10 Best Wooden Kitty Litters of 2022

Name Rating Nomination
The best absorbent wood fillers
1Clean paws4.82Gift inside the package
2Homecat4.70Largest volume
3Vitaline Eco No. 14.65Suitable for kittens
4Kuzya4.62Best price for absorbent filler
5CCKat4.60Small sawdust, does not clog the drain
Best Clumping Wood Fillers
1ECO-Premium Green4.76Pronounced pine smell
2Cat Step Wood Original4.63Soft granules
3Cat's Best Original4.58The most popular clumping litter
4Clean Tom4.48The best ratio of price and quality
5N1 Naturel Green tea4.43Pleasant aroma of green tea

Despite the huge number of different fillers on sale, wood fillers are especially popular. And it's not just about the affordable price. The wood filler is completely natural, suitable for cats prone to allergies and kittens. Curious animals who love to taste everything will not suffer from it. For many, it is important that used compressed sawdust can be flushed down the toilet in small portions without fear of clogging the sewer. There are two types of wood fillers on sale - absorbent and clumping. The first option is cheaper, the second is more economical and more convenient to use. The main advantages of both types of filler are safety, biodegradability and natural pine aroma.

Top 5. CCKat

Rating (2021): 4.60

2052 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozon

Small sawdust, does not clog the sewer The granules are small compressed sawdust. By throwing them into the toilet in small quantities, you don’t have to worry about blockages.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 144 rub.
  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Absorbency: 8 l

This absorbent filler features smaller granules. Made from high-quality light sawdust, it smells pleasant of pine needles and fresh wood. The granules instantly absorb liquid and retain odor well. The filler is made from very fine sawdust, so a small amount of it can be flushed down the toilet without fear of clogging the drain. Buyers are satisfied with the naturalness of the filler and its economical consumption. Many cats like the small granules, and the pine aroma masks unpleasant odors. The filler is inexpensive, but high quality. A package lasts one cat for a month. The downside is that you can’t spread it in a thick layer; the sawdust swells greatly and begins to fall over the edge of the tray.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Economical consumption
  • Small light granules
  • Can be flushed down the toilet
  • Natural pine aroma
  • The granules disintegrate into small sawdust

Top 4. Kuzya

Rating (2021): 4.62

73 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, IRecommend

The best price for absorbent filler This is the most inexpensive wood filler in the rating. It quickly absorbs liquid and is used sparingly.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 112 rub.
  • Weight: 2.5 kg
  • Absorbency: 4.5 l

Not the most popular, but high-quality filler made from large wood pellets. Compared to other brands, it does not have a strong smell, and the sawdust is not so fine. Absorbs liquid well; you don’t have to completely change the tray often. Despite the small volume of the package, it lasts a long time. Due to the large sawdust, the filler does not generate dust and is less likely to be dragged around the apartment. Many users buy this filler regularly. In reviews they indicate good value for money and no noticeable odor. Some people choose it because of its large granules. It's inexpensive but great for cat litter. Minus - it is not available in large volume bags.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Large granules
  • No noticeable odor
  • Doesn't generate dust
  • Absorbs well
  • Sold in small packages

Top 3. Vitaline Eco No. 1

Rating (2021): 4.65

1287 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Wildberries, Ozon

Suitable for kittens This filler has the smallest granules compared to other absorbent analogues from the rating. It is good for kittens.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 199 rub.
  • Weight: 3 kg
  • Absorbency: 4.5 l

The smallest absorbent wood filler in the rating is suitable for kittens. The granules are dense, light, with a pronounced aroma of pine needles. They absorb well and do not crumble into sawdust too quickly, so one litter in the cat litter lasts a long time. According to buyers, the quality of the filler is not inferior to more expensive analogues from other manufacturers. The downside is that small granules are not suitable for large cats. Otherwise the filler is excellent. Judging by the reviews, it is economically used and does not generate dust. Swollen sawdust does not stick to the paws much if you change the cat litter on time. According to user observations, it retains odor better than other absorbent wood fillers.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Small granules, suitable for kittens
  • Good quality
  • Retains odor for a long time
  • Absorbs well, does not create dust
  • Not suitable for large cats

Starting a business, choosing raw materials

The production of granules for organic filler does not require studying the technological intricacies of the process - it is quite simple. You can organize work on 50 m2 with minimal investment.

The equipment used is also used in the production of pellets for heating systems, fuel for barbecues and fireplaces, and bedding for other animals (rodents, cattle). An expanded range of best-selling products ensures the viability of a small business.

The best raw material for organic filler is light sawdust from coniferous wood.

If you are attracted only by the idea of ​​such a business, but have doubts and uncertainty, or do not have enough funds to purchase the necessary equipment, try the simplified work scheme first. It involves the purchase of bulk quantities of substandard quantities from a manufacturer of pellets made from pressed sawdust. The same company can place an order for the production of a batch of goods with the required granule size (it will cost more). Then they sell filler packaged under their own brand.

Having assessed your abilities in promoting products for animals and understanding that the net profit of the direct manufacturer of organic filler is increasing, you can invest the earned capital in your own production line.

Top 2. Homecat

Rating (2021): 4.70

3789 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, IRecommend, Ozon

Largest volume The filler in a large bag is designed to absorb up to 16 liters of liquid. It lasts a long time.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 192 rub.
  • Weight: 5.3 kg
  • Absorbency: 16 l

Budget wood filler is produced in small dense granules with a diameter of 6 mm. Made from coniferous trees, it smells of wood and resin, neutralizes the smell of the cat's litter box. Available in packages from 3 to 20 kg. The filler is inexpensive; a 5.4 kg bag costs an average of 200 rubles. This amount is enough to absorb up to 16 liters of liquid. Based on the huge number of reviews, we can conclude about the popularity of the filler. It suits buyers with its price-quality ratio, absorbency, pine aroma, and economical consumption. The granules are dense and do not disintegrate immediately after contact with liquid. The disadvantage is that if you do not change the tray in time, the sawdust sticks to the paws and gets carried around the house.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Good value for money
  • Absorbs quickly
  • Pleasant smell of wood and pine
  • Dense granules, economical consumption
  • Sawdust sticks to paws

Selecting a room

Renting or purchasing a small - on average 100-150 m2 - premises is enough to accommodate the necessary equipment and storage space for a low-productivity workshop. An entrepreneur starting a business will save money at the start if this premises is located on the outskirts, next to suppliers of sawdust and other organic raw materials (woodworking and agricultural processing enterprises), in an area with convenient transport infrastructure, close to potential customers.

When consolidating a small business or initially planning to install a high-performance line, additional production space and warehouses, loading equipment and your own transport will be required.

Top 1. Clean paws

Rating (2021): 4.82

1504 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Ozon, Wildberries

Gift inside the package Each package contains a gift for the buyer - a bag of grass seeds for cats.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 187 rub.
  • Weight: 4.5 kg
  • Absorbency: 12 l

High-quality wood filler at a price of less than 200 rubles per 4.5 kg package. The granules are small, dense, light in color, free of debris and dust. They absorb moisture well and break down into small sawdust. Small amounts of filler can be thrown into the toilet. The pine aroma overpowers the smell of cat litter. The consumption is economical, a 4.5 kg package is enough for one cat for a month. Each package contains a gift for customers - a bag of grass seeds for cats. The filler is popular; users have left many reviews about it. The advantages include quality, absorbency, pine aroma, and economical consumption. The downside is that the granules are obtained by pressing small sawdust, which sticks to the paws and gets dragged around the apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Light pellets made from quality sawdust
  • Gift inside the package
  • Economical consumption, enough for a month
  • Pleasant pine aroma
  • Very fine sawdust, sticks to paws

to the beginning of the rating

Top 5. N1 Naturel Green tea

Rating (2021): 4.43

375 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, IRecommend

Pleasant aroma of green tea Natural filler with the addition of green tea leaves smells pleasant and effectively neutralizes unpleasant odors.

  • Characteristics

    Country: China

  • Average price: 500 rub.
  • Weight: 2.1 kg
  • Absorbency: 4.5 l

High-quality filler made from cedar wood fibers with the addition of green tea to neutralize odor. It has a fairly strong aroma, but does not contain chemical additives. The granules are small and clump well. When disposed of in the toilet, they quickly disintegrate into individual fibers. The filler generates almost no dust and does not get dragged around the apartment on its paws. Many buyers take it constantly and are satisfied with its properties - absorbency, environmental friendliness, and effectiveness in retaining the smell of cat litter. But in order for dense lumps to form, the filler must be poured in a thick layer. The 2.1 kg package goes completely into the large tray; the consumption is not the most economical.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Filler with green tea
  • Holds the smell of cat litter for a long time
  • Can be disposed of in the toilet
  • Forms dense clumps
  • You need to spread it in a thick layer.

Sales of finished products

A manufacturer can give the first impetus to sales and make its brand recognizable with the help of an organized advertising campaign. In the future, high-quality products will themselves attract new customers.

Target and potential sales channels for the filler:

  • shopping centers;
  • specialized stores of zoological goods;
  • supermarkets;
  • market stalls;
  • wholesale warehouse complexes;
  • animal nurseries.

It is profitable for manufacturing companies with high-performance equipment to send wholesale quantities of organic filler to the regions. The entrepreneur himself decides how to organize the sale of the finished product and with whom to cooperate.

Options for additional income

Increasing production capacity and expanding the product range help make the enterprise more efficient. Increasing sales volume and, accordingly, profit is the goal of every business project.

In the case of the production of organic filler for animals, the main options for replenishing the products offered are:

  • fuel pellets for barbecues, stoves and fireplaces;
  • hygienic litter for pet rodents;
  • granular products for gardening and gardening, used to loosen the soil;
  • bedding for livestock in private and collective livestock farms.

There is a certain demand for each type of product in a particular region. After studying the market and mastering the production of new products, you can decide on the final assortment and demanded volume for each item. As a result of marketing experiments, it is possible that the production of filler will become a secondary direction of established production.

Top 4. Clean Tom

Rating (2021): 4.48

38 reviews from resources were taken into account: Yandex.Market, Ozon, Wildberries

Best value for money Among clumping wood fillers, this is the best option in terms of price and quality ratio. It has a natural composition and holds unpleasant odors well.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 329 rub.
  • Weight: 2 kg
  • Absorbency: 5 l

Clumping wood litter for cat litter with granule size 2-6 mm. Not pressed into pellets, consists of natural wood fibers. The filler contains no foreign additives; the natural pine aroma masks unpleasant odors well. When exposed to moisture, it forms dense lumps. If you remove them in time, there is no need to completely change the tray often. Buyers like the combination of natural filler with good absorbent properties and cost-effectiveness. It retains odor well, clumps, and does not clog the drain. But because the granules are too small, it clings to the paws and spreads throughout the apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Natural composition
  • Eliminates unpleasant odor
  • Crumples well
  • Can be flushed down the toilet
  • Clings to paws

Production technology

The technology for the production of cat litter is represented by the following production operations:

  • Pre-drying of plant materials.
  • Additional drying to bring the moisture percentage to 7-10 units.
  • Grinding of prepared raw materials.
  • Steam treatment of sawdust for moistening and better further gluing of particles.
  • Pressing.
  • Cooling of the resulting granules.
  • Sieve analysis and packaging of material of the required fraction into containers with different capacities.

Equipment used

The line for the production of organic filler helps to automatically obtain the finished packaged product. The line includes: a grinder, drying and cooling chambers, a granulator, and filling and packaging equipment.

The cost of production lines with an integrated set of necessary devices is in the range of 1-8 million rubles.

Top 3. Cat's Best Original

Rating (2021): 4.58

1089 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Wildberries, Ozon

The most popular clumping litter Among the clumping litters participating in the rating, Cats Best Original received the largest number of reviews from customers.

  • Characteristics

    Country: Germany

  • Average price: 559 rub.
  • Weight: 2.1 kg
  • Absorbency: 5 l

One of the most popular clumping litters. It is more expensive than many wood analogues, but it is produced in Germany, high-quality and economical. The product is environmentally friendly, without flavors or foreign additives. The granules are 2-6 mm in size, soft, and absorb liquid well. It blocks the smell of cat litter well and stays clean for a long time if you remove the lumps in time. Many buyers consider it one of the best clumping wood fillers. It forms quite dense lumps. It retains the smell for a long time, but because of the small granules it clings to the paws and spreads throughout the apartment. The filler is sold in small and large packages.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Made in Germany
  • Soft granules
  • Forms dense clumps
  • Holds odor well
  • Clings to paws

See also:

  • 20 Best Cat Litters

Which wood filler is best to choose?

A suitable toilet for your pet is an important part of its maintenance. It is necessary to study many options and choose the filler that the animal will like and suit the owner. To make the choice easier, let's summarize the article:

  • The inexpensive product “SiSiKat” has small granules, so it is suitable for kittens.
  • Vitaline has hypoallergenic properties.
  • For the production of wood filler “Leading”, 100% natural raw materials from the heartwood of trees are used.
  • PrettyCat Wood Granules are a hygienic product made from high quality wood from Finland.
  • “Smart” clumping litter Mr. Fresh is easy to use and safe for pets.
  • Homecat Ecoline Standard quickly forms dense clumps and reliably eliminates odors.
  • “N1 Naturel Green Tea” filler contains green tea leaves as a flavoring agent.

We hope our rating will help you choose the best cat litter.

Enjoy the shopping!
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Top 2. Cat Step Wood Original

Rating (2021): 4.63

121 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, IRecommend, Ozon

Soft granules The filler granules are soft and pleasant to the touch. It does not injure the paw pads and is suitable for kittens.

  • Characteristics

    Country Russia

  • Average price: 365 rub.
  • Weight: 2.3 kg
  • Absorbency: 5 l

High-quality wood fiber filler. It smells pleasant of pine and effectively blocks the smell of cat litter. It consists of soft granules of different sizes, which quickly form into a lump when exposed to liquid. The filler is economical in consumption. A package weighing 2.3 kg is enough for one cat for a month. The resulting lumps can be washed down the drain without the risk of clogging it. According to user reviews, the filler does not generate dust and spreads less throughout the apartment compared to absorbent granules. It is soft to the touch, does not injure the paw pads, and is suitable for adult cats and kittens. The downside is that the lumps are not dense enough and may fall apart when you try to remove them with a scoop.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Economical consumption, enough for a month
  • Soft granules
  • Can be thrown down the toilet
  • Doesn't generate dust
  • Lumps are not dense enough

See also:

  • 5 best repellents for cats
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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