Cat repellers for home and yard: review of finished products and instructions on how to make them yourself

Felines have developed hearing, so an ultrasonic cat repeller, the frequencies of which irritate and frighten the animal, is suitable for protecting the territory from stray cats and dogs or will protect those places in the room where the furry cat is not allowed to enter. The pet owner should know how the device affects the cat's auditory receptors in order not to harm the pet and what types of devices are used.

Veterinarians do not recommend overusing an ultrasonic repeller, since irritating signals have a negative impact on the cat’s mental health.

How sounds scare away cats and dogs

Fear of loud noises is a normal evolutionary reaction that helps animals survive by escaping from a possible threat to their lives. According to statistics, about 40% of dogs show fear of loud noises.

In addition, dogs and cats have much more sensitive hearing than humans and can hear sounds with higher frequencies or tones. For example, a person hears sound only at frequencies up to 20,000 Hz, and dogs - up to 45,000 Hz. This means that sounds and noises at very high frequencies cannot be detected by the human ear, but can be heard loudly and clearly by animals.

This principle underlies the operation of various audio devices that produce sounds at very high frequencies and scare away dogs and cats.

Prohibited actions

Please note that before applying ultrasound to cats, you need to remember the following nuances:

  • You should not point the speakers close to the animal’s ears - the pet most likely will not receive a physiological injury, but may become very frightened and begin to fear contact with the owner;
  • It is necessary to exclude the constant use of ultrasound - the cat may get used to it; To avoid this, stationary repellers generate waves in separate series.

The ability of cats to pick up high-frequency acoustic signals, referred to as ultrasonic, helps solve the issue of scaring away animals. But such procedures must be carried out carefully so as not to harm your furry pet.

List of sounds of scary dogs and cats

Among the sounds that cats and dogs are afraid of, we note the following:

  • The sound of thunder. This is one of the loudest sounds that scares dogs and cats;
  • Fireworks. An encountered loud sound that has a frightening effect on animals. Its appearance is sometimes unpredictable, which is why the effect is stronger;
  • Pistol shots. Pistol shots are very loud to the human ear, which is why people often wear headphones when shooting at shooting ranges. For cats and dogs they are even louder and more frightening;
  • Buses and garbage trucks. Dogs probably hate the sounds of these vehicles as they are loud and also produce various high-pitched sounds such as squeaks and squeals;
  • Vacuum cleaners. Cats really don’t like the sound of a vacuum cleaner, but dogs don’t have high feelings towards them either;
  • Skateboards. Skateboards scare dogs and cats not only because they are loud, but also because they make random noises when going over bumps, while the skateboarder also performs jumps and other tricks;
  • Crying babies. A crying baby can make loud and often high-pitched noises that irritate some dogs;
  • Bumpers. The impact of jackhammers makes construction areas especially dangerous for dogs with noise phobia;
  • Car alarm. Car alarms are so loud they drive pets crazy;
  • Sirens. The loud and fluctuating high-pitched noises caused by the sirens of fire trucks, ambulances and police cars frighten many dogs and cats;
  • Jet planes. If you live near an airport, you may notice that your dog gets scared every time a plane flies overhead.

Having listed the sounds that scare away cats and dogs, let's take a closer look at the list of tools using sounds that allow you to drive away unwanted pets. They include special mobile applications, as well as a number of sites where you can download sounds that irritate animals. We will also present several videos of such sounds that can be played to cause animals to flee.

How to make a repeller with your own hands

Of course, not everyone can make an electrical device with a water sprayer or ultrasonic alert. But a simple aromatic remedy that will help keep cats at a distance from the room or individual objects can be made in a couple of minutes from the most common ingredients. Homemade repellers contain substances with unpleasant odors for cats. They mainly use vinegar, essential oils, garlic, pepper, and citrus fruits.

From a mixture of essential oils

For an aromatic cat repeller, you can use oils of lemon, lavender, orange, eucalyptus, sandalwood, mint (use one product or make a mixture). Dissolve 6 drops of essential oil in 150 ml of water poured into a spray bottle. Shake the liquid - and that’s it, after that the repeller is ready. It can be used to treat any object (wires, flower leaves, sofa) that needs to be protected from cat vandalism. Light-colored fabrics should not be watered with a solution containing oils, as yellow stains may remain.

Essential oils for the repeller can be bought at any pharmacy or cosmetic store (one 15 ml jar costs on average 280–420 rubles)

From vinegar

Pour 5 liters of water into a container and add 5 tablespoons of vinegar (apple or wine). To enhance the effect, you can add a handful of dry lavender. Then close the lid and let it brew for 1-2 days. The resulting infusion should be used to treat the floors of the room where the cat’s access is undesirable. The vinegar smell will last for the first hours, but then the person will stop feeling it, but the animal will feel the aroma for another 3-4 days (then the procedure can be repeated).

Vinegar irritates the cat's mucous membranes and causes sneezing, so the animal tries to avoid this product.

From spices

To make the product you will need a small spray bottle (60–100 ml). Add one teaspoon each of black pepper, dry mustard and cinnamon. The smell will be even more disgusting for the cat if you add a drop of citrus oil and a crushed clove of garlic to the mixture. Everything is filled with water and shaken up. Please note that the resulting product will be unpleasant for humans, so it is better not to use it in living rooms. It can be used to treat outdoor plants, surfaces in non-residential premises (balcony, bathroom, greenhouse, etc.) that the cat marks or chews. Do not spray the repeller in the cat's face (spices cause irritation of the mucous membranes).

From citrus fruits

Peels from oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, limes and other citrus fruits are used as components for this repeller. The skins are poured into a pan and filled with water in a ratio of 1:5. They need to be cooked for 40–50 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth should be used to treat surfaces in rooms where cats are prohibited from entering. The procedure must be repeated every 2–3 days.

You can treat tables and countertops in the kitchen with a citrus decoction - thereby weaning the cat from jumping on them

"Dogs Repellent" will make a loud ultrasound

The Dogs Repellent app will be a great helper for those who are afraid of dogs. The sound produced by the application can affect most dogs, regardless of their size and age. The only thing you need to remember is that you need to point your phone at the dog that is being unfriendly.

If you want to increase the distance between your dog and you, change the intensity of the sound. You can also upgrade to a higher level. Usually the animal disappears, unable to withstand the discomfort.

The sound you can transmit is ultrasonic. You can change the frequency from 23 kHz to 59 kHz.

In addition to its effect on dogs, this sound also has an excellent effect on cats, scaring them away.

Application “Dog Repellent – ​​3D Sound PRO”

“Dog Repellent – ​​3D Sound PRO” is an excellent software that can save you in some situations. For example, he can easily drive away a pack of dogs.

The main feature of this application is 3D sound technology. The program is not too different from other applications in our list, but the sound it produces is much stronger and deeper. Therefore the effect is better.

Another great feature is that the dog does not get used to the sound made by the app. If your dog stops responding to a high-pitched sound, you can always change the pitch.

Trouble in the garden

Try talking to the animal owners first, if you have any. If there are stray animals walking on your property, notify the special service. They will take the cats to the distribution cattery. But let's assume the first option. Since it is advisable to discourage cats from the area for good, tell the owners about the “hooliganism” in your garden and what measures you are ready to take if “guests” continue to come to you.

Of course, the owners will be surprised that their little furries are causing you any trouble. Therefore, make a photo report in advance:

  • Cats constantly mark the territory they consider theirs. If your neighbor's garden falls under this definition, then he has reason to worry. Males use not only urine for marking, but also a special secretion that, when it gets on plants, simply burns them. Of course, no one will be happy with a damaged flowerbed, the design of which had to be worked on all spring.
  • Cats love to sharpen their claws on tree trunks, which causes them harm. This is especially true for young plantings.
  • Cat litter in garden beds is extremely unpleasant. Moreover, this applies to the spring period, when these creatures simply dig up young seedlings when digging holes. And in summer the situation is no better. Who would like to dig up carrots that the neighbor's cat had diligently removed?
  • The predatory creature will also hunt in your garden. The objects are not so much mice as birds, which many summer residents, by the way, attract to their garden plots. In addition, well-fed cats have a habit of leaving their torn prey on the paths. Unaesthetic...
  • All cats love to bask in the sun, sometimes choosing a flowerbed or bed for this. What happens as a result is known to everyone.

Sites with sounds that scare away cats and dogs

In addition to the mobile applications we have listed, we will also list several sites where you can play and download sounds that irritate animals.

Among them:

  • and others.

Such resources present various options for audio files with ultrasound playback at various frequencies. Download the file you like and run it next to an aggressive or annoying animal. It will run away.

Weitech WK0052

The ultrasonic cat repeller is equipped with a motion sensor with a viewing angle of 90° and a range of 15 meters. When there is any movement within this radius, the ultrasonic speaker is activated. It generates signals of at least 110 decibels, comparable to the strongest cry of a baby. The volume of the signal greatly frightens the four-legged animals, so they try to leave the danger zone.

If after such a series there are no more movements in the motion sensor area, the device will turn off and wait for the next “victim”. The range of ultrasonic waves of the device is at least 20 meters. The model has advantages that distinguish it from its competitors:

  1. Universal nutrition. This model can be used not only in the same place. The device can be rearranged if necessary. For example, in the spring, for a gardener, the device will become a salvation from animals that tear the bark of trees with their claws, and in the summer it can be placed next to a place for children to relax.
  2. High efficiency. The device expels any animals from the territory. There is no need to purchase different devices for different purposes. The device has 7 operating modes, the first involves a minimum volume of ultrasound, which scares only cats. Accordingly, the latest program turns on the ultrasound at full power, which also eliminates dogs, foxes, hares and pigeons.
  3. Moisture and dust protection. The device is not afraid of exposure to water and dust. This concerns the fact that it will withstand rain of any intensity, however, in conditions of complete immersion in water, the repeller will not be able to fully perform its functions.
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