Features of the use of drops and tablets Stop Stress for cats

Cats react acutely to many external stimuli and often become stressed. If they are not brought out of this state in time, they will develop more serious health problems. Stop Stress for Cats can help calm the nervous system and help pets restore their emotional background. Let's find out in what dosage and according to what scheme to use this drug.

Composition and properties of the drug

Stop-stress for cats is a combined sedative drug produced in Russia. It is available in two dosage forms - drops and tablets.

Stop stress Plus drops

The drug is a viscous liquid from pale yellow to yellow in color, in which opalescence is possible. The composition of Stop Stress drops for cats includes:

  • L-theanine – 45-55 mg/ml;
  • tryptophan – 9-11 mg/ml;
  • glycine – 90-110 mg/ml.

The drug contains as excipients:

  • polyvinylpyrrolidone – 54-66 mg/ml;
  • aspasvit C 200 – 4.5-5.5 mg/ml;
  • potassium sorbate – 1.35-1.65 mg/ml;
  • citric acid – 1.35-1.65 mg/ml;
  • sodium benzoate – 1.35-1.65 mg/ml;
  • purified water – up to 1 ml.

Stop-stress Plus drops are packaged in dropper bottles of 10 and 15 ml or polymer bottles sealed with screw caps with tamper-evident control of 30 and 50 ml. Containers must be labeled and packaged in separate cardboard boxes complete with instructions and a dispenser syringe.

Drops are stored separately from feed and food in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0-25 ° C. If all conditions are met, the shelf life of the sealed drug is 2 years from the date of manufacture. An opened bottle must be used within 30 days.

Stop stress pills

Stop stress tablets are produced in two modifications:

  1. Stop stress tablets-2 weighing 200 mg. Each contains 100 mg of phenibut and 10 mg of skullcap extract, hop extract, motherwort extract and peony extract.
  2. Stop-stress tablets-5 weighing 500 mg. Each contains 250 mg of phenibut and 30 mg of skullcap extract, hop extract, motherwort extract and peony extract.

The tablets also contain lactose, cyclamate, saccharin, aspartame, carboxymethylcellulose and calcium stearate.

Important! Stop-stress tablets-5 are intended for large dogs.

The drug is available in blister and cellless packaging, as well as glass or polymer jars with screw caps. Outline packages and cans are placed in cardboard boxes complete with instructions.

The tablets are stored away from feed and food in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 0-25 °C. If the recommended conditions are met, the shelf life of the drug is 2 years from the date of release.

Analogues of the drug “Stop-Stress”

If the pharmacy does not have “Stop-Stress”, then you can purchase an analogue of this drug. These include:

  1. Cat Baiyun . The drug is made on the basis of medicinal herbs: oregano, valerian, St. John's wort, motherwort, peony, sweet clover, oregano and others. Available in tablets, the cost of which is from 50 rubles per package (50 tablets).
  2. Fitex . Consists of extracts of valerian, motherwort, hops and skullcap. Available in the form of drops in a 10 ml bottle, costing from 40 rubles.

The drug “Stop-Stress” is an excellent sedative for pets, which is prescribed during stressful situations, increased aggressiveness and sexual excitability. The active ingredient is phenibut, but medicinal herbs also have a great effect on the cat's condition. You can buy it in veterinary clinics or pharmacies at a price of 150 to 220 rubles.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Stop Stress Plus drops are prescribed to cats to correct unwanted behavior and increase the stability of the nervous system in animals in stressful situations:

  • transportation;
  • carrying out grooming;
  • visiting a veterinary clinic and public events.

Stop-stress tablets for cats are used to reduce agitation and correct psychogenic behavioral disorders in animals with stress, phobias, unmotivated aggression and increased sexual arousal (in combination with contraceptive drugs).

Overdose symptoms and side effects

Even if you read the instructions very carefully, accurately adjust the required dose and take into account all possible consequences, there is always a risk of overdose - it is enough to give just a few milligrams more of the drug.

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It is very easy to recognize. The cat experiences a decrease in blood pressure and, as a result, drowsiness. In case of particularly severe drug poisoning, vomiting may occur. Of course, in such conditions, you should immediately stop taking Stop Stress and significantly reduce the dose in the future. To eliminate the consequences of an overdose, the cat should be given a gastric lavage, and then fed with enterosorbents - for example, white coal.

With normal intake, the risk of side effects is almost completely eliminated and is a consequence of individual intolerance - allergies. To solve the problem, you need to lavage the stomach and use adsorbents, and then use antihistamines - half a tablet of Cetrin or Loratadine will do.

Operating principle

Stop Stress Plus drops for cats contain the amino acids L-theanine, tryptophan and glycine, which have relaxing properties and cause a feeling of calm and pleasure in animals. Theanine helps improve learning ability. Tryptophan normalizes sleep, relieves nervous tension, eliminates anxiety and fear.

Phenibut is a phenyl derivative of GABA and phenylethylamine. It normalizes metabolism and affects cerebral circulation, affects the functional state and enhances inhibitory GABAergic processes. Due to its pronounced stress-corrective effect, phenibut regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system.

The combination of medicinal plant extracts has a mild sedative effect on cats. Skullcap extract has calming properties and helps improve sleep. Peony extract is rich in phenols, tannins and organic acids, which increase resistance to hypoxia, and also have antispasmodic, anticonvulsant and antimicrobial effects.

Motherwort reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, increases strength and slows down the rhythm of heart contractions, and has hypotensive, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties. Hop cones contain lupulin and have anti-inflammatory, hypnotic, analgesic and sedative effects.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, Stop Stress tablets for cats belong to class 4 and are considered low-hazard.

Instructions for use

The drug is intended for oral use. The dosage and regimen of use depends on the release form. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to give tablets and drops 3-5 days before the planned event and for 1-4 days after its completion.


Stop-Stress Plus drops are given, after shaking the bottle, with a small amount of treat or forcibly injected onto the root of the tongue using a dispenser syringe. The dosage is determined at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of cat’s body weight and divided into 2 doses (morning and evening).

Stop Stress Plus drops are prescribed for a course lasting up to 3 months.


Stop Stress tablets for cats are given twice a day with a small amount of food or forcefully on the root of the tongue. A single dose is determined taking into account weight.

Cat weight, kgQuantity of Stop-stress tablets - 2, pcs.
up to 5¼
10-20½ -1

Tablets are prescribed to cats for a course of 15-20 days. In the presence of psychogenic disorders and signs of severe agitation, the drug can be prolonged for up to 4 weeks.

Stop Stress tablets 2 for cats 15 tablets 200 mg each


Stop-stress – tablets for reducing agitation and correcting psychogenic behavior disorders in dogs and cats.


The active ingredient of Stop-Stress tablets is phenibut (gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride), which is a phenyl derivative of GABA and phenylethylamine.


Stop-stress tablets belong to the group of combined sedative medications.

Phenibut, which is part of the drug, is a phenyl derivative of GABA and phenylethylamine (gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride). By enhancing inhibitory GABAergic processes, it affects the functional state by normalizing metabolism and influencing cerebral circulation. Having a pronounced stress-corrective effect, it ensures the normalization of excitation and inhibition processes in the central nervous system.

The complex of medicinal plant extracts has a mild calming effect on animals. Hop cones have a calming, analgesic, hypnotic and anti-inflammatory effect. The neurotropic properties that determine the biological activity of hops are associated with the content of lupulin, which has a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Motherwort reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, has antispasmodic, anticonvulsant effects, slows down the rhythm and increases the strength of heart contractions, and has a hypotensive effect.

Peony extract contains phenols, tannins, organic acids, which together increase the body's resistance to hypoxia and have antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, and antimicrobial properties.

Scutellaria extract has a calming effect, improves sleep, and is superior to motherwort and valerian in its sedative effect. The combination of active components of Stop-Stress tablets has a calming effect on animals, reduces tension, fear, improves recovery and adaptive processes, and increases resistance to adverse environmental influences.

In terms of the degree of impact on the body, stop-stress tablets are classified as low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76); in recommended doses they do not have a mutagenic, carcinogenic or sensitizing effect.


Stop-stress tablets are prescribed to reduce agitation and correct psychogenic behavior disorders in cats and dogs with stress, phobias, aggression for no apparent reason and with increased sexual arousal (together with contraceptive medications).

Stop-stress tablets are administered to cats and dogs orally, forcefully on the root of the tongue or with a small amount of treat, twice a day, the dose is selected individually taking into account the weight of the animal, the type of nervous activity and the degree of excitement of the animal.

The average therapeutic doses are indicated in the table:

Animal weight, kgSingle dose of the drug
Stop stress tablets 2Stop stress tablets 5 2
up to 5¼ tab.
from 5 to 10¼ - ½ tab.
from 10 to 20½ - 1 tab.
from 20 to 301 - 1 ½ tab.¼ - ½ tab.
from 30 to 401 ½ - 2 tab.½ - 1 tab.
from 40 to 501 tab.
from 50 and above1 – 2 tab.

The course of use of the drug is 15-20 days.

If there are signs of strong arousal and psychogenic behavioral disorders (aggression, fear, hyperactivity, excessive vocalization (barking, meowing), hypersexual behavior, marking the room with urine), the course can be extended to 4 weeks.

If animals show signs of agitation and/or behavioral disturbances again, the course of use of the drug is repeated in the same doses according to the same scheme.

In order to prevent stress (transportation, arrival of guests, change of environment, departure of the owner, participation in exhibitions and competitions), the drug is used 3-5 days before the intended event and for 1-4 days after its end (until signs of increased agitation of the animal disappear) .

To correct behavior during increased sexual activity, Stop Stress Tablets are used in the same doses together with contraceptive medications. The duration of the course of use depends on the individual sensitivity of the animal and the degree of its excitability, but should not exceed 4 weeks.


With a significant overdose, the animal may experience drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, decreased blood pressure, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. In these cases, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, prescribe enterosorbents and symptomatic drugs in accordance with the instructions for their use.

In rare cases, when taking the drug for the first time, the animal may experience drowsiness and nausea, which resolve spontaneously and do not require the use of medications.

If one or more doses of the drug are missed, its use is resumed in the same dosage and according to the same regimen.

Stop-stress tablets, when used together, enhance and prolong the effect of tranquilizers, antipsychotics and anticonvulsants.

Stop stress tablets are not intended for use in productive animals.


Contraindications for use are increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug (including a history), diseases of the genitourinary system, tumors and diabetes. Stop-stress tablets should not be used by pregnant and lactating females.


As a rule, there are no side effects or complications when using the drug in accordance with these instructions. In case of increased individual sensitivity of the animal to the components of the drug, in rare cases, drowsiness or agitation, irritability, nausea, and allergic reactions are possible. In such cases, the use of the drug is stopped and symptomatic and desensitizing drugs are prescribed.


Stop-stress tablets should be stored in the manufacturer's sealed packaging, in a dry container protected from light, separately from food and feed, at a temperature of 0°C to 25°C.

The shelf life of the drug, subject to storage conditions, is 2 years from the date of production.


The drug is produced in contour cell and cell-free packaging, as well as in polymer or glass jars with screw caps 15 tab * 200 mg. Cans and contour packages are placed in cardboard packs.

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