Review of Schesir cat food: types, composition, reviews

About the manufacturer

The Chezir brand belongs to the Italian company Agras Delic. However, production is located both in the home country and in Thailand. The company has been producing food for pets for more than twenty years. Its range includes wet and dry food, as well as all kinds of canned food.

Only natural and fresh ingredients are used to produce feed. Moreover, quality control occurs at every stage, which completely eliminates low-quality products. Control includes not only the food manufacturing process itself, but the selection of suppliers and compliance with packaging rules.

Shezir cat food has long been known to Russian animal lovers and has earned the trust of experts. Sometimes even professional breeders get lost in the choice of food, the product line is so diverse.

Veterinarians' opinion

According to doctors, this type of food can be used for cats and kittens. After feeding with Shezir food, animals experience activity, improved gastrointestinal function, and improved wool quality. Doctors often recommend using this type of food when conducting a diagnostic examination of an animal. There are no side effects or deterioration in the condition of animals after feeding.

Since the origin of animal protein in dry food is unknown, doctors recommend using it with caution and monitoring the cat’s condition, as well as observing changes. It is better to use canned food or wet food, especially since it is easier to buy them both in the store and on the Internet

Dry and wet samples

The Shezir brand boasts a rich assortment. Dry cat food has extremely positive reviews. It consists of natural meat with the addition of essential microelements and vitamins. However, for proper development of jaws and teeth, veterinarians recommend including dry samples in the kittens' diet. After all, in order to eat such food, you need to chew it, which puts a certain load on the jaws, trains the gums and cleanses plaque from the teeth.

It should be noted that many brands even add chicken to canned fish. However, there are animals that suffer from allergic reactions to chicken protein. It is important that there is Shezir cat food that is devoid of this ingredient. Instead, tasty and nutritious tuna fillet is used.

Assortment: what to choose for your pet?

Wet food

Schesir canned food for cats has the following variety of varieties and tastes:

Canned food can be made from tuna.

  • Kitten with tuna or with tuna meat and aloe for kittens.
  • Canned tuna in its own juice for adult cats. There are also combinations with the following ingredients: aloe;
  • chick;
  • shrimps;
  • chicken and rice;
  • seaweed;
  • beef;
  • pineapple and rice;
  • chicken and ham;
  • dorado;
  • salmon;
  • perch;
  • mango and rice;
  • papaya;
  • smelt.

Canned chicken with additives such as:

  • crabs;

perch; rice; a pineapple; rice and beef; ham; apple.

Dry food

Among such products is wool removal. There is less choice among croquettes. Shezir dry food includes the following varieties:

  • Kitten with chicken for babies.
  • Sterelised & light. Low-calorie product for cats prone to obesity and who have undergone spay and neuter surgery.
  • Hairball. Designed for long-haired animals, it prevents the formation of hairballs in the stomach and promotes hair removal.
  • Schesir for adult cats with chicken or fish.

Advantages of the Shezir brand

Cat food from Agras Delic has a number of advantages. Veterinarians and experienced breeders have identified the following:

  1. The composition completely excludes flavors, dyes and flavor enhancers.
  2. In order for the feed to retain all nutrients as much as possible, they are produced using a special, gentle technology, where the processing of meat products is minimal.
  3. Contains no GMOs.
  4. Environmentally friendly ingredients are used, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.
  5. There are samples without chicken meat.

In addition to the main products, each package contains all the necessary vitamins and is enriched with a mineral complex. And this is not the only thing that the Chezir brand can boast of. Cat food does not contain artificial appetite stimulants, so the pet is satisfied with a smaller portion, which is especially useful for spayed and neutered animals.

Natural food for cats

With natural feeding, you cannot simply boil a few foods and offer them to your cat. This is a complex job that requires painstaking calculations, time and money. Sometimes natural feeding is more expensive than elite store-bought food. After all, cat food should be prepared only from specific products. In addition, with natural nutrition, the animal most often requires additional support in the form of vitamin supplements (to choose them, you need to consult a veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist).

What can and should be given to your pet

Here is a list of products from which you need to make up your pet’s diet:

  • Meat and offal (beef, veal, lamb). Meat products can be given boiled or raw; in the latter case, it is recommended to freeze it.
  • Chicken, turkey and offal. Give in the same way as meat, but both should be at least 60% of the daily diet.
  • Sea or ocean fish (salmon, trout, etc.) - give only once a week and boiled.
  • Egg. Give only the boiled yolk no more than 2 times a week.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products (ryazhenka, Varenets, kefir, unsalted cheese).
  • Cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) in the form of porridges mixed with boiled meat or fish.
  • Vegetables and herbs (in any form and in any quantity).
  • Grass for cats (can be in any quantity).
  • Vitamin supplements.

The basis of a cat's diet when feeding it naturally should be meat.

What foods should you exclude from your diet?

It is important to remember those foods that are prohibited for cats:

  • milk (only for kittens up to 3 months, and the body of adult cats does not digest it);
  • fatty foods (sour cream, pork, lard, etc. - can lead to pancreatitis);
  • raw fish and raw, unfrozen meat (they may contain parasites, in addition, frequent consumption of fish can lead to metabolic disorders);
  • bones (any - they can get stuck in the throat or damage internal organs);
  • potatoes and other carbohydrate vegetables (foods that contain a lot of starch can lead to diabetes);
  • white cabbage (leads to bloating);
  • eggplants and mushrooms (potentially dangerous for cats and can cause severe poisoning);
  • salt (can lead to metabolic disorders, electrolyte imbalance, kidney stones);
  • spices (very dangerous in any form, leading to serious disruptions to the gastrointestinal tract);
  • sugar (promotes weight gain, leads to dental problems, diabetes);
  • chocolate (may cause allergies);
  • onions and garlic (contain disulfide, which destroys red blood cells and can lead to blood diseases).

Cats are skilled manipulators; sometimes they skillfully and pitifully beg for their favorite food, even if they are not very hungry. The owner who has chosen natural food for a cat should learn to refuse it. There is an opinion that animals “know best what is good for them.” This principle is often used to feed cats in rural areas. But feeding your cat what she chooses can lead to serious health problems.

Animals that eat store-bought food also sometimes ask for something “human,” but not so often. The owner of such an animal can kick the cat out of the kitchen with a clear conscience, because the store-bought product already has a balanced composition. And if it seems to you that your pet lacks vitamins, so she asks, for example, for fish, consult a veterinarian - he can prescribe a good vitamin complex.

Cats should not be fed food from the human table, even if they piteously beg for it.

Richness of taste

Veterinarians and breeders highlight the rich assortment that the Italian company offers. Each pet owner will be able to choose the best option, depending on the pet’s age, lifestyle and health status. The Shezir brand also boasts its samples for kittens and elderly individuals. The cat food received only positive reviews from owners. The animal eats a standard portion, the food is completely digested and does not cause adverse reactions.

Veterinarians especially highlight a series for castrated cats. The diet is additionally enriched with essential vitamins and allows the animal to feel cheerful and cheerful. In the line you can also see a special diet for long-haired pets. The elements included in them have a beneficial effect on the shine and growth of wool.

Regardless of its purpose, each type of diet is additionally enriched with yucca extract. This approach makes it possible to make the animal’s stool less smelly, which is important for many people.

Feed composition

The main ingredient of Shezir food is meat. It contains at least 28%. Animal protein is well absorbed by the animal's body and provides the necessary energy. Barley and rice are used as carbohydrates. Sunflower oil is provided for the shine of wool.

In order for an animal to have regular bowel movements, fiber is necessary. In this case, the composition includes beets. Herbal extracts are used as natural sources of vitamins and natural antioxidants: chamomile, fennel, calendula, nettle, rosemary. The food is enriched with a vitamin complex and minerals.

"Shezir" - food for cats - received only recommendatory reviews from veterinarians. The diet is balanced, contains omega-3 fatty acids, calcium for the development of the skeletal system and iodine to protect the animal from thyroid diseases.

Chicken with grains

The first ingredient on the ingredient list is 28% dehydrated chicken. It is followed by rice and barley - two types of cereals, sources of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. These aren't the only grain derivatives—beyond the top five, there's also corn gluten. Like potato protein, this ingredient is not what cats require, as they are obligate carnivores. In general, the Schesir Adult Cat Chicken review shows that the diet contains a lot of plant protein.

On the front side of the package there is also the inscription “Monoprotein. Intolerances protection. Easy digestion" - "Monoprotein. Protection against intolerance. Easy digestion." Judging by the analysis of the composition of the Shezir chicken feed, this product can be considered monoprotein only based on animal protein - the manufacturer does not take into account the variety of plant proteins.

This diet, of course, will protect cats from intolerance to certain food components that are not included in it, but in general this characteristic of Schesir Adult Cat resembles a marketing gimmick.

Disadvantages highlighted by breeders

Despite the excellent taste and natural composition, there are cats that refuse food under the Shezir brand. This situation may be caused by the animal becoming accustomed to low-quality food enriched with flavorings. Veterinarians advise in this case to be patient and introduce quality nutrition gradually.

There are opinions that the brand is a little expensive. However, the high cost is quickly compensated by the need to pour in less food and quickly saturate the pet. Veterinarians advise not to skimp on food for your cat, otherwise treatment will cost more.

Some breeders complain that Shezir food is unpopular and is rarely found in pet stores. However, this situation applies to small cities. In this case, you can place orders on specialized websites.


Before summing up, let's read a few reviews from veterinarians and owners:

Inna: “We have a rather picky Siamese who won’t eat anything. She doesn’t even touch economy class food. I had to buy more expensive food. She especially liked Shezir's canned food. We always buy different ones: sometimes with chicken, sometimes with tuna, sometimes with lamb. Always eats everything! The price is reasonable for us. I recommend this food."

Lyudmila: “We used to feed our cat Sheba, but he developed an allergy to this food. They urgently began to look for another option. The veterinarian advised Shezir that they have hypoallergenic food. She took the risk of taking them and began to slowly feed the cat. I watched him for 2 months, his condition did not change. The wool does not shed, there are no scratches, in general everything is fine. Well, now we will buy food of this brand.”

Alexandra: “I recently bought a British kitten. She named him Mars. From about two months of age, we decided to switch him to ready-made food. Shezir was recommended to me. I bought Pouch at a pet store; there was no dry food. They said they rarely deliver. The first thing that captivated me was the composition. It contains a large amount of meat. Secondly, the smell, the aroma is simply amazing. The kitten immediately became interested and tried it. He eats willingly. True, I don’t feed canned food every day, the price is too expensive.”

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