Why do you dream of a black cat: a woman, a girl, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation according to different dream books

The cat is the most beloved and mysterious pet. For thousands of years, he has lived side by side with people, and at different times, attitudes towards him have changed.

In Ancient Egypt, where these furry animals originated, they were literally idolized, endowed with superpowers, and killing them was equated to killing a person. Several centuries later, at the height of the plague, they began to be exterminated, believing that these animals exuded infection. And Christians even considered cats to be the embodiment of the devil and burned them en masse.

Now cats are family members, loved and caressed creatures. With their energy, their secret knowledge, they made humanity fall in love with them. Cats are a conductor of earthly energy with the other world. They see entities, poltergeists and the souls of the dead roaming the premises. They are able to cleanse the house of black energy, they can drive away dark forces from a person, save him from the evil eye, damage, and even improve his health.

Healers, protectors, powerful sources of energy - it's all about cats. Every sorcerer, magician and psychic gets himself a cat. Or he himself comes to the clairvoyant.

Their connection with other worlds is so great that humanity still cannot figure out exactly who they are seeing, who they are closely watching, peering at one point and waving their tail.

But it is known for sure that cats are able to identify the most “cluttered” energy places in the home quickly and accurately. True, the omens about cats, especially black ones, are not very pleasant among the people. Bad luck and complete failure of plans are foreshadowed by a black cat crossing the path of a walker.

Black cat in a dream

Let's say right away - even the most famous signs in our dreams do not always come true. After all, we are talking about a secret hidden meaning that our subconscious sends to us. Therefore, in dream books, a black cat is not interpreted as negatively as one might expect. Especially if the dreamer is the happy owner of a black fluffy Vaska or Barsik.

And yet, according to the general interpretation, a black cat in a dream is an unfavorable sign. It promises deception and betrayal on the part of a loved one. Resentment, pain, disappointment - this is what will be brought to you not by the cat from the dream, but by the person you trust most. Therefore, be on your guard - someone wants to hurt you, to betray you.

There is another meaning of this dream - luck will turn away from you. With fluffy, a dark streak will come from a dream to reality. At work, on the personal front, in small things, expect tricks. The main thing is not to despair and remember that “the best is certainly yet to come.”

The appearance in the dreamer’s life of a person with superpowers. Since cats are a symbol of magic, you will be lucky enough to meet a person with the gift of clairvoyance. Or the dreamer may develop a unique ability.

To a strange coincidence. Some events will make you quite surprised, and problems that you could not overcome for a long time will suddenly disappear by themselves. Well, why not magic?

For a more detailed interpretation of the dream, let us turn to the opinion of authoritative dream interpreters. World-famous soothsayers, psychologists and “dream catchers” attach special importance to the black cat.

Miller's Dream Book

The interpreter is sure that a black cat in a dream is a harbinger of troubles and misfortunes.

Caressing, stroking or feeding him in a dream - your good attitude towards people will result in injustice on their part.

If he behaves aggressively, scratches or bites, it means that failure will befall the dreamer in the financial sphere. People running a business need to be on guard - competitors can seriously harm you.

If an animal rushes at you, in reality you have a lot of envious people. Someone seriously wants to spoil you.

Hearing a cat meow in a dream means the appearance of an unreliable person in your life. He shouldn't be trusted.

If a black cat in a dream looks thin, dirty, and tattered, it means that one of your loved ones will become seriously ill.

Chasing away a cat in a dream is a good sign. All problems and troubles will disappear from your life.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian soothsayer also saw only bad signs in dreams about a black cat.
Enemies, envious people, ill-wishers surround the dreamer everywhere. If there are a lot of cats, then shame and ridicule cannot be avoided. If the dreamer runs after him, then in reality he will meet an unreliable person, a deceiver and a liar.

If in a dream he scratches, bites and attacks, then the dreamer is too jealous of his other half. This jealousy is completely unfounded.

Islamic dream book

According to the Islamic dream book, a black cat predicts illness.

A black cat attacking in a dream predicts strong anxiety and fears of the dreamer in real life. You have to worry not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones.

Interpretation of details

Specialists analyze the script down to the smallest elements. Every detail corrects the explanation. Rely on the remembered elements of the main image, setting, and behavior of the characters.

Seeing a big black-haired cat

In the world of Morpheus there are completely unrealistic characters. A big cat the color of a raven's wing promises real trouble. No big luck. Options:

  1. Confrontation with an authoritative person, a high-ranking boss. The official will get angry and begin to create obstacles.
  2. Spending money will lead to poverty. Not even enough for the bare necessities.
  3. If you get into debt, you won't be able to pay it off on time.
  4. Career prospects are negative. There is no talk of any promotion, I would like to maintain my existing status. Objecting to management will result in a dishonorable discharge.
  5. Efforts in the service and in business will end in nothing. Only losses and disappointments.

Feeding a thick black-haired giant is a useful acquaintance. Communication will be unpleasant, but very productive.

A huge blue-black beast is a disappointing prospect. Against your will, you will believe in witchcraft. Wait out this negative streak. For a woman, it’s a difficult rivalry with a real seductress.

What do the color features say?

The color of the cat may vary. Adding wool of a different tone softens the prophecy somewhat. Be careful:

  1. Black and white - change. If everything is good now, the situation will worsen and vice versa. At any moment, a long-standing problem will emerge that requires close attention.
  2. Black and red - deceit. You will encounter simple deception, sophisticated fraud, or deliberate concealment of the truth. It will be unpleasant.
  3. Black and brown is a disgrace in the broadest sense. If you are going to speak publicly, triple check your report, presentation, and clothing. Prepare for attacks from your opponents. They will try to drive you into a corner.
  4. Black-gray (or silver) - to enemy intrigues.

Variegated with a few black spots - minor inconsistencies. The enemies are not strong these days. They can only do a little harm.

Witch couple: black cat and cat

Spouses watching the sleeping person with bad intentions. They are interested in every detail. The couple washes your bones with special passion. Conversations cause reputational damage.

There is a pregnant cat next to a magical beast - a successful undertaking will follow misfortune, illness, or loss.

Many, one, several

By number, the following areas of thinking about the future are distinguished:

  1. A lot (a whole flock) - a quarrelsome group. It's every man for himself. You should not expect friendly participation from your colleagues. Don't say too much so as not to set yourself up.
  2. One embittered specimen is an implacable rival; affectionate - friend-traitor.
  3. Two - slander, attacks organized by employees or acquaintances. Angry neighbors.
  4. 2 lie belly up - rejoice. Former enemies will turn into devoted supporters and admirers of your talent.
  5. Three is a love triangle. She may turn out to be a deceived wife or mistress.
  6. Seven - deceitful friends will get you into trouble.

Probably betrayal of a loved one if a horde of cats attacked, tried to take food, ruin things.

How do you remember the animal?

Can you describe one striking characteristic of the image? It is extremely important for interpretation. Specification:

  1. Active, cheerful, playful - your current motive is elementary envy. Do you want to change, focusing on the successes of others. This is right.
  2. Very beautiful - succumb to temptation, which you will regret.
  3. Sick, wounded, covered in blood - you will prove to your opponent that you cannot be trifled with. Show competitiveness and high potential.
  4. Dead, dead, killed, decaying - the sworn enemy is defeated forever.
  5. Street, wild - self-doubt will cause failure. Increase your self-esteem.
  6. Speaker - remember the words. They will point to a liar from the environment.
  7. Dirty, shabby - conflicts with the current partner due to dissatisfaction with his behavior and appearance.
  8. Long-haired - empty fuss over trifles. Unnecessary purchases.
  9. Thoroughbred, domestic - financial enrichment, peace and harmony.
  10. Bald - unpleasant contacts with a harmful, capricious individual.
  11. Small, thin - you will find out that your enemy is shedding tears because of his difficulties.
  12. With large coal spots - to insult, humiliation.
  13. Wet - you will acquire information that will help you win. Data will help “tarnish” the reputation of a competitor.
  14. Fluffy - a selfish character is trying to use you in his plans.

If you remember several characteristics, then the interpretations are combined.

Affectionate agate cat

A cute animal comes to provoke thought. You use a familiar picture of the world that does not reflect the fullness of reality. Really evaluate your loved ones, accept their strengths and weaknesses. Then life will become brighter, richer.


  1. Affectionate, rubbing against your legs - to the unreliability of friends. Friends are ready for loyalty if their interests are not affected.
  2. Gentle - for peace in the family.
  3. Petting him, asking to pet him - to a speedy recovery.

People consider soot-colored cats to be the best healers. They predict a surge of energy, vigor, and excellent well-being.

Owner's personality

Sometimes you dream about someone's pet. This is a hint at certain circumstances:

  1. Neighbors are owners - to the lack of necessary support.
  2. Relatives will ask for a loan. You won't be able to get away.
  3. Friends, they are up to no good. Check it out.

Pribludny - cheating, cheating in a crowded place (supermarket, bank).


A fairly common nightmare scenario. The dreamed cat attacked, which means:

  1. If you get scared, you won’t be able to cope with an avalanche of troubles.
  2. If you have repelled brazen aggression, you won’t notice the obstacles, you will sweep them away and go your own way.
  3. Beaten, thrashed - succumb to a bad mood, be rude to a kind individual.
  4. Killed - you will make a mistake in assessing someone’s actions. Then be ashamed of your own thoughts. Any murder marks a rash impulse.

The attack promises the girl a moral lesson from the older lady. Each has its own truth. If you don’t reach consensus, it’s better not to contradict the old lady.

The angry cat bit

Experts pay special attention to wounds received from dark tomboys. A biter signals an imminent quarrel with someone with whom you always want to get along. The event will resonate with pain in the soul.

Details of the location of the cat bite:

  1. If you hurt your hand, you will quarrel over money. Or you will make a friend who will disappoint your best expectations.
  2. Leg - constant absences cause dissatisfaction and suspicion. Humiliating explanation coming soon.
  3. Stomach - you will get sick.
  4. Back - to betrayal.
  5. Neck, throat, face - to the betrayal of a lover.

Blood leaked from the wounded skin - protect your property. A pest, an enemy, will encroach on him.

On hands

Neutral plot. Specifics:

  1. Keeping someone peaceful and calm means discovering duplicity in someone you know. Listen less to his ambiguous speeches.
  2. A married woman caressing an anthracite pet will receive information about rumors about her family. You will understand that your revelations are the reason for gossip. Stop talking about personal things, envious people will calm down.
  3. The business person restraining the kicker should stop the activity. Clarify the situation, otherwise losses are inevitable.
  4. The lover will find a rival among her girlfriends. The competitor focused all her efforts on quarreling with the guy and completely turning his attention to herself.


Feeling the soft, silky fur on the floor with your palm is a sign of temptation. The scene signals that giving in is dangerous. Details:

  1. Meet a charming girl who will plunge you into bankruptcy. Reputation will also suffer due to failure to fulfill obligations to partners.
  2. Acceptance of an offer of illicit enrichment. Punishment will follow immediately.

The cat hisses, its fur stands up - the likelihood of trouble increases many times over. Seeing others stroking a pet is a danger for the dreaming person.

Coal shadow in your home

Suddenly you noticed in the room - a contender for your income, savings, property appeared. Fierce disputes over inheritance.

Some interpreters rely on the behavior of the uninvited magical guest:

  1. Lying down lazily - the spouse will pout over trifles.
  2. Arched his back and growls - his colleagues will try to fool him.
  3. Purrs - don't believe the flattery.

A random visitor jumped straight onto his lap - his cherished wish will come true.

I dreamed of a black kitten

Double vision. The significance of a baby is not as critical as that of an adult. General forecasts:

  1. Small annoying misunderstandings will drive you crazy.
  2. Stupid deception, some kind of dirty trick will slow down productive activity.
  3. A nice gift from a stranger.


Drive away

A good omen. The door opens to a completely different life, filled with happiness. We coped with internal problems, managed to protect ourselves, and grow confidence. The reward will exceed all your wildest dreams:

  • health will be restored if you were sick;
  • business will grow, followed by income;
  • peace will come to your heart;
  • Share your prosperity with your loved ones.

Chasing away the crows along with the witch's cat is a good omen. You will get out of a terrible situation, a way out of which you had not previously noticed. If there is a terminally ill person in your family, he will miraculously recover.

A woman dreams of a black cat

Women dream of black cats more often. What meaning do such dreams contain?

  • To troubles and problems in your personal life and at work.
  • After such a dream, a woman will meet a man who can turn her life around. It is possible that life will begin to change for the better, but there is a high probability that the opposite will happen.
  • Plans made can collapse overnight.
  • Relationships with your loved one may begin to deteriorate.
  • Perhaps your man has someone on his side.
  • You will have an envious person or an envious woman. Their plans are to ruin your life. Therefore, be alert, tell others less about your personal life and plans.

Some dream books interpret such dreams based on the dreamer’s marital status.

A married lady may dream of a black cat as a sudden attack of jealousy. Excessive suspicion of your husband can darken your married life. The dream promises a married lady an excessive infatuation with a pleasant stranger who will appear in her surroundings. Be careful and remember - any betrayal will sooner or later become public knowledge. Then your reputation and marriage will be over.

Free girls who dream of a black cat will not be able to meet the very person of their destiny for a long time. But there is no need to despair, everything is still ahead.

Who had the dream

a woman should take a closer look at her best friend.
She hides something from you, is jealous, spreads hurtful rumors, or wants to take her husband away. By limiting communication with relatives, you will deprive her of this opportunity. If a girl , her loneliness will soon be brightened up by a charismatic brunette. You will develop mutual sympathy, which on your part will quickly develop into strong feelings. Hurry up with a declaration of love - you will greatly regret it.

For a man , this dream reflects his dark essence. Your aggressiveness, cruelty, and rudeness will soon burst out and ruin your relationships with loved ones. Working on yourself will prevent scandals and divorce.

A pregnant woman's vision of a black cat indicates her increased emotionality. You exaggerate the significance of your own problems and look for a catch where there is none. Concentrating on your health and the well-being of your child will bring peace of mind.

Black cat in a man's dream

Men rarely admit their love for cats, but they can also have dreams with these mystical furries in the lead role. What will black cats tell men?

  1. The dreamer will have a strong opponent. This could be a competitor in the professional sphere or another contender for the hand and heart of his beloved. You will have to spend all your strength fighting this opponent.
  2. A man dreams of a mangy animal for his upcoming victory over someone. This could be an obstinate lady or a strong competitor.
  3. A man dreams of a dead animal as a sign of problems that he creates for himself.
  4. If he attacks and behaves aggressively, you should really take a closer look at your business partners. You probably shouldn't trust them blindly.
  5. Several cats in a dream can predict problems with your lover. From a gentle, flexible woman, she can suddenly turn into an angry and quarrelsome lady.

Men's dreams with black cats

For men, there is a different interpretation of dreams involving a black cat:

  • If you dream about an animal often, then you will soon meet a brunette.
  • A cat under the window is a new love or, conversely, a desire for it.
  • Following an animal in a dream means being in search of love and the imminent appearance of a brunette lover on the way.
  • A running cat means changes in life.


Dream books pay special attention to dreams in which a big black cat plays the main role. Here, of course, if you are unlucky, then on a big scale.

He dreams of serious problems with a high-ranking person. Difficult times are coming, so you need to be extremely careful in financial matters and career matters.

You may dream of a cat as a signal: your enemy and offender has managed to achieve a high position in society.

The prospects are very disappointing: if you dream of a big black cat, then in the near future you will experience failure in business.

Expect problems in your professional activities: perhaps your bosses are depriving you of money, in any case, your work does not bring the desired income.

Black cat with kittens

There are two interpretations when you dream of a black cat with kittens, they depend on the emotions that are felt at that time:

  • Pleasant - good luck.
  • Negative – worries, worries.

If you see an animal giving birth, serious problems are coming, and the number of kittens affects this. The more there are, the more significant the troubles will be.


There is a popular belief that a black cat is a symbol of human failure. But what if he is affectionate, sweet and gentle? After all, in a dream, he may not necessarily behave aggressively and look at you with evil eyes. Why do you dream about an affectionate black cat?

  • The dreamer does not see or does not want to see his close friend as he is - unreliable, two-faced, ready to betray at any moment.
  • A gentle and caring black cat can dream of calm and peace in the dreamer’s family.
  • Dream books often interpret a dream about an affectionate cat as a harbinger of good health or a speedy recovery. In general, even in ancient times it was believed that black animals were the most skillful healers. Therefore, after a dream about a petting cat, you will receive a surge of strength and a charge of vivacity.

Miller's Dream Book

The psychologist characterizes the swarthy participant in the night pictures purely negatively:

  1. Fed - kindness will turn into ingratitude.
  2. Giving birth to a kitten instead of a child means poverty and unfulfilled hopes. A girl has a lonely lot.
  3. Find and select - take on someone else’s work. The reward will be injustice, prodding, criticism.

It’s good when you dream of getting rid of a “grimy” cat. Giving it away means calming the soul, cleansing oneself of exhausting experiences.

Petting a black cat

What could be more pleasant than stroking a cat's fur in a dream? So what if it's black? Such a dream does not bode well.

For a woman, holding a cat in her arms in a dream and stroking it peacefully means that in reality her close friends are weaving intrigues behind her back. Throwing mud, collecting gossip and constant unpleasant discussions - this is what happens outside your presence. Don’t let this news scare you - on the contrary, you will be aware of what is happening and will not allow further dirt to be poured on you.

For a man, such a dream about a cat that he is stroking foreshadows the same gossip from people in his closest circle. If you try to pet him, and he avoids it in every possible way, know that it is not recommended to have a common cause with friends. Your friendship will end.

Which cat did you hug in your dream?

What color was the cat?

  • white - to favorable circumstances in the near future;
  • black - to delays and annoying delays;
  • red - to a passionate meeting or a stormy but short romance;
  • multi-colored - to a quick change of situations.

What size was the cat?

  • large - to serious and rapid changes;
  • small - for small but pleasant gifts;
  • medium - to a well-deserved reward in the near future;

What does the animal do in response to the dreamer’s actions:

  • caresses - to dependence in a relationship;
  • breaks out - to the desire to seem like a better person for the beloved;
  • tries to escape - to forbidden desires;
  • falls asleep - to a calm and measured life in the near future.

How the dream ended:

  • I had to see an affectionate cat in a dream, but from a distance without the opportunity to stroke it - to desires without fulfillment, empty dreams;
  • kissing a cat in a dream in order to hold it - to the desire to receive love from a certain person;
  • running away from a cat because it sheds means high expectations for others, but minimal expectations for yourself.


Dreams about black cats in which they attack, scratch, or even bite do not predict anything good. By the way, dream books pay special attention to animal bites. What does the bite of a cat with black fur mean in a dream?

According to the general interpretation - to a quarrel with a loved one. However, you need to consider the location of the bite:

  • In your hand - you will have an unexpected acquaintance. It will bring nothing but disappointment, pain and troubles.
  • Keep up - don't trust what they tell you. They want to deceive, betray and slander you.
  • In the stomach - the dreamer’s relatives will experience problems. Possible deterioration in health.
  • In the back is a direct hint of imminent betrayal on the part of a person whom you completely trust.
  • In the neck - your loved one will cheat on you.

How to deal with dreams about black cats

For superstitious and suspicious people, a dream with a black cat becomes a formidable sign of future misfortunes. However, psychologists advise not to attach too much importance to such dreams. Because this is fraught with stress and even depression. Self-hypnosis also plays an important role here. Living in anticipation of adversity leads to the fact that troubles begin to be “attracted” to a person.

Dreams about black cats are not always prophetic

Religious teachings treat symbolic dreams with caution, considering them the work of “dark forces.” And they warn about the “sinfulness” of any interpretation of dreams.

Grandmothers-healers have long advised after waking up to say the phrase: “Where the night goes, there goes the dream.” Then the bad omens will not come true, and ill-wishers will remain only in the country of Morpheus.

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