Why do you dream of a cat with kittens: interpretations from different dream books

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens: Pixabay There are many superstitions associated with cats, because they are considered conductors between the world of the living and the other world. Why do you dream of a cat with kittens? At first glance, sleeping with a family of cats does not cause concern, but in reality everything is much more complicated. The explanations given by ten popular dream books for this symbol will help you decipher the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Miller’s dream book? Gustavus Hindman Miller, author of the popular book “The Interpretation of Ten Thousand Dreams”, on the basis of which the dream book was compiled, paid great attention to dreams in which there is a cat with kittens. Here are the subjects for interpretation presented in the book:

  • A cat that gives birth to kittens is the fulfillment of a cherished dream and the realization of all plans.
  • Picking up an affectionate domestic cat or kitten means material well-being and success.
  • Stroking a cat means unrequited love.
  • Taking birth from a cat means that the children will become ill.

Petting a cat means unrequited love: Pixabay
An angry cat indicates evil intent. The kitten that attacks is an enemy in real life. It is important to play it safe and remove all ill-wishers from your immediate environment.

The color of the animal also matters. If you dreamed of an aggressive cat with kittens of unusual colors, then this is a sign of impending shame and general censure.

Interpretation by color of cats

The authors attach decisive importance to the color of animals when deciphering dreams. At the same time, the mustachioed mother herself and her children should be considered separately, comparing the transcripts


Dark wool is a harbinger of the activation of obvious, open enemies. There are intrigues and setups ahead. The more animals there are, the more the enemies will put pressure on the dreamer in reality. They are running after you - it will not be possible to get rid of the persecution of your enemies soon.

Feeding the coal brood means giving the initiative to people who do not wish you well. The image hints at your lack of restraint, thoughtless phrases, and actions. If she falls into your arms, you will become famous and achieve success. Luck will cause jealousy and envy.

To drive away a black animal is to turn a hater into a devoted friend. Killing babies or a dark-colored cat means winning a brutal confrontation. The scene prophesies to the girl the love of a guy who is claimed by many rivals. For a pregnant woman - the successful birth of a healthy baby.


This color of the little animals gives the scenario a particularly negative connotation. A gray kitty chasing a sleeping person, driving him away from his little ones, promises deliberate harm. Someone has already built a line of bad incidents and is trying to involve you in them. Gray kittens are a chain of unfavorable coincidences. You will try to escape from the negative flow, but in vain. To drive away the purr is to get rid of any misfortune.

The Assyrian dream book provides an alternative point of view. Catching a gray cat means fulfilling your cherished desire.


Women's deceit. The dreamer will soon encounter him in reality. A lady you know will bring harm: a colleague, a relative, a friend, a classmate, a fellow student. It will be very difficult to resist deceitful, selfish intentions. A man will be saddened by his beloved’s infidelity or slander. Red kittens are deceitful girlfriends.


Intrigue. The cunning friends are making plans and preparing traps. It’s easy to protect yourself from their intentions - stop listening to other people’s opinions. Act according to the dictates of your conscience. Little white kittens - uncertainty. The story will freeze, and reliable information will stop coming. We'll have to hide and wait.


Multi-colored little animals represent a change in circumstances. You will encounter strange incidents that do not fit into normal logic. Friends will show coldness and misunderstanding, bosses will show dissatisfaction with the work, loved ones will sadden them with secrecy. Each strip means a particular problem.


A cat with a spotted skin is a symbol of happiness. A character of this color has the same meaning. Her little ones, exactly like their mother, attract pleasant surprises, happy coincidences, and turns for the better. Sometimes three-colored animals prepare the dreamer for the activity of enemies. If you want, you can easily escape from danger.


Fantastic pictures of strangely colored droppings report:

  • yellow - about envy;
  • blue - suffering from stress;
  • orange - unexpected joy;
  • fiery - fire, rash decision;
  • dark rusty - subsidence of passion;
  • pink - an outpouring of tenderness on an unworthy partner;
  • lilac - spirituality;
  • purple - pious acquaintance, help;
  • smoky, blue - home harmony.

A luminous kitty with her offspring shows the importance of upcoming events.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Meneghetti’s dream book? In his book, Italian psychologist Antonio Meneghetti relied on the vivid images that a person sees in a dream. In his opinion, a cat is a prototype of a man who is unquestioningly devoted to his mother and beloved woman. Often he acts to the detriment of his own interests. Seeing a cat with kittens for a man means sacrificing himself for the sake of others.

If a woman dreams of a cat with offspring, this means her desire to dominate people, including family members and children. Meneghetti saw the cat as an insidious seductress and manipulator, a woman who uses people for her own benefit. If you dreamed of a cat, it’s time to think about whether you are playing with other people’s destinies, whether you are using people to your advantage?

Why do you dream that a cat gave birth to kittens?

In many dream books, a cat giving birth or having already given birth symbolizes a quick solution to existing problems, but for a more detailed interpretation, a number of factors are taken into account. A difficult birth in a cat indicates false gossip spread behind the back of a sleeping person.

Appearance of a cat

The color of the cat determines the interpretation of night vision:

  • black - to betrayal of a loved one;
  • white - to sudden mood swings that can lead to problems with management or a long-term conflict with a friend;
  • tricolor - to distance from relatives due to workload, which will cause hidden grievances;
  • gray - to resolve problems on the love front;
  • striped - to mutual understanding with family members and comfort in the home;
  • redhead - ill-wishers will try to ruin the reputation of a sleeping person.

A cat of an unusual color symbolizes positive changes and an unforgettable vacation surrounded by the most dear people.

Appearance of kittens

Interpretation by color:

  • redheads - financial well-being;
  • black - successful completion of long-standing affairs;
  • white - good luck in all areas of life.

Seeing in a dream the birth of kittens of the same color, like the mother, means identifying and eliminating the source of possible troubles in time. If a pet gives birth to offspring with different colors, new problems will soon arise in addition to the existing ones, and it will be quite difficult to cope with them.

Number of kittens

Seeing the birth of a large number of kittens and feeling anxious means a demotion at work, a conflict with management, or the loss of a friend. If the process evokes joyful emotions, the sleeping person will soon receive good news and achieve his goal without outside help.

In most dream books, a cat giving birth to one kitten means the successful completion of a work project. The birth of dead kittens warns that solving new problems will require a lot of effort.

Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Loff’s dream book? This esoteric dream book is considered the most detailed of many dream interpreters. It is not surprising that it examines in detail a dream in which the main images are a cat with kittens:

  • A black cat with kittens portends theft of property or financial problems due to improper investment.

A black cat portends a theft: Pixabay

  • If you dreamed of a dead cat with offspring, this indicates a person’s dangerous addiction to the occult sciences. This is also a warning that the root of everyday problems should be looked for elsewhere.
  • If a cat with kittens has an unusual color, there is a risk of missing an important detail in life due to absent-mindedness and inability to draw the right conclusions.
  • If a cat recently brought kittens and suddenly appeared in a dream, then the person will have to make a difficult choice. Well-groomed and clean kittens are the right choice, dirty and sick - make a serious mistake.

A dream of this kind is a harbinger of changes in life, treat it responsibly.

The main signs of the end of labor

When a cat gives birth, it is important to make sure everything is successful in the end. This can be judged by the presence of the following signs:

  • As soon as the mother realizes that all the kittens are out, she begins to actively care for the offspring, feeding them milk. At the same time, the cat intensively licks the babies, feeds them, purrs;
  • If you listen to your breathing, you will find that it is even. Heart beats and pulse are rhythmic and follow at a normal speed;
  • Mom eats and drinks with pleasure;
  • the pet is able to get up and walk at least a little;
  • when labor ends, if palpation is done no earlier than 40 minutes later, the abdomen will feel soft and relaxed to the touch. When palpating, you cannot feel the presence of seals. The muscles may be tense for a short period of time, but this quickly passes.

An indirect sign of a favorable end of labor may be the natural and calm behavior of the pet. However, it is normal for some cats to remain calm even when giving birth.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian seer often had to interpret dreams. Therefore, a dream book was compiled based on its interpretations. Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Vanga’s dream book? This is how she interprets a dream about a cat with kittens:

  • A cat with kittens is a sign that warns of the appearance of ill-wishers in the dreamer’s life. The more kittens, the more enemies.
  • An aggressive cat with kittens predicts the jealousy of a loved one.
  • A dead cat with kittens means conflicts with loved ones, major quarrels, and divorce.
  • If you see a cat giving birth to kittens in a dream, it means you will have to face troubles. Many kittens - the situation is more complicated.

If a man dreams of a cat, then this is a warning about the infidelity of the chosen one. Seeing a black cat in a dream means solving problems in business and bringing liars and traitors to light.

Interpretation depending on who had the dream

When interpreting night dreams, the gender of the dreamer is taken into account.

To a woman

When a mature woman sees a dream, she should take care of her own safety. You need to protect yourself from the actions of annoying people.

To a man

If a guy saw a cat with cubs in a dream, in reality he will have to apologize to the girl. The man may have an idea who he offended. Subconsciously he feels guilty.

To kid

For children, animals dream of conflicts with parents and problems with their studies. Possible loss of things or money, betrayal of a friend.

If a child has a dream about animals, he will have difficulties in studying.

To a young girl

The dream in this case predicts new acquaintances. Young people will talk about falling in love, but not all of them intend to get married. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing a partner.

To an elderly person

If you dreamed that kittens were running away from a cat, in reality the sleeper thinks about missed opportunities. In reality, this is not so, life goes on as usual, and you won’t be able to manage everything.

In addition, you can achieve what you want even in old age. The dream indicates that you need to stop being sad, it is better to do what you love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Nostradamus’ dream book? In the dream book of the famous alchemist and fortuneteller there is an interpretation of a dream with a cat and kittens. He has a rather ambiguous position in the interpretation of these images:

  • Seeing a cat and kittens on the street means family conflicts and quarrels, betrayal and betrayal.
  • Seeing a cat with kittens in your home means comfort, well-being and mutual understanding.
  • Meeting striped kittens means the appearance of a wise and reliable friend and mentor in your life.

Meeting with tabby kittens: Pixabay
To dream of a basket of kittens being brought into a rich house means a change of power in the country in which the dreamer lives. The power will be led by a wise and fair ruler.

Nostradamus believed that the image of a cat with kittens should be interpreted in the context of the entire dream, taking into account the meaning of other images and the sensations of the sleeping person.

Interpretation of a dream if you dreamed of a cat with kittens

Such dreams can warn a person about upcoming changes, which are not always good.

Positive values

A dream has a positive interpretation if:

  • a white cat gives birth to dark kittens - the sleeper will quickly cope with his rivals;
  • the dreamer feeds the animal - he will be able to defeat his enemies;
  • a sleeping person bathes a cat - pleasant events await him in reality;
  • the pets were striped - the period of failure in the dreamer’s life will end.


Dreams that contain:

  • cats with kittens sleeping in a crib - the dreamer will become a victim of scammers;
  • blind animals with cubs - problems with relatives are possible;
  • fluffy white kittens - the sleeper will have a meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • dirty and thin pets - the dreamer will become a victim of enemy intrigues;
  • stray cats - a dark streak will begin in the life of the sleeping person.

A cat with kittens in a crib in a dream foreshadows the deception of scammers.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous psychoanalyst saw hidden subtext in the images that appeared in dreams. This approach was reflected in his interpretation of dreams. Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Freud’s dream book? According to the father of psychoanalysis, a cat with kittens is the embodiment of sensuality and heightened emotionality:

  • If a woman strokes a kitten in a dream, then in life she yearns for male attention. If a man has a dream in which there is a cute cat with kittens, he lacks female affection, he yearns for the warmth of the family hearth and, perhaps, is ripe for marriage.
  • In a dream, a kitten fawns over the dreamer - a person is popular with members of the opposite sex. It's time to put things aside and take care of your personal life.

Helping an animal during an unfinished birth

Only a doctor can diagnose a failed fetus and help your cat. But there are rare cases when there is no doctor nearby and you cannot get there yourself.

Then oxytocin, which is sold in ampoules for intravenous administration, can come to the rescue. It will help stimulate another birth, contractions will begin, the uterus will begin to contract and throw out all the remaining babies.

The dosage of this drug is 0.3 IU/ml and you only need to administer this dose, no more! If this dosage does not help, there is no need to administer another ampoule, this will only make things worse.

Keep in mind that oxytocin has a number of contraindications, such as: disorders of the cardiac and respiratory systems, tachycardia, temperature above 37 degrees. There is no need to introduce it if the fetus is lying incorrectly or the cat’s size is non-standard.

It is extremely dangerous to resort to this kind of behavior, so you should not do it immediately as soon as you sense something is wrong. Childbirth is a natural process for cats too. Her instincts guide her and she does her best. Perhaps the cat needs time and she controls the birth process herself. Therefore, wait, watch the kittens being born and watch the reaction of your pet. In 99% of cases, cats give birth without any problems.

Another type of help on your part is support and affection. Always stay close to your tailed one, support her mentally at this important moment, caress her and say pleasant words. The cat feels everything and childbirth will not be so scary for her.

The support of a loving owner really helps the tailed cat give birth much calmer.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Longo’s dream book? In the white magician's dream book there are several interesting interpretations of dreams with a cat and kittens. So, in his opinion, what matters is what kind of animals a person saw in a dream - domestic or farm animals:

  • A yard cat with kittens dreams of problems in a relationship with a loved one. There is a big risk of seeing a person from an unexpected side that you won’t like. The relationship will end in disappointment and even breakup.
  • Killing a cat and kittens in a dream is evidence that the existing relationships in the family do not suit the dreamer. The problem has been brewing for a long time, and every day the situation is getting worse, requiring resolution.

Yard cat with kittens: Pixabay
Such an unfavorable prognosis for sleeping with kittens is not a death sentence. Yuri Longo believed that any problems can be solved with the help of magical rituals.

A man dreams

The meaning of giving birth to a cat in night vision for representatives of the stronger sex:

  1. For an adult man, the image of an animal means being surrounded by a lady, through whose fault many troubles arise in his life. It is necessary to identify this person and stop any communication - this will provide an opportunity to meet love and solve accumulated problems.
  2. For a guy in a long-term relationship, the birth of kittens means insincerity on the part of his other half. This girl is in a relationship with the dreamer, pursuing selfish goals.
  3. For a married man, such a dream prophesies scandals with his wife, which could lead to divorce. Try to find the stumbling block, pay attention to the qualities that you value in your chosen one - this will help save the marriage.

If there are no problems in your relationship with your significant other, then a cat with newborn kittens in a dream may indicate negligent performance of official duties. If a sleeping person does not change his attitude towards work, he will face not only a decrease in income, but also problems with the law.

Even if night vision has a negative interpretation, do not worry - many dreams arise as a result of internal unrest and may not carry any meaning. Try to be less nervous and attach importance to trifles, concentrate on your family and loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Hasse’s dream book? The medium offers his own interpretation of a dream with a cat and kittens. Her dream book contains the following explanations:

  • A black cat with kittens symbolizes major troubles, while a black cat of a different color symbolizes family quarrels and household troubles. The more kittens you dream about, the more problems the sleeping person will have to solve.
  • If the sleeper hears only the plaintive meow of kittens, then this is an alarming sign - expect a series of troubles.
  • A cat that behaves aggressively attacks - an important idea will not find support from others.
  • Petting a cat or kittens is a recognition of your own weakness and gullibility; beware of betrayal and enemies.
  • Feeding cats is a sign of ingratitude, which other people will demonstrate.

For Miss Hasse, a cat with kittens in a dream does not promise any bonuses. This is a warning. But don’t fall into despair, just be attentive and careful.

The cat has lambed

Dream Interpretation A cat has lambed dreamed of why in a dream a cat has lambed? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a cat lambing in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Okot

Watching the lambing and seeing a lot of lambs means a lot of offspring on the farm.

Dream Interpretation - Okot

Seeing sheep lambing in a dream means helplessness and confusion.

Dream Interpretation - Okot

Being present at the lambing of sheep in a dream means big profits in your business.

Dream Interpretation – Cat

A bad sign, for a fight, quarrel.

Kittens - to profit.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - to a meeting with an enemy, an insincere person.

A caressing cat is unfortunately in the cat's owner's house.

A cat meows hysterically - a request for help that is difficult to fulfill.

Hearing a cat's meow means receiving hypocritical assurances of love.

Hearing a cat meow without seeing it is a sign of deception.

A cat bit you or scratched you - slander or insult of its owners against you.

A cat has bitten or scratched someone - to a slight discomfort, to your resentment towards this person.

Catching a cat means opening up gossip.

Cat games - to troubles in your personal life, identifying enemies.

A cat fight means worries.

Playing with a cat in a dream means infidelity.

A black cat means evil from an unknown enemy.

A dead cat means the disappearance of a person you dislike.

To see a strangled cat - your lifestyle will lead to bad consequences.

Causing harm or pain to a cat means having a bad conscience.

A man dreamed of a cat - some girl was “hunting” him.

A woman dreamed of a cat - signifies the emergence of a strong rival.

A cat catching a mouse means big profits and wealth.

Dream Interpretation – Cat

A cat in a dream means a minor nuisance at work or problems with your wife. A black cat is dangerous. Try not to take unnecessary risks if you dreamed of a black cat on the night from Monday to Tuesday. If you see such a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday, fate is favorable to you; you will soon receive an unexpectedly large amount of money.

A black or white cat crossing the road foreshadows the imminent collapse of plans and hopes. But don’t believe in a dream if you see a bow or collar on an animal. This is an empty dream, a deception dream. A cat lying calmly on the rug means you can relax, your ill-wishers are hiding for a while. A cat jumping out of the bushes, baring its teeth, attacking - don’t expect anything good.

By the way, a black cat (not a cat) was considered one of the most important elements of the ritual of black magic. One has only to remember Baba Yaga with her stupa and black cat... Often magical rituals were not performed precisely because of the lack of such a necessary attribute as this animal. It was believed that the witch herself could turn into a black cat.

The black cat is one of the faces of the werewolf sorcerers. Many ancient legends tell how a hero escaped danger by unraveling the trick of a sorcerer or witch. For example, there was such a legend. The witch decided to wipe out the hero from the face of the earth, and in order to find out what he was doing, she turned into a cat. The hero, having unraveled the witch's trick, cut off the cat's right paw. The next day, the villagers saw a local witch without an arm.

Dream Interpretation – Cat

Seeing a cat in a dream is unfavorable, even if it is white / a sign of alarming activity of the “premonitory” organs of the soul.

Caressing a cat means mistrust, doubt.

A cat comes towards you, crosses the road - a meeting with an enemy, a false person / adultery, debauchery and bad consequences from them.

A caressing cat (cat) is an insidious temptress (temptress) and her machinations / misfortune in the house of the cat’s owner.

She meows hysterically - a request for help that will be difficult to fulfill / your soul, exhausted by various kinds of desires.

Hearing a cat's meow but not seeing it is deception.

To be bitten or scratched by a cat is an illness / slander / evil intrigues or resentment of its owners against you.

To see how this happened to another is to experience a slight discomfort / be offended by this person.

Catching a cat means discovering the source of gossip.

Cat games - damage from debauchery / reveal the machinations of attackers. Cat fight - mental suffering from contradictory and unbridled aspirations.

Playing with a cat is infidelity.

To see a cat or cat of a frightening or unnatural color - false ideas about oneself, perverted self-knowledge / dissolute personality.

Black cat - evil from an unknown enemy / any evil acting from the outside as a result of weakness and disharmony of mental life / evil spells in the power of which a person is / demonic personality.

The black cat is a personified something: a hole in existence that behaves like a person / a dark double of a person who opposes his self with decisive cruelty.

Dead cat - removal of an unpleasant person.

Suppressed - the bad consequences of your lifestyle, a fatal future.

To cause harm or pain to a cat is to have a bad conscience.

Seeing kittens means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cats

Seeing a cat in a dream foretells bad luck, unless you can kill it or drive it out of sight. If a cat rushes at you, you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property. But if you drive the cat away, you will overcome enormous obstacles, and your destiny and reputation will take off.

If you come across a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat, expect bad news: one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover.

Hearing cats squealing and meowing means that your false friend is doing everything to harm you.

To dream that a cat scratched you means that your enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from a transaction on which you spent a lot of time and effort.

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or kitten in her arms, then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

Seeing a pure white cat in a dream means some kind of confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of wealth.

When a trader sees a cat, he should work with maximum efficiency. Because his competitors are destroying his business ventures. He should do everything possible to succeed.

Seeing a cat and a snake being friendly to each other in a dream means the beginning of a fierce struggle. This means that you are supporting the enemy in order to use him and find out some secret that you believe is related to you. Unsure of the truth of the information received from him. You will refuse them because you are afraid that the details of your intimate life will become the subject of gossip.

According to Indian myths, a cat is an animal that belongs to the great goddess, the guardian of all newborns.

This goddess is usually depicted riding a cat, which is why in India she is revered as a sacred animal.

According to the beliefs of the ancient Germans, a person who loves cats will be happy in marriage, while one who has an aversion to cats will marry a grumpy and angry woman.

In any case, he will not have children.

In all fairy tales, myths and legends, cats accompany witches, goddesses and fairies.

The cat represents femininity, softness and charm.

However, later (in the Middle Ages) this animal began to be considered a companion of witches, so cats were persecuted.

In dreams, a cat symbolizes feminine attractiveness, magnetism and sensuality.

In Indian mythology, and in fairy tales of different peoples of the world, the forest is the habitat of the creator god.

However, there is another interpretation.

In Vaishnavism and Krishnaism, the world is a “forest of eternal joys,” a place of mystical experience.

Symbols have a similar interpretation in dreams.

Look in any dream book - the forest has many meanings, but we are interested in a different interpretation.

There are many dangers in the forest, however, those who go through it to the end can experience sensual joys, love and desire.

Dream Interpretation – Cat

Seeing is a failure, unless you can kill her or drive her out of sight; rushes at you - you will have enemies who will do anything to denigrate your reputation and deprive you of property; drive her away - overcoming huge obstacles, fate and reputation will on takeoff; a skinny, pitiful and dirty cat - bad news - one of your friends is very sick, but if you manage to drive the cat away in a dream, then your friend will recover;

hear the squealing and meowing of cats - your false friend is doing everything to harm you; a cat scratched you - enemies will successfully deprive you of part of the profit from the transaction, for which you spent a lot of time and effort; for a young woman - holding a cat in your arms or kitten - you will be involved in some unseemly affairs;

to see a pure white cat - confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and deprivation of wealth; for a merchant - to see a cat - you should work with maximum efficiency, as competitors are destroying your commercial endeavors; to see a cat and a snake friendly to each other - the beginning fierce struggle, you support the enemy to use him and discover some secret that has to do with you. Also see Kitten, Snake, Panther, Dog.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to Tsvetkov’s dream book? According to this dream book, a cat with kittens for women and men foreshadows a series of important events. Some of them have a negative connotation, while some promise good:

  • If you dreamed of a red cat with kittens, such a dream warns of health problems, in personal relationships and business. This is a signal that the partner is having an affair and the marriage is under threat.
  • If a cat and kittens catch mice in a dream, the dreamer will experience large profits and incredible success in business.
  • You dream of your own pregnant cat as a sign of pleasant surprises, while someone else’s cat means making new friends.

Red kittens dream of problems: Pixabay

Circumstances of the dream

When interpreting a dream, they take into account what the animals and the sleeper himself were doing, what kind of environment surrounded them.

The dreamer's actions

Interpretations depending on what the dreamer did:

  1. I was petting the cat. For women, such a dream predicts resentment from a loved one. Another interpretation says that stroking a cat in a dream means pandering to your rival in reality. The dreamer must take a close look at her friends and learn to recognize their true intentions. Perhaps one of her friends is trying to steal her husband/boyfriend.
  2. I caught it. Such stories are often dreamed of before participating in dubious events. If the caught kitten turns out to be tricolor, the dreamer will make a profit. You can act without caution.
  3. Defended himself from an animal attack. The dream predicts attempts by enemies to undermine the reputation of the sleeper. If the cat can be driven away, this situation will not have dangerous consequences. When you dream of wounds received from claws and teeth, your enemies will deal a crushing blow.
  4. Harmed an animal. The dreamer in reality will behave meanly and cunningly. An entrepreneur will win the competition using prohibited methods. A woman will start an affair on the side, deceiving her husband. The girl will steal the guy from her friend.
  5. I fed the kittens. Giving meat to a cat in a dream means helping ungrateful people. If fish is used as food, it means that the dreamer is behaving dishonestly towards competitors. If kittens choke in a dream, this is a sign that the sleeper is committing rash acts.

Stroking a cat in a dream means the appearance of insults on the part of a loved one.

What did the cat do with the kittens?

Interpretations depending on what the cat did in the dream:

  1. If you fed kittens, you should expect failures in business and quarrels in the family. However, after a difficult period, prosperity will come. Relatives will help the dreamer get out of a difficult situation without unnecessary losses.
  2. Played with the kids - such a dream predicts problems in relationships with your spouse. The dreamer will move away from his partner, and the alienation will constantly increase. After some time, the relationship will be restored.
  3. Bitten kittens - the dreamer in reality will receive an unexpected result. Wasting time and effort will be in vain.
  4. Licked the cubs - friends will act unfairly towards the dreamer. If he keeps his cool, this situation will not affect the future.
  5. Carrying kittens by the scruff of the neck - a dream warns of problems in business or personal life. However, the dreamer will soon feel a surge of strength, which will help him easily overcome difficulties.
  6. Protected offspring - the plot promises change. Important events related to finances will occur in the dreamer’s life.

May be of interest

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Animal color

The interpretation of the dream depends on what color the animals were:

  1. You dream of black cats when enemies are trying to do harm. The sleeper will be powerless before their actions. The consequence may be illness or a nervous breakdown.
  2. White animals dream of reconciliation after a long quarrel. A favorable period will come in the dreamer's life. It is possible that enemies will become active, but the sleeper will be able to repel their attack.
  3. A dream about gray cats foreshadows a pleasant acquaintance. Household chores will be completed successfully. Minor troubles at work are possible.
  4. Red animals symbolize unplanned troubles. The dreamer will have to deal with them on his own.
  5. A dream in which three-colored kittens are present predicts good luck in all matters. However, due to his own carelessness, the dreamer may miss something important.

Black cats often dream of enemies or illnesses.

Number of kittens

A dream about a large number of kittens indicates the weakness of the sleeper. He has to constantly overcome his failure. Dreaming about many kittens also means minor problems that will be quickly resolved. Troubles will affect relationships with your spouse and work. Seeing 1-2 kittens in a dream means you have to make a difficult choice in reality. A wrong decision can ruin your reputation.

Where were the cat and kittens?

When deciphering the meaning of sleep, consider where the animals were:

  1. In the apartment. The dream predicts a good rest, the opportunity to enjoy luxury. The dreamer expects good luck in all his endeavors.
  2. In a country house. The dream indicates the possibility of an argument with a colleague or friend. Maintaining your reputation will require a lot of patience.
  3. On the street. Such a dream promises a difficult period in life. Excessive stress will negatively affect the health of the sleeper.
  4. At the entrance. The dream foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance, but the sleeper will be disappointed by this.
  5. In the basement. Such a plot symbolizes success in work and successful completion of projects.
  6. In the attic. The dream speaks of the beginning of an unfavorable period in life. Collisions with enemies are expected.

Muslim (Islamic) dream book

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens according to the Islamic dream book? This dream book has an interpretation for those who dream of furry pets:

  • The compilers point out that if a sleeping man dreams of a cat, then this is a sign that his wife has lost interest in him.
  • Such a dream warns a woman about problems with children, betrayal of friends, theft.
  • If you dreamed of a cat with kittens that hisses and rushes, in real life there may be problems at work or illness.

Since interpretations in different dream books may differ, it is important to use several sources and take into account the general mood of the dream pictures. Even if a dream in which there are cats does not always lead to positive changes, try to set yourself up for success and do not be afraid to act.

Original article: https://www.nur.kz/esoterics/dream-books/1766010-k-cemu-snitsa-koska-s-kotatami/

How to prepare a cat for childbirth?

In the last week of pregnancy, it is recommended to protect the cat from stress as much as possible. The expectant mother's bed, tray and bowls must be moved to the most remote and quiet room

It is important that there are no drafts in the room and a constant temperature regime is maintained.

1-2 weeks before giving birth, most cats begin what is called nesting. The pet is looking for a secluded, dark, quiet and warm place in which she will give birth and raise kittens.

In most cases, cats prefer to make a nest in closets or under the bed. The expectant mother, who has free access to the street, is likely to build a nest outside the house, for example, under a threshold or in an improvised hole.

Note that giving birth to kittens in a closet is convenient for the cat, but not for the owner. Monitoring the growth and development of kittens involves regular weighing. Temperamental and primiparous cats may become protective of their offspring, making kittens difficult to obtain. By arranging a nest for a cat and her future offspring in advance, you will eliminate a number of problems in the first month of the kittens’ life.

As a nest, you can use special boxes that are sold in a pet store or a regular, durable cardboard box. Experience shows that cats prefer to build their nests in a closed box with a roof. The side of the box is cut so that the cat can easily step over the threshold without clinging to its stomach.

During the birth process, the bedding in the box will be wet, so it is recommended to stock up on moisture-absorbing diapers. For the first 4–5 days after birth, until the babies' umbilical cords fall off, it is recommended to use only white cotton fabric as bedding. On white bedding, you will immediately notice dirt or suspicious discharge from your cat.

In addition to arranging the nest, you need to take care of preparing an emergency first aid kit. If the birth occurs without complications, your intervention will not be required.

In case of difficult labor and the need to open the amniotic sac, you will need several pairs of sterile surgical gloves. If the cat refuses to lick the kittens, amniotic fluid must be removed from their respiratory tract, and for this it is convenient to use a baby syringe or a syringe with a soft tube.

For any complications during the birth process, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian. Arrange in advance with your doctor about telephone consultations and home visits, if necessary.

In rare cases, the umbilical cord vessels do not close, so they have to be ligated. You can use strong cotton, nylon or dental floss as a dressing.

Use sharp, sterile scissors to cut the umbilical cord. Pour boiling water over the scissors in advance or treat them with alcohol, then place them in a clean bag and do not take them out until delivery.

In addition to moisture-absorbing diapers, which are used as bedding, you need to stock up on a large number of cotton pieces to wipe and wrap the kittens.

Just in case, prepare several terry towels that retain temperature well. In case of complications, you will have to remove the kittens from the nest, so a spare box of bedding and a heating pad will be useful.

After the first or difficult birth, some cats refuse kittens, that is, they ignore and do not feed them. To take control of the situation, buy several packets of milk replacer and a kitten feeding bottle in advance.

How many kittens does a cat give birth to for the first time?

It is impossible to say exactly what kind of offspring to expect for the first time - a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the new mother. At the same time, according to the observations of veterinarians and breeders, usually the first litter is not numerous - from one to three kittens. Of course, there may be a larger number of kittens, but according to statistics, the first time a cat gives birth to as many cubs as the next, often even fewer.

Is it possible to influence the number of kittens in a litter?

In ordinary life, owners rarely seek to influence a mother cat in order to increase or decrease the number of future newborn kittens. However, this can be done - primarily with the help of special medications that can stimulate the cat to produce more eggs. Consultation with a specialist is required; any independent intervention can be dangerous for the cat.

The likelihood that a cat will be very fertile also increases if she is given vitamins - selenium and E. However, you cannot select vitamins and their dosage yourself; it is important to entrust this to an experienced specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of harming the cat’s health, disrupting the functioning of its gastrointestinal tract and more.

Minimum and maximum number of kittens for a cat

With the smallest number of kittens everything is simple. Yes, one baby is the “minimum” that can be expected from a future cat mother.

With the maximum number it is more difficult - usually a cat gives birth to no more than six or eight kittens; less common, but it is possible to give birth to ten babies at a time. This is sometimes characteristic of cats of certain breeds. There is a known case when a female Persian breed became the mother of fifteen babies.

Also, a street cat can have an unusually large litter, for example, which has “fed” the offspring of two or even more cats at the same time. It is known that a cat is capable of simultaneously bearing kittens from different males if she mated with them at the same time.

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