Wood litter for cat litter – advantages, disadvantages, top best

Wood cat litter is considered the most popular among commercial litter box mixtures. This is due to the fact that wood is an environmentally friendly material and the granules made from it do not emit harmful components when used. Thanks to this, it is suitable not only for adult cats, but also kittens.

Types of wood fillers

Currently there are 2 types - absorbent, clumping.

  1. Absorbent. They differ in the size of the granules. Large ones are intended for adult cats, cats, small ones are more suitable for kittens. They are made in the form of granules from compressed, crushed wood dust. The material used is pine, spruce or walnut shell. There are no chemicals or allergenic additives in the composition. In action, the granules quickly absorb moisture, retain it inside, and prevent odor from spreading. The composition has antiseptic properties and is completely safe for the animal itself and those around it.
  2. Clumping. Made from natural wood fibers. It is also safe and environmentally friendly. Its main action is not aimed at absorbing moisture, but at forming lumps when moisture enters. Such lumps can be easily removed from the tray, the composition will continue to act.

What types of cat litter are there?

The first criterion of difference is composition. Fillers can be:

  1. Silica gel
    is granules made from dried pieces of polysilicic acid, the most economical type of filler, suitable for adult cats;
  2. Clay
    is the most natural for animals due to the proximity of the material to natural soil;
  3. Wood
    made from pressed sawdust is the most environmentally friendly and does not raise safety concerns.

According to the principle of action, fillers are divided

clumping, when the liquid, absorbing the material, forms a lump; absorbents do not change their structure, but retain moisture and odors.

Experts from the EXPERTOLOGY portal identified the best brands of litter based on the opinions of cat owners, veterinarians and the general characteristics of the materials.

Rules for using filler

Pour granules into a deep tray in a layer of 3 cm. If a tray with a mesh is used, the layer of wood is reduced to 1 cm. Distribute evenly. Over the entire surface of the cat's litter box. Solid excrement is removed immediately with a special spatula. The composition is completely changed when an unpleasant odor begins to appear. It is recommended to do this at least once a week. Before each replacement of the composition, it is necessary to rinse the tray with soap and water. The use of detergents containing ammonia is not recommended.

How to use it correctly?

The layer of this product in the tray should be quite dense.
To maintain cleanliness in the tray, it is recommended to sprinkle a layer of wood clumping litter in a layer of 3-5 cm, for large cats - 7 cm. After the cat uses the toilet, remove the lump with a special spatula and throw it in the trash. It is better to change the wood soil after each bowel movement, since even the highest quality absorbent fillers will not be able to neutralize the odor and the pet will not want to use a dirty litter tray. Used wood should not be flushed down the toilet as it swells and can clog pipes.

Pros and cons of wood filler

This type of cat litter is one of the most common. It has a lot of advantages and a minimal number of disadvantages.


  • Fast, good absorption. Moisture is absorbed almost immediately.
  • No unpleasant odor. The granules prevent the aroma from spreading throughout the room; the place where the tray is installed always smells of wood, spruce, pine, and nuts.
  • Versatility. Suitable for pets of all ages, including small kittens from birth.
  • Environmentally friendly. The composition does not contain chemical additives, does not cause allergies, and does not harm the digestive system even if it enters the stomach.
  • It has antiseptic properties and prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Easily recyclable. It is allowed to be flushed down the drain; the composition does not clog pipelines and is easily washed off with water.
  • Easy to find. The product is sold in any veterinary pharmacy, pet store or specialized departments of supermarkets.
  • It's inexpensive. Thanks to the development of technology, the production of wood capsules does not require large expenditures, so the cost of the finished product is low.


  • When absorbing moisture, the wood capsules swell and increase several times, and the filler may spill out of the tray. The composition has to be updated every 5 days, or even more often.
  • Wet capsules disintegrate into small particles, can stick to the paws of animals, and then spread throughout the house.
  • It is worth noting that the disadvantages of wood filler are relative and can be easily eliminated with proper use. All that is required from the owners is to monitor the condition of the cat litter and promptly renew the layer of wood capsules. According to cat owners, wood litter is the best litter for their pet.

What to look for when choosing

On the shelves of pet stores you can see a wide variety of cat litter. They differ in appearance, composition, properties and principle of action. Sometimes the choice depends not only on what product you like or how much you are willing to spend - the deciding factor will be your pet's opinion.

Absorbent or clumping

If the choice is between clumping and absorbent types, you need to take into account the characteristics of each of them. The principle of operation of the clumping composition is based on the fact that upon contact with liquid it sticks together, and lumps are formed, which are then simply removed from the tray along with the feces. The absorbent works as follows: it absorbs and retains moisture, but does not change its structure. Clumping litter for cats uses clumping litter more economically, since it does not need to be completely changed often.

Cats love to bury their “deeds.” Most of them refuse to go to the toilet, even when a small amount of litter is used. Therefore, it will not be possible to remove wet areas and add fresh ones - you will have to change everything.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Finding which one is right for your pet is only possible through practice.

Fraction size

The size of the granules is of great importance when choosing: small, large and medium fractions are distinguished. As a rule, the smaller they are, the better the quality of the product: its absorbent properties are higher and its consumption is lower, especially for the clumping type. In addition, the cats themselves prefer the small size - they do not injure their paws when they come into contact with the granules and experience a pleasant sensation when raking it in the tray.

Some manufacturers have gone further: they claim that their products contain healing substances in the composition, which is why it is so important to choose the right size of granules. If the cat likes it, there will be a healing effect.

Physiological and psychological characteristics of a cat

At first glance, it may seem that choosing a filler is not a difficult matter: you just need to come to the store and buy the product you like. But do not forget that pets have their own physiological and psychological characteristics. For example, for long-haired individuals the type with large granules is suitable, for kittens - only with small or medium ones.

For kids, you need to choose the most natural composition, since out of curiosity they can taste the granules. Wood or soy options would be ideal.

Some manufacturers produce litter trays even for older cats. Their feature is a more pronounced antiseptic effect and protection against unpleasant odors. In any case, your pet has the final say. You can buy the most expensive pet product with the best properties, but if the cat doesn’t like it, the purchase will not be justified.

Features of choosing a filler

The ideal option is selected through trial and error. Not everyone can buy the right product right away. However, there are several rules that you should pay attention to. Wood filler is worth buying if your animals have allergies, since this type is completely hypoallergenic. Wood litter is best suited for small kittens. Of course, you will have to change the capsules often, but the products are cheap. Wood filler is considered an affordable, budget option. Before purchasing, you should definitely study the composition and do not blindly trust advertising. The filler should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the animal, so that he likes it, first of all. Otherwise, the animal will declare its dissatisfaction with the puddles on the floor.


Wood fillers, which most cat lovers have used, have very mixed reviews. But among the undoubted advantages are:

  1. Environmentally friendly raw materials are the basis. It has natural absorbent and antiseptic properties.
  2. Pleasant, natural aroma. The resins in the composition neutralize odors.
  3. Can be disposed of in sewer or compost.
  4. Availability. Available everywhere in wide distribution in packages of various sizes.
  5. Economy. Budget fillers are inexpensive due to the availability of raw materials. Even high-tech products provide an extended service life and thereby reduce the price.
  6. Suitable for cats of all age categories.

Top 5 rating of wood litter for cats

Products are produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers. In any case, the price remains low. The top best cat litters are compiled from consumer reviews.

German natural litter “Cat's Best”

The products are known all over the world. Most pet owners prefer it. Made from environmentally friendly materials – pine and spruce sawdust. Smells like wood. Packaged in bags of different capacities from 5 to 40 liters. The cost of production varies depending on the volume - 140-1000 rubles. There are several types of products in the line:

  • Cat's Best Nature Gold. Clumping wood litter for long-haired cats. Plant fibers perfectly absorb odor and create large clumps that can be easily removed. When left in the tray for a long time, the fibers do not turn into dust and are not spread throughout the house. If it enters the animal's stomach, it does not cause harm. It is disposed of in the city sewer.
  • Cat's Best Universal. The universal filler is suitable for small pets, including cats and small kittens. The product perfectly absorbs moisture, retains moisture, and is suitable for daily use. Lightweight, economical, safe.
  • Cat's Best Oko Plus. The universal clumping product is 3 times more economical than other similar fillers. Wood fibers form large clumps that can be quickly removed; the rest of the filler can be used further. Update as needed.

    Clean paws

    Domestic products. It has several types of toilet products.

  • Standard. Designed for cats, kittens of any age, different breeds. The filler absorbs moisture well and eliminates the smell of urine.
  • Station wagon. Has a wider range of applications. Designed for pets, including cats.
  • Economy It features less colorful packaging and a larger volume of products. It has all the qualities of previous cat litter products from the Clean Paws brand. Fillers are made from environmentally friendly wood without the addition of chemical components. The average price for a 4.5 kg package is 170 rubles, for 14 kg you will have to pay about 450 rubles.


High quality filler. Capsules with a diameter of 6 mm provide optimal absorption - 3 times their weight. Prevents the spread of odor and bacteria. It smells like pine and fir cones, which attracts animals. Doesn't stick to paws. 100% wood filler costs 112 rubles. for 1.8 kg.

Murzik-Lesnoy, Snezhok-Lesnoy

Made from coniferous wood. It has high quality and lasts a long time. A package with a capacity of 30 kg costs 525 rubles. Animals willingly go to the litter box, and owners have no trouble cleaning the cat litter box.

Composition and manufacturers

The cat litter is based on sawdust from coniferous trees - cypress, spruce, pine. Due to its natural properties, the material has an antibacterial effect and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. The raw materials included in the composition are dried, finely crushed, moistened with steam to ensure the gluing of sawdust, pressed into wood pellets, and cooled. Available in bags of 3, 5, 8.6 and 20 kg. Well-known manufacturers of wood litter for cat litter are presented in the table:

ManufacturerA country
Comfy PinokioPoland
"Clean paws"Russia
"Happy Paws"
Katty, Lesagroprom
Shitty KittyUkraine

Neo Suna products are considered to be of good quality. This is a Japanese manufacturer that produces environmentally friendly, affordable wood fillers.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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