of something as yet unknown and unexpected.

Meaning for a married woman

The general meaning is minor, annoying troubles, interference, opposition, misunderstandings. It will happen - mainly in the current situation.


  1. Wet lump - quarrel with your husband over nonsense.
  2. Without a head - to an annoying mistake that was easy to foresee. We will have to correct and redo a large amount of work.
  3. If you catch a mouse, your false friend will accidentally let it slip. You will learn a lot of things that were previously hidden.
  4. Purring - to flattering speeches. Don't believe a word.
  5. To warm up someone who is freezing means to treat the seducer kindly.
  6. Hearing meowing but not seeing the source means two-faced people are entering the house and spreading malicious gossip.
  7. Blacks are rivals. The more there are, the more actively the girls try to take away their beloved.
  8. Redheads - jealousy. There is no real reason for negative emotions yet.
  9. Scratching or biting means a secret. The spouse solves a number of difficulties, trying not to let you know the essence.
  10. Affectionate is a deception.
  11. A wounded person in the blood - to female ailments, diseases of the reproductive system.

The child has turned into a kitten - he will catch a cold or get hurt, but not badly.

Give birth to a minke whale instead of a baby

To infidelity. Belenky - plan betrayal yourself; dark - the spouse runs away to the side; red-haired - an arrogant person will try to infiltrate the family.

For a girl

Watching someone sleeping is a sign of a series of offensive failures. They fall on your head for no apparent reason and ruin your mood. But there is no need to worry too much. They will leave on their own.


  1. Hungry - you will lose a cute trinket. It is impossible to return the loss.
  2. Dying - small losses, wasteful expenses. Treat - give up an unprofitable purchase in time.
  3. Collecting those who are scattered means earning a reputation as a gossip and idle talker. The guys will turn away.
  4. Kiss, hug, caress - dream of reciprocity of feelings. But for now there is no one to pour out my emotional excitement on.
  5. The guy you like brought it - don't trust it.
  6. Thrown under the threshold of a thoroughbred - acquaintance with a pleasant gentleman; a homeless person - with a lazy person and a resource waster.

Pretty three-haired cats are a lucky turn in fate. Two-tailed - many cavaliers. Headless - a breathtaking, fast-paced romance will end in early marriage.

For pregnant women

Excitement in the event of the appearance of a kitten, rabbit or hamster is unfounded. The prognosis is good: the birth will be easy and the baby will be healthy.

Little black kitty girls crawling around and causing irritation - the development of an illness inside the body. See a doctor immediately to stop the problem in its infancy.

The running patterns suggest the character of the newborn. Interpreted by feelings:

  1. Happiness - a calm, affectionate child will bring a lot of positive emotions.
  2. Anxiety, discomfort - you will have to work hard to take care of the tomboy who has appeared. Sleepless nights are guaranteed.

People say that kittens are a sign of the birth of a girl.

For a man

Financial worries. We need to look for a borrower to get out. If you can’t catch those running away, your friends will refuse to lend you money, and banks will delay the process.

Drive away - you will overcome negative circumstances.

Why does a man see kittens in a dream?

There are many interpretations of this sign, but most often such a dream means financial difficulties, troubles and conflicts with management.

However, seeing a fluffy groom on the eve of the wedding means infidelity to his beloved.

Small purring kittens foreshadow the appearance of envious people, and large ones promise unexpected expenses.

Miller's Dream Book


  1. The born litter is the beginning of a dark stripe. Luck will temporarily run out.
  2. Selected - attracting adversity with incorrect attitudes and negative thinking.
  3. Gifted - false information. Deceived.
  4. Bald - collision with the manipulator.
  5. Running away means theft.
  6. Protecting dogs means an unfulfilled promise.
  7. Swims in clear water - you will be able to get around all the slippery moments without grief; in dirty - depression and fatigue.
  8. To wash is to try to win over a competitor to your side with goodness.
  9. Eating - enviously watching the success of competitors. Sitting on the table and feasting on meat from your plate - you will survive ingratitude. If he drinks milk from his own bowl, he will have to go on a diet for medical reasons.
  10. Purrs nearby - you will feel the desire to buy something expensive.
  11. The little black one arched and hissed, raising his fur - loss.

Pooping, peeing - to malicious rumors among colleagues. If you shit on your clothes or body, you will be defamed, slandered, and your reputation will be ruined. Collecting shit - scold me. Shit in bed - treason.

According to Vanga

Scenario breakdown:

  1. Finding it by chance means exhausting troubles and low-paid work.
  2. The wounded is self-deception. You are naively confident in the absence of enemies. The villains simply lay low, coming up with another trick.
  3. Flea-faced - encounter with energy vampires. They drain your strength and deprive you of joy.
  4. Lousy with nits - to a depressive state due to the evil eye.
  5. Kill fleas - restore the aura.
  6. If you notice the ticks, someone will try to lure you out of your money.
  7. In the house - to disagreement. Throwing it out the door means restoring the world. Taking out a trash can filled with shabby, thin or dead people - cope with the enemy invasion of family energy.
  8. Eats your own feces - your colleagues will fall into a pit prepared for your death. Poop in shoes - watch out for revelations so as not to pay.
  9. The big one eats meat products with a knife and fork - at the service they are ready to “gobble it up with giblets.”
  10. Bathing in a bubble bath means noise around your person is of bad character. Dipping into river or lake waters and seeing green algae underneath is a failure. A friend will rush to help, and you will refuse his initiative.
  11. Drowning the newborn litter is a sign of determination. You will be able to restore justice and improve the attitude of your superiors towards you.

Falling from a height is an incorrect action by the enemy. If you fall into an abyss and crash, your enemies will cause irreparable damage to themselves. Crying is dishonor.

What does feeding mean?

Welcoming an insincere person:

  1. Pouring milk is used for personal gain.
  2. Giving bread means revealing the soul to a rogue.
  3. Feeding with breast milk is a heartbreak.

They suck furiously - beware of false girlfriends. The girls flatter in the hope of making money at your expense.

Why feed a kitten in a dream?

If the baby happily eats food from his hands, then his plans will be implemented as successfully as possible. A purring, grateful kitten promises a quick meeting with your loved one. Conflicts with management will resolve themselves, and loved ones will become even closer. However, this dream is worth considering in more detail.

It is important to consider what the cubs ate.

  • If this is meat, cheese or fish, then in the present you are actively seeking the favor of your superiors through flattery and excessive initiative. Success in this field will be short-term, but the intended goals will be realized.
  • Milk in a saucer symbolizes life satisfaction and wealth.
  • For a woman to breastfeed a kitten, it means to dissolve in everyday affairs and forget loved ones in difficult times.

REFERENCE. It is also worth considering the attitude of the furry ones towards the offered treats. If a cat is choking on food, growls greedily and tries to attack, then you should be more careful in business. In the near future, it is better to abandon dubious, risky ideas, otherwise there is a chance of failure.

According to Freud


  1. Healthy, good-looking, playful - excellent libido, high potency.
  2. Games for pregnancy.
  3. Worries are a subconscious desire to conceive.
  4. To pick up and shelter an abandoned person - to strive for childbearing, to yearn for children, to want to nurse grandchildren.

Crippled without eyes - the zeal for fertilization is not supported by the partner. With a broken paw - a difficult pregnancy. Conjoined body parts - twins.

Who had the dream

A woman dreams of small kittens as a sign of pregnancy.
Currently, you are physically and mentally prepared for this. The next moment to safely conceive and carry a baby will not come to you soon. For a man , this dream predicts unplanned expenses. Breakdown of large household appliances, requests for loans, or meaningless purchases made on emotions are likely. After you lend the lion's share of your savings to a friend, spend your salary on a new TV, or invest in a promotional item, you realize the value of money.

For a girl , such a vision promises shame. People around you will find out about your secret love affairs, an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, or a bad habit, and they will begin to judge you for it. This situation will become a lesson from which you must draw rational conclusions.

a pregnant woman saw a dream about little kittens , her health and the health of the unborn baby are under the protection of higher powers. You safely bear the baby and experience all the delights of motherhood. It is possible that the child will be similar to you in appearance or character.

Color meaning

One of the most important factors. The color determines the essence of the upcoming event. The characteristic cannot be ignored.


Petty dirty tricks, ordeals, misunderstandings. But there is one good nuance: everything will soon end with your liberation from the captivity of worries. The fate will turn for the better.

By gender:

  1. The girl is an unpleasant surprise.
  2. The boy is empty worries that do not bring results.

Picking it up on the street and carrying it in your arms or just holding it means anticipating an imminent favorable period. A symbol of inner comfort that does not depend on circumstances.


Treason, betrayal, envy, and deceit of colleagues are coming. Details:

  1. A relationship crisis threatens lovers. The conflict had been brewing for a long time. Now his energy will burst out in a huge scandal.
  2. It’s also restless at work if you sit in your palms or on your knees. Colleagues or managers confidently shift their sins onto you. The result is reprimands, loss of bonuses, and dismissal.
  3. To strangle the tender neck is to straighten the situation through great effort.
  4. To crush - the case will help to return the previous harmonious position.

Black and white, spotted - changeability of fate.


Traditionally associated with solar heat and strong energy. However, red kittens indicate the potential of enemies. Details:

  1. Affectionate - cunning. With white spots there is nothing to fear.
  2. Those who stay away - to an interesting acquaintance. For young people - to meet your soulmate.
  3. Aggressive - to vague suspicions, infuriating experiences.

White and red - to parental worries. The mother tirelessly takes care of the young man.

Gray, striped


  1. Inconspicuous - to the stability of the current situation.
  2. Smoky - to stability.
  3. Striped - to fight with an unknown outcome.
  4. Gray-white - high probability of victory.

Screams, asks for food - forget about selfishness. Give time to loved ones who desperately need attention.

Dead foreshadows a roller coaster. The situation will turn either good or complete failure.


A clear sign of imminent happiness. The lambing of a calico cat is the fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Other colors


  1. Multi-colored - to luck and security.
  2. Motley - open paths. Choose one mountain. You'll climb safely soon.
  3. Tortoiseshells are a talisman against evil.
  4. Red - you will suddenly feel a short-lived surge of strength if the color is not associated with blood.
  5. Blue - keep your head cool, everything will turn out well.
  6. Yellow, gold - a gift, if one. 2 - squabble, jealousy.
  7. Green - accident rate. Be careful on the road.
  8. Violet, lilac - the guru will turn out to be a fraud.
  9. Blue - for a trip in summer, sadness in winter.
  10. Brown - career success through overcoming meanness.

Siamese are a particular danger. Lock yourself at home and don't communicate with anyone.

Why do you dream about a newborn?


  1. Lively - to dark times, filled with misunderstandings and irritability.
  2. Strangers - take on the concerns of strangers.
  3. They cry loudly - waste time on unnecessary conversations, reasoning, clarification.

In an apartment in a box - there is an important matter ahead. They symbolize labor-intensive, difficult repairs.

Together with the cat

An unpleasant person is up to no good. For now he’s just getting ready to do some mischief. A well-groomed mother licking or feeding her offspring means the emergence of original ideas.

A cat with a raised nape protects babies - quarrel with a woman. Reason: dissimilarity of views on issues of education. The little white one is carrying a black newborn in her teeth - a lie.

The lambed one ate the litter - a sign of rest and quiet time. A male has given birth - you will be surprised at the incredible vicissitudes of fate.

Many or several

A flickering, meowing heap - nervous exhaustion. The reasons are determined by additional characteristics:

  1. The dark ones are immersed in vanity, but the soul demands more. The discrepancy between reality and internal aspirations gives rise to irresistible irritability and dissatisfaction.
  2. White - confusion of thoughts. They are mired in chaos created by disordered actions. Plan activities to solve pressing problems and strictly adhere to the outlines.
  3. Different - to an urgent emergency. Options: flood, fire.
  4. Aggressive, chasing, attacking - to sort out problems postponed for later.

A certain amount of:

  1. Two are interpersonal relationships. A conflict is brewing with someone dear and close.
  2. Three - gossip, gossip. 3 dark ones - to evil condemnation.
  3. 4 - commotion, confusion.
  4. 7 - serious disagreements with distant relatives, complete severance of ties.
  5. 9 - fight, scandal in a public place. It's better not to get involved.

Together with puppies, dog

You saw a basket in which kittens and puppies were sitting peacefully - expect pleasant changes. Friends will rejoice, and enemies will cry on the sidelines.

The dog left cat litter - reconsider your relationship with your friends. An embittered enemy got into their circle. The dog killed the cute little purr - calm down. A faithful comrade silently protects.

With other animals

Additional characters correct the explanation:

  1. A snake attacked - betrayal will hurt the heart. Friendly - loyalty is in question.
  2. Lynx or leopard - complete defeat by enemies.
  3. The rat ate it - the despot boss will reward or praise. The opposite story leads to a reprimand.
  4. Turtles - you cannot cope with current affairs due to slowness.
  5. Fish - harm in money. Worms are a scam.
  6. Chickens are the first love. For an older lady - delights of reciprocity in bed.

Photos are for fictitious enemies. There are no traces of them yet. Remember what exactly was in the image:

  1. The guy held it - over time you will survive a love blow.
  2. The teenagers were playing - the worst part remained in their youth.
  3. Murky in clothes walked on the ground or mud - the husband will turn out to be a miser.

Interesting Facts

Since ancient times, cats have been idolized or feared. But what do we really know about our furry friends? We present to you the top most unusual facts.

  • Animals have truly paranormal abilities, because they are able to anticipate natural disasters and accidents many hours before they begin. This is why it is rare to see cats dying during a sudden disaster.
  • In the dark times of the Middle Ages, they were burned at the stake because they were considered messengers of Satan. It is this fact that indirectly indicates why so many rats bred in Europe in those years, and how this led to the spread of a plague epidemic throughout the Old World.
  • Particularly unfavorable places in the house are those where furry pets sleep. Therefore, you should not place sleeping furniture or equip rest areas there.

  • There is a sign that if a cat sleeps in a ball, covering its nose with its tail, then it means cold weather, and if it licks itself opposite the door, then it means guests.
  • It is interesting in itself why a cat constantly licks itself. Usually everyone thinks that this is simply the distinctive cleanliness of this species. However, this is not at all due to a love of cleanliness. The process of washing helps cats stabilize their mental activity. And, if your pet misses such a procedure, then perhaps you should show him to a feline psychiatrist. However, if you think sensibly, then without washing the animal will simply die.
  • Kittens, like small children, have baby teeth.
  • If an animal does not bury its feces, then in this way it demonstrates its aggression towards the owner and expresses its disobedience.
  • This is surprising, but in the United States there is a precedent for an animal to serve as a mayor. The story took place in the city of Talkeetna, where Stubbs the cat was the honorary mayor for a decade and a half!
  • Not all cats are afraid of water. Animals of the Turkish Van breed have special wool that does not allow water to pass through.
  • Two Siamese cats caused a diplomatic scandal. Spy bugs were discovered at the Dutch embassy after animals scratched the walls in the same places for several days.
  • Surely everyone has heard at least once about the miraculous return of a cat home tens or even hundreds of kilometers away. This phenomenon has a name - “psi travel”. But why this happens, scientists are at a loss. There are 2 versions: cats navigate by sunlight, or this is due to the peculiarity of the structure of their brain, in which some cells act as a kind of navigator.

Sick, dead


  1. Sick, lousy - troubles that were previously unknown. Nurse - take on the work with permission. To drive away is to happily shift responsibility onto someone else’s shoulders.
  2. Someone dying before our eyes means liberation from a boring promise.
  3. Killed and revived - to the inability to transfer to another a responsibility from which you are mortally tired.
  4. Drowned - support from superiors.
  5. Eaten by another animal - benefit from the confrontation of enemies.

Doesn't sink and floats - a strong opponent.


Dreams are an amazing reflection of our unconscious. And even many interpretations from the most reliable dream books will not always be able to provide accurate answers. Often, dreams about kittens act as warnings about future problems and troubles. But with all the negative message, such a prediction in itself is a good chance to correct your mistakes in the present.

In general, a dream in which you see a kitten is interpreted ambiguously. But it is possible to get closer to the meaning of what you saw with a more detailed analysis, in which it is worth taking into account the number, color and nature of interaction with cats. It is also important to take into account the gender and age of the dreamer, his current personal and career status.

Angry attacks

A symbol of a disgusting person, it is impossible to avoid a collision with him. Minimize harm by using a warning:

  1. A wild one, covered in dirt and fleas, trying to injure an arm or leg - be afraid of the boss. Better to “stay close to the kitchen.”
  2. Attacks aggressively - the enemies have drawn up a successful plan. Losses.
  3. If you managed to fight back, nothing will come of it to the envious people.
  4. He jumps very high to scratch his face - he will be insulted.
  5. If you grab your palm or wrist tightly with your claws, the intrigues of your colleagues will stop the progress of the project.

Getting hurt by getting into a fight is a wrong choice of priorities. Think about yourself, do not give power to bad, aggressive characters.



  1. If you grab your finger, speak less in the presence of unfamiliar people, representatives of competing organizations.
  2. By the leg - an accident, obstacles in travel.
  3. A mouse bites - don’t stop gossipers from defaming each other. Grab some popcorn and watch.
  4. Lizard - an unpleasant situation will turn into a win.

Playing and in the process feeling a bite until you bleed means danger. Don't try to intrigue against a powerful opponent.

Should you believe dreams?

In various sources one can find assurances both of the veracity of prophetic dreams and of the complete absence of this very veracity. Therefore, to believe or not to believe what you see in your dreams at night and whether to expect predicted troubles or good luck is a personal matter for each person.

Since I myself am interested in dream interpretation, I want to share my personal experience of using various dream books. In practice, I have become convinced that modern publications are not distinguished by their truthfulness and reliability. But old dream books, time-tested, often very accurately predict future events. Therefore, my advice to novice esotericists is this: do not buy your first dream book in a bookstore, being fooled by the bright cover; it is better to go through bookstores and look into a junk shop. There you can sometimes find real treasures of folk wisdom that will help in difficult life situations.

Is being caressed

Fluffy came and affectionately rubbed against your legs - you will get upset on this day. Purrs, crouching close to the body - you will listen to a lot of useful and not so useful information.


A sign of peace and diplomacy. Forecast:

  1. Stroke a blind man - take the initiative to establish harmony in the work team. Now they will listen to you.
  2. Caressing a very thin person means you will suffer because of someone’s stupidity.
  3. Charcoal in color - self-deception. Check your attitudes and principles.
  4. White, red, tricolor - fleeting happiness, good mood.

Hold in your arms

Secret ill will. You have no idea who is angry or who is casting a spell. Clue:

  1. The red-haired one climbed onto his arms - don’t look for the villain.
  2. Little black - you know the enemy, but you are afraid to admit it to yourself.
  3. White - look in the inner circle.

Seeing a man holding his pussy is an indication of his troubles. A nice man - show affection without asking anything. He will cope with the problem and thank you. Daughter, take care of her, give her wise advice.

Talk to kitty

Sometimes the imagination throws up absolutely fantastic scenes:

  1. The player said something - remember. They are interpreted directly if the interlocutor is bright, backwards if he is dark.
  2. He says, pointing at something - the object will be a source of trouble.

Talking head - check the aura with a church candle. A sure sign of damage.

Prediction for pregnant women

For pregnant women, such a nightly story is a warning about health problems. And dreaming of cats sitting on their knees and purring affectionately predicts premature birth. Cheerful, playful kittens in a dream mean a successful birth and the birth of a healthy baby.

If a pregnant woman saw dead kittens in a dream, then complications during childbirth are possible. However, you should not worry about this as it will not harm the newborn. Striped animals indicate the birth of a boy, and white animals indicate the birth of a girl.

Simply observing small animals can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the emotions experienced during sleep. If the experiences were positive, then in real life the young lady will experience great happiness.


Helping a defenseless creature:

  1. To pull out a drowning person - higher powers will reward you for your efforts.
  2. To kill a crow that attacked a mug - benefits will come through a lack of understanding of the processes.
  3. Rescue from dog fangs - prevent injustice.
  4. Protected from a villain is good news.
  5. Getting someone stuck out of a bottleneck means helping an unpleasant acquaintance.
  6. Remove it from a high branch or cabinet - you will find the optimal solution.

Pour water over something that is burning - you will unearth a secret that has been tormenting you for a long time.


Decryption depends on the context:

  1. Stab with a knife, strangle with a rope - get freedom from annoying people.
  2. To drown is to show cruelty to the weak.
  3. To fry to serve is to unjustifiably suspect your neighbor. Eat, swallow - stop worrying about minor failures.
  4. Strangle with your hands - overwork.
  5. Killing a teenager is an increase in power.
  6. Crush accidentally in bed - your partner will reveal your affair. You will wipe your tears and explain.
  7. Pressing with your feet is a powerful push forward.
  8. Taking your head off is a mistake.
  9. Set it on fire - you will be the source of a loud scandal in society.

If you stole a pet with the intention of killing it, you will receive sudden and very faithful protection. The death of the little black one is getting rid of old troubles, rising above them.

Other stories


  1. Buying in a store or from hand to take home is a financial loss. Postpone planned investments and acquisitions.
  2. Buying a Siamese means moving up the social ladder.
  3. To choose is to get into trouble that could have been avoided.
  4. Taking for a divorce means getting involved in a difficult matter.
  5. To distribute means to harm loved ones through negligence.
  6. If you want to pick up a homeless person at the market or in the yard, don’t listen to gossip.
  7. Giving to someone is a good relationship.
  8. If you saw someone barking, you will be unpleasantly surprised by some conversation.

To kick out someone who was planted is stinginess. Give to the poor to cleanse yourself.

General interpretation of the dream

Usually seeing certain images in a dream is a reflection of a person's inner state. If you dream of multi-colored kittens, it means that you don’t know how best to act in this situation. The dream will be a hint for further action

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