Notoedrosis in cats: photos of symptoms and treatment of scabies

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Among all cat problems, a contagious disease that is caused by a group of scabies mites stands out. Parasites penetrate the skin, causing a lot of anxiety to the animal. Unpleasant symptoms accompanied by itching are only the visible part of the iceberg. Scabies in cats can have serious consequences. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to diagnose the type of pathogen in time and treat the pet with prescribed medications.

Signs of the disease

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Scabies in cats manifests itself with a whole range of symptoms. They begin to appear as the tick spreads across the animal's skin. As a rule, infection begins from the cat's head. Signs become apparent 5-7 days after infection. Thickened formations covered with crusts appear at the site of parasite penetration. Such plaques can be seen on the center line of the nose, at the base of the ears, along the eyebrows.

Further, the symptoms expand. The changes concern mainly the skin, but since they affect the pet’s well-being, behavior changes. The animal becomes irritable and even aggressive. The cat may refuse food, sleep poorly, and not participate in games. Common signs of scabies are:

  • frequent scratching of the body and head;
  • deterioration in wool quality and hair loss;
  • formation of bald spots on the body;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of white pustules;
  • redness and suppuration of scratches;
  • covering of the opened papules with scales.

The appearance of even one of the signs of scabies in a cat is a reason to consult a veterinarian.

Mites on birds

Northern bird mites and chicken mites parasitize poultry. The first lives permanently, the second leaves the owner after feeding and hides in secluded places. They can cause anemia and weight loss. These mites are difficult to control; they are resistant to many insecticides.

Scaly leg mites are easier to kill. It affects the paws by feeding on the skin, causing the scales to rise, causing pain and discomfort.

Beaphar spray Milben-Zerstauber (Netherlands) will help get rid of all parasites. It kills mites as soon as they attack the treated bird. The solution is applied against the growth of the feathers until they become damp. Then the procedure is repeated after 2-3 days. Important: weak birds and those hatching eggs should not be treated.

Types and causes of the disease

Not all cats are susceptible to infection. This may be due to direct and indirect reasons. They relate to the physiological state of the animal, its care and a number of other circumstances. The development of scabies in cats is promoted by:

  • decreased immunity;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • lack of insecticidal treatment;
  • kitten age up to two years;
  • genetic predisposition.

Scabies mites are microscopic organisms; their sizes are measured in fractions of a millimeter. The shape, body length, and structural features depend on the biological species. This determines the type of disease. Various mites cause demodicosis, otodectosis, notoedrosis, and sarcoptic mange. In each case, its own specific symptoms are observed and adequate drug treatment is prescribed.


The causative agent is the light gray Demodex canis mite. The parasite settles in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Infection sometimes occurs in the newborn period. Affected areas may be small - up to 2.5 cm (localized form) or spread over most of the body (generalized form). The first one often goes away on its own.

Demodicosis manifests itself in the form of scaly redness or in the form of ulcers and ulcers. The generalized form of the disease often combines both symptoms. In this case, it is very difficult to treat the cat, as complications often arise.

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The ear mite Otodectes cynotis parasitizes the external and internal parts of the auricle. This type of disease is accompanied by the formation of scabs and scales on the surface of the auditory organ.

A strong putrid odor emanates from the affected area. Ear mange causes your cat to constantly scratch his head and especially his ears.


The disease, often called scabies, is caused by the Notoedres scabies mite. It has a round shape and gray color. This type of disease in cats affects the outer side of the ear. A gray liquid with an unpleasant odor accumulates in the affected areas.

Due to the discharge, the fur sticks together, later it begins to fall out and the pet’s head goes bald. In exposed areas, scales accumulate, forming scabs.

Sarcoptic mange

The causative agent of the disease is the yellowish or completely white mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The parasites first settle on the cat's face and then spread to the entire body. The diagnostic sign is the formation of red spots with thin gray lines with a nodule at the end. An inexperienced person may confuse sarcoptic mange with an allergy, since their symptoms are similar in appearance

Sarcoptic mange is dangerous due to bacterial infection and general sepsis.

At-risk groups

However, animals with strong immunity can cope with this parasite on their own (not always, of course), so not all cats that come into contact with scabies mites end up getting sick. As a result, we can identify risk groups that are most at risk of getting scabies:

1. Stray cats and animals on their own (many times more opportunities for contact with ticks). 2. Emaciated animals (in many ways overlaps with point 1). 3. Cats whose immunity is weakened due to other diseases or stress.

Read more: Main cat diseases and their symptoms

Is scabies contagious to humans?

The question of whether scabies is transmitted to humans or not worries every owner of a fluffy cat. The disease is considered contagious and can spread to other animals and humans. These parasites cannot live outside a living organism; they definitely need a host. However, scabies mites, having penetrated the epidermis of human skin, cannot exist in it for a long time. Symptoms of infection with sarcoptic mange or notoedrosis look like an allergy. In rare cases, otodectosis can cause otitis externa.

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Human skin is too dense for scabies mites; they cannot lay eggs in it or move around. This feature saves a person from cat scabies. In the short period while the ectoparasite is in the upper layers of the dermis, it causes itching and discomfort. After spontaneous healing, the symptoms disappear. Despite these features, when treating a sick cat, the owner must observe personal hygiene measures:

  • use gloves when handling your pet;
  • wash your hands with soap after treatment procedures;
  • boil things that the cat has come into contact with;
  • Regularly vacuum carpets and wash floors in the house.

Scabies mites disappear from the human body in less than a month.

Path of infection

The most common route of infection is contact , i.e. a healthy animal should communicate with a carrier of scabies mites (the exception is Demodex cati). Infection can also occur through contact between an animal and contaminated bedding, toys and grooming items (combs, towels).

Most often, cats become infected on the street - from their relatives.

The owner can bring tick eggs on the soles of outdoor shoes by simply walking down the street.

Infection can occur at any time of the year; it is more often recorded in warm times (spring - summer), since the tick remains warm for a longer time.

Diagnosis of scabies

If you suspect your cat has scabies, it is important to seek veterinary help promptly. The clinic will help make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Diagnostics includes an external examination of the animal and taking skin scrapings for microscopic analysis. This procedure is repeated two or three times to confirm the output. Based on the results, the doctor makes a conclusion about the cause of the problem. Often, a mite infestation can be confused with dermatitis, an allergic reaction, ringworm, or eczema. Therefore, a laboratory test is mandatory in the diagnostic system.

The duration of therapy is determined by the severity of the disease and the condition of the pet itself. The average treatment period for scabies ranges from one to four weeks. Medical care for a pet consists of injections, ointments, solutions, drops, and hygiene products with a therapeutic effect (shampoos, soaps). To eliminate scabies in cats, acaricides, antibiotics, antihistamines, antiseptics, and immunomodulators are used. To prevent the cat from licking the ointment applied to the surface of the skin, it is necessary to use a protective cap.


With any disease, a living organism develops certain symptoms that can tell which direction to look. The symptoms are given so that the pet owner can quickly react and seek help from a veterinary center as quickly as possible! When scabies appears, the following symptoms are observed:

  • In areas where the disease is active, hair loss may occur. Such places most often are the areas of the muzzle and limbs;
  • If the disease is not cured in time, small bald “islands” can be replaced by entire “continents of no fur”;
  • When insects enter the flesh under the skin, this causes the formation of peculiar lumps. Such formations can reach 10 mm in diameter;
  • the skin itself, in the place where the insect landed, can become inflamed and crusty;
  • when palpating the bumps, when there is a hole in them, a very thick, but almost transparent consistency may flow out;
  • when the microflora of wool follicles is disrupted, folliculitis is observed;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • apathy;
  • sometimes, loss of appetite.

Many people believe that the name of the disease, scabies, is directly related to the word itch. Therefore, there is an omission in observing the pet’s symptoms. Be aware that a cat with scabies may not itch more often than usual. If the symptoms listed above appear, and in addition to all this, your pet often itches, this may indicate the presence of another or related disease. In any case, you need to consult a doctor.

When seeking help from a specialist, as a rule, a diagnosis of the disease is carried out, where all the symptoms are compared and a certain examination is prescribed.

Treatment of demodicosis

To help an adult cat or kitten, complex therapy is needed, including several drugs with different effects. You can treat your pet at home, but a treatment plan is developed by a veterinarian. If the disease is mild, then bathing with tar soap is sufficient to treat the animal. After this, sulfur ointment is applied to the affected areas or wiped with an infusion of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects (chamomile, calendula, string).

For a localized form, liquid medicine Tsipam, Ivermek, Amide, Ectodes, Perol is used. The product is applied to the lesion 1-2 times a week. These drugs are not used during pregnancy. When treating a generalized form of scabies, the cat's hair is first shaved off. Then the skin is treated with acaricidal preparations. At the same time, subcutaneous injections of Cydectin and antibiotics (Betamox, Amoxicillin or Camacidin) are given. Drops against fleas and ticks are applied to the withers (for example, Amit Forte).

How is otodectosis treated?

For ear scabies, the pet is prescribed medications with amitraz (Amitrazin, Tsipam), hexachlorane (Aurikan), as well as acaricides and insecticides (Neostomozan, Surolan, Ectodes, Aurikan, Dana). First, the surface of the auricle is cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in antiseptic. Then the liquid medicine is instilled. After this, the base of the ear is gently massaged so that the medicine is evenly distributed over the surface. For hygienic sanitation before treatment, you can use lotions and solutions:

  • Otifri
  • Otoklin
  • Fitolar
  • Furacilin
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Potassium permangantsovka
  • Chlorhexidine

When treating scabies in cats, the medicine is instilled into both ears, regardless of the lesion.

Treatment of notohedrosis

Before using medications, it is necessary to remove hair from the outer part of the ears in the affected area. The second step is to bathe the cat with shampoo that contains acaricidal components. In the early stages, you can treat your pet with local remedies. Aversectin or novertine ointment is suitable for this; they are applied twice a week. An alternative may be Demos gel, the frequency of its use is once every four days.

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For systemic treatment of feline scabies, injections of drugs based on ivermectin (1%) are prescribed - five injections every five days. The therapy includes Stronghold drops with selamectin or Advocate, they are used every three weeks.

How is sarcoptic mange treated?

This type of disease requires treatment of the cat's entire body, so treatment at home is a labor-intensive but necessary process. As in other cases, it is necessary to remove hair so that ointments and solutions are more effectively distributed over the skin. Next, the cat is washed with tar soap or shampoo (Nizoral, TM Doctor).

For injections, acaricidal agents Ivermectin, Doramectin, Aversect are prescribed. For the treatment of sarcoptic mange, Sayfli tablets and local ointments Aversectin, Novertin, and Sulfur are intended. Preparations in solutions are also suitable for external use: Stomazan, Amit Forte, Amitrazine Plus. A choice of drops of coffee is dropped onto the withers of a sick cat: Lawyer, Stronghold, Fighter, Frontline.

Most anti-scab drugs are strong poisons that place increased stress on the liver. To support it, the cat needs hepatoprotectors.

What are the possible consequences of scabies?

Areas affected by subcutaneous mites cause unbearable irritation in the cat. She combs the areas that bother her. Wounds and scratches are open gates for viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Pathogenic microorganisms cause inflammation. In severe situations, the outbreak festeres. In the absence of timely treatment of scabies and secondary infection, the cat may develop general sepsis.

Ticks, which lead an active lifestyle in the layers of the skin, secrete toxins. Toxic substances enter the blood and cause disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, heart, and lungs. With cat scabies, oxygen starvation is possible at the cellular level, which occurs due to metabolic disorders under the influence of harmful compounds.

Ear mites in a cat

Otodectes is a type of scabies caused by the ear parasite Otodectes cynotis. Its favorite habitat is a warm and humid environment, making the shell and ear canal ideal for breeding.

Infection occurs through contact with sick animals - cats, dogs, and less commonly rodents and insects. Sometimes ticks enter the house on clothing or shoes.

The incubation period lasts 3 to 10 days. Parasites injure the skin inside the ear, causing slight itching. Then it intensifies, the cat’s anxiety becomes more noticeable. She shakes her head, rubs her ears with her paw, runs around the room, squeaks. The sulfur turns dark brown and smells unpleasant. You have to clean your ears several times a day.

During scratching, the animal introduces infections into the wounds, which leads to purulent external otitis. If the eardrum ruptures, the infection can spread first to the middle ear and then to the inner ear. This is fraught with meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain. The result is convulsions, paralysis, and death of the animal.

Another scenario is inflammation of the lymph node (appearance of an oval-shaped tumor). This is a serious condition that requires urgent medical intervention and surgery - the tumor does not go away on its own. If the hematoma is not treated, pus goes in and causes meningitis.

Preventive measures

To prevent infection with skin mites, it is necessary to remember and apply the rules of prevention. Firstly, if possible, it is advisable to protect your pet from contact with street animals. They often suffer from this contagious disease. Secondly, during routine insecticidal treatment it is periodically necessary to use selamectin-based products. It is enough to use such drugs once every six months. Thirdly, for hygiene procedures it is useful to use shampoos with insecticidal additives (for example, with tar).

At home, it is important to regularly carry out wet cleaning. A balanced cat diet also provides additional support. When you have enough minerals and vitamins in your diet, it is easier to keep your immune system healthy. It is also important to protect your pet from stress and hypothermia. A healthy, well-groomed cat is much less likely to be affected by subcutaneous mites and does not even pose a temporary threat to humans.

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