Repellent spray for cats to prevent scratching furniture and wallpaper: review of cat repellers

Let's admit that for a gardener, the worst pests can be none other than his own pets, and they can become the main disturbers of harmony even in the most comfortable home. How to resolve this dilemma when on one side of the scale there is a harvest, the fruits of long efforts and invested financial resources, and on the other there are cats, those shaggy capricious creatures that the last thing in the world you would want to harm? There are many ideas on this matter, but we are interested in the most effective ones and those that work not in individual cases, but can become the rule for the vast majority of cats. Therefore, we have prepared a review of the best cat repellents presented on the American Amazon, and scientists who, based on scientific research, made the appropriate conclusions helped us decide.

In this article we will look at various preparations both in granules and cat repellent sprays, the use of technical means such as ultrasonic cat repellers and sprinklers. Useful ideas can be drawn from the very biology of cats - by understanding what they are afraid of and what they love, you will have a tool to influence them. And this mainly concerns the features associated with the sense of smell and touch in these animals. We'll look at which approaches are best used as street deterrents, and which ones will be useful at home to protect furniture from cat scratches. Let's select the 5 best repellents that you can buy online right now. And for those who are used to doing everything themselves, 12 recipes for homemade remedies will be of interest. Since a loving owner cares about the cat’s health no less than the well-being of his household, we looked at many natural remedies. When choosing the method that's right for you, keep in mind that every garden or home is in some ways a unique environment, and what works in one place may not work in another. So feel free to experiment and be creative - this is how you will achieve success. So, let's move on?

How to scare cats away: 7 smells that cats don’t like

Representatives of cats are easily scared away from the territory where the owner prohibits them to be. To do this, it is necessary for a certain area to acquire a strong aroma. There are several smells that cats especially dislike.

These include:

  • perfume;
  • citrus;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • essential oils;
  • rue;
  • vinegar;
  • onion garlic;
  • spices.

This is not an exhaustive list; you can add to it based on your own practice.

Perfume aromas

A rather controversial method of control; not all perfumes can repel animals. It is advisable to choose particularly harsh, repulsive and long-lasting perfumes. It is possible to experiment and select perfumes through trial and error.

It is not forbidden to mix types of perfumes. Do not forget that the aroma should not cause discomfort to the owner, but only discourage the four-legged comrade from the place where he shits.

Citrus aromas

Citrus fruits (lime, lemon, grapefruit) are considered effective. The smell of citrus fruits is pleasant to humans, but too strong for felines.

The owner should only squeeze the juice of the selected ingredients into a separate vessel and rub it on the desired area or objects. You can use fruit peels or cut them into small pieces and then place them in “forbidden” places.

The smell of strong alcohol

Cats cannot tolerate alcohol (whisky, cognac, vodka). It is enough to pour a little of any strong drink in the corners where the pet likes to relieve itself. A day is enough to re-educate your pet.

Essential oils of lemongrass, lavender and rosemary

Representatives of the cat group cannot tolerate such oils. They avoid places treated with fragrant lemongrass, rosemary and lavender. You can buy them in a specialty store or a regular pharmacy.

To enhance the effect, you can mix three types of oils. Then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3. The desired surface is impregnated with the composition; you can also soak cotton pads in oil and place them in the corners.

Rue oil

Rue aromatica is a plant whose scent repels cats. It will help if other options have not worked. Rue can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is sold in the form of a ready-made mixture.

Important! Rue should be used carefully; it is a strong allergen.

Acetic acid

An effective remedy that, in certain doses, repels animals. Vinegar vapors affect the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, so the pet will not approach the area treated with this composition.

Onions, garlic and spices

Some of the best products to repel animals due to the pungent odor. This is not an exhaustive list; you can also use natural mustard, pepper, fennel, coriander, etc. If your pet has a habit of relieving itself in flowers, it is easier to leave these ingredients on the windowsill.

Vladimir, 58 years old, shares his experience of raising a domestic cat

Our Ryzhik loves home flowers: he broke the small ones and settled down to sleep in the big ones, dragging the soil all over the house. On the advice of a professional, I purchased the spray.

We left two pots with plants, large and small, in a place accessible to Ryzhik and sprayed them every 12 hours.

The smell is not unpleasant: citrus with cinnamon. On the first day, the cat sniffed it and, offended, went to sleep on the sofa. In the evening I tried again and realized that it would take a long time.

Three days later, the flowers returned to their places, after being lightly sprayed. But Ryzhik has already lost interest in them.

Raising a pet is possible. Moreover, manufacturers felt the demand and filled the market with various products.

Why suffer yourself and create a stressful situation for your furry pet. It is impossible to know everything. But you can always find a specialist for all questions.

If folk remedies in the form of vinegar and orange peels do not scare the cat, use the recommendation of a pro and buy a modern repellent device. And then, as the famous cat Leopold says to everyone: “Guys, let’s live together!”

Top best sprays

Spray 8 in 1 Nature's Miracle

This spray for cats is considered the best-selling in stores, perhaps this is due to its good effectiveness. The product removes all the marks that your pet has placed around the apartment. After using this product, your cat will always go to the litter box. For a bottle you will have to pay 700-800 rubles.

Nature's Miracle

NM JFC Pet Block Cat Repellent Spray

The product will help train your pet not to shit anywhere. The product can also be used to spray furniture, after which the cat will not scratch it with its sharp claws.

A bottle of repeller costs an average of 260 rubles.

Doctor Vic

It contains essential oils, so there will be an aroma throughout the apartment. Also, many cat owners are pleased with the price, only 210 rubles.

Mr. Fresh Anti-scratch

This product has been produced in Russia for more than 6 years, so its effectiveness has been appreciated by many, and the repeller costs around 200 rubles. It contains only isopropyl alcohol, wormwood bitterness and flavoring. Therefore, it does not pose a risk to your pet's health.

Beaphar Stop it Cat

The repeller is very effective; if you want to train your cat to use the litter box, you need to spray furniture and other places every 24 hours. This product contains the substance methylnonyl ketone, and that is why the price is so high. In pharmacies it is sold at an average price of 750 rubles.

Biovax Repel? Yes!

Spray lotion

This repeller is used primarily to scare away kittens. Its average price is 200 rubles.

Stop Problem

The product is considered the cheapest among all; for a bottle you will need to pay 150 rubles. Nevertheless, reviews about this repeller are good; it works on both dogs and cats.

Tray training

Faithful friend 4 in 1

The product against cats, a faithful friend, copes with the task perfectly. In a week you can train your cat not to pee in inappropriate places. The cost of a 200 ml bottle is 170 rubles.

If your pet starts shitting in the corners from the first months, then you need to take action right away. And then you won’t have to waste time cleaning up surprises behind your furry. All the best!

Cat Repellent Comparison Chart

RepellentType of impactPrice
Shake Away 9002020Smell~$16.80
Repellent Spray for Rodents & AnimalsSmell~$15.95
Nature's Wisdom Orange Oil ConcentrateSmell~$37.97
Animal Repeller Ultrasonic RepellentUltrasound~$39.99
Daiso Japan's Cat Repellent MatPhysical barrier~$20.01


Repellent compounds that you can make yourself:

  1. The juice of one lemon is mixed with a glass of water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on problem areas.
  2. Crush the peppercorns and boil with 1 glass of water. Filter, spray.
  3. Take 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 liter of water, stir thoroughly and spray.
  4. Coffee grounds are mixed with lemon juice, 1-2 drops of lavender, rue or eucalyptus oil are added. Form balls and place them in places of possible marks.
  5. A 35% solution of vinegar essence is suitable for neutralizing dirt from concrete, wood, and tiled surfaces. You can wash the floor stained with excrement in the entrance, then spray it with a synthetic repellent spray.
  6. Garlic and onion are grated or finely chopped. Place them on saucers in the corners of the rooms, near indoor flowers.
  7. Essential oils of lemon, rosemary, lavender are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and mixed thoroughly. Pieces of fabric soaked in the composition are placed in problem areas.
  8. The pet's habit of climbing on tables is eradicated by leaving alcohol in the dining area. The smell of alcohol disappears quickly; the liquid has to be renewed several times a day.
  9. Ground black and red pepper is recommended for use in open spaces. For example, to protect garden beds from uninvited guests. In an enclosed space, a caustic suspension can cause burns to the mucous membranes and provoke an attack of coughing and sneezing.
  10. Take 2 drops of lemon, lavender, orange oils and mix with 60 ml of water. Spray from a spray bottle.
  11. Boil citrus peels with half a liter of water for 20 minutes. Allow to cool, add lemon juice and 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents.
  12. A solution of potassium permanganate and citric acid will help get rid of the persistent odor of urine.
  13. An infusion of onion peels mixed with tart cologne creates an extremely unpleasant aroma for cats.

How to use citrus

Folk remedies for combating cat mischief involve the use of citrus fruits. It is suggested to scatter the crusts in the following cases:

  • when the pet goes to the toilet in a place other than the litter tray;
  • when he tears up furniture, he chews on wires;
  • when the male marks territory.

But these traditional methods are not effective and are unpleasant for the animal. The smell of essential oil quickly disappears, and the dried crusts no longer cause hostility in the pet. In addition, citrus fruits can cause allergies and damage your pet's smell glands.

Citrus fruits can cause allergies in cats

You should not use other strong-smelling substances: vinegar, pepper, mustard.

Animals should be raised using humane methods:

  1. Buying toys, scratching posts. To make them attractive, they are lubricated with special substances (look for them in veterinary stores).
  2. Cats are sterilized, and this solves the problem of territory marking.
  3. Scold the cat, distract it when it tries to chew the wires.

If a cat refuses to go to the litter box, there are several reasons for this. Study the information and analyze errors. Often the reason for improper urination is not the pet at all. The shape of the tray, its location, or the filler may not suit him.

How to stop a cat from tearing wallpaper?

scratching post

The cat needs a designated corner where he can groom his claws. Buy a scratching post. It doesn't take up much space and looks beautiful. You can do it yourself. Determine the favorite place (the place where the cat tears the wallpaper the most) of the animal, attach a small piece of board.

The board can be covered with your favorite wallpaper. After the pet eats it, you can gradually move the device to a place convenient for the owners. For a homemade scratching post, use a piece of carpet and cotton twine.

The optimal size of the product should be such that the animal can fully stretch out in length. The shape of the scratching posts is different: vertical, horizontal. You can make a curved or inclined shape.

How to protect plants from cats

When cats mark territory, a special secretion is released along with urine, which, when it gets on the leaves of plants and flowers, spoils them. Many animals like to sleep in beds and flower beds and organize a toilet there, digging up the soft soil. This causes a lot of grief to owners of plots and gardens. Scratched tree trunks don't add joy either. But it is possible to fight such hooligans. It is enough to plant along the edge of the plot or on the windowsill where there are flowers, onions or garlic.

Ornamental plants will also come to the rescue. For example, lavender, which will not only repel cats, but will also decorate the area.

Industrial cat repellents

Modern industrial cat repellers perform two functions:

  1. protect furniture, walls, household appliances and shoes from unwanted cat attention;
  2. scare cats away from places where they do not want to poop.

Typically, such products are produced in the form of sprays, which are aimed at educational work with a cat. Their use is most effective in enclosed spaces; spraying in open areas is pointless. On the street, these products quickly lose their properties. Special repellers differ from home remedies in that they not only drive away the cat, but also neutralize the odors of cat marks.

What smell repels a cat?

When a cat sleeping in your place or peeling the back of an expensive sofa needs to be scared away and weaned off this, its unloved odors are used. Of course, each animal is different, but there are some substances that your pet and his nose will definitely not like. Using them, you can get rid of this problem. To do this, you just need to rub the desired area with something that emits an unpleasant odor.


The easiest way to make a cat repeller is to mix citrus juice or essential oil in water. These odors are pleasant to humans, but repel cats. The mixture can be poured into a spray bottle and used for a long time. You can spray flower leaves with it if your cat tries to chew them. You can also use the peels of oranges and tangerines to protect flowers. This is especially true on the eve of the New Year: this way you can create an atmosphere and save flowers. Place the peel around a pot of flowers, and the cat will no longer climb into it.

If you mix the crushed zest with ground coffee, you will get a very pleasant mixture for humans, but hated by cats, which can also be used.

Various spices

Spices that people use when preparing various dishes are very irritating to the mucous membranes of cats. Their bright scent repels them, which will help you keep your furniture and flowers intact. For these purposes, you can use pepper, ground coffee, rosemary, cloves or cinnamon.

Making a repellent solution from black pepper is not difficult:

  • boil a cup of water;
  • cool it by waiting 5 minutes;
  • add two tablespoons of black pepper;
  • stir without leaving any lumps;
  • pour the liquid into a spray bottle.

You can also do this with other spices.


This option is perfect if you live in a private house and the cat constantly gnaws on vegetation in the garden or tramples the beds. Among the plants you can plant mint, rue or lavender, whose pungent smell can easily scare off animals. They can also be grown at home on the windowsill. So a pot of geraniums will not only add homeliness to the room, but will also save you from many troubles. The smell of garlic and onions is also strongly disliked by four-legged pets. You can grate the desired area, or you can briefly spread the chopped vegetables around it.

Essential oils

Any essential oil with a strong scent will repel a cat, but its scent may even be beneficial for humans. Eucalyptus, mint, citruses, tea tree, rosemary, and lavender are suitable for this. The solution with them can be sprayed on any surface.

Special sprays

In veterinary stores you can always buy sprays that will scare the animal away from places where it should not climb. They contain various essential oils, the smell of which cats do not like. Sprays are suitable for training: spray the desired surface several times during the day, and very soon the cat will not climb there even without a spray. The product is inexpensive and does not contain harmful substances, so you can buy it without fear for your health. The only negative is that the spray you buy may not work specifically for your cat, and then you will simply waste your money.

What to do if your cat is tearing up furniture?

One of the greatest joys in a cat's life is to stretch his paws by heartily cleaning the sofa. If you still have upholstered furniture from the times of the USSR, this is not so scary: you can change the upholstery yourself, all you need is a piece of dense fabric of a suitable size, scissors, a stapler and a pair of skillful hands. Some resourceful cat owners transform old armchairs and sofas into real masterpieces using crocheted motifs as upholstery. It’s a shame to give such an exclusive to be torn to pieces by a furry prankster. What can we say about expensive modern furniture!

Fortunately, stopping a cat from scratching furniture is not that difficult. You just need to be smart and persistent.

scratching post

To distract your cat's attention from the new sofa, offer him a scratching post. This does not necessarily have to be a play complex with several levels, areas of different sizes and a nest for sleeping. Perhaps your cat will prefer a regular board, upholstered in the same fabric as the sofa, or a post wrapped in sisal.

Encourage your cat to scratch at the scratching post. Praise him, pat him on the head and give him something tasty as a reward.

To make the instrument especially attractive, hang several balls at different heights. Even an adult cat will like this, not to mention a small kitten. You can spray the scratching post with catnip or apply a few drops of valerian tincture.

Nail trimming

Cat owners whose pets very rarely cross the threshold of their apartment need to learn how to give them a manicure. This will not only prevent sharpening of claws on furniture, but will also be beneficial for the cat itself.

Some animals almost never sharpen their claws, preferring to relieve tension in another way - for example, high-speed jogging. But do not rush to envy their owners. As the claws of these cats grow, they curl inward toward the pads of the toes, and without proper care can injure them, causing severe pain.

If you have adopted an adult cat that is not accustomed to trimming its claws, it is easier and safer to entrust this procedure to a professional. If you have a small kitten, it's time to accustom him to grooming.


There is another remedy that is guaranteed to protect furniture from the attacks of the tailed robber: anti-scratch. These are soft vinyl or silicone covers that are placed over pre-trimmed and filed nails. Anti-scratch pads are convenient, completely safe and inexpensive. They come in a variety of colors to satisfy the most demanding tastes.

Double sided tape

For those who do not accept a cat wearing anti-scratch pads and consider it cruel to trim its claws, there is another method of protection: double-sided tape. Cats (like all living things, including humans) hate touching anything sticky. It’s especially unpleasant when you have to pick off stuck-on fur – it’s also painful! Therefore, once or twice falling into an improvised trap, they quickly realize that approaching this thing is dangerous, and leave it alone. There is a special Sticky Paws tape designed for this purpose, but you can use regular double-sided tape. It is invisible on pieces of furniture, can be easily removed and leaves no marks.

Attractive corner

Tell the owners of rowdy pets how to keep their cats away from their neighbor's property. To do this, you need to attract them to some corner of your garden. This can be done by installing trays (if they are toilet trained) or creating a special “cat” corner. There is a plant called catnip, or catnip. Very attractive, it blooms almost throughout the entire summer period and will decorate the site. Cats will be happy to visit this corner, sleep there and chew leaves. And if you pour sand there, then the toilet will be in one place, and not throughout the entire area.

By the way, if the owner has not responded to your requests, and the neighbor’s cat continues to periodically come to visit, then you can arrange such a corner on your site. At least the cats will only visit it, forgetting about the rest of the territory. Of course, there are no guarantees, but most animals really like the smell of this plant.

Trimming or declawing

You can get your favorite furry manicure done at a pet beauty salon, use the services of a groomer or veterinarian, or try to master a simple procedure yourself at home. For this you will need a nail clipper.

One of the simplest answers to the question of how to stop a cat from scratching furniture with its claws is help with manicure. If you decide to carry out the manipulation yourself, be patient, ask someone to hold the animal, act with extreme caution so as not to injure the delicate skin of the pet.

Those who have repeatedly unsuccessfully tried to wean a cat from the harmful habit of ruining an apartment often use a drastic remedy to prevent the cat from tearing up the furniture - declawing. From a common sense point of view, this is a barbaric procedure, as a result of which your animal will lose an important part of its body, will not be able to walk outside, will not be able to protect itself from the enemy and will be forced to go through a long rehabilitation period.

Why do cats scratch furniture and wallpaper?

The main function of scratching claws is to maintain the sharpness of the cat's hunting weapon. But this is not the only reason why a cat scratches wallpaper and tears up furniture.

To get rid of a bad habit, you must first understand the reasons for the unwanted behavior.

Physiological reasons

  • Keeping claws sharp. A predator's claws must be sharp so as not to miss its prey.
  • Exfoliation of the top dead layer of the claw.
  • Claw marks and the smell of secretions released by the paw pads help the animal mark its territory.
  • Warm up. When a cat sharpens its claws, it stretches to its full height, stretches its spine and muscles.
  • Ritual of communication with other cats. Many animals stretch and scratch their claws in the presence of their fellow tribesmen.

Psychological reasons

The animal's psycho-emotional state pushes it to tear apart the sofa and wallpaper.

A cat scratches if:

  • he is jealous. This way he can express his dissatisfaction with the fact that small children or new pets have appeared in the house.
  • experiencing stress. A restless environment around the animal serves as a basis for scratching. Cats painfully endure preparations for moving, renovation work in the house, and the appearance of a cat in the next apartment.
  • defends its interests and fights for territory. A tense relationship with a new pet or hostility between two cats will inevitably lead to claw marks on furniture and walls. This is how cats mark their territory and spread their scent over it.
  • plays. A piece of wallpaper accidentally torn off while scratching a wall can encourage the animal to continue this activity. The hosts' reaction to this incident, even negative, makes the game even more exciting.
  • doesn't feel safe. The pet tries to increase its security by spreading its scent throughout the apartment using scratches.

Behavioral reasons

  • Lack or lack of education. A kitten scratches furniture and tears wallpaper if it was not taught to use a scratching post from an early age and its attempts to sharpen its claws wherever it wants were not stopped.
  • Adult animals may behave inappropriately due to a change in owner, relocation, lack of attention from the owner, or deterioration in living conditions.

Choosing a floor covering

However, a cat can damage not only furniture and wallpaper, but also the floors in the room where it lives. Jumping, active movement and braking will cause serious damage to the floor covering.

That is why it is worth paying attention to ensuring that the floor is moisture-resistant and durable:

  1. Linoleum is the most convenient material that does not require large expenses for purchase and repair. Caring for it is very simple, it is not at all afraid of moisture. Pay attention to the strength of linoleum - it is better to take semi-commercial, it is stronger than household.
  2. It is better to combine carpet or rugs with a non-slip base with linoleum in the covering so that the cat's paws do not slip on the floor.
  3. PVC tiles - similar to linoleum, but easier to repair (you can replace one or more planks that were damaged by an animal).
  4. Laminate is the most popular solution. Among other things, it has the ability to repel cat hair - it will not stick to the floor. When choosing, pay attention to the resistance of the coating to moisture and wear.
  5. The best solution is porcelain tiles. However, it has a big drawback - it is very cold and uncomfortable for use in a residential area. This can be corrected by installing a heated floor system.

The main reasons why a cat shits

When a cat shits, this is fraught not only with the need for cleaning, but also with an unpleasant odor (which is quite difficult to remove), as well as damage to things.

Animal urine

Reason one. An animal marks its territory, most often, during puberty or under the influence of a large number of factors unfavorable for the animal. For example, if other animals who are in conflicting relationships permanently or temporarily live in the house.

Reason two. Revenge and attention-seeking. If the owners often scold the cat, do not give it due attention and affection, or treat it rudely, the animal will spoil out of spite. The most selective and intelligent animals can choose not the floor, carpets or even shoes, but exclusively their favorite things, clothes and furniture.

Reason three. Pathological diseases of urea, infections, viruses. This can lead to the fact that the need to defecate occurs suddenly and the cat shits wherever necessary. Sometimes, when defecating, particles of sand (which is in the tray as a filler) end up in the genitals and then all trips to the toilet are accompanied by pain. In this case, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian so that he can determine the cause of the animal’s “bad behavior.”

Reference! If, when an animal goes to the toilet, the process is accompanied by pain, then the tray will be associated with pain and the animal will avoid it on a subconscious level.

There are also other reasons. For example, if the animal was initially poorly accustomed to the tray, or the filler inside rarely changes. Then the animal may simply be disdainful. Phobias, stress and a change of place of residence also have an effect, because these animals, by their nature, become attached to the house as their habitat. During estrus, female animals try to attract males using scent. How to scare cats away to avoid problems with such a “neighborhood”?

Bad scents at home

What wallpaper is best to use in an apartment with cats?

There are no special scratch-resistant wallpapers, but some types can be recommended for renovating a room where cats live:

  1. Liquid wallpaper is very smooth and has no texture - there is nothing for claws to catch on.
  2. Hot stamped wallpaper can also be used, only all joints and corners must be glued with a special tape so that the surface is very smooth.
  3. Vinyl and fiberglass wallpapers are durable and resistant. In addition, they are easy to wipe with a damp sponge if the cat rests its paws on the wall or shakes off moisture after a walk. And they can also be repainted.
  4. Decorative plaster will be an excellent way out of the situation. We must give preference not to the most beautiful, but to the most durable plaster.
  5. Panels made of plastic and chipboard are scratch-resistant and easy to care for. You can also simply replace the damaged panel rather than repair the entire wall.
  6. Porcelain tiles will not attract any attention from the cat - they are completely resistant to such damage. It is enough to line the wall with it from below, to a height accessible to the cat.

Attention! You can protect your wallpaper without resorting to major repairs by decorating it with carpet. If a cat has torn up the walls, for example, in a corridor, the material is fixed to a height that it can reach. Carpet is fairly easy to replace when it becomes unusable.

Cats are afraid of the smell of certain plants outdoors

Planting plants with an unpleasant aroma for cats is one of the effective ways to repel cats and cats on the street. On the one hand, this will cause you unnecessary trouble, on the other hand, in addition to achieving the main goal, it will contribute to the additional decoration of the site.

A good option in particular is Coleus Canina, which releases a pungent odor when the leaves are touched. Fragrant rue (Ruta graveolens) also has a very unpleasant aroma for cats, however, this plant is poisonous, and it is better not to touch its leaves, especially on a hot sunny day.

How does a repellent spray work?

Using a cat repellent spray is the most humane way to keep cats out of restricted areas. The principle of operation is to spray liquid from the bottle, which smells unpleasant to the animal. There can be two types: manual (you need to point at the cat and press the dispenser or treat the furniture) or automatic (spraying the animal with an aerosol occurs according to a signal transmitted using a sensor that responds to movements).

The spray can be used to treat the room and surfaces so that the animal does not have the desire to come close, and also to discourage it from the furniture. The smell from one use lasts for 3-4 days, and the rich aroma lasts up to 40 minutes, then becomes almost invisible to people, although cats can hear it.

How to scare cats away: 7 smells that cats don’t like

Representatives of cats are easily scared away from the territory where the owner prohibits them to be. To do this, it is necessary for a certain area to acquire a strong aroma. There are several smells that cats especially dislike.

These include:

  • perfume;
  • citrus;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • essential oils;
  • rue;
  • vinegar;
  • onion garlic;
  • spices.

This is not an exhaustive list; you can add to it based on your own practice.

Perfume aromas

A rather controversial method of control; not all perfumes can repel animals. It is advisable to choose particularly harsh, repulsive and long-lasting perfumes. It is possible to experiment and select perfumes through trial and error.

It is not forbidden to mix types of perfumes. Do not forget that the aroma should not cause discomfort to the owner, but only discourage the four-legged comrade from the place where he shits.

Citrus aromas

Citrus fruits (lime, lemon, grapefruit) are considered effective. The smell of citrus fruits is pleasant to humans, but too strong for felines.

The owner should only squeeze the juice of the selected ingredients into a separate vessel and rub it on the desired area or objects. You can use fruit peels or cut them into small pieces and then place them in “forbidden” places.

The smell of strong alcohol

Cats cannot tolerate alcohol (whisky, cognac, vodka). It is enough to pour a little of any strong drink in the corners where the pet likes to relieve itself. A day is enough to re-educate your pet.

Essential oils of lemongrass, lavender and rosemary

Representatives of the cat group cannot tolerate such oils. They avoid places treated with fragrant lemongrass, rosemary and lavender. You can buy them in a specialty store or a regular pharmacy.

To enhance the effect, you can mix three types of oils. Then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3. The desired surface is impregnated with the composition; you can also soak cotton pads in oil and place them in the corners.

Rue oil

Rue aromatica is a plant whose scent repels cats. It will help if other options have not worked. Rue can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is sold in the form of a ready-made mixture.

Acetic acid

Cats cannot tolerate alcohol (whisky, cognac, vodka).
An effective remedy that, in certain doses, repels animals. Vinegar vapors affect the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, so the pet will not approach the area treated with this composition.

Onions, garlic and spices

Some of the best products to repel animals due to the pungent odor. This is not an exhaustive list; you can also use natural mustard, pepper, fennel, coriander, etc. If your pet has a habit of relieving itself in flowers, it is easier to leave these ingredients on the windowsill.

Using a scratching post

The most popular way to eliminate the problem is a scratching post - a device for grinding down claws. You can buy it at the store, or make it yourself. Often, felt, rope, or carpet are used for this.

Scratching posts can come in different models, shapes, and sizes. They are equipped with cat houses, presented in the form of individual poles, planks, or entire complexes for games. They are also made from different materials - wood, jute, cardboard. It’s better to take a scratching post that is similar to the material your pet loves.

But it’s not enough to just install an object for grinding claws in the house; you also need to get the animal interested in it. Anyone who has experience with cats knows how capricious they are. It is also known about the curiosity of cats, which is important to emphasize when teaching not to peel off the wallpaper and the sofa.

  1. The scratching post is placed in the places where the cat likes to be most. If you have several favorite areas, you can buy a couple of models and install them around the house. The structure must be well secured so that the cat can lean on it while grinding its claws.
  2. It is important to regularly attract the kitten’s attention to a new toy by running its paws along the rough surface.
  3. If the animal does not understand that a new object in the house is intended for grinding off its claws, do not scream or hit the pet. You need to train him, because cats are smart animals. When the cat starts to scratch the wallpaper, you can use a spray bottle of water to repel it, and then take it to the scratching post. Showed interest in a new accessory can be encouraged with a treat.

Many cats, when meeting their owner, stretch and extend their claws. If you place a scratching post near the front door, this will keep the wallpaper intact and encourage the animal.

Natural cat repeller

If the reception is unsuccessful, then you should think about how to protect your area from furry invaders. And again plants come to the rescue. There are certain smells that representatives of the mustachioed stripes do not like and try to avoid. If eucalyptus, lemongrass and lavender are planted in the garden, they will not get into the garden. Moreover, the plants will perform two functions at once: they will decorate the area and work perfectly as a “scarecrow”.

The best in this class are wormwood and coleus. The only point: coleus is very heat-loving, so you will have to bring it home for the winter. These plants are planted around the perimeter of the site. Tobacco will be another useful plant, but in order for it to have the desired effect, you will need to dry the leaves and scatter them around.

Spray bottle in the fight against cat claws

You can try to stop your cat from scratching the sofa using a regular spray bottle filled with clean water.

It is a well-known fact that representatives of the cat breed do not like water and avoid contact with it in every possible way. This can be used in the fight to preserve the normal appearance of your apartment. As soon as the purr decides to sharpen its claws on your favorite sofa, direct a stream of water at it and thoroughly wet the scoundrel.

Advantages of the method:

  • works after systematic punishment;
  • does not require the purchase of special devices;
  • does not come with any costs.


  • the technique is effective only when you record the cat’s intention and immediately punish it;
  • As soon as the smart cat is left unwatched, he will continue his dirty deed without delay.

Natural cat repellent

Cats have a very developed instinct to protect their territory; they mark it with their urine and feces, sending an unambiguous signal to everyone around them that this is the territory of their dominance. In addition, they leave pheromones when they rub their cheeks against an object, and when they sharpen their claws, their paws also leave a scent

All this shows how important smell is for cats and, what is important for us, using it, you can manipulate your pets

Coyote and fox urine. Jeff Schalau (Agriculture & Natural Resources Arizona Cooperative Extension) lists some of the methods, but reminds that only an integrated approach using multiple methods has a chance of success. Repellents can induce fear, and the best way to do this is by using a scent that is associated with predators. There is a commercially available preparation containing coyote and fox urine; it consists of natural products and is safe, including for people and the environment. Some cat owners apply it to the roof of their car to prevent cats from jumping on it. But there are also disadvantages. First, if you have coyotes and foxes in your area, the smell of this urine may attract them to your home. And, secondly, the smell itself is quite unpleasant and the inhabitants of the house themselves may experience discomfort.

Oil and pepper extracts. Repellents may contain citrus extracts, mustard essential oil, and capsaicin, a substance found in peppers. All of them allow you to keep cats away from the “restricted zone”. Another ingredient, 2-undecanone, also known as methyl nonyl ketone, is an organic liquid that is synthetically produced or extracted from rue oil. However, preparations with this substance are recommended to be used only for ornamental plants. Although the EPA has rated it a low toxicity category, methyl nonyl ketone can still cause skin and eye irritation.

Plant repellent plants. These drugs are available in the form of sprays, powder, granules. So-called “liquid fences” mask the odors that cats leave behind, which confuses them and discourages them from using the treated area for the toilet in the future. Repellents may not be in the form of drugs; you can plant plants in certain areas of the garden that themselves repel cats. For example, the smell of lavender, rue, pennyroyal, marigold and coleus causes rejection in cats.

By the way, if a drug is “natural”, this does not mean that it is completely harmless. For example, some plants, as discussed in more detail below, can harm the health of your pets and even be fatal. Another significant disadvantage of using natural drugs is their short-lived effect. You will have to apply them again and again to the “forbidden areas” - otherwise the smell will soon disappear and the cats will return. So it could end up costing you quite a bit of money. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the animal’s habits will change during the period of use of the drug and your goal will be achieved.

TOP 5 cat repellents

We have selected the five most popular products on American Amazon. These are repellents based on coyote urine and that cause fear in cats, preparations with the smells of rosemary, peppermint, thyme and orange. We reviewed products in granules, ready-made spray and concentrate. If you don't believe in the power of smells, read about a popular ultrasound machine and a cat "fence" that can serve as an effective barrier.

Cat Repellent with Coyote/Fox Urine – Shake Away 9002020

The action of this repellent is based on cats' natural fear of predators, in this case the coit and the fox. Having smelled the urine of these animals, which is contained in the preparation in the form of granules, cats perceive the territory as marked by these predators and leave from there. The manufacturer promises an immediate effect immediately after use, which will last for several weeks.

This is a completely natural and safe drug, including for plants and trees. Packaged in 20 oz. covers an area of ​​600 linear feet when applied as directed. The effect of the drug is long-lasting, the substance is not washed off by rain. It should be noted that granules, in principle, are a longer-lasting product, because the smell from them is stronger and does not evaporate as quickly as a liquid.

However, user ratings are not so optimistic: 48% of consumers gave the product one “star”, and only 23% of them gave five “stars”. Judging by the reviews, the experience of buyers is the most contradictory: some once and for all got rid of the problem of stray cats “marking their territory” at the threshold of someone else’s house, while others never achieved results. One of the users gives this advice: “I strongly advise you to use this sparingly, stick to tactics. In my case, small particles of granules ended up getting into the house.”

Price: ~$16.80 Check current price

Cat Repellent Spray with 4 Herbal Scents

For about the same price, you can purchase a ready-to-use spray with four scent options: rosemary, peppermint, mint and thyme - natural ingredients that, as we wrote above, cats really don't like. Animals think that the sprayed plants or objects are the very herbs they hate, and they pass by. The coverage area of ​​this product is significantly larger than that of the previous product, amounting to 1,000 square meters. ft.

Another advantage of this spray is that it is suitable for use both indoors, for example, in basements and attics, and in gardens, trees, lawns, plants and fruits, garages and hangars. It is also suitable for application to furniture. In other words, it's a versatile product that's also safe and chemical-free. Once you've sprayed your edible plants, you can eat them safely. And this is not all the advantages - it does not have an unpleasant odor for humans, it exudes the aromas of herbs.

However, user ratings regarding the effectiveness of the spray were divided: 45% of them awarded it five “stars,” and 32% felt that the product did not deserve more than one. This indicator is better than that of the previous product, but nevertheless, users still have a negative experience. In addition to repelling cats, some users have had positive results against raccoons, squirrels and skunks.

Price: ~$15.95 Check current price

Nature's Wisdom Orange Oil Concentrate

This product has a 4 out of 5 star rating on, with 60% of users giving the product a perfect rating. As we wrote above, cats do not like the aroma of citrus fruits, but simply squeezed juice mixed with water may not be effective. But orange oil concentrate is a very strong remedy, and just adding a few drops to the spray is enough to make your cat turn up its nose at objects treated with it.

The oil was obtained from the peel of citrus fruits. The manufacturer recommends mixing the concentrate at a rate of 2 ounces per gallon of water for use on plants, and increasing the concentration for soil treatment.

However, it is difficult to judge the effectiveness of this product unambiguously. Each cat has an individual perception of citrus fruits and, as we see from the comments of Amazon users, someone’s cat even liked this smell, but it has a repulsive effect on other cats. Everything is individual, so you need to try it to understand. Since this product costs a lot, try offering your cat an orange peel. Judging by his reaction, you can decide whether to buy the product or not.

Price: ~$37.97 Check current price

6-in-1 Pest Soldier Sentinel, Outdoor Electronic Pest Animal Ultrasonic Repeller,

Of all the products listed above, the 6-in-1 Pest Soldier Sentinel received the most positive ratings - 76% of users awarded it five stars. But, as we said above, scientists advise not to rely heavily on such devices. The device can be configured to simultaneously repel not only cats, but also dogs, skunks, deer and rabbits. A truly versatile device!

The declared coverage area of ​​the device also exceeds that of previous products - 5,000 sq. ft. The device emits ultrasound to repel animals, as well as a beep and flashing lights. At the same time, people do not perceive these sounds, and in general this device is harmless and environmentally friendly. Designed for use in gardens, yard, attic, garage and other places. But keep in mind that ultrasound does not penetrate glass, so don't place it indoors if it needs to reach animals outside.

A satisfied customer writes: “Love this thing. I ordered 3 more of these to completely cover the yard on all sides. It seems very effective.”

Price: ~$29.99 Check current price

Daiso Japan's Cat Repellent Mat

The set includes two pieces measuring 19.3 x 5.6 x 1.1 inches each. Cat Repellent Mat is recommended to be placed in the most problematic places for cats - on window sills, under the eaves, in the garden. It is made of plastic, so its spikes cannot cause serious harm to cats. The flooring is convenient to use because it can be shortened to fit a specific size.

User ratings are mixed: 38% of them gave the product five “stars,” but a total of 46% of buyers gave three and two stars. What did they not like? Someone writes that the flooring covers too small an area. And, indeed, for the garden you will need several of these Cat Repellent Mats, and this will cost a pretty penny.

But overall, a lot of positive feedback. Buyers see the result both after placement in the garden and indoors. "I like it. We plan to attach this to the door to keep cats away. I’m pregnant now, and this issue with cats is acute,” writes a satisfied customer.

Price: ~$20.01 Check current price

We save furniture

All the means described below (and their various combinations) will help not only wean cats from marking the territory of the house, but also from scratching, gnawing and otherwise damaging interior items. An important detail: all fragrant “repellents” tend to fade, so they should be renewed periodically.

  • Citrus. This group of fruits is not at all dangerous for cats, but it does cause them a distinct dislike. You can sprinkle the furniture with lemon, orange or grapefruit juice, drop a little essential oil or put a few pieces of peel.
  • Mint. This fragrant plant will not only effectively repel furry pets, but will also give the room a pleasant, fresh smell. If it is not possible to grow a mint bush or buy a bunch of its branches, this is not a problem - it can be easily found in the form of a dried seasoning that almost completely retains its rich aroma.
  • Ruta. This herbaceous perennial plant with a spicy onion-garlic odor, used in cooking and folk medicine, is considered almost the most “killer” means of repelling cats. Rue is not always safe for humans either - it is a fairly strong allergen, especially for young children.
  • Lavender and rosemary. These plants, in sachet or dried twig format, are often used for bedding to give them a light, soothing scent and repel moths and other insects. And they are also very effective against cats, so you can, as they say, kill two birds with one stone.
  • Cats also don’t like the popular confectionery additive cinnamon. Sprinkling the seasoning is not very convenient due to its fine grinding, so this product is usually used in the form of essential oil or an aqueous solution.
  • Several other odors are irritating to cats, but not pleasant to humans either - table vinegar, garlic and onions. Few people like their scent throughout the entire room, so they are rarely used.
  • Special repellents. The effectiveness of these remedies, depending on the composition and manufacturer, can be either very low or quite good, but they all have a significant drawback - a significantly higher price in comparison with folk remedies.
  • Perfumery. A light and pleasant aroma for humans can be very irritating for a sensitive cat's nose. But here you should carefully test which smell repels the animal, and which is ineffective or unexpectedly attractive.

It is important not only to scare your pet away from furniture and other places in the house, but also to provide your furry pet with an alternative, otherwise all the measures taken will be of no use. This means that if a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, he needs to be accustomed to the litter box and keep the litter clean; if he scratches the wallpaper, build a scratching post or donate, for example, an old bedside table.

However, a cat that marks furniture will most likely have to be neutered.

This is not the best option, since in the strong half of cats, after surgery, not only hormonal levels are disrupted, but also metabolism, obesity appears, and character often changes. It is better, if only the place of residence allows, to let the cat out into the street, where he can do all his business without causing much inconvenience to people.

Wild cat repellers

The genes of any cat contain one important feature that cannot be eliminated by any training or change in conditions - they are predators. And if domestic cats chase birds and lizards from time to time, then wild cats hunt on an ongoing basis and this is the most important part of their life. Living close to human habitation, stray cats pose a threat, primarily as carriers of diseases. According to Alabama Cooperative Extension System scientists, these animals can transmit diseases through domestic cats and the list of such diseases is very wide: feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, rabies, feline fever (cat scratch fever), feline distemper and others. Stray cats also cause other harm: they destroy birds and other small animals, get into fights with pets, and damage gardens and gardens.

How to deal with stray cats? There are special devices that act on cats through fear, but scientists from the University of Nebraska are skeptical about this method: “Most commercially available repellent devices have been ineffective at permanently deterring cats,” they say. The only two methods of intimidation that scientists recognize as effective are water scarers and dogs.

Repellents that can be used include products containing EPA-registered substances such as anise oil, methyl nonyl ketone, and BMAS. The first three are applied to the ground and repel cats with an unpleasant odor, while the BMAS substance is applied to garbage bags and other objects and repel cats with an unpleasant taste. Remember that the latter substance cannot be used indoors or on edible products. However, Alabama Cooperative Extension System scientists say repellents have virtually no effect on stray cats. If nothing works, then an emotionally difficult decision remains - shooting or euthanasia, which is recommended to be entrusted to professionals. Also remember that you may mistakenly poison a cat that has its rightful owner

How to make homemade cat repellent: 12 effective recipes

You can make your own cat repeller, firstly to save money, and secondly, because much of the commercial repellents are based on ingredients that you are likely to find in your kitchen. So, when starting to make a repellent, remember that not every product used indoors is suitable for use in the garden and vice versa.

Homemade Repellents for Yard Use

Let's see what we can make to protect your garden from cats. We offer several recipes and tips for your choice:

Mix water and peppermint in a three to one ratio, place the mixture in a spray bottle and apply to desired areas. The spray will have to be applied regularly, as its effect is short-lived. Essential oils are found in the peelings of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. By scattering them, you can get the desired result.

Let's see what we can make to protect your garden from cats. We offer several recipes and tips for your choice:

Mix water and peppermint in a three to one ratio, place the mixture in a spray bottle and apply to desired areas. The spray will have to be applied regularly, as its effect is short-lived. Essential oils are found in the peelings of oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. By scattering them, you can get the desired result. Or squeeze the juice from a lemon or orange, add a little water and use as a spray. It should be noted that the effect of this spray will not be strong enough, so it is better to buy citrus oil, add a few drops to a glass of water and spray the liquid in the garden. For especially problem areas, soak cotton balls in the liquid and place them in the right places. Scatter red chili flakes over problem areas, and if your cat goes to a particular plant, make a circle around that plant. Pepper causes irritation and provokes sneezing, so there is every chance that your pet will still lag behind the object of his affection. However, experts warn that such a spicy product can harm your cat, so think carefully before using it. Mix two tablespoons of cinnamon, rosemary and lavender in a 500ml pint of boiling water, then leave the mixture to steep overnight. In the morning, strain through cheesecloth and add half a cup of vinegar and ten drops of tangerine essential oil. Place the prepared mixture into a spray bottle and shake well before use.

Note that scientists urge caution when using rosemary, as this plant is toxic to cats. Squeeze lemon into a liter container of water and add a dozen drops of eucalyptus oil

After this, shake the mixture well. Eucalyptus acts as a repellent on many animals, including cats. Citronella essential oil is best known as a mosquito repellent, but cats are also disgusted by it. Mix it with water in a ratio of one to four and spray on problem areas. Stretch the thread over the fence - this will serve as a good obstacle for the cat. Attach the aluminum pan to any support in the yard. As soon as the wind blows, your structure will make muffled sounds, which will make nearby animals feel extremely uncomfortable.

Homemade repellents for use at home

Which repellents are best for indoor use? What can you use to stop cats from scratching furniture?

  1. Mix apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. As an alternative ingredient, you can use essential oils of citronella, lavender, peppermint and lemongrass, but in a ratio of one to three. Place in a spray bottle and spray in areas where your pet is giving you trouble. Be sure to test the mixture on a scrap piece of material first to make sure it won't stain your furniture.
  2. Use aluminum foil to protect furniture and carpets as cats do not like to walk on this material.
  3. Cats don't like to be wetted with water. Therefore, if you do not want any foreign odors in your home, simply pour water into a spray bottle and spray these wayward animals when they enter the “forbidden areas”. Although this method is not a powerful deterrent, it is good for systematic training.

Ultrasonic Cat Repellers & Water Repellers with Motion Sensor

There are special ultrasonic devices that produce unpleasant sounds that can only be heard by cats. As Andrew Bishop of the Rochester Institute of Technology points out, cats and dogs respond differently to behavior modification. This is due to dogs' perception of hierarchy in relationships with humans, while cats are independent in their behavior.

Therefore, in the case of cats, it is necessary to correct behavior immediately after they commit an incorrect action. In addition, the correction must be repeated often until your pet loses interest and stops trying. But remember, if you allow your cat to commit a forbidden action even once, all your previous efforts will go down the drain! Another important aspect concerns the infliction of pain. As studies show (and this is confirmed by experienced veterinarians), physical pain only instills fear in cats, but does not correct their behavior.

There are two main types of technical correction of cat behavior. The first is a system of static impulses (an example is a fence), allowing the cat to walk freely within the established perimeter. As soon as the animal approaches the “forbidden zone,” the collar emits a signal, and if the cat persists, a slight electric shock is delivered. Although this system is effective and irritating to cats, it cannot be considered completely safe because... its idea is to cause physical pain to the animal and thereby make it understand that it has committed a wrong action.

When it comes to ultrasound systems, cats can hear a wider range of frequencies than humans. Based on this, a system was developed that generates ultrasonic waves, due to which the cat will avoid the “forbidden zone”. However, Andrew Bishop doubts the effectiveness of such a device, not counting the fact that it causes dissatisfaction with cats. To summarize, the scientist recommends using sound within the range of frequencies perceived by the human ear, which will allow the device to be configured so that its impact does not cause physical suffering to the pet. True, another problem arises here - the discomfort of the owner himself. And this can be avoided if you use a system operating within a frequency range just above 20 KHz.

If you need to protect your garden not only from your own pets, but also from neighbors or even wild cats, use a water repeller with a motion sensor. This product is based on cats’ natural fear of water and, like ultrasound systems, does not require direct human participation. Scientists at the University of Nebraska believe devices that spray animals with water as soon as they approach a sensor are the most effective among other methods of intimidation. “Other deterrence methods, such as tennis balls, garden hoses, clapping and screaming, require constant human presence to be effective,” states the article “Feral Cats and Their Control.” However, sprinklers do have some disadvantages. First, they must be placed in a place that will not affect passers-by or children. Secondly, there is a risk of excessive water consumption, which will result in a considerable amount of money for the owner of the house when paying bills.

Parameters of electronic devices that instill fear in cats

The action of ultrasonic repellers to get rid of unwanted cats is aimed at the animal’s hearing organs. The device emits a sound that is not given to humans to hear by nature.

When purchasing a repeller, you should consider the following parameters:

  • signal propagation range;
  • method of electrifying the device (batteries, accumulator or mains);
  • the presence of an alarm that triggers the device when a cat appears in the protected area;
  • territory of use (room or street);
  • operating modes and functionality.

Each buyer decides independently how much money he will allocate to fight cat vices.

Cats' Favorite Surfaces

Probably, upholstered furniture most often suffers from cat claws. It is not for nothing that cats choose armchairs, poufs or sofas as victims; their choice is not accidental. If the animal lives in a natural environment, the main accessory for manicure procedures is tree bark; in an apartment, the cat has no choice but to use an alternative option - upholstered furniture.

In addition, purrs do not mind testing window curtains, carpets, cabinet furniture facades, etc. for strength. There are also surfaces that cats are not interested in:

  • ceramic tile;
  • stone;
  • plaster;
  • plastic;
  • linoleum;
  • parquet;
  • laminate and others.

Unfortunately, the materials listed are not used to make furniture, so your furnishings are still at risk. To somehow protect the upholstery or hide existing damage, you can use protective covers or restore the furniture. Next, we will talk about methods that allow you to wean a cat from tearing up furniture and are aimed at re-educating it.

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