Anti-binge drugs for cats: a review of drops and tablets

In the spring or during the period of sexual heat, which began at another time, the owners of non-castrated cats and non-sterilized cats begin to go crazy. Walking time in cats is accompanied by increased excitability, anxiety, and endless unpleasant guttural screams. The cats begin to mark their territory, the cats roll on the floor with an inviting purr. There are two ways to stop the period of walking in cats - sterilize, which is more correct, or choose a temporary solution by giving your pet hormonal tablets or drops.

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
Top 10 best anti-party remedies for cats
1S.BarrierBetter efficiency
2Stop intimateThe most versatile drug
3EX-7.5Safety and effectiveness
4S.ControlAffordable price and fast action
5OvostopEase of use
6PillkanThe best drug for delaying and stopping estrus
7Mating-minusThe safest composition
8GestrenolPopular remedy for partying
9CONTROL NEOOptimal combination of price and quality
10Four with a tailLow price

For those cases when there is no opportunity or desire to use the services of a veterinarian for sterilization, we have prepared a rating of the best remedies for cats.


Drugs in this form are much easier to “feed” to a cat, since the liquid solution can be added to food and drink, whereas this is difficult to do with tablets. Today, in any veterinary clinic you can purchase many suitable drops, but most often they give preference to the following:

  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Contra sex;
  • Sex barrier.

Contra-sex and Sex-barrier products operate on approximately the same principle: they are both hormonal and lead to the suppression of the animal’s sexual instinct. The drops are oil-based and are available in standard bottles equipped with a dropper dispenser. As a result of the use of these drugs, the cat temporarily loses its sexual instinct and, accordingly, stops hunting attempts. Note that the drugs are independently eliminated from the cat’s body after 15 days.

Hormonal drops Sex Barrier lead to a noticeable decrease in sexual desire in cats. The animal's excitement subsides, and its behavior becomes “socially acceptable.”

Stop intimate

This is a milder remedy than Sex Barrier, but also hormonal. The product is used when the cat’s sexual instinct is not too clearly expressed.


This hormonal-based remedy will help quickly reduce your cat’s sexual activity and calm him down. Note that this drug is now chosen by both private cat owners and professional breeders. Gestrenol in the form of drops can naturally affect sexual behavior, inhibiting it. In addition, the product reduces the aggressiveness of the animal, eliminates such a side effect of the sexual instinct as “marking” the territory.

Chemical composition of the drug

The composition of the drug includes:

  • mepregenol acetate;
  • ethinyl estradiol.

The essence of the effect is the inhibition of the hypothalamic-physeal region of the brain, which is responsible for controlling the production of gonadotropic hormones in the animal’s body. Thus, antiovulatory and antiestrogenic effects are achieved, which helps eliminate sexual desire. The main active ingredient is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and then processed in the liver and breaks down into free steroids and conjugates.

Did you know? The cat's maximum speed is 50 km/h.

In this form, it is excreted naturally along with urine and feces. At the end of the course of administration, 90% of the substance is excreted with waste products within 15 days.

A comprehensive solution to the problem - sterilization

When a cat goes into heat, it is due to hormonal changes in her body; these are natural processes that should lead to procreation. If you do not plan to regularly breed, the reproductive organs will not be involved, which will subsequently lead to disruptions in the functioning of many body systems. Sterilization and castration allow you to solve the problem in a complex way, preventing behavioral problems, inflammatory processes, and the occurrence of neoplasms, while injections often contribute to them.

Spaying your cat before her first heat reduces the risk of mammary tumors by more than 90%!

It should be remembered that when using any hormonal drugs, the risks of complications are too high. It is hardly worth exposing your furry pet to danger once again.

Video “Contraceptives cause cancer in animals”

In this video, a specialist talks in more detail about the dangers of birth control for cats.

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Tablets for cats during estrus act similarly to drops. One tablet contains about 7 mg of megastrol acetate. Tablets are produced from three to 24 pieces. Their action also blocks the release of hormones. The drug is completely eliminated after 15 days, just like drops.

The instructions also indicate that you should not use the pills for more than 18 months; you should take a break from at least one estrus cycle to allow the hormones to fully recover.

Tablets to delay estrus in cats are used 1 tablet for a week from the first day of estrus, and to stop - 1 tablet daily. Cats should be given a whole tablet daily during the first week of hunting and a half tablet daily for another 2 weeks. The medicine is mixed into food or placed on the tongue. The price of tablets ranges from 20 to 30 rubles for 8 pieces.

How to give Antisex to cats?

Before using the drug, the instructions for it must be thoroughly studied. The slightest inconsistencies in actions will lead to a complete lack of effect. To reduce manifestations of aggression, cats are injected with Suprastin (sold in a regular pharmacy) as a sedative in combination with Antisex.

It is not recommended to combine it with other drugs. Only a doctor gives such injections. The drug should not be used for more than 18 months in a row. It is necessary to take a break at least once a year, equal in time to the duration of the heat.


The liquid form of the drug is easiest to use. To delay estrus, apply 3 drops to the root of the tongue every 7 days. If the process has already started, to interrupt it, give 3 drops daily until the symptoms completely disappear. You should start giving the drug no later than 3 days after the start of estrus. When the first signs of heat appear, cats are given 3 drops daily for 3 days, then 1 drop for another 2 weeks. More than 2 intensive courses (daily use) per year are contraindicated.


The daily dosage is calculated according to body weight and depending on the purpose of use.

Purpose of applicationDaily dosage
at the first signs of sexual arousal for 3–5 days˃5 kg - 1 tablet; 5–10 kg - 2 tablets; from 10 kg – 2–4 tablets
to maintain a calming effect and maintain low sexual activity once every 2 weeks1 tablet regardless of body weight
to prevent unwanted pregnancy, no later than 24 hours after mating, once2 tablets regardless of body weight

Cats begin to be given medicine a week before the start of sexual heat, 1 tablet every day. In the next 2 weeks, 0.5 tablets daily.

Important! The drug should be given 1-2 hours before the morning meal. Failure to comply with this requirement results in a complete lack of the desired effect.

The tablets are placed on the root of the tongue. But, it will be easier to crush them into powder, dilute them with a small amount of water and pour them into the gap between the teeth using a syringe.


Hormonal injections pose the greatest danger to animals. They are done at the veterinary clinic. First, with an interval between injections of 3-4 months, then 6, 12 or more.

Find out if animals need to be neutered.

Injection “Antisex” most often leads to negative consequences in the form of disruption of the functionality of the endocrine system, adrenal glands and the formation of malignant tumors. In this regard, veterinarians prescribe a similar drug in very rare cases and recommend sterilization or castration as quickly as possible.

Alternative to injections for estrus

Suprelorin is a peptide-based contraceptive implant containing the active substance deslorelin. It is used for temporary castration of animals with the possibility of restoring reproductive function. The implant is inserted subcutaneously, a slow release of the hormone occurs, suppressing the production of pituitary hormones and, accordingly, sex hormones. This leads first to a sharp increase in sexual activity, and then to its complete suppression. The effect is achieved 6 weeks after insertion of the implant and lasts in cats for an average of 6 to 24 months.

The implant size is only 2.3 by 12.5 mm. It is located in the needle of a syringe-pusher, with which the doctor inserts the implant into the cat’s withers. The procedure is simple and safe; it is carried out in a similar way to microchipping. Of the side effects of this drug, only a local reaction of the injection site is described: swelling, inflammation, which, as a rule, go away on their own.

Although the drug is currently only licensed for dogs and ferrets, its use in cats is gaining momentum. Suprelorin has established itself as the safest method of hormonal contraception in these animals.

Limitations: This contraceptive is not recommended for use in young cats who have not reached sexual maturity, as there are not enough studies to confirm its safety in this category.

How to determine that a cat is “walking”?

Kittens reach sexual maturity on average at 7–9 months. But these indicators are very conditional, because depending on the breed, living conditions and a number of other factors, the process can begin at 4-5 months or, on the contrary, delay until 11-12. For example, the British Fold cat, the Siamese and all those belonging to the Oriental type mature earlier than long-haired breeds.

Characteristic behavior of a cat in heat. Early maturation is also observed in individuals kept in nurseries, where young animals have been in contact with adult sexually mature representatives since childhood. In this regard, it is necessary to learn to determine the condition of your pet, focusing on behavioral characteristics. In cats, the process of puberty is associated with such signs as marking territory and aggressive behavior.

Did you know? There are 53 loosely fitting vertebrae in a cat's spine. This feature allows the animal to arch its back.

They often pee past the tray or even find a secluded place to defecate. Cats that are in heat often, on the contrary, become loving, follow the heels of their household members and fawn over them. Female animals fall to the floor, roll around, rub against furniture, bending at the waist. Regardless of gender, animals make piercing sounds, thus calling for a sexual partner.

For cats, the period of “walking” can last a very long time. It is typical for cats to enter the estrus phase several times a year for 2-3 weeks. However, there are often cases when females walk throughout the year, that is, almost immediately after giving birth, such an animal begins to walk again.

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