They sleep on their owner's clothes: several strange cat habits and their meaning

Cats are cute pets that sometimes cause a lot of problems. They may go to the toilet in the wrong litter box, scratch furniture, and leave fur everywhere. Quite often, the pet goes to sleep on the owner’s clothes. It is enough to leave a shirt or T-shirt on the sofa, and the kitten will already fall in love with a piece of fabric. Animals love to rest on human things and they do this for a number of reasons.

Eat plants

Plant-eating animals may have many reasons for doing so. First of all, many cats do this when they feel sick, have a stomach ache, or simply want to eat something with an unusual texture. Other pets show curiosity in this way or want to attract the attention of their owner. It may also be a mechanism that relieves stress.

According to experts, if your cat loves plants, you can buy a special pasture for him at the pet store and grow it. You should also make sure that none of the plants are toxic. It would be better to keep your cat away from all unfamiliar grass.

Frees the owner from negativity

We cannot provide scientific evidence, but according to numerous observations, domestic representatives of the cat family are endowed with developed extrasensory abilities. It can be assumed that cats feel the negativity that you attached to yourself and your clothes during the day and try to remove it with some of their own secret methods. Don't interfere with your pet - let him do his magic. Suddenly it will really remove the evil eye and ward off the damage. You probably have a sticky roller for removing hair, and tidying things up won’t be a problem.

They bite their claws diligently

If your cat bites its claws while cleaning its paws, then, in most cases, you have nothing to worry about: this is, so to speak, the cat's version of a manicure. Pets' nails are made up of several layers, and over time, the outer layer begins to wear down. When this happens, the cat removes this unwanted part by tearing it off with its teeth and chewing until a new one appears.

In most cases, this is completely normal behavior. But experts say your pet may develop a bad habit. Just like in humans, it can be a sign of anxiety, stress or simple boredom. But if you notice that your pet is doing this too often, thereby causing harm to itself, experts strongly recommend seeking immediate help from a veterinarian. A signal for this could be bleeding patches of skin on your cat's paws or claws.

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Water games

Most cats make sure to touch the water with their paws before they start drinking it. And although some of them are quite normal with the liquid and are even able to start playing with it, others do this maneuver to check its freshness. You see, cats are very picky not only about their menu, but also about their water.

Experts say that even furry animals can look for new entertainment in this way. Touch the water in the saucer with your paw and observe the vibration created. Experts say they can often observe tap water as well. So now you know how to add happiness to your feline friend, as long as he is not afraid of water. Also remember to change the water in the saucer at least twice a day.

Material quality

Yes, cats are very interesting creatures. Yes, they will choose not the sofa itself, but the jumper or T-shirts that were left lying on it. It's simple! Soft and fluffy. It's a pleasure to take a break there! Agree, there is no comparison: a slippery, uncomfortable sofa versus a soft cotton T-shirt or T-shirt. Cats can tell the difference!

A stack of laundry can be rearranged to suit your taste. Notice that you have placed a neat stack of laundry on the sofa or bed. The cat immediately perched on it. But she will never lie on top just like that! The animal will perform a certain ritual: it will “destroy” the stack, performing intricate circular movements, it will certainly crush the laundry with its paws, and it will spend a long time looking for a suitable position to “nest down.” There is nothing more tempting than arranging a bed to suit your own taste. And the sofa is just a sofa. It's worth it and it's worth it.

They love tight boxes

Have you ever had to buy a bed for your pet? You come to a pet store, choose a soft and cozy (in your opinion) bed for your cat, bring it home, and your pet doesn’t even look at the new thing. He lay and continued to lie in his chewed and cramped cardboard box. You may have wondered: what is going on here?

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Experts are rushing to console those who have begun to worry about the health of their furry pet. They say there is no cause for concern. This is a simple and natural survival instinct for cats. Typically, sleeping in large open spaces makes them ideal targets for predators. Now many people may be thinking, “But my pet is at home with me, not in the wild!” It doesn't matter to them. Most cats prefer to sleep in small, cozy spaces where they are difficult to reach. Crates and sinks make them feel safe, so don't worry if your pet decides to take a nap there.

Pet behavior

If a kitten is used to sleeping in its owner's bed, this behavior becomes a bad habit for a domestic cat. It is difficult to wean him from getting into a person’s bed, although he has long stopped trembling and freezing. Having become an adult and independent (in his opinion), the cat still feels vulnerable during sleep. And since he sleeps most of his life, the owner’s smell calms him down and gives him a feeling of security. A person is many times larger than his pet, and the animal feels confident and invulnerable under his protection.

When settling down on a chair or sofa, the animal experiences similar emotions, but since the sheet and blanket smell most strongly of a person, the pet prefers to sleep on the bed.

There is also a scientific explanation for why a cat lies down on certain places on the owner’s body. Looking for the warmest place, the cat finds it where the person’s temperature is elevated. The disease always begins with inflammation and increased temperature in the diseased part of the body and neighboring tissues. If the owner has a stomach ache, the cat lies down in this place. They twist their knees - the pet curls up on its owner’s legs.

Some cat owners notice that after their cat sleeps in their bed at night, they feel much better. They are confident that the animal has cured or taken over their weakness. There is a logical explanation for this:

  • The cat has a placebo or zootherapy effect.
  • People experience the usual lack of sleep, and after getting enough sleep, they immediately feel good.

Unhealthy organs attract the cat with their warmth, and therefore he likes to sleep on the warmest part of the human body.

Touching your face with their paws

It's not uncommon for some cat owners to wake up and feel two or even four paws on their face. It's part of the morning routine. But why do your cats do this? Typically, this gesture can indicate a range of emotions.

Experts explain that if your pet gently caresses your face, it is showing its love. If there are slaps on the face, this may mean that the pet has a dirty tray or he just wants to say that he is hungry. But if your cat seriously hits you, this is a clear sign that the furry animal is very upset with you. Therefore, in this case, you will have to make some efforts: clean the litter box, feed him, or simply stop doing what bothers him the most.

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How does a cat behave when something hurts?

If she begins to growl or hiss when she is petted, touched or picked up, this is a sure sign that something is bothering her. Cat

knows that
makes her vulnerable, so she will try to hide or find a safe refuge.

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Even the smallest, cutest kitten can growl from time to time. And this is a sure sign that he is scared or does not want to be touched. Did you know that you shouldn't ignore that growl?

Experts say this is one of the biggest warning signs a cat can give. Furry animals do not like physical confrontation, so they try to frighten potential opponents in advance by growling.

If you do not pay attention to this signal and continue to do your business, the pet may attack you. If this happens too often, try to calm your pet down. Then you should try to find out the main reason for his anger. Once you find it, your cat will stop reacting so nervously.

Cats smell their owner

The most obvious reason that a cat sleeps on clothes is an attempt to establish contact with the owner. Animals have a very well developed sense of smell. They quickly get used to new smells. The scent of a caring person attracts cats, which is why they love to “armor” the clothes of the person who cares about them. Obviously, this pet behavior can sometimes be annoying. To wean an animal from a bad habit, you cannot scream. Cats are sensual natures. They quickly absorb negative emotions, which leads to disastrous consequences.

To get rid of problems associated with wool on clothes, you should hang your clothes in a closet and close it tightly. The cat needs to be provided with a worthy replacement: in stores there are a lot of soft toys created for hairy pets. Buy a soft pillow, and your pet will never get off it. At most, he will move onto the lap of his beloved owner.

Can ignore their owners

Here is your pet lying on your lap, purring and rubbing its face against your hands. But suddenly - bam, and you are on the cat's ignore list. Many people have probably wondered why this sudden cat coldness occurs?

Scientists say that cats are very independent creatures and sometimes want to spend time by themselves. If your pet ignores you, leave him alone. This will soon pass, and your pet will love only you again.

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Goes to the litter box too often or spends a lot of time there

Most of the above pet behaviors are not particularly serious. But a cat staying in the toilet for a long time can be a bad sign. It's completely normal that when your kitten learns to use that weird box, he'll spend some time there.

However, if he starts staying there overnight, it could be a sign of illness. Please note that if this behavior is not accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of appetite, it may simply be a sign of stress. But veterinarians recommend not to shelve the problem, but to take your pet for examination as soon as possible.

Often asks for food

Nothing wrong with that. Quite often, this behavior becomes so common that pets begin to do it even when they are not hungry. This is mainly due to the fact that cats equate food with love. Their logic is quite simple: if you feed them, it means you love them.

That's why when your furry friend wants an extra dose of attention, he asks for a snack. But if your pet suddenly starts eating much less food than usual, it's time to call the vet. Loss of appetite is no joke when it comes to cats.

Follow their owners into the bathroom

As has been noted, a cat can sit in the same room with its owners and not pay attention to them all day. But when you decide to go to the bathroom, your pet will most of the time follow you. As if he needs it too. Although this sounds completely strange, the real reason for this behavior is this: your pet simply feels much more secure when he is not alone.

It also has a lot to do with cat instincts. In short, when you leave the room, the pet feels more vulnerable to predators, so it decides to follow you. Quite often, the bathroom serves as a place for cats to feel safer: the door is closed, so no one can enter, especially the owner is nearby.

They love to rest on their owners' clothes

If your cat does not miss the opportunity to sit in your clothes when you leave them somewhere, then know that in this way she has marked you as a member of her pack. According to a group of independent veterinarians, this action has a lot to do with her instincts.

Cats are accustomed to living in family groups because it is easier to survive in the wild. In this way, the pet tries to show you that you are not alone. Additionally, many people know how much cats love to mark things with their scent. This is exactly what they do when they sit around in clothes that smell like their owner.

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Cats tend to leave their scent on things and mix it with the scent of their owner.

The smell of the owner in cats is associated with pleasant associations. Any clothes, like linen, even if washed and ironed, still retain the owner’s scent, and for a cat this is very important.

Furry pets are very attached to their owners and the best place for them to sleep is exactly where the familiar smell is strongest, and it is important for the cat to add his own to it. That’s why cats climb into their owners’ beds, and rarely does anyone decide to take this privilege away from their beloved furry cats.

Domestic cats consider themselves full members of the family and perceive everything around them as their own. Cats prove this by adding their scent, marking, one might say. Ideally, cats feel comfortable when all the smells in the house are mixed, as it should be between full-fledged family members. And a stack of laundry for the cat is also part of the joint property, and hers too.

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