The cat is wet under her tail and constantly licks there

The cat is always the center of attention. It is impossible not to pay attention to it. Yes, she often reminds herself of herself. If a cat's tail is wet, the owner will immediately notice it.

This situation is not necessarily associated with something bad. First, you need to understand whether spilled oil or another substance is causing the problem. The cat could just get dirty. But if your tail is constantly wet, there may be several reasons.

Natural cause in cats

Your cat may have a wet tail due to the onset of the reproductive estrous cycle, popularly called estrus. A similar condition occurs in cats during sexual arousal. At this time, the animal’s body prepares for the process of mating, fertilization and pregnancy.

Estrus occurs in 4 stages:

  • proestrus - takes 1-3 days, the cat attracts cats to her, but does not let them get close;
  • estrus – lasts about 5 days, mating occurs;
  • diestrus – 2-19 days, excitement subsides, most often pregnancy occurs;
  • anestrus - sexual rest.

A discharge under the tail appears during the mating stage. At this time, the animal does not look like itself, purrs, and shows excessive tenderness. It often licks its genitals, from which a clear secretion is released. The first heat can begin at the age of 4 to 18 months, depending on the breed. What to do in this case?

There may be several options. The cat can be matched with a male, sterilized, or wait until everything goes away on its own. But for this you will have to be patient. Typically, estrus goes away within 5-15 days. If this does not happen, you should contact your veterinarian.

If estrus does not stop for a long time, a uterine infection may be suspected in the cat. This is a serious disease that threatens the life of the animal. It is impossible to do without veterinary control.

Pyometra occurs due to hormonal changes that occur in the genital tract of a mature cat. The cause of the disease is often pregnancy that does not occur within several heat cycles. During estrus, the cervix is ​​slightly dilated. Because of this, bacteria enter the reproductive organ. If the walls of the uterus are thickened due to unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, bacteria begin to develop in them.

The infection manifests itself as purulent vaginal discharge. They can be noticeable under the tail, on the fur, on the bed.

If the disease is confirmed, the specialist will recommend removal of the uterus and appendages.

How to treat?

Constant licking of fur down to the epidermis is not normal and requires therapeutic measures. It is impossible to eliminate the problem without finding out its original source. To do this, contact a veterinarian who will conduct a diagnosis and select medications if necessary. Drug treatment is required for atopic dermatitis. To eliminate itching, the following medications are prescribed for cats:

When a pet licks its fur to the skin under the influence of stress factors, the cat needs to be provided with peace and surrounded with care. If pathological licking occurs against the background of an allergic reaction, then the influence of the irritant on the cat’s body is immediately excluded. If the violation does not go away, then additional antihistamines are prescribed. To combat the problem caused by small parasites, pet hair is treated. For this purpose, you can use antiparasitic drops, tablets or sprays.

Anal gland problem

Cats quite often have problems associated with the excretory system . If your cat has a wound under his tail that is not related to injury, you should consult a veterinarian. It can be caused by a blockage of the sebaceous glands near the anus.

The disease is called inflammation of the paraanal glands. The secretion from the glands spreads throughout the body and leads to inflammation of neighboring tissues. An abscess appears. Left untreated, it can make it difficult for your cat to go to the toilet. Then blood poisoning occurs.

When the glands under the tail become inflamed, you may notice a discharge with a strong odor, an ulcer, a fistula, or a lump.

The problem can be treated with medications and gland cleaning. To prevent it, it is important to balance the cat’s diet and monitor the condition of the sebaceous glands. Then it won’t be wet under your tail either.

Not only adult cats, but also babies can get sick. So, if a kitten’s tail is very wet, most likely he has cystitis. In this case, not only the back part will be wet, but also the paws and tail. The kitten loses a lot of fluid, which is important to replenish. The reason lies in poor kidney function.

Treatment must be prescribed by a veterinarian. With proper therapy, the body will recover within a few days.

Absolutely every cat, regardless of its age, breed and living conditions, tries, as far as possible, to keep itself in ideal (by their standards) cleanliness. It is for this reason that the mustachioed pet carefully licks its fur, body, each paw, tail several times a day with great diligence and, of course, does not ignore its own genitals.

However, excessive zeal in the form of constant licking of the genital area can often alert vigilant owners and make them think about going to a specialist at the nearest veterinary clinic.

Possible options

Every cat licks under its tail at least several times a week. This process should not be considered pathological, provided that the animal is regularly treated against fleas and ticks (at least once a month) and undergoes quarterly deworming. If you add accompanying symptoms such as redness in the anus, discharge or the appearance of growths, it is recommended to exclude the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of the paraanal glands. It can form after eating bones, due to excess weight, soft food. Prolonged diarrhea can also be a cause. The first signs of inflammation may include fidgeting on the butt, constant licking under the tail, and redness in the anus. The problem can be solved by cleaning (at least once every three months, if there is a predisposition to inflammation). It is performed by a veterinarian in a hospital setting. After cleaning, ointments (proctosedyl) and suppositories (ichthyol or sea buckthorn) are prescribed. A change of food and increased hygiene are also indicated.
  2. Fleas. They can cause itching in different parts of the body. But most often bites occur on the base of the tail and stomach. Therefore, if a cat licks under its tail, behaves restlessly, tries to chew out fur, or tears itself with its paw until it bleeds, then flea treatment should be carried out. The fact that your pet does not leave the house is not 100% protection against parasites. The owner himself can bring them on clothes or the soles of shoes. Fleas are not dangerous to humans (they do not parasitize the skin), but in some cases they can bite. All animals are treated, regardless of the presence of symptoms. The most effective drugs are Stronghold and Frontline. They are produced in the form of drops, which are evenly applied to the withers so that the animal cannot lick the drug. It is recommended to perform this procedure at least once a month.
  3. Worms. The most common reason why a cat may lick under its tail frequently. Just like with fleas, an animal does not have to go outside to pick up parasites. He may develop them after being bitten by mosquitoes, mosquitoes, or fleas. Also at risk are pets whose diet contains raw meat and fish. Well, we cannot exclude the possibility that parasite eggs may enter the apartment on the soles of the shoes of the owner or his guests. The first signs of worms are itching in the anus, due to which the cat can ride on its butt on the floor. Licking and gnawing of fur in this area also indicate discomfort caused by parasites. Diarrhea, vomiting and increased appetite (or, conversely, complete refusal to eat) can be considered concomitant symptoms of helminthic infestation. Veterinarians recommend starting to worm animals from 3-4 weeks of age. As preparations, you can use tablets, suspensions or drops on the withers. Of the tablets, Drontal and Milbemax are considered the most effective. They can even be given in crushed form, adding to food. Some manufacturers offer meat-flavored tablets, since many pets flatly refuse to undergo deworming.
  4. Injury. This option cannot be ruled out. A pet can injure the anal area while climbing trees or after playing or fighting with other animals. Even a small scratch can cause significant discomfort. Because of this, a cat can constantly lick under its tail until it becomes bald. In such cases, it is recommended to carry out antiseptic treatment of the affected area until complete healing. And limit the animal's access to the wound using a special medical cap.
  5. Neoplasm. Unfortunately, this option should also be considered, especially if the animal is over 10 years old, it has been treated for parasites and there are no visible injuries in the anal area. The tumor can irritate the intestines, which explains the pet's restless behavior. The cat constantly licks under its tail, refuses to eat, and suffers from constipation. If necessary, the doctor performs diagnostic laparoscopy, during which cells are taken from the formation for histological examination. Depending on the type (sarcoma, lymphoma) of the tumor, treatment is selected (chemotherapy, surgical excision). Unfortunately, with tumors in the intestine, the prognosis is always cautious, even if the operation is successful and there are no metastases.

Reasons for this behavior

In cats, constant licking of the genitals can be caused by inflammation of the prepurcial sac - the so-called skin fold of the foreskin that forms the space between the head of the penis and the skin. The folds of skin contain preputial lubricant that surrounds the cat's penis.

whitish-yellow smegma of the foreskin, may occasionally accumulate along the entire perimeter of the preputial opening. Such discharge is considered normal by veterinarians. If for some reason an inflammatory process begins in the area of ​​the foreskin, then this fluid includes inclusions of blood, pus or urine.

The reasons why a cat licks its tail may be as follows:

  1. Disease of the foreskin, including the occurrence of neoplasms (cancer) in this area, mechanical damage, balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin).
  2. Diseases of the urethra: trauma, the formation of stones and their subsequent passage, neoplasia.
  3. Bladder diseases: stones, infectious inflammations, neoplasms,
  4. Pathology of the prostate gland: prostatitis, cysts, hyperplasia, neoplasms, abscess.
  5. Coagulopathy (bleeding) and thrombocytopenia that occurs in parallel with it (a decrease in the level of platelets in the blood) - such an ailment can be a consequence of poisoning with rat poison.
  6. Urinary incontinence - occurs due to displacement of the ureter, or improper functioning of the sphincter, which is responsible for the amount of urine released.
  7. The cat simply performs part of his daily toilet routine by thoroughly licking his genitals after going to the toilet.
  8. An animal can lick a wound under its tail. Surely every person has heard the point of view that a cat always heals itself by licking sore spots.
  9. A cat may lick under its tail due to the fact that it suffers from constipation; the painful sensations create constant torment for it, from which the pet tries to get rid of it in all available ways.
  10. Itching in the anus can also cause excessive licking under the tail; in this case, the owner should pay attention to the cat’s feces, if it contains traces of helminthic infestations, this particular cause must be gotten rid of.
  11. A cat may start licking its tail as a result of being in a stressful situation: moving to a new place of residence, castration, remodeling a house, having new family members or pets - absolutely all innovations can cause a cat to panic and plunge it into a depressive state.


How to treat a cat that itches or licks? Itching and irritation manifests itself as a symptom and is eliminated after treatment of the underlying disease; the appropriate technique depends on the diagnosis.


  • Antifungal agents help prevent lichen.
  • Ticks are removed with acaricides.
  • Allergies are fought with antihistamines and contact with the pathogen is limited.
  • Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs treat pyoderma, dermatosis, and other infections.

For complex therapy, vitamins and medications that strengthen the immune system are prescribed.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a cat constantly licks its tail, then it is worth talking about the presence of a disease that can only be determined by a veterinarian. The owner, turning to a veterinary clinic for help, will certainly be faced with the following procedures:

  1. Submission of general urine and blood tests, as well as biochemical blood tests,
  2. Submitting urine for bacterial culture (this action is necessary for specialists to exclude the presence of an infection in a pet located in the urinary tract area),
  3. Carrying out cytology and other bacterial studies,
  4. If bloody discharge appears, the animal will have to undergo coagulation; this procedure is also necessary to identify the cause related to blood clotting disorders,
  5. X-ray of the abdominal cavity (helps to identify the presence of an inflammatory process, for example, prostate disorders),
  6. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment is based on the results of the tests, which will help establish the true clinical picture of the cat’s disease.

If the cat turns out to be absolutely healthy, the owner should not even worry about the fact that the cat is constantly licking its genitals. Let him do this for his own health, because it’s nice to have a clean cat in the house.

If this habit is caused by the animal having a disease, then you should follow all the recommendations of the treating veterinarian and fight for the health of your pet.

Urinary tract diseases should be eradicated with the help of drugs such as Phytoelita Healthy Kidneys, KotErvin.

Also, veterinarians often prescribe antibiotics in such cases - Sinulox, Amoxiclav, Cefazolin, Tsiprolet.

Fenbendazole, Pyrantel, Albendazole will help cope with helminthic infestations.

Levomikol ointment can help heal wounds under the tail; in this case, the cat should be wearing an Elizabethan collar, since this product has an unpleasant bitter taste.

Urolithiasis is a disease accompanied by the formation and deposition of urinary stones, or sand, in the renal pelvis, bladder or urethra.

Causes . Stones can form as a result of chronic infection of the bladder or its partial obstruction, metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders of the parathyroid glands, lack of vitamins A and D in the diet, and excessive feeding of imported feed. In cats, after castration, stones and sand may form in the bladder.

Symptoms. Before blockage of the urinary tract occurs, the disease occurs without pronounced clinical signs. Animals' appetite decreases and depression and drowsiness may occur. At times, blood is found in the urine, especially with active movements of the animal. The presence of stones in the bladder is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate and restlessness. When the urinary tract is blocked, the disease manifests itself as urinary colic. The duration of attacks can reach several hours. Between attacks the animal is sharply depressed, lies indifferently, and has difficulty getting up. Urination is frequent and painful. Urine is excreted with difficulty, in small portions and even drops, cloudy, mixed with urinary sand, which quickly precipitates. The color of the urine is dark, with a carsy tint caused by the admixture of blood.

Treatment. Aimed at eliminating stagnation of urine and restoring patency of the urinary tract. To relieve spasms of the urinary tract, antispasmodics are used, and sedatives and painkillers are prescribed at the same time. Urodane and urolite are used to destroy and remove urinary stones and sand. Substances that disinfect the urinary system are prescribed. Excellent results in the treatment of this disease can be achieved by using homeopathic and homotoxicological preparations


There may be several reasons why a cat licks under its tail.

There are situations when the natural process of grooming cats can become obsessive. If a cat licks under its tail for an excessively long time and frequently, this may be a signal that there is a problem.

You should not ignore the fact that a pet tends to constantly lick itself in all places. It's possible that she's just in heat and the cat is bleeding from under her tail, however, there is a possibility that the cat has sores on her tail or something more serious. A clear sign of increased licking can be frequent regurgitation of hairballs.

This means it's time to take some action. If it is not possible to figure it out on your own, then it is advisable to show your pet to a veterinarian. After all, only a specialist who works in this field can understand such a situation, and who can identify the true cause and choose the right treatment.

This is a completely natural process that helps cleanse the wound. An animal cannot take care of itself in any other way. But such actions may be undesirable if the damage site is treated with some kind of agent or stitches are applied. To prevent such licking, the pet must limit access to the sore spot.

On average, an animal spends 30 to 50% of its total time licking its fur. This is quite a lot, so it happens that owners rarely pay attention to the current problem. Everything happens until it becomes noticeable that a significant part of the pet’s fur is missing or damage to its skin is observed.

Allergic reaction to food

One possible reason could be an allergy to some food. For example, some types of dry food may contain plant components that are naturally occurring in cats.


Preventive actions

Fungal and bacterial infections can be prevented by practicing good hygiene. Special medications and treatments will help protect your cat from lichen, dermatitis, otitis media and other diseases. For prevention, you need to regularly treat your pet against fleas, ticks and fungi, and also wash the bowl and tray with disinfectants. Bathing with a special shampoo is beneficial for cats. This procedure only needs to be done once a year.

Important! After treating a kitten with anti-flea or anti-fungal products, the animal should not be bathed. It is forbidden to wet the area where the medicine was applied.

The cat licks itself to help itself

Sanitizing the tray and bowl

All items belonging to the cat - bowl, tray, toys, etc. - must be regularly washed and treated with disinfectants. This will protect your pet from infectious, fungal, viral and other diseases. The bowl can be washed with regular dishwashing detergent. Usually fungus does not form on a cat's bowl, most often in the tray. It is advisable to treat it with any antifungal spray against lichen. Additionally, you can treat the tray with camphor alcohol, which not only cleans and disinfects the surface, but also eliminates unpleasant odors.

The bowl and tray should be washed and disinfected regularly

Special flea products

There are many treatments available at pet stores for fleas and other external parasites. They are available in the form of drops on the withers, sprays and collars. It is advisable to treat the cat with drops on the withers; this is the most effective remedy. The room can be sprayed with flea spray. Flea collars are not very effective. It does not destroy insects, but only repels them. A collar can only be put on a cat if it has recently been treated for fleas. Flea drops such as Leopard, Frontline, Advantage, Inspector, and Bolfo spray are very effective.

Flea remedies

The kitten's tail is wet

Having bought a small kitten, the owner often worries about its health. Any problems cause concern and a desire to help the baby. This is quite natural and commendable, as is a timely visit to the veterinarian.

Kittens are very playful. They happily run after everything that moves in front of their nose. Having noticed his tail, the baby can chase it. However, excessive attention to the tail may indicate the presence of worms or a lack of vitamins.

If the absence of hair and tail is unusual for the kitten’s breed, it means that it has a congenital pathology. It can occur due to abnormalities in intrauterine development. If a cat was given drugs during pregnancy that are teratogenic, such as griseofulvin, the kittens may be born not only without fur and a tail, but also deaf and blind, or die in the womb.

When a kitten has wetness under its tail, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis when examining the animal. If the anal glands are inflamed, there may be an unpleasant odor, the kitten will constantly rub its butt and ride on it.

There may be some kind of viral disease - enteritis or coronavirus. To prevent the animal from dying, it needs professional medical care.

Young kittens may have kidney problems or cystitis immediately after birth. It's often wet under the tail. If the kitten does not get help, dehydration will occur, it will weaken and will not be able to suckle from its mother. Such kittens quickly lose weight.

To prevent dehydration, kittens are given warm saline solution often and little by little. At the first stage, a saline solution with catazal is injected. They also give cantarene with liarsine or “Healthy Kidneys”. The veterinarian called to the house must write out a detailed treatment plan.

When problems begin during childbirth in a cat, it is better to call a veterinarian at home.



The owners examine the cat, look for parasites, remember how the pet’s diet has changed, and whether there are any flowering indoor plants in the house. Sometimes unusual behavior occurs due to shampoos. When the problem area is scratched until it bleeds, a veterinarian examines it; self-diagnosis is not allowed. Biomaterial is taken from the inflamed area, examined under a microscope, bacteria, fungus, and mites are determined. To diagnose hormonal disorders, the composition of the blood is studied.

ZooForum: Wet under the rabbit’s tail – ZooForum

(others can give advice in a PM, indicating that the advice is not given by a veterinarian. But the forum is not responsible for THESE advice.)

Wet under the tail of the rabbit does not have diarrhea

Decorative lion-headed rabbit. Age - 3 weeks. The rabbit is already litter trained and does all his business there. But for some reason the fur near the tail is constantly wet. We tried washing it twice - it lasted for half a day, then it was wet again. And it's not diarrhea. Tell me, what's wrong with him?

This is urine. We poop normally - like peas. We went to the vet - we were told that it was most likely because he was taken away from his mother as a small child (at 3 weeks). They prescribed chamomile, gamavit, urological preparation and ampicillin. I'm afraid to give him ampicillin - they write everywhere that you can't give it to rabbits.

Good evening, Mikhail. Today we received the results of urine tests - not at all reassuring. I'm afraid to convey something incorrectly, so I'll give a photo of what the doctor wrote:

I forgot to say that the rabbit has not peed at all for two days. I have to squeeze urine out of him in the morning and evening. the penis is inflamed and swollen. This is what it looks like now:

Basically. It's not fatal, although it's strange. that cystitis developed at such an early age - you need to take an x-ray (perhaps the squeak is blocked in the urethra and therefore he cannot urinate) - if papaverine does not help, I would switch to no-shpa with analgin and still start antimicrobial treatment (biseptol).

Thanks for the quick response! It turned out that the whole issue was not in the kidneys. The rabbit has some kind of anomaly - either congenital or injured. The place where he should write from is overgrown. There is a fistula due to inflammation, either they will operate or. Tomorrow the doctors will decide what to do.

This means we are not the first... Mikhail, please tell me - can this be corrected? Or how to put it correctly - I don’t know. In general, the operation


The cat smells bad and another problem.

I apologize in advance for the unpleasant topic - we recently adopted a one and a half year old cat, sterilized. She eats natural food. A problem arose - sometimes she has involuntary bowel movements - a small piece of feces jumps out, or today I picked her up - then I saw that she stained my robe (And then she ran to the potty for big business. And she also has there is a smell under the tail, it seems like she is washing herself, but the smell is still there, although the fur is clean. Could this be because three days ago they drove away worms from her? The cat was in foster care, she herself is from a shelter. Her curator and the woman who to whom she was in foster care, they didn’t talk about anything like that. I’m already afraid to pick her up, in case she accidentally shits on me. What should I do? The cat is active, eats well, purrs, it’s not clear from her that she’s sick. Maybe this is her structure her body or what? Help.

Yes, these are anal glands, most likely. Take her to the vet, he will clean them and she won’t get dirty anymore. In any case, the veterinarian will look and tell you why. No need to delay. If you feel sorry for the money now on a veterinarian, then later you will spend much more on treatment if you leave it to chance or self-medicate.

When we bought ours and brought it home (she was about 4 months old), she scared us for the first days and hid under the sofa. Climbing out from under the sofa, a very bright amber followed her! It smelled like tail. Then it all went away. Much later, such a stench suddenly appeared at the moment when the cat fished the hamster out of the cage and tried to eat it. I conclude that the smell of such a cat is emitted FROM STRESS, from excitement. In your case, it may also be due to the anti-worm medication.

Poultry meat cannot cause worms. In general, meat is frozen in the freezer for about a day before serving. There is no need to feed raw pork or veal.

When we bought ours and brought it home (she was about 4 months old)


Urinary incontinence in cats

Progressive urinary incontinence in cats is a serious problem, the solution of which can sometimes only be solved by a specialized specialist. You should not hope for self-healing: the longer you wait to visit the veterinarian, the less chance of getting rid of the disease. The same applies to another similar problem - fecal incontinence in cats. This nuisance is less common, but it is no less dangerous for the emotional and physical health of the pet.

First of all, the owner must make sure that the pathology is really present. Sometimes incontinence is confused with banal bad manners, a manifestation of instincts, protest or an attempt to attract attention. With urinary and/or fecal incontinence in cats, behavior changes:

Incontinence in cats leads to severe stress, as a result of which the pet becomes nervous, fearful, less sociable or aggressive.

You should not limit your fluid intake without your veterinarian's advice. A cat won't pee less because she hasn't drunk enough water. But dehydration is a common consequence of such an attempt to get rid of “unauthorized” puddles.

dripping, in which liquid is released in small portions constantly. There are small damp “dots” on the floor, on the bedding, on the furniture;

a permanent form in which the liquid literally flows out as it forms. The more the cat moves, the stronger the “leakage”;

urgent form, in which the cat experiences a sudden urge, but cannot help it. The pet leaves a puddle where it stood or lay, looks scared, sometimes meows loudly and presses its ears in fear;

a stressful form in which a cat cannot hold back urine at a moment of strong emotional stress, fear, joy, surprise, etc.


Urogenital pathologies

There are the following diseases of the genitourinary organs, in which the cat intensively licks under the tail:

  • cystitis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • endometritis and pyometra


Inflammation of the bladder due to hypothermia, unbalanced nutrition, infection of the genitals and urinary tract.

In addition to licking, it manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • urine first turns yellow, then becomes brown and foul-smelling;
  • emptying of the bladder becomes more frequent, little fluid is released;
  • the cat meows pitifully;
  • leaves puddles everywhere.

Treatment consists of drinking plenty of fluids, fasting, rest and comfort. The veterinarian prescribes antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and painkillers. In acute cases, the drug Stop-cystitis is prescribed. If the disease has reached a chronic stage, the herbal medicine Cat Erwin is used to relieve complications.

Prevention consists of proper nutrition, regular vaccinations, deworming, prevention of drafts and hypothermia

Urolithiasis disease

The disease is manifested by precipitation of urinary salts and injury to the urethra and ureters. The main reason is an unbalanced diet. Neutered men suffer most often. Pets that are overweight and do not exercise much are predisposed to the disease.

Clinical symptoms resemble cystitis, however, vomiting, refusal to feed, and convulsions are added. When the lumen of the urethra is blocked by stones, anuria develops, in which urine is not excreted. Acute attacks are relieved in a clinical setting. Conservative treatment and prevention include diet therapy. Veterinary feed is used.

Endometritis and pyometra

Inflammation of the uterine mucosa occurs as a result of pathological lambing or false pregnancy. A special role in the development of the disease is played by the uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives to disrupt estrus and unwanted pregnancy.

If conservative treatment is untimely or unsuccessful, the cervix closes and pyometra develops, a life-threatening condition. The optimal treatment is castration.

The tail (butt) smells bad!

In general, I noticed today that the dog began to smell bad... well, the smell is a little like herring. I decided to sniff it.. I started from the head and reached the tail.. without even lifting the tail, I understood where the smell came from. He didn’t smell like that before and his butt was clean. And this smell is just standing there... the dog is lying next to me or walking nearby and I feel this smell!

I had to look under his tail... usually his butt is clean, but here there is some kind of whitish accumulation in the wrinkles (sorry). In the evening there was more of this substance on my little one’s bottom. even the fur became dirty and the color became more yellowish, and the smell seemed to become similar to the smell of discharge from a pussy (sort of).

Show it to the vet. If the anal glands are clogged, they should be cleaned at the veterinarian. The procedure is quick, but not very pleasant for the dog. And what the glands are clogged with stinks - it’s just terrible.

Thank you, I called the vet to the house today, but forgot to ask about the rear problem. because We served both a dog and a cat... in general there was enough to do. Tomorrow I’ll probably take you to the nearest clinic, if it’s just glands, I think they’ll clean them there too.

You can wash it))) don’t smell such aromas until tomorrow))) only if it’s glands, then you need to do it with gloves.))) The smell is corrosive)))

And what does it come from? When a dog goes to the toilet a lot, these glands must cleanse themselves. Why is something wrong in your case, ask your vet. When our male dog had this a few years ago, a change in diet helped us. (Switched to hypoallergenic food) now they’ve forgotten what that was (ttt)

Thanks again))) Well, about the food. We eat Akana food and cottage cheese in the morning, sometimes canned meat for dogs with rice... although most likely we will soon give up natural food altogether (except for cottage cheese). before that we ate ANF, everything was fine with the dog, only the food was poorly digested and the ears began to get dirty...

The kitten's tail is wet

Having bought a small kitten, the owner often worries about its health. Any problems cause concern and a desire to help the baby. This is quite natural and commendable, as is a timely visit to the veterinarian.

Kittens are very playful. They happily run after everything that moves in front of their nose. Having noticed his tail, the baby can chase it. However, excessive attention to the tail may indicate the presence of worms or a lack of vitamins.

If the absence of hair and tail is unusual for the kitten’s breed, it means that it has a congenital pathology. It can occur due to abnormalities in intrauterine development. If a cat was given drugs during pregnancy that are teratogenic, such as griseofulvin, the kittens may be born not only without fur and a tail, but also deaf and blind, or die in the womb.

When a kitten has wetness under its tail, only a veterinarian can make a correct diagnosis when examining the animal. If the anal glands are inflamed, there may be an unpleasant odor, the kitten will constantly rub its butt and ride on it.

There may be some kind of viral disease - enteritis or coronavirus. To prevent the animal from dying, it needs professional medical care.

Young kittens may have kidney problems or cystitis immediately after birth. It's often wet under the tail. If the kitten does not get help, dehydration will occur, it will weaken and will not be able to suckle from its mother. Such kittens quickly lose weight.

To prevent dehydration, kittens are given warm saline solution often and little by little. At the first stage, a saline solution with catazal is injected. They also give cantarene with liarsine or “Healthy Kidneys”. The veterinarian called to the house must write out a detailed treatment plan.

When problems begin during childbirth in a cat, it is better to call a veterinarian at home.


Preventing itching

Prevention of itching plays a very important role, so compliance with its basic measures will prevent the development of pathological processes accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

Carry out hygiene procedures as often as possible - wet cleaning, washing cat bowls and washing their bedding.

Regularly clean your pet's ears and treat them with special medications.

Provide your pet with a balanced diet and try to prevent it from coming into contact with other animals.

Now everything has become clear why a cat can lick and itch. To solve the problem with a cat licking, you will have to be patient and time. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a psychological or physiological reason. By providing your pet with enough attention and proper care, you can count on the fact that after some time his life will return to normal and his fur will be restored.

Tail diseases in cats

Symptoms of cat diseases are described with the goal that a caring owner can promptly detect the onset of a serious disease, and if it is detected, immediately contact a professional veterinarian rather than self-medicate.

If the initial symptoms of an impending disease are identified in time, this will help prevent further development of the infection in your pet’s body, as well as avoid a situation where the consequences may be irreversible.

Tail disease in cats can occur for various reasons. These may be previously experienced injuries, such as bruises, wounds, fractures, dislocations or some other biomechanical damage. There are diseases that are quite difficult to determine: these are foreign tumors of various origins, osteomyelitis, eczema, vertebral caries or contractures and others. Any of these diseases requires specific treatment, which must be carried out either in a veterinary clinic or at home, but in strict accordance with the recipes and recommendations given by a professional veterinarian.

Tail ulcer

Short-haired cats often suffer from ulcers that form on their tails. These ulcers can be located throughout the tail, including at the root of the tail, which can cause necrosis of the vertebrae of the caudal process.

This disease is specific and requires strict pharmacological treatment, as well as special recommendations to the owner for treating the cat at home. The process of treating a tail ulcer also includes cleaning it of dirt and, if formed, a crust. After this procedure, the affected area of ​​the tail should be treated with antiseptic powder and lubricated with a special product prescribed by the veterinarian. Kubatol aerosol is often used for these purposes. After such treatment, the affected area is lubricated with ointment. This is m


There may be several reasons why a cat licks under its tail.

There are situations when the natural process of grooming cats can become obsessive. If a cat licks under its tail for an excessively long time and frequently, this may be a signal that there is a problem.

You should not ignore the fact that a pet tends to constantly lick itself in all places. It's possible that she's just in heat and the cat is bleeding from under her tail, however, there is a possibility that the cat has sores on her tail or something more serious. A clear sign of increased licking can be frequent regurgitation of hairballs.

This means it's time to take some action. If it is not possible to figure it out on your own, then it is advisable to show your pet to a veterinarian. After all, only a specialist who works in this field can understand such a situation, and who can identify the true cause and choose the right treatment.

This is a completely natural process that helps cleanse the wound. An animal cannot take care of itself in any other way. But such actions may be undesirable if the damage site is treated with some kind of agent or stitches are applied. To prevent such licking, the pet must limit access to the sore spot.

On average, an animal spends 30 to 50% of its total time licking its fur. This is quite a lot, so it happens that owners rarely pay attention to the current problem. Everything happens until it becomes noticeable that a significant part of the pet’s fur is missing or damage to its skin is observed.

Allergic reaction to food

One possible reason could be an allergy to some food. For example, some types of dry food may contain plant components that are naturally occurring in cats.


Licking due to stress

Frequent licking is not always associated with the physiological health of the animal. Perhaps some psychological aspect plays a role in such a situation. Cats like their lives to go on without much change, so any innovation can cause them anxiety. Redevelopment of the house, the appearance of new pets, change of regime and similar innovations cause emotional distress in cats.

Solving a licking problem requires a lot of patience and time, regardless of whether the cause is physiological or psychological. If you provide proper care and attention, then after some time the pet’s coat will be restored, and life will return to normal.

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Every cat lover has asked himself why cats lick themselves. This is a useful hygiene procedure for furry pets. The cat licks itself to remove dirt and loose hair from its fur. Licking is necessary for proper thermoregulation of the body and maintaining health. But there are situations when a cat constantly licks itself. This is often a sign of serious illness.

Baldness under the cat's tail

I just noticed a large area of ​​baldness under the cat’s tail, the cat is 7 years old, neutered at six months, we feed him Proplan, Gurmet canned food, and give him vitamins. In the last few days I noticed that the cat is constantly licking himself, about 3 weeks ago the cat was cut, he was very fluffy, now the fur has grown a little, and under the tail there is just clean pink healthy-looking skin, the first thought was that he was licking himself. I looked around the rest of my body - nothing. She smeared it with iodine, again constantly licking herself there, now the iodine is licking it. What is this. I read about lichen - they write that it should be covered with a crust or scales. The cat is domestic and does not interact with other animals.

It’s strange. My cats where *** also have bald skin there. This seems normal. You made a fuss in vain, it seems to me. It’s better to go to the vet.

Well, take him to the doctor and show him. No one will diagnose you on the forum. And you don’t have to write what you feed - this is generally the tenth thing.

What do worms have to do with it? I hope that I made a fuss in vain, as you write, now I see that it’s still not completely bald, there is hair, but Vasya still feels somehow strange.

Blockage of the anal gland, this often happens in cats, this causes itching, he licks himself, and then licks himself. We need to see a veterinarian. My cat had this, a minute procedure, the veterinarian squeezes out the contents of the gland with his hands, an anti-inflammatory injection and that’s it.

my cat does too. They took me to the doctor, prescribed injections from the placenta (150 rubles per injection), and prescribed a bunch of pills. Overgrown. Six months later, same problem. Again to the doctor, they took a tick test. Nothing. They said it was something hormonal and couldn’t be treated. We smear him with YAM ointment, hold him in our hands for an hour and a half without licking him, the bald spots go away. Six months later the same picture (

Blockage of the anal gland, this often happens in cats, this causes itching, he licks himself, and then licks himself. We need to see a veterinarian. My cat had this for a minute


Tail diseases in cats

Descriptions of the symptoms of cat diseases are given so that a loving owner can detect a dangerous disease in time, after which he would not engage in “self-medication”, but turn to a professional veterinarian.

If the initial signs of an emerging disease are identified in a timely manner, it becomes possible to prevent the development of infections in the pet’s body and not lead the situation to irreversible consequences.

In cats, the occurrence of various tail diseases can have various causes. This may be the consequences of wounds, bruises, dislocations, fractures or other biomechanical damage.

More difficult to define diseases may also occur: osteomyelitis, foreign tumors of various origins, vertebral caries or contractures, eczema, etc.

Each type and degree of disease requires specific treatment, which can be carried out in a veterinary clinic or at home using a prescription and recommendations obtained from a professional veterinarian.

Tail ulcer

It is quite common for short-haired cats to develop ulcers on their long tails. These ulcers can reach all the way to the root of the tail, causing necrosis of the vertebrae of the caudal process. A specific disease has strict pharmacological treatment and special recommendations for treating the cat at home by the owner himself. In addition, for ulcers, treatment of the tail includes the process of clearing away dirt and crusts that have formed. Then the affected area of ​​the tail must be treated with antiseptic powder and lubricated with a prescribed special agent, in particular, it is possible to use cubatol aerosol. Subsequently, ointment is applied to the affected and pre-treated area. Suitable here: liquid Vishnevsky liniment, syntomycin ointment or streptomycin. The treated area of ​​the cat's tail is wrapped


Is it dangerous?

Frequent licking of a pet's fur should alert the owner. The following symptoms indicate the development of overgrooming:

  • the appearance of bald patches in different parts of the body;
  • areas with sparse hairs that often break;
  • deterioration of the coat condition;
  • signs of allergies;
  • scratches, ulcers and other wounds on the skin of a cat that take a long time to heal;
  • lethargy, apathy and reluctance to eat.

If the problem is neglected, it threatens to affect more areas on the animal’s body.

If you do not carry out treatment in time and do not get rid of the problem in which the cat licks the fur down to the skin, then there is a high probability of multiple bald spots appearing, which will deteriorate the appearance of the pet. When overgrooming, there is a risk of infection in the wounds, as a result of which an acute inflammatory process progresses in the deep structures of the epidermis. When a cat not only injures the skin through frequent licking, but also chews it out in pieces, necrotic lesions appear. Overgrooming is a common cause of disrupted natural hair replacement process.

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